Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Dailly, Eileen E. (Burnaby North)

Address in Reply 268-73

Air pollution, Vancouver, jurisdiction over 269

Birth control 270

Birth control information in schools 270

Budget debate 431-2, 538-42

Change of Name Act, An Act to Amend 764-5

Children's care, board for, proposal re 273, 540-1

Day care facilities, care in 540

Day care facilities for children under age three 539-40

Day care facilities, government action on 273

Day care facilities, licensed facilities 540

Day care, funding for 540

Dental care, children, Medical Services Plan of B.C. coverage for 541

Dropouts, rate in B.C. 777

Drug abuse 270

Drug addicts, children, treatment for 541

Economy of B.C., government policy on 269-70

Education, funding for 538-9

Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act 763

Elderly, long-term care for 432

Elderly, prescription drugs for 271, 432

Elderly, prescription drugs for, cost of to province 432-3

Elderly renters, grant to and rent increases 763

Extended care, special-care homes 271

Family Relations Act 649

Glue-sniffing 270

Handicapped children, services to 541-2

Handicapped children, Surrey therapy pool for 542

Hearing-aid dealers, standard of competence for 755

Hospital Insurance Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 107) 1R 941

Human Rights Commission Act, changes to 273

Juvenile corrections, regional centres 272

Kindergarten service, development of 539

Legislature, girl Pages 272-3

Metric system, change to 271

Names, married women's surnames, rights re 764-5

Oil spill danger 269

Probation officers, need for 541

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 774-7

Pulp mills, emissions 270

Pupil-teacher ratio elsewhere 775

Pupil-teacher ratio in B.C. 775

Royal Commission on Education, recommendations 776-7

Royal Commission on the Status of Women, recommendations 272, 540

Royal Commission on the Status of Women, special committee on 993

School District 39, teachers' salaries 774

School District 45, referendum on teachers' salaries 775

School District 61, referendum on education costs 775

School districts, grants to 539

School field trips 776

School tax on property, removal of 775

Schools, auxiliary services 539

Sex offenders, treatment for 542

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 901

Social goals of government 268-9

Social problems, prevention of 270

Speech therapists, need for 541

Speech therapy, Medical Services Plan of B.C. coverage for 541

Student counsellors in schools 776

Teachers, collective bargaining by 774

Teachers, salaries, increase in 774

Teachers, salaries, increase in, referendum on 774, 775, 777

Throne speech, content 268

Tourist industry and environmental protection 270

Unemployment 269

Washington State, NDP visit to 269

Welfare, basis for 901

Welfare, eligibility for, minister's powers re 901

Welfare recipients, appeals by 901

Welfare recipients, handicapped 901

Welfare recipients, single-parent families 901

Willingdon School for Girls, closing of 271

Willingdon School for Girls, facilities 272

Willingdon School for Girls, inmates, Indians 272

Willingdon School for Girls inmates, treatment of 271-2, 541

Willingdon School for Girls, use of, proposal re 272

Women discrimination against in civil service 272

Women's groups 273

Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C.

B.C. Ferry Corporation newsstands, removal from (Brousson) 611

Cigarette advertisements (Brothers) 533

Quoted (Barrett) 117, 295, 300 (Peterson) 40 (Wolfe) 376, 380

Mentioned: (Bruch) 523 (Campbell, B.) 125 (Campbell, D.) 315 (Mussallem) 384 (Peterson) 486 (Smith) 493 (Strachan) 214, 329 (Williams, L.A.) 265, 549

Daily News, Nelson, B.C.

Quoted (Campbell, B.) 373 (Nimsick) 973

Daily Sentinel, Kamloops, B-C.

Quoted (Williams, R.A.) 249

Daily Star, Toronto, Ont.

Quoted (Loffmark) 568

Mentioned: (Strachan) 211

Dairy farming

Industry (Shelford) 444

Vancouver Island farms (Ney) 140

Dalhousie University

Mentioned: (Hall) 456


Environment, impact on (McGeer) 32-3

Fish kills and dams (Cocke) 76

See also names of dams, e.g. Mica Dam

Danish Home Society

Mentioned: (Dawson) 167

Data processing branch

Work of (Skillings) 363

Davis, Jack

Mentioned: (Black) 629 (Brousson) 179 (Campbell, B.) 374 (Dowding) 527 (Gaglardi) 497 (Richter) 452, 453 (Smith) 186

Davis, Lorne

Mentioned: (Peterson) 680

Davis, William

Quoted (Dailly) 540

Mentioned: (Brousson) 618

Dawson, Isabel P (Mackenzie) Minister of the Executive Council Without Portfolio

Address in Reply 165-72

Bella Bella hospital 460

B.C. centennial medallions to long-time residents 165

B.C. Hydro transformer stations, beautification of 165-6

Budget debate 433-4, 460-5

Children, care of, local resources 460-1

Drug abuse 171

Elderly, holiday program for 462

Elderly, housing for 167, 434

Electric power transmission, underground wiring 166

Extended-care facilities 166

Extended care, special-care facilities 166-7

Group homes 461

Hearing-aid dealers, correspondence courses for 463-4

Hearing-aid dealers, Gordon Dowding's representation on behalf of 464-5

Hearing-aid dealers, licensing and registration of 464-5

Hearing-aid dealers, standard of competence for 755

Hearing Aid Regulation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 31) 1R, 677; 755

Hearing aids, advisory committee on 463

Hearing aids, board for regulation of, alleged interference in (Dowding) 526

Hearing aids, board for regulation of, powers 463

Hearing aids, board for regulation of, representation on 463

Highway 101, reconstruction of 460

Homeowner grant for elderly, increase in 664

Hospitals and hospital beds 166

Hugh Keenleyside Dam, awards to 166

Indian Affairs department, administration of 168

Indian children, funds for travel at Christmas 168

Indians, All Native Children's Tattoo 170

Indians, employment of in Indian Affairs department 167

Indians, housing, construction of 168

Indians, housing of on reserves 168

Indians, medical clinics for 170

Indians, Raven communication facility 168

Ingenika Indian band, living conditions 169-70

Ingenika Indian band, visit to 168-9 juvenile correction centres, regionalization of 460-1

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline route 166

Ocean Falls hospital, opening of 460

Old age pension, , increase in 433

Pacific North Coast Native Indian Cooperative, federal funds for 995

Parks, work on 460

Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 664

St. Mary's Hospital, addition to 460

Schools, open-area teaching methods 460-1

Willingdon School for Girls, inmates, treatment of 461

Willingdon School for Girls, operation of 460-1

Willingdon School for Girls, staff 460

Dawson, Robert MacGregor

Democratic Government in Canada mentioned (Barrett) 857 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 859, 883

Dawson Creek Chamber of Commerce

Mentioned: (Marshall) 512

Day, S.

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Day care

Care in day-care facilities (Dailly) 540

Children under age three, facilities for (Dailly) 539-40

Day care (Jordan) 505-6

Facilities, government action on (Dailly) 273

Facilities, licensed facilities (Dailly) 540

Funding for (Dailly) 540 (Jordan) 506

Income tax concession for cost of (Jordan) 507

Deaf children

See: Children, Deaf


Workmen's Compensation Board compensation for (Strachan) 933

Deas Island tunnel

See entries beginning George Massey Tunnel, under

Highway 99

Dease Lake, B.C.

B.C. Railway extension to.

See entries under name of company


B.C. deaths, information re (Loffmark) 563

Debates of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Deletions from, allegations re . (Speaker) 244 (Williams, R.A.) 244

Debts, Public

Contingent liabilities of province (Barrett) 295 (Campbell, D.) 316 (Mussallem) 381 (Skillings) 361 (Wolfe) 377

Debt-free position of province (Jefcoat) 14 (LeCours) 8

Deficit financing (Strachan) 897

Federal debt (LeCours) 8

Federal debt, interest costs on (Bennett) 284-5

Provincial debt (Barrett) 295, 324, 557

Provincial debt, reduction in (Block) 626

Deceased Workmen's Wages Act

Mentioned: (Peterson) 687

Decompression sickness

Case cited (Hall) 933-4

de Cosmos, Amor

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 500


Feeding of (Richter) 448

Deer Park, B.C.

Syringa Creek, road to (Brothers) 226

de Gaulle, Charles

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 532

Del Cielo Heights Ltd.

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 248, 249, 250, 593, 596

Deleuw Cather and Co.

Vancouver rapid transit, report on (Dowding) 527

DeLorni, B.

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 52

Delta, B.C.

Boat-launching site (Wenman) 81, 338

Farmland, protection of (Cocke) 794

Greenbelt, proposal for (Wenman) 698

Hospital (Wenman) 84-5

Industrial land (Dowding) 699 (Williams, R.A.) 694

Land, cost of (Campbell, D.) 321, 322

Parking in area at 17th and Highway 10 (Wenman) 82

Provincial grant to (Wolfe) 378

Delta School District

See: School District 37 (Delta)


School course in, proposal for (Kripps) 580

Dempster Highway

Construction of (Marshall) 139

Dental care

B.C. Medical Services Plan coverage for (Hartley) 572

Children's teeth, B.C. Medical Services Plan coverage for care of (Dailly) 541 (Price) 599

Mobile dental clinic for north, need for (Calder) 621

Mobile dental trailer pilot project (Jordan) 144

Reach Clinic, provision of dental care (Hartley) 572


Accounts, tax on overdue accounts (Hartley) 572

Fee, basis for (Hartley) 572

Developing countries

Aid to (Clark) 402 (Shelford) 440

Development, Real estate

See: Real estate development

Devine, Clifford

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 247

DeWahl, Nick

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Diamond, Jack

Mentioned: (Bennett) 855 (Macdonald) 396

Diefenbaker, John George

Mentioned: (Black) 624 (Chant) 470 (Strachan) 333

Director of Correction

Annual report tabled (Peterson) 262

District of North Vancouver, B.C.

Amalgamation with North Vancouver (Williams, R.A.) 248

Work project deadline, extension of (Brousson) 610


Income tax exemption for (Strachan) 751-2


Accelerated Park Development Fund Act, 2R approved 725

Address in Reply approved 279; amdt. negatived 125

Adjournment of debate on Motion 2 approved 280

Adjournment of debate until next sitting of House, M. approved 993

Adjournment of debate until next sitting of House, M. negatived 435, 862

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Act, 1964, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 794; 3R approved 844

Budget approved 630; amdt. to negatived 438

Centennial Cultural Fund Act, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 675

Chairman's ruling sustained 643, 644, 644-5, 839-40, 840

Gift Tax Act, 2R approved 960; 3R approved 972-3

Green Belt Protection Fund Act, 2R approved 795

Kootenay Canal Land Acquisition Act, 2R approved 974; 311 approved 980

Legislature, sittings of House, amdt. to M. negatived

Motion 7, amdt. to negatived 314

Nimsick, Leo, suspension from the service of the House approved 644

Power and Telephone Line Beautification Fund Act, 2R approved 732-3

Provincial Rapid Transit Subsidy Act, 2R approved 740

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 893; 3R approved 972

Safety Engineering Services Act, 2R approved 925-6; 3R approved 979

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 916; 311 approved 979

Speaker's ruling negatived 414

Speaker's ruling sustained 4, 655

Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 750

Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-Personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act, 3R approved 980

Vanco Insurance Company, An Act to Incorporate, 3R approved 982

Workmen's Compensation Act, 1968, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 936


Law, change in (Peterson) 649

Divorce Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Barrett) 650 (Peterson) 649

Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act

Mentioned: (Peterson) 649

Dohm, Thomas A.

Report on Gastown tabled (Black) 5

Mentioned: (Capozzi) 257 (Gaglardi) 768 (Gardom) 849

Dollar, Canadian

Value of and U.S. dollar (Throne speech) 1

Domestic International Sales Corporation

Threat of to Canada (Price) 218 (Strachan) 213

Domestic relations

Disputes, role of police in (Hall) 653

Family law, amendments to (McCarthy) 202

Family law, codification of (Peterson) 42

Family law, study of (Throne speech) 2

Family Relations Act. See name of act

Domestic relations court

Judges, appointment of (Peterson) 653

Jurisdiction of (Peterson) 653

Operation of family court (Peterson) 42

Staff (Barrett) 650 (Bennett) 651 (Gardom) 651 (Hall) 66552 (Macdonald) 651 (Peterson) 653 (Williams, L.A.)

Dominion Law Reports

Quoted (Peterson) 906

Donald, Walter

Quoted (Brothers) 632 (Tisdalle) 162

Donation of organs, tissues, etc.

Age of consent for (Loffmark) 760

Human Tissue Gift Act. See name of act

Regulation of (Loffmark) 760

Douglas, Clifford H.

Mentioned: (Strachan) 332

Douglas, Thomas Clement (Tommy)

Mentioned: (Little) 553 (McDiarmid) 221 (Peterson) 40 (Williams, L.A.) 124

Douglas College

Mentioned: (Brothers) 537

Dowding, Hon. Gordon H. (Burnaby-Edmonds)

Accelerated Park Development Fund Act 722-3

Accelerated park development fund, use of funds 723

Address in Reply 230-5

Administration Act, An Act to Amend 687

Anti-Litter Week, proclamation of 231

Archaeological and Historic Sites Protection Act 810

B.C. Electric Co., takeover of 233

B.C. Energy Board, report of 792

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Act, 1964, An Act to Amend 792-3

B.C. Hydro, borrowed funds, use of 792, 793

B.C. Hydro officials, meeting with MLAs 793

Budget debate 524-9

Burnaby, Boundary Road power line 731

Burnaby Lake area, rezoning of 700

Burnaby, south Burnaby area land, rezoning of 699

Burrard Inlet crossing, opposition to third crossing 526-7

Caves, protection of 810

Centennial Cultural Fund Act, An Act to Amend 670-1

Centennial cultural fund funds, use of 671

Change of Name Act, An Act to Amend 765

Change of Name Act, An Act to Amend, amendment to third reading 787

Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to Amend 766

Community care facilities, residents' bequests 766

Crime victims' cases, powers re determination of 848

Crime victims, compensation for 848

Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 848

Delta, industrial land 699

Drug abuse, cost of to B.C. 235

Drug addicts, number of 234

Drug addicts, treatment for 234-5

Education services, cuts in 879-80

Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act 762-3

Elderly renters, grant to and rent increases 763

Elections, political parties on ballots 808

Electric power, future needs, report on 792

Expenditures, underexpenditure of appropriations 524

Federal equalization payments, constitutional validity of 525

Ferries, takeover of private service 233

Gift Tax Act 957-8

Gift tax and donations to charity 958

Good samaritans, legislation on compensation for 848

Green Belt Protection Fund Act 699-700

Green belt protection fund, land purchases, decisions on 699

Greenbelt reserve, proposal for 699

Greenbelts, establishment of 699

Hearing-aid dealers, representation on behalf of 526 (Dawson) 464-5

Hearing aids, board for regulation of, alleged interference in 526

Hearing aids, B.C. Medical Plan coverage for 526

Heroin, addiction to 234

Indian middens, preservation of 671

Industrial safety, responsibility for 920-1

Infants, program for 231

Intestates, illegitimate children, provision for 687

Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend 961

Library services, funding for 852

Mentally handicapped children in school system 231

Office of Commissioner of Grievances, An Act to Establish (Bill 84) 1R, 743;1001

Oil spills, cleanup costs 814-5

Ombudsman's function, proposal re 1001

Pacific North Coast Native Indian Cooperative, provincial funds for 995

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend 814-5

Power and Telephone Line Beautification Fund Act 731

Power and telephone lines, cost of burying 731

Power and telephone lines, responsibility for burying 731

Proceedings Against the Crown, An Act Respecting (Bill 85) 1R, 743;1001

Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend 808-9

Public Libraries Act, An Act to Amend 852

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 878-80

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, government advertisement re 878

Rent-control Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 38) 1R, 786; 998

Rent control, municipal bylaws re 998

Rental authority, establishment of 998

Rental housing, security deposits 232

Revenue, estimates of, under-estimates 524

Royal Commission on Non-Medical Use of Drugs, recommendations 233-4

Royal Commission on the Status of Women, special committee on 994

Safety Engineering Services Act 920-1

Schools, Gluelam beams, safety of 231

Sentences, serving of 690

Skagit Valley, flooding of 233

Small claims court, jurisdiction of 232

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 903-4

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, regulations under act 904

Special funds, establishment of 524

Special funds, use of by B.C. Hydro 524

Standards for equipment and supplies 921

Summary Convictions Act, An Act to Amend 689-90

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, reissue of as leases 965-6, 970

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of 965-6, 970

Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-Personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act 970

Tanker traffic, oil spill danger 233

Tanker traffic on coast 233, 815

Teachers, salaries, arbitration of 878-9

Teachers, salaries, ceiling on 878-9

Throne speech, content 231

Tobacco advertisements in Victoria newspapers 525-6

Transportation, lower mainland 527

Unemployed, Ed Gerade's project for 528

Vancouver, overhead wires 731

Vancouver, rapid transit 526-7

Vancouver, rapid transit, funding for 527, 528

Victoria Times, cigarette advertising 525-6

Washington State Legislature, procedures 232-3

Washington State, NDP visit to 232

Welfare, eligibility for, minister's powers re 903-4, 904

Welfare recipients, appeals by 904

Zoning, problem re 699-700

Downey Creek, B.C.

Dam (Campbell, B.) 373

Draft dodger

See: Military Service, Compulsory — Resister


Participation in (Jordan) 503

Dreidiger, George

Mentioned: (Strachan) 211

Drinking and traffic accidents

Drinking driver (Peterson) 43-4

Drinking driver, restrictions on (Mussallem) 382

Fatalities (McDiarmid) 223 (Tisdalle) 161

Prevention of (McDiarmid) 223

See also: Drunk driving

Driver' licences, Automobile

See: Automobile driver' licences

Driving, Automobile

See: Automobile driving


Rate in B.C. (Dailly) 777

Drug abuse

Addiction (Mussallem) 382

Addicts, number of (Dowding) 234

Addicts, treatment for (Dowding) 234-5

Addicts, treatment for, hospital insurance coverage for ('Throne speech) 3

Alberta prevention program (Williams, L.A.) 544

Cause of (Dailly) 270

Child addicts, treatment for (Dailly) 541

Cost of to B.C. (Dowding) 235

Drug abuse (Black) 625-6 (Calder) 99-100 (Campbell, D.) 93 (Dawson) 171 (McCarthy) 204

Prevention (Hall) 172-3 (Price) 217

Schools, educational program (Williams, L.A.) 544, 884-5

Traffickers, deporting of (Little) 180

Young people, education of re drugs (McCarthy) 204

Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund

Advertising campaign (Williams, L.A.) 543-4

Community advisory committees (Brothers) 534

Council (Brothers) 533 (Williams, L.A.) 543

Education program (Brothers) 533-4

Education film, production of (Brothers) 534

Funding for (Bennett) 288

Funds, use of (Brothers) 533-4 (Mussallem) 382

Grants (Brothers) 534

Publication “Get it Straight” (Brothers) 534

Research work (Brothers) 534

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 14 (Shelford) 239


Elderly, prescription drugs for (Barrett) 409-10, 413 (Clark) 90 (Dailly) 271, 432 (Strachan) 419 (Wallace) 349-50, 421

Elderly, prescription drugs for, cost of to province (Dailly) 432-3

Generic-name drugs, use of in filling prescriptions (Hartley) 996 (Loffmark) 996 (Price) 598-9

Drunk driving

Advertisements and liquor store signs re (Gardom) 795

Alcohol levels (Nimsick) 45, 797 (Wallace) 798

Beer parlour hours, proposal re (Barrett) 799

Beer parlours, breathalysers in, proposal re (Price)

Fine for, level of (Gardom) 795

Insurance premiums for drunk drivers (Barrett) 799-800

Licence suspension for (Gardom) 796 (LeCours) 800-1 (Little) 797 (Lorimer) 801 (Macdonald) 798 (Mussallem) 797 (Nimsick) 797-8 (Peterson) 44, 801-2 (Wallace) 799

Licence suspensions, number of (McDiarmid) 223

Penalty for (Gardom) 795

Penalty for driving under suspension (McDiarmid)

Prevention of (Gardom) 795

Drury, Charles

Mentioned: (Peterson) 486

Dubé, Jean Eudes

Mentioned: (Marshall) 512

Dufferin, B.C.

Bennett, Charlie, land holdings, access to (Williams, R.A.) 595

Bennett, Charlie, land holdings, water supply for (Williams, R.A.) 593-4

Boundaries (Campbell, D.) 323 (Strachan) 326

Council meetings, site for (Williams, R.A.) 251

Highway junction area land (Williams, R.A.) 593-5

Highway 1, access to (Williams, R.A.) 595-6

Hotel (Williams, R.A.) 250

Kamloops, amalgamation with (Williams, R.A.) 597

Kamloops work yard (Williams, R.A.) 250

Letters patent issued (Williams, R.A.) 249-51

Mayor, appointment of (Williams, R.A.) 250-1

Municipal status for (Barrett) 312-3 (Campbell, D.) 323 (Williams, R.A.) 592

Roads, title to (Williams, R.A.) 596

Weyerhaeuser pulp mill (Campbell, D.) 323 (Williams, R.A.) 250

Zoning of (Williams, R.A.) 593, 594-5

Duncan, B.C.

Pulp mill smell (Strachan) 208

Welfare costs (Strachan) 330

Welfare recipients (Strachan) 330

Duncan Dam

Reservoir (McGeer) 35

Reservoir, clearing of (Hartley) 790

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 373 (McGeer) 32 (Nimsick) 474 (Williston) 64

Dunlop, Bruce

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Dunlop Tire and Rubber Co.

Employee's pension, case cited (Mussallem) 187

Duplessis, Allan

Mentioned: (Dowding) 848