Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972
U.S. News and World Report
Mentioned: (Brothers) 632
Unclaimed Money Deposit Act
Statement of unclaimed money deposits tabled (Bennett) 5
Underdeveloped countries
See: Developing countries
Undertakers and undertaking
Cemetery trust funds (Macdonald) 150-1 (Williams, L.A.) 267
Funeral industry, information on (Macdonald) 150-1
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada
Mentioned: (Dowding) 921
Automation and unemployment (Nimsick) 48
Girade, Ed, project for unemployed (Dowding) 528
Manitoba, unemployment (Barrett) 20
Non-citizens, employment of (Little) 180
Rate (Barrett) 20 (Hall) 455-6 (McGeer) 26 ('Throne speech) 1
Retraining of unemployed (Wallace) 58
Unemployed, problems of (Strachan) 897
Unemployment (Barrett) 296 (Chabot) 388, 389-90 (Dailly) 269 (Hall) 174, 174-5 (LeCours) 9, 355-6, 358-9 (Nimsick) 46, 48-9 (Peterson) 39 (Price) 597 (Wallace) 58 (Wolfe) 56
Unemployment insurance claimants, number of (Barrett) 296
Vacancies, proposal re (Hall) 456
Wage increases and unemployment (Hall) 459
Welfare and unemployment (Strachan) 897-8
Unemployment insurance
See: Insurance, Unemployment; also Canada. Unemployment Insurance Commission
Unemployment Insurance Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Bennett) 287
Unemployment Insurance Commission
See: Canada. Unemployment Insurance Commission
Union of British Columbia Municipalities
Municipal Affairs department, relationship with (Campbell, D.) 95
Report on municipal finances referred to, quoted (Cocke) 78 (Strachan) 209
Mentioned: (Brousson) 179 (Campbell, D.) 312 (Capozzi) 260 (Clark) 91 (Lorimer) 501 (McGeer) 304 (Marshall) 137 (Nimsick) 314 (Price) 221, 981, 982 (Wallace) 732 (Wenman) 83
Union Oil Co.
Mentioned: (Lorimer) 192
Unitarian Service Committee of Canada
Report and letter quoted (Shelford) 239
Mentioned: (Clark) 402
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada
Apprentices, competition for (Chabot) 391-2
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
Apprentices, competition for (Chabot) 391-2
Letter quoted (Nimsick) 478
United Church of Canada
Mentioned: (Hartley) 105
United Community Services of Vancouver
Brief quoted (Barrett) 24
Mentioned: (Wenman) 337
United Nations
Conference on the Human Environment (Merilees) 188
Mentioned: (Bruch) 523 (Cocke) 77 (McDiarmid) 222 (Merilees) 198 (Williston) 69
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
Letter quoted (Shelford) 239-40
United States
Common market with, proposal re (Peterson) 490
Domestic International Sales Corporation, threat of to Canada (Price) 218 (Strachan) 213
Economic problems (Strachan) 215
Energy needs (Strachan) 213, 214
Free trade with (Barrett) 295 (Bennett) 283 (Nimsick) 483 (Strachan) 211-2, 213 (Wenman) 338
Imports, surcharge on (Chabot) 389 (Skillings) 362
Provincial government's relations with (Jordan) 144
Trade with (Wenman) 338
Violence (Price) 216 (Strachan) 215
United States. Environment, Department of
Mentioned: (McGeer) 997
United States. Senate
Mentioned: (Strachan) 213
United Steel Workers of America
Mentioned: (Nimsick) 478
Universities and colleges
Colleges, enrolment (Throne speech) 3
Colleges, funding for (Bennett) 287, 290 (Brothers) 535
College, funding for, source of funds (Brothers) 536-7
Colleges, funding formula for (Strachan) 208
Colleges, multi-campus colleges (Brothers) 537
Colleges, programs, advisory committees on (Brothers) 537
Colleges, role of (Brothers) 537
Great Britain, open university (Tisdalle) 161-2
Indians, college programs for (Brothers) 537
Okanagan, university for, proposal re (McGeer) 26-7
Post-secondary education (Brothers) 535 (Hall) 173
Post-secondary education, commission on, proposal for (McGeer) 27
Universities, enrolment (Brothers) 537
Universities, faculty tenure (Wolfe) 56
Universities, faculty tenure, examination of by select standing committee (Brothers) 467 (Wolfe) 56
Universities, faculty tenure, report of select standing committee on (Tisdalle) 944-5
Universities, faculty tenure, review of (Throne speech) 3
Universities, funding for (Bennett) 287, 290 (Brothers) 535
Universities, lands, taxation of (Lorimer) 501-2
Universities, role of (Brothers) 537-8
University graduates (Hall) 456
University of British Columbia
Electron microscope for (McCarthy) 204
Hospital for teaching and research (Capozzi) 261-2
Law school applicants (Ney) 141
President, choice of (Skillings) 366
Presidents, past presidents (Skillings) 366
Social Assistance Act, An Act to Amend, statement of law faculty re (Barrett) 896 (Gaglardi) 914
Mentioned: (Barrett) 863 (Black) 626, 768 (Brothers) 534, 537 (Brousson) 612 (Campbell, B.) 128 (Clark) 673 (Dawson) 463 (Fraser) 132 (Loffmark) 568, 767 (Nimsick) 51 (Peterson) 680, 681 (Skillings) 364 (Strachan) 819 (Tisdalle) 944
University of California
Mentioned: (Cocke) 77
University of Oregon
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 944
University of Toronto
Mentioned: (Strachan) 752 (Tisdalle) 944
University of Victoria
Elliott Building, construction of (Chant) 472
Medical school, proposal re (McGeer) 27
Site, purchase of (Chant) 471
Mentioned: (Peterson) 680 (Skillings) 362, 366 (Strachan) 819 (Tisdalle) 944
University of Western Ontario
Mentioned: (Hall) 456
Unruh, Frieda (Mrs. Ben)
Mentioned: (McGeer) 703
Unsolicited gifts
See: Postal service — Unordered merchandise
Uphill, Thomas
Mentioned: (Bennett) 666
Upper Arrow Lake, B.C.
Revelstoke area, clearing of stumps (Campbell, B.) 125-6
Urban renewal
Housing, expenditure on (Strachan) 331
Program (Campbell, D.) 321