Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

KRL Investments Ltd.

Kaiser Resources Ltd. shares, purchase and sale of (Campbell, B.) 126-7

Kaiser, Edgar F.

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 150

Kaiser Coal Corp.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 22, 294 (Richter) 449, 450

Kaiser Resources Ltd.

Coal, export of to Japan (Barrett) 22

Coal operations, effluent spills (Nimsick) 477

Development funds, source of (Price) 216 (Strachan) 212

KRL Investments Ltd., share dealings (Campbell, B.) 126-7

Pollution (Strachan) 211

Shares, insider trading, allegation re (Barrett) 22 (Macdonald) 150 (Williams, L.A.) 267

Kaiser Steel Corp.

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 126, 127

Kakwa River, B.C.

Park for area (Marshall) 515-6

Kamloops, B.C.

Amalgamation of with surrounding communities (Williams, R.A.) 248-51

Development of area, background to (Williams, R.A.) 248

Dufferin, amalgamation with (Williams, R.A.) 597

Highway junction area land (Williams, R.A.) 593-5

Tax base (Williams, R.A.) 249

Tax rate in surrounding areas (Williams, R.A.) 249

Tax rate on land (Williams, R.A.) 694

Work yard (Williams, R.A.) 250

Kamloops Livestock Co.

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 596

Katasonoff, Micky

Mentioned: (Chabot) 392

Keate, Stuart

Mentioned: (Gaglardi) 497

Kelly, Allan C.L.

Vancouver transportation study (Macdonald) 733, 734

Mentioned: (Price) 219 (Wenman) 82 (Wolfe) 54

Kelowna General Hospital, Kelowna, B.C.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 19

Kemano, B.C.

Residents, payment of gasoline tax by (Little) 181

Kemano power development

See entries under Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd.

Kemmis, Mel

Mentioned: (Merilees) 189, 190

Kennedy, Dennis

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 973

Kenney Dam

Mentioned: (McGeer) 32

Kettle Valley School District

See: School District 13 (Kettle Valley)


Failure of, correctional program (Loffmark) 563-4

Home dialysis program (Hartley) 571 (Loffmark) 563-4

Kierans, Eric

Mentioned: (Barrett) 295, 296 (Williams, R.A.) 7, 54

Kiernan, Hon. William Kenneth (Chilliwack) Minister of Recreation and Conservation and Minister of Travel Industry

Address in Reply 273-9

Beverage containers, central depots for return of 759

Beverage containers in roadside litter 756

Beverage containers, refund for, rate 759

Beverage containers, refund for, requirement re 755-6, 759

B.C. Hydro, earnings 590

B.C. Hydro, Jordan River power plant 591

B.C. Hydro, profit 590

B.C. Hydro reservoirs, clearing of 592

B.C. Hydro rights-of-way, recreational use of 592

Budget, balanced budget 586

Budget debate 586-92

Burrard thermal plant, power generation 589

Copper smelter for B.C. 274

Electric power, hydra power 588-9

Electric power production 588-9

Electric power, thermal power 588, 589

Electric power, transmission of 589

Environmental protection 274

Federal equalization payments 587

Fraser River Board 277

Fraser River, floods 277

Fraser Valley, dikes, construction of 278

Fraser Valley, flood control 277-8

Industry, secondary industry and wage levels 274-5

Lakes and rivers, frozen, protection for 755

Liquor bottles, conversion of to other uses, proposal re 759

Liquor bottles, return of, proposal re 759

Litter Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 32) 1R, 755; 755-6, 758-9

Litter Act, loophole, amendment re 274

McGregor River diversion 277

Maritime provinces, cost of government 587

Mica Dam, generators 591

Mica Dam, turbines, purchase of from Russia 591

Moran dam 277-8

Natural gas, electric power generation from 275, 276

Natural gas, export of and pipeline construction 275

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline construction 275-6, 587-8

Natural gas, Vancouver bland pipeline, Magna

Pipeline Co. proposal 275

Natural gas, Vancouver bland pipeline route 275-6

Nuclear power 589

Operation SAM, report on 274

Parks, regional parks, payment for parkland acquisitions 691-2

Pulp mills, pollution, prevention of 274

Regional Parks Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 36) 1R, 637; 691-2

Sanitary facilities, requirement for on private land 755

Serpentine River, diking work 278

W.A.C. Bennett Dam, power transmission, interruption to 589-90

Washington State, NDP visit to 273-4

Wells Gray Provincial Park and McGregor River diversion 277


Program (Jordan) 506

Service, development of (Dailly) 539

Service throughout B.C., provision of (Hartley) 872

King, M.B., Lumber Co.

Mentioned: (Hall) 458, 459

King, P.A.H.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Quoted (LeCours) 10

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 531 (Nimsick) 481

Kingcome Indian band

Mentioned: (Dawson) 67

Kirk, Bruce

Quoted (Williston) 70

Kitimat, B.C.

Government building for (Little) 181

Kitsilano Secondary School, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Brothers) 228

Kiwanis Club

Mentioned: (Black) 626, 627 (Campbell, D.) 416, 417 (Dawson) 434

Klinkhammer, Maurice

Mentioned: (Black) 625

Knight, Bill

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 393

Knight Street bridge, Vancouver, B.C.

See entries under Vancouver, B.C.

Knowles, Stanley

Quoted (Clark) 405

Mentioned: (Clark) 404, 405

Kolfage, Don

Quoted (McGeer) 32

Konkin, Sam

Mentioned: (Brothers) 226

Kootenay and Elk Railway

Construction of (Campbell, B.) 127 (Strachan) 213

Kootenay Canal Land Acquisition Act

(Bill 89) (Minister of Lands, Forests and Water

Resources) 1R, 844; 2R, 936-9, 973-4; C, 980; 3R, 980, RA, 1W4

Divisions: 2R, 974; 3R 980

Speakers: Black 938-9; McGeer 936-7; NimsIck 973-4; Williston 936

Canal right-of-way, acquisition of land on (Williston) 936

Canal right-of-way, expropriation of land on by B.C. Hydro (Williston) 936

Canal right-of-way, negotiations re land on (Black) 938-9 (McGeer) 936-7 (Nimsick) 973

Canal right-of-way, price for land on (Black) 938-9 (McGeer) 937

Nelson, electric power plant, future of (McGeer) 937

Nelson, electric power rates (McGeer) 937

Nelson, electric power sale to by B.C. Hydro (Nimsick) 973

Kootenay Industrial Development Association

Work of (Brothers) 226

Kootenay River, B.C.

Canal right-of-way, acquisition of land on (Williston) 936

Canal right-of-way, expropriation of land by B.C. Hydro (Williston) 936

Canal right-of-way, negotiations re land on (Black) 938-9 (McGeer) 936-7 (Nimsick) 973

Canal right-of-way, price for land on (Black) 938-9 (McGeer) 937

Cominco Ltd., water rights (Williston) 64

Electric power project (Bennett) 285 (Hall) 177 (McGeer) 34, 34-5 (Throne speech) 2 (Williston) 64

Electric power project, environmental impact (Williston) 65

Electric power project, use of funds for (Brousson) 789

Electric power project, water supply for (Brousson) 612

Kootenay Canal Land Acquisition Act. See name of act

Pollution of (Nimsick) 476, 477

Water rights (Campbell, B.) 372-3 (McGeer) 35 (Williston) 339

Kootenay School of Art, Nelson, B.C.

Mentioned: (Brothers) 536

Kootenay Wildlife Association

Mentioned: (Price) 600

Kootenays, B.C.

Industry (Brothers) 226 (Wallace) 350-1

Land use, East Kootenays (Nimsick) 51-2 (Williston) 342

Vocational school for East Kootenays (Nimsick) 477-9

Wildlife management, East Kootenays (Nimsick) 51-2, 52

Kosygin, Aleksey Nikolayevich

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 392

Kripps, Agnes (Vancouver South)

Address in Reply 251-6

Banks, sales tax on, removal of 253-4

B.C. boundaries, extension of to north 578

Budget debate 576-81

Burrard Street, Crown land, preservation of 577

Cheseborough Ponds (Canada) Ltd. products, proposal for boycott of 253

Crime, police pilot project, South Vancouver 580

Elderly, housing, funding for 577

Extended care, special-care facilities 252

Family, preservation of 579

Federal equalization payments 577

Governor-General of Canada, appointment to position of 254

Group home, South Vancouver, problems 578-9

Group homes, problems for neighbours 578-9

High-school courses, proposal re 581

Homeowner grant, increase in 577

Homeowners, assistance to 577

Job creation 576

Job opportunities, analysis of 580

Knight Street bridge 252

Legislature, smokers, provision of room for 252

Legislature, smoking in dining-room 252

Local elections, hospital patients' vote 254

Mentally handicapped children, group homes for 577

Multiculturalism, cultural affairs department, proposal for 256

Multiculturalism, cultural heritage act, proposal for 256 .

Multiculturalism, policy on 255-6

Nail polish remover, ban on sale of 253

Pacific Rim countries, trade with 578

Paper, recycled paper, government purchase of 577

Physicians, fees, increase in 252

Physicians, Medical Services Plan billings, abuse of 252-3

Physicians, policing of 253

Polish Park Manor, grant to 577

Population of B.C. 578

Problem children, holding-unit for 579-80

Problem children, hospital facilities for 580

Problem children, treatment for 579

Quebec, federal funds to 577

Revenue surplus 576

Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, work of 255

School facilities and equipment, use of 581

Schools, course in democratic government, proposal for 580

Schools, courses of study, proposal re 580

Schools, role of in community 581

Smokers, provision of special areas for 252

Solvent abuse materials, ban on sale of 253

Special funds, establishment of 577

Vanco Insurance Company, An Act to Incorporate (Bill 52) 1R, 839, 981

Vanco Insurance Company, An Act to Incorporate, petition re tabled 710

Vancouver City Charter amendments, proposal re 254

Vancouver elections, hospital patients' vote 254

Vancouver elections, ward system for 254

Willingdon School for Girls, amalgamation with The Maples 579

Youth resource authority, proposal for 579

Youth service corps, proposal for 578

Kristensen, John

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Kubicek, Robert V.

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Kuper Island, B.C.

Ferry to (Strachan) 208

Kupernik Foundation

Mentioned: (Kripps) 252

Kwakiutl Indian people

Cape Mudge reserve, municipal status for (Calder) 100-1 (Campbell, D.) 94-5