Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

ARCO Chemical Co.

Mentioned: (Marshall) 515


See: Agricultural and Rural Development Act (Canada)

Abbotsford, B.C.

Amalgamation with Sumas and Matsqui (Williams, R.A.) 248

Abbott, A.C.

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Aberhart, William

Mentioned: (LeCours) 358


Cost of (Wallace) 349 (Wenman) 337

Number of in B.C. (Loffmark) 563 (Wenman) 337

Accelerated park development fund

Accelerated Park Development Fund Act. See name of act

Funding for (Bennett) 288, 720 (Fraser) 510

Funds, use of (Bennett) 720, 724 (Dowding) 723 (McCarthy) 722 (McGeer) 721 (Nimsick) 720 (Wallace) 722 (Wenman) 721

Job creation, use of funds for (Bennett) 720, 724 (McCarthy) 722 (Nimsick) 720

Mentioned: (Williston) 341

Accelerated Park Development Fund Act

(Bill 19) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292; 2R, 720-6; 3R, 743; RA, 1004

Divisions: 2R, 725

Speakers: Bennett 720, 723-4; Cocke 723; Dowding 722-3; McCarthy 722; McGeer 720-1; Mussallem 723; Nimsick 720; Wallace 722; Wenman 721-2

Burlington Northern Inc. right-of-way, park status for (Wenman) 721-2

Burns Bog area, proposal for park for (Wenman) 721

Civil service, tribute to (McGeer) 720

Funds, increase in (Bennett) 720

Funds, use of (Bennett) 720, 724 (Dowding) 723 (McCarthy) 722 (McGeer) 721 (Nimsick) 720 (Wallace) 722 (Wenman) 721

Job creation, use of funds for (Bennett) 720, 724 (McCarthy) 722 (Nimsick) 720

Local initiatives program, use of funds (McCarthy) 722

Parkland, reduction in acreage (Cocke) 723

Parks, funds for, administration of (McGeer) 720-1 (Wallace) 722

Parks, urban-area parks (Wenman) 721

Public accounts committee, conduct of (McGeer) 721 (Mussallem) 723

Purpose of bill (McCarthy) 722 (McGeer) 721

Recreation and Conservation department, funding for (Nimsick) 720

Special funds, abuse in use of (McGeer) 721 (Wallace) 722

Wildlife branch, funding for (Nimsick) 720

Mentioned: (Bennett) 726

Accelerated reforestation fund

Accelerated Reforestation Fund Act. See name of act

Funding for (Bennett) 288

Funds, use of (Bennett) 726 (McGeer) 727-8 (Strachan) 730 (Wallace) 729 (Williams, L.A.) 730 (Williams, R.A.) 726 (Williston) 728-9

Funds, use of, accountability for (McGeer) 727, 729 (Wallace) 729 (Williston) 728, 729

Funds, use of for job creation (Williams, R.A.) 726

Funds, use of, role of Civil Service Commission in (Bennett) 726 (Strachan) 730

Mentioned: (Williston) 341

Accelerated Reforestation Fund Act

(Bill 20) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 292; 2R, 726-30; 3R, 743; RA, 1004

Speakers: Bennett 726; McGeer 727-8; Strachan 729-30; Wallace 729, Williams, L.A. 730; Williams, R.A. 726-7; Williston 728-9

Civil Service Commission, role of in expenditure of funds (Bennett) 726 (Strachan) 730

Forestry problems in B.C., Flumerfelt report on (Williams, R.A.) 726

Funds, accountability for use of (McGeer) 727, 729 (Wallace) 729 (Williston) 728, 729

Funds, use of (Bennett) 726 (McGeer) 727-8 (Strachan) 730 (Wallace) 729 (Williams, L.A.) 730 (Williams, R.A.) 726 (Williston) 728-9

Green belt protection fund land purchases, reforestation of (Bennett) 726

Job creation, use of funds for (Williams, R.A.) 726

Logged land, not satisfactorily restocked land (Williams, R.A.) 726 (Williston) 728-9

Reforestation (Strachan) 729-30 (Wallace) 729 (Williams, L.A.) 730

Reforestation, funding for (Bennett) 726

Reforestation, need for (Williams, R.A.) 726

Reforestation, site preparation (Williston) 728-9

Regulations, powers under (Wallace) 729

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, conduct of (McGeer) 727


Chartered Accountants Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Chartered accountants, council, lay appointment to (Macdonald) 648 (Peterson) 647 (Wolfe) 648

Chartered accountants, designation of “Honourable” for (Cocke) 647 (Macdonald) 648 (Wolfe) 648

Chartered accountants, institute, disciplinary powers (Peterson) 647

Accreditation (Education)

Schools, accreditation of (Brothers) 228

Schools, loss of accreditation (Brothers) 228

Action Housing, Burnaby, B.C.

Mentioned: (Black) 627

Adams, Ian

Mentioned: (Hartley) 107

Adamson, Anne

Tribute to (Jordan) 503

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

(Moved) LeCours 7-13, (seconded) Jefcoat 13-5, approved 279

Amdt. (Calder) 203, negatived 125.

Speakers: Barrett 17-26, 116-8; Brothers 225-30; Brousson 175-80; Bruch 123, 133-5, Calder 99-103; Campbell, B. 125-9; Campbell, D. 93-9, Capozzi 256-62; Clark 87-92, Cocke 73-80, 113-5, Dailly 268-73; Dawson 165-72; Dowding 230-5; Fraser 129-33; Gaglardi 193-8; Gardom 111-2; Hall 172-5; Hartley 103-11; Jefcoat 13-5, Jordan 143-8; Kiernan 273-9; Kripps 251-6; LeCours 7-13, 122-3; Little 180-2; Lorimer 191-3; McCarthy 201-7, McDiarmid 221-5; Macdonald 115-6, 148-53, McGeer 26-36; Marshall 135-40; Merilees 187-91; Mussallem 186-7; Ney 140-1; Nimsick 44-52, 123; Peterson 37-44, 119-21; Price 121-2, 216-21; Shelford 237-42; Smith 182-6; Strachan 112-3, 207-16; Tisdalle 115, 156-63; Vogel 153-6; Wallace 57-61, 118-9, Wenman 81-7, Williams, L.A. 123-5, 263-8; Williams, R.A. 242-51; Williston 63-73; Wolfe 52-7

Administration Act

Section 53, annual report under section tabled (Bennett) 675

Administration Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 2) (Macdonald) 1R 37; 2R, 556; withdrawn 556

Speakers: Macdonald 556

Beneficiaries' rights, protection of (Macdonald) 556

Administration Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 28) (Attorney-General) 1R 447; 2R, 686-8; 3R, 720, 743; RA, 1004

Speakers: Dowding 687, Gardom 687, Macdonald 687; Peterson 686-7, 687

Common-law spouses of intestates, provision for (Macdonald) 687 (Peterson) 687

Illegitimate children of intestates, provision for (Dowding) 687 (Macdonald) 687 (Peterson) 687

Intestates, settlement of estates of (Peterson) 686

Letters probate in intestacy, requirement re (Gardom) 687 (Macdonald) 687 (Peterson) 687

Spouses, rights of in intestacy, protection of (Macdonald) 687

Spouses, separated couples and intestacy (Macdonald) 687


See: Youth

Adult Occupational Training Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Chabot) 392

Age (Law)

Age of majority (Campbell, B.) 128-9


Assistance to (Gardom) 401

Budget, provision for elderly in (Barrett) 409-13 (Black) 408-9 (Brousson) 422-3 (Bruch) 420 (Campbell, D.) 414-8 (Capozzi) 423-4 (Clark) 402-6 (Cocke) 435 (Dailly) 431-2 (Dawson) 433-4 (Gaglardi) 406 (Gardom) 396-402 (Hall) 432-3 (LeCours) 431 (Loffmark) 435-6 (McGeer) 436-7 (Nimsick) 481 (Strachan) 418 (Tisdalle) 437 (Wallace) 420-2 (Williams, L.A.) 434-5 (Wolfe) 422

Charter of rights for (Brousson) 423 (Gardom) 401

Concessions to (Nimsick) 48

Counselling for (Campbell, D.) 416

Department of government for, proposal re (Clark) 104

Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act. See name of act

Guaranteed income for, proposal re (Barrett) 294, 413

Health care needs, provision of (Black) 408-9 (Clark) 404 (Gaglardi) 407

Holiday program for (Dawson) 462

Homeowner grant, increase in (Bennett) 287, 289, 292, 656, 661 (Black) 408 (Brothers) 535 (Capozzi) 662 (Clark) 402 (Cocke) 367, 661 (Dailly) 431 (Dawson) 664 (Kripps) 576 (McCarthy) 354 (Nimsick) 481 (Strachan) 327 (Wenman) 83

Housing for (Bennett) 291 (Black) 408, 627 (Campbell, D.) 318, 416-7 (Chant) 472 (Clark) 403, 406 (Dawson) 167, 434 (Jefcoat) 15 (Jordan) 502 (Kripps) 577 (Lorimer) 500 (Nimsick) 482 (throne speech) 4 (Tisdalle) 437

Housing, National Housing Act program (Campbell, D.) 417

Housing projects, Richmond, interest rates on (LeCours) 431

Housing, use of lottery funds for (LeCours) 431

Income tax concession for (Campbell, D.) 317 (McGeer) 305

Income tax concession for parental care, proposal re (Capozzi) 4234

Inflation, problem of (Tisdalle) 437 (Wallace) 422

Medical Services Plan premiums, exemption from (Barrett) 413 (Clark) 404 (McGeer) 304

Old age pension. See entries under name of pension

Poverty, elderly people in poverty (Barrett) 412

Prescription drugs for (Barrett) 409-10, 413 (Clark) 90 (Dailly) 271, 432-3 (McGeer) 304 (Strachan) 419 (Wallace) 350, 421

Programs for (Capozzi) 679

Programs for, funding for (Barrett) 294, 411 (McGeer) 304

Property taxes (Clark) 90-1 (McGeer) 27, 304

Property taxes, deferment of, proposal for (Campbell, D.) 318 (Clark) 91, 402-3 (Wenman) 83

Prosthetic devices for (Clark) 90 (McGeer) 304

Recreation facilities for (Capozzi) 423 (Clark) 405-6 (Jordan) 505

Renters, grant to (Bennett) 760 (Campbell, D.) 318, 416-7 (Capozzi) 761 (Clark) 403, 762 (Cocke) 760-1 (Hall) 762 (McGeer) 304

Renters, grant to and income tax (Hall) 762

Renters, grant to and rent increases (Capozzi) 761 (Dailly) 763, (Dowding) 763

Renters, grant to and residents of rest homes (Gardom) 763-4

Renters, grant to mobile-home owners (Nimsick) 763

Renters, rent increases, proposal re (Cocke) 761

Renters, rent increases, reporting of (Bennett) 760 (Cocke) 761

Renters, women over age 60, grant to (Capozzi) 761

Tax relief for pensioners, proposal re (Ney) 141

Transit passes for (Clark) 90, 405 (Gaglardi) 407 (McGeer) 27, 304 (Wallace) 422

Agreements for Sale for Farm Machinery and Parts, An Act Respecting

(Bill 96) 1R, 841

Agricultural aid to developing countries and world disaster areas fund

Benefits of (Shelford) 238, 239-40, 242

Funding for (Bennett) 287

Funds, use of (Shelford) 240

Report tabled (Shelford) 837

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 14

Agricultural and Rural Development Act (Canada)

Agreement under act (McGeer) 26 (Throne speech) 2

Benefits under act, extension of (Tisdalle) 160

Funding for program under act (Bennett) 287

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 601

Agricultural labourers

Workmen's Compensation Board coverage for (Hall) 934 (Nimsick) 481, 930

Agricultural machinery

Repair training programs (Brothers) 536

Agricultural produce

See: Farm produce


Industry (Jefcoat) 438 (Jordan) 146-8, 507-8 (Marshall) 139 (Shelford) 443-5 (Williams, L.A.) 263-5

Policy on, development of (Shelford) 445

Agriculture, Department of

Annual report tabled (Shelford) 837

Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287

Agriculture Marketing Act (Quebec)

Mentioned: (Marshall) 1000

Ahrens, Robert

Quoted (Brousson) 613

Aids to navigation

Federal funds for (Campbell, D.) 317

Air — Pollution

Smoke problem in interior (Jefcoat) 439-40

Vancouver pollution, cleanup of (Price) 219-20

Vancouver pollution, jurisdiction over (Dailly) 269 (Williston) 939

Air Canada

Wine served (Shelford) 443

Mentioned: (Capozzi) 679

Air Progress

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 245

Air traffic control

Strike (Gaglardi) 195-6

Airplane ambulances

Service, need for (Calder) 621

Airplane racing

London to Victoria air race (Throne speech) 1

Airplanes, Military

Canadian planes, sale of abroad (Clark) 92


Improvements to, funding for (Campbell, D.) 317 (McGeer) 306

Alaska Highway

See entries under Highway 97


Peace River, pollution of (Hartley) 574

Alberta Bible Institute

Mentioned: (Brousson) 611

Albion, B.C.

Fort Langley ferry tolls, removal of (Vogel) 153

Rosedale ferry, need for (Vogel) 1534

Alcohol Foundation of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 3

Alcoholic beverages

Advertising of, ban on (Capozzi) 257 (LeCours) 357-8 (Loffmark) 568 (Tisdalle) 601

Revenue from sale of (Mussallem) 382


Advertising campaign re (LeCours) 12-3

Alcohol Foundation, funding for (Hartley) 570

Costs of (Mussallem) 382

Detox facility for Vancouver (Wolfe) 55, 56

Increase in (Brothers) 533 (Hartley) 570

Problem (Hartley) 569-70 (Loffmark) 568

Rehabilitation of alcoholics (Price) 598

School programs on (Williams, L.A.) 884-5

Aldridge, Douglas

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944


Cubes, export of to Japan (Marshall) 139

Cubes, production of in Peace River (Marshall) 515

Pellets, production of (Marshall) 138-9

All Star Holdings Ltd.

Brent Mountain, development of (Brousson) 614

Performance bond (Brousson) 614, 615

Mentioned: (Brousson) 613

All-terrain Vehicles Act

Mentioned: (Bennett) 290

Allan, David

Mentioned: (Hartley) 569

Allen, Peter

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 53

Alliance of Businessmen for Human Resources

See: Provincial Alliance of Businessmen for Human Resources

Allstate Insurance Co. of Canada

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 116

Alpine Outdoor Resources Ltd.

Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 548

Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd.

Kemano power project (McGeer) 34, 35 (Wallace) 60 (Williston) 63

Ambulance service

North Bend-Boston Bar ambulance service (Hartley) 104

Amchitka Island, Alaska

Visit to (Clark) 89

American Public Power Association

Mentioned: (Dawson) 166

Anderson, David

Mentioned: (Cocke) 80

Anderson, David Alexander

Mentioned: (Richter) 452, 453

Anderson, Henry

Quoted (McGeer) 702

Anderson, Richard P.

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 2

Andras, Robert

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 318, 321 (Macdonald) 149

Andrews, Peter

Mentioned: (Barrett) 18

Andrews, Ron

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 734

Angus, Henry

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 151


Bill of rights for (Ney) 466

East Kootenay wildlife, value of (Nimsick) 51

Annacis Island, B.C.

Crossing. See entries under Fraser River, B.C.

Sewage treatment plant (Wenman) 84

Anne, Princess of Great Britain

Visit to B.C. (Throne speech) 1

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 225

Annual Holidays Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 97) 1R, 841

Anscombe, Herbert

Mentioned: (Barrett) 22 (LeCours) 8

Anstey, David

Mentioned: (Dawson) 463

Anti-Litter Week

Proclamation of (Brothers) 230 (Dowding) 231

Apartment houses

Owners, tax concessions to (Loffmark) 664-5


Marketing of (Barrett) 298-9

1971 crop (Shelford) 443

Producers, return on sales to (Shelford) 237

Transport of, shipping costs to northern Canada (Jordan) 147


Apprenticeships (Chabot) 391

Appropriation for (Chabot) 391

Appropriation for, underexpenditure of (Hall) 456 (Strachan) 329

Competition for (Chabot) 391-2

Construction industry (Chabot) 391

Select standing committee, examination by, proposal re (Hall) 456, 460

Younger boys, proposal for apprenticeships for (Price) 599-600


Aquaculture (Price) 601

Industry for B.C. (Tisdalle) 160

Washington project (Tisdalle) 160

Archaeological and Historic Sites Protection Act

(Bill 60) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 713; 2R, 768, 809-12; 3R, 845; RA, 1004

Speakers: Barrett 810; Black 768, 812; Bruch 810; Calder 809; Dowding 810, Hall 809; McGeer 811-2

Archaeological sites in Vancouver-Point Grey (McGeer) 811

Archaeological sites, protection of (Black) 812 (Calder) 809 (Hall) 809

Artefacts, out-of-province trade in (Barrett) 810 (Black) 812

Barkerville, restoration of (Black) 768

Caves, protection of (Black) 812 (Dowding) 810

Exploration of Pacific Northwest (McGeer) 81

Fort Steele, restoration of (Black) 768

Historic sites, protection of (Calder) 809 (Hall) 809

Indian art festival, proposal for (McGeer) 811-2

Place names in B.C., origin of (McGeer) 811

Totem poles, out-of-province location of (McGeer) 811

Totem poles, protection of (Black) 812


Archaeological and Historic Sites Protection Act. See name of act

Architectural Institute of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Strachan) 211

Arctic regions

Tundra, reclamation of (Marshall) 515

Area Development Incentives Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Marshall) 514

Armstrong, William

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Arrow Lakes News, Nakusp, B.C.

Quoted (Campbell, B.) 375

Arrow Lakes School District

See: School District 10 (Arrow Lakes)

Arrowtarian Senior Citizens' Home, Nakusp, B.C.

Construction of (Campbell, B.) 126

Assessment Appeal Board

Report tabled (Bennett) 5

Assessment Commission

Report tabled (Bennett) 5

Assessment Equalization Act

Amendments to (Lorimer) 191 (Williams, R.A.) 243

Mentioned: (Strachan) 327

Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 115) (Wallace) 1R, 985

Assessment of land for taxation purposes

See entries under Real property tax

Assignment of Book Accounts Act

Mentioned: (Peterson) 310

Assignment of Book Accounts Act, 1961, An Act to Amend

(Bill 6) (Attorney-General) 1R, 237; 2R, 311; 3R, 647; RA, 1004

Assistance in emergencies

Good samaritans, legislation on compensation for (Dowding) 848

Association of Universities and Colleges in Canada

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944

Athletic fields

Need for (Hall) 684


Athletes, annual grant to, proposal for (McGeer) 678

Awards (McCarthy) 352-3 (Peterson) 485

Coaching program for province (Peterson) 484

Facilities for, development of (Capozzi) 585

Programs in B.C. (Peterson) 485

Sporting events, fare concessions for travel to (Capozzi) 679

Sporting events, funds for travel to (Capozzi) 679 (Peterson) 681

Atkinson, Roy

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986

Atlantic Development Board

Mentioned: (Fraser) 509

Atlantic Provinces Power Development Corporation

Mentioned: (Fraser) 509

Atlantic Richfield Co. Ltd.

Mentioned: (Marshall) 515

Atlin, B.C.

Electric power rate (Calder) 621-2

Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.

Mentioned: (Fraser) 509 (McDiarmid) 531

Attorney-General, Department of

Appropriation, 1972-73 fiscal year (Bennett) 287

Report (Macdonald) 150

Attorney-General Act

Quoted (Macdonald) 150

Attwood, Frank

Mentioned: (Barrett) 24

Auditor general

Proposal for (Wallace) 61


Great Barrier Reef, protection of (Brousson) 176 (McDiarmid) 222

Strikes and lockouts (McDiarmid) 222

Australian, Sidney, Australia

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 222

Automobile drivers' licences

Fee for (Wolfs) 377

Automobile driving

Defensive driving (Peterson) 43

Driver training in high schools (Gardom) 796

Elderly, testing of (Tisdalle) 601-2

Automobile insurance

See: Insurance, Automobile

Automobile Insurance Act

Mentioned: (Gardom) 112

Automobile Insurance Board of British Columbia

See: British Columbia Automobile Insurance Board

Automobile mechanics

Apprentices (Hall) 456

Certification and licensing of (Mussallem) 384

Standard for (Price) 600


Operation SAM, funding for (Bennett) 290

Operation SAM, report on (Kiernan) 274

Pollution (Mussallem) 383

Price, retail list price, proposal re (Smith) 492

Use of in Vancouver (Vogel) 154-5

Automobiles — Inspection

Compulsory inspection (Gardom) 796-7

Provision for (Peterson) 44

Unsafe vehicles, actions re (Price) 599

Automobiles — Licences

Insurance, issue of with plates, proposal re (Hartley) 110

Out-of-province licensing of vehicles (Campbell, B.) 375

Automobiles — Seatbelts

Use of (Peterson) 43 (Smith) 492

Automobiles, Government

Insurance system for (Hartley) 110-1, 950

Automotive Repair Act

(Bill 108) 1R, 949

Avery, E.F.

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 986