1972 Legislative Session: 3rd Session, 29th Parliament

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.

Official Report of




Afternoon Sitting

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The House met at 2:00 p.m.


MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable the Premier.

HON. W.A.C. BENNETT (Premier): Mr. Speaker, this is an important day and we're discussing educational estimates. Important for many reasons, but 21 years ago in the session great things happened. The principal person taking part at that time was Mrs. Rolston, who following that became the first full-fledged lady Minister with Portfolio in the Commonwealth and was our first Minister of Education. It makes it interesting today, 21 years later to have her grandson reading the prayers today, Reverend Peter Rolston.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable the Leader of the Opposition.

MR. D. BARRETT (Leader of the Opposition): Mr. Speaker, it's my honour to be hosting the Reverend Rolston as my guest today. His wife is also with him, she is in the gallery.

The Reverend Rolston has continued the pattern of great service established by his grandmother and we're very, very happy to have him with us.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable the Minister of Municipal Affairs.

HON. D.R.J. CAMPBELL (Minister of Municipal Affairs): Mr. Speaker, there are many groups come to the legislative assembly from all over British Columbia but certainly the group that's in the gallery today has probably had as much difficulty as any group that come here to be here.

They are from San Joseph Holberg, B.C., which is an outpost community in that great constituency of Comox at the north end of Vancouver Island.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for North Vancouver-Capilano.

MR. D.M. BROUSSON (North Vancouver-Capilano): Mr. Speaker, I'm particularly happy today seeing this is in the debates on educational estimates to ask the House to welcome from the North Vancouver-Capilano Area a class from that lighthouse school, Carson Graham, led by their teacher, Mr. Frank Perry, and two other staff members.

If I might add, Mr. Speaker, included in that class is the son of a former Member of this House Graham Parkinson, son of Ray Parkinson, the Member for Burrard.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Langley.

MR. H.B. VOGEL (Langley): Thank you, Mr. Speaker, we're honoured to have a former member of the assembly in our gallery today. Alex C. Hope who represented the old Delta constituency in the 20th and 2ist Parliament, from 1946 to 1952. He is accompanied by his wife and also Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alder.

I think the Members would be interested to know that Mrs. Alder is the great niece of the former Premier, J.A. Walcombe. I think his last date was 1882, I ask the House to give them a cordial welcome.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Yale Lillooet.

MR. W.L. HARTLEY (Yale-Lillooet): Mr. Speaker, hope springs eternal, particularly from Yale-Lillooet. This afternoon it gives me pleasure to introduce Mr. Lindstrom and a group of students from Hope Secondary School up in the public galleries. I'm sure you will give them all a warm welcome.

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable the first Member for Vancouver Centre.

MR. H.P. CAPOZZI (Vancouver Centre): Mr. Speaker, I would like to introduce a representative in the Speaker's Gallery but with the kind indulgence of the House I would in view of the number of "formers" that are here today tell them a very brief incident which occurred at one of the schools in which the principal was asked to introduce two very good friends of mine, who were badminton champions in the past.

He introduced both of them, one as former Canadian champion, one as formerly national champion, one as formerly member of the Mann Cup. He introduced the other — they were putting on a match down below as part of the ceremony for the school — by saying he formerly was Canadian champion, former runner-up in the European. One little boy in the audience looked down and said: "Formerly, it would have been a hell of a game."

I'm not suggesting that if we had some of these people back it wouldn't be a great game. I would like at this time, Mr. Speaker, to introduce a gentleman who has made a great contribution in the Province of British Columbia. He almost singlehanded built the stadium and at this stage I'm not sure whether he was named after the stadium or the stadium was named after him. I would like to introduce Mr. Irwin Swangard.

Introduction of bills.

HON. F.X. RICHTER (Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources and Minister of Commercial Transport): Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present a message from His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor.


MR. SPEAKER: The Lieutenant-Governor transmits herewith a bill intituled An Act to Amend the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, and recommends the same to the legislative assembly. Dated at Government House, March 1, 1972.

House in committee on Bill No. 61. On the recommendation of the committee, Bill No. 61 intituled An Act to Amend the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, introduced, read a first time and ordered to be placed on orders of the day for second reading at the next sitting after today.

HON. MR. RICHTER: Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present a message from His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor.

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MR. SPEAKER: The Lieutenant-Governor transmits herewith a bill intituled An Act to Amend the Pipe-lines Act, and recommends the same to the Legislative Assembly, dated at Government House, March 1, 1972.

House in committee on Bill No. 62, On the recommendation of the committee, Bill No. 62 intituled An Act to Amend the Pipe-lines Act, introduced, read a first time and ordered to be placed on orders of the day for second reading at the next sitting after today.

Orders of the day.

House in committee of supply. The committee rose, reported progress, and asked leave to sit again.

The House adjourned at 6:04 p.m.

The House met at 8:00 p.m.

Orders of the day.

House in committee of supply. The committee rose, reported progress, and asked leave to sit again.

Hon. Mr. Black presents the 22nd Annual Report of the British Columbia Indian Advisory Committee as of' December 31, 1971.

Hon. Mr. Williston presents the annual report of the British Columbia Lands Service of the Department of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources for the year ending December 31, 1971.

HON. W.A.C. BENNETT (Premier): I move, Mr. Speaker, that we continue this discussion, perhaps the completion of the estimates of the Minister of Health Services tomorrow.

Hon. Mr. Bennett moves adjournment of the House.

Motion approved.

The House adjourned at 11:25 p.m.