Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 20, 1972 to March 30, 1972


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Valleyview, B.C.

Incorporation of (Williams, R.A.) 249

Vallières, Pierre

Hiring of by federal government (Chabot) 385 (Gaglardi) 497

Les Negres Blancs d'Amerique quoted 385-6

Mentioned: (Hall) 455, 457

Vanco Insurance Company, An Act to Incorporate

(Bill 52) (Minister Without Portfolio) 1R, 839; report, 741, 976; 21t, 981; C, 962; 3R, 982; RA, 1004

Divisions: 3R 982

Petition re act tabled (Kripps) 710

Vancouver, B.C.

Air pollution, cleanup of (Price) 219-20

Air pollution, jurisdiction over (Dailly) 269 (Williston) 939

Automobiles, use of in city (Vogel) 154-5

Britannia community centre (Wolfe) 56

Burnaby, amalgamation with (Wolfe) 56

Burrard Street, Crown land, preservation of as open space (Kripps) 577

Central Park mentioned (Vogel) 155

Council elections, hospital patients' vote (Kripps) 254

Council elections, ward system for (Kripps) 254

Downtown area, proposal re (McCarthy) 353

Exhibition Park, horse manure concession (Macdonald) 854

Exhibition Park, liquor concession (Macdonald) 854

Exhibition Park mentioned (Vogel) 155

False Creek area, cleanup and redevelopment of (Merilees) 187

Four Seasons project, federal actions on (McCarthy) 701

Four Seasons project mentioned (McGeer) 702

Four Seasons site, development of (McCarthy) 202

Freeways, construction of (Brousson) 180 (Vogel) 154-5

Gastown, report on by Thomas A. Dohm (Black) 5

Harbour, cleanup of (McCarthy) 207

Harbour, development of as tourist attraction (McCarthy) 207

Industrial land in greater Vancouver (Williams, R.A.) 694

Industry, decentralization of (Wenman) 336

Jericho Beach area property, disposition of (McGeer) 27-8

Jericho Beach area property, preservation of as park (McCarthy) 201, 701

Jericho Beach area property, purchase of (McCarthy) 467

Knight Street Bridge (Kripps) 252 (LeCours) 13 (Throne speech) 2 (Wenman) 81

Oak Street Bridge mentioned (Vogel) 155

Park-and-ride facilities, provision of (Vogel) 155

Parking, provision of (Brousson) 180, 612

Planning authority for lower mainland (Merilees) 188

Port, administration of (Richter) 454

Port authority, appointments to (Capozzi) 259

Port authority, tribute to (Capozzi) 259

Port, pier H, proposal for use of (Capozzi) 260

Port, thefts (Capozzi) 259-60

Port, wheat shipments (Capozzi) 259

Power and telephone lines (Dowding) 731 (McGeer) 732

Provincial government, cooperation with (Wolfe) 57

Provincial grant to (Wolfe) 378

Queen Elizabeth Park mentioned (Cocke) 723 (McCarthy) 201, 722

Satellite cities, proposal for (Wenman) 335

Second Narrows bridge, construction of (Merilees) 188

Sewage treatment (Williston) 344

Stanley Park mentioned (Cocke) 723 (McCarthy) 201, 202, 207, 722

Strathcona project (Campbell, D.) 321

Tenants, right to vote on bylaws (Macdonald) 940

Transportation, Kelly study (Macdonald) 733, 734

Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend. See name of act

West End community centre (Wolfe) 56

Winter Olympics, site for (McCarthy) 205

Vancouver, B.C. — Transit system

B.C. Hydro transit system, takeover of (Wolfe) 54

Bus service (Price) 219

Buses, bus lane for (Wenman) 82

DeLeuw Cather report referred to, quoted (Dowding) 527 (Wolfe) 54

DeLeuw Cather study, recommendations (Wolfe) 54

New system (McCarthy) 353

Parking rates and transit system (Wenman) 82

Rapid transit (Barrett) 737-8 (Clark) 88 (Cocke) 740 (Dowding) 526-7 (McGeer) 26, 738, 739 (Merilees) 188-9 (Price) 219, 739-40 (Vogel) 155 (Wolfe) 54

Rapid transit, federal funds for (Brousson) 179 (Merilees) 550 (Wolfe) 54

Rapid transit, funding for (Brousson) 612 (Dowding) 527, 528 (Macdonald) 149 (Merilees) 550

Regional transportation authority (Wenman) 82 (Wolfe) 54

Vancouver and District Labour Council

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 55

Vancouver Charter

Amendments to, proposal re (Kripps) 254

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 501

Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend

(Bill 50) (Merilees) 1R, 469; report, 467, 741; 2R, 940; C, 981; 3R, 981; RA, 1004

Speakers: Macdonald 940, Price 940

Tenants, right to vote on bylaws (Macdonald) 940

Vancouver City College

Deaf, vocational education for (Brothers) 229

Vancouver Detoxification Centre Society

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 55

Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.

Heart surgeons, accrediting of (Loffmark) 567

Open-heart surgery (Wolfe) 53

Willow Chest Pavilion (Wolfe) 53

Mentioned: (Cocke) 371 (Loffmark) 566, 568 (Wenman) 337

Vancouver Island, B.C.

Federal funds for northern Vancouver Island (Campbell, D.) 94

Vancouver Island natural gas pipeline

See entries under Gas, Natural — Pipelines

Vancouver Opera Society

Mentioned: (Jordan) 669

Vancouver School of Art, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Brothers) 536

Vancouver Sun, Vancouver; B.C.

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, government advertisement re (Barrett) 857-8, 863 (Brousson) 873 (Dowding) 878 (Macdonald) 861-2 (Speaker) 883-4

Quoted (Barrett) 18, 21, 864 (Brousson) 176-7, 614 (Cocke) 780 (Dailly) 269, 431 (Gaglardi) 497 (Gardom) 112 (Hall) 172 (Hartley) 108, 873 (LeCours) 10, 11, 12 (Little) 181 (Loffmark) 564-5 (Nimsick) 476 (Peterson) 488, 862 (Price) 598 (Richter) 451-2 (Shelford) 441 (Skillings) 365 (Smith) 421, 491 (Strachan) 924 (Williams, R.A.) 247

Mentioned: (Calder) 102 (Campbell, B.) 125 (Clark) 402 (Cocke) 366, 779. (Gaglardi) 497 (Hartley) 107 (LeCours) 10 (Lorimer) 191 (Marshall) 136, 512, 513 (Merilees) 188 (Williams, R.A.) 594

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

Mentioned: (Jordan) 669

Vancouver Traffic and Safety Council

Mentioned: (Peterson) 43

Vancouver Vocational Institute

Mentioned: (Strachan) 922

Vanderhoof, B.C.

Land capability study (Williston) 342

Vander Zalm, William N.

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 593

Vantreight, Geoffrey

Mentioned: (Shelford) 443


Operations (Hartley) 571


Greenhouse industry (Shelford) 443

Import of (Price) 218

Venables, W.N.

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 476, 477

Ventura Engineering Ltd.

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 983

Victims of crimes

Cases, powers for re-determination of (Dowding) 848

Compensation claims, initiation of, proposal re (Clark) 849-50

Compensation for (Barrett) 689 (Clark) 849-50 (Dowding) 848 (Gardom) 401, 849 (Macdonald) 849 (McGeer) 309, 848 (Peterson) 690, 847-8, 850

Compensation for, beneficiaries of (Peterson) 847

Compensation for, cost of to province (Gardom) 849

Compensation for, federal funds for (Peterson) 850

Compensation for, history of legislation on (Gardom) 849

Compensation for, notice to public re (Clark) 850 (Peterson) 850

Compensation program, administration of (Gardom) 849 (Peterson) 847

Criminal Injuries Compensation Act. See name of act

Death of crime victims, compensation for dependents (Peterson) 847

Victoria, B.C.

Bastion Square courthouse, use of (Chant) 471

Courthouse, construction of (Chant) 471

Ferry service to (Chant) 472 (Skillings) 362

Gorge, dredging of (Bruch) 522

Greenbelts, proposals for (Bruch) 703

Harbour, cleanup of (McCarthy) 207

Point Ellice bridge, funds for (Chant) 471

Thetis Lake area subdivision (Bruch) 703

Thunderbird Park (Chant) 471

See also: Capital Improvement District Commission

Victoria Charter

See entries under Canada — Constitution

Victoria College

Mentioned: (Chant) 471 (Strachan) 819

Victoria General Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 564

Victoria Machinery Depot

Mentioned: (Hartley) 816

Victoria School District

See: School District 61 (Greater Victoria)

Victoria Symphony Orchestra

Mentioned: (Jordan) 669

Victoria Theatre Association

Mentioned: (Jordan) 669

Victoria Times, Victoria, B.C.

B.C. Ferry Corporation newstands, removal from (Brousson) 611

Cigarette advertising, proposal re (Brothers) 533 (Dowding) 525-6 (Hartley) 574 (Williams, L.A.) 543

Quoted (Barrett) 26, 279, 865 (Brousson) 610 (Dailly) 763 (McCarthy) 353 (Williams, L.A.) 547 (Wolfe) 379

Mentioned: (Barrett) 990 (Clark) 402 (Gardom) 831 (Hartley) 104

Victorian Hospital, Kaslo, B.C.

Opening of (Campbell, B.) 126

Victory Memorial Gardens Ltd.

Trust fund accounts (Macdonald) 150-1

White Rock cemetery, mortgage on (Macdonald) 151


U.S., violence in (Price) 216 (Strachan) 215

Vocational education

Access to (Bruch) 524 (Price) 599-600

Chilliwack school (Brothers) 535

East Kootenays, vocational school for (Nimsick) 477-9

Graduates, employment of (Brothers) 535-6

Kamloops school (Brothers) 535

Schools, establishment of (Brothers) 535

Schools, funding for (Brothers) 535

Vogel, Hunter Bertram (Langley)

Address in Reply 153-6

B.C. Hydro transit operations, proposal re 155

British Columbia Railway Act 519

B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension, job creation 154

Fort Langley-Albion ferry tolls, removal of 153

Green Belt Protection Fund Act 695

Green belt protection fund, use of funds 695

Indians, self-government for 156

Mission bridge 153-4

Nicomekl-Serpentine basin land, protection of 695

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, name change 519

Parks, regional parks, payment for land acquisitions 692

Regional Parks Act, An Act to Amend 692

Rosedale-Albion ferry, need for 153-4

Speech from the Throne, debate on 154

Transit, Crown authority for, proposal for 155

Trinity Junior College Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 51)

Vancouver, automobiles, use of in city 154-5

Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend (Bill 50) 1R, 469

Vancouver, freeways, construction of 154-5

Vancouver, park-and-ride facilities 155

Vancouver, rapid transit 155

Wage and price controls 155-6

Wages, increase in 155-6

Wages, increase in and inflation 156

Voters, Registration of

Enumeration of voters (Barrett) 806, 806-7 (Strachan) 804

Votes and Proceedings

Printing of, M. (Bennett) 4; approved 5. Amdt. (Barrett) 4; out of order 4

Mentioned: (Barrett) 972 (Bennett) 666 (Clark) 659 (Lorimer) 501 (McCarthy) 658 (Peterson) 654, 960 (Speaker) 705


Absentee ballot, provision re (Calder) 807 (Nimsick) 808

Citizenship requirement for (Capozzi) 805

Hospital patients, voting by (Wolfe) 53-4

Preferential voting (Gardom) 398, 803 (McGeer) 803-4

Provincial Elections Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Section 80 votes (Strachan) 804

Use of ball-point pens (Barrett) 806 (Nimsick) 807-8

Voting age (Campbell, B.) 128

Voting card, proposal for use of (LeCours) 803