Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Society Promoting Environmental Conservation

Saanich, B.C.

Administrative costs (Lorimer) 376

Safeco Insurance Co. of America

Mentioned: (Dowding) 118 (Hartley) 46

Safeway Stores Inc.

Mentioned: (Mussallem) 419

St. Ann-Mackawick Pulp and Paper Co.

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242

St. Croix River (Vessel)

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 246

St. John Ambulance

First aid competition (Throne speech) 4

St. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Wallace) 316

St. Laurent, Louis

Mentioned: (Fraser) 177

St. Mary River, B.C.

Pollution of (Barrett) 22 (Nimsick) 756

Salada Foods Ltd.

Mentioned: (Peterson) 580

Sale of Goods Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 26) (Attorney-General) 1R, 385; withdrawn 651

Sale of Goods Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 85) (Attorney-General) 1R, 729; 2R, 760; 3R, 795; RA, 864

Speakers: Peterson 760

Warranty, implied warranty (Peterson) 760


Sale of Goods Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act Warranty, implied warranty (Peterson) 760

Sales tax

Building materials, sales tax exemption for (Gardom) 226 (McGeer) 275-6

Levying of (Hartley) 501-2

Sales tax (McGeer) 276


Export of (Shelford) 145

Protection of (Calder) 438-40, 440

Salmon Arm, B.C.

Lakeshore park, development of (Jefcoat) 166

Salmon Arm Observer, Salmon Arm, B.C.

Mentioned: (Jefcoat) 304

Salmon River, B.C.

Salmon run (Merilees) 442


Log salvage operations (Williston) 81

Sand Creek, B.C.

Baynes Lake-Sand Creek road, work on (Black) 497

Sandringham Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Employees, wage levels (Wallace) 861

Labour dispute (Barrett) 21, 264 (Wallace) 313

Labour dispute, arbitration of (Capozzi) 861

Labour dispute, bargaining in (Macdonald) 863

Labour dispute, investigation of by select standing committee (Barrett) 860-1 (Capozzi) 861 (Cocke) 863 (Dowding) 863 (Hall) 862 (Macdonald) 863 (McGeer) 862 (Nimsick) 862 (Peterson) 862-3 (Wallace) 861

Labour dispute, involvement of churches in (Barrett) 21, 264, 860

Picketing of (Barrett) 860

Profit (Barrett) 860

Mentioned: (Barrett) 663 (Macdonald) 679

Sands, Sir Stafford

Mentioned: (Barrett) 796

Sands, William

Mentioned: (Dowding) 395

Saskatchewan Economic Development Corporation

Mentioned: (Marshall) 509

Save the Children Fund

Mentioned: (Shelford) 144


Cariboo, wood chips, burning of (Fraser) 178

Employees, trained employees, shortage of (Williston) 523

Equipment, export of (Capozzi) 197

Schoenfeld, David

Mentioned: (Cocke) 332

School attendance

Enrolment, increase in (Throne speech) 3

Vancouver Island school population (Strachan) 359

School boards

Election of, provisions re (Brothers) 680

Teachers as trustees (Barrett) 695 (Campbell, B.) 685 (Hartley) 694 (Wallace) 687

Teachers, relationship with (Dowding) 394-5

Trustees, citizenship requirement for (Wenman) 845

School discipline

See also: Corporal punishment

School District 3 (Kimberley)

Selkirk High School fire (Nimsick) 149

School District 11 (Trail)

Schools opened (Brothers) 470

School District 15 (Penticton)

Television in school system (Brothers) 471-2

School District 36 (Surrey)

Schools, land for (Hall) 233-4

Teachers, absence of due to illness (Wenman) 381-2

School District 39 (Vancouver)

B.C. School Trustees' Association, membership in (Dowding) 394

Special classes, provision for (Wenman) 382

School District 40 (New Westminster)

Schools, maintenance of (Brothers) 471

School District 41 (Burnaby)

B.C. School Trustees' Association, membership in (Dowding) 394

School District 50 (Queen Charlotte)

Mentioned: (Brothers) 472

School District 59 (Peace River South)

Teacher, dismissal of (Marshall) 154-5

School District 61 (Greater Victoria)

College, approval for (Throne speech) 3

School District 68 (Nanaimo)

Referendum (Strachan) 359

Mentioned: (Dailly) 210 (Dawson) 455

School District and Regional Colleges (Pensions) Act

Business done under act, annual report on tabled (Black) 166

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 3

School District and Regional Colleges (Pensions) Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 5) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 7; 2R, 675; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Speakers: Black 675; Cocke 675

Averaging period for pensions (Black) 675

Increase in pensions (Cocke) 675

Portability of pensions (Black) 675 (Cocke) 675

School districts

Assessments and grants (Brousson) 640

Borrowing by for interim funds (Dailly) 462

Budgets, approval of (Campbell, B.) 684-5 (Wallace) 687 (Williams, L.A.) 691

Grants to (Hall) 234

Number of, reduction in (Brothers) 472

Operating costs, payment of by province (Strachan) 618

Referendums (Strachan) 359

School dropouts

See: Dropouts

School superintendents and principals

Clergymen as school superintendents (Wenman) 381

School tax

See entries under Education — Finance

School trustees

See: School boards

School year

Continuous school year, proposal re (Wenman) 845


Bible reading and prayers. See Religion in the public schools

Community use of (Brothers) 471 (Gardom) 228 (Hall) 474

Construction of (Bennett) 260 (Brothers) 471

Design of (Brothers) 471

Fire protection (Hall) 474

Land for (Hall) 480

Mackenzie constituency, school construction (Dawson) 454

Old buildings, renovations to (Brothers) 471

Play areas (Hall) 476

Sites for in new developments (Hall) 856

Sites, standards for (Hall) 476

See also: High schools

Schreyer, Ed

Mentioned: (Hartley) 47 (Williston) 521

Science Council of Canada

Mentioned: (Wenman) 379

Scottish Cove Holdings Ltd.

Gellatley Road subdivision. See entries under Westbank, B.C.

Ownership of (Williams, R.A.) 538

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 537

Scurry-Rainbow Oil Ltd.

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 300

Seaboard Assurance Co.

Alberta legislation, conformance with (Vogel) 836

Seaboard Assurance Company Act, 1953, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Seaboard Assurance Company Act, 1953, An Act to Amend

(Bill 54) (Merilees) 1R, 349; report 731; 2R, 836-7; 3R, 855; RA, 864

Speakers: Dowding 837; Gardom 837; Hall 836-7; Tisdalle 837; Vogel 836

Alberta legislation, conformance with (Vogel) 836

Private bill companies, standards for (Dowding) 837 (Gardom) 837 (Hall) 836-7

Seagram Co. Ltd.

Mentioned: (Dowding) 397

Seattle City Light

Mentioned: (Brousson) 94, 95


See: Marine algae

Sechelt, B.C.

Hospital, addition to (Dawson) 454

Select Standing Committee on Agriculture

Fences, legislation on, referral of to committee (Nimsick) 652

Food prices and marketing, hearings on (Shelford) 188

Reports (Jefcoat) 839

Synthetic Food Products Act, referral of to committee (Shelford) 624 (Strachan) 624

Select Standing Committee on Forestry and Fisheries

Campbell, Burt, appointment to committee (Chabot) 643

Debris, problem of, referral of to committee (Williston) 81

Report (Chabot) 849

Strait of Georgia, logs and debris problem, referral of to committee (Dowding) 371 (Williston) 370

Tree-farm licences, contractor clause, referral of to committee (Williston) 370

Select Standing Committee on Health and Welfare

Mentioned: (McGeer) 28

Select Standing Committee on Labour

Meetings of (Hall) 232

Sandringham Hospital labour dispute, investigation of (Barrett) 860-1 (Capozzi) 861 (Cocke) 863 (Dowding) 863 (Hall) 862 (Macdonald) 863 (McGeer) 862 (Nimsick) 862 (Peterson) 862-3 (Wallace) 861

Select Standing Committee on Mining and Railways

Mentioned: (Richter) 351

Select Standing Committee on Municipal Matters

Air Space Titles Act, referral of to committee (Peterson) 625

Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to committee (McGeer) 639

Mobile-home park fees, examination of (Nimsick) 801

Municipalities, incorporation of adjacent areas, examination of (Barrett) 515 (Campbell, D.) 514-5 (Dowding) 516 (McGeer) 515 (Strachan) 515-6 (Williams, R.A.) 516

Reports (Vogel) 841

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Printing

B.C. Hydro accounts, documents relating to, availability of to committee (Barrett) 338-9 (Brousson) 338 (Cocke) 334 (Gardom) 342-3 (Kiernan) 341-2 (McGeer) 340-1 (Peterson) 339 (Strachan) 342

B.C. Hydro accounts, examination of (McGeer) 281

Chairmanship of (Dailly) 210

Liquor Control Board accounts, documents relating to, availability of to committee (Barrett) 338-9 (Brousson) 338 (Cocke) 334 (Gardom) 342-3 (Kiernan) 341-2 (McGeer) 340, 341 (Peterson) 339 (Strachan) 342

Liquor Control Board, operation of, examination of (McGeer) 281-2

Pacific Great Eastern Railway accounts, documents relating to, availability of to committee (Barrett) 338-9 (Brousson) 338 (Cocke) 334 (Gardom) 342-3 (Kiernan) 341-2 (Peterson) 339 (Strachan) 342

Powers of (McGeer) 281

Public Accounts, referral of to committee (Bennett) 253

Report (Mussallem) 843

Workmen's Compensation Board accounts, documents relating to, availability of to committee (Barrett) 338-9 (Cocke) 334 (Gardom) 342-3 (Kiernan) 341-2 (Peterson) 339 (Strachan) 342

Mentioned: (Dowding) 495

Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education

Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to committee (Barrett) 745 (Clark) 744 (Dowding) 746 (Peterson) 746

Public Schools Act, amendment to in 1968, proposal for discussion re (Dailly) 210

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to committee (Cocke) 690 (McGeer) 688

Reports (Tisdalle) 789, 791, 838

Small Claims Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to committee (Cocke) 747

Teachers, tenure for, examination of (Barrett) 322 (Brothers) 323, 680 (Dailly) 322 (Dowding) 322

Wives' and Children's Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to committee (Barrett) 739 (McCarthy) 742 (Peterson) 739

Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills

Reports (Price) 310, 731, 843 (Hall) 859

Mentioned: (Hall) 834

Select standing committees

Appointment of M. (Bennett) 5; approved 5

Membership, changes in (Barrett) 745 (Speaker) 746

Special committee, report tabled (Peterson) 166

Use of (Cocke) 333-4 (Dailly) 210 (Macdonald) 412

Selkirk College

Library, name for, proposal re (Campbell, B.) 90

Mentioned: (Brothers) 591 (Dailly) 462

Semiahmoo Enterprises Ltd.

Slocan Lake, dumping in (Nimsick) 301

Septic tanks

Specifications for (Bruch) 830

Sergey Yesenin (Vessel)

Collision with Queen of Victoria, report of investigation into (Black) 649

Service Corp. International

Funeral businesses, takeover of (Macdonald) 414

Sales, profits (Macdonald) 414

Settled Estates Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 29) (Attorney-General) 1R, 385; 2R, 654-5; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Speakers: Peterson 654, 655; Williams, L.A. 655

Infants and mentally disordered, protection of interests of (Peterson) 654, 655 (Williams, L.A.) 655

Public trustee, role of (Williams, L.A.) 655

Sewage disposal

Esquimalt constituency, sewage disposal (Bruch) 186

Lakes, rivers, sewage disposal in (Jefcoat) 305

Secondary treatment (Fraser) 177-8

See also entries under names of cities and towns

Sex education

See: Sex instruction

Sex instruction

School system, sex education in (Dailly) 463 (Hall) 475

Sexual deviation

Cause of and proposal for treatment (Dailly) 461

Seymour Creek, B.C.

Park for area (Price) 597-8

Shanker, Albert

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 709

Sharpe, Mitchell

Mentioned: (Hartley) 48

Shaughnessy Golf Course, Vancouver, B.C.

Road to (McGeer) 33

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 124

Shaughnessy Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 291

Shelford, Hon. Cyril Morley (Omineca) Minister of Agriculture

Accelerated Park Development Act 593-4

Address in Reply 143-7

Agricultural aid to developing countries fund, operation of 144, 146

Agricultural aid to developing countries fund, use of 144

Agricultural and Rural Development Act agreement, projects 402

Agricultural Land Clearing Assistance Act, federal criticism of 402

Agricultural machinery, federal royal commission on 402

Agricultural machinery, proposal re policy on 402

Agricultural research, federal research 143, 404

Agriculture, task force on, recommendations 401

Animals Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 25) 1R, 349; 653, 654

Apple industry in B.C. 400, 403

Apples for MLAs 143

Apples, import of into Canada 403-4, 404

Beef cattle industry in B.C. 403

Budget debate 400-5

Bulkley Valley land use, Maxan Lake area study 402

Bulls in bull-control areas 653

Cunningham Lake, pollution of 404

Dairy cattle, export of 145, 146, 404-5

Dairy cattle, film on 404

Debt, federal debt, interest on 144

Dogs running at large, provisions re 653, 654

Europe, trip to, purpose of 144-5

Export development fund, proposal for 146

Farm income, gross farm cash receipts 401

Farm produce, dumping of in Canada 401

Farm produce, export development corporation for, proposal re 401

Farm produce, marketing of 401-2

Feed grain, demonstration project, Peace River area 403

Feed grain, federal freight assistance 401, 403

Fence viewers, use of 651

Fences, disputes over, referral of to courts 651, 652

Fences, requirements for 651

Fruit, import of into B.C. 403-4

Fruit, vegetables, processing of in foreign-owned plants 401

Fur-farm Act, administration of 652

Fur-farm Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 24) 1R, 349; 652

Government of B.C., comments re 146

Indians, agricultural extension work for 402

Indians, employment for 405

Indians, employment of on Pacific Great Eastern Railway extension 405

Indians, land-clearing 402

Industry, resources and production in Canada 146-7

Interest rate 144

Knapweed, control of 403

Land use, agricultural land cleared 402

Land use for strip-mining 401

Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session 143

Lettuce, export of 404

Line Fences Act, repeal of 651

Marketing boards in B.C. 402-3

Mercury content, farm produce 404

Milk production in B.C. 403

Mines, land area covered by 594

Mink-farmers, problems 403

Northern B.C., housing and interest rates 143

Northern B.C., residents 143

Ootsa Lake, clearing of 144, 593-4

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, Dease Lake extension 405

Pakistan, assistance to 144

Pinchi Lake, mercury content 404

Rural electrification, funding for 405

Russia, visit to 145

Salmon, export of 145

Select Standing Committee on Agriculture, hearings on food prices and marketing 188

Soils, survey of 402

Students, training of foreign students 145-6

Subsidies, European Common Market countries 146

Synthetic Food Products Act (Bill 39) 1R, 553; 624

Synthetic Food Products Act, referral of to select standing committee 624

Synthetic foods, sale of 624

Trespass Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 23) 1R, 349; 651, 652

Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, area of 594

Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, mining claims 594

Vocational education 401

Water, mercury in 404

Wine, B.C. wines 403

Wine, use of chemicals in 403

Shell Oil Co.

Mentioned: (Dailly) 209

Sherman, Marian

Mentioned: (Dailly) 210

Sherman, Paddy

Mentioned: (Brousson) 335

Shrum, Gordon M.

Quoted (Bennett) 495 (Williams, L.A.) 164, 165

Tribute to (Bennett) 256

Mentioned: (Barrett) 24 (Brousson) 338 (Calder) 440 (McCarthy) 408 (Macdonald) 415, 585 (McGeer) 30, 31, 280, 282, 340 (Smith) 397 (Strachan) 86 (Williams, L.A.) 163

Shuswap constituency

Industries (Jefcoat) 165

Roads, work on (Jefcoat) 304

Shuswap River, B.C.

Diversion of (Barrett) 23 (Jefcoat) 304-5

Level of, changes in (Jefcoat) 305

Okanagan water basin and Shuswap-Thompson River system (Jefcoat) 304-5

Water, shortage of (Jefcoat) 305

Water storage, Sugar Lake (Jefcoat) 305

Sierra Club

Mentioned: (Williston) 81

Sigurdson, Harold

Mentioned: (Dowding) 117

Silver Creek Provincial Park

Funding for (Hartley) 596

Silver Threads

Mentioned: (Dawson) 457

Similkameen Mines

Mentioned: (Richter) 350

Simmons and McBride Funeral Home

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 414

Simon Fraser University

Hastings Street, road to (Lorimer) 190

Water supply (Lorimer) 190

Mentioned: (Dailly) 68 (Lorimer) 190 (McCarthy) 409 (Skillings) 328 (Tisdalle) 110

Simpson-Sears Ltd.

Mentioned: (Strachan) 354

Sinclair, Margaret

Marriage of (Peterson) 614

Sir George Williams University

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 113

Skagit Valley, B.C.

Agreement on (Kiernan) 99

Flooding of (Barrett) 758, 759 (Brousson) 93-5 (Hartley) 48 (Macdonald) 131 (Mussallem) 758 (Smith) 398

Negotiations re, history of (Brousson) 94-5

Park, acreage for (Hartley) 596

Park facilities (Hartley) 596

Park, proposal re (Hartley) 48-9

Preservation of (Brousson) 92-5 (Gardom) 229

Recreational potential (Hartley) 48

Resolution on, proposal re (Macdonald) 131

Resources (Brousson) 94

Seattle city council hearings on (Hartley) 48 (Nimsick) 301

Timber, sale of (Brousson) 94

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 237, 238 (Gaglardi) 386 (Hartley) 751 (McGeer) 753 (Mussallem) 752

Skagit Valley Lands Act

Quoted (Brousson) 94

Skaha Lake, B.C.

Sewage in (Dowding) 396-7

Skeena Broadcasters Ltd.

Mentioned: (Little) 448

Skeena-Cassiar District Teachers' Association

Press release quoted (Barrett) 19

Skeenaview Hospital, Terrace, B.C.

Criticisms of by David Barrett (Little) 120

Mentioned: (Barrett) 269 (Throne speech) 4

Skillings, Hon. Waldo McTavish (Victoria) Minister of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce

Barrett, David, advertisement for speech by 326

B.C. Hydro borrowing, source of funds 328

Budget debate 325-9

Cigarettes, tax on 328

Civil service, wages, increase in 328

Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund, funding for 328

Economy of B.C. 326

Expo '70, Osaka, Canadian pavilion 328

Homeowner grant, increase in 328

Hotel and motel room tax 328-9

Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce department, research department, mandate of 325

Industrial expansion, report on 325

Industry, investment in 325

Industry, regional industrial economic studies 325

Jobs, new jobs in B.C. 326

Manitoba, industries 327

Marchand, Jean, tabling of correspondence, telegrams and documents re regional disparities 285

Mining industry, study on 325-6

Mobile-home manufacturing industry, study on 325

Northern B.C., federal development incentives program for 285

Pacific Rim, economic study 325

Paper industry, study on 325

Parks, funding for 328

Provincial home-acquisition grant fund, funding for 328

Taxation, increase in 327, 328

Unemployment 285, 326

Universities, funding for 328

Wood-pulp industry, study on 325

Skis and skiing

Facilities, development of (Black) 496 (Capozzi) 590-1 (Dowding) 592 (Kiernan) 102 (McGeer) 548

Ski lifts (McDiarmid) 306 (Richter) 352

Vancouver Island, facilities in southern part of Island (Bruch) 186

Skookumchuck Narrows Provincial Park

Development of (Dawson) 455

Slaught, Arthur

Quoted (LeCours) 141

Sloan, Gordon M.

See also: Forest Inquiry (1955)

Slocan Lake, B.C.

Pollution of (Nimsick) 301, 756

Small Claims Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 75) (Attorney-General) 1R, 723; 2R, 747; 3R, 854; RA, 864

Speakers: Cocke 747; Gardom 747; Peterson 747

Garnishment proceedings, transfer of (Peterson) 747

Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education, referral of bill to (Cocke) 747

Small claims court, increase in jurisdiction of (Gardom) 747

Small claims court

Cases, delays in (Wolfe) 97

Jurisdiction of (Gardom) 747

Smalley, Elmore

Actions of criticized (Campbell, B.) 367

Smith, Dean Edward (North Peace River)

Address in Reply 71-4

Budget debate 397-400

Chetwynd, housing 398

Elderly, property tax burden 74

Farmland, assessment and taxation of 73-4

Federal grants elsewhere in Canada 283

Flood danger and snowfall 398

Fort Nelson, development of 72

Fort Nelson-Fort Simpson road, proposal re 72, 400

Fort St. John, mill rate 74

Highways department, appropriation for 398

Hudson Hope work force, reduction in 398

Legislature, student groups in gallery 399

Marchand, Jean, tabling of correspondence, telegrams and documents re regional disparities 282-3

Mobile homes, tax on, proposal re 74

North Peace Secondary School centennial project, grant for 399

Northern B.C., development of 399-400

Northern B.C., development of, federal policy on 400

Northern B.C., development of, proposal for minister of 72

Northern B.C., federal development incentives program for 283

Northern B.C., green north 399

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, Fort Nelson extension 71-2, 398

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, Fort Nelson extension, R.J. Keen Construction Co. contract 71-2

Parks, funding for, use of 398-9

Peace River flood in June 1970 397

Peace River, flooding, danger of 397-8

Population of B.C., growth of 400

Port Simpson area, oil drilling rigs 72

Property tax system 73

Roads, North Peace River constituency 398

Snowmobiles, legislation on use of 399

W.A.C. Bennett Dam, reservoir 398

Welfare, funding for, proposal re source of funds 74

Wildlife conservation 72-3

Wildlife management, proposal re 73

Wildlife management, staff for 73

Smith, George

Mentioned: (Clark) 423 (Williams, L.A.) 534

Smith, J. Donald

Mentioned: (Skillings) 327

Smith, Mary Ellen

Mentioned: (Kripps) 212

Smithers, B.C.

Provincial government building, construction of (Little) 120


Air pollution and smoking (Nimsick) 634-5

Cigarette Advertising, An Act for the Regulation of. See name of act

Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Act. See name of act Education to prevent smoking (Gardom) 634 (McCarthy) 719 (Wallace) 633

Effects of (Loffmark) 603 (McGeer) 632 (Wallace) 600-1, 632-3

Smoking in public places, ban on (Campbell, B.) 813

Tax increase as deterrent (Cocke) 634 (Gardom) 633 (Strachan) 632 (Wallace) 633

Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act.

See name of act

See also: Cigarettes; Tobacco


Flood danger and snowfall (Smith) 398 (Williston) 518


Use of (Jefcoat) 166 (Smith) 399

Use of, legislation on (Smith) 399

See also entries under All-terrain vehicles

Social welfare

See: Public welfare


Socialism (Wallace) 311

Socialists (Peterson) 540

Society Promoting Environmental Conservation

Mentioned: (McGeer) 757 (Mussallem) 758 (Wallace) 13


Survey of (Shelford) 402

Soldiers' Land Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 61) (Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources) 1R, 651; 2R, 698, 785; 3R, 793; RA, 864

Speakers: Williston 698

South Okanagan land project assets, disposal of (Williston) 698

South Africa

Arms for, supplying of (LeCours) 134

Southam, William

Quoted (LeCours) 141

Sparwood, B.C.

Hospital facilities for area (Nimsick) 149-50, 296


Barrett, David, suspended form the service of the House 614

Ruling sustained 7, 248

Speaker and Deputy Speaker

Adjournment motion to discuss urgent public matter Matter must be of recent occurrence 123

Matter must not be one for which another authority is immediately responsible 123

Opportunity for debate not lacking 7, 123


Advancement of by two or more stages in one day 851

Referral of to select standing committee, debate on 744

Bill, second reading

Keeping to principle of Bill 735, 756, 804, 806, 813, 821


Access to document prior to budget address 254

Business of the House

Government business has precedence 553

Ruling that a particular day is an extraordinary day 852

Language “deceit” 148 “deceived” 585 “deliberately withheld” 585 “hell” 493
“lie” 244 “phony” 67, 342 “phony leader” 195 “pickpocket” 634 “rape” 148

Accusation of being cowardly 495
Imputation of improper motives to another member 148
References to other members by name 66
Should address remarks through Chair 102, 155, 272, 299, 363, 424, 427, 486, 504, 690, 694

May not be questioned during Address in Reply debate 175-6

Debate on 553
Preambles to 563

Select standing committees
Membership, changes in 746

Throne speech
Amendment to, keeping to subject of 55, 57, 58

Special Area Incentive Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Marshall) 283 (Skillings) 326

Special Committee on Automobile Insurance

Work of (Hartley) 502

Mentioned: (Capozzi) 503 (Peterson) 44

Special funds

Borrowing from (Campbell, D.) 600 (McGeer) 604

Borrowing from by B.C. Hydro (Williams, L.A.) 532

Borrowing from by Crown corporations (Clark) 421

Changes to in future (Nimsick) 720-1

Establishment of (McCarthy) 410

Funding for (Clark) 420

Interest on (Campbell, D.) 449

Interest on, expenditure of (Peterson) 543

Investment of (Bennett) 453 (Wenman) 720

Job creation, use of funds for (McGeer) 606

Special Funds Appropriation Act. See name of act Use of (McGeer) 605-6

Use of for school, hospital construction (Bennett) 453 (Campbell, D.) 600 (McGeer) 604

See also names of funds, e.g. First Citizens' Fund

Special Funds Appropriation Act

(Bill 11) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 262; 2R, 453-4, 598606, 717-22; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Divisions: 2R, 722

Speakers: Barrett 602-3; Bennett 453-4, 721-2; Campbell, D. 660

Capozzi 721; Loffmark 603-4; McCarthy 718-20; McGeer 604-6; Nimsick 720-1; Price 599; Strachan 598-9; Vogel 717-8; Wallace 600-2; Wenman 720

Alcohol, advertising of (Bennett) 721 (Loffmark) 604 (McGeer) 604 (Strachan) 599 (Wallace) 601

Alcoholics, hospital for (Loffmark) 603

Alcoholism, education re and prevention of (Loffmark) 604 (McCarthy) 719 (Wallace) 601

Alcoholism, effects of (Loffmark) 603

Alcoholism problem (Capozzi) 721 (Wallace) 600

Alcoholism, treatment of (Wallace) 601

Bonds, parity bonds, value of (Bennett) 453

B.C. Ferry Corporation debt, payment of (McGeer) 604

B.C. Hydro, borrowing, source of funds for (McGeer) 605

B.C. Regional Hospital Districts Financing Authority, source of funds for (Campbell, D.) 600 (McGeer) 604

B.C. School Districts Capital Financing Authority, source of funds for (McGeer) 604

Canada Pension Plan funds, borrowing of (McGeer) 605

Cigarettes and tobacco, advertising of (Loffmark) 604 (McGeer) 604 (Strachan) 599 (Wallace) 601

Crop insurance stabilization fund, funds for (Bennett) 454 (Strachan) 598

Debt, interest on federal debt (McCarthy) 718

Drug abuse, education re (Loffmark) 604 (McCarthy) 719 (Wallace) 601

Drug abuse problem, federal-provincial cooperation on (McCarthy) 720

Drug abuse, pushers (Barrett) 602

Drug addiction (Vogel) 717 (Wallace) 600

Drug addiction, Batley treatment for (Barrett) 602, 603 (Loffmark) 603, 604 (Price) 599 (Vogel) 717-8 (Wallace) 601

Drug addiction, treatment of (Barrett) 602 (Loffmark) 603 (Price) 599 (Wallace) 601

Drug addiction, treatment of, methadone method (Wallace) 601, 602

Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund, establishment of (Bennett) 453

Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund, interest on, use of (Bennett) 453 (Strachan) 598-9

First Citizens' Fund, interest on, expenditure of (McGeer) 605

Heroin addicts (Loffmark) 603 (McCarthy) 710

Hospitals, construction of, funding for (McGeer) 605

Job creation, use of special funds for (McGeer) 606

Liquor Inquiry Commission, recommendations (Wallace) 601

Marijuana, use of (McCarthy) 718

Matsqui Institution, failure of (Loffmark) 603 (Price) 599 (Vogel) 717

Municipal bonds, provincial guarantee for (McGeer) 605

Municipal Finance Authority of B.C., source of funds for (Campbell, D.) 600

Narcotic Addiction Centre, cost of (Vogel) 717

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, borrowing, source of funds (McGeer) 605

Prescription drugs, control of (McCarthy) 718-9

Provincial home-acquisition grant fund, establishment of (Bennett) 453-4

Provincial home-acquisition grant fund, funds for (Strachan) 598

Provincial home-acquisition grant fund, use of (Bennett) 454

Smoking, education re (McCarthy) 719

Smoking, effects of (Loffmark) 603 (Wallace) 600-1

Special funds, borrowing from (Campbell, D.) 600 (McGeer) 604

Special funds, changes to in future (Nimsick) 720-1

Special funds, investment of (Bennett) 453 (Wenman) 720

Special funds, use of (McGeer) 605-6

Special funds, use of for school, hospital construction (Bennett) 453 (Campbell, D.) 600 (McGeer) 604

University of B.C., hospital for teaching and research, funding for (McGeer) 604

Mentioned: (Peterson) 805

Speculation in real estate

See: Real estate investment

Speech from the Throne


Content (Dowding) 114 (Gardom) 225 (McGeer) 26-7 (Nimsick) 147 1872 speech quoted (Barrett) 19

Spilhaus, Athelston

Quoted (Brousson) 335-6


Hall of fame, proposal for construction of (McGeer) 33

Springhill Holdings Ltd.

Ownership of (Williams, R.A.) 536-7

Squamish, B.C.

Flood control (Williston) 519

Standard Oil Co.

Mentioned: (Dailly) 209

Stanfield, Robert

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 114

Stanfields Ltd.

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242

Stanton, R.C.

Mentioned: (Chabot) 319 (Nimsick) 296, 297

State Farm Insurance Co.

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 97

Statistics Act

Mentioned: (Skillings) 326

Statute Law Amendment Act, 1971

(Bill 107) (Attorney-General) 1R, 793; amdts to 1R, 795; 2R, 816-27; report 838; 3R, 851; RA, 864

Speakers: Barrett 816-7; Bennett 823-4; Bruch 822; Capozzo 825-6; Cocke 826; Dowding 824; Gaglardi 822-3; Hartley 826; LeCours 819-20; Macdonald 823; McGeer 821-2; Nimsick 820-1; Peterson 816; Price 817; Strachan 818; Tisdalle 826-7; Williams, L.A. 819

Advertising (Bennett) 824 (Strachan) 818

Alcoholism (Barrett) 816-7

Beer, sale of (Barrett) 816

Bridge River water licences (McGeer) 821, 822

Drinking age, change in (Williams, L.A.) 819

Drinking drivers (Gaglardi) 822

Liquor advertising in newspapers, ban on (Barrett) 816-7 (Bennett) 823-4 (Bruch) 822 (Capozzi) 825-6 (Cocke) 826 (Dowding) 824 (Gaglardi) 822-3 (Hartley) 826 (LeCours) 819-20 (Macdonald) 823 (McGeer) 821-2 (Nimsick) 820-1 (Price) 817 (Strachan) 818 (Tisdalle) 826-7 (Williams, L.A.) 819

Liquor advertising in newspapers, ban on and revenue loss (LeCours) 820

Liquor Control Board, powers of (Macdonald) 823

Liquor Control Board revenue, use of (Hartley) 826

Liquor Inquiry Commission, recommendations (Macdonald) 823

Liquor stores (Price) 817

Neighbourhood pubs, proposal re (Barrett) 816, 817

Poolrooms Act, repeal of (McGeer) 821 (Williams, L.A.) 819

Professional Corporations Act, amendments to (Williams, L.A.) 819

Professional corporations, status of (Williams, L.A.) 819

Prohibition (Price) 817

Public Schools Act, amendments to (Strachan) 818

Statute law amendment acts, use of (McGeer) 821-2

Wine, provision of information re (Barrett) 817


Computerization of (Dowding) 667 (Peterson) 667

Revised Statutes Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Stave Lake, B.C.

Reclamation of (Chabot) 9

Steeves, Dorothy Gretchen

Mentioned: (Hartley) 815 (Nimsick) 815

Sterilization (Birth control)

Child abuse, sterilization as penalty for (Dowding) 648 (McDiarmid) 648 (Wenman) 647

Sterilization of the Unfit Act

Mentioned: (Dowding) 648

Stevens, H.H.

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 152

Stewart-Cassiar road

See: Highway 37

Still Creek, B.C.

Sewage pollution of (Dowding) 397

Stirling, Michael Grote

Tribute to (Shelford) 144

Strachan, R.J.

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 536.

Strachan, Robert Martin (Cowichan-Malahat)

Accelerated Park Development Act 589-90

Address in Reply 61-3, 82-9

Advertising 818

Alberta, Speech from the Throne 362

Alcoholic beverages, advertising of 599, 818

Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend 761-3

Assessment of industrial land 762

Assessments, appeal of 356, 762

Assessments, based on market value, proposal re 762

Assessments, increase in, limit on 762-3

Automobiles, pollution control equipment, inspection of 357

Bank of B.C., establishment of 63

Bank of B.C., interest rate, level of 63

B.C. Ferry Corporation, ferry system 358

B.C. Ferry Corporation, revenue and expenditures 358

B.C. Hydro accounts, documents relating to, availability of to Public Accounts Committee 342

B.C. Hydro, borrowing from pension funds, interest on 359

B.C. Hydro debt, interest on 358-9

B.C. Teachers' Federation, activities of 686

B.C. Teachers' Federation, membership in as condition of employment 685-6

Budget, access to document prior to budget address 254

Budget, advertisements re in eastern newspapers 361

Budget debate 342, 352-62

Budget publication, production of 353

Cedar, Nanaimo River bridge 359

Cedar road, resurfacing of 84

Cement plant refusing to sell cement, references to 86

Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Act 632

Cigarettes, advertising of, ban on 807-8

Cigarettes, tax on, increase in 632

Cigarettes, tobacco, advertising of 599

Coal leases, applications for 352-3

Coal-miners' strike in 1871 86

Consumer Protection Act, An Act to Amend 659

Contracts, protection of small businessmen 659

Corporations, tax revenue, 1971-72, estimate of 358

Cottonwood Creek campsite, development of 84

Cowichan District Hospital, extended-care units 83

Cowichan Lake and valley, flood control 84

Cowichan Lake debris, cleanup of 84

Crofton, road to 84

Crop insurance stabilization fund, funds for 598

Cypress Bowl, administration of 83

DDT, banning of 86

Davis, Arnold W., jailing of 571

Dental clinic, pre-school clinic, Lake Cowichan 83-4

Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund 357

Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund, interest on, use of 598-9

Duncan, provincial buildings, opening of 83

Economy of Canada, control over 362

Education, funding formula 359

Education minister, teacher as minister 685

Education system, centralization of power in 686

Federal funds for B.C. 357

Fence viewers, use of 651

Fences, legislation on elsewhere 651

Firearms, registration of 735

Forest industry, revenue to province 85

Gasoline Tax Act, 1948, An Act to Amend 627

Gordon Bay Provincial Park, campsite 589

Government information, access to 88

Health inspection, central Vancouver Island 84

Health inspectors, increase in number of 84

Health units, staff for 360

Highway 18, opening of Cowichan Valley road 83

Highway 19, work on 84

Highways, bidding for lands adjacent to highways 354

Housing, land for, cost of 356

Housing, proposal re 85

Income, personal income, level of in B.C. 62

Indians, housing for 85

Industry, pollution control equipment, tax write-offs for 357

Interest rates, level of and unemployment 361

Kelowna shopping centre, access to Highway 354, 3545

Kelowna shopping centre, assessment of land in area of 354, 356

Kelowna shopping centre, sewage disposal 354, 355

Kelowna shopping centre, water for 354

Kelowna shopping centre, zoning of land for 354

Kuper Island ferry 84

Land speculation 356

Land use for strip-mining 353

Land use, single-purpose use 353

Legislature, sittings, adjournment time 37

Libby Dam, funds for 357

Liquor Control Board accounts, documents relating to, availability of to Public Accounts Committee 342

Lumber, price of, retail price 85

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Port Alberni land, assessment of 762

Mobile Home Park Fee Act 799-800

Mobile-home park fees, levying of 799

Mobile-home parks, assessment of 799

Mobile-home parks, density 799

Mobile homes, homeowner grant for owners 799

Mobile homes, legislation on 622

Municipal Act, An Act to Amend 831-2

Municipalities, borrowing by 831-2

Municipalities, funding for 832

Municipalities, government policy on 353

Municipalities, incorporation of adjacent areas, examination of by select standing committee 515-6

Municipalities, local boards, interest on provincial funds for 357

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, proposal for 84

Natural resources, revenue from 357

Nuclear power plant, Vancouver Island 85-6

Pacific Great Eastern Railway accounts, documents relating to, availability of to Public Accounts Committee 342

Pacific Great Eastern Railway contractors, ads for employees 62

Pacific Great Eastern Railway extension, construction of, employment in 62

Parks, development of and job creation 589-90

Parks, development of and jobs for students 590

Parks, development of and youth training program, funding for 590

Parks, funding for, use of funds 589

Parks, mining in 87

Petroleum, United States reserves, use of 250

Pollution survey, Cowichan-Malahat constituency 84

Poor people 360

Port Alberni, assessments 761, 762

Poverty in Canada 88

Prices, increase in 362

Prince George, subdivision on Crown land 356

Property, assessment of own house 355

Property in tax-sales, purchase of by U.S. citizens 88

Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 622-3

Provincial home-acquisition grant fund, funds for 598

Provincial home-acquisition grant fund, purchase of mobile homes 622-3

Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 618

Psychiatric facilities for children and adolescents 85

Psychiatric service, Duncan-Ladysmith area 83

Public Schools Act, amendments to 818

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 685-6

Pulp mills, assessment of 762

Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, An Act to Amend 430

Revenue, surplus 627

School District 68, referendum 359

School districts, referendums 359

School districts, operating costs, payment of by province 618

School population, Vancouver Island 359

Smoking, tax increase as deterrent 632

Special Funds Appropriation Act 598-9

Statute Law Amendment Act (1971) 818

Strikes and lockouts, 1970, man-days lost 86

Strikes, picketing in 571

Synthetic Food Products Act 624

Synthetic Food Products Act, referral of to select standing committee 624

Tanker traffic on B.C. coast 250

Tanker traffic on B.C. coast, request to federal government re 249, 250

Tankers, transport of bunker oil along coast 250

Taxation, increase in 358, 627, 632

Teachers, pension fund, interest rate on 704-5

Teachers' Pension Act, 1961, An Act to Amend 704-5

Teachers, pensions 686

Teachers, pensions, level of for presently retired teachers 704, 705

Thetis Island ferry 84

Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act 807-8

Tobacco industry, federal assistance to 808

Tobacco, tax on, increase in 632

Trespass Act, An Act to Amend 651

Truck drivers' strike, ending of 571-2

Tugboat strike in 1970 571

Unemployment 61-2, 360, 360-1

University of B.C. Health Sciences Centre, role of and funding for 85

Utah Mines Ltd. tailings, dumping of 86-7

Violence, opposition to 88

Votes and Proceedings, omission from 851

Water, sale of to United States 86

Welfare costs to municipalities, reduction in 360

Welfare programs, funding for, source of 85

Welfare rates, 360

Wildlife Act, An Act to Amend 735-6

Workmen's Compensation Board accounts, documents relating to, availability of to Public Accounts Committee 342

Young people 88-9

Young people, unemployment 362

Straight, Byron

Announcements by (Cocke) 104

Appointment of to B.C. Automobile Insurance Board (Capozzi) 503 (Hartley) 502

Quoted (Hartley) 502

Mentioned: (Peterson) 44

Strait of Georgia

Logs and debris, control of, referral of to select standing committee (Dowding) 371 (Williston) 370

Oil-drilling in strait (Barrett) 23 (Williams, L.A.) 162

Strait of Juan de Fuca

See: Juan de Fuca Strait

Strap, Use of in schools

See: Corporal punishment

Strata Title Act

Mentioned: (Jordan) 205 (Peterson) 624 (Williston) 78

Strathcona Elementary School, Vancouver, B.C.

Addition to (Wolfe) 96

Strathcona Provincial Park

Gold River road (Kiernan) 101

Mentioned: (Strachan) 87


Crime and street-lighting (Merilees) 443-4

Vancouver street-lighting intensity (Merilees) 443-5

Strikes and lockouts

Aluminum Co. of Canada strike in 1970 (Little) 119-20 (McGeer) 32, 63-4

Back-to-work order, use of (Dowding) 575

Cause of (Kripps) 513

Cement industry strike in 1970 (McGeer) 32

Coal-miners' strike in 1871 (Strachan) 86

Compulsory arbitration, use of (Barrett) 559 (Clark) 569 (Cocke) 573 (McDiarmid) 573

Construction industry strike in 1970 (Brousson) 562 (McGeer) 32 (Peterson) 42, 562 (Williams, L.A.) 561

Electricians' strike in Port Alberni (Peterson) 43

Injunctions, ex parte injunctions, use of (Hall) 478

Labour relations in 1970 (Macdonald) 128

Man-days lost, 1970 (Chabot) 9 (Dowding) 395 (Kripps) 513 (McGeer) 31, 32, 63-4, 272 (Peterson) 41-2 (Strachan) 86

Man-days lost, 1960 to present (McGeer) 32, 565

Pacific Press Ltd. strike in 1970 (McGeer) 32 (Peterson) 42

Picketing in strikes (Strachan) 571

Postal workers' strike in 1970 (McGeer) 32-3

Public interest in strikes and lockouts (Bruch) 574 (Chabot) 11

Pulp industry strike in 1970 (Bruch) 187 (McGeer) 32

Research in labour disputes, provision for (Hall) 478

Schools, strike in 1970 (Peterson) 42

Strike action, use of (McDiarmid) 575-6

Transit dispute (Cocke) 573 (Macdonald) 415 (McGeer) 282 (Merilees) 192 (Nimsick) 567 (Peterson) 43, 249 (Tisdalle) 108

Truck drivers' strike, ending of (Barrett) 558-60, 562 (Bennett) 577 (Brousson) 562-3 (Bruch) 573-4 (Capozzi) 570-1 (Clark) 563-4, 569 (Cocke) 572-3 (Dailly) 570 (Dowding) 574-5 (Gardom) 577-8 (Hall) 578-9 (LeCours) 569-70 (McDiarmid) 575-6 (Macdonald) 564-5 (McGeer) 565-6 (Nimsick) 567-8 (Peterson) 555-8, 561-2, 579-80 (Price) 566-7 (Strachan) 571-2 (Vogel) 568-9 (Williams, L.A.) 560-1

Tugboat strike in 1970 (Chabot) 9 (Hall) 478 (McDiarmid) 306 (McGeer) 32, 33 (Peterson) 42 (Strachan) 571

Unemployment and strikes and lockouts (McGeer) 31 (Peterson) 40


Land use for (Shelford) 401 (Strachan) 353

Student aid

Scholarships and bursary aid (Bennett) 260


Parks, development of and jobs for students (Brothers) 591 (McDiarmid) 596-7 (Strachan) 590 (Wenman) 592

University education, repayment of cost of, proposal re (Wenman) 382

University students, eligibility of for welfare (Dailly) 68

Students, Foreign

Training of in their own countries (Shelford) 145-6

Students for Democratic Society

Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 111


Agricultural subsidies (Marshall) 156

European Common Market countries, subsidies (Shelford) 146

Succession Duties Act

Mentioned: (Brousson) 641

Sugar Lake, B.C.

Water storage (Jefcoat) 305

Summary Convictions Act

Mentioned: (Dowding) 117 (Peterson) 805

Summary Convictions Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 89) (Attorney-General) 1R, 729; 2R, 761; 3R, 795; RA, 864

Sun-Rype Products Ltd.

Kelowna plant, waste (Barrett) 23 (Williams, R.A.) 172

Mentioned: (Jordan) 490

Sunday legislation

Plebiscite on Sunday sport, proposal re (McGeer) 29

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd.

Annual general meeting, requirement for (Richter) 795

Groves, George S., connection of to company (Barrett) 795-7

Mineral claims, restoration of to shareholders (Richter) 795

Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act. See name of act

Mentioned: (Dowding) 117

Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act

(Bill 86) (Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources) 1R, 789; 2R, 795-7

Speakers: Barrett 795-7; Richter 795

Annual general meeting, requirement for (Richter) 795

Kuh, Richard, payments to (Barrett) 796

Groves, George S., connection of with company (Barrett) 795-7

Mineral claims, restoration of to shareholders (Richter) 795

Proclamation of act (Richter) 795

Sunshine Lardeau Mines

Mentioned: (Barrett) 796

Super-Valu Stores Ltd.

Mentioned: (Strachan) 354

Superintendent of Insurance

Annual report tabled (Peterson) 5

Support (Domestic relations)

Maintenance collection officers, use of (McCarthy) 125

Maintenance of children, responsibility for (Peterson) 738

Maintenance of handicapped children (McCarthy) 741

Maintenance orders, enforcement of (Barrett) 428-9, 739 (Dailly) 463 (Dowding) 740 (Gardom) 740 (McCarthy) 125, 741-2 (Peterson) 738

Maintenance orders, enforcement of and commonlaw relations (Gardom) 740 (McCarthy) 741 (Nimsick) 742

Maintenance orders, enforcement of, case cited (McCarthy) 741

Maintenance orders, enforcement of in other jurisdictions (Dowding) 427

Maintenance orders, garnishing of wages for (McCarthy) 125, 744

Maintenance payments (Dailly) 462-3 (Hall) 233

Out-of-province hearings, representation for parent in (Dowding) 427

Out-of-province judgments and jurisdiction of B.C. (Dowding) 427

Out-of-province judgments, appeals against (Dowding) 428 (Gardom) 429-30 (Peterson) 430 (Williams, L.A.) 429

Reciprocal agreements on (Dowding) 426-7

Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Wives' and Children's Maintenance Act, an Act to Amend. See name of act

Supreme Court Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 10) (Macdonald) 1R, 143

Speakers: Dowding 646; Peterson 646

Supreme Court trials, conduct of in French language (Dowding) 646 (Peterson) 646

Supreme Court of British Columbia

Judges, appointment of (Wallace) 16

Supreme Court Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Trials, conduct of in French (Dowding) 646 (Loffmark) 646

Mentioned: (Dowding) 740, 802 (Gardom) 645, 747 (Peterson) 654 (Wallace) 16

Supreme Court of Canada

Mentioned: (Calder) 50 (Marshall) 157 (Peterson) 860 (Speaker) 830

Suri, C.M.

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 416


See: Names, Personal

Surrey, B.C.

Housing, land for (Campbell, D.) 451

Housing projects (Hall) 480

Welfare, funds for (Hall) 230

Surrey School District

See: School District 36 (Surrey) Surrey Teachers' Association Telegram quoted (Hall) 689


Mentioned: (Williston) 516

Swanson, Robert

Mentioned: (Hall) 478


Unemployment, action on (Hartley) 49

Sweeney, Edward C.

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 124

Sweeney, J.P.

Quoted (Dailly) 461

Synthetic food

See: Food, Artificial

Synthetic Food Products Act

(Bill 39) (Minister of Agriculture) 1R, 553; 2R, 624; 3R, 854; RA, 864

Speakers: Shelford 624; Strachan 624

Bill, referral of to Select Standing Committee on Agriculture (Shelford) 624 (Strachan) 624

Synthetic foods, sale of (Shelford) 624

Syringa Creek Provincial Park

Work on (Brothers) 591