Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972
See: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CKWX Radio, Vancouver; B.C.
Mentioned: (Barrett) 22
Caisson disease
See: Decompression sickness
Calder, Frank Arthur (Atlin)
Address in Reply 99-103
Air ambulance service, need for 621
Archaeological and Historic Sites Protection Act 809
Archaeological sites, protection of 809
Adin, electric power rate 621-2
Automobile insurance, government plan for, proposal re 103
B.C. Railway, Dense Lake extension, tabling of documents, correspondence and maps relating to, M. 991
Centennial Cultural Fund Act, An Act to Amend 667
Centennial cultural fund, increase in 667
Budget debate 618-23
Cape Mudge Indian reserve, municipal status for 100-1 .
Dental care, mobile clinic for north 621
Drug abuse 99-100
Electric power, water diffusion as source of 620
Federal equalization payments, constitutional validity of 619
Federal government, B.C. relations with 618
First Citizens of British Columbia Corporation Act 851
Glenora, isolation of by snow 621
Government agents, need for offices in north 622
Groundhog coalfields, tabling of correspondence and communications re 994
Health care, northern B.C., funding for 621
Highway 37, paving of 619
Highway 37, Stewart-Watson Lake section, completion of 619
Highway 97, Alaska Highway, construction of 619
Highway 97, Alaska Highway, paving of 619
Historic sites, protection of 809
Indian artifacts, manufacture of 851
Indian Reserve No. l, renters, taxes levied 880-1
Indian reserves, municipal status for 100-1
Indians on reserves, taxation of 620-1
Indians, self-government for 100
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, report 102-3
Moran dam 620
Moran dam, impact of on fisheries 102-3
Nursing home care in northern B.C. 622
Oil spills, cleanup of, machine for 620
Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend 807
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 880-1
Quilt, Fred, inquiry into death of 101
RCMP staff for northern B.C. 622
Rivers, electric power potential, information re 102
Rural electrification 621
Salmon, protection of 102
Stanbury-Fields report to House of Commons 620-1
Stikine River power development, filing of information relating to in House, M. 991
Stikine River power potential, exploration of 101-2
Students in north, equalization grants to 622
Suits against government 619
Tankers, oil spill danger 619-20
Teachers, salaries in northern B.C. and cost of living 881
Telegraph Creek, electric power rate 622
Telegraph Creek, isolation of by snow 621
Voting, absentee ballot, provision re 807
Workmen's Compensation Act, review of by select standing committee (Motion 25) 995
Callendar Cable Co.
Mentioned: (Kiernan) 275
Cameron, Bill
Mentioned: (Hartley) 107
Cameron, Clyde Robert
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 222
Camosun College
Establishment of (Brothers) 536
Mentioned: (Brothers) 537
Campbell, Burt (Revelstoke-Slocan)
Address in Reply 125-9
Age of majority 128-9
Arrowtarian Senior Citizens' Home, construction of 126
Automobile licences, out-of-province licences 375
Beverage containers, refund for 757
Blanket Creek bridge 125
Blanket Creek Provincial Park, road to 125
Blanket Creek Provincial Park, work on 125
British Columbia Railway Act 518-9
Budget debate 371-6
Downey Creek dam 373
Environment and Land Use Committee, establishment of 373
Environment and Land Use Committee, role of 374
Environment department, opposition to 373
Environment, minister of, proposal re 373, 374
Fish, mercury content 374
Health care, federal funds for 372
Health care services, cost of 372
Highway 6, Nakusp-Edgewood section, picnic sites 126
Highway 6, Nakusp-Edgewood section, seal-coating 126
Highway 6, Slocan Bluffs section, work on 126
Highway 23, Revelstoke area, work on 125
Highway 23, work on 126
Highway 26, Halfway River bridge 126
Highway 31, Ainsworth-Kaslo section, picnic sites 126
Highway 31A, Kaslo-New Denver section, work on 126
Hippies, lower Slocan Valley 374-5
Home acquisition grant, eligibility for, citizenship requirement 375-6
Homeowner grant, eligibility for, citizenship requirement 375-6
KRL Investments Ltd., Kaiser Resources Ltd. share dealings 126-7
Kootenay and Elk Railway, construction of 127
Litter Act, An Act to Amend 757
Mica Dam, construction of 373
Mica Dam, cost of 373
Mica Dam reservoir, clearing of 373
Moberly Park Manor, opening of 126
Nakusp hospital 126
Nelson airport 372
Nelson, Kootenay River water rights 372-3
New Denver bridge 126
New Denver liquor store 126
Nudity, legal action on public nudity 374-5
Oil exploration, north coast area 373
Old age pension, increase in 376-7
Pacific Community Self-Development Society, grant to 127
Pacific Great Eastern Railway, federal funds for 518
Pack Great Eastern Railway, name change 518-9
Queen Victoria Hospital, opening of 126
Revelstoke dam 373
Revelstoke liquor store 126
Rosebery bridge 126
Sons of Freedom, actions of 374
Special funds, establishment of 376
Students, employment for 128
Tanker traffic on coast 374
Upper Arrow Lake, clearing of stumps 125-6
Victorian Hospital, opening of 126
Voting age 128
Welfare recipients, American immigrants 375
Welfare recipients, illegal immigrants 375
Young people, employment programs for 127-8
Young people, employment programs for elsewhere 127, 128
Young people, federal projects for 127
Young people, programs for, funding of 128
Campbell, Hon. Daniel Robert John (Comox) Minister of Municipal Affairs
Address in Reply 93-9
Airports, funding for 317
B.C. Railway, federal funds for 317
Canada Council funds, use of 672-3
Cape Mudge Indian reserve, municipal status for 94-5
Capital gains tax on property 753-4
Centennial Cultural Fund Act, An Act to Amend 671-3
Coastal skipping, federal subsidy for 317
Contingent liabilities 316
Drug abuse 93
Dufferin, boundaries 323
Dufferin, municipal status for 323
Dufferin, Weyerhauser pulp mill 323
Education, funding for, source of funds 868
Education system, decisions on 869
Elderly, counselling for 416
Elderly, housing for 318, 416-7
Elderly, housing, National Housing Act program 417
Elderly, income tax abatement for 317
Elderly, property taxes, deferment of 318
Elderly, subsidized rents for 318, 416-7
Environment and Land Use Committee 98
Federal equalization payments 754
Federal government, jurisdiction of 316-7
Ferry for coastal service, proposal re 317
First Citizens' Fund, advisory committee, consultation with 851
First Citizens' Fund, use of funds 320-1
First Citizens of British Columbia Corporation Act (Bill 79) 1R, 719, 851
First Citizens of British Columbia Corporation Act, proclamation of 851
First Citizens of British Columbia Corporation, establishment of 851
Glue-sniffing 93
Gulf Islands, bridges, proposal re 98
Gulf Islands, land use, planning for 98
Highway 19, Kelsey Bay-Beaver Cove section, construction of 94
Housing and municipal bylaws 97
Housing, land costs 321-2
Housing, lower mainland area, land supply 322
Houston, municipal status for 315
Income Tax Act, 1962, An Act to Amend 753-4
Indian artifacts, manufacture of 851
Indian reserves, municipal status for 94-5
Indiana, eligibility of for home acquisition grants 659
Indians, eligibility of for homeowner grants 660
Kamloops amalgamation, actions re (Williams, R.A.) 249
Ladner, land, cost of 321
Land speculation 321
Land use contracts 97-8, 321-2
Land values and zoning 321
Lower mainland area, municipal landholdings 322
Mobile-home park, Coquitlam, residents' proposal re 97
Mount Kobau subdivision development, actions re (Williams, R.A.) 247-8
Municipal Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 77) 1R, 741
Municipal bonds, rating of 96
Municipal boundaries commission, proposal for 313
Municipal Finance Authority Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 81) 1R, 719; 850
Municipal taxes, collection of 95
Municipalities, arterial roads, cost of 319
Municipalities, capital requirements, financing of 96
Municipalities, debt 96
Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 92) 1R, 859, 939
Municipalities, finances of 95-6
Municipalities, funding for 318-9
Municipalities, revenue surplus 96
Navigation aids, federal funds for 317
Old age pension, supplementary allowance 415-6
Parker, Roy, landholdings, use of 323-4
Pollution control, federal funds for 99
Pollution control, funding for 319
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 659-60
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 868-70
Pupil-teacher ratio and quality of education 868
Pupil-teacher ratio in B.C. 868
Referendums, use of in education field 868
School District 71 teachers, NDP request to for contributions 869
School District 72, administrative personnel 868, 868-9
School District 72, pupil-teacher ratio 868-9
School tax on residential property 95
School tax revenue, source of 95
Schools, capital costs, funding for 319
Schools in resource communities 870
Sewage treatment, funding for 319
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 902-3
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, minister's powers under act 902-3
Special funds 320-1
Teachers, donations to political parties 869
Transit, federal funds for 99
Transit, funding for 319
Tsawwassen, land, cost of 321
Union of B.C. Municipalities, Municipal Affairs department's relationship with 95
Urban affairs, proposal for federal department of 98-9
Urban renewal program 321
Vancouver Island, federal funds for north Island 94
Vancouver, Strathcona project 321
Welfare, legislation on elsewhere 903
Welfare recipients, appeals by 908
Zoning bylaws 97
Campbell, Tom
Mentioned: (Brousson) 612
Campbell River School District
See: School District 72 (Campbell River)
Fire permits, requirement for (Williston) 171
Economic regions, proposal re (Peterson) 490 (Smith) 491
Gifts to government of Canada (Gardom) 954
Canada — Constitution
Constitutional conference in B.C. (Bennett) 284 (Bruch) 523 (Throne speech) 1 (Tisdalle) 157
Victoria Charter mentioned (Throne speech) I
Canada — Economic conditions
Economy of Canada (LeCours) 9-11, 11-2 (McCarthy) 354-5
Production, per capita production (LeCours) 10
Canada. Atomic Energy Commission
Canada. Canadian Dairy Commission
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986
Canada. Consumer Affairs, Department of
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 667
Canada. Energy, Mines and Resources, Department of
Mentioned: (Richter) 452
Canada. Environment, Department of
Mentioned: (McGeer) 34 (Richter) 816 (Wallace) 60 (Williston) 345
Canada. External Affairs, Department of
Mentioned: (Capozzi) 260
Canada. House of Commons
MPs from B.C., criticism of (Fraser) 509-10
Stanbury-Fields report (Calder) 620-1, 994-5 (Campbell, D.) 994-5
Mentioned: (Barrett) 411, 412 (Campbell, B.) 125 (Capozzi) 680 (Cocke) 435 (Peterson) 38 (Strachan) 751 (Wallace) 61
Canada. Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Department of
Administration, paperwork involved in (Dawson) 168
Indians, employment of (Dawson) 167
Mentioned: (Dawson) 169 (Fraser) 133 (McDiarmid) 225
Canada. Justice, Department of
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 660
Canada. Manpower and Immigration, Department of
Letter quoted (Nimsick) 478
Mentioned: (Brothers) 226 (Bruch) 524 (Campbell, B.) 375 (Chabot) 392 (Fraser) 509 (Gaglardi) 499 (Hall) 456, 459 (Richter) 449
Canada. National Defence, Department of
Jericho Beach area property, disposition of (McGeer) 27-8
Mentioned: (Marshall) 513
Canada. National Energy Board
Mentioned: (Kiernan) 275 (Macdonald) 151, 152, 153 (McGeer) 33
Canada. National Film Board
Mentioned: (Brothers) 230
Canada. National Harbours Board
Mentioned: (Barrett) 813 (Brousson) 179 (McCarthy) 207
Canada. National Health and Welfare, Department of
Mentioned: (Peterson) 680
Canada. Regional Economic Expansion, Department of
Federal funds for B.C. (Wolfe) 56
Mentioned: (Marshall) 514
Canada. Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism
Work of (Kripps) 255
Canada. Royal Commission on the Non-Medical Use of Drugs
Recommendations (Dowding) 233-4
Mentioned: (Brothers) 533 (Loffmark) 568 (McCarthy) 204
Canada. Royal Commission on the Status of Women
Recommendations (Dailly) 272, 540
Special committee on (Dailly) 993 (Dowding) 994
Mentioned: (Jordan) 506
Canada. Senate
Poverty, committee on mentioned (LeCours) 359
Poverty, report on referred to, quoted (Cocke) 371 (Hartley) 107 (Wallace) 345, 346
Science policy, committee on mentioned (McGeer) 27, 306
Canada. Statistics Canada
Mentioned: (Barrett) 296 (Peterson) 487 (Wallace) 58
Canada. Transport, Department of
Mentioned: (Brothers) 536 (Calder) 619
Canada. Unemployment Insurance Commission
Civil servants, coverage for (Throne speech) 3
Claimants and provincial welfare (Cocke) 74
Teachers, coverage for (Brothers) 535 (Throne speech) 3
Mentioned: (Barrett) 296
Canada. Urban Affairs, Department of
Proposal re (Campbell, D.) 98-9
“The Urban Future” mentioned (Marshall) 137
Canada Assistance Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 769, 770 (Peterson) 905 (Strachan) 898
Canada Assistance Plan
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, powers under act and CAP (Barrett) 896
Mentioned: (Barrett) 23, 294, 411, 412, 895, 896 (Campbell, , D.) 902 (Clark) 404 (Dailly) 901 (Fraser) 509 (Gaglardi) 769, 914
Canada Council
Establishment of (Clark) 673
Funds, use of (Campbell, D.) 672-3 (Clark) 673 (Strachan) 674
Canada Pension Plan
Mentioned: (Clark) 404 (Cocke) 909 (Mussallem) 187
Canada Safeway Ltd.
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986
Canada Shipping Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Richter) 816
Canada Summer Games, 1973
Funding for (Capozzi) 679 (Peterson) 485
Canadian Amateur Ski Association
Mentioned: (Barrett) 18
Canadian Amateur Swimming Association
Letter quoted (Peterson) 485
Mentioned: (Peterson) 680
Canadian Association of University Teachers
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944
Canadian Bar Association
Mentioned: (Peterson) 999 (Price) 946
Canadian Bechtel Co.
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 153, 153, 394
Canadian Bill of Rights
Quoted (Gardom) 398
Mentioned: (Gardom) 802
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Mentioned: (Brothers) 230 (Gaglardi) 197 (McCarthy) 201 (Tisdalle) 157, 157, 603
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Mentioned: (Marshall) 512
Canadian Consulting Engineer
Mentioned: (Dawson) 166
Canadian Controls and Instrumentation
Quoted (Strachan) 924
Canadian Dimension
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 245
Canadian Forum
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 245
Canadian Medical Association
Mentioned: (Jordan) 145
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Quoted (Cocke) 368
Canadian Mental Health Association
Mentioned: (Dowding) 231
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Mentioned: (Brothers) 228
Canadian National Railways
Mentioned: (Calder) 991 (Campbell, D.) 317 (Fraser) 511 (McGeer) 306 (Williams, L.A.) 266, 792 (Williston) 68
Canadian Olympic Association
Mentioned: (Peterson) 680
Canadian Pacific Investments Ltd.
Mentioned: (Nimsick) 50
Canadian Pacific Railway
Coal pipeline proposal (Richter) 847 (Williams, R.A.) 846
Mentioned: (Bruch) 522 (Calder) 991 (Campbell, B.) 125 (Chant) 472 (Fraser) 511 (Hall) 454 (Skillings) 362 (Williams, R.A.) 250
Canadian Petroleum Association for Conservation of the Environment
Canadian Physiotherapy Association
Mentioned: (Loffmark) 767
Canadian Press
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 127
Canadian Standards Association
Mentioned: (Dowding) 921
Canadian Tourist Association
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 205
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Mentioned: (Hall) 456
Canadian Western Insurance Co.
Mentioned: (Cocke) 79
Canoe Pass, B.C.
Boat-launching site (Wenman) 338
Cans for drinks
See: Beverage containers
Caouette, Réal
Mentioned: (Bruch) 523 (Clark) 405 (LeCours) 9
Cape Mudge, B.C.
Indian reserve, municipal status for (Calder) 100-1 (Campbell, D.) 94-5
Capilano College
Mentioned: (Brothers) 537
Capital gains tax
Federal tax (Bennett) 750
Property, federal tax on (Campbell, D.) 753-4 (Williams, R.A.) 754
Succession duties and tax (Capozzi) 746 (Wolfe) 748
Capital Improvement District Commission
Funding for (Chant) 471 (Skillings) 362
Report tabled (Black) 5
Capital investments
Capital, use of (Wallace) 748
Gift tax, impact of on capital in B.C. (Capozzi) 957 (Gardom) 954 (Williams, L.A.) 958
Investment in B.C. (Price) 220 (Throne speech) 2
Succession duties and capital investment in B.C. (Gardom) 745
Capital Region Safety Council
Mentioned: (Peterson) 43
Capital Regional District
“Gulf , Island Options” referred to (Williams, R.A.) 245-6
Capozzi, H.P. (Herb) (Vancouver Centre)
Address in Reply 256-62
Alcoholic beverages, advertising ban and sales 257
Athletes, travel to sporting events, fare concessions for 679
Athletes, travel to sporting events, funds for 679
Athletic facilities, development of 585, 678-9
Automobile insurance settlements, delays in, cases cited 952
Automobile insurance settlements, payment of interest on 952
Bank loans, losses on 583
Banks, role of in development of B.C. 583
B.C. Building site, proposal for use of 262
B.C. problems, proposal for conference on 583
Canada Summer Games, funding for 679
Chinese New Year 581-2
Collective agreements to be negotiated 259
Education, costs of 826
Education, quality of 826
Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act 761-2
Elderly, programs for 679
Elderly, recreation facilities for 423
Elderly renters, grant to 761
Elderly renters, grant to and rent increases 761
Elderly renters, grant to women over 60 years of age 761
Federal cabinet shuffle 256
George Derby Hospital, facilities 261
Gift Tax Act 957
Gift Tax Act, application of 957
Gift tax and donations to charity 957
Gift tax, impact on investment capital in B.C. 957
Health care, cost of and gross national product 584
Health care, cost of, increase in 584
Health care, cost of, sharing of savings on 584
Health certificates, proposal for 584
Hockey, professional hockey 680
Hockey rinks 585
Homeowner grant for elderly, increase in 662
Homeowner grant for tenants, proposal re 260-1, 586
Hospital, University of B.C. 261-2
Income tax concession for parental care, proposal re 423-4
Inflation and pensions 583-4
Insurance Act, An Act to Amend 952
Insurance claims, delays in settlement of, cases cited 585
Insurance claims, interim payments on 585
International Hydrodynamics Co. Ltd., contract for submersibles 260
Labour unions, American control of 259
Local elections, tenants' right to vote 260
MLAs, citizenship requirement for 805
Mediation Commission Act 259
Mortgages, second-mortgage program, mortgagees over 65 years of age 658
Olympic Games, Winter Olympics, participants 256
Pacific Rim talks, proposal for 583
Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, use of funds 678-9
Physicians, specialists, number of 584
Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend 805
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 658
Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 662-3
Public opinion questionnaire on current issues 258-9
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 825-7
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, vote on by Robert Wenman 972
Quebec, separatism 582
Queen Elizabeth II British Columbia Centennial Scholarship Act 656
Recreation facilities, development of 585
Recreation facilities, proposal for funding for 678
Referendums, use of in education field 827
Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, An Act to Amend 678-9
School District 61, referendum on education costs 826
Shaughnessy Hospital beds, empty beds 261
Shaughnessy Hospital, patients 261
Shaughnessy Hospital, transfer of to province, proposal re 261-2
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 910
Social programs, eligibility for based on means test 662
Sports, commercialization of 680
Sports, control of 680
Succession duties and capital gains tax 746
Succession duties, exemption from, life insurance 746
Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend 745-6
Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of 966-7, 969-70
Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-Personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act 969-70
Swimming pools, construction of 585
Teachers, collective bargaining by 826
Teachers, dismissal of 827
Teachers, salaries 827
Tobacco advertisements in Victoria newspapers 582
Vancouver port authority, appointments to 259
Vancouver port authority, tribute to 259
Vancouver port, pier H, proposal for use of 260
Vancouver port, thefts 259-60
Vancouver port, wheat shipments 259
Voting, citizenship requirement for 805
Welfare, ministerial responsibility for 910
Welfare rates 910
Welfare recipients, appeals by 910
Welfare recipients, retraining of 910
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1968, An Act to Amend 931
Workmen's Compensation Board coverage, rescue teams 931
Carbonated beverages
Containers, standardization of (Nimsick) 756
Carelli, Ron v Duplessis
Judgment in case quoted (Peterson) 905
Cariboo, B.C.
Ecological reserves, proposal for (Fraser) 132
Forest district, establishment of (Fraser) 129
Forest industry (Fraser) 510-1
Cariboo College
Mentioned: (Brothers) 537
Cariboo constituency
Description of. (Fraser) 510
Roads (Fraser) 510
Cariboo Lumber Manufacturers' Association
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 983
Cariboo Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd.
Quesnel pulp mill (Fraser) 129
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 983
Carling Community Arts Foundation
Mentioned: (Dawson) 167
Carlson, Alfred
Quoted (LeCours) 10
Carr, Emily
Home, preservation of (McCarthy) 202
Carrall, Robert
Mentioned: (Lorimer) 499
See: Automobiles
Carter, Kenneth L.
Income tax, proposals re (Strachan) 751
Taxation, commission on mentioned (Cocke) 747, 958 (Gardom) 744 (Strachan) 753
Castlegar School District
See: School District 9 (Castlegar)
Protection of (Black) 812 (Dowding) 810
Cedar, B.C.
Road, resurfacing of (Strachan) 208
See: Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd.
Trust funds (Macdonald) 150-1 (Williams, L.A.) 267
Centennial cultural fund
See also British Columbia cultural fund
Centennial Cultural Fund Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 16) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292; 2R, 666-75; 3R, 678; RA, 1004
Divisions: 2R, 675
Speakers: Barrett 668-9; Bennett 666-7, 675; Calder 667; Campbell, D. 671-3; Clark 673-4; Dowding 670-1; Jordan 669-70, McCarthy 667; McGeer 667-8; Strachan 674-5
Canada Council, establishment of (Clark) 673
Canada Council funds, use of (Campbell, D.) 672-3 (Clark) 673 (Strachan) 674
Fund, establishment of (Bennett) 666
Funds, use of (Barrett) 668 (Bennett) 667 (Clark) 674 (Dowding) 671 (Jordan) 669-70 (McCarthy) 667 (Strachan) 674-5
Increase in (Bennett) 667 (Calder) 667 (Clark) 674 (McGeer) 667-8
Indian middens, preservation of (Dowding) 671
Centennial of British Columbia
See: British Columbia Centennial '71
Central City Mission, Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 55
Central Interior Logging Association
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 983
Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Borrowing from and repayment of loans (Shelford) 241
Mentioned: (Dawson) 167 (McCarthy) 205 (Tisdalle) 158
Chabot, Hon. James Roland (Columbia River) Minister of Labour
Apprentices, appropriation for 391
Apprentices, competition for 391
Apprentices, construction industry 391
Apprenticeships 391
Budget debate 385-92
Economy of B.C. 388-9
First-aid facilities in workplace, provision of 927
Immigration to B.C. 390
Job creation 388
Labour force in B.C. 389-90
Labour relations in B.C. 390
McGavin Toastmaster Ltd., employees' pension plan 387-8
Population of B.C. 389
Trade-unions Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 88) 1R, 787
United States, surtax on imports 389
Vallières, Pierre, hiring of by federal government 385
Wages, recovery of by labour relations branch 390-1
Workmen's Compensation Act, changes to 392
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1968, An Act to Amend (Bill 82) 1R, 719, 926-7, 935
Workmen's compensation and common-law relationships 927
Workmen's compensation for diseases contracted in past 935
Workmen's Compensation Board compensation, level of 935
Workmen's Compensation Board coverage, extension of 926-7
Workmen's Compensation Board coverage, rescue teams 927
Workmen's Compensation Board, funeral allowances 927
Workmen's Compensation Board payments, waiting-period for 927
Workmen's Compensation Board pensions, cost-of-living adjustments to 926
Workmen's Compensation Board pensions, disability pensions 927
Workmen's Compensation Board pensions, widows' pensions 927, 935
Workmen's Compensation Board, rehabilitation of injured workmen 927
Chairman and Deputy Chairman
Ruling sustained 643, 644, 644-5, 839-40, 840
Change of Name Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 43) (Minister of Health Services and Hospital
Insurance) 1R, 715; 2R, 764-5; 3R, 787, RA, 1004
Amdts: 3R (Dowding) 787, negatived 787
Speakers: Cocke 765; Dailly 764-5; Dowding 765; Loffmark 764
Amendment to third reading (Dowding) 787
Given names, rights re changes in (Loffmark) 764
Married women, surnames, rights re changes in (Dailly) 764-5
Name changes, residency restriction on (Loffmark) 764
Surnames, rights re changes in (Loffmark) 764
Chant, Sperrin N.F
Tribute to (Brothers) 537
Mentioned: (Brothers) 226
See also: Royal Commission on Education (1958)
Chant, Hon. William Neelands (Victoria) Minister of Public Works
Bastion Square courthouse, use of 471
B.C. Vocational School, work on 471
Budget debate 469-73
Capital Improvement District Commission, funding for 471
Carillon Tower, construction of 471
Coal, royalty on 469
Courthouse, Victoria, construction of 471
Elderly, housing, funding for 472
Glendale Hospital, construction of 471
Government House, construction of 470-1
Government warehouse in Victoria 471-2
Helmcken House, work on 471
Mining royalties 469
Ocean Cement Ltd. property, funds for acquisition of 472
Parliament buildings, fountains in vicinity of 471
Point Ellice bridge, funds for 471
Pollen, Peter, remarks re local MLAs 470
Provincial Museum, construction of 471
Public Works department, construction projects 472-3
Safety engineering acts, amalgamation of 851
Safety Engineering Services Act (Bill 67) 1R, 717; 851
Safety Engineering Services Act, proclamation of 851
Special funds, establishment of 470
Thunderbird Park 471
University of Victoria, Elliott Building, construction of 472
University of Victoria site, purchase of 471
Victoria, ferry service to 472
Gifts to, restriction on tax-free status of (Capozzi) 957 (Dowding) 958 (Gardom) 954
Telephone soliciting by (Price) 600
Charter Bank Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Capozzi) 583
Chartered accountants
See entries under Accountants
Chartered Accountants Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 29) (Attorney-General) 1R, 495; 2R, 647-8; report 946; 3R, 975; RA, 1004
Speakers: Cocke 647-8; Macdonald 648; McGeer 648; Peterson 647; Wolfe 648
Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills, referral of bill to (Cocke) 647 (McGeer) 648 (Peterson) 647
Council, lay appointment to (Macdonald) 648 (Peterson) 647 (Wolfe) 648
“Honourable,” designation of for chartered accountants (Cocke) 647 (Macdonald) 648 (Wolfe) 648
Institute, disciplinary powers (Peterson) 647
Chase National Bank
Mentioned: (LeCours) 11
Cheseborough Ponds (Canada) Ltd.
Boycott of products, proposal for (Kripps) 253
Chetwynd, B.C.
Indians, housing for (McCarthy) 205
Child custody
See: Custody of children
Care of, local resources (Dawson) 460-1
Care of, proposal for board for (Dailly) 273, 540-1
Maintenance, inclusion of mental health services (Barrett) 650-1
Pre-school programs for (Jordan) 506-7
Children, Blind
Education program for (Brothers) 229
Children, Deaf
Pre-school classes for (Brothers) 228
Schools, mainstreaming of deaf children in (Brothers) 228
Teaching of, cases cited (Brothers) 228
Teaching of, methods (Brothers) 229
Vocational education (Brothers) 228-9
Children's Aid Society
South Vancouver group home, problems (Kripps) 578-9
Mentioned: (Dailly) 270
Trade mission to (Merilees) 188
New year (Capozzi) 581-2
Chrétien, Jean
Telegram quoted (Campbell, D.) 94
Christensen, Jack
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 983
Christie Indian Residential School, Tofino, B.C.
Use of, proposal for (McDiarmid) 225
Christmas trees
Convention on (Shelford) 238
Royalty rate on (Williston) 771
Churchill, Sir Winston S.
Quoted (Shelford) 240 (Wenman) 85
Mentioned: (Dowding) 792
Churchill Copper Corp.
Mentioned: (Hall) 458
Cities and towns
Beautification fund for small towns, proposal re (Mussallem) 383
Cities, government policy on (Williams, R.A.) 245
See also: Urban renewal
Citizen, North Vancouver, B.C.
Quoted (Brousson) 179-80
Civil Defence Act
Mentioned: (Chant) 472
Civil service
Collective bargaining rights (Clark) 778
Efficiency of, proposal for survey of (Wolfs) 379
Efficiency of, task force on (Wolfs) 57
Provincial offices, staff shortage (Cocke) 74
Retirement age, proposal re (Barrett) 296
Senior administrative staff, shortage of (Williams, L.A.) 267
Tribute to (McGeer) 720
Unemployment insurance coverage for (Throne speech) 3
Unemployment insurance, funding for (Bennett) 287
Vacation leave (Black) 627
Wages, article re referred to (Price) 220
Washington State personnel, exchanges with (Barrett) 25
Women employees, discrimination against (Dailly) 272
Civil Service Commission
Accelerated reforestation fund, expenditure of funds, role in (Bennett) 726 (Strachan) 730
Annual report tabled (Black) 467
Mentioned: (Bennett) 724 (Skillings) 364
Civil service pensions
Increases in (Throne speech) 3
Vesting rights (Mussallem) 186
Civil Service Superannuation Act
Business done under act, report tabled (Black) 5
Mentioned: (Mussallem) 186
Clark, Alex
Mentioned: (Gardom) 401
Clark, Barrie. Aird (North Vancouver-Seymour)
Address in Reply 87-92
Advertising agencies, campaign advertising and government advertising 90
Airplanes, sale of Canadian planes abroad 92
Amchitka Island, visit to 89
Assessments, increase in 402
Budget debate 402-6
Burrard Inlet crossing 88
Canada Council, establishment of 673
Canada Council funds, use of 673
Centennial Cultural Fund Act, An Act to Amend 673-4
Centennial cultural fund, increase in 674
Centennial cultural fund, use of funds 674
Civil service, collective bargaining rights 778
Crime victims, compensation for 849-50
Crime victims, notice to re compensation benefits 850
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 849-50
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act, proclamation of 849
Developing countries, aid to 402
Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act 762
Elderly, department of government for, proposal re 404
Elderly, health care needs, provision of 404
Elderly, Medical Services Plan premiums, exemption from 404
Elderly, prescription drugs for 90
Elderly, property tax burden 90-1
Elderly, property taxes, deferment of 91, 402-3
Elderly, prosthetic devices for 90
Elderly, recreation facilities for 405-6
Elderly, renters, grant to 762
Elderly, subsidized rent for 403
Elderly, transit passes for 90, 405
Electric power developments, government policy on 91
Extended care, waiting-list for 403-4
Gift Tax Act 959
Gift Tax Act, drafting of Bill 959
Gift Tax Act, retroactivity of 959
Glue-sniffing, legislation on 88
Glue-sniffing, prevention of 88
Hansard, printing and distribution of, proposal re 990
Hearing aids, Medical Services Plan coverage for 90
Home acquisition grant, eligibility for 659
Homeowner grant, increase in 402
Israel, visit to 87
Labour laws, compulsory sections 89
Legislature, rules, change in 88-9
Long-term care, cost of chronic care 404
Long-term care, need for 90
Moran dam, government policy on 91-2
Municipal boundaries commission, proposal for 313
Old age pension, increase in 404
Pensions and cost of living 404-5
Podiatry Act, An Act to Amend 962
Professionals, advertising by 962
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 659
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 777-9
School tax on property, removal of 779
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 907-8
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, minister's powers under act 907
Solvent abuse, prevention of 88
Solvent-sniffing, legislation on 88
Tanker traffic, oil-spill danger 89
Teachers, collective bargaining by 778
Teachers, number of 778
Teachers, salaries 778
Teachers, salaries, increase in referendums on 778-9
Teachers, tenure 778
Teachers, tenure, report of select standing committee on 778
Throne speech, content 87-8
Tsunami, warning for 87
Vancouver, rapid transit 88
Welfare, problems re, boards of review 907-8
Welfare recipients, appeals by 907-8
Class size
Pupil-teacher ratio and quality of education (Campbell, D.) 868
Pupil-teacher ratio elsewhere (Dailly) 775
Pupil-teacher ratio in B.C. (Barrett) 866 (Campbell, D.) 868 (Cocke) 780, 781 (Dailly) 775 (Hartley) 872 (McGeer) 782 (Williams, L.A.) 884 (Williams, R.A.)
Clement, Douglas
Mentioned: (Peterson) 680
Clements, Wilbur
Quoted (Nimsick) 51
Cliff, Leslie
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 353 (Peterson) 485
Closing speech
Clutesi, George
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 225
Clyne, J.V.
Mentioned: (Strachan) 212
Elk River development (Williston) 343
Export of to Japan (Barrett) 22
Groundhog coalfields, tabling of correspondence and communications re (Calder) 994
Production (Richter) 449
Royalties on (Barrett) 294 (Chant) 469 (Lorimer) 193 (Richter) 450
Transport of, pipeline proposal (Richter) 847 (Williams, R.A.) 846
Transport of to Roberts Bank (Nimsick) 48
Coal Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 105) 1R, 923
Coastwise shipping
Federal subsidy for (Campbell, D.) 317
Ferry for (Campbell, D.) 317 (McGeer) 305
Cocke, Dennis Geoffrey (New Westminster)
Accelerated Park Development Fund Act 723
Automobile insurance, accident victims, cases cited 114
Automobile insurance agents 114
Automobile insurance, government plan for, proposal re 113-5
Automobile insurance, rates 114
Automobile insurance rates and point system for traffic violations 114
Automobile insurance rates, discrimination in setting of 114
Automobile insurance rates, no-fault insurance rates 114
Automobile insurance, Saskatchewan system 113
Bellwood, David, resignation of 74
Boiler explosion, Haney 918
Boilers in schools, operation of 917
Boilers, operation of 917
B.C. Hospital Insurance Society, funding for 368
British Columbia Life and Casualty Co., investment in 79-80
British Columbia Railway Act 519
Budget, advertisements for 366
Change of Name Act, An Act to Amend 765
Chartered Accountants Act, An Act to Amend 647-8
Chartered Accountants Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills 647
Chartered accountants, designation of “Honourable” for 647
Civil service; provincial offices, staff shortage 74
Community care facilities, inspection of 765-6
Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, administration of 765
Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to Amend 765-6
Community care facilities, residents, bequests of 765
Community care facilities, residents, term for 765
Dams and fish kills 76
Delta farmland, protection of 794
Education, costs per pupil 780
Education, funding for 780
Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act 760-1
Elderly renters, grant to 760-1
Elderly renters, rent increases, proposal re 761
Elderly renters, rent increases, reporting of 761
Electric power, development of, environmental impact 77
Employees, severance pay 367
Engineers, certification of 918
Extended-care patients in private hospitals 435
Geothermal power, development of 77
Gift Tax Act 958-9
Gift Tax Act, drafting of Bill 958
Gifts, valuation of for gift tax, cost of 959
Guaranteed annual income 368
Health care, community clinics, proposal re 370-1
Health care, federal cost-sharing formula 368-9
Health care, Puget Sound Group Health Plan, case cited 370
Health care services, responsibility for 369
Homeowner grant for mobile-home owners 661
Homeowner grant for tenants 661
Homeowner grant, increase in 367, 661
Hospital Insurance Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 80) 1R, 717
Hospitals, clinical clerks, funding for 371
Income Tax Act, changes to federal act 369
Industrial safety, McSorley committee, cost of 918
Industrial safety, McSorley committee, recommendations 918
Industrial safety, proposal for use of select standing committee on 918
Investments in B.C., foreign investments 73-4
Job creation 74
Land registry office, staff shortage 74
Lower mainland area, rapid transit for 740
Lower mainland regional planning board, disbanding of 794
McGavin Toastmaster Ltd., employees' pension plan 74-6, 367
Maillardville, Bernette Road telephone lines 732
Medical care in remote areas 371
Medical Services Plan of B.C., funding for 369
Medicare, funding for 369
Moran dam 76
Moran dam and Adams River salmon run 76
Motorcyclist's death benefit, payment of, case cited 367
Municipal finance and provincial financial policies 78
Municipalities, funds for 368
Natural gas, export of to U.S. 76
New Westminster courthouse, renovations to 366, 367
New Westminster, electric power system 78
New Westminster, government building for 366-7
Northwest Life Assurance Co., history of 78-80
Northwest Life Assurance Co., takeover of 78-80
Oil exploration, coastal waters 73
Pacific Great Eastern Railway, name change 519
Parks, acreage, reduction in 723
Pensions, legislation on 76
Physicians, doctors' assistants in rural areas 371
Power and Telephone Line Beautification Fund Act 732
Pressure Vessels Act, ministerial jurisdiction over 918
Pressure vessels, operation of 917
Preventive medicine, funding for 370
Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend 768
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 658
Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 661
Provincial Rapid Transit Subsidy Act 740
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 779-81
Pupil-teacher ratio in B.C. 780, 781
Riverview Hospital, renovations to 74
Safety Engineering Services Act 917-8
Safety Engineering Services Act, exemptions from 917, 918
Safety Engineering Services Act, regulations 918
School tax on property, removal of 780
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Printing, chairmanship of 366
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 909-10
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, minister's powers under act 909
Succession duties, evasion of 747-8
Succession duties, opposition to 747
Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend 747-8
Teachers, collective bargaining by 779
Teachers, salaries 779
Teachers, salaries, increase in, referendums on 781
Tenants, assistance to 367
Tenants, right to vote 367
Unemployment insurance claimants and provincial welfare 74
Vancouver, rapid transit system 740
Welfare, legislation on elsewhere 909-10
Welfare recipients, appeals by 909-10
Welfare recipients, teenagers 909
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1968, An Act to Amend 935
Workmen's Compensation Board claims, handling of 77-8
Cody, D.J.
Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568
Collection Agents Licensing Act
Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 267
Collective bargaining
Agreements (Merilees) 552
Agreements to be negotiated (Capozzi) 259
Collective bargaining (LeCours) 11-2 (Wallace) 59
College Pension Act
Business done under act, report tabled (Black) 5
See: Universities and colleges
Colquitz River, B.C.
Landscaping of area (Tisdalle) 603
Columbia, Vancouver, Wash.
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 162
Columbia Beneficial Holdings Ltd.
Mentioned: (Cocke) 80
Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd.
Losses (Williams, L.A.) 266
Mentioned: (Brothers) 226 (Gardom) 400 (Williston) 68
Columbia Pacific Holdings Ltd.
Columbia River Treaty
Cost of to B.C. (Hartley) 790, 791 (Nimsick) 789
Treaty (Nimsick) 473-5
Mentioned: (Barrett) 557 (Campbell, B.) 373 (McGeer) 31 (Nimsick) 558, 789 ('Throne speech) 2
Colwood Cemetery Co.
Trust funds (Macdonald) 151
Cominco Ltd.
Electric power production (Williston) 64, 65
Iron Bounties Act, payments to under act (Lorimer) 501
Kootenay River water rights (Williston) 64
Mentioned: (Brothers) 536 (Brousson) 177 (Nimsick) 50 (Williston) 65
Imports (Throne speech) 2
Commercial Transport, Department of
Abolition of, proposal re (McGeer) 306
Annual report tabled (Richter) 494
Commission of Inquiry: Workmen's Compensation Act (1962)
Cost of (Nimsick) 927
Recommendations (Nimsick) 927
Mentioned: (Chabot) 926
Common-law marriage
Financial security for common-law spouses (Macdonald) 651-2
Succession duties on estates (Lorimer) 745 (Macdonald) 652
Commonwealth of Nations
Preservation of (Wenman) 336
Commonwealth Trust Co.
Mentioned: (Barrett) 969 (Gardom) 397, 1002 (Hartley) 968 (Williams, L.A.) 267
Community Care Act
Mentioned: (Dailly) 273
Community Care Facilities Licensing Act
Administration of act (Cocke) 765 (Loffmark) 765
Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 44) (Minister of Health Services and Hospital Insurance) 1R, 715, 2R, 765-6, 3R, 787, RA, 1004
Speakers: Cocke 765-6, Dowding 766; Loffmark 765, 766; Wallace 766
Administration of act, responsibility for (Cocke) 765 (Loffmark) 765
Community care facilities, inspection of, responsibility for (Cocke) 765-6 (Loffmark) 765, 766 (Wallace) 766
Community care facilities, residents, bequests of (Cocke) 765 (Dowding) 766 (Loffmark) 766
Community care facilities, residents, term for (Cocke) 765 (Loffmark) 765
Community recreation branch
Consultants (Nimsick) 682-3
Funding for (Nimsick) 683
Work of (Jordan) 503
Comox-Strathcona Regional District
Hospital construction (McDiarmid) 530-1
Companies Act
(Bill 66) (Attorney-General) 1R, 943
Bill, treatment of as exposure bill (Peterson) 943
Mentioned: (Brousson) 615 (Cocke) 80
Company law
See: Corporation law
Competition Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Chabot) 389 (Wenman) 338
Vouchers, examination of (Mussallem) 987
Compulsory arbitration of labour disputes
See entries under Labour disputes
Conditional sales
See: Sales, Conditional
Conditional Sales Act, 1961, An Act to Amend
(Bill 4) (Attorney-General) 1R, 237; 2R, 310-1; 3R, 647; RA, 1004
Speakers: Peterson 30
Statements of particulars (Peterson) 310
Third parties, rights of (Peterson) 310
Congresses and conventions
Vancouver as site for (McCarthy) 206
Conservation officers
See: Game wardens
Constitution Act
Mentioned: (Black) 626 (McGeer) 27 (Speaker) 768, 802, 883
Constitution Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 37) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 633, 2R, 692-3, 802, 3R, 845; RA, IOU
Speakers: Black 692-3
MLAs, salaries (Black) 692-3
Constitution of Canada
See: Canada — Constitution
Construction industry
Apprentices (Chabot) 391
Consumers' Association of Canada
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986
Controlled Access Highway Act
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 595
See: Congresses and conventions
Conway, C.B.
Mentioned: (Dailly) 777
Coon, C.C.
Mentioned: (Cocke) 79
Co-operative Fire and Casualty Co.
Payouts (Williams, L.A.) 124
Mentioned: (Peterson) 120
Concentrates, export of (Barrett) 22
Industry, revenue to province (Gaglardi) 198 (Lorimer) 193
Royalty on (Barrett) 294
Smelter for B.C., proposal re (Barrett) 23 (Hartley) 105 (Kiernan) 274 (Richter) 451
Williams Lake copper-concentrate mill (Bennett) 285
Coquitlam, B.C.
Amalgamation with Port Moody and Port Coquitlam (Williams, R.A.) 248
Mobile-home park, residents' proposal re (Campbell, D.) 97
Coquitlam School District
See: School District 43 (Coquitlam)
Coroners Act, An Act to Amend,
(Bill 73) (Gardom) 1R, 713-4
Corporation law
Study of ('Throne speech) 1
Corporations — Taxation
Accelerated depreciation program, proposal re (Wolfe) 378-9
Income tax, abatement of and number of employees (Wolfe) 379
Income tax revenue (Strachan) 752
Cott, Andy
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 159
Cottier, Christopher
Mentioned: (Chabot) 392
Council of Forest Industries of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Smith) 491
County life
Retention of in B.C. (Marshall) 137
Court of Appeal Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 8) (Attorney-General) 1R, 263; 2R, 312; 3R, 647, RA, 1004
Speakers: Peterson 312
Judges, number of (Peterson) 312
Court of Appeal of British Columbia
Court of Appeal Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act judges, number of (Peterson) 312
Court Rules of Practice Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 111) 1R, 949
Courtenay School District
See: School District 71 (Courtenay)
New Westminster courthouse, renovations to (Cocke) 366, 367
Victoria courthouse, construction of (Chant) 471
Cowichan Arts Council
Mentioned: (Strachan) 674
Craigflower Manor, Victoria, B.C.
Mentioned: (Bruch) 810
Crammond, Mike
Mentioned: (Marshall) 136 .
Crease Clinic
See: Essondale Colony Farm, Essondale, B.C.
Credit Information Protection Act
(Bill 103) 1R, 923
Credit unions
Financial and statistical report tabled (Williston) 262
Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd.
Skookumchuck mill (Williston) 63
Crime and criminals
South Vancouver, police pilot project (Kripps) 580
Criminal Code of Canada
Mentioned: (Cocke) 80 (Little) 181
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act
(Bill 70) (Attorney-General) 1R, 715, 2R, 847-50, 3R, 976; RA, 1004
Speakers: Clark 849-50; Dowding 848; Gardom 849; Macdonald 849; McGeer 848; Peterson 847-8, 850
Bill, proclamation of (Clark) 849 (Gardom) 849 (Macdonald) 849 (Peterson) 850
Compensation, beneficiaries of (Peterson) 847
Compensation claims, initiation of, proposal re (Clark) 849-50
Compensation payments, administration of (Gardom) 849 (Peterson) 847
Crime victims' cases, powers re determination of (Dowding) 848
Crime victims, compensation for (Clark) 849-50 (Dowding) 848 (Gardom) 849 (Macdonald) 849 (McGeer) 848 (Peterson) 847-8, 850
Crime victims, compensation for, cost of to province (Gardom) 849
Crime victims, compensation for, history of legislation on (Gardom) 849
Crime victims, death of, compensation for dependents (Peterson) 847
Funds, federal funds for compensation (Peterson) 850
Good samaritans, legislation on compensation for (Dowding) 848
Probation, decisions on (Gardom) 849
Program, administration of (Peterson) 847
Public, notice to re benefits under act (Clark) 850 (Peterson) 850
Crippen Glen
Mentioned: (McGeer) 35
Crofton, B.C.
Road (Strachan) 208
Croll, David Arnold
Mentioned: (Cocke) 371 (Hartley) 107
Crop insurance stabilization fund
Funding for (Bennett) 288
Crown, Right to sue
See: Petition of right
Crown corporations
Accounts, examination of by Public Accounts Committee (Gardom) 399
Benefits of and debt (Tisdalle) 603
Special committees of Legislature on (Gardom) 399
Crown land
Lease of (Williston) 343
Price of to mining companies (Hartley) 105
Price of to municipalities (Hartley) 105
Rights-of-way, negotiation of (Williston) 771
Crown Zellerbach Canada Ltd.
Mentioned: (Hall) 458, 459 (Ney) 466
Crows Nest Industries Ltd.
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 127
Crowsnest Clarion, Sparwood, B.C.
Quoted (Nimsick) 836
Culliton, E.M.
Quoted (Peterson) 906
Centennial Cultural Fund Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Curriculum (Courses of study)
See: Education — Curricula
Curtis, Hugh A.
Mentioned: (Skillings) 362
Custody of children
Decisions on Gordan) 652
Cycling paths
Victoria-Campbell River bicycle path, proposal for (Ney) 141
Cypress Bowl, B.C.
Save Cypress Bowl Committee mentioned (Williams, L.A.) 546
Mentioned: (Barrett) 18 (Brousson) 612, 614 (Hartley) 106 (Hon. member) 548 (McGeer) 31 (Williams, L.A.) 546, 549