Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


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Gabriola Island, B.C.

Gabriola Wildwood Estates Ltd. subdivision (Williams, R.A.) 247

Subdivision development (Williams, R.A.) 247

Gadsby, Joan

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Gage, Walter

Tribute to (Skillings) 366

Gaglardi, Hon. Philip Arthur (Kamloops) Minister of Rehabilitation and Social Improvement

Address in Reply 193-8

Airline travel strike 195-6

Bonds, parity bonds 197

Budget debate 406-7, 495-9

Copper industry, revenue to province 198

Elderly, health care needs, funding for 407

Elderly, transit passes for 407

Forest industry 496-7

Home-ownership, promotion of 496

Job creation 498-9

Manitoba, socialism 194

Mineral resources, use of 497

Mining industry, revenue to province 197-8, 198, 497

NDP, visit to Washington State 195

Office chair, purchase of (Strachan) 899

Old age supplement, federal funding for 407

Poverty 498

Provincial Allance of Businessmen for Human Resources, work of 498-9

Rehabilitation and Social Improvement department, goal of 498

Saskatchewan, socialism 194

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 49) 1R, 675; 768-9

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, introduction of Bill 705

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, minister's powers under act 914, 915

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, regulations under act 914

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, statement re by University of B.C. law faculty 914

Social services, funding for 496

Socialism 194-5

Speaking engagements 913

Special funds, establishment of 496

Speech from the Throne, content 194

Travels and hotel bills 913, 915-6 (Strachan) 899, 915

Vallières, Pierre, hiring of by federal government 497

Welfare, eligibility for, determination of 769

Welfare, eligibility for, minister's powers re 914

Welfare recipients, appeals by 914-5

Willingdon School for Girls, visit to 273

Gagnon, J. Lewis

Mentioned: (Tasdalle) 158

Gallaudet College

Mentioned: (Brothers) 229

Game wardens

Funding for conservation officers (Hartley) 570

Garcia, Don

Mentioned: (Capozzi) 259

Gardom, Garde Basil (Vancouver-Point Grey)

Address in Reply 111-2

Administration Act, An Act to Amend 687

Automobile inspection, compulsory 796-7

Automobile insurance, claimants, common-law spouse 950

Automobile insurance, claims, statutory limitation on 951

Automobile insurance, government plan for, proposal re 111-2

Automobile insurance, no-fault insurance benefits, claims for 951

Automobile insurance, no-fault insurance, claimants over 65 years of age 950

Automobile insurance, . no-fault insurance, premium rates 112

Automobile insurance premiums, overcharge by insurance companies 951

Automobile insurance premiums, payment of in advance, interest on 951

Automobile insurance premiums, rebate for overcharging 112

Bills of sale, affidavit of bona fides, requirement for 788

B.C. Hydro accounts, examination of by Public Accounts Committee 399

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Act, 1964, An Act to Amend 558

B.C. Hydro, borrowed funds, use of 558

B.C. Hydro directors, powers of 398-9

B.C. Hydro, operations of 398-9

B.C. Hydro, power interruptions 398-9

B.C. Hydro, 'transit operations 399

British Columbia Railway Act 519

Budget debate 396-402

Coroners Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 73) 1R 713-4

Crime victims, compensation for 401, 849

Crime victims, compensation for, cost of to province 849

Crime victims, compensation for, history of legislation on 849

Crime victims, compensation payments, administration of 849

Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 849

Criminal Injuries Compensation Act, proclamation of 849

Crown corporations, accounts, examination of by Public Accounts Committee 399

Crown corporations, special committees of Legislature on 399

Driver training in high schools 796

Drunk driving, advertisements and liquor store signs re 795

Drunk driving, licence suspension for 796

Drunk driving, penalty for 795

Drunk driving, prevention of 795

Education, finance formula 831

Education, funding for, source of funds 831

Education, quality of 830

Elderly, assistance to 401

Elderly, charter of rights for 401

Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act 763-4

Elderly, needs of, provision for in budget 401-2

Elderly renters, grant to and residents of rest homes 763-4

Election campaigns, government advertisements during period of 803

Election expenses, limit on, proposal re 803

Elections, candidates' names on ballots 398, 803

Elections, date of, decision on 803

Elections, date of, fixed date for 398

Elections, ministers' use of funds in 398

Elections, political parties on ballots 803

Elections, voters analyzed 396-7

Elections, voting, preferential voting 398, 803

Electoral distribution 398

Electric power, future needs, report on 558

Family court staff 651

Family Relations Act 651

Gift Tax Act 953-5

Gift Tax Act, drafting of Bill 953-4

Gift tax and access to personal and business records 955

Gift tax and donations to charity 954

Gift tax and gifts between spouses 954-5

Gift tax, impact of on investment capital in B.C. 954

Gift tax returns, filing of 955

Gifts to government of Canada 954

Handicapped, assistance to 401

House, proceedings of, full report of, proposal re 990-1

House proceedings of, televising of, proposal re 990-1

Indians, home acquisition grants, eligibility for 657, 1002

Indians, income tax 657

Inspector of trust companies, public exposure for reports of 1002

Insurance Act, An Act to Amend 950-1

Insurance Act, An Act to Amend, hoist of, proposal for 951

Insurance, adjusters, licensing of 951

Intestacy, requirement re letters probate 687

Labour relations in B.C. 400

Labour relations, research and information service 400

Labour relations, royal commission on, proposal re 400

Lawyer's, trust accounts, use of interest on 961

Legal aid system 401, 961

Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend 961

Liquor bottles, conversion of to other uses, proposal re 757

Liquor bottles, return of, proposal re 757

Liquor Control Board, profits 757

Litter Act, An Act to Amend 757

Mediation Commission, failure of 400

Mortgage Brokers Act, An Act to Amend 691

Mortgage brokers, disclosure statements 691

Mortgage contracts, rescission of and repayment obligations 691

Motor-vehicle Act, An Act to Amend 795-7

Ombudsman, proposal for 401

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, name change 519

Pari Mutuel Betting Tax Act, An Act to Amend 854

Pollution Control Act, 1967, An Act to Amend (Bill 102) 1R, 895

Probation, decisions on 849

Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend 802-3

Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 657

Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 90) 1R, 787;1002

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 830-2

Real Estate Council of B.C. trust funds, use of interest on 961

Revenue, estimates of, underestimates 745

School boards, autonomy of 831

School District 61, referendum on education costs 830

Select Standing Committee on Labour, proposal for use of 400

Sentences, serving of 688

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 910-1

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, minister's powers under act 911

Social Credit Party, leadership contenders 397

Strikes and lockouts, man-days lost 400

Succession duties and capital investment in B.C. 745

Succession duties, opposition to 744-5

Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend 744-5

Summary Convictions Act, An Act to Amend 688

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of 968, 970

Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-Personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act 970

Tax system, federal change in 744

Teachers, letters quoted 830-1

Teachers, salaries, referendums on increases 830

Transit, proposal re operation of 399

Trust Companies Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 87) 1R, 743;2R, 1002

Welfare, eligibility for, determination of 911

Welfare rates, level of 911

Wife-beating, provision for compensation for injuries 651

Gargrave, Anthony

Mentioned: (Bennett) 666

Gas, Natural

Arctic regions, pipeline from (Macdonald) 394

Drilling, production and distribution, expenditures on (Smith) 184-5

Electric power generation, use for (Kiernan) 275, 276 (McGeer) 33

Exploration (Richter) 451

Export of to U.S. (Cocke) 76 (McGeer) 33

Export of to U.S. and pipeline construction (Kiernan) 275

Industry, taxation of (Strachan) 333, 753

Price of B.C. gas in U.S. (Macdonald) 152

Price, of to B.C. consumers (Price) 220

Reserves, estimate of (Throne speech) 2

Vancouver Island, distribution of gas (Fraser) 130

Vancouver Island, electric power generation (Kiernan) 276 (McDiarmid) 531

Vancouver Island market for (Macdonald) 394

Gas, Natural — Pipelines

Breaks, response to (Richter) 770

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Pipelines (Richter) 454

Powell River, pipeline to (Dawson) 166 (Fraser) 130

Vancouver Island pipeline (Fraser) 130 (Kiernan) 275-6, 587-8 (Macdonald) 151-3, 393-5 (McGeer) 29-30 ('Throne speech) 2

Vancouver Island pipeline construction, Bechtel Corp. (Macdonald) 393-4

Vancouver Island pipeline construction, B.C. Hydro application (Fraser) 130 (Macdonald) 393-5

Vancouver Island pipeline construction, Magna Pipeline Co. proposal (Kiernan) 275

Vancouver Island pipeline, Public Utilities Commission's role in (Macdonald) 152-3

Vancouver Island pipeline, route of (Fraser) 130 (Kiernan) 275-6

Gas Act

Mentioned: (McGeer) 26 ('Throne speech) 3

Gasoline — Taxation

Kemano residents, payment of tax by (Little) 181

Gastown, Vancouver, B.C.

See entries under Vancouver, B.C.

Geekie, D.A.

Quoted (Cocke) 368

George Derby Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.

Facilities (Capozzi) 261

George family

Brothers, hanging of, case mentioned (Hartley) 106

George Field Developments Ltd.

Zoning changes, requests for (Williams, RA.) 248

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 593, 596

Georgia-Pacific Corp.

Mentioned: (Hail) 460

Georgia Straight, Vancouver, B.C.

Labour problems (Tisdalle) 159

Geothermal power plants

Development of geothermal power (Cocke) 77

Gerade, Ed

Unemployed, project for (Dowding) 528

German-Canadian Benevolent Society Home, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Black) 627 (Dawson) 166 (Kripps) 252

Gibraltar Mines Ltd.

McLeese Lake copper mine (Fraser) 129

Gibson, James Gordon

Mentioned: (Bennett) 666

Gibson, Kelly

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 153

Gift Tax Act

(Bill 25) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292, amdt to JR, 941; 2R, 953-60; 3R, 972-3; RA, 1004

Divisions: 2R, 960; 3R, 972-3

Speakers: Bennett 953, 959-60; Capozzi 957; Clark 959; Cocke 958-9, Dowding 957-8; Gardom 953-5; Loffmark 955-6; Macdonald 956-7; Williams, L.A. 958

Act, application of (Capozzi) 957 (Macdonald) 956-7

Bill, drafting of (Clark) 959 (Cocke) 958 (Gardom) 953-4 (Loffmark) 956

Charity, gifts to, restrictions on tax-free status of (Capozzi) 957 (Dowding) 958 (Gardom) 954

Exemptions from tax (Bennett) 953 (Macdonald) 956

Farms, tax on family farm transfers (Bennett) 953 (Williams, L.A.) 958

Gift tax returns, filing of (Gardom) 955

Gifts, valuation of, cost of (Cocke) 959

Government of Canada, gifts to (Gardom) 954

Investment capital in B.C., impact of act on (Capozzi) 957 (Gardom) 954 (Williams, L.A.) 958

Legislation elsewhere (Loffmark) 956

Records, personal and business, access to under act (Gardom) 955

Retroactivity of act (Clark) 959

Spouses, gifts between spouses and act (Gardom) 954-5 (Loffmark) 956 (Williams, L.A.) 958

Succession duties and gift tax (Bennett) 953 (Loffmark) 956 (Macdonald) 956

Mentioned: (Smith) 747

Gifts — Taxation

Canada, gifts to government of (Gardom) 954

Charity, donations to, restriction on tax-free status of (Capozzi) 957 (Dowding) 958 (Gardom) 954

Exemptions from (Bennett) 953 (Macdonald) 956

Farms, transfer of family farms (Bennett) 953 (Williams, L.A.) 958

Gift Tax Act. See name of act

Gifts between spouses and tax (Gardom) 954-5 (Loffmark) 956 (Williams, L.A.) 958

Investment capital in B.C., impact of tax on (Capozzi) 957 (Gardom) 954 (Williams, L.A.) 958

Legislation elsewhere (Loffmark) 956

Legislation on (Bennett) 289

Records, personal and business, access to (Gardom) 955

Succession duties and gift tax (Bennett) 744, 953 (Loffmark) 956 (Macdonald) 956

Tax returns, filing of (Gardom) 955

Valuation of gifts, cost of (Cocke) 959

Gilchrist, M.M.

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Gilmore, Ed

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Glacier View Lodge, Courtenay, B.C.

Mentioned: (Dawson) 166

Glendale Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Construction of (Chant) 471

Opening of (Bennett) 291 (Tisdalle) 162

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 564 (Skillings) 362

Glenora, B.C.

Isolation of by snow (Calder) 621

Globe and Mail, Toronto, Ont.

Quoted (Brousson) 873

Mentioned: (Dailly) 776 (Williston) 340


Effects of (McGeer) 28

Glue-sniffing (Campbell, D.) 93 (Dailly) 270

Legislation on (Clark) 88 (LeCours) 13 (McGeer) 28, 29 (Nimsick) 45 (Wenman) 86-7

Prevention of (Clark) 88 (McDiarmid) 223 (Macdonald) 148-9 (McGeer) 29 (Price) 217 (Wolfe) 52-3

Gluelam Products Ltd.

Beams in schools, safety of (Dowding) 231

Golden Ears Provincial Park

Mentioned: (Dowding) 723

Good samaritan laws

See: Assistance in emergencies

Goodman, Paul

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 888

Gordon, Donald

Mentioned: (Vogel) 156

Gosse, Richard

Mentioned: (Fraser) 983

Gould, Stephen J.

Quoted (Tisdalle) 605

Gouzenko, Igor

Interview with (Tisdalle) 157-8


Experts, use of advice of (Wallace) 60-1

Institutions, administration of (Williams, L.A.) 267

Parliamentary process and practices of government (Williams, R.A.) 243

Government advertising

Agencies, campaign advertising and government advertising (Clark) 90

Elections, advertising during campaign period (Gardom) 803 (McGeer) 768

Freedom of the press and government advertising (Brousson) 611 (Hartley) 574

Increase in (Hartley) 574

Government agents

Offices in north, need for (Calder) 622

Government aircraft

Logs tabled (Black) 713

Government automobiles

See: Automobiles, Government

Government buildings

See: Public buildings

Government House, Victoria, B.C.

Construction of (Chant) 470-1

Government of British Columbia to Engage in the Business of Automobile Insurance, An Act to Empower

(Bill 95) (Hartley) 1R, 841; 2R, 1002-3; out of order 1003

Automobile insurance, government plan, proposal for (Hartley) 1002-3

Governor-General of Canada

Appointment to position of, proposal re (Kripps) 254

Gow, Donald

Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 548

Grace, W.A., and Co.

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 193

Grade 11

See entries under Education, Secondary

Grand Forks School District

See: School District 12 (Grand Forks)

Grant, Earl

Mentioned: (Hon. member) 750

Grant, Peter

Mentioned: (Jordan) 503

Granting Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service of the Province of British Columbia, An Act for

(Bill 101) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 989; 2R, 989; C, 969; 3R, 989, RA, 1W4


Grapes (Shelford) 443

Grasshopper Control Act

Mentioned: (Clark) 674

Great Britain. House of Commons

Proceedings (Marshall) 138

Mentioned: (Bennett) 285 (Peterson) 280

Great National Lands Ltd.

Mentioned: (Brousson) 179

Great Slave Railway

Mentioned: (Marshall) 139

Greater Vancouver Hospital Society

Mentioned: (Wolfs) 55

Greater Vancouver Regional District

Transit. See entries under Vancouver, B.C. — Transit system

Transportation (Wenman) 82

Green belt protection fund

Farmland purchases, proposal for disposal of (Wenman) 698

Funding for (Bennett) 288 (Shelford) 441

Funds, use of (Bennett) 693 (McCarthy) 701-2 (Vogel) 695 (Wenman) 698-9 (Williams, L.A.) 696-7 (Williston) 695-6

Land purchases, decisions on (Dowding) 699 (Williams, L.A.) 696-7 (Williston) 696

Land purchases, reforestation of (Bennett) 726

Staff, employment of (Williams, R.A.) 693-4 (Williston) 696

Mentioned: (Williston) 341

Green Belt Protection Fund Act

(Bill 18) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292; 2R 693-703, 794; 3R, 845; RA, 1004

Divisions: 2R, 795

Speakers: Bennett 693; Bruch. 703; Cocke 794-5; Dowding 699-700; McCarthy 700-2, McGeer 702-3; Vogel 695; Wenman 698-9; Williams, L.A. 696-8; Williams, R.A. 693-4

B.C. Building land, use of (McGeer) 702

B.C. Hydro, exemption of from municipal bylaws (McGeer) 702

B.C. Hydro, expropriation of land by (McGeer) 702-3 (Williams, L.A.) 697

B.C. Hydro, land-use policies (McGeer) 702

Burnaby Lake area, rezoning of (Dowding) 700

Burnaby, rezoning of south Burnaby area land (Dowding) 699

Delta farmland, protection of (Cocke) 794

Delta greenbelt, plan for (Wenman) 698

Delta, industrial land (Dowding) 699 (Williams, R.A.) 694

Farming, young people in (Williams, R.A.) 693

Farmland purchases, disposal of, proposal for (Wenman) 698

Forest branch, control over land use (Williams, L.A.) 697

Funds, use of (Bennett) 693 (McCarthy) 701-2 (Vogel) 695 (Wenman) 698-9 (Williams, L.A.) 696-7 (Williston) 695-6

Greater Vancouver, industrial land (Williams, R.A.) 694

Greenbelt reserve, proposal for (Dowding) 699

Greenbelts, establishment of (Dowding) 699 (Williams, R.A.) 693

Greenbelts, protection of (McGeer) 703

Kamloops land, tax rate on (Williams, R.A.) 694

Land policies and price of land (Williams, R.A.) 694

Land purchases, decisions on (Dowding) 699 (Williams, L.A.) 696-7 (Williston) 696

Land, taxation of, policies on (Williams, R.A.) 694

Land use, research on (Williams, L.A.) 696

Lower mainland regional planning board, disbanding of (Cocke) 794 (McCarthy) 700-1 (McGeer) 702 (Williams, L.A.) 697

Lower mainland regional planning board, work of (Williams, L.A.) 697

Nicomekl-Serpentine basin land, protection of (Vogel) 695 (Wenman) 698

Ocean Cement Ltd. property, use of for greenbelt (Bruch) 703

Staff, employment of (Williams, R.A.) 693-4 (Williston) 696

Vancouver, Four Seasons project, federal actions on (McCarthy) 701

Vancouver, Jericho property, preservation. of (McCarthy) 701

Victoria, greenbelts, proposals for (Bruch) 703

Victoria, Thetis Lake area subdivision (Bruch) 703

Zoning, problem re (Dowding) 699-700

Zoning, use of (McCarthy) 700

Green Mountain, B.C.

Park status for, proposal re (Ney) 466

Road to ski area (Ney) 466

Ski facilities (Ney) 140

Green Peace (Vessel)

Crew, tribute to (Barrett) 17


Establishment of (Dowding) 699 (Shelford) 441 (Williams, L.A.) 264 (Williams, R.A.) 693

Green Belt Protection Fund Act. See name of act

Greenbelt reserve, proposal for (Dowding) 699

Protection of (McGeer) 703 (Wenman) 85

Greene, John James (Joe)

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 373 (Strachan) 214 (Vogel) 156

Greene, Nancy

Scholarships (Peterson) 681

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 352 (Nimsick) 682 (Peterson) 485, 681 (Williams, L.A.) 549

Greer, Harold

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Gregory, George

Mentioned: (Skillings) 362

Griffiths, Fred

Mentioned: (Hartley) 572

Grizzly bear

Hunting of, moratorium on (Price) 600

Gross national product

Health care, cost of and GNP (Capozzi) 584

Group homes

Construction of (LeCours) 13 ('Throne speech) 4

Group homes (Dawson) 461

Neighbours, problems for (Kripps) 578-9

Groves, George S.

Mentioned: (Dowding) 965

Guaranteed annual income

Guaranteed income (Barrett) 23, 413 (Cocke) 368 (McCarthy) 353-4 (McDiarmid) 532 (Peterson) 489-90 (Strachan) 419 (Wallace) 346, 347, 422 (Wenman) 83

Guaranteed income, cost of to province (Barrett) 412-3

Guaranteed Income for Senior Citizens, An Act Respecting

(Bill 75) (Barrett) 1R, 715

Guardianship of Infants Act

Mentioned: (Peterson) 649

Gulf Islands, B.C.

Bridges, proposal re (Campbell, D.) 98 (Williams, R.A.) 245-6

Future of, plan for (Williams, R.A.) 245-6

“Gulf Islands Options” referred to (Campbell, D.) 324 (Williams, R.A.) 245-6

Highways, proposal for (Williams, R.A.) 246

Land use, planning for (Campbell, D.) 98, 324

Parks, proposal for (Williams, R.A.) 246

Gulf Log Salvage Cooperative Association

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 983

Gunderson, Einar

Mentioned: (Strachan) 327

Gurr, Donna Marie

Mentioned: (Peterson) 485