1972 Legislative Session: 3rd Session, 29th Parliament
The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
Afternoon Sitting
[ Page 941 ]
The House met at 2:00 p.m.
MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Delta.
MR. R. WENMAN (Delta): Mr. Speaker, previously I welcomed a group from the southern part of my constituency. Today I would ask the assembly to welcome the North Delta Surrey Young Socreds.
MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Revelstoke-Slocan.
MR. B.P. CAMPBELL (Revelstoke-Slocan): Mr. Speaker, we have visitors in the gallery today, 15 Young Socreds from Coquitlam. Their president is Roland Lambert and I would ask the Members to join with me in welcoming them.
MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Skeena.
MR. D.G. LITTLE (Skeena): Mr. Speaker, I ask leave of the House to withdraw Bill No. 93, in my name standing on the order paper.
Leave granted.
Introduction of bills.
MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Burnaby North.
Mrs. Dailly moves introduction and first reading of Bill No. 107 intituled An Act to Amend the Hospital Insurance Act.
Motion approved. Bill No. 107 read a first time and ordered to be placed on orders of the day for second reading at the first sitting after today.
Orders of the day.
House in committee of supply. The committee rose, reported resolutions and asked leave to sit again.
Hon. Mr. Peterson moves adjournment of the House.
Motion approved.
The House adjourned at 6 p.m.
The House met at 8 p.m.
MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for South Peace River.
MR. D.A. MARSHALL (South Peace River): Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I beg leave of this House to make a statement of public interest.
Leave granted.
MR. MARSHALL: Mr. Speaker, I want to formally announce to you tonight, and to the Members of this House, my resignation from the Social Credit Party, and to advise you, Mr. Speaker, that I will be sitting henceforth in this Legislature as a member of the Progressive Conservative Party.
I have done this with a great deal of consideration, and a great deal of thought. It wasn't an easy decision for me to make, and I by no means wish to disparage our government, the Government of the Province of British Columbia in any way. But I have had concerns as I've sat in this Legislature as it concerns agriculture, and it is obvious to me, particularly in my riding, that no resolves are forthcoming.
I also have the concern for the small businessman in the Province of British Columbia and I think further assistance can be given to them.
Because of these reasons and many others, Mr. Speaker, I do now leave the House.
Introduction of bills.
HON. W.A.C. BENNETT (Premier): Mr. Speaker, we have now a new amended Bill No. 25. We've replaced No. 25, the Gift Tax Act, and I ask leave of the House to withdraw existing Bill No. 25, and substitute the amended Bill No. 25.
Leave granted.
Orders of the day.
House in committee of supply. The committee rose, reported resolutions, and asked leave to sit again.
Hon. Mr. Peterson moves adjournment of the House.
The House adjourned at 12:06 a.m.