Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972
Eadie, W.A.
Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986
East Kootenays
See: Kootenays
Easton, M. Donald
Letter quoted (Cocke) 78-9
Mentioned: (Cocke) 80
Echo, Chetwynd, B.C.
Quoted (Marshall) 136, 136, 512
Ecological reserves
Cariboo reserves (Fraser) 132
Establishment of (Fraser) 132 (Throne speech) 1-2 (Williston) 343
Establishment of, requirement for public notice (Fraser) 132
Ecological Reserves Act
Mentioned: (Bennett) 290 (Fraser) 132 (Williston) 342
Economic Council of Canada
Annual report quoted (Brothers) 630
Quoted (Gardom) 961
Mentioned: (Barrett) 294, 412 (Bennett) 283 (Brothers) 535, 632 (Campbell, D.) 869 (Chabot) 389 (McGeer) 784 (Strachan) 818, 863-4 (Wallace) 347
Economic regions
See entries under Canada
Economics and statistics branch
Work of (Skillings) 364
Economy of British Columbia
See: British Columbia — Economic conditions
Economy of Canada
See: Canada — Economic conditions
Eddie, John (Rae)
Mentioned: (Bennett) 666 (Peterson) 413
Edmund Burke Society
Mentioned: (Hall) 457
Education system (Barrett) 865 (Brothers) 226 (Hartley) 871 (Marshall) 138 (Price) 216 (Strachan) 215 (Williams, R.A.) 887 (Williston) 889
Education system, centralization of (Williams, L.A.) 884
Education system, decisions on (Campbell, D.) 869
Education system, proposals re (Williams, R.A.) 888
Government's attitude to 872-3
Importance of (Brothers) 535
Quality of (Barrett) 866 (Capozzi) 826 (Gardom) 830 (Hartley) 871 (McDiarmid) 832-3
Services, cutbacks in (Dowding) 879-80 (Lorimer) 828 (Strachan) 821-2
Education — Curricula
Changes in (Brothers) 227 (Strachan) 820
Courses of study, proposal re (Kripps) 580
Democratic government, proposal for course in (Kripps) 580
High school courses, proposal re (Kripps) 581
Education — Finance
Costs (Brothers) 630, 631-2 (Brousson) 874 (Campbell, D.) 868, 869 (Capozzi) 826 (Hall) 876 (McGeer) 782-3, 784 (Skillings) 365, 824 (Strachan) 818-9 (Wallace) 824 (Wenman) 829 (Williams, R.A.) 886 (Williston) 340-1, 889
Costs of education and total revenue (Brousson) 874
Costs per pupil (Cocke) 780
Expenditures on education, increase in (Tisdalle) 162
Finance formula (Brothers) 630-1, 892 (Gardom) 831 (Williston) 890
Funding (Bennett) 290 (Brothers) 891 (Cocke) 780 (Dailly) 538-9 (McCarthy) 354 (Williams, L.A.) 542-3
Funding, source of funds (Campbell, D.) 868 (Gardom) 831
Funding, Washington State (Brothers) 632
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Referendums, use of (Campbell, D.) 868 (Capozzi) 827 (Nimsick) 834-5 (Strachan) 823 (Williams, L.A.) 882 (Williams, R.A.) 886
School debt (Strachan) 332
School tax (Strachan) 209
School tax and property valuation (Williams, R.A.) 887-8
School tax, exemption from for elderly (Wallace) 348
School tax on property, removal of (Brothers) 893 (Clark) 779 (Cocke) 780 (Dailly) 775
School tax on property, revenue (Williams, R.A.) 887
School tax on residential property (Campbell, D.) 95
School tax revenues, source of (Campbell, D.) 95
United States, education costs, ceiling on (Brothers) 632
Education, Department of
Administration costs (Williams, R.A.) 887
Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287 (Brothers) 535
Minister's office, appropriation for, increase in (Hall) 876
Staff (Williams, R.A.) 887
Education, Post-secondary
See: Universities and colleges
Education, Secondary
Grade 11 programs (Brothers) 227
Grade 12 students, exemptions from examinations (Brothers) 228
Education B.C.
Mentioned: (Brothers) 892
Educational television
See: Television in education
Egan, William
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 395
Egg consumption, benefits of (Shelford) 445
Ekman, Daniel
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 152, 153, 394, 395
See: Aged
Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act
(Bill 39) (Premier and Minister of Finance) 1R, 609; 2R, 760-4, 802; 3R, 845; RA, 1004
Speakers: Bennett 760, Capozzi 761-2; Clark 762; Cocke 760-1; Dailly 763; Dowding 762-3; Gardom 763-4; Hall 762; Nimsick 763
Grant to elderly renters (Bennett) 760 (Capozzi) 761 (Cocke) 760-1 (Hall) 762
Grant to elderly renters and income tax (Hall) 762
Grant to elderly renters, basis for (Clark) 762
Grant to women over age 60 (Capozzi) 761
Home-ownership, promotion of (Bennett) 760
Mobile-home owners, grant for (Nimsick) 763
Rent increases and grant (Capozzi) 761 (Dailly) 763 (Dowding) 763
Rent increases, proposal re (Cocke) 761
Rent increases, reporting of (Bennett) 760 (Cocke) 761
Rest homes, residents and grant (Gardom) 763-4
Elderly Citizens Housing Aid Act
Mentioned: (Black) 408 (Campbell, D.) 417 (Dawson) 166, 167
Election Act
Changes to (McGeer) 27
Mentioned: (Gardom) 398
Election Expenses Act, 1972
(Bill 76) (Macdonald) 1R, 715; 2R, 1000; out of order 1000
Speakers: Macdonald 1000
Campaign funds, limitation on (Macdonald) 1000
Ballot, order of candidates' names on (Gardom) 398, 803
Ballot, political parties on (Dowding) 806 (Gardom) 803 (McGeer) 767 (Wallace) 804-5
Campaign funds, limitation on (Gardom) 803 (Macdonald) 1000 (McGeer) 768
Date of, decision on (Gardom) 803
Date of, fixed date, proposal for (Gardom) 398 (McGeer) 27
Government advertising during campaign period (Gardom) 803 (McGeer) 768
Ministers, use of funds by (Gardom) 398
Officials, age requirement for (Strachan) 804
Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Scrutineers at poll boxes (Barrett) 806
Social Credit Party, safe seats (Fraser) 129
University students, voting by (McGeer) 767-8 (Strachan) 804
Voters analyzed (Gardom) 396-7
Electoral districts
Electoral distribution (Gardom) 398
Redistribution (McGeer) 768
Electric lines
Burying of, funding for (Bennett) 730
Burying of, municipal share of cost of (Dowding) 731 (Wallace) 732
Burying of, responsibility for (Dowding) 731
Power and Telephone Line Beautification Fund Act. See name of act
Electric power
Consumption, future needs, estimate of (Fraser) 130
Consumption of in B.C. (McGeer) 29
Development of (Jefcoat) 14 (Price) 598 (Williston) 63
Development of, environmental impact (Cocke) 77 (McGeer) 30-3
Developments (McGeer) 29-30, 32-3 (Smith) 185 (Wallace) 59-6
Developments, government policy on (Clark) 91
Developments, select standing committee on, proposal for (McGeer) 32
Generation of in B.C. (Throne speech) 2
Hydro power, run-of-the-river plants (Kiernan) 588-9
Natural gas, power generation from (Kiernan) 275, 276 (McGeer) 33
Production of (Kiernan) 588-9
Resources (Bennett) 285
Rivers, power potential, information re (Calder) 102
Thermal power (Kiernan) 588, 589
Transmission of (Kiernan) 589
Transmission of, underground wiring (Dawson) 166
Washington State power to B.C. (Peterson) 42
Water diffusion as source of (Calder) 620
See also: Geothermal power plants
Electrical Energy Act
Mentioned: (McGeer) 26 (Throne speech) 3
Apprentices (Hall) 456
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain
Visit to B.C. (McCarthy) 207 (Strachan) 208 (Throne speech) 1
Hunting of, moratorium on (Price) 600
Manning Park sanctuary (Hartley) 570
Vancouver Island (Ney) 465-6
Elk River, B.C.
Coal development (Williston) 343
Pollution of (Nimsick) 476, 477
Elkford, B.C.
Sewage treatment system (Nimsick) 476
Ellet, Reg
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 395
Elliott, George
Mentioned: (Dawson) 463
Eminent domain
Expropriation, compensation for (Price) 218
Legislation on (Nimsick) 50 (Peterson) 42
Special committee of Legislature on (Peterson) 42, 494
Sec committee of Legislature on, report (Fraser)
Employee ownership
Proposal re (Barrett) 299
Layoff of (Hall) 459
Severance pay (Cocke) 367
Employment research board, proposal for (Wallace) 58
Immigration to B.C. and job creation (Strachan) 212
Job creation (Barrett) 20 (Bennett) 283-4 (Chabot) 388 (Cocke) 74 (Gaglardi) 498-9 (Kripps) 576 (Marshall) 139 (Peterson) 39-40 (Price) 600 (Smith) 183 (Throne speech) 1 (Wolfe) 378
Job creation, federal program (Bennett) 284
Job opportunities program. See name of program
Public works projects, employment in (Peterson) 39
Vacancies, proposal re (Hall) 456
Energy Board
See: British Columbia Energy Board; Canada. Energy Board
Energy policy
Provincial policy, proposal re (Brousson) 178
Energy resources
See: Power resources
Certification of (Cocke) 918
English, J.R.K.
Mentioned: (Hartley) 108, 573 (Peterson) 120
Enterprise, Coquitlam, B.C.
Quoted (Campbell, B.) 372
Environment, Department of (Proposed)
Proposal for (Campbell, B.) 373, 374 (McGeer) 27
Opposition to (Campbell, B.) 373
Environment and Land Use Act
Mentioned: (Bennett) 290
Environment and Land Use Committee
Establishment of (Campbell, B.) 373 (Campbell, D.) 98
Functioning of (Williams, L.A.) 546
Role of (Campbell, B.) 374 (Williston) 342
Mentioned: (Brousson) 614
Environmental Bill of Rights Act, 1972
(Bill 112) 1R, 949
Environmental protection
Cost of (Williston) 344
Environmental protection (Hartley) 106-7 (Kiernan) 274 (Richter) 448
Funding for (Bennett) 290 (McCarthy) 354
Tourist industry and environmental protection (Dailly) 270
Equalization payments
See entries under Federal-provincial fiscal relations
Eric Martin Institute, Victoria, B.C.
Mentioned: (Skillings) 362
Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway
Mentioned: (McGeer) 306
Essondale Colony Farm„ Essondale, B.C.
Mentioned: (Barrett) 19
Eurocan Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd.
Indians, employment of (Jefcoat) 440
Mentioned: (Gardom) 400 (Little) 181 (Williams, L.A.) 266 (Williston) 68
Evans, Daniel J.
Letter quoted (Peterson) 41
Mentioned: (Barrett) 25, 992 (Cocke) 76 (Hartley) 107 (Nimsick) 50
Evans, Leonard S.
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 601
Even, Muni
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 593
Evidence Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 1) (Attorney-General) 1R 4, 2R, 310, 3R, 647; RA, 1004
Speakers: Peterson 310
Photographic prints as evidence (Peterson) 310
Evidence (Law)
Evidence Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Photographic prints as evidence (Peterson) 310
Evolution (Tisdalle) 604, 606-7
Grade 12 examinations, exemption from (Brothers) 228
Quoted (Strachan) 215
Exhibition Park, Vancouver, B.C.
See entries under Vancouver, B.C.
Expenditures, Public
Appropriations, underexpenditure of (Dowding) 524 (Strachan) 329-30, 331
Expenditures, 1970-71 fiscal year (Bennett) 286
Expenditures, 1971-72 fiscal year (Bennett) 286
Expenditures, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287
Expo '67
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 205
Export sales
B.C. products, marketing of (Marshall) 514
Exports (Bennett) 286 (Price) 597-8 (Throne speech) 2
Promotion of (Skillings) 364
Trade missions (McGeer) 307 (Wolfs) 379
United States, surcharge on imports (Chabot) 389 362
U.S., trade with (Wenman) 338
Expropriation of property
See: Eminent domain