1972 Legislative Session: 3rd Session, 29th Parliament

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.

Official Report of




Afternoon Sitting

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The House met at 2:00 p.m.


MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable the Minister of Municipal Affairs.

HON. D.R.J. CAMPBELL (Minister of Municipal Affairs): Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to have the privilege and the opportunity to introduce your guests to the Legislature this afternoon who come from the North Coast District Council.

These are men who have in recent months been seeking the opportunity of providing employment opportunities for the Indian people with the cannery at Fort Simpson in the persons of Mr. Simon Lease, Mr. Stan Thomas, Mr. Eber Clifton, Mr. Alan Hall, Mr. Reg Sampson.

I am sure as chairman of the first citizens fund that the House would like to join with me in wishing them the very best in every sense of the word because tomorrow they will be travelling to Ottawa in order that they will have an opportunity to encourage the Government of Canada to change its mind on a very worthwhile project.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Saanich and the Islands.

MR. J.D. TISDALLE (Saanich and the Islands): Mr. Speaker, I'd like the Members here to be aware of the most important and fortunate people in this area today because they are with us and they are from Saanich. That's why they are fortunate and they're important because they are young people from the social studies Grade 11 and their teacher, Mr. Rupple of Claremont High. I wish you to welcome them.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable the first Member for Vancouver Centre.

MR. H.P. CAPOZZI (Vancouver Centre): Mr. Speaker, it gives me pleasure to do two accomplishments today.

Firstly, I would ask the Members to welcome a gentleman in the gallery who will be getting not necessarily his first view of this chamber, but probably his last. He is the N.D. P. candidate in my riding for the next provincial election. I would ask you to welcome the man who has the equivalent of a good job on the Titanic, Mr. Gagy Lowke in the Speaker's Gallery.

Secondly, Mr. Speaker, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to bring to the attention of the Members of the House the green buttons that have been placed on their desks and I intend to send one up to you, Mr. Speaker.

It's Buck-a-cup which is sponsored by the Canadian Restaurant Association. It is for the crippled children and is tied in with the Easter seal campaign. The button which you have received — which I am hopeful you will all send one dollar over to me, I have taken in great trust — will be sent on to the association.

On March 29, this button if worn by yourselves and other people in the Province of British Columbia will entitle them to free coffee in any restaurant any time during the day, in any of the restaurants of the Canadian Restaurant Association. I think it's a good example of those working for crippled children.

I was seriously thinking of sending buttons, Mr. Speaker, to the Press gallery. However, I didn't feel I'd get my dollar back from them so I refrained from doing. I am however, sending one up to the Speaker …

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Richmond.

MR. E. LeCOURS (Richmond): Mr. Speaker, we are fortunate in having among us today a group from British Columbia's model community — Richmond. I would ask the Honourable Members to join me in welcoming 50-odd students from Hugh Boyd School in Richmond.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable the Second Member for Vancouver–Point Grey.

MR. G.B. GARDOM (Vancouver–Point Grey): Mr. Speaker, we today have in the galleries a number of Grade 10, and very pretty I may say, students from St. Margaret's School in Victoria and among them is the grand-daughter of a former M.L.A. of this House, the late Mr. Gerry McGeer, Miss Pam Mislap. I hope all Members would extend Miss Pam Mislap and her colleagues at St. Margaret's a warm welcome.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Cariboo.

MR. A.V. FRASER (Cariboo): Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, I would like this House to join with me today to welcome the Quesnel Spartanets Basketball Team from the Quesnel Senior High School. They have driven 500 miles to come down here to defeat high school teams at Mt. Douglas High School tonight.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Kootenay.

MR. L.T. NIMSICK (Kootenay): Mr. Speaker, I can't announce any numbers but I have one student that's attending the University of Victoria from Cranbrook, Cameron Purvis in the gallery.

Introduction of bills.



Mr. A.B. Macdonald moves introduction and first reading of Bill No. 64 intituled An Act to Amend the Libel and Slander Act.

Motion approved. Bill No. 64 read a first time and ordered to be placed on orders of the day for second reading at the next sitting after today.

Orders of the day.

House in committee of supply. The committee rose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again.

Hon. Mr. Black files the operating statement of the Overall Medical Plan for the year ended March 31, 1971.

Hon. Mr. Shelford files the Milk Board report for 1971.

MRS. A. KRIPPS (Vancouver South): Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to present a petition.

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Leave granted.

MRS. KRIPPS: The petition of James Lorne Patrick Brian Milton Rudkin and Philip Thomas Sampson praying for the passing of an Act intituled An Act to Incorporate Fanco Insurance Company.

I move that the rules be suspended and the petition of James Lorne Patrick, Brian Milton Rudkin and Philip Thomas be received.

Motion approved.

Hon. Mr. Bennett moves adjournment of the House.

Motion approved.

The House adjourned at 5:58 p.m.