Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Labour, Department of

Annual report tabled (Chabot) 494

Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287

Labour disputes

Binding arbitration, use of (Jordan) 502

Compulsory arbitration, use of (Hall) 457-8

Labour force

See: Labour supply

Labour laws and legislation

Compulsory sections (Clark) 89

Legislation, proposal re (McGeer) 27

Labour-management relations

See: Industrial relations

Labour productivity

Productivity of labour (Williston) 63

Labour Relations Act

Mentioned: (Chabot) 386

Labour Relations Board

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 998 (McGeer) 985

Labour supply

Advertisements for workers from elsewhere (Price) 216 (Strachan) 212

B.C. labour force (Chabot) 389-90

Future needs (Wallace) 58-9

Increase in (Throne speech) 3

Skilled workers, shortage of (Barrett) 867

Labour unions

See: Trade unions

Ladner, B.C.

Land, cost of (Campbell, D.) 321

Ladysmith, B.C.

Harbour, cleanup and protection of (Strachan) 208

LaFarge Concrete Ltd.

Kamloops plant (Williams, R.A.) 248, 249

Laing, Arthur

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 394 (Marshall) 512

Laing Construction and Equipment Ltd.

Mentioned:. (Gardom) 400

Laird, Frank

Quoted (Williams, R.A.) 247


Free enterprise system (Strachan) 210

Lake Cowichan, B.C.

Honeymoon Bay, road to (Strachan) 208

Sewage bylaw (Strachan) 208

Telstat Canada, west coast anchor station (Strachan) 208

Lake Cowichan School District

See: School District 66 (Lake Cowichan)

Lakeland Valley Developments Ltd.

Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 547, 548


Shorelines, subdivisions (Williston) 343

The Lancet

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 204

Land Bank of British Columbia, An Act to


(Bill 114) (Macdonald) 1R, 979

Land banks for housing

See entries under Housing

Land speculation

See: Real estate investment

Land subdivision

Schools, other public buildings, provision for (Bruch) 134

Land titles

Land registry office (McGeer) 308

Land registry office, backlog of work (Lorimer) 191-2

Land registry office employees, pay scale (Lorimer) 192

Land registry office, staff shortage (Cocke) 74

Land use

Agricultural land, loss of (William, L.A.) 263

Agricultural land, preservation of (McGeer) 307 (Price) 218 (Williams, L.A.) 263-5

Agricultural parkland, legislation on (Wenman) 85-6

B.C. Hydro, land use policies (McGeer) 702

East Kootenay, land use (Nimsick) 51-2

Forest branch, control over land use (Williams, L.A.) 697

Forest land, use of (Williston) 67-8, 341-2, 771

Fraser Valley farmland, preservation of (Brousson) 180

Land use contracts (Campbell, D.) 97-8, 321-2

Lower mainland, municipal landholdings (Campbell, D.) 322

Price of land and land policies (William, R.A.) 694

Recreational land, use of (Williston) 341-2

Research on (William, L.A.) 696

Trust, proposal for (McCarthy) 202 (Williams, L.A.) 264

Vanderhoof-Hazelton land capability study (Williston) 342

Landlord and tenant

Apartment building owners, tax concessions to (Loffmark) 664-5

Security deposits (Dowding) 232

Landlord and Tenant Act

Mentioned: (Cocke) 761 (Dowding) 232 (Wolfe) 57

Landlord and Tenant Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 110) 1R, 949

Lands, Forests and Water Resources, Department of

Cariboo forest district, establishment of (Fraser) 129

Lands Service

Annual report tabled (Williston) 708

Lang, Otto

Mentioned: (Marshall) 139

Langley, B.C.

Ferry, removal of tolls (Mussallem) 384

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid

Quoted (Kripps) 255

Law Enforcement Officers Assistance Compensation Act

Mentioned: (Peterson) 847

Law Foundation of British Columbia

Board of governors, number of members (Peterson) 962 (William, L.A.) 962

Law Reform Commission

See: British Columbia Law Reform Commission

Laws Declaratory Act

Mentioned: (Gardom) 968

Lawson, Edward M. (Ed)

Mentioned: (Chabot) 387, 388 (Merilees) 190 (Shelford) 442


Law profession, applicants (Ney) 141 (Nimsick) 960-1

Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Queen's Counsel, appointees (Lorimer) 999

Trust accounts, use of interest on (Gardom) 961


Smelting of in B.C. (Nimsick) 50

Leader-Post, Regina, Sask.

Quoted (Strachan) 212

LeCours, Ernie (Richmond)

Address in Reply 7-13, 122-3

Alcohol abuse, advertising campaign re 12-3

Alcoholic beverages, advertising ban 357-8

Automobile insurance, government plan for, proposal re 122

Automobile insurance, Manitoba 122-3

Automobile insurance rates 122

B.C. Building, location of 355

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Act, 1964, An Act to Amend 789-90

B.C. Hydro borrowing, proposal re 357

B.C. Hydro debt, interest costs on 789

Budget debate 355-9, 431

Collective bargaining 11-2

Debt, debt-free position of province 8

Debt, federal debt 8

Drunk driving, licence suspension for 800-1

Economy of Canada 9-11, 11-2

Elderly, housing projects, Richmond, interest rates on 431

Elderly, housing, use of lottery funds for 431

Glue-sniffing 13

Group homes, construction of 13

Income tax, basic exemption 357

Indians, court caseworker program 13

Interest rates, control over 12

Lottery, provincial lottery, proposal for 13

Mediation Commission, use of 7

Monetary system, international monetary system 10-1

Motor-vehicle Act, An Act to Amend 800-1

Old age pension, increase in 356-7

Poverty in Canada 9-10, 355-6, 358-9

Production, per capita production in Canada 10

Profit, control over 12

Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend 803

Quilt, Frederick, death of 13

Richmond, right-of-way, hearing on 355

Solvent-sniffing, legislation on 13

Stock market, operation of 13

Tobacco advertising, ban on 357-8

Tourist industry 13

Tirade unions, powers of 12

Unemployment 9, 355-6, 358-9

Vancouver, Knight Street bridge 13

Voting card, proposal for use of 803

Wage and price controls 12

Wage, minimum wage 12, 357

Wallace, G.S., party membership, transfer of 7-8, 8-9

LeDain Commission

See: Canada. Royal Commission on the Non-Medical Use of Drugs

Legal aid

Need for legal aid system (Gardom) 401, 961 (McGeer) 309

Legal Professions Act

Mentioned: (Capozzi) 805

Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 68) (Attorney-General) 1R 717; report 946; 2R, 960-2, 3R, 976; RA, 1004

Speakers: Dowding 961; Gardom 961; Nimsick 960-1; Peterson 960, 961-2; Williams, L.A. 962

Amendments to bill (Price) 946

Law Foundation board of governors, members, number of (Peterson) 962 (Williams, L.A.) 962

Law profession, applicants (Nimsick) 960-1

Legal aid, need for (Gardom) 961

Real Estate Council of B.C. trust funds, use of interest on (Gardom) 961

Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills, referral of bill to (Peterson) 717, 960

Trust accounts of lawyers, use of interest on (Gardom) 961

Legislative Assembly Privileges Act

Mentioned: (Speaker) 883


Anniversary of first session (Lorimer) 499

Broadcasting of debates (Gardom) 990-1 (McGeer) 27

Chamber, carpet colour (Tisdalle) 156-7

Debates, written record of (Gardom) 990-1 (McGeer) 27

Dining-room, smoking in (Kripps) 252

History of (Lorimer) 499-500

Pages (Black) 623

Pages, costume for (Dailly) 272

Pages, girl pages (Dailly) 272-3

Public galleries, attendance in (Smith) 183

Sessions, fall session, proposal re (Hartley) 104-5

Smokers, provision of room for (Kripps) 252

Speaker's corridor signs (Brousson) 176

Televising of debates (McGeer) 27

Legislature — Members

Citizenship requirement (Capozzi) 805

Northern MLAs, expenses (Little) 553-4

Pensions (Little) 553

Salaries (Black) 626-7, 692-3

Votes, free votes (Wallace) 61

Legislature — Procedure

Adjournment of sittings, review of by select standing committee (Motion 25) (Nimsick) 995

Oral question period (Barrett) 301 (McGeer) 27 (Wallace) 61

Rules, proposal for change in (Clark) 88-9 (McGeer) 27

Sittings of House, M. (Bennett) 36; approved 36. Amdt. (Nimsick) 36, negatived 36

Leidtke, Harry

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Levi, Norman

Mentioned: (Black) 628

Lewis, D.

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Lewis, David

Mentioned: (Clark) 405 (Gaglardi) 197

Lewis, Lawrence

Mentioned: (Calder) 100 (Vogel) 156

Liard Highway

Construction of (Marshall) 139

Libby Dam

Land loss (Nimsick) 51

Land use problems in area (Williston) 342

Reservoir, clearing of (Bennett) 287 (Nimsick) 474

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 474 (Williston) 64

Libel and Slander Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 64) (Macdonald) 1R, 709; 2R, 999-1000; 2R negatived 1000

Speakers: Macdonald 999; Peterson 1000

Men, impugnment of chastity of, action for slander (Macdonald) 999


Conference on (Throne speech) 3

See also: Public libraries; School libraries

Library Development Commission

Report tabled (Black) 5

Library services branch

Work of (Jordan) 503

Licence plates, Automobile

See: Automobile licence plates

Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. John R. Nicholson

Closing speech 1004-6

Speech from the Throne 1-4

Lightfoot, Ed

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Lillooet School District

See: School District 29 (Lillooet)

Link, A.

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Lions Bay, B.C.

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 592

Lions Club

Mentioned: (Black) 627

Lions Gate Bridge

Construction of (Merilees) 188

Lions Gate Hospital, North Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Clark) 403

Lions Paraplegic Lodge Society

Grant to (Black) 627

Lipson, Samuel

Mentioned: (Strachan) 211

Liquor Act

Mentioned: (Clark) 88 (McGeer) 28 (Peterson) 37

Liquor Control Board

Financial statement tabled (Williston) 262

Profits (Gardom) 757 (Nimsick) 756

Report tabled (Peterson) 5

Litter Act

Loophole, amendment re (Kiernan) 274

Mentioned: (Barrett) 300 (Bennett) 296 (Hartley) 974 (Throne speech) 3 (Williston) 343

Litter Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 32) (Minister of Recreation and Conservation) 1R, 677, 2R, 755-9, 3R, 787; RA, 1004

Speakers: Barrett 758; Campbell, B. 757; Gardom 757, Kiernan 755-6, 758-9; McGeer 757-8; Nimsick 756-7

Beverage containers, central depots for return of (Kiernan) 759 (Nimsick) 756

Beverage containers, refund for, rate (Campbell, B.) 757 (Kiernan) 759

Beverage containers, refund for, requirement re (Campbell, B.) 757 (Kiernan) 755-6, 759 (McGeer) 757

Beverage containers, soft drinks, standardized containers for (Nimsick) 756

Forest industry, pollution problem (Barrett) 758

Lakes and rivers, frozen, protection for (Kiernan) 755

Liquor bottles, conversion of to other uses, proposal re (Gardom) 757 (Kiernan) 759

Liquor bottles, return of, proposal re (Gardom) 757 (Kiernan) 759 (Nimsick) 756

Liquor Control Board, profits (Gardom) 757 (Nimsick) 756

Mining industry, pollution problem (Barrett) 758

Roadside litter, bottle and can content (Kiernan) 756 (McGeer) 757

Sanitary facilities, requirements for on private land (Kiernan) 755

Litter (Trash)

Lakes and rivers, frozen, protection for (Kiernan) 755

Litter Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Roadside litter, bottle and can content (Kiernan) 756 (McGeer) 757

See also kinds of litter by name, e.g. Beverage containers

Little, Dudley George (Skeena)

Address in Reply 180-2

Budget debate 553-6

Bulkley Valley Forest Industries Ltd., losses and layoffs 181

Drug traffickers, deporting of 180

Drunk driving, licence suspension for 797

Federal equalization payments, court case re 554

Ferry Island, retention of as park 554-5

Hazelton, bridge over Bulkley River 181

Home acquisition grant, eligibility for, citizenship requirement 554

Indians on north coast, fishing by 996

Kemano residents, payment of gasoline tax by 181

Kitimat, government building for 181

Long-term care of the sick, Prince Rupert facilities 556

MLAs from north, expenses 553-4

MLAs, pensions 553

Motor-vehicle Act, An Act to Amend 797

Nursing home care in northern B.C. 555-6

Public Service Salary Act (Bill 93) 1R, 841; withdrawn 941

Queen of Prince Rupert, scheduling of 554

Prince Rupert, road and rail access to 554

Safety Engineering Services Act 925

St. John Hospital, Vanderhoof, construction of 556

Students, equalization grants for northern students 554

Terrace, bridge 180-1, 554

Terrace, road to Tyee 181

Terrace traffic, rerouting of 554

Terrace truck scales 555

Topless dancing, ban on 181-2

Truck loads, overloads and fines for 555

Unemployment, employment of non-citizens 180

Livingstone, Andy

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 201

Local elections

Hospital patients, voting by (Kripps) 254

Tenants, right of to vote (Capozzi) 260 (Cocke) 367

Timing of (Lorimer) S01

Local initiatives program

Funds, use of (McCarthy) 722

Local transit

Crown authority for, proposal for (Vogel) 155

Elderly, transit passes for (Clark) 90 (McGeer) 27, 304 (Wallace) 422

Federal funds for (Campbell, D.) 99

Free use of, proposal for (Macdonald) 734

Funding for (Campbell, D.) 319 (McDiarmid) 735 (Macdonald) 393, 734 (Wallace) 736

Handicapped, passes for (McGeer) 27

Losses, payment for (Bennett) 289 (Macdonald) 733 (Wallace) 736

Lower mainland area, rapid transit system for (Cocke) 740 (McGeer) 738-9

Operation of, proposal re (Gardom) 399

Rapid transit systems elsewhere (Barrett) 736 (Macdonald) 734

Rapid transit systems, losses, provincial share of (Bennett) 733

See also subdivision Transit system under names of cities and towns, e.g. Vancouver, B.C. — Transit system

Loffmark, Hon. Ralph Raymond (Vancouver South) Minister of Health Services and Hospital Insurance

Abortions, number of 563

Alcoholic beverages, advertising of 568

Alcoholism 568

Apartment building owners, tax concessions to 664-5

Budget debate 435-6, 562-8

Change of Name Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 43) 1R, 715; 764

Community care facilities, inspection of, responsibility for 765, 766

Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, administration of 765

Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 44) 1R, 715; 765, 766

Community care facilities residents, bequests of 766

Community care facilities residents, term for 765

Deaths in B.C., information re 563

Drugs, generic drugs, use of in filling prescriptions

Gift Tax Act 955-6

Gift Tax Act, drafting of Bill 956

Gift tax and gifts between spouses 956

Gift tax legislation elsewhere 956

Health care, cost of 565

Health care, federal funds for 564

Health care services in B.C., eligibility for 566

Heart surgeons, Vancouver General Hospital 567

Heart surgery, hospital facilities 568

Hospital care, out-of-province patient, case cited

Hospitals Act, section 37, regulations under section 706

Hospitals, construction of, funds for 565

Hospitals, funding for, federal funds 565-6

Hospitals, funding for, overexpenditure 565

Human Tissue Gift Act (Bill 42) 1R, 717; 760

Kidney dialysis, home program 563-4

Kidney failure, correctional program 563-4

Lung cancer deaths 568

Medical appeal board, members 568

Medical appeal board, special board 568

Mentally handicapped children, residences for 564-5

Mentally ill, community-based care for 564

Name changes, residency restriction on 764

Names, given names, rights re changes in 764

Names, surnames, rights re changes in 764

Physicians, medical manpower committee 568

Physiotherapists and Massage Practitioners Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 45) 1R, 715; 767

Podiatrists, professional activities of 962

Podiatry Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 99) 1R, 895; 962

Pollution control, enforcement of 563

Population of B.C., increase in 562

Practical Nurses Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 46) 1R, 715; 767

Provincial Home-owner Grant Act; An Act to Amend 664-5

Psychiatrists, geographic distribution of 564

Riverview Hospital patients, reduction in number of 564

Rubella infection in pregnant women 563

Rubella vaccination program 563

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Printing, membership in (Peterson) 675

Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education, withdrawal from membership in (Peterson) 675

Smallpox vaccination 563

Tissue donation, age of consent for 760

Tissue donation, regulation of 760

Tobacco, advertising of 568

Trade Schools Regulation Act, removal of reference to 767


Vancouver Island logging, guidelines for (Ney) 466

Long-term care of the sick

Chronic care, coverage of under hospital insurance (Lorimer) 500

Chronic care, provision of (Price) 597

Community care facilities, inspection of, responsibility for (Cocke) 765-6 (Loffmark) 765, 766 (Wallace) 766

Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Community care facilities residents, bequests of (Cocke) 765 (Dowding) 766 (Loffmark) 766

Community care facilities residents, term for (Cocke) 765 (Loffmark) 765

Elderly, provision of care for (Barrett) 409, 413 (Clark) 404 (Dailly) 432 (McGeer) 304 (Wallace) 349, 422 (Williams, L.A.) 434

Extended care (Nimsick) 482 (Wallace) 349, 422

Extended-care patients in private hospitals (Cocke) 435

Extended care, waiting-list for (Clark) 403-4

Facilities for (Dawson) 166 (McGeer) 27

Intermediate care, cost of (McDiarmid) 530 (Nimsick) 482 (Wallace) 348-9, 421

Intermediate-care hospital, location of (Wallace) 421

Intermediate-care hospitals, construction of (Bennett) 290

Need for (Clark) 90

Nursing home care in northern B.C. (Calder) 622 (Little) 555-6

Prince Rupert facilities (Little) 556

Special-care facilities (Bennett) 291 (Black) 627 (Dailly) 271 (Dawson) 166-7 (Kripps) 252 (McDiarmid) 530

Longridge, D.M.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568

Lorimer, James G. (Burnaby-Wlllingdon)

Address in Reply 191-3

Assessment Equalization Act, amendments to 191

Beaches, pollution of 192

Bellwood, David, resignation of 191

Budget debate 499-502

Chronic care, coverage of under hospital insurance 500

Coal, royalties on 193

Cominco Ltd., payments to under Iron Bounties Act 501

Company towns, municipal status for 501

Copper industry, revenue to province 193

Drunk driving, licence suspension for 801

Education services, cutbacks in 828

Elderly, housing for 500

Iron, royalties to province 193

Juan de Fuca Strait, oil-well drilling 192

Land registry office, backlog of work 191-2

Land registry office employees, pay scale 192

Legislature, anniversary of first session 499

Legislature, history of 499-500

Mining companies, landholdings, tax on 193

Mining industry, foreign ownership of 193

Mining industry, revenue to province 193

Mortgages, second-mortgage program, mortgages for elderly 657

Motor-vehicle Act, An Act to Amend 801

Municipal borrowing, interest rate on 192-3

Municipal borrowing, provincial guarantee for 193

Municipal boundaries commission, proposal for 312

Municipal elections, timing of 501

Oakalla Prison Farm, relocation of 502

Poor, housing for 500

Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 657

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 827-8

Queen Charlotte Islands, oil-well drilling in area 192

Queen's Counsel Act, An Act to Repeal (Bill 63) 1R, 677;999

Queen's Counsel, appointees 999

Rental housing, funding for low-rental housing 500

Sawdust spills in barge-loading 192

School boards, autonomy of 828

Simon Fraser University land, taxation of 501-2

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 911-2

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, minister's powers under act 911

Speech from the Throne, content 191

Strait of Georgia, oil well drilling in area 192

Succession duties and common-law relationships 745

Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend 745

Tahsis, municipal services 501

Tahsis, per capita grants to village and Tahsis Co. Ltd. 501

Tahsis rents, level of 501

Teachers, arbitration boards for, representation on 827

Teachers, salaries 827-8

Topless dancers 191

Universities, lands, taxation of 501-2

Welfare payments, municipalities' powers re 912

Western Mines Ltd., sale of 193

Lornex Mining Corp. Ltd.

Crown land, cost of to company (Hartley) 105

Development funds, source of (Strachan) 212


Lottery system for B.C. (Price) 221

Manitoba lottery (price) 221

Provincial lottery, proposal for (Hartley) 108 (LeCours) 13

Lougheed Highway

See: Highway 7

Lovell, Sir Bernard

Quoted (Williams, R.A.) 247

Lovick, James

Mentioned: (Clark) 90

Lower mainland regional planning board

Disbanding of (Cocke) 794 (McCarthy) 700-1 (Williams, L.A.) 697

Work of (Williams, L.A.) 697

Lumber trade

Production (Bennett) 286 (Throne speech) 2

Lungs — Cancer

Deaths (Loffmark) 568