Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Tabata, Susumi

Mentioned: (Barrett) 813, 814

Tahsis, B.C.

Municipal services (Lorimer) 501

Per capita grants to and Tahsis Co. Ltd. (Lorimer) 501 (McDiarmid) 529

Rents; level of (Lorimer) 501 (McDiarmid) 529

Road to (McDiarmid) 529

Tahsis Co. Ltd.

Per capita grants to Tahsis village and company (Lorimer) 501 (McDiarmid) 529

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 224, 983

Tailings dams

Tailings ponds (Nimsick) 477

Takla Forest Products Ltd.

Indians, employment of (Shelford) 441


Cherry Point tanker traffic (Dowding) 233

Oil spill danger (Calder) 619-20 (Clark) 89 (Dailly) 269 (Dowding) 233

Traffic on coast (Campbell, B.) 374 (Dowding) 815 (Macdonald) 394 (McGeer) 997 (Richter) 453 (Tisdalle) 161

Tanner, Elaine

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 682 (Peterson) 681


Federal government, tax-sharing by (Bruch) 135

Federal tax system, change in (Gardom) 744

Federal White Paper on taxation, income tax proposals (Strachan) 751

Federal White Paper on taxation mentioned (Gardom) 744 (Strachan) 753 (Williams, R.A.) 754

Rate in B.C. (Bennett) 290 (McCarthy) 352 (Smith) 494 (Wolfe) 377

Taxation Act

Sections 85 (1) , (2) , (3) and (4) , reports tabled (Bennett) 5

Mentioned: (Dowding) 965 (Williams, L.A.) 966

Taxation Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Wenman) 338

Taxation Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 94) (Hartley) 1R 841; 2R, 1002; out of order 1002

Farms, tax due date for (Hartley) 1002

Taylor, Fred (Cyclone)

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 353

Taylor, Leonard

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Taylor; Nigel

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986


Advertising for, expenditures on (Hartley) 871

Arbitration boards, public interest representation on (Lorimer) 827

Assistance to (McDiarmid) 833

Collective bargaining by (Brousson) 873 (Capozzi) 826 (Clark) 778 (Cocke) 779 (Dailly) 774 (Hartley) 872 (McDiarmid) 834 (Mussallem) 817

Competence of (McDiarmid) 832

Dismissal of (Brothers) 773 (Capozzi) 827

Donations to political parties (Campbell, D.) 869 (Hartley) 873

Employment, security of (Bruch) 886

Government's attitude to (Strachan) 334

Letters quoted (Gardom) 830-1

Number of (Barrett) 866 (Clark) 778

Probationary period for (Brothers) 773

Suspension of (Strachan) 822

Tenure (Brothers) 773-4, 893 (Clark) 778 (Hall) 875 (Hartley) 872 (Tisdalle) 891 (Wenman) 828, 829 (Williston) 890

Tenure, report of select standing committee on (Clark) 778 (Hall) 875

Training of (Barrett) 867 (Williston) 889

Unemployment (Barrett) 866 (Hon. member) 836

Unemployment insurance coverage for (Brothers) 535 (Throne speech) 3

Teachers — Salaries, pensions, etc.

Fort Nelson teachers, salaries (Barrett) 864 (Brothers) 891

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Salaries (Brothers) 772, 893 (Brousson) 873 (Capozzi) 827 (Clark) 778 (Cocke) 779 (Lorimer) 827-8 (McDiarmid) 834 (Mussallem) 784-5 (Nimsick) 835-6, 836 (Williams, R.A.) 886, 887 (Williston) 889-90

Salaries and expenditures on education (Brousson) 874

Salaries, arbitration of (Dowding) 878-9

Salaries, Cameron report on (Brothers) 892 (Williston) 889

Salaries, ceiling on (Bruch) 885-6 (Dowding) 878-9 (Hall) 878 (Williston) 890

Salaries, ceilings on elsewhere (Brothers) 772

Salaries, cost of (Barrett) 366 (Skillings) 365 (Williston) 341

Salaries, guidelines for (Nimsick) 47

Salaries in northern B.C. and cost of living (Calder) 881

Salaries in Saskatchewan (Mussallem) 785

Salaries, increase in (Dailly) 774 (McDiarmid) 833-4 (McGeer) 782 (Mussallem) 785

Salaries, increase in and private sector increases (Brothers) 892 (McGeer) 783 (Wenman) 828-9

Salaries, increase in, referendums on (Brothers) 771-2 (Brousson) 874 (Clark) 778-9 (Cocke) 781 (Dailly) 774, 775, 777 (Gardom) 830 (Hall) 878 (Hartley) 872 (McGeer) 783 (Strachan) . 822-3 (Wallace) 825 (Wenman) 829

Teachers' Pension Act

Business done under act, report tabled (Black) 5

Teamsters Union

See: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America

Telegraph Creek, B.C.

Electric power rate (Calder) 622

Isolation of by snow (Calder) 621

Telephone lines

Burying of, funding for (Bennett) 730

Burying of, municipal share of cost of (Dowding) 731 (Wallace) 732

Burying of, responsibility for (Dowding) 731

Power and Telephone Line Beautification Fund Act. See name of act

Underground lines, agreement re (Strachan) 329


Young people, program production by (Hall) 174

Television in education

Equipment, standards for (Brothers) 230

Great Britain, open university (Tisdalle) 161-2

Programs, production of (Brothers) 230

Use of (Brothers) 229-30 (Tisdalle) 161

Telstat Canada

West coast anchor station (Strachan) 208

Tenant Equalization Grant Act

Withdrawal of bill (Capozzi) 636


Faculty tenure. See entries under Universities and colleges

Teachers, tenure. See entries under Teachers

Terrace, Brian

Mentioned: (Brousson) 610

Terrace, B.C.

Bridge (Little) 180-1, 554

Highway traffic, rerouting of (Little) 554

Truck scales (Little) 555

Tyee, road to (Little) 181

Testators Family Maintenance Act

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 687

Thatcher, Ross

Quoted (Brousson) 618 (Peterson) 487, 490 (Smith) 491

Third World

See: Developing countries

Thom, Gordon

Mentioned: (Dawson) 463

Thomas, Sophie

Mentioned: (Dawson) 170

Thompson, Robert

Mentioned: (Clark) 405

Throne speech

See: Speech from the Throne

Tidal waves

See: Tsunamis


Mentioned: (Hall) 877 (McGeer) 900 (Skillings) 823 (Williams, R.A.) 887

The Times, London, England

Quoted (McCarthy) 205

Times, Trail, B.C.

Quoted (Campbell, B.) 372

Tisdalle, John Douglas (Saanich and the Islands)

Address in Reply 115, 156-63

Agricultural and Rural Development Act benefits, extension of 160

Alcoholic beverages, advertising of, ban on 601

Aquaculture industry for B.C. 160

Aquaculture, Washington project 160

Automobile insurance rates 115

Automobile insurance, Saskatchewan system 115

B.C. Centennial '71 projects 156

Budget debate 437, 601-7

Colquitz River area, landscaping of 603

Constitutional conference 157

Crown corporations, benefits of and debt 603

Drunken driving, fatalities 161

Education, spending on 162

Elderly, drivers' tests for 601-2

Elderly, housing for 437

Elderly, problem of inflation for 437

Evolution 604, 606-7

Family Relations Act, amendments to Bill 945

Family Relations Act, select standing committee report on 945

Georgia Straight, labour problems 159

Glendale Hospital, opening of 162

Gouzenko, Igor, interview with 157-8

Haddock fishery 160-1

Highway 17, Butchart Gardens turnoff 161

Highway 17, Island View Road intersection 161

Highway 17, McTavish Road overpass 161

Homeowner grant 602

Legislature, chamber, carpet colour 156-7

Moore, Archie, program for boys 162

Notaries public, bonding of 602

Nuclear power 160

Open university, Great Britain 161-2

Pari Mutuel Betting Tax Act, An Act to Amend 855

Picketing of housing construction site 158-9

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 837, 891

Public Scrutiny, An Act to Provide for 999

Queen Elizabeth II British Columbia Centennial Scholarship Act 656

Saltspring Island school facilities, use of 601

Science 604-5

Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education, reports 943-5

Smoking, opposition to 601

Socialism 602, 603

Special funds, establishment of 603

Tanker traffic on coast 161

Teachers, tenure 891

Television in education, use of 161

Tobacco advertising, ban on 601

Universities, faculty tenure, select standing committee report on 944-5

Wages, increase in 158

Tissue donations

See: Donation of organs, tissues, etc.


Advertisements in Victoria newspapers (Brothers) 533 (Brousson) 610-1 (Capozzi) 582 (Dowding) 525-6 (Hartley) 574 (Williams, L.A.) 543

Advertisements in Victoria newspapers and ferry newstands (Brousson) 611

Advertising of, ban on (Hartley) 574 (LeCours) 357-8 (Loffmark) 568 (Tisdalle) 601

See also: Smoking

Toffler, Alvin

Future Shock mentioned (Dailly) 268

Topless dancing

See: Nudity

Torrey Canyon (Vessel)

Mentioned: (Brousson) 176 (McGeer) 997

Tourist trade

Conventions, Vancouver as site for (McCarthy) 206

Development of, funding for (Bennett) 291

Environmental protection and tourist industry (Dailly) 270 (Throne (Bennett) 3286 (LeCours) 13 (McCarthy) 205-7

Interpreters for non-English-speaking tourists, proposal for (McCarthy) 207

Japanese tourists (McCarthy) 206

Revenue (Price) 597-8

Shuswap area facilities (Jefcoat) 439

Tourist area councils, funding for (Merilees) 188

Vancouver Island, visitors to (Ney) 140, 140, 465

Towler, Patience

Mentioned: (Dawson) 463


See: Cities and towns

Towsley, Ralph

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Trade Schools Regulation Act

Physiotherapists and Massage Practitioners Act, removal of reference in (Loffmark) 767

Trade unions

American domination of (Bruch) 133 (Capozzi) 259

Collective agreements (Merilees) 552

Contract negotiations (Wolfe) 379-80

Demands of (Merilees) 550

Government's attitude to (Strachan) 334

NDP, donations to (Hartley) 873

Powers of (LeCours) 12

Public opinion, survey of (Wolfe) 379-80

Wage increases, negotiations for (Nimsick) 46

Trade-unions Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 88) (Minister of Labour) 1R, 787

Tradesmen's Qualification Act

Mentioned: (Strachan) 922

Traffic accidents

Hit-and-run drivers, penalty for (Hall) 795

Injuries, costs of, proposal for payment of (Price) 599

Prevention of (Peterson) 43-4

See also: Drunk driving

Traffic violations

Point system for and automobile insurance rates (Cocke) 114 (Strachan) 113

Trail, B.C.

Courthouse, construction of (Brothers) 226

Government building for (Brothers) 226

Trail School District

See: School District 11 (Trail)

Trail Smoke Eaters hockey team

Mentioned: (Barrett) 682

Tranquille, Tranquille, B.C.

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 162

Trans-Canada Highway

See: Highway 1


See: Local transit; also subdivision Transit system under names of cities and towns, e.g. Vancouver, B.C. — Transit system


Expansion of (Richter) 453

Facilities, government equity in (Williams, R.A.) 846

Labour disputes, compulsory arbitration of (Shelford) 442

Lower mainland area (Brousson) 612 (Dowding) 527 (Wenman) 82

Northern B.C., development of transportation (Wallace) 350

Policy on (McGeer) 306

Strikes in transportation system (Shelford) 442

Travel Industry, Department of

Annual report tabled (Kiernan) 5

Treasury Board

Mentioned: (Bennett) 240 (Black) 626 (Campbell, B.) 126 (McGeer) 29, 721

Treatment Resources Act

Mentioned: (Kripps) 577

Trimball, James

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 500

Trinity Junior College

Trinity Western College, name change to (Price) 940

Trinity Junior College Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 51) (Vogel) 1R, 469; report 467, 741; 2R, 940, C, 981; 3R, 981; RA, 3004

Speakers: Price 940

Name change to Trinity Western College (Price) 940

Trinity Western College

Name change (Price) 940


Brake standards (Hall) 455

Inspection pit, Kamloops (Richter) 453

Loads, overloads and fines for (Little) 555

Loads, size of (Hall) 454-5

Weight regulations and power units (Richter) 453

Wide loads (Richter) 453-4

Trudeau, Pierre Elliott

Cabinet shuffle (Capozzi) 256 (McCarthy) 201

Criticisms of (Bennett) 675

Resignation of, request for (Bennett) 675

Visit to B.C. (Throne speech) 1

Mentioned: (Chabot) 385, 389 (Cocke) 74 (Fraser) 509 (Hall) 174 (Hon. member) 202 (Kripps) 577, 578 (McCarthy) 354 (Merilees) 550, 552, 553 (Smith) 493 (Tisdalle) 160, 603

Trussell, Paul C.

Mentioned: (Skillings) 364

Trust Companies Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 87) (Gardom) 1R, 743;1002

Inspector of trust companies, report, public exposure for (Gardom) 1002

Trutch, Sir Joseph J.W.

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 499

Tsawwassen, B.C.

Land, cost of (Campbell, D.) 321


Warning system for (Clark) 87 (Throne speech) 2-3

Tsusiat River, B.C.

Pacific Rim National Park, inclusion in (Brousson) 616

Turino, Lydia Del Rio

Immigrant status for (Motion 20) (Ney) 934. Withdrawn 994

Turnbull, F. A.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 568

Turnbull, Malcolm

Quoted (Nimsick) 477

Turner, Arthur James

Mentioned: (Bennett) 666

Tweedsmuir Provincial Park

Mentioned: (McGeer) 32, 35

Tyee, B.C.

Terrace, road to (Little) 181

Tynehead, B.C.

Regional park (Hall) 692

Tysoe, Charles

Commission of Inquiry: Workmen's Compensation Act (1962). See name of commission

Mentioned: (Hall) 934