Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Oakalla Prison Farm, Burnaby, B.C.

Relocation of (Lorimer) 502

O'Brian, Brice

Mentioned: (Strachan) 213

Ocean Cement Ltd.

Property, development of and provision for schools (Bruch) 134

Property, funds for acquisition of (Chant) 472

Property, use of for greenbelt (Bruch) 703

Relocation of (Williston) 343

Ocean Falls, B.C.

Hospital, opening of (Dawson) 460

O'Connell, T .A.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 79

Office of Commissioner of Grievances, An Act to Establish

(Bill 84) (Dowding) 1R, 743; 2R, 1001; 2R negatived

Speakers: Dowding 1001

Ombudsman's function, proposal re (Dowding) 1001

Offshore drilling (Petroleum)

See: Oil well drilling, Submarine

Oil spills

Cleanup of, cost of (Dowding) 814-5 (McGeer) 814 (Richter) 770

Cleanup of, equipment for (Barrett) 813 (Calder) 620 (Richter) 816 (Smith) 815

Penalty for (McGeer) 814

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Response to (Barrett) 813-4 (Hall) 812-3 (Richter) 770 (Smith) 815

Tanker traffic, oil spill danger (Calder) 619-20 (Clark) 89 (Dailly) 269 (Dowding) 233

Oil well drilling, Submarine

Australia, Great Barrier Reef, drilling in area (Brousson) 176

Coastal waters, oil exploration (Cocke) 73 (Hartley) 815-6 (Richter) 452, 816

North coast area, oil exploration (Campbell, B.) 373 (Williston) 65

Queen Charlotte Islands, drilling in area (Brousson) 176 (Lorimer) 192 (Strachan) 325-6 (Williston) 65

Strait of Georgia, drilling in area (Brousson) 176 (Lorimer) 192

Okanagan College

Mentioned: (Brothers) 537

Okanagan Lake, B.C.

Pollution of (Hartley) 104, 574

Okanagan-Mainline Egg Producers' Association

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Okanagan Planning and Engineering Co. Ltd.

Mentioned: (Brousson) 614

Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District

Mount Kobau area land, proposed use of (Williams, R.A.) 246-8

Okanagan Summer School of Fine Arts

Mentioned: (Brothers) 230

Okanagan Symphony Orchestra

Mentioned: (Jordan) 669

Okanagan Valley, B.C.

Federal industrial incentive program (Jordan) 147 (Marshall) 514

Industries, incentives to (Marshall) 514

Sewage treatment (Williston) 344

University, proposal re (McGeer) 26-7

Watershed, pollution of (Hartley) 574

Old age pension

Cost of living and pension (Clark) 404-5

History of (Nimsick) 481-2

Increase in (Campbell, B.) 376 (Clark) 404 (Dawson) 433 (LeCours) 356-7 (McCarthy) 201, 353 (Nimsick) 482 (Price) 597 (Wolfe) 378

Supplementary allowance (Campbell, D.) 415-6 (McGeer) 436-7

Supplementary allowance, application form for (Strachan) 418-9

Supplementary allowance, federal funding for (Barrett) 411-2 (Gaglardi) 407

Supplementary allowance, funding for (Strachan) 419

Old Age Security Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Clark) 404, 405

Olive Devaud Home, Powell River, B.C.

Mentioned: (Dawson) 166

Oliver, John

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 372

Oliver, Walter

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Oliver, B.C.

Bottle and can retrieval project (Richter) 448

Olympic Games, 1972

Munich Olympics (Bruch) 522 (Peterson) 485

Winter Olympics, 197Z mentioned (Peterson) 485

Winter Olympics, 1972, telegram to Canadian participants (Capozzi) 256

Mentioned: (Capozzi) 679

Olympic Games, 1976

Winter Olympics, 1976, site for (McCarthy) 205

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 205


Commissioner of grievance, proposal re (Dowding) 1001

Proposal for (Gardom) 401 (McGeer) 309 (Wallace) 61


Income tax system (Strachan) 753

Ontario. Securities Commission

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 127

Ontario Federation of Labour

Mentioned: (Hall) 459

Ontario Housing Corporation

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 204

Open-heart surgery

See entries under Heart — Surgery

Operation SAM

Funding for (Bennett) 290

Report on (Kiernan) 274

Mentioned: (Hartley) 575

Order-in-council No. 2791

Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 546


Use of (Wallace) 61

Osborne, Robert

Mentioned: (Peterson) 681

Owen, Douglas

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 395


Commercial development areas (Williston) 343