Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972
W.A.C. Bennett Dam
Benefits of (Marshall) 136
Gordon M. Shrum generating station (Bennett) 285
Power transmission, interruption to (Kiernan) 589-90
Mentioned: (Dawson) 169 (McGeer) 32 (Smith) 185
Waffle Manifesto
See Waffle Manifesto under New Democratic Party
Wage-price policy
Wage and price controls (Brousson) 873 (LeCours) 12 (Vogel) 155-6 (Wenman) 828-9 (Wolfe) 56, 57
Increase in (Tisdalle) 158 (Vogel) 155-6
Inflation and wages (Nimsick) 46-7 (Vogel) 156 (Williams, R.A.) 887
Level of (Kiernan) 274-5 (Nimsick) 47
Severance pay (Cocke) 367
Unemployment and wage increases (Hall) 459
Unpaid wages, recovery of by labour relations branch (Chabot) 390-1.
Wages — Minimum wage
Increase in (LeCours) 357 (Nimsick) 47, 48 (Wallace) 58, 348
Level of and welfare rates (Price) 217
Setting of (LeCours) 12
Waldie, Adam
Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568 (McDiarmid) 529
Walkem, G.A.
Mentioned: (Lorimer) 500
Walker, C.J.
Mentioned: (McGeer) 702
Wall Street Journal, New York, N.Y.
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 126, 127
Wallace, G. Scott (Oak Bay)
Abortion, cost of 349
Accelerated Park Development Fund Act 722
Accelerated park development fund, use of funds 722
Accelerated Reforestation Fund Act 729
Accelerated Reforestation Fund Act, regulations under act 729
Accelerated reforestation fund, use of funds 729
Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 115) 1R, 985
Auditor-general, proposal for 61
Automobile insurance premiums, rebate for overcharging 119
Automobile insurance rates 119
Bills, private members' bills, provision for 61
B.C. Automobile Insurance Board, independence of 118
B.C. Building site, sale of, use of funds 351
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Act, 1964, An Act to Amend 791
B.C. Hydro, borrowed funds, use of 791
Capital, use of 748
Collective bargaining 59
Community care facilities, inspection of, responsibility for 766
Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to Amend 766
Drunk drivers, alcohol levels 798
Drunk driving, licence suspension for 799
Education, costs of 824
Elderly, prescription drugs, payment for 350, 421
Elderly, problem of inflation for 422
Elderly, school tax exemption for 348
Elderly, transit passes for 422
Elections, political parties on ballots 804-5
Electric power developments 59-60
Employment research board, proposal for 58
Extended care 349
Forest industry, development fund for 350
Fruit growers, Okanagan, assistance to 351
Gift tax 351
Government, use of advice of experts 60-1
Guaranteed annual income 346, 347, 422
Hansard, proposal re 61
Health care, cost of 349
Housing, construction of, employment in 59
Housing, subsidization of, proposal for 348
Industry, secondary industry 59
Intermediate care, cost of 348-9, 421
Intermediate care hospital, location of 421
Kemano power project 60
Labour force, future needs 58-9
Labour-management council, proposal for 59
Labour-management relations in B.C. 59
Legislature, oral question period 61
Legislature, votes, free votes 61
Medicare 118
Motor-vehicle Act, An Act to Amend 798-9
Municipal borrowing 350
Northern B.C., transportation, development of 350
Ombudsman, proposal for 61
Orders-in-council, use of 61
Parks, funds for, administration of 722
Pollution control 351
Pollution control equipment 351
Poor, number of 347
Poor, prescription drugs for 350
Poor, working poor 58
Ports, development of 350
Poverty, Senate report on 345
Power and Telephone Line Beautification Fund Act 731-2
Power and telephone line beautification fund, use of funds 731
Power and telephone lines, cost of burying 732
Progressive Conservative Party policies 58-61
Progressive Conservative Party, party membership in 57 (LeCours) 7-8, 8-9
Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend 804-5
Provincial Rapid Transit Subsidy Act 735-6
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 8245
Reforestation 729
Revenue surplus 350 .
Saanich, power lines, burying of 731
San Francisco transit system 736
School District 61, referendum on education costs 825
School District 61, teachers, salary negotiations 824-5
Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education, proposal for use of 347
Select standing committees, use of 60
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 899-900
Special committees, establishment of 60
Special funds, abuse in use of 722
Strikes and the public interest 59
Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend 748
Suits against Crown, provision for 61
Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of 966
Teachers, salaries, referendums on increase in 825
Tenants, assistance to 351
Transit, funding for 736
Transit systems, losses, payment for 736
Unemployed, retraining of 58
Unemployment 58
Wages, minimum wage, increase in 58, 348
Welfare rates, increase, cost of 347
Welfare recipients 346
Welfare recipients, earnings exemption 347
Workers' compensation, arthritis of spine, case cited 932
Workers' compensation, asbestosis, case cited 931-2
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1968, An Act to Amend 931-2
Workmen's Compensation Board, compensation for diseases contracted in past 931-2
Wallace, Laurie
Tribute to (Black) 627 (Brothers) 227 (Smith) 182
Mentioned: (Brothers) 533 (Tisdalle) 156
Walsh, John
Mentioned: (Brothers) 228
Walters, W.H.
Warren, Derril
Mentioned: (Wallace) 57
Washington (State)
Civil service personnel, exchanges with (Barrett) 25
Education, funding for (Brothers) 632
Education, referendums on (Strachan) 823
Electric power to B.C. (Peterson) 42
Legislature, resolution quoted (Barrett) 24
MLAs' visits to (Bruch) 134
NDP visit to (Barrett) 24, 992 (Dailly) 269 (Dowding) 232-3 (Gaglardi) 195 (Kiernan) 273-4 (Nimsick) 45 (Peterson) 40-1 (Shelford) 237
Nuclear power production (Barrett) 25
Pollution control in border area (Barrett) 24-5
Relationship of B.C. to (Peterson) 41-2
State legislature, procedures (Dowding) 232-3
Visit to (Shelford) 238
Waste products
Industrial waste (Williston) 344
Water — Pollution
Beach-water quality standards (Throne speech) 3
Recycling of water (Nimsick) 477
Rivers, pollution of (Nimsick) 475-7
Water pipes
Water Resources Act (Proposed)
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 2
Water Resources Service
Annual report tabled (Williston) 225
Watkins, Melville
Mentioned: (Capozzi) 257
Gordan) 144 (Macdonald) 150 (Peterson) 40
Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co.
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 116
Weekend Magazine
Mentioned: (Capozzi) 258
Weir, G.M.
Mentioned: (Brothers) 228
Welfare, Department of, Act (Manitoba)
Quoted (Peterson) 905
Welfare payments
See entries under Public welfare
Welfare recipients
See entries under Public welfare
Wells Gray Provincial Park
McGregor River diversion and park (Kiernan) 277
Wenman, Robert (Delta)
Abortion, cost of 337
Abortions, number of in B.C. 337
Accelerated Park Development Fund Act 721-2
Accelerated park development fund, use of funds 721
Address in Reply 81-7
Agricultural parkland, legislation on 85-6
Annacis Island crossing, construction of 81, 337
Birth control, government program 337
Birth control, teaching of in schools 337
B.C. Building site, use of 335
British Columbia Railway Act 518
B.C. Teachers' Federation, membership in 336
Budget debate 334-8
Burlington Northern Inc. right-of-way, park status for 721-2
Burns Bog area, proposal for park for 721
Buses, bus lane for 82
Commonwealth of Nations, preservation of 336
Delta, boat-launching site 81, 338
Delta greenbelt, proposal for 698
Delta hospital 84-5
Delta, parking, 27th and Highway 10 area 82
Education, costs of 829
Elderly, homeowner grant, proposal re 83
Elderly, property taxes, deferment of 83
Fitness councils, need for 684
Fraser River bridges, construction of, proposal re 337
Fraser River, flow of and tide 83-4
Fraser River, waste disposal in 83-4
Free trade, proposal re 338
Green Belt Protection Fund Act 698-9
Green belt protection fund, farmland purchases, proposal for 698
Green belt protection fund, use of funds 698-9
Greenbelts, protection of 85
Guaranteed annual income 83
Highway 17, Delta area, widening of 82
Housing, lower mainland area 335
Industrial development plan for province 336
Library systems and school libraries 852
Moran dam 84
Multicultural heritage fund, proposal for 83
Nail polish remover, legislation on 86-7
Nicomekl-Serpentine basin land, protection of 698
Northern affairs committee, proposal for 336
Northern B.C., development of 335
Nuclear power, development of 84
Pacific Great Eastern Railway, name change 518
Parks, urban-area parks 721
Pattullo Bridge 81
Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, use of funds 683-4
Population increase, provision for 334-5
Public Libraries Act, An Act to Amend 852
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 828-9
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, vote on (Barrett) 972 (Capozzi) 972 (Speaker) 972
Regional districts, advisory boards 336-7
Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, An Act to Amend 6834
School year, year-round operation of schools 829
Sewage treatment plant, Annacis bland 84
Teachers, salaries, increase in and private sector increases 828-9
Teachers, salaries, referendums on increase in 829
Transportation, lower mainland area 82
United States, trade with 338
Vancouver industry, decentralization of 336
Vancouver, Knight Street bridge 81
Vancouver, parking rates and transit system 82
Vancouver, regional transit authority 82
Vancouver, satellite cities, proposal re 335
Wage-price controls, need for 828-9
West Coast Hearing Aid Society
Mentioned: (Dawson) 463
West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd.
Kootenay River water rights (McGeer) 35
West Vancouver, B.C. — Transit system
Transit (Williams, L.A.) 735
West Vancouver School District
See: School district 45 (West Vancouver)
Westbar Timber Ltd.
Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 548
Westco Insurance Co.
Financial statement (Macdonald) 115-6
Rates (Macdonald) 115
Mentioned: (Gardom) 111 (Hon. member) 111 (Macdonald) 149
Westcoast Transmission Co. Ltd.
Vancouver Island natural gas pipeline, construction of (Macdonald) 152, 153
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 393, 394, 395
Western Association of the State Department of Agriculture
Convention (Shelford) 238
Western Food Processors' Association
Letter quoted (Peterson) 487
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986
Western Forest Industries Ltd.
Property, assessment of (Strachan) 328
Western Independent Log Haulers' Association
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 983
Western Institute for the Deaf
Western Mines Ltd.
Sale of (Lorimer) 193
Western Pemco Ltd.
Mentioned: (Brothers) 226
Western Telephone Co.
Mentioned: (Strachan) 329
Westwood, Earle Cathers
Mentioned: (Chant) 472
Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd.
Kamloops pulp mill mentioned (Williams, R.A.) 248, 249
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 983
White, J.S.
Mentioned: (Nimsick) 478
White, Phillip
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944
White River, B.C.
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 223
Whitlam, Edward Gough
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 222
Wife abuse
Injuries, provision for compensation for (Gardom) 651
See: Animals
Wildlife branch
Funding for (Nimsick) 720
Wildlife management
East Kootenays, wildlife management (Nimsick) 51-2, 52
William Mercer and Associates
Mentioned: (Cocke) 75
Williams, Guy
Mentioned: (Dawson) 168
Williams, L. Allan (West Vancouver-Howe Sound)
Accelerated Reforestation Fund Act 730
Accelerated reforestation fund, use of funds 730
Agricultural land, loss of 263
Agricultural land trust, proposal for 264
Agriculture industry 263-5
Alcohol abuse, school programs on 884-5
Automobile insurance, government plan for, proposal re 124
Automobile insurance premiums, rebate for overcharging 124
Automobile insurance rates 124
Automobile insurance, Saskatchewan 124
B.C. Automobile Insurance Board, operation of 124
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Act, 1964, An Act to Amend 791-2
B.C. Hydro, borrowed funds, use of 791-2
B.C. Hydro, expropriation of land by 697
B.C. Hydro officials, meeting with MLAs 792
Bulkley Valley Forest Industries Ltd., losses 265
Bulkley Valley Forest Industries Ltd., timber rights 266
Cemetery trust funds 267
Civil service, senior administrative staff, shortage of 267
Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd., losses 266
Commonwealth Trust Co. 267
Co-operative Fire and Casualty Co., payouts 124
Drug abuse, school program 544, 884-5
Drug addiction, Alberta prevention program 544
Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund, advertising campaign 543-4
Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund, council 543
Education, funding for 542-3
Education system, centralization of 884
Elderly, chronic care for 434
Environment and Land Use Committee, functioning of 546
Family counselling services, treed for 652
Family court, staff 652
Family Relations Act 652
Farm produce, distribution and marketing of 264
Farm produce, import of 264
Farmland, tax on 264
Farms, succession duty on 264
Food council, recommendation re 264
Forest branch, control over land use 697
Forest industry 265-7
Forest industry and transportation 266
Forest industry, independent operators, timber supply for 266
Forest industry, medium-sized operations, funding for 267
Forest industry, Quesnel area industry 266
Forest industry, wood, quality of 266
Gift Tax Act 958
Gift tax and gifts between spouses 956
Gift tax, family transfers 958
Gift tax, impact of on investment capital in B.C. 958
Government institutions and agencies, administration of 267
Green Belt Protection Fund Act 696-8
Green belt protection fund, land purchases, decisions on 696-7
Green belt protection fund, use of funds 696-7
Greenbelts, establishment of 264
Heroin addiction 544
Highway Act, An Act to Amend 853
Highways, lights in area of 853
Homeowner grant to tenants 663
Homeowner grant to tenants of Crown corporations 663
Kaiser Resources Ltd. shares, insider trading, allegations re 267
Land use, research on 696
Law Foundation of B.C. board of governors, number of 962
Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend 962
Lower mainland regional planning board, disbanding of 697
Lower mainland regional planning board, work of 697
Medical care in rural and remote areas 545-6
Mortgage Brokers Act, part 2, proclamation of 267
Parliament buildings, parking in front of 263
Pemberton Valley medical facilities 545
Physicians, rural areas, facilities 546
Physicians, rural areas, income subsidy 545
Policemen, deaths, inquests into 268
Powder Mountain, Callaghan Lake road 546
Powder Mountain development, inquiry into 548
Powder Mountain, development of 546-9
Powder Mountain, land leases, applications for 546-7
Powder Mountain, logging of 547
Powder Mountain, mineral claims 546
Powder Mountain, public hearings on 547
Powder Mountain, road to 546
Privilege — statement attributed to him by W.L. Hartley 576
Prospecting, damage to grazing lands 264-5
Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 663
Provincial Rapid Transit Subsidy Act 735
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 881-3, 884-5
Public Utilities Commission, operation of 267
Pupil-teacher ratio in B.C. 884
Referendums, use of in education field 882
Reforestation 730
Registrar of companies, administration of office of 267
Royal Commission on Education, recommendations 881-2
School boards, autonomy of 882
School District 45, referendum on teachers' salaries 882-3, 884
School District 45, school closed 884
Securities Commission, insider trading, reports on 267
Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of 966
Superintendent of insurance, administration of office of 267
Tobacco advertisements in Victoria newspapers 543
Victoria Times, cigarette advertising and threat re 543-4
West Vancouver, transit system 735
Williams, Parker
Mentioned: (Strachan) 933
Williams, Robert Arthur (Vancouver East)
Abbotsford-Sumas-Matsqui amalgamation proposal 248
Accelerated Reforestation Fund Act 726-7
Accelerated reforestation fund, use of funds 726
Address in Reply 242-51
Assessment Equalization Act, amendments to 243
Assessments, increase in, limit on 243
Bennett, Hon. W.A.C., practices of and parliamentary process 243
B.C. Ferry Corporation newsstands, restriction on merchandise 244-5
Brocklehurst, incorporation of 249
Budget debate 592-7
Campbell, Hon. D.R.J., actions of re Kamloops amalgamation 249
Campbell, Hon. D.R.J., actions of re Mount Kobau subdivision development 247-8
Canadian Pacific Railway, coal pipeline proposal 846
Capital gains tax on property 754
Cities, government policy on 245
Delta, industrial land 694
Dufferin, amalgamation with Kamloops 597
Dufferin council meetings, site for 251
Dufferin, highway junction area 593-5
Dufferin, Highway 1, access to 595-6
Dufferin, hotel 250
Dufferin, land holdings of Charlie Bennett, access to 595
Dufferin, land holdings of Charlie Bennett, water supply for 593-4
Dufferin mayor, appointment of 250-1
Dufferin, municipal status for 249-51, 592
Dufferin, roads, title to 596
Dufferin, Weyerhaeuser pulp mill 250
Dufferin, zoning of 593, 594-5
Education, costs of 886
Education department, administration costs 887
Education department, staff 887
Farming, young people in 693
Forestry problems in B.C., Flumerfelt report on 726
Gabriola Wildwood Estates Ltd., subdivision development 247
George Field Developments Ltd., zoning changes, requests for 248
Green Belt Protection Fund Act 6934
Green belt protection fund, employment of staff by 693-4
Greenbelts, establishment of 693
“Gulf Island Options” referred to 245-6
Gulf Islands, bridges, proposal for 245-6
Gulf Islands, future of, plan for 245-6
Gulf Islands, highways, proposal for 246
Gulf Islands, parks, proposal for 246
Hansard, omissions from, allegations re 244
Income Tax Act, 1962, An Act to Amend 754
Industry, capital-intensive resource industries in B.C. 754
Kamloops, amalgamation of with surrounding communities 248-51
Kamloops area, development of 248
Kamloops, tax base 249
Kamloops, tax rate in surrounding areas 249
Kamloops, tax rate on land 694
Kamloops work yard 250
Land policies and price of land 694
Land, taxation of, policies on 694
Mount Kobau, land in area, proposal for use of 246-8
Municipal boundaries commission, proposal for 313
Municipal bylaws, availability of to public 595
North Vancouver, amalgamation with District of North Vancouver, proposal for 248
Pipe-lines Act, An Act to Amend 846
Pipelines, government ownership of 846
Pipelines, slurry pipelines 846
Port Moody-Port Coquitlam-Coquitlam amalgamation proposal 248
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 886-8
Pupil-teacher ratio in B.C. 886
Referendums, use of in education field 886
Reforestation, need for 726
Reforestation, not satisfactorily restocked land 726
St. Andrews by the Lakes Estates Ltd., subdivision development 247
School District 39, operations of board 888
School District 44, referendum 886-7
School tax and property valuation 887-8
School tax on property, revenue 887
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend 912
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, minister's powers under act 912
Transportation, government equity in 846
Valleyview, incorporation of 249
Vancouver, industrial land in greater Vancouver 694
Wages and inflation 887
Welfare rates, increase in 912
Williams, V.A.
Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 546
Williams Lake, B.C.
Government building (Fraser) 129
Willingdon School for Girls, Burnaby, B.C.
Closing of (Dailly) 271
Facilities (Dailly) 272
Inmates, Indians (Dailly) 272
Inmates, treatment for (Dailly) 271-Z, 541 (Dawson) 461
The Maples, amalgamation with (Kripps) 579
Operation of (Dawson) 460-1
Staff (Dawson) 460
Use of, proposal for (Dailly) 272
Visit to (Gaglardi) 273
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 93 (Dawson) 461
Williston, Hon. Ray Gillis (Fort George) Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources
Accelerated Reforestation Fund Act 728-9
Accelerated reforestation fund, use of funds 728-9
Address in Reply 63-73
Assessments, industrial property 339
B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension, tabling of documents, correspondence and maps relating to, M. 991
Budget debate 339-45
Christmas trees, royalty rate on 771
Coal, Elk River development 343
Cominco Ltd., power production 64, 65
Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd., Skookumchuk mill 63
Crown land, lease of 343
Crown land, rights-of-way, negotiation of 771
Daily Star award to (Strachan) 211
Davendy, sawmill 69
East Kootenays, land capability study 342
Ecological reserves 343
Education, costs of 340-1, 889
Education, finance formula 890
Education system 889
Electric power, development of 63-4
Environment and Land Use Committee, role of 342
Environmental protection, cost of 344
Fire permits, requirement for 771
Forest Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 65) 1R, 719; 770-1
Forest fire prevention, funding for 771
Forest industry 66-72
Forest industry, coast industry 71
Forest industry cut, measurement of 67
Forest industry, employment in 67
Forest industry, interior industry 68-70
Forest industry, investment in, return on 70
Forest industry problems, examination of by select standing committee 516
Forest industry, revenue to province 72
Forest industry, taxation, property tax 70
Forest industry, value of 67
Forest industry waste, treatment of 344
Forest land, use of 67-8, 341-2, 771
Garbage, sites for dumps 343
Grain, export of 943
Green Belt Protection Fund Act 695-6
Green belt protection fund, employment of staff by 696
Green belt protection fund, land purchases, decisions on 696
Green belt protection fund, use of funds 695-6
Industrial sites, location of 343
Kemano power project 63
Kootenay Canal Land Acquisition Act (Bill 89) 1R, 844; 936
Kootenay canal right-of-way, land on, acquisition of 936
Kootenay canal tight-of-way, land on, expropriation of by B.C. Hydro 936
Kootenay River, Cominco Ltd. water rights 64
Kootenay River, power development, environmental impact 65
Kootenay River power development project 64
Kootenay River, water rights 339
Labour productivity 63
Lakes, shoreline subdivisions 343
Libby Dam area, land use problems 342
Mica Dam, construction of 64
Nelson electric power plant, sale of 65
Nelson, Kootenay River water rights 64-5, , 339
Ocean Cement Ltd., relocation of 343
Oil exploration, north coast area 65
Okanagan Valley, sewage treatment 344
Oysters, commercial development areas 343
Paper industry 68-9
Petrocar Development Ltd., oil exploration rights 65
Pollution Control Act, 1967, An Act to Amend (Bill 98) 1R, 859-60; 939-40
Pollution control branch staff 343, 344
Pollution control branch, work of 343-4
Pollution control permits, temporary permits, provision for 940
Pollution control standards 345
Pollution, discharges, registration of 344, 939-40
Powder Mountain, Callaghan Lake road 66
Prince Rupert, port, development of 943
Prince Rupert, port, establishment of national harbour 943
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 888-90
Pulp industry 68
Pulp industry, waste disposal 69
Pulp inventory 68
Pulp, kraft pulp, use of 68
Pulp mills, chip-processing capacity 69
Rayonier Canada Ltd., air pollution 344-5
Recreational land, use of 341-2
Reforestation 342
Reforestation, not satisfactorily restocked land 728-9
Reforestation, powers re 771
Reforestation, site preparation 728-9
Richmond, right-of-way, hearing on 343
Sawmills, interior mills 69
Sewage treatment, cost of 344
Skagit Valley, flooding of, compensation for 65-6
Skagit Valley, flooding of, International joint Commission report on 66
Stikine River power development, filing of information on in House M. 991
Stumpage rate 72
Teachers, salaries 341, 889-90
Teachers, tenure 890
Teachers, training of 889
Timber, definition of 770-1
Timber, measurement of 771
Timber, salvage sales of, provision for 771
Timber, utilization of 67, 68, 71
Vancouver, sewage treatment 344
Vanderhoof-Hazelton land capability study 342
Waste, industrial waste 344
Wood chips, production of 69-70
Wood chips, surplus chips, burning of 70
Wood chips, transport of 70
Williston Lake, B.C.
Criticisms of (Marshall) 136
Recreational use of (Smith) 185
Mentioned: (Hon. member) 32 (McGeer) 32
Beneficiaries' rights, protection of (Macdonald) 556
Wilson, B.G.
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944
Wilson, Halford
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 55
Wilson, Harold
A Personal Record quoted (Bennett) 285
Mentioned: (Strachan) 334
Wilson, John
Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568
Wilson, Walter
Quoted (McGeer) 32
Winch, E.E.
Mentioned: (Barrett) 410, 517 (Black) 408 (Calder) 622
Winch, Harold
Mentioned: (Barrett) 517 (Bennett) 291
Winterborn, Percy
Mentioned: (Cocke) 79
Wives' and Children's Maintenance Act
Mentioned: (Dailly) 272 (Peterson) 42, 649
Wives Protection Act
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 649
Wolfe, Evan (Vancouver Centre)
Address in Reply 52-7
Alcoholic detox centre for Vancouver 55, 56
Automobile drivers' licences, fee for 377
Bay rum, sale of 52-3
B.C. Building, proposals re 56
Burnaby, amalgamation of with Vancouver 56
Burrard Inlet crossing, bridge construction 54-5
Burrard Inlet crossing, federal funds for 55
Chartered Accountants Act, An Act to Amend 648
Chartered accountants, council, lay appointment to 648
Chartered accountants, designation of “Honourable” for 648
Civil service, efficiency of, proposal for survey of 379
Civil service, efficiency of, task force on 57
Corporation taxation accelerated depreciation program proposal 378-9
Corporation taxation, basing of on number of employees 379
Debt, contingent liabilities 377
Delta, provincial grant to 378
Federal funds for B.C. 56
Glue-sniffing, prevention of 52-3
Heart surgery, open-heart surgery facilities 53
Heart surgery, open-heart surgery, Vancouver 53
Heart surgery, open-heart surgery, waiting-list for 53
Home acquisition grant, level of, basing of on income 659
Home-acquisition grants 57
Hospital patients, voting by 53-4
Hospital rates, per diem charge 56, 57
Industry, development of, incentives for 378, 379
Job creation 378
Labour-management relations in B.C. 379-80
Municipal grants 378
Old age pension, increase in 378
Parliament buildings, maintenance of 52
Physical fitness and amateur sports fund, increase in
Policing, funds for 57
Propane, tax rate on 377-8
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 659
Questionnaire, replies to 56
Recreational facilities, proposal for funding for 683
Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, An Act to Amend 683
Sales tax, audits for purposes of 378
Sales tax, levying of, undercharging 378
Solvent abuse, prevention of 52-3
Special funds, establishment of 377
Succession duties and capital gains tax 748
Succession duties on out-of-province property 748
Succession duties, revenue 748
Succession Duty Act, An Act to Amend 748
Succession Duty Act, repeal of, proposal re 377
Taxation rate in B.C. 377
Trade missions 379
Trade unions, contract negotiations 379-80
Trade unions, public opinion on, survey of 379-80
Transit system, takeover of 54
Unemployment 56
Universities, faculty tenure 56
Vancouver, Britannia community centre 56
Vancouver, cooperation with provincial government 57
Vancouver, provincial grant to 378
Vancouver, regional transportation authority 54
Vancouver transit, Deleuw Cather study, recommendations 54
Vancouver transit, rapid transit 54
Vancouver transit, rapid transit, federal funds for 54
Vancouver, West End community centre 56
Wage and price controls 56, 57
Welfare rates 56
Women's groups (Dailly) 273
Women — Employment
Civil service, discrimination in (Dailly) 272
Women's Institute
Mentioned: (Shelford) 240
Women's World
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 245
Wood chips
Production of (Williston) 69-70
Surplus chips, burning of (Williston) 70
Surplus chips, burning of, select standing committee report on (McDiarmid) 983
Surplus chips, disposal of (Williston) 516
Transport of (Williston) 70
Wood-pulp industry
Kraft pulp, use of (Williston) 68
Pulp industry (Williston) 68
Pulp inventory (Williston) 68
Waste, disposal of (Williston) 69, 516
Wood waste
Disposal of (Williston) 69, 516
Sawdust spills in barge-loading (Lorimer) 192
Woodlands School, New Westminster, B.C.
Mentioned: (Kripps) 580 (Tisdalle) 162
Woodsworth, James Shaver
Mentioned: (Barrett) 411 (Nimsick) 481, 482
Woodward Stores Ltd.
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 966
Words mad Phrases, Legal Maxims, Canada
Quoted (Dowding) 903
Work force
See: Labour supply
Work week
See: Hours of labour
Workers' compensation
Committee on, proposal for (Nimsick) 930
History of in B.C. (Strachan) 932-3
Workmen's Compensation Act
Changes to (Chabot) 392 (Hall) 457 (Nimsick) 479-81
Select Standing Committee on Labour, review by (Calder) 995 (Nimsick) 479, 481
Mentioned: (Peterson) 847 (Price) 598
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1968, An Act to Amend
(Bill 82) (Minister of Labour) 1R, 719; 2R, 926-36; C, 977; 3R, 980, RA, 1004
Divisions: 2R, 936
Speakers: Bruch 930-1; Capozzi 931; Chabot 926-7, 935; Cocke 935; Hall 933-5; Nimsick 927-30; Strachan 932-3; Wallace 931-2
“Accident”, definition of under act (Hall) 934
Administration of act, proposal for favouring workmen (Hall) 934
Appeals, medical appeals, time-limit on (Nimsick) 930
Arthritis of spine, case cited (Wallace) 932
Asbestosis, case cited (Wallace) 931-2
Board's decisions, disclosure of reasons for (Hall) 935
Caisson disease, case cited (Hall) 933-4
Commission of Inquiry: Workmen's Compensation Act, cost of (Nimsick) 927
Commission of Inquiry: Workmen's Compensation Act, recommendations (Nimsick) 927
Committee on workmen's compensation, proposal for (Nimsick) 930
Common-law relationships, change in regulations re (Chabot) 927
Compensation, level of (Chabot) 935
Compensation payments, waiting-period for, change in (Chabot) 927 (Nimsick) 928
Compensation, source of funds for (Nimsick) 927
Coverage, extension of . (Chabot) 926-7 (Hall) 934 (Nimsick) 930
Diseases contracted in past, compensation for (Chabot) 935 (Strachan) 933 (Wallace) 931-2
Farm labourers, coverage for (Hall) 934 (Nimsick) 930
First aid facilities, provision of (Chabot) 927
Fishermen, coverage for (Hall) 934 (Nimsick) 930
Funeral allowances, increase in (Chabot) 927
Hearing loss, compensation for (Strachan) 933
Injured workmen, rehabilitation of (Chabot) 927
Injuries, recurrence of, compensation for (Nimsick) 928
Pensions, cost-of-living adjustments to (Chabot) 926 (Nimsick) 927
Pensions, disability pensions, level of (Chabot) 927 (Nimsick) 929
Pensions, disability pensions, location of dependents (Nimsick) 930
Pensions, level of (Nimsick) 928
Pensions, widows' pensions, increase in (Chabot) 927, 935 (Nimsick) 929
Rescue teams, coverage for (Capozzi) 931 (Chabot) 927 (Nimsick) 929
Review of act on continuing basis, provision for (Hall) 934
Select standing committee, use of (Nimsick) 927
Silicosis, pensions for (Nimsick) 928-9
Social loss, compensation for (Strachan) 933
Workers' compensation, history of in B.C. (Strachan) 932-3
Workmen's Compensation Board revenue, use of surplus revenue (Bruch) 930-1
Workmen's Compensation Board
Annual report tabled (Chabot) 706
Appeals, medical appeals, time-limit on (Nimsick) 930
Arthritis of spine, case cited (Wallace) 932
Asbestosis, case cited (Wallace) 931-2
Claims, handling of (Cocke) 77-8
Common-law relationships and compensation (Cocke) 927
Compensation for diseases contracted in past (Chabot) 935 (Strachan) 933 (Wallace) 931-2
Compensation for recurrence of injuries (Nimsick) 928
Compensation, level of (Chabot) 935
Compensation, source of funds for (Nimsick) 927
Coverage, extension of (Chabot) 926-7 (Hall) 934 (Nimsick) 481, 930
Coverage, rescue teams (Capozzi) 931 (Chabot) 927 (Nimsick) 929
Crime victims' compensation program, administration of (Gardom) 849 (Peterson) 847
Decisions, disclosure of reasons for (Hall) 935
Funeral allowances (Chabot) 927
Hearing loss, compensation for (Strachan) 933
Payments, waiting-period for (Chabot) 927 (Nimsick) 928
Pensions (Chabot) 927 (Nimsick) 480-1, 928, 929 (Price) 217
Pensions, cost-of-living adjustments to (Chabot) 926 (Nimsick) 927
Pensions, disability pensions and location of dependents (Nimsick) 930
Pensions, widows' pensions (Chabot) 927, 935 (Nimsick) 929 (Price) 598
Regulations, change in (Throne speech) 3
Rehabilitation of injured workmen (Chabot) 927
Revenue, use of surplus revenue (Bruch) 930-1
Silicosis, pension for (Nimsick) 928-9
Social loss, compensation for (Strachan) 933
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1968, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Mentioned: (Peterson) 850 (Price) 598 (Williams, R.A.) 242
World Vision of Canada
Letter quoted (Shelford) 240
Mentioned: (Clark) 402
Worley, Ron
The Wonderful World of W.A.C. Bennett, sales tax on (Kripps) 254
Mentioned: (Brothers) 533