1972 Legislative Session: 3rd Session, 29th Parliament

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.

Official Report of




Afternoon Sitting

[ Page 643 ]

House in committee of supply. Mr. Speaker was recalled.

MR. SPEAKER: The chairman of the committee has made no recommendations to me as to the action he wishes me to take but I think I've made it clear before that the rules that apply in the House apply equally well in the committee. Honourable Members must obey the Chair otherwise we will have no direction, any proper direction in the House. I would advise strongly that the direction of the Chair be accepted.

MR. D. BARRETT (Leader of the Opposition): Mr. Speaker, it is very difficult, I submit to you, extremely difficult to have any attention of the Chair when the House reaches a point of fatigue. In my opinion the House has reached that point of fatigue. There was an agreement that the whips run things. The whips are no longer….

MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member, I am afraid, is not in order in view of the fact that I have no knowledge of what is going on in the committee or what the whips are doing. I can only say that the adjournment of the House is a matter for the House to decide, not any individual Member. In the meantime the House and each Member of the House must take direction from the Chair. I hope that all Members will cooperate.

I realise that the hour is late and tempers are frayed. But I think in the interests of getting the parliamentary work completed that we have to cooperate with the Chair.

MR. BARRETT: It can't be done that way because the parliamentary debate breaks down because of the hour.

MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Chairman.

House in committee of supply. Mr. Speaker was recalled.

MR. CHAIRMAN: The Chair ruled that a motion to rise and report progress and ask leave to sit again was out of order on the ground that it was an abuse of the rules and privileges of the House under standing order No. 44. The Chair has been challenged on this.

MR. SPEAKER: The question to the House is shall the ruling of the chairman be sustained?

Mr. Chairman's ruling sustained on the following division.


Ney Jefcoat Wolfe
Merilees Tisdalle Smith
Marshall McCarthy, Mrs. McDiarmid
Wenman Jordan, Mrs. Chabot
Kripps, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Chant
Mussallem Kiernan Gaglardi
Price Williston Campbell, D.R.J.
Capozzi Bennett Brothers
Vogel Peterson Shelford
LeCours Black Richter


Brousson Hall Macdonald
Gardom Williams, R.A. Strachan
Wallace Calder Dowding
Cocke Clark Nimsick
Hartley McGeer
Lorimer Williams, L.A. Dailly, Mrs.

House in committee of supply. Mr. Speaker was recalled.

MR. CHAIRMAN: The Chair's ruling that a motion to rise and report progress and ask leave to sit again was out of order has been challenged.

MR. SPEAKER: The ruling of the Chair has been challenged. The question is shall the ruling of the Chair be sustained?

Mr. Chairman's ruling sustained on the following division.


Ney Jefcoat Wolfe
Merilees Tisdalle Smith
Marshall McCarthy, Mrs. McDiarmid
Wenman Jordan, Mrs. Chabot
Kripps, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Chant
Mussallem Kiernan Gaglardi
Price Williston Campbell, D.R.J.
Capozzi Bennett Brothers
Vogel Peterson Shelford
LeCours Black Richter
Little Fraser


Brousson Hall Strachan
Gardom Williams, R.A. Dowding
Wallace Calder Nimsick
Cocke Clark Barrett
Hartley Williams, L.A. Dailly, Mrs.
Lorimer Macdonald

House in committee of supply. Mr. Speaker was recalled.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Speaker, I have named Mr. Nimsick (Kootenay).

MR. SPEAKER: The Hon. Member for Kootenay has been named.

HON. D.L. BROTHERS (Minister of Education): Mr. Speaker, I move seconded by the Minister of Municipal Affairs (Hon. Mr. Campbell) that the Member named be suspended from the service of the House until 2:00 p.m. on February 29, next.

Motion approved.

MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Nimsick, I order you to be removed from the chamber now and to report back to the chamber on the 29th day of this month.

MR. L.T. NIMSICK (Kootenay): Can we have a division on that? I think it should be a division.

[ Page 644 ]

MR. BARRETT: a 20-year veteran of this House and the only one who….

MR. SPEAKER: Order, please!

Interjections by Hon. Members.

MR. SPEAKER: Order, please! The motion is that the Member named be suspended from the service of this House until 2:00 p.m. on February 29 next.

Motion approved on the following division.


Ney Tisdalle Wolfe
Marshall McCarthy, Mrs. Smith
Wenman Jordan, Mrs. McDiarmid
Kripps, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Chabot
Mussallem Kiernan Chant
Price Williston Gaglardi
Capozzi Bennett Campbell, D.R.J.
Vogel Peterson Brothers
LeCours Black Shelford
Jefcoat Fraser Richter


Brousson Hall Macdonald
Wallace Williams, R.A. Strachan
Cocke Calder Dowding
Hartley Clark Barrett
Lorimer Williams, L.A. Dailly, Mrs.

MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Nimsick, will you leave the chamber until 2:00 p.m. on February 29?

MR. NIMSICK: I'll do it on behalf of the people of British Columbia.

House in committee of supply. Mr. Speaker was recalled.

MR. CHAIRMAN: The Chair has ruled out of order a motion that the committee rise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. This ruling has been challenged.

MR. SPEAKER: Honourable Members please take their places so we can count for this division.

MR. BARRETT: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, in some precincts of the building the bell is difficult to hear. I know that in our offices it's difficult to hear.

Interjections by Hon. Members.

MR. SPEAKER: Order, please! The question is shall the Chairman's ruling be sustained?

Mr. Chairman's ruling sustained on the following division.


Ney Tisdalle Wolfe
Marshall McCarthy, Mrs. Smith
Wenman Jordan, Mrs. McDiarmid
Kripps, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Chabot
Mussallem Kiernan Chant
Price Williston Gaglardi
Capozzi Bennett Campbell, D.R.J.
Vogel Peterson Brothers
LeCours Black Shelford
Jefcoat Fraser Richter


Brousson Hall Williams, L.A.
Wallace Williams, R.A. Strachan
Cocke Calder Dowding
Hartley Clark Barrett
Lorimer McGeer Dailly, Mrs.

House in committee of supply. Mr. Speaker was recalled.

MR. CHAIRMAN: The Chair ruled out of order a motion that the committee rise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Chair's ruling has been challenged.

MR. SPEAKER: The question is shall the Chairman's ruling be sustained?

Interjections by Hon. Members.

MR. SPEAKER: Order, please! Order, please! Order, please!

Interjections by Hon. Members.

MR. SPEAKER: If there are many more insults hurled across this floor there will be more Members placed out of this House.

SOME HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear!

Interjections by Hon. Members.

AN HON. MEMBER: Don't you listen to the Speaker?

AN HON. MEMBER: Mr. Speaker, a point of order.

MR. SPEAKER: There is no debate during a division. I shouldn't bother to be paying notice to these remarks but I think everyone is very tired and I just wish Members would try to control themselves. There's no debate. No points of order during the taking of the division.

Mr. Chairman's ruling sustained on the following division:


Ney Tisdalle Smith
Marshall McCarthy, Mrs. McDiarmid
Wenman Jordan, Mrs. Chabot
Kripps, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Chant
Mussallem Kiernan Gaglardi
Price Williston Campbell, D.R.J.
Capozzi Peterson Brothers
Vogel Black Shelford
LeCours Fraser Richter
Jefcoat Wolfe

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Brousson Williams, R.A. Macdonald
Wallace Calder Strachan
Cocke Clark Dowding
Hartley McGeer Barrett
Lorimer Williams, L.A. Dailly, Mrs.

House in committee of supply. The committee rose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again.

Hon. Mr. Bennett moves adjournment of the House.

Motion approved.

The House adjourned at 12:35 p.m.