Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972
See: International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
Illich, Ivan
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 888
Immigration to British Columbia
See entries under British Columbia — Population
Imperial Oil Ltd.
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 377
See: Commerce
Income, Guaranteed
See: Guaranteed annual income
Income tax
Carter commission proposals re (Strachan) 751
Corporation tax. See Corporations — Taxation
Dividends, exemption for (Strachan) 751-2
Elderly renters, grant to and income tax (Hall) 762
Elderly, tax abatement for (Campbell, D.) 317 (McGeer) 305
Exempted income, basic exemption (LeCours) 357
Federal legislation, conformity with (Bennett) 751
Federal proposals for change in (Strachan) 751
Income Tax Act, l962, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Income tax system (Bruch) 135
Indians, income tax (Gardom) 657
Low incomes, tax on (Nimsick) 47-8
Parental care, tax concession for (Capozzi) 423-4
Medical Services Plan premiums paid by employees, tax on (Strachan) 752
Rate, B.C. rate (Bennett) 284 (Strachan) 752
Revenue to B.C. (Bennett) 284
Tax system in Canada (Strachan) 752-3, 753
Unemployment insurance payments, tax on (Strachan) 752
Income Tax Act
Amendments to (Bennett) 289
Mentioned: (Cocke) 747, 748 (Gardom) 955 (Williams, LA.) 958 (Wolfe) 378
Income Tax Act, 1962, An Act to Amend
(Bill 24) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292; 2R, 750-4; 3R, 787; RA, 1004
Speakers: Bennett 751; Campbell, D. 753-4; Strachan 751-3; Williams, R.A. 754
Carter commission, income tax proposals (Strachan) 751
Corporations, income tax revenue (Strachan) 752
Dividends, income tax exemption for (Strachan) 751-2
Federal capital gains tax on property (Campbell, D.) 753-4 (Williams, R.A.) 754
Federal equalization payments (Campbell, D.) 754
Federal income tax legislation, conformity with (Bennett) 751
Income tax, federal proposal for changes in (Strachan) 751
Income tax rates (Strachan) 752
Income tax system in Canada (Strachan) 752-3, 753
Iron Ore Co. of Canada, income tax and job creation (Strachan) 753
Medical Services Plan premiums paid by employees, income tax on (Strachan) 752
Mining industry, taxation of (Strachan) 753
Natural gas industry, taxation of (Strachan) 753
Ontario, tax credit system (Strachan) 753
Petroleum industry, taxation of (Strachan) 753
Resource industries, capital-intensive industries (Williams, R.A.) 754
Small business, taxation of (Strachan) 753
Unemployment insurance payments, income tax revenue from (Strachan) 752
Income Tax Act (Canada)
Changes to (Bennett) 284 (Cocke) 369
Mentioned: (Cocke) 958 (Gardom) 744, 745, 954
Independent Egg Industry Association
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986
Family planning (Jordan) 145
Indian Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Calder) 621
All Native Children's Tattoo (Dawson) 170
Archaeological sites, protection of (Black) 812 (Calder) 809 (Hall) 809
Archaeological sites, Vancouver-Point Grey (McGeer) 811
Argyllite-carving, training in (Brothers) 536
Art festival, proposal for (McGeer) 811-2
Artefacts, out-of-province trade in (Barrett) 810 (Black) 812
Children, funds for travel at Christmas (Dawson) 168
College programs for (Brothers) 537
Court caseworkers (Hartley) 105-6, 570, 996 (LeCours) 13 (Throne speech) 2
First Citizens of British Columbia Corporation Act. See name of act
First Citizens of B.C. Corporation, establishment of (Campbell, D.) 851
Forest industry, employment in (Shelford) 440-1
Home acquisition grants, eligibility for (Campbell, D.) 659 (Gardom) 657, 1002
Homeowner grants, eligibility for (Campbell, D.) 660
Housing, construction of (Dawson) 168
Housing of on reserves (Dawson) 168
Income tax (Gardom) 657
Indian Affairs department administration, paperwork (Dawson) 168
Indian Affairs department, employment in (Dawson) 167
Medical clinics for (Dawson) 170
Middens, preservation of (Dowding) 671
Museum for (McDiarmid) 225
Port Simpson cooperative, proposal for (Shelford) 239
Raven communication facility (Dawson) 168
Reserve No. l, renters, taxes levied (Calder) 880-1
Reserves, municipal status for (Calder) 100-1
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, relations with (Fraser) 133
Self-government for (Calder) 100 (Vogel) 156
Silver-carving, training in (Brothers) 536
Stanbury-Fields report, tabling of (Motion 21) (Calder) 620-1, 994 (Campbell, D.) 994-5
Taxation of Indians on reserves (Calder) 620-1
Totem poles, out-of-province location of (McGeer) 811
Totem poles, protection of (Black) 812
Training programs for (Brothers) 536
Willingdon School for Girls, inmates (Dailly) 272
Industrial accidents
Widows, compensation to (Nimsick) 48
Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce, Department of
Annual report tabled (Skillings) 339
Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287
Deputy minister (Skillings) 364
Mandate of (Skillings) 363
Staff (SkIllings) 364
Statistical reports (Skillings) 363
Work of (Marshall) 136 (Skillings) 363-4
Mentioned: (Skillings) 363
Industrial relations
Disputes, settlement of (McGeer) 310
Labour-management council, proposal for (Wallace) 59
Labour-management relations in B.C. (Barrett) 19 (Chabot) 390 (Gardom) 400 (Hall) 457 (Jefcoat) 15, 438 (McGeer) 309-10 (Wallace) 59 (Wolfe) 379-80
Management-union conference, proposal for (Merilees) 190-1
Research and information service, proposal for (Gardom) 400
Royal commission on, proposal for (Gardom) 400
Industrial safety
Advisory board, proposal re (Brousson) 919-20
Legislation on, amalgamation of (Brousson) 919 (Chant) 851
McSorley committee, chairmanship of (Hall) 916
McSorley committee, cost of (Cocke) 918
McSorley committee, hearings (Brousson) 919
McSorley committee, recommendations (Brousson) 919 (Cocke) 918 (Strachan) 921
McSorley committee report, access to (Brousson) 919 (Strachan) 921
McSorley committee, representation on (Strachan) 924
Responsibility for, delegation of (Dowding) 920-1
Safety Engineering Services Act. See name of act
Select standing committee, proposal for use of (Cocke) 918
Special committee of House, proposal for use of (Brousson) 919
Tradesmen, qualifications of (Hall) 916, 917
Industries in British Columbia
See: British Columbia — Industries
Program for (Dowding) 231
Inflation (Finance)
Elderly, problem of inflation for (Tisdalle) 437 (Wallace) 422
Inflation (Brousson) 617 (Bruch) 521-2 (Merilees) 552
Pensions and inflation (Capozzi) 583-4
Wages and inflation (Vogel) 156 (Williams, R.A.) 887
Ingenika Indian band
Living conditions (Dawson) 169-70
Visit to (Dawson) 168-9
Inheritance and succession
Administration Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Intestacy, letters probate, requirement re (Gardom) 687 (Macdonald) 687 (Peterson) 687
Intestates, common-law spouses, provision for (Macdonald) 687 (Peterson) 687
Intestates, illegitimate children, provision for (Dowding) 687 (Macdonald) 687 (Peterson) 687
Intestates, protection of rights of spouses (Macdonald) 687
Intestates, separated couples (Macdonald) 687
Intestates, settlement of estates of (Peterson) 686
Inheritance and transfer tax
Capital gains tax and succession duties (Capozzi) 746 (Wolfs) 748
Capital investment in B.C. and succession duties (Gardom) 745
Common-law relationships and succession duties (Lorimer) 745 (Macdonald) 652
Companies, succession duties on (Bennett) 744
Farms, succession duties on family farms (Bennett) 289, 7” (McGeer) 307, 746 (Williams, L.A.) 264
Gift tax and succession duties (Bennett) 744, 953 (Loffmark) 956 (Macdonald) 956
Life insurance benefits, exemption of from succession duties (Capozzi) 746
Pensions, succession duties on (Nimsick) 749
Property, succession duties on out-of-province property (Bennett) 744 (Wolfs) 748
Quick succession, succession duties on (Bennett) 744
Registered retirement savings plans and succession duties (McDiarmid) 749
Succession duties (Wallace) 351
Succession duties, evasion of (Cocke) 747-8
Succession duties, exemption from (Bennett) 289, 744 (Capozzi) 746
Succession duties, opposition to (Cocke) 747 (Gardom) 744-5 (McGeer) 746 (Wallace) 748
Succession duties, reduction in (Bennett) 750
Succession duties, revenue (Wolfs) 748
Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Inspector of trust companies
Report, public exposure for (Gardom) 1002
Insurance, Automobile
Accident victims, cases cited (Cocke) 114
Agents (Cocke) 114
Automobile insurance (Hartley) 108-11
Bad drivers, insurance coverage for (Peterson) 43
Claimants, common-law spouse (Gardom) 950
Claims, cost of (Peterson) 43
Claims, settlement of, payments prior to (Peterson) 926
Claims, settlement of, speeding up of (Peterson) 926
Claims, settlements, payment of interest on (Capozzi) 952
Claims, statutory limitation on (Gardom) 951
Companies, political donations, allegation re (Hartley) 108, 109
Companies, reserves (Macdonald) 116
Government insurance plan, proposal for (Barrett) 116-8 (Bruch) 123 (Calder) 103 (Cocke) 113-5 (Gardom) 111-2 (Hartley) 108-11, 1002-3 (LeCours) 122-3 (Macdonald) 115-6 (Nimsick) 123 (Peterson) 119-21 (Price) 121-2 (Strachan) 112-3 (Williams, L.A.) 123-5
Government vehicles, insurance system for (Hartley) 110-1, 950
Insurance Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Insurance adjusters, licensing of (Gardom) 951
Licence plates, issue of and insurance, proposal re (Hartley) 110
Manitoba insurance system (LeCours) , 122-3 (Peterson) 120
No-fault insurance (Hartley) 109, 110
No-fault insurance benefits, claims for (Gardom) 951 (Hartley) 950 (Peterson) 926
No-fault insurance, claimants over age 65 (Gardom) 950
Out-of-province licensees, coverage for (Peterson) 44
Passengers in rented vehicles, rights of (Peterson) 926
Premium income, use of (Hartley) 108, 109
Premiums, overcharging by insurance companies (Gardom) 951
Premiums, overcharging by insurance companies, rebate for (Gardom) 112 (Wallace) 119 (Williams, L.A.) 124
Premiums, payment of in advance, interest on (Gardom) 951
Premiums, rates (Cocke) 114 (Hartley) 108, 109-10 (LeCours) 122 (Peterson) 119, 121 (Price) 121-2 (Strachan) 113 (Tisdalle) 115 (Wallace) 119 (Williams, LA.) 124
Premiums, rates and point system for traffic violations (Cocke) 114 (Strachan) 113
Premiums, rates and repair costs (Bruch) 123 (Price) 122
Premiums, rates, discrimination in setting of (Cocke) 114
Premiums, rates for young people (Hartley) 949-50
Premiums, rates, increase in (Hartley) 573
Premiums, rates, increase in due to Insurance Act amendment (Hartley) 950 (Peterson) 952-3
Premiums, rates, no-fault insurance (Cocke) 114 (Gardom) 112 (Hartley) 109-10 (Peterson) 42, 120
Saskatchewan insurance, purchase of (Hartley) 573
Saskatchewan insurance system (Bruch) 123 (Cocke) 113 (Hartley) 110, 573 (Nimsick) 123 (Tisdalle) 115 (Williams, L.A.) 124
Insurance, Life
Crown corporation for, proposal re (Price) 220
Insurance, Unemployment
Payments, income tax on (Strachan) 752
See also: Canada. Unemployment Insurance Commission
Insurance Act
Mentioned: (Kripps) 981
Insurance Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 78) (Attorney-General) 1R, 718; 2R, 926, 949-53; C, 977; 3R, 980; RA, 1004
Speakers: Capozzi 952; Gardom 950-1; Hartley 949-50; Peterson 926, 952-3
Bill, hoist of, proposal re (Gardom) 951
Claimants, common-law spouse (Gardom) 950
Claims, payments prior to settlement of (Peterson) 926
Claims, settlement of, speeding up of (Peterson) 926
Claims, statutory limitations on (Gardom) 951
Government automobiles, insurance system for (Hartley) 950
Insurance adjusters, licensing of (Gardom) 951
No-fault insurance benefits, claims for (Gardom) 951 (Hartley) 950 (Peterson) 926
No-fault insurance, claimants over age 65 (Gardom) 950
Passengers in rented vehicles, rights of (Peterson) 926
Premiums, payment of in advance, interest on (Gardom) 951
Premiums, overcharging by insurance companies (Gardom) 951
Premiums, rates, increase in as result of act (Hartley) 950 (Peterson) 952-3
Settlements, delays in, cases cited (Capozzi) 952
Settlements, payment of interest on (Capozzi) 952
Young people, insurance rates for (Hartley) 949-50
Insurance Bureau of Canada
Insurance companies
Claims, delays in settlement of, cases cited (Capozzi) 585
Claims, requirement for interim payments (Capozzi) 585
Interest rates
Control over (LeCours) 12
Interim Arrangement Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Fraser) 509
Interior News, Smithers, B.C.
Quoted (Strachan) 325
International Association of Industrial Accidents
Boards and Commissions
Award (Bruch) 930 (Chabot) 926
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Mentioned: (Hall) 916
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America
Mentioned: (Chabot) 387, 388 (Cocke) 75 (Merilees) 190
International Hydrodynamics Co. Ltd.
Contract for submersibles (Capozzi) 260
International Joint Commission
Hearings, non-attendance of NDP at (Brousson) 611
Skagit Valley, hearings on (McGeer) 30-1
Skagit Valley, report on referred to, quoted (McGeer) 30, 31 (Williston) 66
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
Mentioned: (Capozzi) 259
International Monetary Fund
Resolution quoted (LeCours) 11
Mentioned: (LeCours) 10
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission
Report quoted (Calder) 102-3
Mentioned: (McGeer) 34
International Woodworkers of America
Quoted (LeCours) 12
Mentioned: (Bruch) 930 (Hall) 916 (McDiarmid) 983 (Williams, L.A.) 125.
See: Inheritance and succession
Foreign investments in B.C. (Cocke) 73-4
Value of investment in B.C. (Bennett) 286
Investments, Capital
See: Capital investments
Ireland, Willard E.
Mentioned: (Mussallem) 987
Royalties to province (Lorimer) 193
Iron Bounties Act
Cominco Ltd., payments to under act (Lorimer) 501
Iron Ore Co. of Canada
Income tax and job creation (Strachan) 753
Irwin, Tom
Quoted (LeCours) 356
Iskut River, B.C.
Power development (McGeer) 34, 35
Island Highway
See: Highway 19
Island Princess (Vessel)
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 2
Visit to (Clark) 87
Isaac, Francis