Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Legislature — Members

McBride, Sir Richard

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 499

McCarthy, Hon. Grace (Vancouver-Little Mountain) Member of the Executive Council Without Portfolio

Accelerated Park Development Fund Act 722

Accelerated Park Development Fund Act, purpose of 722

Accelerated park development fund, use of funds 722

Address in Reply 201-7

Athletes, awards to 352-3

B.C. cultural fund, use of funds 353

Budget debate 351-5

Carr, Emily, preservation of home of 202

Centennial Cultural Fund Act, An Act to Amend 667

Centennial cultural fund funds, use of 667

Conventions, Vancouver'as site for 206

Draft dodgers, federal funds for 202-3

Drug abuse 204

Drugs, education of young people re 204

Economy of Canada 354-5

Education, funding for 354

Environmental protection, funding for 354

Family law, amendments to 202

Family Relations Act 649-50

Government buildings, art works for, proposal re 202

Green Belt Protection Fund Act 700-2

Green belt protection fund, use of funds 701-2

Guaranteed annual income 353-4

Health care, funding for 354

Historic buildings, trust for preservation of, proposal re 202

Homeowner grant, increase in 354

Homeowners, assistance to, administration costs 204

Hotel room tax revenue, use of 206

Housing, brochure on 204-5

Housing, funding for 354

Indians, housing for in Chetwynd 205

Job opportunities program, cost of 203

Job opportunities program, number of jobs 203

Job opportunities program, success of 202-4

Land trust, proposal for 202

Local initiatives program, use of funds 722

Lower mainland regional planning board, disbanding of 700-1

Marijuana, use of 204

Old age pension, increase in 201, 353

Olympic Games, site for Winter Olympics 205

Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 657-8

Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 663

Public housing, responsibility for 204

Queen Elizabeth's visit to B.C. 207

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of 971

Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-Personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act 971

Taxation rate in B.C. 352

Tourist industry in B.C. 205-7

Tourists, Japanese tourists 206

Tourists, non-English-speaking, interpreters for 207

Trudeau, PE., federal cabinet shuffle 201

University of B.C., electron microscope for 204

Vancouver, downtown area, proposal re 353

Vancouver, Four Seasons project, federal actions on 701

Vancouver, Four Seasons site, development of 202

Vancouver harbour, cleanup of 207

Vancouver harbour, development of as tourist attraction 207

Vancouver, Jericho land, preservation of as park 201, 701

Vancouver, Jericho land, purchase of 467

Vancouver, transit system 353

Victoria harbour, cleanup of 207

Zoning, use of 700

McConnell, Robert (Bob)

Quoted (Barrett) 21 (Campbell, D.) 376

Mentioned: (Black) 623

McCreary, John F.

Mentioned: (Hartley) 572

McCreight, J.F.

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 499, 500

McDiarmid, H.R. (Alberni)

Address in Reply 221-5

Australia, Great Barrier Reef, protection of 222

Australia, strikes 222

Budget debate 529-32

Christie Indian Residential School, proposal for use of 225

Drunk driving, fatalities 223

Drunk driving, licence suspensions, number of 223

Drunk driving, licence suspensions, penalty for driving 223-4

Drunk driving, prevention of 223

Education, quality of 832-3

Exports, shipping of in Canadian ships 224

Fish boats, echo-sounding tape, sales tax on 532

Glue-sniffing, prevention of 223

Guaranteed annual income 532

Hospital construction, architect for 530

Hospital construction, Comox-Strathcona Regional District 530-1

Hospital construction, prefabricated units for 530-1

Indians, museum for 225

Long-term care, special-care facilities, funding for 530

Natural gas, Vancouver Island, electric power generation 531

Nitinat Triangle, preservation of 222-3

Northland Navigation Co. Ltd., federal subsidy for 224-5

Nuclear, power, cost of 531

Nuclear power for Vancouver Island 531

Nursing home care, coverage for cost of 530

Pacific Rim National Park, opening of 225

Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, use of funds 683

Physicians, shortage of in rural and remote areas 529

Pollution 222

Provincial Rapid Transit Subsidy Act 735

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 832-4

Quebec, separation 532

Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, An Act to Amend 683

Select Standing Committee on Forestry and Fisheries, report 983

Succession duties and registered retirement savings plans 749

Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend 749

Tahsis, per capita grants to village and Tahsis Co. Ltd. 529

Tahsis, rents, level of 529

Tahsis, road to 529

Teachers, assistance to 833

Teachers, collective bargaining by 834

Teachers, competence of 832

Teachers, salaries 833-4

Transit, funding for 735

Travels 221-2

Zeballos, road to 224

McDiarmid, Robert

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Macdonald, Alexander Barrett (Vancouver East)

Address in Reply 115-6, 148-53

Administration Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 2) 1R, 37; 556

Administration Act, An Act to Amend 687

Attorney-General department, report 150

Automobile insurance companies, reserves 116

Automobile insurance, government plan for, proposal re 115-6

Bechtel Corp. bidders' lists, access to 394

B.C. Building, location of 393

B.C. Building site, use of 393

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Act, 1964, An Act to Amend 790

B.C. Hydro, borrowed funds, use of 790

B.C. Hydro transit system accounts, disclosure of 734

Budget debate 392-6

Burrard Inlet crossing, funding for 733

Cemetery trust funds 150-1

Chartered Accountants Act, An Act to Amend 648

Chartered accountants, council, lay appointment to 648

Chartered accountants, designation of “Honourable” for 648

Colwood Cemetery Co., trust funds 151

Common-law spouses, financial security for 651-2

Common-law spouses, succession duties 652

Crime victims, compensation for 849

Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 849

Criminal Injuries Compensation Act, proclamation of 849

Drunk driving, licence suspension for 798

Election campaign funds, limitation on 1000

Election Expenses Act, 1972 (Bill 76) 1R, 715;1000

Exhibition Park, horse manure concession 854

Exhibition Park, liquor concession 854

Family court staff 651

Family Relations Act 651-2

Funeral industry, information re 150-1

Gift Tax Act 956-7

Gift Tax Act, application of 956-7

Gift tax, exemptions from 956

Glue-sniffing, prevention of 148-9

Government business, public access to information on 998

Horse-racing days, reduction in 396

Horse-racing purses, distribution of funds 395-6

Intestacy, requirement re letters probate 687

Intestates, common-law spouses, provision for 687

Intestates, illegitimate children, provision for 687

Intestates, separated couples 687

Intestates, spouses, protection of rights of 687

Judges, supernumerary judges 311-2

Kaiser Resources Ltd. shares, insider trading, allegation re 150

Land Bank of British Columbia, An Act to Incorporate (Bill 114) 1R, 979

Libel and Slander Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 64) 1R, 709; 999

Motor-vehicle Act, An Act to Amend 798

Nail-polish-sniffing, prevention of 149

Natural gas pipeline from Arctic regions 394

Natural gas pipeline to Vancouver Island, funding for 790

Natural gas price in U.S. 152

Natural gas, Vancouver bland market for 394

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline construction 151-3, 393-5

Natural gas, Vancouver bland pipeline, construction of by B.C. Hydro 393-5

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, construction of by Bechtel Corp. 393-4

Pari Mutuel Betting Tax Act, An Act to Amend 854

Parimutuel tax, reduction in 854

Pension plans 393

Pensions, examination of by select standing committee 393

Provincial Rapid Transit Subsidy Act 733-5

Provision of Hearing Aids Act (Bill 113) 1R, 979

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 861-2

Public Scrutiny, An Act to Provide for (Bill 41) 1R, 609; 998-9

Public Utilities Commission, reports 150-1

Racehorses, B.C. born and bred, definition of 854

Racetrack costs 854

Racetracks, operation of by horse-owners 854

Redkin, Brian, case cited 149

Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, An Act to Amend 679-80

Seattle transit system 734

Securities Commission, report of 150

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 769-70

Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend 748-9

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, reissue of as leases 966

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of 966

Supreme Court Act, An Act to Amend 311-2

Tanker traffic on coast 394

Transit, free use of, proposal for 734

Transit, funding for 393, 734

Transit, rapid transit systems elsewhere 734

Transit systems, losses, payment for 733

Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend 940

Vancouver rapid transit, provincial funds for 149

Vancouver, tenants, right to vote on bylaws 940

Vancouver transportation, Kelly study 733, 734

Victory Memorial Gardens Ltd., trust fund accounts 150-1

Victory Memorial Gardens Ltd., White Rock cemetery mortgage 151

Welfare, eligibility for, determination of 769-70

Westco Insurance Co., financial statement 115-6

Westco Insurance Co., rates 115

Wills, beneficiaries' rights, protection of 556

Macdonald, Donald S.

Mentioned: (Wallace) 61

Macdonald, John Barfoot

Higher Education in British Columbia: A Plan for the Future mentioned (Brothers) 536 (Strachan) 819

MacDonald, K.M.

Mentioned: (Gardom) 396

MacEachen, Allan Joseph

Quoted (Campbell, D.) 415 (Strachan) 419

Macfarlane, Alan B.

Mentioned: (Bennett) 666 (Macdonald) 687

McGavin, Alan

Mentioned: (Chabot) 387 (Merilees) 190

McGavin Toastmaster Ltd.

Employee's pension, case cited (Merilees) 190

Employees' pension plan and closing of company (Chabot) 387-8 (Cocke) 74-6, 367 (Mussallem) 187

Strike (Merilees) 189-90

Mentioned: (Mussallem) 381 (Price) 220

McGeer, Patrick Lucey (Vancouver-Point Grey)

Accelerated Park Development Fund Act 720-1

Accelerated park Development Fund Act, purpose of 721

Accelerated park development fund, use of funds 721

Accelerated Reforestation Fund Act 727-8

Accelerated reforestation fund, use of funds 727-8

Accelerated reforestation fund, use of funds, accountability for 727, 729

Address in Reply 26-36

Agricultural land, protection of 307

Airports, funding for 306

Archaeological and Historic Sites Protection Act 811-2

Archaeological sites in Vancouver-Point Grey 811

Athletes, annual grant to, proposal for 678

Beverage containers in roadside litter 757

Beverage containers, refund for 757

B.C. Building land, use of 702

B.C. Energy Board, terms of reference for 27, 32

B.C. Ferry Corporation, Iona Island-Gabriola route, proposal re 26, 305

B.C. Ferry Corporation, reservation system, proposal for 26

B.C. Hydro, exemption of from municipal bylaws 702

B.C. Hydro, expropriation of land by 702-3

B.C. Hydro, land-use policies 702

British Columbia Railway Act 517-8

British Columbia Railway Company Share Capital Purchase Act (1972) 520-1

British Columbia Railway, extension to Yukon 305-6

Budget debate 302-10, 436-7

Budget, Liberal Party budget 303-10

Burrard Inlet crossing, construction of 26

Centennial Cultural Fund Act, An Act to Amend 667-8

Centennial cultural fund, increase in 667-8

Chartered Accountants Act, An Act to Amend 648

Chartered Accountants Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills 648

Civil service, tribute to 720

Commercial Transport department, abolition of 306

Crime victims, compensation for 309, 848

Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 848

Dams, environmental impact of 32-3

Duncan Dam reservoir 35

Economic council for B.C., proposal for 307

Education, costs of 782-3, 784

Elderly, funding for programs for 304

Elderly, income tax abatement for 305

Elderly, long-term care for, cost of 304

Elderly, Medical Services Plan premiums, exemption from 304

Elderly, prescription drugs for 304

Elderly, property tax exemption for 27, 304

Elderly, prosthetic devices for 304

Elderly, rental supplement for 304

Elderly, transit passes for 27, 304

Election campaigns, government advertisements during period of 768

Election expenses, limit on, proposal re 768

Elections, date of, proposal for fixed date 27

Elections, political parties on ballots 767

Electoral districts, redistribution of 768

Electric power consumption in B.C. 29

Electric power developments, decisions on 29-30, 32-3

Electric power developments, environmental impact 30-3

Electric power developments, select standing committee on, proposal for 32

Environment department, proposal re 27

Exploration of Pacific Northwest 811

Ferry for coastal service 305

Fisheries department, proposal for 307

Glue-sniffing, effects of 28

Glue-sniffing, legislation on 28, 29

Green Belt Protection Fund Act 702-3

Greenbelts, protection of 703

Handicapped, transit passes for 27

Highway 7, Hope-Rosedale section, four-laning of 306

Highway 99, Clinton-Squamish section 306

Home care services 27

Hope-Merritt highway, proposal re 306

Indian art festival, proposal for 811-2

Industry, incentives for new industries 27

Kemano power project 34, 35

Kootenay Canal Land Acquisition Act 936-7

Kootenay canal right-of-way, land on, negotiations re 936-7

Kootenay canal right-of-way, land on, price for 937

Kootenay River, electric power project 34, 34-5

Kootenay River, water rights 35, 308

Labour disputes, settlement of 310

Labour legislation, proposal re 27

Labour relations in B.C. 309-10

Land registry office 308

Legal aid system 309

Legislature, broadcasting of debates 27

Legislature, oral question period 27

Legislature, rules, proposal for change in 27

Legislature, televising of debates 27

Legislature, written record of debates 27

Litter Act, An Act to Amend 757-8

Long-term care facilities 27

Lower mainland area, rapid transit system for 738-9

Lower mainland regional planning board, disbanding of 702

Mackenzie Valley pipeline, construction of (Motion 31) 997, 998

Moran dam 34, 307

National Paper Box Ltd. employees, certification of, petition re tabled 985

Natural gas, electric power generation from 33

Natural gas, export of to U.S. 33

Natural gas pipeline, Williams Lake-Vancouver bland 29-30

Nelsom electric power plant, future of 937

Nelson, electric power rates 937

Nelson, water licence, increase in 308

Nuclear power, development of 33-4, 307-8

Nuclear power, Pickering plant 34, 308

Oil spills, cleanup of, cost of 814

Oil spills, penalty for 814

Old age pension, supplementary allowance 436-7

Ombudsman, proposal for 309

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, name change 517-8

Parks, funds for, administration of 720-1

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend 814

Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, purpose of 678

Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, use of funds 678

Place names in B.C., origin of 811

Post-secondary education, commission on, proposal for 27

Power and Telphone Line Beautification Fund Act 732

Power and telephone line beautification fund, purpose of 732

Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend 767-8

Provincial Elections Act, changes to 27

Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 661-2

Provincial Rapid Transit Subsidy Act 738-9

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 781

Pupil-teacher ratio in B.C. 782

Railways, development of 306

Revelstoke-Castlegar road 306

Revenue, 1971-72 fiscal year 303

Revenue, 1972-73 fiscal year, forecast re 303

Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, An Act to Amend 678

San Francisco transit system 738-9

Science city for B.C., proposal re 27, 306

Select Standing Committee on Labour, proposal for use of 310

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, conduct of committee 721, 727

Select standing committees, use of, funding for 309

Skagit Valley, flooding of 32

Skagit Valley, International joint Commission hearings on 30-1

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 900-1

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, introduction of Bill 705

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, minister's powers under act 900

Solvent-sniffing, legislation on 28, 29

Solvent-sniffing, materials used 28

Special funds, abuse in use of 721

Strikes and lockouts, 1971, man-days lost 309

Succession duties on family farms 307, 746

Succession duties, opposition to 746

Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend 746-7

Tanker traffic on coast 997

Teachers, salaries, increase in 782

Teachers, salaries, increase in and private sector increases 783

Teachers, salaries, referendums on increase in 783

Totem poles, out-of-province location of 811

Trade missions 307

Transportation, policy on 306

Unemployment, rate 26

University for Okanagan, proposal re 26-7

University of Victoria, medical school proposal 27

Vancouver, Jericho Beach area property, disposition of 27-8

Vancouver, overhead wires 732

Vancouver, rapid transit system 261, 738, 739

Voting, university students 767-8

Welfare recipients, job opportunities program, funds for 26

McGregor River, B.C.

Diversion of (Kiernan) 277

Machlup, Fritz

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

MacInnis, Grace

Quoted (Barrett) 412, 895-6, 896

Mentioned: (Barrett) 294 (Clark) 405

Mackasey, Bryce

Quoted (McCarthy) 354

Mentioned: (Brousson) 610 (Chabot) 385

McKay, Harry C.

Mentioned: (Bennett) 666 (Throne speech) 2

McKelvie, C.S.J.

Mentioned: (Price) 981

Mackenzie, J.C.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568

Mackenzie Highway

Mentioned: (Marshall) 139

McKeown, John

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 56

Mackey, Lloyd

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 372

McLaren, Norman

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 127

MacLaurin, D.J.

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

McMahon, Frank

Quoted (Macdonald) 152

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 395

MacMillan, H.R.

Mentioned: (LeCours) 356

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.

Property, assessment of (Strachan) 327, 328

Mentioned: (Gardom) 400 (McDiarmid) 222, 983 (Strachan) 214 (Vogel) 155 (Williams, R.A.) 887

McNaughton, Andrew

Mentioned: (McGeer) 31

McRuer, J.C.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 896

McSorley committee

See entries under Industrial safety

McTaggart-Cowan, Ian

Mentioned: (Brothers) 537 (Tisdalle) 944

McWilliams, Harold

Quoted (Brousson) 613

Magee, Eric

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Magma Thermal Earth Energy Inc.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 77

Magnusson, Karen

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 352 (McGeer) 678 (Peterson) 485, 680

Maillardvine, B.C.

Bernette Road telephone lines (Cocke) 732


See: Support (Domestic relations)

Majority, Age of

See: Age (Law)

Malaspina Gas Co.

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 152, 153, 394


Automobile insurance (LeCours) 122-3 (Peterson) 120

Lottery (Price) 221

Socialism (Gaglardi) 194

Unemployment (Barrett) 20

Manning, Ernest

Quoted (Brousson) 611

Manning Provincial Park

Elk sanctuary (Hartley) 570

Mentioned: (Hartley) 570 (Williams, R.A.) 246, 247

The Maples, Burnaby, B.C.

Willingdon School for Girls, amalgamation with (Kripps) 579

Marchand, Jean

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 94 (Marshall) 514 (Skillings) 365

Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark

Accession to throne (Throne speech) 1


Cultivation of as cash crop (Marshall) 139

Effects of, research on (Brothers) 534

Use of (McCarthy) 204


See: Seamen

Maritime provinces

Government, cost of (Kiernan) 587

Mark Creek, B.C.

Pollution of (Nimsick) 476, 477

Marketing boards

Boards (Shelford) 444

Marlon, Sidney P

Mentioned: (Brothers) 632


Pre-marital counselling (Barrett) 650

Marshall, Donald Albert (South Peace River)

Address in Reply 135-40

Agriculture industry 139

Alfalfa cubes, export of to Japan 139

Alfalfa cubes, production of in Peace River 515

Alfalfa pellets, production of 138-9

Arctic tundra, reclamation of 515

British Columbia Agriculture Corporation Act (Bill 83) 1R, 719;1000

B.C. products, marketing of 514

Budget debate 512-6

Dempster Highway, construction of 139

Education system 138

Farm produce, dumping of in B.C. 1000

Farm produce, processing facilities, funding for 1000

Farm products, promotion of sale of 514, 515

Fort Nelson-Fort Simpson road, construction of 513

Great Britain, House of Commons, proceedings of 138

Highway 97, Alaska Highway, paving of 512-3

Home-acquisition grant and encumbrances on property titles 516

Homeowner grant 137

Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce department, work of 136

Industry, incentives for 513-4

Japan, representatives' visit to Peace River country 138 job creation programs 139

Kakwa River area, park for 515-6

Liard Highway, construction of 139

Marijuana, cultivation of 139

Monkman Pass area, park for 515-6

Okanagan industries, incentives to 514

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, Fort Nelson extension, opening of 136

Prairie Grain Stabilization Act 139

Resignation of from Social Credit Party 941

Roads in northern B.C., construction of 513

Rural life in B.C. 137

Schoolchildren, walk limits for 138

Small business, research council, proposal re 514

Social change 137

W.A.C. Bennett Dam, benefits of 136

Welfare recipients, children of 137-8

Williston Lake 136

Marshall, T.C.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568

Martin, Eric

Mentioned: (Hartley) 571 (Nimsick) 429, 482


Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 159

Massey, Vincent

Mentioned: (Kripps) 254

Mather, Camille

Mentioned: (Clark) 405

Mathewson, W.E.

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Mathias, Philip

Forced Growth mentioned (Skillings) 365

Mataqui, B.C.

Amalgamation with Abbotsford and Sumas (Williams, R.A.) 248

May, Sir Thomas Erskine

Parliamentary Practice mentioned (Barrett) 427, 857 (Capozzi) 972 (McGeer) 425 (Nimsick) 430 (Peterson) 999 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 425, 427, 429, 430, 638, 859

Parliamentary Practice quoted (Dowding) 428 (Peterson) 413 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 428, 883, 884

Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.

Mentioned: (Gardom) 954

Meany, George

Quoted Gordan) 502

Meat Packers' Council of Canada

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Mediation Commission

Abolition of (Barrett) 20 (Hall) 460

Annual report tabled (Chabot) 5

Failure of (Gardom) 400

Use of (LeCours) 7

Mediation Commission Act

Approval of (Capozzi) 259

Changes to, proposal for (Hall) 460

Enactment of (Mussallem) 186

Section 18, repeal of, proposal for (Barrett) 20

Mentioned: (Hall) 457, 875 (LeCours) 7 (Merilees) 552

Medical care

Community clinics, proposal re (Cocke) 370-1

Federal cost-sharing formula (Cocke) 368-9

Federal funds for (Black) 627-8 (Campbell, B.) 372 (Loffmark) 564

Group medical clinics (Black) 628 (Hartley) 572

Health care, cost of (Campbell, B.) 372 (Hartley) 569, 571 (Loffmark) 565 (Wallace) 349

Health care, cost of and gross national product (Capozzi) 584

Health care costs, increase in (Capozzi) 584 (Strachan) 818

Health care costs, savings on, proposal for sharing of (Capozzi) 584

Health care, funding for (Bennett) 290 (Cocke) 369 (McCarthy) 354

Health care services in B.C., eligibility for (Loffmark) 566

Health care services, responsibility for (Cocke) 369

Health certificates, proposal for (Capozzi) 584

Northern B.C., funding for health care (Calder) 621

Pemberton Valley medical facilities (Williams, L.A.) 545

Puget Sound Group Health Plan, case cited (Cocke) 370

Sault Ste. Marie clinic (Hartley) 572

Seattle group health clinic (Hartley) 572

See also: Rural health services

Medical Care Insurance Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Cocke) 368 (Loffmark) 565

Medical laboratories

Problems re (Black) 628-9

Medical Services Plan of British Columbia

Appropriation for (Bennett) 287, 291 (Price) 597

Dental care for children, coverage of (Dailly) 541 (Price) 599

Elderly, exemption of from premiums (Barrett) 413 (Clark) 404 (McGeer) 304

Enrolment in (Jefcoat) 15

Establishment of (Price) 122

Funding for (Cocke) 369

Operating statement tabled (Black) 709

Physicians, abuse of billing system (Black) 628 (Kripps) 252-3

Premiums paid by employers, income tax on (Strachan) 752

Premiums, subsidization of (Nimsick) 483

Speech therapy, coverage for (Dailly) 541

Mentioned: (Hartley) 573 (Strachan) 419


Medicare (Wallace) 118

Medicine, Preventive

Funding for (Cocke) 370

Medicor Investment Corp.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 80

Meighen, Arthur

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 481

Members of the Legislative Assembky

See: Legislature — Members

Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Act

Business done under act, report tabled (Black) 5

Memorial Society of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 150, 151

Mennonite Benevolent Society

Mentioned: (Black) 627

Mental health services

Child maintenance, inclusion of mental health services in (Barrett) 650-1

Cowichan-Malahat constituency (Strachan) 208

Funding for (Bennett) 291

Mental health services (Throne speech) 3

Mental health units, increase in number of (Bennett) 291

Mentally ill, community-based care for (Loffmark) 564

Williams Lake office (Fraser) 510

Mentally handicapped children

Group homes for in Vancouver South constituency (Kripps) 577

Residences for (Loffmark) 564-5

School system, children in (Dowding) 231

Mentally ill

Treatment for, home treatment (Throne speech) 3

Menzies, Ray

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568

Merchant marine

Exports, shipment of in Canadian ships (McDiarmid) 224


Fish, mercury content (Campbell, B.) 374

Merilees, Harold J. (Vancouver-Burrard)

Address in Reply 187-91

B.C. Building 552

B.C. Federation of Labour, actions of 189

B.C. Federation of Labour, brief to MLAs 189

B.C. Railway, name change, proposal re 552

Budget debate 549-53

Burrard Inlet crossing 188, 551

China, trade mission to 188

False Creek area, cleanup and redevelopment of 187

Home-ownership, promotion of 550

Inflation 552

Labour relations, management-union conference, proposal re 190-1

Lions Gate Bridge, construction of 188

Lower mainland, planning authority for 188

McGavin Toastmaster Bakeries Ltd., employee's pension, case cited 190

McGavin Toastmaster Bakeries Ltd., strike 189-90

Pacific Rim countries, trade with 188

Pollution control 188

Quebec, separatism 552-3

Tourist area councils, funding for 188

Trade unions, collective agreements 552

Trade unions, demands of 550

United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 188

Vancouver, rapid transit system 188-9

Vancouver, rapid transit system, federal funds for 550

Vancouver, rapid transit system, funding for 550

Vancouver, Second Narrows bridge, construction of 188

Merritt, B.C.

Crown land, cost of to municipality (Hartley) 105

Hope, highway to, proposal re (McGeer) 306

Mesmar, Al

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Metric system

Phasing-in of (Brothers) 227 (Dailly) 271

Mica Dam

Construction of (Bennett) 285 (Campbell, B.) 373 (Smith) 185 (Throne speech) 2 (Williston) 64

Cost of (Campbell, B.) 373

Generators (Kiernan) 591

Reservoir, clearing of (Campbell, B.) 373

Turbines, purchase of from Russia (Kiernan) 591

Mentioned: (Barrett) 557 (Campbell, B.) 125 (Nimsick) 474

Michel, B.C.

Property, expropriation of (Nimsick) 50-1

Relocation of (Nimsick) 50-1

Michel Creek, B.C.

Pollution of (Nimsick) 477

Michener, Roland

Visit to B.C. (Throne speech) 1

Mentioned: (Kripps) 254

Mid-Western Association of State Departments of Agriculture

Mentioned: (Shelford) 238

Milburn, Tom

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Military airplanes

See: Airplanes, Military

Military service, Compulsory — Resisters

Draft dodgers, federal funds for (McCarthy) 202-3

Milk Board

Annual report tabled (Shelford) 709

Mineral Act

Quoted (Gardom) 968

Mentioned: (Dowding) 965 (Gardom) 970

Mineral industries

Automation in industry (Nimsick) 48

Industry (Bennett) 286 (Throne speech) 2

Land held by mining companies, tax on (Lorimer) 193

Pollution problem (Barrett) 758

Processing industry in B.C. (Barrett) 22 (Hartley) 105

Production (Richter) 449

Revenue to province (Fraser) 511 (Gaglardi) 197-8, 198, 487 (Lorimer) 193 (Richter) 449-50, 451-2

Taxation of (Richter) 449-50 (Strachan) 333, 753

Mineral Processing Act

Mentioned: (Richter) 451


Training of (Brothers) 536

Mines, Department of, Act

Mentioned: (Richter) 971

Mines and mineral resources

Exports (Barrett) 22

Mineral resources, use of (Gaglardi) 497

Mines, closing of (Richter) 449

Mines, new mines opened (Richter) 449

Mining exploration (Richter) 449

Mining industry, foreign ownership of (Lorimer) 193

Mining industry, revenue to province (Fraser) 511 (Gaglardi) 197-8, 198 (Lorimer) 193 (Richter) 449-50, 451-2

Resource, use of (Barrett) 23

Royalties (Chant) 469 (Richter) 449

Strip mining (Hall) 455

Mines and Petroleum Resources, Department of

Annual report tabled (Richter) 15

Petroleum resources, deputy minister for, proposal re (Smith) 185

Mines Reclamation Act

Mentioned: (Richter) 451

Minimum wage

See: Wages — Minimum wage

Minimum Wage Act

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 47

Mining Association of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Brothers) 226 (Throne speech) 3

Mining claims

Claims staked (Richter) 449


Elections, use of funds in elections (Gardom) 398

Travel expenses, reimbursement for (Mussallem) 1003

Mission, B.C.

Bridge (Throne speech) 2 (Vogel) 1534

Mitchell, Hutchins and Co.

Mentioned: (Williston) 70

Mitsubishi Ltd.

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 50 (Williston) 63

Moberly Park Manor, Revelstoke, B.C.

Opening of (Campbell, B.) 126

Mobile Home Act

(Bill 69) (Ney) 1R, 711; withdrawn 1000

Mobile Home Park Act

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 501

Mobile Home Park Fee Act

Mentioned: (Brousson) 178

Mobile homes

Coquitlam park, residents' proposal re (Campbell, D.) 97

Elderly owners, grant to (Nimsick) 763

Homeowner grant for owners (Cocke) 661

Liens on (Ney) 466

Parks, fee for occupancy (Brousson) 178

Parks, sites for (Brousson) 178-9

Property tax on (Brousson) 178 (Bruch) 134

Registration of (Ney) 466

Sales tax on (Bruch) 134

Use of (Brousson) 178

Moccasin Ice-Hockey Tournament

Mentioned: (Dawson) 460

Mode, Henry

Mentioned: (Cocke) 80

Moffat, Harold

Re-election of (Fraser) 132

Monetary policy

International monetary system (LeCours) 10-1

Monkman Pass, B.C.

Park for area (Marshall) 515-6

Montreal Gazette, Montreal, P.Q.

Quoted (Brousson) 617

Moody, Rufus

Mentioned: (Black) 812

Moore, Archie

Program for boys (Tisdalle) 162

Moran dam

See entries under Fraser River, B.C.

Morgan, Ed

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Morgan, Martin

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Morley, Alan

Quoted (Skillings) 365

Mortgage Broken Act

Part two, proclamation of (Williams, L.A.) 267

Mortgage Broken Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 35) (Attorney-General) 1R, 635; 2R, 690-1; 3R, 720, 743; RA, 1004

Speakers: Gardom 691; Peterson 690-1

Mortgage brokers, registration of (Peterson) 690

Mortgage brokers, disclosure statements (Gardom) 691 (Peterson) 691

Mortgage contracts, rescission of and repayment obligations (Gardom) 691

Mortgage transactions, cooling-off period (Peterson) 691


Brokers, disclosure statements (Gardom) 691 (Peterson) 691

Brokers, registration of (Peterson) 690

Contracts, rescission of and repayment obligations (Gardom) 691

Mortgage Brokers Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Second-mortgage program (Bennett) 656

Second-mortgage program, mortgagees over age 65 (Capozzi) 658 (Lorimer) 657

Transactions, cooling-off period (Peterson) 691


British Columbia Railway, Dease Lake extension, tabling of all correspondence, documents and maps relating to (Motion 5) (Calder) 991; negatived 991. Speakers: Calder 991; Williston 991

Food imports, examination of by Select Standing Committee on Agriculture (Motion 10) (Shelford) 467; approved 467

Forest industry problems, examination of by select standing committee (Motion 19) (Williston) 516; approved 516

Fort Nelson-Fort Simpson highway, construction of (Motion 32) (McGeer) 998; out of order 998

Generic-name drugs, use of in filling prescriptions (Motion 29) (Hartley) 996; adjourned 997. Speakers: Hartley 996; Loffmark 996-7

Groundhog coalfields, correspondence and communication re, tabling of (Motion 18) (Calder) 994; approved 994. Speakers: Calder 994; Richter 994

Hansard, omissions from, correction to (Motion 2) (Barrett) 279-80; adjourned 280. Speakers: Barrett 279-80, Peterson 280

House, rules re adjournment of sittings, review of by select standing committee (Motion 25) (Nimsick) 995; negatived 995

Indians, provision of courtworkers for (Motion 28) (Hartley) 996; out of order 996

Jericho lands, purchase of (Motion 11) (McCarthy) 467, approved 467

Legislature, proceedings of House, report of, and broadcast or televising of proceedings, proposal re (Motion 3) (Gardom) 990-1; out of order 991

Legislature, sitting of House, M. (Bennett) 36; approved 36. Amdt. (Nimsick) 36; negatived 36

Loffmark, R.R., committee membership, change in (Motion 23) (Peterson) 675; approved 675

Mackenzie Valley pipeline, construction of in lieu of Alaska pipeline (Motion 31) (McGeer) 997; adjourned 998. Speakers: McGeer 997; Smith 997

Motion pictures, special committee to review classification of (Motion 4) (Peterson) 280-1; approved 281

Motion 24, withdrawal of (Price) 990; approved 990

Municipalities, incorporation of, examination of by select standing committee (Motion 7) (Campbell, D.) 312; approved 314. Amdt. (Lorimer) 312; negatived 312. Speakers: Barrett 312-3; Campbell, D. 312, 313; Clark 313; Lorimer 312, Nimsick 314; Strachan 313, Williams, R.A. 313

Pacific North Coast Native Indian Cooperative, federal funds for (Motion 26) (Dawson) 995; approved 996. Speakers: Dawson 995; Dowding 995; Hall 995; Little 996; Shelford 995-6

Royal Commission on the Status of Women, special committee on (Motion 17) (Dailly) 993; adjourned 994. Speakers: Dailly 993; Dowding 993-4; Peterson 994

Stanbury-Fields report, tabling of (Motion 21) (Calder) 994; adjourned 995. Speakers: Calder 994; Campbell, D. 994-5

Stikine River, power development, filing of all information relating to in House (Motion 6) (Calder) 991; negatived 991

Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-Personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act, committee report on (Motion 33) (Price) 965, approved 969. Speakers: Barrett 966; Capozzi 966-7, Dowding 965-6; Gardom 968; Hartley 968; Macdonald 966, Nimsick 967, Price 965, 968-9; Richter 967; Wallace 966; Williams, L.A. 966

Turino, Lydia Del Rio, immigrant status for (Motion 20) (Ney) 994; withdrawn 994

Universities, tenure, examination of by select standing committee (Motion 15) (Brothers) 467; approved 467

Washington-B.C. border area, pollution problems (Motion 16) (Barrett) 991; adjourned 993. Speakers: Barrett 991•2; Peterson 993

Workmen's Compensation Act, review of by select standing committee (Motion 25) (Calder) 995; negatived 995

Motor Fuel Tax Act

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 377

Motor-vehicle Act

Mentioned: (Peterson) 44 (Williston) 343

Motor vehicle Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 26) (Attorney-General) 1R, 385, 2R, 685-6, 795-802; 3R, 645; RA, 1004

Speakers: Barrett 799-800; Gardom 795-7; Hall 685-6, 795; LeCours 800-1; Little 797; Lorimer 801; Macdonald 798, Mussallem 797; Nimsick 797-8; Peterson 685, 801-2; Wallace 798-9

Beer parlours, closing of from five to six, proposal re (Barrett) 799 .

Driver training in high schools (Gardom) 796

Drunk driven, alcohol levels (Nimsick) 797 (Wallace) 798

Drunk drivers, insurance premiums for (Barrett) 799-800

Drunk driving, advertisements and liquor store signs re (Gardom) 795

Drunk driving, licence suspension for (Gardom) 796 (LeCours) 800-1 (Little) 797 (Lorimer) 801 (Macdonald) 798 (Mussallem) 797 (Nimsick) 797-8 (Peterson) 801-2 (Wallace) 799

Drunk driving, penalty for (Gardom) 795

Drunk driving, prevention of (Gardom) 795

Hit-and-run drivers, penalty for (Hall) 795

Inspection of motor vehicles, compulsory inspection (Gardom) 796-7

Motor vehicle Branch

Report tabled (Peterson) 5

Motor vehicles

Commercial vehicles, licences issued (Richter) 453

Noise levels, study of (Throne speech) 1

Weight regulations and power units (Richter) 453


Death benefit, payment of, case cited (Cocke) 367

Mott, George Arthur

Mentioned: (Hall) 172

Mount Arrowsmith, B.C.

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 223

Mount Kobau, B.C.

Land in area, propose for use of (Williams, R.A.) 246-8

Subdivision development (Williams, R.A.) 246-8

Subdivision development, Hon. D.R.J. Campbell's actions re (Williams, R.A.) 247-8

Mountain sheep

Hunting of, moratorium on (Price) 600

Moving pictures

Classification of, special committee on (Peterson) 280-1, 339

Mowat, Farley

Sibir mentioned (Smith) 493


Cultural affairs department, proposal for (Kripps) 256

Cultural heritage act, proposal for (Kripps) 256

Multicultural heritage fund, proposal for (Wenman) 83

Policy on (Kripps) 255-6

Municipal Act

Mentioned: (Calder) 100 (Campbell, D.) 97, 98, 318, 321, 322, 324 (Clark) 402 (Dowding) 700 (Lorimer) 501 (McDiarmid) 529 (Nimsick) 314 (Strachan) 330 (Williams, R.A.) 247, 248, 595 (Wolfe) 54

Municipal Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 77) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 741; 2R, 830; 3R, 976, 977; RA, 1004

Municipal Affairs, Department of

Annual report tabled (Campbell, D.) 116

Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287

Housing brochure (McCarthy) 204-5 (Strachan) 209

Union of B.C. Municipalities, relationship with (Campbell, D.) 95

Municipal elections

See: Local elections

Municipal Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 92) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R 859, 2R, 939

Municipal finance

Arterial roads, cost of (Campbell, D.) 319

Bonds, rating of (Campbell, D.) 96

Borrowing (Wallace) 350

Borrowing, interest rates on (Lorimer) 192-3 (Strachan) 333

Borrowing, provincial guarantee for (Lorimer) 193

Capital requirements, financing of (Campbell, D.) 96

Debt (Campbell, D.) 96

Funding for municipalities (Bennett) 291-2 (Campbell, D.) 318-9 (Cocke) 368

Grants, per capita grants (Bennett) 287, 291-2 (Wolfe) 378

Homeowner grant and funding for municipalities (Bennett) 292

Municipalities, finances of (Campbell, D.) 95-6

Provincial financial policies (Cocke) 78

Revenue surplus (Campbell, D.) 96

School tax. See entries under Education — Finance

Taxes, collection of (Campbell, D.) 95

Union of B.C. Municipalities report referred to, quoted (Cocke) 78 (Strachan) 209

Welfare costs to municipalities (Strachan) 209, 330

Municipal Finance Authority Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 81) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 719, 2R, 850, 926; 3R, 977; RA, 1004

Speakers: Campbell, D. 850, Strachan 926

Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 320

Municipal Superannuation Act

Business done under act, report tabled (Black) 5

Mentioned: (Mussallem) 186


Boundaries commission, proposal for (Barrett) 312-3 (Campbell, D.) 313 (Clark) 313 (Lorimer) 312 (Nimsick) 314 (Strachan) 313 (Williams, R.A.) 313

Boundaries, extension of, report of select standing committee on (Price) 981-2

Bylaws, availability of to public (Williams, R.A.) 595

Company towns, municipal status for (Lorimer) 501

Finance. See Municipal finance

Incorporation of, examination of by select standing committee (Campbell, D.) 312 (Price) 981-2

Land use contracts, use of (Campbell, D.) 97-8

Zoning bylaws (Campbell, D.) 97

Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 92) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 859; 2R, 939, 953; C, 981; 3R, 981; RA, 1004

Munro, John C.

Quoted (Barrett) 896 (Nimsick) 911

Mentioned: (Barrett) 895 (Black) 628 (Cocke) 368 (Dowding) 233 (Loffmark) 565

Murray, Francis E.

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Murray, Hon. William H. (Prince Rupert) Speaker

See also: Speaker, Speaker and Deputy Speaker; Speaker and Deputy Speaker, Rulings and statements

Mussallem, George (Dewdney)

Accelerated Park Development Fund Act 723

Address in Reply 186-7

Alcoholic beverages, revenue from sale of 382

Alcoholism, costs of 382

Automobile mechanics, certification and licensing of 384

Automobiles, pollution 383

B.C. Hydro, debt 381

Budget debate 380-4

Civil service pensions, vesting rights 186

Civil service pensions, withdrawal rights 186

Debt, contingent liabilities 381

Drinking drivers, restrictions on 382

Drug addiction 382

Drug, Alcohol and Cigarette Education, Prevention and Rehabilitation Fund, use of funds 382

Drunk driving, licence suspension for 797

Dunlop Tire and Rubber Co. employee's pension, case cited 187

Fraser River and history of B.C. 383-4

Langley ferry tolls, removal of 384

McGavin Toastmaster Ltd. employees' pension plan and closing of company 187

Mediation Commission Act, enactment of 186

Moran dam, opposition to 383-4

Motor-vehicle Act, An Act to Amend 797

Pension standards for private plans 187

Pensions, legislation on 381

Pensions, portability of 380-1

Press, power of 382

Public documents, destruction of 987

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 784-5, 817

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Printing, chairmanship of 302

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Printing, conduct of committee 723

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Printing, reports 987, 1003

Teachers, collective bargaining by 817

Teachers, salaries 784-5

Teachers, salaries in Saskatchewan 785

Towns, beautification fund for 383

Yukon, annexation of 384