Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Hack, Fred

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986


Fishery (Tisdalle) 160-1

Hadfield, Ray

Mentioned: (Hartley) 1003 (Macdonald) 798 (Peterson) 802

Haggen, Lois

Mentioned: (Bennett) 666

Hagle, Robert

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 151

Hairdressers Act

Mentioned: (Clark) 962


Hairdressers, wage rates (Price) 217

Hall, Ernest (Surrey)

Address in Reply 172-5

Apprentices, appropriation for, underexpenditure of 456

Apprentices, automobile apprentices 456

Apprentices, electronics apprentices 456

Apprenticeships, examination of by select standing committee 456, 460

Archaeological and Historic Sites Protection Act 809

Archaeological sites, protection of 809

Athletic fields, need for 684

B.C. Hydro debt, interest costs 455

Budget debate 432-3, 454-60

Caisson disease, case cited 933-4

Domestic disputes, role of police in 653

Drug abuse problem, action on 172-3

Family court staff 653

Economy of B.C. and natural resources 174

Education, costs of 876

Education minister's office, appropriation for 876

Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act 762

Elderly renters, grant to 762

Elderly renters, grant to and income tax 762

Employees, layoff of 459

Employment vacancies, proposal re 456

Family Relations Act 652-3

Farm labourers, Workmen's Compensation Board coverage for 934

Fishermen, Workmen's Compensation Board coverage for 934

Historic sites, protection of 809

Hit-and-run drivers, penalty for 795

Industrial safety, McSorley committee, chairmanship of 916

Industrial safety, tradesmen, qualifications of 916, 917

Industry, planning and development council for 175

Jericho Hill School, funding for 877

Labour disputes, compulsory arbitration in, use of 457-8

Labour-management relations in B.C. 457

Mediation Commission, abolition of 460

Mediation Commission Act, changes to, proposal for 460

Mining, strip-mining 455

Motor-vehicle Act, An Act to Amend 685-6, 795

Nuclear weapons testing, opposition to 172

Oil spills, response to 812-3

Parks, regional parks, municipalities' share of costs 692

Parks, regional parks, payment for parkland acquisitions 692

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend 812-3

Pipe-lines Act, an Act to Amend 845-6

Plant shutdowns and natural resource holdings 459-60

Plant shutdowns, provision for employees 458-9

Pollution Control Act, 1967, An Act to Amend 974

Pollution control branch staff, number of 974

Pollution, discharges, approval of 974

Post-secondary education 173

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 875-8

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, amendments to Bill 875-6

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, regulations tabled 875

Recreational facilities, costs of 684

Regional Parks Act, An Act to Amend 692

Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, An Act to Amend 684

Safety Engineering Services Act 851, 916-7

Safety Engineering Services Act, consultation re 916

Safety Engineering Services Act, hoist of, proposal re 916

School boards, autonomy of 876

School District 36, counsellors 877

School District 36 debt, interest costs on 455

School District 36, funds, reduction in 876

School District 36, school sprinkler system 877-8.

School District 72, referendum, vote on 677

Schools, fires 877

Schools, sprinkler systems for 877-8

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 901-2

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, constitutionality of 901

Solvent abuse, prevention of 172-3

Surrey, social problems 902

Surrey, welfare, administration costs 175

Surrey, welfare, funding for 175

Teachers, salaries, ceiling on 878

Teachers, salaries, referendums on increases 878

Teachers, tenure 875

Teachers, tenure, report of select standing committee on 875

Trucks, brake standards 455

Trucks, loads, size of 454-5

Tynehead regional park 692

Unemployment 174, 174-5, 455-6

Unemployment and wage increases 459

University graduates 456

Welfare, administration costs 175

Welfare, eligibility for, minister's powers re 901-2

Welfare, problems re, cases heard by boards of review 902

Welfare recipients, appeals by 902

Workmen's Compensation Act, administration of, proposal for 934

Workmen's Compensation Act, changes to 457

Workmen's Compensation Act, 1968, An Act to Amend 933-5

Workmen's Compensation Act, definition of “accident” 934

Workmen's Compensation Act, ongoing review of 934

Workmen's Compensation Board decisions, disclosure of reasons for 935

Workmen's compensation coverage, extension of 934

Young offenders, forestry camp program 174

Young offenders, legislation on 173

Young people, commission for, proposal re 174

Young people, department for, proposal re 174

Young people, problems 173

Young people, TV program production by 174

Halstan Planing Mills Ltd,

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 596

Hampton, Merv

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986


Assistance to (Gardom) 401

Welfare payments to (Throne speech) 4

Welfare recipients (Dailly) 901

Handicapped children

Services to (Dailly) 541-2

Surrey, therapy pool for (Dailly) 542


Daily Hansard (Barrett) 302 (Hon, member) 45

Employees in chamber (Black) 623

MLAs' speeches, effect of Hansard on (Black) 623

Omissions from (Barrett) 279-80 (Peterson) 280

Omissions from, allegations re (Barrett) 990 (Peterson) 990 (Speaker) 244 (Williams, R.A.) 243-4

Proposal re (Wallace) 61

Printing and distribution of, proposal re (Clark) 990

Tapes of proceedings, editing of , (Barrett) 990

Mentioned: (Bennett) 665 (Campbell, D.) 315 (Hon. member) 73, 315 (Macdonald) 648 (Williams, L.A.) 576 (Williams, R.A.) 73

Hansard (House of Commons Debates — Official Record)

Quoted (Barrett) 895-6 (Nimsick) 482 (Strachan) 419

Mentioned: (Strachan) 325

Hansell, Ernest George

Mentioned: (Barrett) 20

Hardlng, Randolph

Mentioned; (Bennett) 666

Harris, Bill

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 52

Hart, Frank D.

Mentioned: (Bennett) 288

Hartley, William Leonard (Yale-Lillooet)

Address in Reply 103-11

Alcohol foundation, funding for 570

Alcoholism 569-70

Ambulances, Boston Bar-North Bend service 104

Automobile insurance 106-11

Automobile insurance and licence plates issuance, proposal re 110

Automobile insurance, government plan for, proposal re 108-11, 1002-3

Automobile insurance, government vehicles 110-1, 950, 1003

Automobile insurance industry, political donations, allegation re 108, 109

Automobile insurance, no-fault insurance 109, 110

Automobile insurance, no-fault insurance benefits, claims for 950

Automobile insurance, no-fault insurance, premium rates 109-10

Automobile insurance premiums, income, use of 108, 109

Automobile insurance, purchase of Saskatchewan insurance 573

Automobile insurance, rates 108, 109-10, 573, 950

Automobile insurance, rates for young people 949-50

Automobile insurance, Saskatchewan system 110, 573

Beer, level of beer in glasses 573-4

Bills, referral of to select standing committees, proposal re 105

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Act, 1964, An Act to Amend 790-1

B.C. Hydro, borrowed funds, use of 790-1

B.C. Hydro, electric power, wasting of 104

B.C. Hydro employees, tribute to 104

British Columbia Railway Act 518

B.C. Railway road-bed and safety of rail line 575

Budget debate 569-76

Columbia River Treaty, cost of to B.C. 790, 791

Conservation officers, funding for 570

Copper smelter for B.C., proposal re 105

Crown land, price of to municipalities 105

Dental care, B.C. Medical Services Plan coverage for 572

Dental care, Reach clinic 572

Dentists, fees, basis for 572

Dentists, tax on overdue accounts 572

Drugs, generic-name drugs, use of in filling prescriptions 996

Duncan Dam reservoir, clearing of 790

Education, government's attitude to 872-3

Education, quality of 871

Education system 871

Electric power failures, Fraser Valley 104

Elk, Manning Park sanctuary 570

Environmental protection 106-7

Farm produce, quality of B.C. produce 569

Farms, tax due date for 1002

Freedom of the press and government advertising 574

George brothers, hanging of, case mentioned 106

Government advertising, increase in 574

Government of British Columbia to Engage in the Business of Automobile Accident Insurance, An Act to Empower (Bill 95) 1R, 841;1002-3

Health care, group medical clinics 572

Health care, Sault Ste. Marie clinic 572

Health care, Seattle group health clinic 572

Health care services, cost of 569, 571

Highway 1, Chilliwack-Hope-Lytton area, accidents 104

Highway 1, name change to 575

Highway 1, Yale-Spuzzum section 575

Highway 3, snowplowing of 104

Highways department employees, tribute to outside crews 104

Hospitals, patient days, number of 572

Indians, court caseworkers 105-6, 570, 996

Insurance Act, An Act to Amend 949-50

Kidney dialysis, home program 571

Kindergartens, provision of throughout B.C. 872

Legislature, fall session, proposal re 104-5

Lottery in B.C., proposal re 108

Merritt, Crown land, price of 105

Mineral processing in B.C., 105

Moran dam, use of borrowed funds for 790

Natural gas pipeline to Vancouver Island, funding for 791

Oil exploration, offshore drilling 815-6

Okanagan Lake, pollution of 104, 574

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, name change 518, 575

Peace River, pollution of 574

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend 815-6

Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, use of funds 685

Physicians, fee-for-service payments to 571-2

Political parties, campaign funds, donations to 873

Pollution Control Act, 1967, An Act to Amend 974-5

Poor, working poor 107

Poverty in Canada 107-8

Poverty, Senate report on 107

Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend 808

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 870-3

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, Vancouver rally re Bill 871

Pupil-teacher ratio in B.C. 872

Quebec, loan to 790

Quilt, Frederick, access to transcript of case 570

Quilt, Frederick, inquiry into death of 105-6

Recreational facilities, proposal for funding for 685

Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, An Act to Amend 685

Rural electrification, funding for 570

School boards, autonomy of 872

School District 17, programs, cancellation of 871-2

School District 29, referendum 872

Skagit Valley, flooding of 107

Skagit Valley, recreational assets 107

Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 912

Social problems 569

Social services, funding for 569

South Park School, Victoria 569

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of 968

Taxation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 94) 1R, 841

Teachers, advertising for, expenditures on 871

Teachers, collective bargaining by 872

Teachers, donations to political parties 873

Teachers, salaries, referendums on increases 872

Teachers, tenure 872

Tobacco advertising, ban on 574

Trade unions, donations to NDP 873

Vasectomy operations 571

Victoria Times, cigarette advertising 574

Welfare recipients, number of 575-6

Williams, L.A., statement attributed to (Williams, L.A.) 576

Women in poverty 107

Work week, number of hours 569

Harvard University

Mentioned: (Dowding) 231

Hayashi, Terrutars

Mentioned: (Marshall) 138

Haynes, Ray

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 316 (Little) 553 (Merilees) 289 (Peterson) 862

Hazardous Products Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Peterson) 38 (Wolfs) 52

Hazelton, B.C.

Bridge over Bulkley River (Little) 181

Land capability study (Williston) 342

Head, Menzies and Associates

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 224

Health and Social Development, Department of, Act (Manitoba)

Quoted (Peterson) 905

Health News 1971

Quoted (Loffmark) 563

Health officers

Public health inspectors, need for (Strachan) 208

Health Services Act

Mentioned: (Williston) 343

Health Services and Hospital Insurance, Department of

Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287

Heaps, A.A.

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 481

Heaps, David

Mentioned: (Chabot) 392

Hearing-aid Regulation Act

Mentioned: (Dawson) 464 (McGeer) 26 ('Throne speech) 3

Hearing-aid Regulation Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 31) (Minister without Portfolio) 1R 677; 2R 755; 3R, 787; RA, 1004

Speakers: Dawson 755

Dealers, standard of competence for (Dawson) 755

Hearing aids

Advisory committee on (Dawson) 463

Board for regulation of, alleged interference in (Dowding) 526

Board for regulation of, powers (Dawson) 463

Board for regulation of, representation on (Dawson) 463

Dealers, correspondence courses for (Dawson) 463-4

Dealers, Gordon Dowding's representation on behalf of (Dawson) 464-5 (Dowding) 526

Dealers, licensing and registration of (Dawson) 464-5

Dealers, standards of competence for (Dawson) 755

Medical Services Plan coverage for (Clark) 90 (Dowding) 526 (Nimsick) 483

Heart — Surgery

Hospital facilities, use of (Loffmark) 568

Open-heart surgery facilities, doctors' use of (Wolfe) 53

Open-heart surgery patients, post-operative beds for (Wolfe) 53

Open-heart surgery, Vancouver (Wolfe) 53

Open-heart surgery, waiting-list for (Wolfe) 53

Surgeons, accrediting of to Vancouver General Hospital (Loffmark) 567

Helmcken, J.S.

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 499

Helmcken House, Victoria, B.C.

Work on (Chant) 471

Herald, Penticton, B.C.

Quoted (Williams, R.A.) 247


Addiction to (Dowding) 234 (Williams, L.A.) 544

Addicts (Brothers) 533

Herridge, H.W.

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 375

Hersey, John

Letter to the Alumni quoted (LeCours) 11

Highway Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 72) (Minister of Highways) 1R, 717; 2R, 852-3; 3R, 976; RA, 1004

Speakers: Barrett 853; Black 852, 853; Bruch 853, Nimsick 853; Williams, L.A. 853

Highways, flashing lights in area of (Black) 852 (Nimsick) 853 (Williams, L.A.) 853

Private roads, snowplowing of and status of road (Barrett) 853 (Black) 853 (Nimsick) 853

Railway rights-of-way and roads (Black) 852, 853 (Nimsick) 853

Highway 1

Bridal Falls-Hope section, work on ('Throne speech) 2

Chilliwack-Hope-Lytton area, accidents (Hartley) 104

Dufferin, access to highway (Williams, R.A.) 595-6

Federal funds for (Black) 629-30 (Brousson) 618

Fraser Canyon area, problems in winter (Black) 629

Highway 6, junction with, land in area of (Williams, R.A.) 593-5

Name change to (Gardom) 954 (Hartley) 575

Revelstoke-Yoho section; federal funds for (Brousson) 618

Second Narrows bridge, federal funds for (Brousson) 618

Upper Levels Highway (Peterson) 486 (Wolfe) 55

Upper Levels Highway, federal funds for (Brousson) 618

Upper Levels Highway, work on (Throne speech) 2

Work on (Peterson) 486

Yale-Spuzzum section (Hartley) 575

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 249

Highway 3

Creston-Salmo section (Black) 625

Kinnaird-Salmo section, work on (Brothers) 226

Snowplowing of (Hartley) 104

Widening of (Black) 625

Mentioned: (Hartley) 570

Highway 4

Port Alberni-Tofino section, work on (Throne speech) 2

Highway 6

Highway 1, junction with, land in area of (Williams, R.A.) 593-5

Nakusp-Edgewood section, picnic sites (Campbell, B.) 126

Nakusp-Edgewood section, seal-coating of (Campbell, B.) 126

Slocan Bluffs section, work on (Campbell, B.) 126

Highway 7

Hope-Rosedale section, four-laving of (McGeer) 306

Work on (Throne speech) 2

Highway 10

Mentioned: (Wenman) 81, 82

Highway 11

Mission bridge (Throne speech) 2 (Vogel) 1534

Highway 16

Federal funds for (Brousson) 618

Terrace-Prince Rupert section, closing of (Little) 554

Mentioned: (Barrett) 296 (Little) 180, 554 (Marshall) 513

Highway 17

Butchart Gardens turnoff (Tisdalle) 161

Delta area, widening of highway (Wenman) 82

Island View Road intersection (Tisdalle) 161

McTavish Road overpass (Tisdalle) 161

Work on (Throne speech) 2

Highway 19

Access to lakes and sea frontage (Strachan) 208

Four-laning of (Strachan) 208

Junkyards along highway, cleanup of (Strachan) 208

Kelsey Bay-Port NcNeill section, construction of (Campbell, D.) 94 (Throne speech) 2

Work on (Ney) 140

Highway 22

Reconstruction of (Brothers) 226

Highway 23

Revelstoke area, work on (Campbell, B.) 125

Revelstoke-Castlegar road (McGeer) 306

Work on (Campbell, B.) 126

Highway 25

Mentioned: (Little) 180, 180, 554

Highway 26

Halfway River bridge (Campbell, B.) 126

Highway 31

Ainsworth-Kaslo section, picnic sites (Campbell, B.) 126

Highway 31A

Kaslo-New Denver section, work on (Campbell, B.) 126

Highway 37

Federal funds for (Brousson) 618

Paving of (Calder) 619

Stewart-Watson Lake section, completion of (Calder) 619

Highway 97

Alaska Highway, construction of (Calder) 619

Alaska Highway, federal work on (Smith) 493

Alaska Highway mentioned (Marshall) 139, 139, 514

Alaska Highway, paving of (Calder) 619 (Marshall) 512-3

Mentioned: (Fraser) 510

Highway 97A

Grindrod-Sicamous section, rerouting of (Jefcoat) 439

Highway 99

Clinton-Squamish section, completion of (McGeer) 306

George Massey Tunnel mentioned (Wenman) 81

Highway 101

Reconstruction of (Dawson) 460

Mentioned: (Dowding) 527 (Macdonald) 733 (Price) 216 (Vogel) 155

Highways, Department of

Annual report tabled (Black) 5

Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287, 291 (Richter) 448

Employees, tribute to outside crews (Hartley) 104

Equipment (Fraser) 510

Snow removal crews, work of (Fraser) 510

Hill, Brian

Mentioned: (Hartley) 107

Hi-Lo Food Co.

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Hindmarch Robert

Mentioned: (Peterson) 680


Lower Slocan Valley hippies, actions of (Campbell, B.) 374-5

Historic buildings

Trust for, preservation of, proposal re (McCarthy) 202

Historic sites

Archaeological and Historic Sites Protection Act. See name of act

Archaeological sites in Vancouver-Point Grey (McGeer) 811

Archaeological sites, protection of (Black) 812 (Calder) 809 (Hall) 809

Protection of (Calder) 809 (Hall) 809

Hobiton Creek, B.C.

Pacific Rim National Park, Inclusion in (Brousson) 616

Hobson, Bill

Mentioned: (Shelford) 237


National team for Canada (Barrett) 682

Professional hockey (Capozzi) 680

Rinks (Capozzi) 585, 678-9

Hollingsworth, Fred C.

Mentioned: (Strachan) 211

Holmes, M.H.

Mentioned: (Price) 981

Holyoake, Sir Keith Jacka

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 115

Hone Acquisition Grant Act

Mentioned: (Bennett) 760 (Marshall) 516

Home care services

Provision of (McGeer) 27


Home acquisition grant (Price) 598

Home acquisition grant and encumbrances on property titles (Marshall) 516

Home acquisition grant, eligibility for, citizenship requirement (Campbell, B.) 375-6 (Little) 554

Homeowners, assistance to (Bennett) 284, 288 (Kripps) 577

Homeowners, assistance to, cost of administration of (McCarthy) 204

Promotion of (Bennett) 760 (Gaglardi) 496 (Merilees) 550

Homeowner grant

See entries under Real property tax

Honeymoon Bay, B.C.

Lake Cowichan, road to (Strachan) 208

Hope, B.C.

Merritt, highway to, proposal re (McGeer) 306

Salmon Arm, alternative route to (Jefcoat) 439

Search-and-rescue group, grant to (Black) 629

Hopper, Doris

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Home, E.

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Home Lake, B.C.

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 223

Horse-race betting

See: Parimutuel betting

Horse racetracks

See: Racetracks (Horse-racing)


Purses, distribution of funds (Macdonald) 395-6

Racing days, reduction in (Macdonald) 396

Hospital Insurance Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 80) (Cocke) 1R, 717

Hospital Insurance Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 107) (Dailly) 1R, 941

Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Cocke) 368 (Loffmark) 565

Hospital patients

Voting by (Wolfe) 53-4


Architect for construction of (McDiarmid) 530

Capital financing authority debt (Strachan) 332

Clinical clerks, funding for (Cocke) 371

Construction of (Jefcoat) 15 (Jordan) 144 (Throne speech) 3

Construction of, funds for (Loffmark) 565

Construction of, use of prefabricated units (McDiarmid) 530-1

Delta hospital (Wenman) 84-5

Funding for (Bennett) 290

Funding for, federal funds (Loffmark) 565-6

Funding for, overexpenditures (Loffmark) 565

Heart surgery facilities, use of (Loffmark) 568

Hospitals and hospital beds (Dawson) 166

Medical appeal board, members (Loffmark) 568

Medical appeal board, special board (Loffmark) 568

Patient days, number of (Hartley) 572

Rates, per diem charge (Wolfe) 56, 57

University of B.C. hospital (Capozzi) 261-2

Hospitals Act

Section 37, regulations under section (Loffmark) 706

Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C.

Assessment of (Strachan) 328

Hotels, taverns, etc.

Room tax, use of revenue (McCarthy) 206

Hours of labour

Work week, number of hours (Hartley) 569


Home acquisition grant, eligibility for, restrictions on (Clark) 659

Home acquisition grant, eligibility of Indians for (Campbell, D.) 659 (Gardom) 657

Home acquisition grant, level of, proposal for basis for (Wolfe) 659

Home acquisition grants, source of funds for (Bennett) 656-7

Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Provincial home-acquisition grant fund.

See name of fund


Construction of, employment in (Wallace) 59

Elderly, funding for housing for (Bennett) 291 (Campbell, D.) 318 (Clark) 406

Elderly, housing for (Black) 408 (Campbell, D.) 318, 416-7 (Clark) 403 (Dawson) 167, 434 (Jefcoat) 15 (Throne speech) 4

Elderly, lottery funds for housing for (LeCours) 431

Elderly, National Housing Act program (Campbell, D.) 417

Federal funds for, use of in B.C. (Barrett) 24

Funding for (McCarthy) 354

Housing starts (Bennett) 286

Land banks for, proposal re (Barrett) 24 (Price) 218

Land, cost of (Campbell, D.) 321-2

Lots, cost of (Price) 218

Lower mainland, high-density housing (Wenman) 335

Lower mainland, land supply (Campbell, D.) 322

Municipal Affairs department brochure on (McCarthy) 204-5 (Strachan) 209

Municipal bylaws and housing (Campbell, D.) 97

Poor, housing for (Jordan) 502 (Lorimer) 500

Richmond projects, interest rates on (LeCours) 431

Subsidization of (Price) 218 (Wallace) 348

Urban renewal housing, expenditure on (Strachan) 331

Vancouver, housing problem (Price) 217-8

Houston, B.C.

Municipal status for (Campbell, D.) 315

Town council (Barrett) 296

Sawmills in area (Barrett) 297

Welfare recipients in area (Barrett) 297

House, Des

Pension, case cited (Merilees) 190

House Sound Queen (Vessel)

Mentioned: ('Throne speech) 2 .

Hudson Bay Co.

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 499 (Mussallem) 383

Hugh Keenleyside Dam

Awards to (Dawson) 166

Mentioned: (Brothers) 226 (Campbell, B.) 373

Human Rights Commission Act

Changes to. (Dailly) 273

Human Tissue Gift Act

(Bill 42) (Minister of Health Services and Hospital Insurance) 1R, 717; 2R, 760; 3R, 787; RA, 1004

Speakers: Loffmark 760

Tissue donation, age of consent for (Loffmark) 760

Tissue donation, regulation of (Loffmark) 760

Human Tissues Act (Ontario)

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 760

Hume, David

Mentioned: (Dawson) 463

Hutton, W.E., and Co.

Mentioned: (Williston) 70