Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


Breeding of in B.C., promotion of (Bruch) 854

B.C.-born and -bred horses, definition of (Macdonald) 854

B.C.-born and -bred horses, funding for purchase of (Bennett) 853-4

Industry in B.C. (Jordan) 854-5

Racetracks (Horse-racing)

Costs (Macdonald) 854

Operation of by horse-owners (Bennett) 855 (Macdonald) 854

Raikes, E.

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986


Development of (McGeer) 306

Federal funds for B.C. railways (Campbell, D.) 317 (Smith) 494

Roads and railway rights-of-way (Black) 852, 853 (Nimsick) 853

Raine, Al

Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 549

Rand, Ivan

Quoted (Peterson) 905


Prospectors, damage by (Williams, L.A.) 264-5

Rankin, Gilbert B.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 567

Rankin, Norma (Mrs. Gilbert B.)

Case cited (Loffmark) 566-7

Ranta, Lawrence E.

Quoted (Cocke) 371

Rapid transit

See: Local transit; also subdivision Transit system under names of cities and towns, e.g. Vancouver, B.C. — Transit system

Rathy, William

Mentioned: (Capozzi) 257, 259, 260

Raudsepp, Walter

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 973

Rayonier Canada Ltd.

Air pollution (Williston) 344-5

Reach Clinic, Vancouver, B.C.

Dental care, provision of (Hartley) 572

Reader's Digest

Quoted (Merilees) 188

Reagan, Ronald

Mentioned: (Barrett) 74 (Cocke) 74 (Macdonald) 149, 734

Real Estate Council of British Columbia

Trust funds, use of interest on (Gardom) 961 (Price) 221

Real estate development

Zoning bylaws and developments (Campbell, D.) 97

Real estate investment

Land speculation (Campbell, D.) 321

Real estate sales tax

Proposal for (Price) 600-1

Real property tax

Assessments, exemption for pollution control equipment (Strachan) 328

Assessments, increase in (Clark) 402 (Strachan) 327-8

Assessments, increase in, imposition of limit on (Strachan) 327, 328 (Williams, R.A.) 243

Assessments, industrial property (Strachan) 327-8 (Williston) 339

Assessments, inequities in (Strachan) 327

Assessments, Vancouver office buildings (Strachan) 328

Elderly, homeowner grant increase, proposal for (Strachan) 327 (Wenman) 83

Elderly, tax burden on (Clark) 90-1

Elderly, tax deferment for, proposal for (Campbell, D.) 318 (Clark) 91, 402-3 (Wenman) 83

Elderly, tax exemption for (McGeer) 27, 304

Farmland, tax on (Williams, L.A.) 264

Farms, tax due date for (Hartley) 1002

Homeowner grant (Jefcoat) 14 (Marshall) 137 (Shelford) 442 (Tisdalle) 602

Homeowner grant, eligibility for, citizenship requirement (Campbell, B.) 375-6

Homeowner grant, eligibility for Indians (Campbell, D.) 660

Homeowner grant, increase in, cost of (Bennett) 661

Homeowner grant, increase in for elderly (Bennett) 287, 289, 292, 656, 661 (Black) 408 (Brothers) 535 (Capozzi) 662 (Clark) 402 (Cocke) 367, 661 (Dailly) 431 (Dawson) 664 (Kripps) 576 (McCarthy) 354 (Nimsick) 481 (Strachan) 327

Homeowner grant to apartment owners (Bennett) 661

Homeowner grant to mobile-home owners (Cocke) 661

Homeowner grant to tenants of Crown corporations (Williams, L.A.) 663

Homeowner grant to tenants, proposal for (Capozzi) 260-1, 586 (Cocke) 661 (Williams, L.A.) 663

Kamloops land, tax rate on (Williams, R.A.) 694

Land, policies on taxation of (Williams, R.A.) 694

Mobile homes, property tax on (Brousson) 178 (Bruch) 134

Provincial Homeowner Grant Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

School tax. See entries under Education — Finance


Facilities, costs of (Hall) 684

Facilities, development of (Capozzi) 585

Facilities for elderly, funding for (Jordan) 505

Facilities, funding for (Capozzi) 678 (Hartley) 685 (Wolfs) 683

Funding for (Jordan) 503-4

Programs (Jordan) 503-5

Recreation commissions, work of (Jordan) 503

Recreation and Conservation, Department of

Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287

Funding for (Nimsick) 720

Red Cross Society

Mentioned: (Dawson) 170

Reddecop, H.

Letter quoted (Barrett) 864

Redel, Walter R.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 18 (Brousson) 614

Redkin, Brian

Case cited (Macdonald) 149

Redline, Glen

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Reed, H.S.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 79


Use of in education field (Campbell, D.) 868 (Capozzi) 827 (Nimsick) 834-5 (Strachan) 823 (Williams, L.A.) 882 (Williams, R.A.) 886


Cost of (Price) 220

Funding for (Bennett) 291, 726 (Strachan) 330

Need for (Williams, R.A.) 726

Not sufficiently restocked land, planting of (Brousson) 616 (Williams, R.A.) 726 (Williston) 728-9

Powers re (Williston) 771

Reforestation (Strachan) 729-30 (Wallace) 729 (Williams, L.A.) 730 (Williston) 342

Site preparation (Williston) 728-9

Trees planted (Throne speech) 2

Reforestation Act

Mentioned: (Williston) 696

Refuse and refuse disposal

Sites for (Williston) 343

Regan, Gerald

Quoted (Williston) 341

Regional districts

Advisory boards (Wenman) 336-7

Regional economic expansion

See entries under Canada. Regional Economic Expansion, Department of

Regional Parks Act

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 3

Regional Parks Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 36) (Minister of Recreation and Conservation) 1R, 637, 2R, 691-2; 3R, 720; RA, 1004

Speakers: Hall 629; Kiernan 691-2; Vogel 692

Costs, municipalities' share of (Hall) 692

Parkland, acquisition of, payment for (Hall) 692 (Kiernan) 691-2 (Vogel) 692

Tynehead regional park (Hall) 692

Regional planning

Lower mainland, planning authority for (Merilees) 188

Regionalization of Canada

See entries under Canada

Registered Nurses' Association of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Cocke) 371 (Jordan) 506 (McDiarmid) 833

Registrar of companies

Office, administration of (Williams, L.A.) 267

Statistics of office of tabled (Williston) 262

Rehabilitation and Social Improvement, Department of

Goal of department (Gaglardi) 498


Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act. See name of act

Elderly renters. See entries under Aged

Rental authority, establishment of (Dowding) 998

Rent control

Bylaws re (Dowding) 998

Rent-control Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 38) (Dowding) 1R, 786; 2R, 998; adjourned

Speakers: Dowding 998; Fraser 998

Rent control, municipal bylaws re (Dowding) 998

Rental authority, establishment (Dowding) 998

Rental housing

Funding for low-rental housing (Lorimer) 500

Tenants, assistance to (Cocke) 367 (Wallace) 351

Tenants, homeowner grant to (Capozzi) 260-1, 586 (Cocke) 661 (Williams, L.A.) 663

Rescue work

Workmen's Compensation Board coverage for rescue workers (Capozzi) 931 (Chabot) 927 (Nimsick) 929


Science city, proposal for (McGeer) 306

Rest homes

Residents and grant to elderly renters (Gardom) 763-4


Early retirement, proposals re (Barrett) 296

Revelstoke, B.C.

Access to, work on eastern access (Campbell, B.) 125

Dam (Campbell, B.) 373

Liquor store (Campbell, B.) 126

Upper Arrow Lake, clearing of stumps (Campbell, B.) 125-6


Estimates of, underestimates (Dowding) 524 (Gardom) 745

Natural resource revenue (Barrett) 294 (Smith) 491

Revenue, 1970-71 fiscal year (Bennett) 286

Revenue, 1972-73 fiscal year, forecast of (Bennett) 289-90, 290 (McGeer) 303

Source of (Price) 598

Surplus (Kripps) 576 (Nimsick) 48, 483 (Wallace) 350

Surplus revenue, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 290

Revenue Act

Sections 46 (1) and (2) , reports tabled (Bennett) 5

Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act 1969, An Act to Amend

(Bill 17) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292, 2R, 678-85; 3R, 719, RA, 1004

Speakers: Barrett 682; Bennett 678; Bruch 682; Capozzi 678-9, Hall 684, Hartley 685; McDiarmid 683; Macdonald 679-80; McGeer 678; Ney 685; Nimsick 682-3; Peterson 680-2; Smith 684-5; Wenman 683-4; Wolfe 683

Athletes, annual grants to, proposal for (McGeer) 678

Athletes, travel to sporting events (Capozzi) 679 (Peterson) 681

Athletic fields, need for (Hall) 684

Community fitness councils, need for (Wenman) 684

Community recreation branch, consultants (Nimsick) 682-3

Community recreation branch, funding for (Nimsick) 683

Elderly, programs for (Capozzi) 679

Hockey, national team for Canada (Barrett) 682

Hockey, professional hockey (Capozzi) 680

Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, advisory council, member: (Peterson) 680-1

Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, increase in (Bennett) 678 (Peterson) 682 (Wolfe) 683

Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, purpose of (Bruch) 682 (McGeer) 678

Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, use of funds (Bruch) 682 (Capozzi) 678-9 (Hartley) 685 (McDiarmid) 683 (McGeer) 678 (Ney) 685 (Nimsick) 682 (Peterson) 681 (Smith) 684-5 (Wenman) 683-4

Recreational facilities, costs of (Hall) 684

Recreational facilities, funds for (Capozzi) 678 (Hartley) 685 (Wolfe) 638

Sports, commercialization of (Capozzi) 680

Sports, control of (Capozzi) 680

Rex, Robert

Mentioned: (Cocke) 77

Richards, Stan

Mentioned: (Dawson) 463

Richmond, B.C.

Right-of-way, hearing on (LeCours) 355 (Williston)

Richmond General Hospital, Richmond, B.C.

Mentioned: (Peterson) 680

Richmond School District

See: School District 38 (Richmond)

Richter, Francis X. (Boundary-Similkameen) Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources and Minister of Commercial Transport

Bottle and can retrieval project, Oliver 448

Budget debate 447-54

Canadian Pacific Railway, coal pipeline proposal 847

Coal production 449

Coal, royalty on 450

Commercial motor vehicles, licences issued 453

Copper smelter for B.C. 451

Deer, feeding of 448

Environmental protection 448

Fruit, market for 448

Highways, Boundary-Similkameen constituency, work on 448

Highways department appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year 448

Mineral industries, production 449

Mineral industries, taxation of 449-50

Mines, dosing of 449

Mines, new mines opened 449

Mines, royalties 449

Mining claims staked 449

Mining exploration 449

Mining industry, revenue to province 449-50, 451-2

Natural gas exploration 451

Natural gas pipeline breaks, response to 770

Natural gas pipelines 454

Oil exploration, coastal waters 452, 816

Oil spills, cleanup of, cost of 770

Oil spills, cleanup of, equipment for 816

Oil spills, response to 770

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend (Bill 61) 1R, 707; 770, 816

Petroleum industry, revenue to province 451

Petroleum land, price per acre 451

Petroleum pipeline breaks, response to 770

Petroleum pipelines 454

Pipe-lines Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 62) 1R, 708; 770, 846-7

Pipelines, slurry pipelines 847

Roberts Bank port, use of 454

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, reissue of as leases 971

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of 967, 971

Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-Personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act (Bill 47) 1R, 711; 971

Tanker traffic on coast 453

Transportation, expansion of 453

Truck inspection pit, Kamloops 453

Trucks, weight regulations and power units 453

Trucks, wide loads 453-4

Vancouver port, administration of 454

Water pipeline breaks 770, 846-7

Rideout, Margaret

Quoted (Barrett) 412

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 415

Rio Algom Ltd.

Mentioned: (Strachan) 212


Electric power potential, information re (Calder) 102

Pollution of (Nimsick) 475-7

See also rivers by name, e.g. Fraser River, B.C.

Riverside Forest Products Ltd.

Indians, employment of (Shelford) 441

Riverview Hospital, Essondale, B.C.

Patients, reduction in number of (Loffmark) 564

Renovations to (Cocke) 74

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 564, 568


Arterial roads, cost of (Campbell, D.) 319

Blacktopping (Jefcoat) 438

Boundary-Similkameen constituency highways, work on (Richter) 448

Cariboo constituency (Fraser) 510

Fort Nelson-Fort Simpson highway, construction of 998

Funding for (Bennett) 287, 291 (Shelford) 441

Highway Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Highways, beautification of (Black) 630

Highways, federal funds for (Peterson) 486

Highways, flashing lights in area of (Black) 852 (Nimsick) 853 (Williams, L.A.) 853

Peace River North constituency, secondary roads (Smith) 493

Private roads, snow-plowing of and status of road (Barrett) 853 (Black) 853 (Nimsick) 853

Railway rights-of-way and roads (Black) 852, 853 (Nimsick) 853

Work on (Jefcoat) 438-9

Roads and Transportation Association of Canada

Mentioned: (Black) 630

Roberts Bank, B.C.

Port, use of (Richter) 454

Robertson, Adam

Mentioned: (Brothers) 891

Robson, John

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 500

Rocky Mountains National Park

Mentioned: (Marshall) 515

Romano, Tony

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 249

Room tax

See entries under Hotels, taverns, etc.

Rosebery, B.C.

Bridge (Campbell, B.) 126

Rosedale, B.C.

Albion ferry, need for (Vogel) 1534

Ross, Frank Mackenzie

Death of (Throne speech) 1

Ross, Lawrence

Quoted (Williston) 70

Ross Dam

Raising of. See entries under Skagit Valley, B.C.

Rossen, Mary

Quoted (Peterson) 488 (Richter) 451-2

Roseland Mining School, Rossland, B.C.

Opening of (Throne speech) 3

Success of (Brothers) 226, 536

Rotary Club

Mentioned: (Black) 627 (Campbell, D.) 416, 417 (Dawson) 434

Rothman, Saul

Mentioned: (Brothers) 536

Royal Bank of Canada

Mentioned: (Shelford) 444

Royal Canadian Legion

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 416, 417

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Chilcotin Indians, relations with (Fraser) 133

Northern B.C., staff for (Calder) 622

Mentioned: (Bennett) 287 (Brousson) 920 (Calder) 101 (Campbell, B.) 374 (Dowding) 334 (Hartley) 105 (McDiarmid) 223 (Richter) 453 (Strachan) 326 (Williams, R.A.) 594

Royal Columbian Hospital, New Westminster, B.C.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 19 (Loffmark) 564 (Wolfs) 53

Royal Commission on Education (1958)

Recommendations (Brothers) 226-7 (Dailly) 776-7 (Williams, L.A.) 881

Report, basis for (Barrett) 867

Report quoted (Williams, L.A.) 882

Mentioned: (Brothers) 892

Royal Inland Hospital, Kamloops, B.C.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 564

Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 564, 568 (Wallace) 349 (Wolfs) 53

Royal Roads Military College

Mentioned: (LeCours) 10

Royal visits

See: Visits of state


Pregnant women, rubella infection in (Loffmark) 563

Vaccination program (Loffmark) 563

Rudkin, Brian Milton

Mentioned: (Kripps) 710

Rural electrification

Funding for (Bennett) 287 (Hartley) 570 (Shelford) 441

Program (Bennett) 285 (Jordan) 148

Rural electrification (Calder) 621

Rural health services

Medical care in rural and remote areas (Cocke) 371 (Williams, L.A.) 545-6

Rural life

See: Country life


International Hydrodynamics Co. Ltd., contract for submersibles (Capozzi) 260

Rutherford, Walter

Mentioned: (Barrett) 22

Ryall, Sir Martin

Quoted (Williams, R.A.) 247