Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972
Pacific Community Self-Development Society
Grant to (Campbell, B.) 127
Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
Mentioned: (Bennett) 519
Pacific Great Eastern Construction Loan Act, 19K An Act to Amend
(Bill 11) (Minister of Finance) 1R 292, 2R, 521, 788; 3R 844, RA, 1004
Speakers: Bennett 521, 788; Strachan 521
Borrowing power, increase in (Bennett) 521
Derailment, Feb. 19, 197Z report on (Bennett) 788
Funding for railway (Strachan) 521
Nelson-Horseshoe Bay section, tunnel for (Bennett) 788
Revenue (Bennett) 521
Pacific Great Eastern Railway
British Columbia Railway Act. See name of act
Coupler magazine mentioned (Hartley) 575
Federal funds for (Campbell, B.) 518
Name change (Bennett) 289 ('throne speech) 2
Name change, cost of (Bennett) 519 (Hartley) 518, 575
Operation of (Fraser) 511-2
Pacific Great Eastern Construction Loan Act, 1954, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Rail line, construction of (Fraser) 511-2
Statement of accounts tabled (Bennett) 92
Wood chips, transport of (Williston) 70
Mentioned: (Barrett) 20 (Black) 626 (Brousson) 179 (Campbell, B.) 128 (Campbell, D.) 316 (Chant) 471 (Kripps) 576 (McGeer) 305, 732 (Marshall) 139, 513 (Mussallem) 381, 384 (Price) 220 (Richter) 454 (Smith) 183, 493, 494 (Wallace) 59 (Williston) 68 (Williams, L.A.) 697 (Williams, R.A.) 694
See also: British Columbia Railway
Pacific Great Eastern Railway Co.
Borrowing authority, increase in (Bennett) 289
Shares, purchase of by government (Bennett) 289
Mentioned: (Bennett) 290 (Merilees) 552 (Throne speech) 1 (Williams, L.A.) 266
Pacific National Exhibition, Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Bennett) 855 (Macdonald) 395 (Wenman) 82
Pacific North Coast Native Indian Cooperative
Funding for (Dawson) 995 (Dowding) 995 (Hall) 995 (Little) 996 (Shelford) 995-6
Pacific Northern Gas Ltd.
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 153
Pacific Northwest Travel Association
Mentioned: Gordan) 144
Pacific Office Equipment Ltd.
Mentioned: (Strachan) 899
Pacific Rim
Talks, proposal for (Capozzi) 583
Trade with Pacific Rim countries (Kripps) 578 (Merilees) 188
Pacific Rim National Park
Boundaries (Brousson) 615
Forested area (Brousson) 616-7
Hobiton-Tsusiat watershed area, inclusion of (Brousson) 616
Life-boat trail (Brousson) 615
Nitinat triangle (Brousson) 615
Opening of (McDiarmid) 225
Pacific Stage Lines
Mentioned: (Wenman) 82
Pacific Western Airlines
Mentioned: (Shelford) 443
Pal, Izzud-Din
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944
Palmer, Russell
Mentioned: (Hartley) 571
Pan-American Games, 1971
B.C. participants (Peterson) 485
Mentioned: (Peterson) 484
Paper industry
Industry (Williston) 68-9
Paper Trade Journal
Quoted (Williston) 70
Parent-teacher associations
Mentioned: (Cocke) 779 (Dailly) 542 (Gardom) 832
Maintenance of (Peterson) 649
Parents' Maintenance Act
Repeal of (Peterson) 649
Pari Mutuel Act
Mentioned: (Brousson) 919 (Macdonald) 395
Pari Mutuel Betting Tax Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 74) (Premier and Minister of Finance) 1R, 715; 2R, 853-5; 3R, 977; RA, 1004
Speakers: Bennett 853-1, 855; Bruch 854; Gardom 854; Jordan 854-5; Macdonald 854; Tisdalle 855
B.C.-born and -bred horses, definition of (Macdonald) 854
B.C.-born and -bred horses, purchase of, funding for (Bennett) 853-4
Exhibition Park, horse manure concession (Macdonald) 854
Exhibition Park, liquor concession (Macdonald) 854
Horse-breeding in B.C., promotion of (Bruch) 854
Racehorse industry in B.C. (Jordan) 854-5
Racetrack costs (Macdonald) 854
Racetrack, operation of by horse-owners (Bennett) 855 (Macdonald) 854
Tax, reduction in (Bennett) 853-4 (Macdonald) 854
Parimutuel betting
Pari Mutuel Betting Tax Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Tax, reduction in (Bennett) 853-4 (Macdonald) 854
Park Act
Mentioned: (Williston) 696
Park and Tilford Distilleries
Mentioned: (Strachan) 211
Parker, Roy
Landholdings, use of (Campbell, D.) 323-4
Telegram quoted (Campbell, D.) 323-4
Acreage, reduction in (Cocke) 723
Funds for, administration of (McGeer) 720-1 (Wallace) 722
Program (Shelford) 441
Regional Parks Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Regional parks, municipalities' share of costs (Hall) 692
Regional parks, payment for parkland acquisitions (Hall) 692 (Kiernan) 691-2 (Vogel) 692
Urban-area parks (Wenman) 721
Work on (Dawson) 460
See also parks by name, e.g. Manning Provincial Park
Parliament buildings, Victoria, B.C.
Chamber, carpet colour (Tisdalle) 156-7
Dining-room, smoking in (Kripps) 252
Fountains in vicinity of (Chant) 471
Maintenance of (Wolfe) 52
Parking in front of buildings (Williams, L.A.) 263
Smokers, provision of room for (Kripps) 252
Speaker's corridor signs (Brousson) 176
Parsons, E.G.
Quoted (Loffmark) 566
Patricia Bay Highway
See: Highway 17
Patrick, James Lorae
Mentioned: (Kripps) 710
Patterson, Alexander Bell
Mentioned: (Clark) 405
Patterson, R.H.
Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568
Pattullo, Thomas D.
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 375
Pattullo Bridge
See entries under New Westminster, B.C.
Paulley, A. Russell
Mentioned: (Barrett) 20
Payment of Wages Act
Mentioned: (Chabot) 391
Peace River, B.C.
Japanese visitors to area (Marshall) 138
Pollution of (Hartley) 574
site 1, development of (Smith) 185-6
W.A.C. Bennett Dam. See name of dam
Peace River Haven, Pouce Coupe, B.C.
Mentioned: (Black) 627
Peace River North constituency
Roads, secondary roads (Smith) 493
Pearkes, George
Mentioned: (Chant) 471
Pearse, Peter
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944
Pearson, Lester B.
Mentioned: (Brousson) 179 (Kripps) 254
Peck, Ted
Mentioned:. (Marshall) 136
Pelletier, Gerard
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 127 (Chabot) 385 (Fraser) 509
Pemberton Valley, B.C.
Medical facilities (Williams, L.A.) 545
Pension Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Peterson) 905
Cost of living and pensions (Capozzi) 583-4 (Clark) 404-5
Legislation on (Cocke) 76 (Mussallem) 381
Pension plans (Macdonald) 393
Pensions (Black) 627
Portability of (Mussallem) 380-1
Private pension plans, standards for (Mussallem) 187
Provincial pension plan, proposal for (Barrett) 296
Select standing committee, examination by (Macdonald) 393
Succession duties on pensions (Nimsick) 749
Penticton School District
See: School District 15 (Penticton)
Perrault, Ray
Mentioned: (Bennett) 666 (Black) 629 (McGeer) 27 (Shelford) 445
Perry, Gordon Neil
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 888
Peterson, Hon. Leslie R. (Vancouver-Little Mountain) Attorney-General and Minister of Labour
Administration Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 28) 1R, 447;686-7, 687
Assignment of Book Accounts Act, 1961, An Act to Amend (Bill 6) 1R, 237, 311
Athletes, travel to sporting events, funds for 681
Athletics awards 485
Athletics, coaching program for province 484
Athletics programs in B.C. 485
Automobile driving, defensive driving 43
Automobile inspections, provision for 44
Automobile insurance, bad drivers, coverage for 43
Automobile insurance claims, cost of 43
Automobile insurance claims, settlement of 926
Automobile insurance, Manitoba 120
Automobile insurance, no-fault insurance benefits, claims for 926
Automobile insurance, out-of-province licensees, coverage for 44
Automobile insurance, passengers in rented vehicles, rights of 926
Automobile insurance, premium rates 119, 121, 952-3
Automobile insurance, premium rates, no-fault insurance 42, 120
Automobile seatbelts, use of 43
Bilingualism, federal program 486-8
Bilingualism, labelling requirements 487
Bills of Sale Act, 1961, An Act to Amend (Bill 5) 1R, 237;311
Bills of sale, affidavit of bona fides 311
B.C. Automobile Insurance Board, duties 42
B.C. Automobile Insurance Board, establishment of 42, 121
B.C. Law Reform Commission reports 42
Budget debate 483-90
Burnaby Lake, development of 485
Canada, economic regions, proposal re 490
Canada Summer Games 485
Chartered Accountants Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 29) 1R, 495; 647
Chartered Accountants Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills 647
Chartered accountants, council, lay appointment to 647
Chartered accountants, institute, disciplinary powers 647
Companies Act (Bill 66) 1R, 943
Conditional Sales Act, 1961, An Act to Amend (Bill 4) 1R, 237; 310-1
Conditional sales, rights of third parties 310
Conditional sales, statements of particulars 310
Court of Appeal Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 8) 1R, 263, 312
Court of Appeal judges, number of 312
Crime victims, compensation for 690, 847-8, 850
Crime victims, compensation for, beneficiaries 847
Crime victims, compensation for, federal funds for 850
Crime victims, compensation for, notice re 850
Crime victims' compensation program, administration of 847
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act (Bill 70) 18 715; $47-8, 850
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act, proclamation of 850
Divorce law, change in 649
Drunk driving 43-4
Drunk driving, licence suspension for 44, 801-2
Economy of B.C. 38-9
Electric power, Washington State power to B.C. 42
Employment in public works projects 39
Employment, increase in 39-40
Evidence Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 1) 1R, 4; 310
Evidence, photographic prints 310
Expropriation, legislation on 42
Expropriation, special committee of Legislature on 42
Family court judges, appointment of 653
Family court, jurisdiction of 653
Family court, operation of 42
Family court, staff 653
Family law, codification of 42
Family Relations Act (Bill 30) 1R, 495; 649, 653
Family Relations Act, definitions under act 649
Federal equalization payments, constitutional validity of 490
Federal equalization payments, criticisms of 488-9
Federal equalization payments to Quebec 488-9
Frustrated Contracts Act (Bill 34) 1R, 705
Frustrated Contracts Act, submission of to Law Reform Commission 705
Greene, Nancy, scholarships 681
Guaranteed annual income, proposal re 489-90
Hansard, omissions from, allegations re 280, 990
Highway 1, Upper Levels Highway 486
Highway 1, work on 486
Highways, federal funds for 486
Insurance Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 78) 1R, 718; 926, 952-3
Intestacy, requirement re letters probate 687
Intestates, common-law spouses, provision for 687
Intestates, illegitimate children, provision for 687
Intestates, settlement of estates of 686
Judges, refresher courses for, proposal re 653
Judges, supernumerary judges 311
Jurors, challenges to 686
Jury Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 27) 1R, 293; 686
Jury duty, payment for 686
Law Foundation of B.C. board of governors, members 962
Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 68) 1R, 717, 960, 961-2
Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to select standing committee 717, 960
Libel and Slander Act, An Act to Amend 1000
Loffmark, R.R., committee membership, change in 675
Maintenance, enforcement of 649
Mortgage Brokers Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 35) 1R, 635; 690-1
Mortgage brokers, disclosure statements 691
Mortgage brokers, registration of 690
Mortgage transactions, cooling-off period 691
Motor-vehicle Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 26) 1R, 385; 685, 801-2
Moving pictures, classification of, special committee on 280-1, 339
New Democratic Party, visit to Washington State 40-1
Olympic Games, Munich 485
Pan-American Games, B.C., participants 485
Parental maintenance 649
Parents' Maintenance Act, repeal of 649
Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, advisory council members 680-1
Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, funding for 484, 682
Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, use of funds 484-5, 681
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 862
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, Vancouver rally re Bill 862
Quebec, B.C. loan to 488
Queen's Counsel Act, An Act to Repeal 999
Quilt, Frederick, action on case 635
Quilt, Frederick, inquest into death of, transcript of case 635
Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, An Act to Amend 680-2
Sentences, serving of 688
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 904-7
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, constitutionality of 905-6
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, minister's powers under act 904, 905, 906-7
Social Assistance Act, An Act to, Amend, regulations under act 906
Solvent abuse, nail polish remover 37
Solvent-sniffing, legislation on 37-8
Special committee of selection, report 225
Statute Law Amendment Act, 1972 (Bill 91) 1R, 839; 938
Summary Convictions Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 33) 1R, 635, 688, 690
Supreme Court Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 7) 1R, 263; 311
Traffic accidents, prevention of 43-4
Unemployment 39
United States, common market with, proposal re 490
Washington-B.C. border area, pollution problems 993
Washington State, relationship of to B.C. 41-2
Welfare, problems re, boards of review 906
Petition of right
Right to sue Crown (Dowding) 1001 (Wallace) 61
National Paper Box Ltd. employees, certification of, petition re tabled (McGeer) 985
Vanco Insurance Company, An Act to Incorporate, petition re tabled (Kripps) 710
Arctic tundra, reclamation of (Marshall) 515
Industry, revenue to province (Richter) 451
Industry, taxation of (Strachan) 333. 753
Land, price per acre (Richter) 451
Pollution in industry (Smith) 183
See also: Oil well drilling, Submarine
Petroleum — Pipelines
Breaks, response to (Richter) 770
Mackenzie Valley pipeline, construction of in lieu of Alaska pipeline (Motion 31) McGeer 997, Smith 997
Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Pipelines (Richter) 454
Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend
(Bill 61) (Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources) 1R 707, 2R, 770, 812-6, 3P, 845; RA, 3004
Speakers: Barrett 813-4; Dowding 814-5; Hall 812-3; Hartley 815-6; McGeer 814; Richter 770, 816; Smith 815
Natural gas pipeline breaks, response to (Richter) 770
Oil exploration, offshore drilling (Hartley) 815-6 (Richter) 816
Oil spills, cleanup of, cost of (Dowding) 814-5 (McGeer) 814 (Richter) 770
Oil spills, cleanup of, equipment for (Barrett) 813 (Richter) 816 (Smith) 815
Oil spills, penalty for (McGeer) 814
Oil spills, response to (Barrett) 813-4 (Hall) 812-3 (Richter) 770 (Smith) 815
Petroleum pipeline breaks, response to (Richter) 770
Tanker traffic on coast (Dowding) 815
Washington State, joint action with on oil spills, proposal for (Barrett) 813-4
Water pipeline breaks, response to (Richter) 770
Petrotar Development Ltd.
Oil exploration rights (Williston) 65
Mentioned: (Richter) 452
Pharmaceutical Act
Mentioned: (Hartley) 996
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Visit to B.C. (Barrett) 17 (Strachan) 208 ('Throne speech) 1
Physical fitness
Community fitness councils, need for (Wenman) 684
Physical fitness and amateur sports fund
Advisory council, members (Peterson) 680-1
Funding for (Bennett) 287, 678 (Peterson) 484, 682 (Wolfe) 683
Funds, use of (Bruch) 682 (Capozzi) 678-9 (Hartley) 685 (McDiarmid) 683 (McGeer) 678 (Ney) 685 (Nimsick) 682 (Peterson) 484-5, 681 (Smith) 684-5 (Wenman) 683-4
Purpose of (Bruch) 682 (McGeer) 678
Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 14 (Shelford) 239
Cardiovascular surgeons, hospital privileges for (Smith) 184
Compensation for income loss for treatment of transients (Smith) 184
Fees (Bennett) 291 (Kripps) 252
Fort Nelson, physicians for (Smith) 1834
Health care, cost savings, sharing of (Capozzi) 584
Heart surgeons, Vancouver General Hospital (Loffmark) 567
Hospitals, clinical clerks, funding for (Cocke) 371
Medical appeal board, members (Loffmark) 568
Medical appeal board, special board (Loffmark) 568
Medical manpower advisory board (Barrett) 18 (Loffmark) 568 (Smith) 184
Medical Services Plan billings, abuse of (Black) 628 (Kripps) 252-3
Payments to, fee-for-service payments (Hartley) 571-2
Policing of (Kripps) 253
Relations with (Black) 628-9
Right to practise, Health Services and Hospital Insurance minister's powers re (Barrett) 18
Rural and remote areas, shortage of physicians in (McDiarmid) 529 (Smith) 1834
Rural areas, facilities (Williams, L.A.) 546
Rural areas, income subsidy (Williams, L.A.) 545
Rural areas, replacements for physicians in (McDiarmid) 529
Rural areas, use of doctors' assistants (Cocke) 371
Specialists, number of (Capozzi) 584
Physiotherapists and Massage Practitioners Act
Trade Schools Regulation Act, removal of reference to (Loffmark) 767
Physiotherapists and Massage Practitioners Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 45) (Ministry of Health Services and Hospital Insurance) 1R, 715; 2R, 767; 3R, 788; RA, 1004
Speakers: Loffmark 767
Trade Schools Regulation Act, removal of reference to 767
Pickup, H.J.
Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568
Poisoning of (Ney) 140
Pilling, Ron
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986
Pine Point mine
Mentioned: (Nimsick) 50
Pins, Peter
Mentioned: (Hartley) 107
Pipe-lines Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 62) (Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources) 1R, 708; 2R, 770, 845-7; 3R, 940; RA, 1004
Speakers: Hall 845-6; Richter 770, 846-7; Strachan 846; Williams, R.A. 846
Canadian Pacific Railway, coal pipeline proposal (Richter) 847 (Williams, R.A.) 846
Pipelines, government ownership of (Strachan) 846 (Williams, R.A.) 846
Slurry Pipelines (Richter) 847 (Strachan) 846 (Williams, R.A.) 846
Transportation, government equity in (Williams, R.A.) 846
Water pipes, breaks (Richter) 846-7
Government ownership of (Strachan) 846 (Williams, R.A.) 846
Pipe-lines Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Slurry Pipelines (Richter) 847 (Strachan) 846 (Williams, R.A.) 846
See also subdivision Pipelines under special subjects, e.g. Gas, Natural — Pipelines
Place names
See: Names, Geographical
See also: Regional planning
Planning Institute of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 248
Plant closures
See: Plant shutdowns
Plant shutdowns
Employees, provision for (Hall) 458-9
Natural resource holdings in plant shutdowns (Hall) 459-60
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 245
See: Athletic fields
Plunkett, T.J., Associates
Report (Campbell, D.) 319
Mentioned: (Marshall) 137
Podiatry Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Professional activities of podiatrists (Loffmark) 962
Podiatry Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 99) (Minister of Health Services and Hospital Insurance) 1R, 895; 2R, 962-3; C, 981; 3R, 981; RA, 1004
Speakers: Clark 962; Loffmark 962
Professional activities of podiatrists (Loffmark) 962
Professionals, advertising by (Clark) 962
Point Roberts, Wash.
Control of, trade-off for Skagit Valley flooding, proposal re (Price) 219
Funds for policing (Wolfe) 57
Inquests into death of policeman mentioned (Williams, L.A.) 268
Polish Park Manor; Vancouver, B.C.
Grant to (Kripps) 577
Political parties
Ballots, recognition on (Dowding) 808 (Gardom) 803 (McGeer) 767 (Wallace) 804-5
Campaign funds, donations to (Hartley) 873
Definition of (Black) 767
Pollen, Peter
Quoted (Williams, R.A.) 248
Remarks re local MLAs referred to (Chant) 470
Mentioned: (Barrett) 300 (Skillings) 361, 362
Assessments, exemption for pollution control equipment (Strachan) 328
Control (Merilees) 188 (Price) 219 (Smith) 183 (Wallace) 351
Control, enforcement of (Loffmark) 563
Control equipment (Wallace) 351
Control, federal fends for (Campbell, D.) 99
Control, funding for (Campbell, D.) 319 (Strachan) 329
Control, research on (Barrett) 25
Control, standards for (Throne speech) 2 (Williston) 345
Discharges, approval of (Hall) 974
Discharges, registration of (Williston) 344, 939-40
Permits, temporary permits, provision for (Williston) 940
Petroleum industry, pollution in (Smith) 183
Pollution Control Act, 1967, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Problem (Barrett) 758 (McDiarmid) 222 (Nimsick) 475-7 (Price) 219
Washington State and pollution control (Barrett) 25
Washington State border area, pollution control (Barrett) 24-5
Pollution Control Act
Mentioned: (Bennett) 290 (Campbell, B.) 373 (Nimsick) 477 (Richter) 451 (Williston) 343, 344
Pollution Control Act, 1967, An Act to Amend
(Bill 98) (Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources) 1R 859-60; 2R, 939-40, 974-5, C, 981; 3R, 961; RA, 1004
Speakers: Hall 974, Hartley 974-5, Nimsick 975, Williston 939-40
Air pollution, Vancouver Regional District jurisdiction over (Williston) 939
Discharges, approval of (Hall) 974
Discharges, registration of, deadline for (Williston) 939-40
Pollution control board, hearings (Nimsick) 975
Pollution control branch staff, number of (Hall) 974
Pollution control permits, temporary permits, provision for (Williston) 940
Pollution Control Act, 1967, An Act to Amend
(Bill 102) (Gardom) 1R, 895
Pollution Control Board
Hearings (Nimsick) 975
Monitoring records, access to (Nimsick) 476
Work of (Nimsick) 476
Mentioned: (Williston) 345
Pollution control branch
Staff (Hall) 974 (Williston) 343, 344
Work of (Williston) 343-4
Assistance to (Wallace) 58, 345-6
Elderly people in poverty (Barrett) 412
Housing for (Jordan) 502 (Lorimer) 500
Low-income group, supplementary' income for (Barrett) 23
Number of (Wallace) 347
Prescription drugs, payment for (Wallace) 350
Women in poverty (Hartley) 107
Working poor (Barrett) 23 (Hartley) 107 (Wallace) 58
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Amalgamation with Port Moody and Coquitlam (Williams, R.A.) 248
Port Mann, B.C.
Bridge (Wenman) 81
Port Moody, B.C.
Amalgamation with Port Coquitlam and Coquitlam (Williams, R.A.) 248
Port Moody Senior Citizens' Homes Society
Mentioned: (Dawson) 167
Port Simpson, B.C.
Indians, cooperative, proposal for (Shelford) 239
Development of (Wallace) 350
Post-Intelligence, Seattle, Wash.
Quoted (Tisdalle) 161
Postal service — Unordered merchandise
Regulation of (Price) 599
Post-secondary education
See: Universities and colleges
Grading of (Bruch) 522-3
Poultry industry
Industry (Shelford) 444-5
Incidence of (Wallace) 347
Poverty (Gaglardi) 498 (Hartley) 107-8 (LeCours) 9-10, 355-6, 358-9 (Wallace) 58
Powder Mountain, B.C.
Callaghan Lake road (Williams, L.A.) 546 (Williston) 66
Development of (Williams, L.A.) 546-9
Inquiry into (Barrett) 18 (Williams, L.A.) 548
Land leases, applications for (Williams, L.A.) 546-7
Logging of (Williams, L.A.) 547
Mineral claims (Williams, L.A.) 546
Public hearing on (Williams, L.A.) 547
Road to (Williams, L.A.) 546
Mentioned: (Brousson) 612, 614 (Hartley) 106 (McGeer) 31
Powell, Ron
Mentioned: (Nimsick) 478
Powell River School District
See: School District 47 (Powell River)
Powell River Teachers' Association
Telegram quoted (Barrett) 865
Power and telephone line beautification fund
Funding for (Bennett) 288
Funds, use of (Wallace) 731
Purpose of (McGeer) 732
Power and Telephone Line Beautification Fund Act
(Bill 21) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292; 2R, 730-3; 3R, 743; RA, 1004
Divisions: 2R, 732-3
Speakers: Bennett 730; Cocke 732; Dowding 731; McGeer 732; Wallace 731-2
Burnaby, Boundary Road power line (Dowding) 731
Funds, use of (Wallace) 731
Maillardville, Bernette Road telephone lines (Cocke) 732
Power and telephone lines, funding for burying of (Bennett) 730
Power and telephone lines, municipal share of cost of burying of (Dowding) 731 (Wallace) 732
Power and telephone lines, responsibility for burying of (Dowding) 731
Purpose of fund (McGeer) 732
Saanich power lines, burying of (Wallace) 731
Vancouver, overhead wires (Dowding) 731 (McGeer) 732
Mentioned: (Strachan) 329
Power resources
Developments, decisions on (McGeer) 29-30, 32-3
United States, energy needs (Strachan) 213, 214
Use of (Throne speech) 2
Power transmission lines
See: Electric lines
Practical Nurses Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 46) (Minister of Health Services and Hospital Insurance) 1R, 715; 2R, 767, 3R, 788; RA, 1004
Prairie Grain Stabilization Act (Canada)
Enactment of (Marshall) 139
Pratt, Ed
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986
Rubella infection in pregnant women (Loffmark) 563
Premier Wood Products
Mentioned: (Brothers) 226
Prescription drugs
See: Drugs
Power of (Mussallem) 382
Press Galley
Strachan, R.M., honorary membership in (Bennett) 976
Pressure vessels
Inspection of (Strachan) 924
Operation of (Cocke) 917
Safety Engineering Services Act. See name of act
Woodfibre explosion (Strachan) 924
Pressure Vessels Act
Ministerial jurisdiction over act (Cocke) 918
Prevention of Restraint of Professional Practices Act
(Bill 86) (Nimsick) 1R, 743; 2R, 1001
Restrictive clauses in agreements (Nimsick) 1001
Preventive medicine
See: Medicine, Preventive
Price, Bert (Vancouver-Burrard)
Address in Reply 121-2, 216-21
Agricultural land, preservation of 218
Alcoholics, rehabilitation of 598
Apprenticeship for younger boys 599-600
Aquaculture 601
Automobile accidents, payment of costs of injuries in 599
Automobile insurance, government plan for, proposal re 122
Automobile insurance rates 121-2
Automobile insurance rates and repair costs 122
Automobile mechanics 600
Automobiles, unsafe vehicles 599
Brannan Lake School for Boys 221
Breathalysers in beer parlours 599
B.C. Hydro, funding, need for 220
B.C. Hydro rate, postage stamp rate 219
Budget debate 597-601
Civil service wages, level of, article on referred to 220
Dental care for children, coverage of by Medical Services Plan of B.C. 599
Domestic International Sales Corporation, threat of to Canada 218
Drug abuse, control of 217
Drugs, generic name drugs, use of 598-9
Electric power development 598
Elk, moratorium on hunting of 600
Exports 597-8
Expropriation, compensation for 218
Fruit, import of 218
Glue-sniffing, prevention of 217
Grizzly bear, moratorium on hunting of 600
Hairdressers, wage rates 217
Home acquisition grant 598
Housing, land banks for, proposal re 218
Housing, lots, cost of 218
Housing problem, Vancouver 217-8
Housing, subsidization of 218
Industry, development of, source of funds for 216
Investment funds, need for in B.C. 220
Job creation 600
Juvenile corrections facilities 221
Kaiser Resources Ltd., development funds, source of 216
Labour supply, advertisements for workers from elsewhere 216
Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend, amendments to Bill 946
Life insurance, Crown corporation for, proposal re 220
Long-term care, provision of chronic care 597
Lottery, Manitoba 221
Lottery system for B.C. 221
Medical Services Plan of B.C. 122
Medical Services Plan of B.C., appropriation for 597
Moran dam, construction of 216
Motion 24, withdrawal of 990
Mountain sheep, moratorium on hunting of 600
Municipal boundaries, extension of, report on by select standing committee 981-2
Municipalities, incorporation of, report on by select standing committee 981-2
Natural gas, price to B.C. consumers 220
Nixon, Richard M., visit to China 597
Old age pension, increase in 597
Pollution 219
Pollution control 219
Provincial home-acquisition grant fund, grants 217
Provincial Rapid Transit Subsidy Act 739-40
Real estate business trust funds, earnings on 221
Real estate sales tax, proposal re 600-1
Reforestation, cost of 220
Revenue, source of 598
Select Standing Committee on Municipal Matters, report 981-2
Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills, reports 741, 945
Skagit Valley flooding, trade-off for 219
Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of 965, 968-9, 971
Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-Personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act 971
Surveyors, access to private property 600
Telephone soliciting by charities 600
Tourist industry, revenue 597-8
Trinity Junior College Act, An Act to Amend 940
Unemployment 597
Unsolicited gifts by mail, regulation of 599
Vancouver air pollution, cleanup of 219-20
Vancouver, bus service 219
Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend 940
Vancouver, rapid transit 219, 739-40
Vancouver, transit system 219
Vegetables, import of 218
Violence in U.S. 216
Vocational education, access to 599-600
Wages, minimum wage and welfare rates 217
Workmen's Compensation Board pensioners, widows of 598
Workmen's Compensation Board pensions, level of 217
Price, John D.E.
Mentioned: (Hartley) 571
Price Controls
See: Wage-price policy
Price Waterhouse and Co.
B.C. Hydro accounts, auditing of (Bennett) 794
Mentioned: (Lorimer) 193
Pridham, R.
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986
Prince George, B.C.
Sewage treatment (Fraser) 132
Prince George Regional Hospital, Prince George, B.C.
Mentioned: (Barrett) 19 (Loffmark) 568
Prince Rupert, B.C.
Grain, export of through port (Williston) 943
National harbour, establishment of (Williston) 943
Port, development of (Williston) 943
Road and rail access to (Little) 554
Prince Rupert Regional Hospital, Prince Rupert, B.C.
Mentioned: (Little) 555
Princess Margaret Provincial Marine Park
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 98
Princeton School District
See: School District 17 (Princeton)
Privacy Act
Mentioned: (Hall) 934
Barrett — government advertisement in Vancouver Sun relating to An Act to Amend the Public Schools Act 857-8 (Speaker) 883-4
Barrett — Hon. PA. Gaglardi's statement re copper royalties 198-9 (Speaker) 199
Williams, L.A. — statement attributed to him by W.L. Hartley 576
Decisions on (Gardom) 849
Probation officers
Case loads (Barrett) 689
Number of (Dailly) 541 (Strachan) 329
Problem children
Holding-unit for (Kripps) 579-80
Hospital facilities for (Kripps) 580
Treatment for (Kripps) 579
Proceedings Against the Crown„ An Act Respecting
(Bill 85) (Dowding) 1R 743; 2R, 1001; out of order 1001
Crown, suits against (Dowding) 1001
Professional Engineers' Association of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Strachan) 211
Advertising by professionals (Clark) 962
Restrictive clauses in agreements (Nimsick) 1001
Control over (LeCours) 12
Progress, Parksville, B.C.
Quoted (Strachan) 325
Progressive Conservative Party
Policies (Wallace) 58-61
Safety Engineering Services Act, provision for propane in (Brousson) 920
Tax rate on (Wolfe) 377-8
Property tax
See: Real property tax
Grazing lands, damage to (Williams, L.A.) 264-5
Elderly, prosthetic devices for (Clark) 90
Protection of Children Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 106) 1R 923
Province. Vancouver, B.C.
Quoted (Barrett) 18, 19, 295 (Brousson) 610, 614 (Calder) 619 (Campbell, B.) 376 (Dailly) 269, 776 (Hall) 172 (LeCours) 10 (Little) 180, 181-2, 18Z 553 (Macdonald) 152, 153 (Merilees) 550 (Nimsick) 477 (Peterson) 486 (Williams, L.A.) 265, 546 (Williams, R.A.) 249 (Wolfe) 380
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 126, 127 (Clark) 88, 402 (Hartley) 575 (Loffmark) 563 (Macdonald) 394 (Marshall) 136 (Smith) 183 (Williams, R.A.) 593
Quoted (Price) 220
Provincial Alliance of Businessmen for Human Resources
Funding for (Strachan) 330, 331
Work of (Gaglardi) 498-9
Mentioned: (Bruch) 524 (Capozzi) 910 (Cocke) 74 (McGeer) 309
Provincial Archives, Victoria, B.C.
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 4
Provincial Courts Act
Mentioned: (Peterson) 653
Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 48) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 714; 2R, 767-8, 802-9
Speakers: Barrett 805-7, Black 767, Calder 807; Capozzi 805; Cocke 768; Dowding 808-9; Gardom 802-3; Hartley 808; LeCours 803; McGeer 767-8; Nimsick 807-8; Strachan 803-4; Wallace 804-5
Ballots, order of candidates' names on (Gardom) 803
Election campaigns, government advertisements during period of (Gardom) 803 (McGeer) 768
Election expenses, limit on, proposal re (Gardom) 803 (McGeer) 768
Elections, date of, decision on (Gardom) 803
Elections, scrutineers at poll boxes (Barrett) 806
Electoral districts, redistribution of (McGeer) 768
Electoral officials, age requirement for (Strachan) 804
MLAs, citizenship requirement for (Capozzi) 805
Political party, definition of (Black) 767
Political party, requirement for recognition of on ballot (Dowding) 808 (Gardom) 803 (McGeer) 767 (Wallace) 804-5
Section 80 votes (Strachan) 804
University students, voting by (McGeer) 767-8 (Strachan) 804
Voters, enumeration of (Barrett) 806, 806-7 (Strachan) 804
Voting, absentee ballot, provisions re (Calder) 807 (Nimsick) 808
Voting card, proposal for use of (LeCours) 803
Voting, citizenship requirement for (Capozzi) 805
Voting, preferential voting (Gardom) 803 (Strachan) 803-4
Voting, use of ball-point pens (Barrett) 806 (Nimsick) 807-8
Provincial Home Acquisition Act
Mentioned: (Bennett) 288 (Campbell, B.) 375
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 14) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292;'2R, 656-60; 3R, 677; RA, 1004
Speakers: Bennett 656-7, 660; Campbell, D. 659-60; Capozzi 658; Clark 659;- Cocke 658; Gardom 657; Lorimer 657; McCarthy 657-8; Wolfe 659Eligibility for, restrictions on (Clark) 659
Funds for grants, source of (Bennett) 656-7
Grant, level of, basing of on income, proposal for (Wolfe) 659
Homeowner grant, increase in (Bennett) 656
Indians, eligibility of for grants (Campbell, D.) 659 (Gardom) 657
Indians, eligibility for homeowner grants (Campbell, D.) 660
Indians, income tax (Gardom) 657
Mortgagees over age 65, insurance for (Capozzi) 658 (Lorimer) 657
Second-mortgage program (Bennett) 656
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 90) (Gardom) 1R, 787, 2R, 1002; out of order 1002
Indian reserves, residents, home acquisition grants for (Gardom) 1002
Provincial home-acquisition grant fund
Fund (Bennett) 288
Grants (Jefcoat) 14-5 (Price) 217 (Wolfe) 57
Provincial Home-owner Grant Act
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 375
Provincial Nome-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 15) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292; 2R, 660-6; 3R, 677; RA, 1004
Speakers: Bennett 660-1, 665-6; Capozzi 662-3; Cocke 661; Dawson 664; Loffmark 664-5; McCarthy 663; McGeer 661-2; Williams, L.A. 663
Apartment-building owners, tax concessions to (Loffmark) 664-5
Apartment owners, homeowner grant for (Bennett) 661
Crown corporations, tenants of, ineligibility of for grant (Williams, L.A.) 663
Homeowner grant, increase in, cost of (Bennett) 661
Homeowner grant, increase in for elderly (Bennett) 656, 661 (Capozzi) 662 (Cocke) 661 (Dawson) 664
Mobile-home owners, homeowner grant for (Cocke) 661
Social programs, eligibility for based on means tests (Capozzi) 662
Tenants, homeowner grant for, proposal re (Cocke) 661 (Williams, L.A.) 663
Provincial major disaster fund
Funding for (Bennett) 288
Mentioned: (Shelford) 239
Provincial Rapid Transit Subsidy Act
(Bill 22) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292; 2R, 733-40; 3R, 743-4; RA, 1004
Speakers: Barrett 736-8; Bennett 733; Cocke 740; McDiarmid 735; Macdonald 733-5, McGeer 738-9; Price 739-40; Wallace 735-6; Williams, L.A. 735
B.C. Hydro transit system accounts, disclosure of (Macdonald) 734
B.C. Hydro transit system, government policy on (Bennett) 733
Burrard Inlet crossing, funding for (Macdonald) 733
Lower mainland area, rapid transit system for (Cocke) 740 (McGeer) 738-9
Rapid transit (Barrett) 737-8
Rapid transit systems elsewhere (Barrett) 736 (Macdonald) 734
Rapid transit systems, losses, provincial share of (Bennett) 733
St. Louis, visit to (Barrett) 737
San Francisco transit system (Barrett) 736 (McGeer) 738-9 (Wallace) 736
Seattle transit system (Macdonald) 734
Transit, free use of, proposal for (Macdonald) 734
Transit, funding for (McDiarmid) 735 (Macdonald) 734 (Wallace) 736
Transit systems, losses, payment for (Macdonald) 733 (Wallace) 736
Vancouver, rapid transit system (Barrett) 737-8 (Cocke) 740 (McGeer) 738, 739 (Price) 739-40
Vancouver transportation, Kelly study (Macdonald) 733, 734
West Vancouver, transit system (Williams, L.A.) 735
Mentioned: (Bennett) 289
Provincial Secretary, Department of
Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287
Provision of Hearing Aids Act
(Bill 113) (Macdonald) 1R, 979
Geographic distribution of (Loffmark) 564
Ptak, L.L.
Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568
Public Accounts
Tabled (Bennett) 5
Public buildings
Art works for, proposal re (McCarthy) 202
Awards to (Strachan) 211
Construction of (Throne speech) 3
New Westminster, government building for (Cocke) 366-7
Victoria warehouse (Chant) 471-2
Williams Lake building (Fraser) 129
Public Documents Disposal Act
Public documents, destruction of under act (Mussallem) 987
Public health
Funding for (Bennett) 291
Inspectors, need for (Strachan) 208
Public housing
Construction site, picketing of (Tisdalle) 158-9
Responsibility for (McCarthy) 204
Public libraries
Federal funds for (Barrett) 852
Funding for (Dowding) 852
Integrated library systems, regulations re (Black) 852
Public Libraries Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
School libraries and integrated library systems (Bruch) 852 (Wenman) 852
Public Libraries Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 71) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 714; 2R, 852, 3R, 976; RA, 1W4
Speakers: Barrett 852; Black 852, Bruch 852, Dowding 852; Wenman 852
Federal funds for libraries in B.C. (Barrett) 852
Funding for library services (Dowding) 852
Integrated library systems and school libraries (Bruch) 852 (Wenman) 852
Integrated library systems, regulations re (Black) 852
Public opinion
Questionnaire on current issues (Capozzi) 258-9
Public Schools Act
Mentioned: (Black) 627 (Dowding) 231 (Speaker) 366 (Throne speech) 3
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 3) (Minister of Education) 1R, 163; 2R, 630-3, 771-86, 817-37, 861-93; C, 963, 3R, 971-2, RA, 1004
Speakers: Barrett 862-8; Brothers 630-3, 771-4, 891-3; Brousson 873-5; Bruch 885-6, Calder 880-1; Campbell, D. 868-70; Capozzi 825-7; Clark 777-9; Cocke 779-71; Dailly 774-7; Dowding 878-80; Gardom 830-2, Hall 875-8; Hartley 870-3; Lorimer 827-8; McDiarmid 832-4; Macdonald 861-2; McGeer 781-4; Mussallem 784-5, 817; Nimsick 834-7; Peterson 862; Skillings 823-4; Strachan 818-23; Tisdalle 837, 891; Wallace 824-5; Wenman 828-9; Williams, L.A. 881-3, 884-5; Williams, R.A. 886-8; Williston 888-90
Amendments to bill (Brothers) 893 (Hall) 875-6
Civil service, collective bargaining rights (Clark) 778
Costs of education (Brothers) 630, 631-2 (Brousson) 874 (Campbell, D.) 868, 869 (Capozzi) 826 (Hall) 876 (McGeer) 782-3, 784 (Skillings) 824 (Strachan) 818-9 (Wallace) 824 (Wenman) 829 (Williams, R.A.) 886 (Williston) 889
Costs of education and total revenue (Brousson) 874
Costs per pupil (Cocke) 780
Counsellors in schools (Dailly) 776
Curriculum, changes in (Strachan) 820
Dropouts, rate in B.C. (Dailly) 777
Drug and alcohol abuse, school programs on (Williams, L.A.) 884-5
Economic policies and gross provincial product (Strachan) 818
Education department, administration costs (Williams, R.A.) 887
Education department, staff (Williams, R.A.) 887
Education, government's attitude to (Hartley) 872-3
Education minister's office, appropriation for, increase in (Hall) 876
Education, quality of (Barrett) 866 (Capozzi) 826 (Gardom) 830 (Hartley) 871 (McDiarmid) 832-3
Education services, cuts in (Dowding) 879-80 (Lorimer) 828 (Strachan) 821-2
Education system (Barrett) 865 (Hartley) 871 (Williams, R.A.) 887 (Williston) 889
Education system, centralization of (Williams, L.A.) 884
Education system, decisions on (Campbell, D.) 869
Education system, proposals re (Williams, R.A.) 888
Finance formula (Brothers) 630-1, 892 (Gardom) 831 (Williston) 890
Ford Foundation, educational research program (Barrett) 867
Fort Nelson teachers, salaries (Barrett) 864 (Brothers) 891
Funding for education (Brothers) 891 (Cocke) 780
Funding for education, source of funds (Campbell, D.) 868 (Gardom) 831
Health care costs, increase in (Strachan) 818
Indian Reserve No. 1, renters, taxes levied (Calder) 880-1
Jericho Hill School, funding for, increase in (Hall) 877
Kindergartens throughout B.C., provision of (Hartley) 872
Political parties, campaign funds, donations to (Hartley) 873
Pupil-teacher ratio and quality of education (Campbell, D.) 868
Pupil-teacher ratio elsewhere (Dailly) 775
Pupil-teacher ratio in B.C. (Barrett) 866 (Campbell, D.) 868 (Cocke) 780, 781 (Dailly) 775 (Hartley) 872 (McGeer) 782 (Williams, L.A.) 884 (Williams, R.A.)
Referendums, use in education field (Campbell, D.) 868 (Capozzi) 827 (Nimsick) 834-5 (Strachan) 823 (Williams, L.A.) 882 (Williams, R.A.) 886
Regulations attached to act tabled (Brothers) 774 (Hall) 875
Research as basis for bill (Barrett) 867
Royal Commission on Education, recommendations (Dailly) 776-7 (Williams, L.A.) 881-2
Royal Commission on Education, report, basis for (Barrett) 867
School boards, autonomy of (Brousson) 875 (Gardom) 831 (Hall) 876 (Hartley) 872 (Lorimer) 828 (Williams, L.A.) 882
School boards, candidates for election to (Brothers) 893
School District 17, programs, cancellation of (Hartley) 871-2
School District 29, referendum (Hartley) 872
School District 36, counsellors (Hall) 877
School District 36, funds, reduction in (Hall) 876
School District 36, school sprinkler system (Hall) 877-8
School District 39, operations of board (Williams, R.A.) 888
School District 39, teachers' salaries, increase in (Brothers) 772 (Dailly) 774
School District 41, education costs (Brothers) 632
School District 44, lighthouse program (Brousson) 875
School District 44, referendum (Williams, R.A.) 886-7
School District 45, referendum (Dailly) 775 (Strachan) 822 (Williams, L.A.) 882-3, 884
School District 45, school closed (Williams, L.A.) 884
School District 47, teachers' salaries, ceiling on (Barrett) 865
School District 61, education costs (Brothers) 632
School District 61, education services, cutback in (Strachan) 821
School District 61, referendum (Capozzi) 826 (Dailly) 775 (Gardom) 830 (Skillings) 824 (Strachan) 821 (Wallace) 825
School District 61, teachers, salary negotiations (Wallace) 824-5
School District 65, special classes (Brothers) 892
School District 68, educational services, cuts in (Strachan) 821
School District 68, special classes (Brothers) 892
School District 71 teachers, NDP request to for contributions (Campbell, D.) 869
School District 72, administrative personnel (Campbell, D.) 868, 868-9
School District 72, pupil-teacher ratio (Campbell, D.) 868-9
School District 72, referendum (Hall) 877
School District 80, teachers' salaries, increase in (Brothers) 772
School districts, amalgamation of, proposal re (Brothers) 773
School districts, budgets, ceilings on (Brothers) 631
School districts in rural areas and financial formula (Brothers) 892
School districts in rural areas, cuts in (Strachan) 822
School field trips (Dailly) 776 (Strachan) 820
School tax and property valuation (Williams, R.A.) 887-8
School tax on property, removal of (Brothers) 893 (Clark) 779 (Cocke) 780 (Dailly) 775
School tax on property, revenue (Williams, R.A.) 887
School year, year-round operation of schools (Wenman) 829
Schools, fires (Hall) 877
Schools in resource communities (Campbell, D.) 870
Schools, sprinkler systems for (Hall) 877-8
Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and
Education, recommendations of (Brothers) 773 (Strachan) 822
Teachers, advertising for, expenditures on (Hartley) 871
Teachers, arbitration boards for, public interest representation on (Lorimer) 827
Teachers, assistance to (McDiarmid) 833
Teachers, collective bargaining by (Brousson) 873 (Capozzi) 826 (Clark) 778 (Cocke) 779 (Dailly) 774 (Hartley) 872 (McDiarmid) 834 (Mussallem) 817
Teachers, competence of (McDiarmid) 832
Teachers, dismissal of (Brothers) 773 (Capozzi) 827
Teachers, donations to political parties (Campbell, D.) 869 (Hartley) 873
Teachers, letters quoted (Gardom) 830-1
Teachers, number of (Barrett) 866 (Clark) 778
Teachers, probationary period for (Brothers) 773
Teachers, salaries (Brothers) 772, 893 (Brousson) 873 (Capozzi) 827 (Clark) 778 (Cocke) 779 (Lorimer) 827-8 (McDiarmid) 834 (Mussallem) 784-5 (Nimsick) 835-6, 836 (Williams, R.A.) 886, 887 (Williston) 889-90
Teachers, salaries and expenditures on education (Brousson) 874
Teachers, salaries, arbitration of (Dowding) 878-9
Teachers, salaries, ceiling on (Bruch) 885-6 (Dowding) 878-9 (Hall) 878 (Williston) 890
Teachers, salaries, ceilings on elsewhere (Brothers) 772
Teachers, salaries in northern B.C. and cost of living (Calder) 881
Teachers, salaries in Saskatchewan (Mussallem) 785
Teachers, salaries, increase in (Dailly) 774 (McDiarmid) 833-4 (McGeer) 782 (Mussallem) 785
Teachers, salaries, increase in and private sector increases (Brothers) 892 (McGeer) 783 (Wenman) 828-9
Teachers, salaries, increase in, referendums on (Brothers) 771-2 (Brousson) 874 (Clark) 778-9 (Cocke) 781 (Dailly) 774, 775, 777 (Gardom) 830 (Hall) 878 (Hartley) 872 (McGeer) 783 (Strachan) 822-3 (Wallace) 825 (Wenman) 829
Teachers, security of employment (Bruch) 886
Teachers, suspension of (Strachan) 822
Teachers, tenure (Brothers) 773-4, 893 (Clark) 778 (Hall) 875 (Hartley) 872 (Tisdalle) 891 (Wenman) 828, 829 (Williston) 890
Teachers, tenure, report of select standing committee on (Clark) 778 (Hall) 875
Teachers, training of (Barrett) 867 (Williston) 889
Teachers, unemployment (Barrett) 866 (Hon. member) 836
Trade unions, donations to NDP (Hartley) 873
United States, education costs, ceiling on (Brothers) 632
Vancouver rally opposing bill (Hartley) 871 (Peterson) 862
Vancouver Sun editorial mentioned (Barrett) 863, 864
Vancouver Sun, government advertisements relating to bill (Barrett) 857-8, 863 (Brousson) 873 (Dowding) 878 (Macdonald) 861-2 (Speaker) 883-4
Wage-price controls, need for (Brousson) 873 (Wenman) 828-9 Wages and inflation (Williams, R.A.) 887
Washington State, education, funding for (Brothers) 632
Washington State, education, referendums on (Strachan) 823
Wenman, Robert, vote on bill and possible conflict of interest (Barrett) 972 (Capozzi) 972 (Speaker) 972
Workforce, shortage of skilled workers (Barrett) 867
Mentioned: (Dailly) 271 (Hall) 457
Public Scrutiny, An Act to Provide for
(Bill 41) (Macdonald) 1R, 609; 2R, 998-9; adjourned 999
Speakers: Macdonald 998-9; Tisdalle 999
Florida legislation (Macdonald) 998
Public business, access to information re (Macdonald) 998
Public Service Group Insurance Act
Business done under act, report tabled (Black) 5
Public Service Salary Act
(Bill 93) (Little) 1R, 841; withdrawn 941
Public Utilities Commission
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline construction, role in (Macdonald) 252-3
Operation of (Williams, L.A.) 267
Report quoted (Macdonald) 150
Report tabled (Bennett) 5, 893
Reports (Macdonald) 150-1
Mentioned: (Dowding) 731 (Gardom) 398 (Hon. member) 121 (McDiarmid) 531 (McGeer) 29 (Peterson) 121 (Williams, R.A.) 846, 847
Public welfare
Job opportunities program. See name of program
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Social goals of government (Dailly) 268-9
Social problems (Dailly) 270 (Hartley) 569
Social programs, cost of (Black) 626
Social programs, eligibility for based on means test (Capozzi) 662
Social services, funding for (Bennett) 290-1 (Gaglardi) 496 (Hartley) 569 (Strachan) 330
Unemployment insurance claimants and public welfare (Cocke) 74
Welfare, administration costs (Hall) 175
Welfare and unemployment (Strachan) 897-8
Welfare, eligibility for, determination of (Gaglardi) 769 (Gardom) 911 (Macdonald) 769-70
Welfare, eligibility for, minister's powers re (Barrett) 896 (Dailly) 901 (Dowding) 903-4, 904 (Gaglardi) 914 (Hall) 901-2
Welfare, federal funds for (Barrett) 895
Welfare, legislation on elsewhere (Campbell, D.) 903 (Cocke) 909-10
Welfare, ministerial responsibility for (Capozzi) 910
Welfare, municipalities, costs to (Strachan) 209, 330
Welfare, municipalities' powers re (Lorimer) 912
Welfare rates (Barrett) 895 (Capozzi) 910 (Gardom) 95161 (Strachan) 898, 899 (Wallace) 346-7, 347-8 (Wolfe)
Welfare rates and minimum wage (Price) 217
Welfare, problems, boards of review (Clark) 907-8 (Hall) 902 (Peterson) 906
Welfare rates, increase in (Strachan) 898-9 (Williams, R.A.) 912
Welfare rates, increase in, cost of (Wallace) 347
Welfare rates, increase in, source of funds for (Strachan) 898-9
Welfare recipients (Strachan) 899-900 (Wallace) 346
Welfare recipients, American immigrants (Campbell, B.) 375
Welfare recipients, appeals by (Bruch) 908 (Campbell, D.) 908 (Capozzi) 910 (Clark) 907-8 (Cocke) 909-10 (Dailly) 901 (Dowding) 904 (Gaglardi) 914-5 (Hall) 902 (Nimsick) 911
Welfare recipients, children of (Marshall) 137-8
Welfare recipients, Duncan (Strachan) 330
Welfare recipients, earnings exemption (Wallace) 347
Welfare recipients, employment program for (Barrett) 20-1 (McGeer) 26 (Throne speech) 4
Welfare recipients, government's attitude to (Strachan) 334
Welfare recipients, handicapped (Dailly) 901
Welfare recipients, Houston area (Barrett) 297
Welfare recipients, illegal immigrants (Campbell, B.) 375
Welfare recipients, job training, retraining (Capozzi) 910
Welfare recipients, number of (Hartley) 575-6 (Strachan) 897
Welfare recipients, single-parent families (Dailly) 901
Welfare recipients, teenagers (Cocke) 909
Welfare recipients, work requirement for (Bruch) 908-9
Public works
Employment in (Peterson) 39
Funding for (Bennett) 291
Public Works, Department of
Annual report tabled (Chant) 5
Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287
Construction projects (Chant) 472-3
Publication of Accurate News and Information, An Act to Ensure (Alberta)
Quoted, referred to (Brousson) 610-1
Pulp and Paper Industries Relations Bureau
Mentioned: (Strachan) 922
Pulp and Paper Workers of Canada
Mentioned: (Hall) 916
Pulp industry
See: Wood-pulp industry
Pulp mills
Chip-processing capacity (Williston) 69
Duncan mill, smell (Strachan) 208
Emissions (Dailly) 270
Mackenzie pulp mill (Bennett) 285
Pollution, prevention of (Kiernan) 274
Quesnel pulp mill (Bennett) 285
Taxation of (Bruch) 523
Pupil-teacher ratio
See: Class size
Purchasing Commission
Annual report tabled (Bennett) 5
Purdy, Harry L.
Mentioned: (Wenman) 85
Putnam, Frank
Quoted (Wenman) 86
Putnam, J.H.
Mentioned: (Brothers) 228