Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


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FMC Chemicals Ltd.

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 394

Faculty tenure

See entries under Universities and colleges


Counselling services, need for (Williams, L.A.) 652

Family relations workers, proposal for pamphlet for (Barrett) 650

Preservation of (Kripps) 579

Family court

See: Domestic relations court

Family law

See: Domestic relations

Family planning

See: Birth control

Family Relations Act

(Bill 30) (Attorney-General) 1R, 495; 2R, 648-55; report, 945; 3R, 975, RA, 1004

Speakers: Barrett 650-1; Bennett 651; Dailly 649; Gardom 651; Hall 652-3; Jordan 652, McCarthy 649-50; Macdonald 651-2; Peterson 649, 653; Williams, L.A. 652

Amendments to bill (Tisdalle) 945

Child custody, decisions on (Jordan) 652

Child maintenance, mental health services (Barrett) 650-1

Common-law spouses, financial security for (Macdonald) 651-2

Common-law spouses, succession duties (Macdonald) 652

Definitions under act (Peterson) 649

Divorce law, change in (Peterson) 649

Domestic disputes, role of police in (Hall) 653

Family counselling services, need for (Williams, L.A.) 652

Family court judges, appointment of (Peterson) 653

Family court, jurisdiction of (Peterson) 653

Family court, staff (Barrett) 650 (Bennett) 651 (Gardom) 651 (Hall) 653 (Macdonald) 651 (Peterson) 653 (Williams, L.A.) 652

Family relations workers, pamphlets for, proposal re (Barrett) 650

Judges, refresher courses for, proposal re (Peterson)

Maintenance, enforcement of (Peterson) 649

Marriage, pre-marital counselling (Barrett) 650

Parental maintenance, provision for (Peterson) 649

Parents' Maintenance Act, repeal of (Peterson) 649

Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education report on (Tisdalle) 945

Wife-beating, provision for compensation for injuries (Gardom) 651

Farm machinery

See: Agricultural machinery

Farm produce

B.C. products, purchase of (Jordan) 147-8

Distribution and marketing of (Williams, L.A.) 264

Dumping of in B.C. (Marshall) 1000

Export of (Shelford) 238

Import of (Price) 218 (Williams, L.A.) 264

Label for B.C. products, proposal re (Jordan) 505

Processing facilities (Jefcoat) 438 (Marshall) 1000

Promotion of B.C. products (Barrett) 298 (Bruch) 522-3 (Jordan) 505 (Marshall) 514, 515 (Shelford) 441 (Strachan) 330

Quality of B.C. products (Hartley) 569

Farm worker

See: Agricultural labourers


Young people in farming (Williams, R.A.) 693


Farms in B.C., information re (Jordan) 508 .

Gift tax on family farm transfers (Bennett) 953 (Williams; L.A.) 958

Hobby farms (Jordan) 508

Small farms (Jordan) 507-8

Succession duties on family farms (Bennett) 289, 744 (McGeer) 307, 746 (Williams, L.A.) 264

Farquar, Hugh

Tribute to (Skillings) 366

Farquharson, Ken

Letter quoted (Williams, L.A.) 547

Mentioned: (Barrett) 18 (Williams, L.A.) 546

Federal-provincial fiscal relations

Equalization payments (Brousson) 617 (Campbell, D:) 754 (Kiernan) 587 (Kripps) 577

Equalization payments, constitutional validity of (Calder) 619 (Dowding) 525 (Little) 554 (Peterson) 490

Equalization payments, criticisms of (Fraser) 508-9 (Peterson) 488-9 (Smith) 490

Equalization payments to Newfoundland (Fraser) 509

Equalization payments to Quebec (Peterson) 488-9 (Smith) 490

Federal funds for B.C. (Wolfe) 56

Federal funds for provinces, jurisdiction over use of (Dowding) 525

Federal tax sharing (Bruch) 135, 135, 420

Federal-provincial relations

B.C. relations with federal government (Brousson) 618 (Calder) 618

Federal jurisdiction (Campbell, D.) 316-7


Coastal service, ferry for (Campbell, D.) 317 (McGeer) 305

Federal funds for (Brousson) 618

See also: British Columbia Ferry Corporation

Ferry Island, B.C.

Retention of as park (Little) 554-5


See: Petition of right

Field, George

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 249

Fields, Donald B.

Report mentioned (Calder) 881

Finance, Department of

Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287

Financial Post

Mentioned: (Strachan) 329, 753

Fire marshal

Report tabled (Peterson) 5

First aid

Workplace, first-aid facilities (Chabot) 927

First Citizens' Fund

Advisory committee, consultation with (Campbell, D.) 851

Annual report tabled (Campbell, D.) 947

Benefits of (Shelford) 238

Funding for (Bennett) 287

Funds, use of (Campbell, D.) 320-1

Housing, use of funds for (Shelford) 442

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 14 (McDiarmid) 225 (Throne speech) 2

First Citizens of British Columbia Corporation Act

(Bill 79) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 719, 2R, 850-1; 3R, 977; RA, 1004

Speakers: Calder 851; Campbell, D. 851

Advisory committee on First Citizens' fund, consultation with (Campbell, D.) 851

Corporation, establishment of (Campbell, D.) 851

Indian artifacts, manufacture of (Calder) 851 (Campbell, D.) 851

Proclamation of act (Campbell, D.) 851

First Narrows crossing

See entries under Burrard Inlet

Fish stocking

Alaska Highway area lakes, stocking of (Smith) 493


Dams and fish kills (Cocke) 76

Fish boats, echo-sounding tape, sales tax on (McDiarmid) 532

Indians on north coast, fishing by (Little) 996

Mercury content in fish (Campbell, B.) 374

Moran dam, impact of (Calder) 102-3

Workmen's Compensation Board coverage for industry-employees (Hall) 934 (Nimsick) 481, 930

Fisheries, Department of (Proposed)

Proposal for. (McGeer) 307


See: Physical fitness

Fleming, S.A.

Mentioned: (Price) 981


Convention. (Shelford) 238

Flumerfelt, Alfred C.

Forestry problems in B.C., report on (Williams, R.A.) 726

Flying Horse Farm, Kelowna, B.C.

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 395


Cost of (Shelford) 443, 444

Food council, recommendation re (Williams, L.A.) 264

Import of (Jordan) 147

Import of, examination of by select standing committee (Shelford) 467

Import of, report on by, select standing committee (Jefcoat) 985-7

Food and Agriculture Organization

Mentioned: (Williston) 69

Forbidden Plateau, B.C.

Ski facilities (Ney) 140

Ford Foundation

Educational research program (Barrett) 867

Fording Coal Ltd.

Mentioned: (Richter) 449

Forest Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 65) (Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources) 1R, 719, 2R, 770-1, 845; 3R, 975, RA, 1W4

Speakers: Williston 770-1

Christmas trees, royalty rate on (Williston) 771

Fire permits, requirement for (Williston) 771

Forest fire prevention, funding for (Williston) 771

Forest land, multiple use of (Williston) 771

Reforestation, powers re (Williston) 771

Rights-of-way over Crown land, negotiation of (Williston) 771

Timber, definition of (Williston) 770-1

Timber, measurement of (Williston) 771

Timber, salvage sales of, provision for (Williston) 771

Forest branch

Land use, control over (Williams, L.A.) 697

Forest fines

Fires (Throne speech) 2

Prevention of, funding for (Williston) 771

Forest Industrial Relations Ltd.

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 983 (Strachan) 922

Forest industry

Cariboo industry (Fraser) 510-1

Cut, measurement of (Williston) 67

Development of, provincial capital development fund (Wallace) 350

Employees, training of (Brothers) 536

Employment in (Williston) 67

Funding for medium-sized operations (Williams, L.A.) 267

Indians, employment of (Shelford) 440-1

Industry (Bennett) 286 (Gaglardi) 496-7 (Williams, L.A.) 265-7 (Williston) 66-72

Industry in interior (Williston) 68-70

Industry on coast (Williston) 71-2

Investment in, return on (Williston) 70

Pollution control standards (Throne speech) 2

Pollution problem (Barrett) 758

Problems of industry, examination of by select standing committee (Williston) 516

Quesnel area industry (Williams, L.A.) 266

Revenue to province (Williston) 72

Stumpage rate (Williston) 72

Taxation of (Fraser) 511 (Smith) 491-2

Taxation of, property tax (Williston) 70

Timber, definition of (Williston) 770-1

Timber, measurement of (Williston) 771

Timber, quality of wood (Williams, L.A.) 266

Timber, salvage sales of, provision for (Williston) 771

Timber supply for independent operators (Williams, L.A.) 266

Timber, utilization of (Williston) 67, 68, 71

Transportation and industry (Williams, L.A.) 266

Tree-farm licences, contractor clause (Williston) 516

Tree-farm licences, contractor clause, select standing committee report on (McDiarmid) 983

Value of (Williston) 67

Vancouver Island, forest utilization (Brousson) 616

Waste, treatment of (Williston) 344

Forest Inquiry (1955)

Mentioned: (Bruch) 930 (Strachan) 729

Forest Service

Annual report tabled (Williston) 714

Forests, Department of

See: Lands, Forests and Water Resources, Department of

Forests and forestry

Forest Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Forest development programs, funding for (Bennett) 291

Forest land, use of (Williston) 67-8, 341-2, 771

Problems in B.C., Flumerfelt report on (Williams, R.A.) 726

Fort Langley, B.C.

Albion ferry tolls, removal of (Vogel) 153

Mentioned: (Mussallem) 383

Fort Nelson, B.C.

B.C. Railway extension to. See entries under name of company

Fort Simpson, highway to, construction of (McGeer) 998 (Marshall) 513 (Smith) 182, 493

Industrial park (Bennett) 285

Physicians for (Smith) 104

Fort Nelson School District

See: School District 81 (Fort Nelson)

Fort Nelson Teachers' Association

Letter quoted (Barrett) 864

Fort St. James, B.C.

Industrial park (Bennett) 285

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 4

Fort Simpson, N.W.T.

Fort Nelson, road to (McGeer) 998 (Marshall) 513 (Smith) 182, 493

Fort Steele Historic Park

Restoration of (Black) 768

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 4

4-H Club

Program (Shelford) 444

Franklin, Derrick

Mentioned: (Dawson) 463

Fraser, Alexander V. (Cariboo)

Accelerated park development fund, funding for 510

Address in Reply 129-33

Barkerville Historic Park, campsites 510

Barkerville Historic Park, road to 510

Bowron Lake Provincial Park, visitors to 510

Brynoor Mines Ltd., closing of 511

Budget debate 508-12

Cariboo constituency, description of 510

Cariboo, economy 129, 130

Cariboo forest district 129

Cariboo Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd., Quesnel pulp mill 129

Centennial of B.C., celebration of 129

Ecological reserves, Cariboo 132

Ecological reserves, establishment of 132

Electric power, future needs, estimate of 130

Expropriation, special committee of Legislature report on 983-4

Federal equalization payments, criticism of 508-9

Forest industry, Cariboo 510-1

Forest industry, taxation of 511

Fraser River tributaries, dams 511

Gibraltar Mines Ltd., McLeese Lake mine 129

Highways department, equipment 510

Highways department, snow-removal crews, work of 510

MPs, criticisms of B.C. MPs 509-10

Mental health services, Williams Lake office 510

Mining industry, revenue to province 511

Moran dam, opposition to 131

Natural gas, pipeline to Powell River 130

Natural gas, Vancouver Island, distribution of 130

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, construction of 130

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, route of 130

Newfoundland, federal equalization payments to 509

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, construction and operation of 511-2

Prince George, sewage treatment 132

Quebec, federal funds to 509

Quilt, Frederick, inquiry into death of 132-3

Rent Control Act, An Act to Amend 998

Roads, Cariboo constituency 510

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, relations with Chilcotin Indians 133

Sewage disposal, government policy on 131-2

Sewage, secondary treatment plant 131-2

Social Credit Party, safe seats 129

Williams Lake, government building 129

Fraser River, B.C.

Annacis Island crossing, construction of (Wenman) 81, 337

Bridges, construction of, proposal re (Wenman) 337

Dams on tributaries of (Fraser) 511

Floods (Kiernan) 277

Flow of and tide (Wenman) 83-4

History of B.C. and river (Mussallem) 383-4

Moran dam (Cocke) 76 (Kiernan) 277-8 (McGeer) 34, 307 (Wenman) 84 (Wolfs) 57

Moran dam and Adams River salmon run (Cocke) 76

Moran dam, construction of (Bruch) 134-5 (Price) 216 (Strachan) 210-1

Moran dam, government policy on (Bennett) 91 (Clark) 91-2

Moran dam, impact of on fisheries (Calder) 102-3

Moran dam mentioned (Calder) 620 (Campbell, D.) 98 (Fraser) 511 (Gardom) 558 (Hartley) 575 (Nimsick) 475 (Wolfs) 377

Moran dam, opposition to (Fraser) 131 (Mussallem) 383-4

Moran dam, use of borrowed funds for (Bennett) 794 (Hartley) 790 (Nimsick) 789

Waste disposal of in river (Wenman) 83-4

Wood debris, Haney-Mission area, select standing committee report on (McDiarmid) 983

Fraser River Board

Establishment of (Kiernan) 277

Fraser Valley, B.C.

Dikes, construction of (Kiernan) 278

Electric power failures (Hartley) 104

Farmland, preservation of (Brousson) 180

Flood control (Kiernan) 277-8

Fraser Valley Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Frederik IX, King of Denmark

Death of (Throne speech) 1

Free enterprise

See: Laissez-faire

Free Press, Winnipeg, Man.

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 601

Free trade and protection

Free trade, proposal re (Wenman) 338

United States, common market with, proposal re (Peterson) 490

United States, free trade with (Barrett) 295 (Bennett) 283 (Nimsick) 483 (Strachan) 211-2, 213 (Wenman) 338

Freedom of the press

Alberta bill and freedom of the press (Brousson) 610-1

Government advertising and freedom of the press (Brousson) 611 (Hartley) 574

Freeze, R.

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

French language

See also: Bilingualism

Frith, Gordon

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568

Front de Libération du Québec

Mentioned: (Chabot) 385


Import of (Price) 218

Market for (Richter) 448

Okanagan growers, assistance to (Wallace) 351

Frustrated Contracts Act

(Bill 34) (Attorney-General) 1R 705

Bill, submission of to Law Reform Commission (Peterson) 705

Fulton, E. Davie

Mentioned: (Clark) 405

Funeral industry

See: Undertakers and undertaking