Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971
McBride, Sir Richard
Mentioned (Macdonald) 127
McCarthy, Hon. Grace (Vancouver-Little Mountain) Member of the Executive Council Without Portfolio
Address in Reply 123-7
Alcoholism, education re and prevention 719
Apartment buildings, office buildings, renovations to 127
Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend 744
B.C. centennial, celebration of, light-up proposal 408
Brotherhood Week, celebration of 407
Budget debate 407-11
Canada Council grants 409
Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, funds for B.C. 410-1, 411
Children, custody and access 125, 741
Children, maintenance of handicapped children 741
McDiarmid, H.R. (Alberni)
Cocke, Dennis, report on legislature referred to, quoted 123-4
Construction industry, proposal for promotion of 411
Debt, federal debt, interest on 718
Drug abuse, education re 719
Drug abuse problem, federal-provincial cooperation on 720
Drug abuse, research and education re, federal funds for 127
Drug abuse, research on 410
Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund 410
Drugs, control of prescription drugs 718-9
Economy of B.C. 407
Elderly, bus passes for 408
Family court, operation of 125
Federal fiscal policy 408-9
Heroin addicts 710
Homeowner grant and home-ownership 617-8
House-building, United States 127
Housing, federal funds for in B.C. 410-1
Housing, need for 411
Housing, renovations, proposal re 127
Housing, Vancouver pilot project 127
Interest rates, lowering of 127
Investment in B.C., growth of 407
Job creation in B.C. 124
Maintenance orders, enforcement of 125, 741-2
Maintenance orders, enforcement of and commonlaw relations 741
Maintenance orders, enforcement of, case cited 741
Maintenance orders, enforcement of, use of collection officers 125
Maintenance orders, garnishing of wages for 125, 744
Munro, John, statements re use of marijuana 410
Pacific Great Eastern Railway, losses in 1927 407
Pacific Great Eastern Railway, profit 407
Pacific Great Eastern Railway, track mileage in 1927 407
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 622
Provincial home-acquisition fund grants, processing of applications for 622
Provincial Home-Owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 617-8
Public works, construction projects 124
Public works, federal funds for elsewhere 126
Smoking, education to prevent smoking 719
Special Funds Appropriation Act 718-20
Special funds, establishment of 410
Taxation, federal White Paper on 408, 409
Transit, bus service, reduction in 408
University of B.C. botanical garden, federal funds for 125
Van Dusen Botanical Garden, development of 124-5
Vancouver, rapid transit, federal funds for 126-7
Vancouver, rapid transit, funding for 125-7
Wives' and Children's Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend 740-2
Wives' and Children's Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to select standing committee 742
McClure, W.G.
Mentioned: (Clark) 422, 423 (Loffmark) 288 (Williams, L.A.) 533
McConnell, Bob
Mentioned: (Strachan) 359
McDiarmid, H.R. (Alberni)
Abortion 308
Abortion, hospital committees 308
Accelerated Park Development Act 596-7
Address in Reply 57-9
Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend 63940
Assessments, increase in, limit on 640
Assessments, reassessment of property 639-40
Assessors, need for 640
Automobile industry in B.C. 58
B.C. Hydro, borrowing, source of funds 307
B.C. Hydro, rates, increase in 307
Budget debate 306-10
Child abuse, sterilization as penalty for 648
Cigarettes, advertising of, ban on 810
Cypress Bowl, park status for 306
Drinking age, change in 308
Dyking project, Alberni constituency 58
Electric power, extension of to smaller communities 307
Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway 308
Euclataws cave, proposal re visitors to 597
Gold River, road to 58
Hearing-aid Regulation Act 662-3
Hearing aids and hearing problems 662-3
Job creation 308-9
Labour disputes, use of compulsory arbitration 573
Labour-management relations in B.C. 310
Labour, productivity of 310
Lawyers, citizenship requirement 803-4
Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend 803-4
Liquor Inquiry Commission, report 308
Long Beach national park, property purchase for 59
Mount Arrowsmith, development of 306
Municipal Finance Authority of B.C. commended 307
Parks, development of and job creation 58, 596-7
Parks, development of and jobs for students 596-7
Parks, funding for 306
Parks, trails 306
Petroleum, pipeline for Alaska oil, hearings on 246-7
Prince Edward Island, federal funds for 307-8
Protection of Children Act, An Act to Amend 648
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 622
Pulp mill, Skookumchuck, air pollution equipment 58
Regional districts, parks, funding for 597
River Road, construction of 58
Ski lifts 306
Strikes, use of strike action 575-6
Tahsis, electric power for 309
Tanker traffic, oil spill danger 123, 246
Tanker traffic on coast and Alaska pipeline 123
Tankers on B.C. coast, request to federal government re 245-7
Tankers, size of 246
Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act 810
Macdonald, Alexander Barrett (Vancouver East)
Truck drivers' strike, ending of 575-6
Trucking industry and economy 576
Tugboat strike, impact of 306-7
Vancouver Island, transportation 308
Vancouver Island, Ucluelet-Estevan area, designation of as special development area 309
Zeballos, electric power supply 307
Zeballos, employment
Zeballos road, opening of 58
Macdonald, Alexander Barrett (Vancouver East) Address in Reply 127-32
Air Space Titles Act 625
Alcoholic beverages, advertising of in newspapers, ban on 823
Amalgamated Transit Union, settlement in labour dispute 415
Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend 639
Assessments based on market value, proposal re 639
Assessments, increase in, benefits of limit on 639
Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend 745
Automobiles, number of, increase in 414-5
B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons, role of 682
B.C. Hydro, transit subsidy 414-5
B.C. Teachers' Federation, membership in as condition of employment 682-3
Budget debate 411-6
Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, funds for B.C. 412
Cigarettes, advertising of, ban on 809
Collective bargaining, future of in B.C. 564
Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to Amend 678-9
Credit information, access to 129
Del Cielo development at Kamloops 781
Dental care for children, incidence of need for 413-4
Dentists, fees, level of 414
Dentists for northern B.C. 414
Drug abuse, education re in schools 412
Environmental Bill of Rights Act, 1971 (Bill 101) 1R, 743
Environmental bill of rights, proposal re 131
Environmental protection legislation elsewhere 858
Extended care, cost of, hospital insurance coverage for 678-9
Extended care, cost of, payment for 678-9
Funeral businesses, takeover of 414
Funerals, cost of, case cited 414
Gang Ranch, ownership of 131
Garnishing order and dismissal of employee 745
Gasoline Tax Act, 1948, An Act to Amend 627
Gasoline, tax revenue, use of 627
Hearing-aid Regulation Act 660-1
Hearing Aids, An Act for the Provision of (Bill 87) 1R, 723; 849
Hearing aids, B.C. Medical Plan coverage for 660-1
Hearing aids, prices 660
Hearing aids, sale of, representation on board for regulation of 660
Highway 16, commercial developments along Highway 416
Highway 16, proposed name for 416
Highways, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend 781-2
Highways; lands adjacent to proposed highways, acquisition of 781-2
Highways, lands adjacent to proposed highways, Highways minister's powers re 782
Highways, ownership of companies involved in business along highways 415-6
Housing, funding for, expenditure of provincial funds 411-2
Interest rates 668-9
Intermediate-care facilities, private facilities 679
Intermediate-care facilities, provision of 679
International Funeral Services, profits 414
Islands, purchase of by non-residents 131
Judicial Council's proceedings, public hearings 748
Labour, government's attitude to 128
Labour relations in 1970 128
Land bank, establishment of 859
Land Bank of British Columbia, An Act to Incorporate (Bill 106) 1R, 791; 859
Land, foreign ownership of 131-2, 637
Land with enhanced value, government purchase of 416
Law benchers, public representatives 803
Lawson, Edward, arrest of 129
Lawyers, fines for, levying of 803
Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend 803
Legislation, initiation of by select standing committees 412
Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session 128
Legislature, sittings, adjournment time 37
Legislature, special committee on, proposal re 412
Liquor Control Board, powers of 823
Liquor Inquiry Commission, recommendations 130, 823
Marriage Act, An Act to Amend 779
Mediation Commission 564
Ministers, travel 128
Mortgage Brokers Act 668-9
Mortgage brokers, ownership of companies, disclosure of 668
Mortgage costs, disclosure of, requirement for 669
Neighbourhood pubs, proposal re 130
Nicola Lake Stock Farm, ownership of 131
Pollution, injunction against 858
Press council in B.C., proposal for 412
Privacy, protection from surveillance 129
Privacy, right of 129-30
Privacy, right of, federal legislation on 130
Privilege — allegation re role in demonstration at parliament buildings 8 (Speaker) 9
Privilege — filing of information about transit operations 585
Property in tax-sales, purchase of by non-residents 132
Property tax rate for absentee owners, proposal re 132
Provincial Court Act, An Act to Amend 748
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 682-3
Sandringham Hospital labour dispute, bargaining in 863
Sandringham Hospital labour dispute, investigation of by select standing committee 863
Select standing committees, use of 412
Service Corp. International, sales, profits 414
Skagit Valley, flooding of 131
Skagit Valley, resolution on, proposal re 131
Statute Law Amendment Act (1971) 823
Supreme Court Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 10) 1R, 143
Tanker traffic, oil-spill danger 131
Tanker traffic on coast and Alaska pipeline 131
Taxation Act, An Act to Amend 637
Testator's Family Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend 657
Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act 809
Transit, bus service, reduction in 414-5
Transit, proposals re 415
Transit, rapid transit, funding for 415
Truck drivers' strike, ending of 564-5
Utah Mines Ltd. tailings, dumping of 130-1
W.A.C. Bennett Dam, impact of on ecology of area 131
Wills, provision for common-law wife 657
Wiretapping, requirement to be met for use of 130
Women, social reforms for 412-3
Women's liberation movement 412
Macdonald, John Barfoot
Higher Education in British Columbia: A Plan for the Future (Brothers) 472
Mentioned: (Brothers) 473
Macfarlane, Alan B.
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 859
McGavin Foods Ltd.
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 172
McGeer, Gerald
The Conquest of Poverty referred to, quoted (LeCours) 141
Mentioned: (Hartley) 49 (McGeer) 277
McGeer, Patrick Lucey (Vancouver-Point Grey)
Abortion clinics, proposal re 33
Accelerated Park Development Act 547-8
Agricultural research, funding for 279
Alcoholic beverages, advertising of 604, 821-2
Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd., 1970 strike 32, 63-4
Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend 638-9
Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to select standing committee 639
Assessments, increase in, limit on 638-9
Auditor-general, proposal re 280, 281
Beaches, wood waste 275
Beer, price of 282
Bridge River water licences 821, 822
B.C. Ferry Corporation debt, payment of 604
B.C. Hydro, accountability of 282
B.C. Hydro accounts, documents relating to, availability of to Public Accounts Committee 340-1
B.C. Hydro accounts, examination of 281
B.C. Hydro, borrowing by 280-1
B.C. Hydro, borrowing from pension funds 281, 282
B.C. Hydro, borrowing, source of funds 605
B.C. Hydro, freight operations, turnover of to regional transit boards 469
B.C. Hydro rates, increase in 32, 34, 282
B.C. Hydro rates, level of 282
B.C. Regional Hospital Districts Financing Authority, source of funds for 604
B.C. School Districts Capital Financing Authority, source of funds for 604
B.C. Teachers' Federation, membership in as condition of employment 688
Budget, advertisements re 270-1, 286
Budget, advertisements re and federal-provincial conference, 285-6
Budget, advertisements re and welfare rolls 271
Budget, content 271
Budget document, illustrations 270
Budget, Liberal Party's proposed budget, 1970-71 fiscal year 273-4
Budget, Liberal Party's proposed budget, 1971-72 fiscal year 274-80
Building materials, sales tax exemption for 275-6
Burnaby Lake rowing course, proposal re 34
Burrard Inlet bridge, proposal re 277
Burrard Inlet crossing, funding for 277-8
Burrard Inlet crossing, need for 276-8
Canada Pension Plan funds, borrowing of 605
Cement industry, 1970 strike 32
Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Act 632
Cigarettes, advertising of 604, 632
Civil service employees, increase in number of 26
Civil service, vacancies and unemployment 272
Codyre, PA., expropriation of property of 30-1
Coloured Gasoline Tax Act, An Act to Amend 630
Commercial Transport department, abolition of, proposal re 279
Constitution, bill of rights 30
Constitution, debate on, proposal re 29-30
Constitution, language rights 30
Construction industry, 1970 strike 32
Crime victims, compensation for 279
Crown corporations, accountability of 281
Crown corporations, borrowing by 280
Crown, suits against 30
Cypress Bowl park, funding for, proposal re 280
Cypress Bowl park, government action on 274
Cypress Bowl, work on, proposal re 33
Dawson Creek, provincial government building 33
Day care, funding for 275
Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund 280
Ecological Reserves Act 753
Ecological reserves, establishment of 753
Economic council for B.C., proposal re 35-6, 274, 279
Education facilities, need for 279
Elderly, bus passes for 274
Elderly, property tax deferment, proposal for 618
Elections, ballots, preferential ballot 29
Elections, votes, value of and redistribution 29
Electoral districts, redistribution of 29
Electric power for Victoria, proposal re 275
Environment and Land Use Act 757-8
Environment and Land Use Committee, function of 757
Environmental control department, proposal for 275, 280
Environmental protection, government role in 757
Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway right-of-way, use of 278-9
Expropriation, legislation on, proposal re 31
Extended care, proposal re 274-5
Federal aid to B.C. 285-6
First Citizens' Fund, interest on, expenditure of 605
Forest industry, 1970 labour dispute 566
Gabriola Island, bridge 278
Gasoline Tax Act, 1948, An Act to Amend 626
Gasoline Tax Act, 1958, An Act to Amend 629
Gasoline tax revenue, use of 626, 629, 630
Guaranteed annual income, proposal re 275
Hansard, proposal re 30
Hearing-aid Regulation Act 664-5
Hearing-aids, provision of to elderly 665
Hearing-aids, sale of, board for regulation of 664-5
Highway 1, Upper Levels Highway, widening of 34
Highway 401, Hope-Rosedale section, widening of 33
Highways department, appropriation for 280
Highways, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend 784
Highways, land adjacent to proposed highways, disposal of 784
Homeowner grant and tenants 275, 618
Hospitals, construction of, funding for 605
Hunting as sport, phasing out of 734
Indian art, prizes for, proposal re 275
Indian festival in 1971, proposal re 275
Indians, post-secondary education 275
Industrial development fund, proposal for 272
Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce de partment, appropriation for 274
Industry, secondary industry, development of 276, 279-80
Job creation, new jobs 273
Jobs, employment and the Liberal Party's proposed budget 272
Labour department portfolio, combining of with Attorney-general department 35
Labour-management relations in B.C. 565
Legal aid 279
Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session 27
Legislature, note-taking in galleries 30
Lions Gate Bridge, construction of 277
Lions Gate Bridge tolls, removal of 276
Liquor Control Board, accountability of 282
Liquor Control Board accounts, documents relating to, availability of to Public Accounts Committee 340, 341
Liquor Control Board, operation of, examination of 281-2
Liquor Inquiry Commission, recommendations 281, 282
Marchand, Jean, tabling of correspondence, telegrams and documents re regional disparities 285-6
Mediation Commission Act and labour relations in B.C. 35
Mediation Commission Act, effectiveness of 34-5
Mediation Commisssion, failure of 566
Mentally ill children, psychiatric facilities for 34
Mobile Home Park Fee Act 798-9
Mobile home park fees, levying of 799
Mobile homes, homeowner grant for owners 798-9
Municipal bonds, provincial guarantee for 605
Municipal public works program, proposal re 276
Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend 835
Municipalities, incorporation of adjacent areas, examination of by select standing committee 515
Naramata water supply, pollution of 28
New York bridges 277
Northern B.C., federal development incentives program for 285-6
Ombudsman, proposal re 279
Pacific Great Eastern Railway borrowing, source of funds 605
Pacific Press Ltd., 1970 strike 32
Parks, funding for, use of funds 547
Pemberton-Lillooet road 276
Pension funds, investment of 281
Plebiscites, use of 29
Pollution, prevention of, government action on 27
Poolrooms Act, repeal of 821
Port Hardy, hospital 33
Postal workers, 1970 strike 32-3
Powell River, Marine Drive, widening of 33
Privilege — Prince George hospital patient, Hon. R.R. Loffmark's statement re 611 (Loffmark) 611
Provincial Elections Act, amendments to 28-9
Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 618
Public Accounts, irregularities in, procedure for dealing with 341
Public Schools Act, amendments to, referral of to select standing committee 688
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 688
Public works, centennial fund for 280
Public Works department, amalgamation of with Municipal Affairs department, proposal re 280
Pulp industry, 1970 strike 32
Queen Charlotte Islands, ferry slip 34
Rehabilitation and Social Improvement department, funding for 280
Research, science city, proposal for 274, 276, 279
Revenue, estimates of, accuracy of 282
Revenue, 1969-70 fiscal year 272
Revenue, 1970-71 fiscal year 272, 626
Sales tax 276
Sandringham Hospital labour dispute, investigation of by select standing committee 862
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, powers of 281
Senate, opposition to 29
Senate, reform of 30
Shaughnessy Golf Course, road to 33
Ski facilities, development of 548
Smoking, effects of 632
Special Funds Appropriation Act 604-6
Special funds, borrowing from 604
Special funds, use of 605-6
Special funds, use of for job creation 606
Sports hall of fame, proposal for construction of 33
Statute Law Amendment Act (1971) 821-2
Statute law amendment acts, use of 821-2
Strikes and lockouts, man-days lost 31, 32, 63-4
Strikes and lockouts, man-days lost, impact of 272
Strikes and lockouts, man-days lost, 1960 to present 32, 565
Sunday sport, plebiscite on, proposal re 29
Taxation, increase in, use of revenue 626
Taxation, overtaxation 626
Teachers' Pension Act, 1961, An Act to Amend 711-2
Teachers, pensions, level of for presently retired teachers 712
Throne speech, content 26-7
Transit, bus passes for elderly 274
Transit, bus service, reduction in 340
Transit strike 282
Truck drivers' strike, ending of 565-6
Unemployment and federal government policies 63
Unemployment and strikes 31
Unemployment problem 63-4
Unemployment rate in B.C. 63, 273
University of B.C., hospital for teaching and research, funding for 604
University of B.C., hospital for teaching and research, proposal re 279
Vancouver Island, transportation plan for 278-9
Vancouver, rapid transit system 278
Vancouver, revenue, source of 835
Vancouver, 16th Avenue, completion of 33
Vancouver, traffic problem 277
Vernon, park in downtown area 34
Vocational education facilities, funding for 273-4
Water, pollution of 28
Welfare payments, cost of 273
Welfare recipients, number of 274
Welfare recipients, number of and increase in labour force 273
Wildlife Act, An Act to Amend 734
Winter sports, facilities for 547-8
McGeer, Rick
Mentioned: (Hall) 236
McGill University
Mentioned: (Dailly) 209 (Tisdalle) 111
MacInnis, Grace
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 449 (Kripps) 212
MacIntosh, W.K.
Mentioned: (Peterson) 580
MacIntosh Centre Ltd.
Kelowna shopping centre. See entries under name of city
Mentioned: (Strachan) 354, 355 (Williams, R.A.) 173, 535
Mackasey, Bryce
Quoted (Peterson) 540
Mentioned: (Dowding) 395
Mackenzie, B.C.
Peace River South constituency, transfer to, proposal re (Marshall) 159
Mckenzie v. McKenzie
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 741
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 637
McLeese Lake, B.C.
Copper mine (Fraser) 178-9
MacMillan, H.R.
Mentioned: (Bennett) 577
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.
Port Alberni land, assessment of (Barrett) 766 (Strachan) 762
Mentioned: (Barrett) 765 (McDiarmid) 306 (Macdonald) 128
McNiven, Margaret
Letter quoted (Barrett) 701
McTaggart-Cowan, Patrick
Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 162
Mahood, Ian S.
The Land of Macquinna, statement re (Calder) 725
Tribute to (Calder) 725
Maintenance (Domestic relations)
See: Support (Domestic relations)
Makaroff, Robert
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 308
Malis, Ron P
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 310
Mamit Lake, B.C.
Road (Hartley) 498
Employment programs (Capozzi) 61
Industries (Skillings) 327
Unemployment (Chabot) 319
Manning Provincial Park
Additions to (Kiernan) 588
Development of, work on (Kiernan) 589
Lodge, operation of (Kiernan) 100-1
Ski development, Gibson Pass (Kiernan) 102
Mentioned: (Capozzi) 590 (Hartley) 48 (Williston) 82
Maralgo Mines Ltd.
Mentioned: (Barrett) 796
Marathon Realty Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Hon. member) 125 (McCarthy) 124, 125 (Williams, R.A.) 174, 175, 176
Marchand, Jean
Letters, telegrams and other documents from tabled (Campbell, D.) 284, 613
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 241 (McCarthy) 126 (McDiarmid) 309, 310 (Skillings) 326 (Strachan) 353
Marchand, Len
Mentioned: (Calder) 49
Legalization of (Loffmark) 292 (Tisdalle) 111
Use of (Bruch) 372 (McCarthy) 410 (Ney) 317 (Tisdalle) 113
Marine algae
Seaweed, harvesting of (Tisdalle) 465-6
Marine pollution
Ocean, pollution of (Chabot) 11, 11-2
Marital property
Legislation on (Dawson) 167
Mark Creek, B.C.
Pollution of (Barrett) 22 (Nimsick) 756
Marketing boards
Marketing boards in B.C. (Shelford) 402-3
Operation of (Mussallem) 419
Banns, publishing of (Loffmark) 779
Civil marriage certificates (Loffmark) 670
Marriage Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Premarital counselling, proposal re (Barrett) 670, 778-9
Public trustee, consent of (Loffmark) 670
Waiting-period for (Barrett) 670, 778 (Loffmark) 670
Marriage Act
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 4 (Wenman) 381
Marriage Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 44) (Minister of Health Services and Hospital Insurance) 1R, 643; 2R, 670, 778-9; report 793; 3R, 838; RA, 864
Divisions: 2R, 779
Speakers: Barrett 670, 778-9; Loffmark 670, 779; Macdonald 779
Banns, publishing of (Loffmark) 779
Civil marriages, certificates (Loffmark) 670
Marriage, consent of public trustee (Loffmark) 670
Marriage, waiting-period for (Barrett) 670, 778 (Loffmark) 670
Premarital counselling, proposal for (Barrett) 670, 778-9
Married women
Names, use of prefix to denote marital status (Dawson) 167
Surnames, retention of (Cocke) 105
Marsh, G.M.
Mentioned: (Dailly) 461
Marshall, Donald Albert (South Peace River)
Address in Reply 154-60
Agriculture, federal agricultural policies 157
Alfalfa pellets, export of to Japan 509
Alfalfa, production of dehydrated alfalfa 158
Budget debate 508-11
Capital of B.C., relocation of, proposal re 159
Capital punishment 155
Chetwynd houses, David Barrett's remarks re 155, 508
Courthouse, Dawson Creek 155
Employees, on-the-job training programs 510
FLQ policies, advocacy of, order-in-council re 155
Farmland, assessment of 509
Farmland, rent on and property taxes 509
Farmland, taxation of elsewhere 509
Food, markups on 158
Fort Nelson-Fort Simpson road, proposal re 158
Grain farmers, threat re payment of taxes 508
Grain growing, federal stabilization plan for 157
Guaranteed annual income 509-10
Guaranteed annual income, White Paper on 509
Highway 97, Alaska Highway, paving of 158
Highway 97, Alaska Highway, upgrading of 158, 159
Homeowner grant 508
Homeowner grant, level of, proposal re 509
Hostel system 511
Job creation 510
Livestock Feed Board subsidy, removal of 158
Mackenzie, transfer of to Peace River South constituency 159
Marchand, Jean, tabling of correspondence, telegrams and documents re regional disparities 283
Natural gas, sales to United States 159-60
Northern B.C., federal development incentives program for 283
Pacific Great Eastern Railway, extension of to Liard 159
Peace River area climate 158
Petrochemicals plant, Taylor, proposal re 159
Procter and Gamble of Canada Ltd., Grande Prairie pulp mill 283
Subsidies 156
Subsidy to textile industry 156
Teacher in Peace River, dismissal of 154-5
Teacher in Peace River, statement re FLQ 154-5
Unemployed, training program for 510
Unemployment 510
Unemployment insurance 510
W.A.C. Bennett Dam, benefits of 154
Welfare program 510
Welfare rates 510-1
Wheat Board, challenges to validity of 157
Wheat Board, powers of 157
Wheat Board, proposal re 157-8
Wheat, Crown-owned agency for, proposal re 158
Wheat farming 156-7
Wheat, Lower Inventory for Tomorrow program 157
Wheat, quota system for 156
Wheat, subsidy for acreage taken out of cultivation 156
Marshall, Marion Young
Mentioned: (Kripps) 212
Martin, Eric
Mentioned: (Barrett) 263
Mathematics — Study and teaching
New math (Brothers) 470-1
Matsqui Institution, Matsqui, B.C.
Failure of (Loffmark) 603 (Price) 599 (Vogel) 717
May, Sir Thomas Erskine
Parliamentary Practice mentioned (Barrett) 769 (Dowding) 746 (Macdonald) 611 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 7, 322, 768
Parliamentary Practice quoted (Macdonald) 585 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 123, 321, 769, 853
Medawar, Sir Peter
Mentioned: (Wallace) 15
Mediation Commission
Annual report tabled (Peterson) 6
Annual reports (Hall) 477
Applications to (Hall) 477
Boycott of (Bruch) 373 (Hall) 476 (Peterson) 43
B.C. Federation of Labour boycott of (Chabot) 10 (Hall) 476
Commissioners (Peterson) 42
Economist, employment of (Hall) 477
Employees, information re (Hall) 477
Failure of (Cocke) 572-3 (Dowding) 574
Hearings in 1969 (Hall) 477
Offices (Hall) 477
Operation of (Hall) 477 (McGeer) 566
Transit strike, report on (Hall) 477
Truck drivers, labour dispute, referral of to commission (Peterson) 557
Use of (Hall) 476 (Macdonald) 564
Use of by government (Brousson) 562-3 (Williams, L.A.) 561
Work of (Dowding) 395
Mentioned: (Bruch) 573 (Hall) 579 (Little) 119-20 (McDiarmid) 310 (McGeer) 35 (Merilees) 192 (Peterson) 41, 862
Mediation Commission Act
Arbitration under act (Throne speech) 3
Effectiveness of (Chabot) 10-1 (McGeer) 34-5
Labour relations in B.C. and act (Cocke) 572-3 (McGeer) 35 (Peterson) 41
Penalty clauses, review of (Chabot) 10
Section 18, use of (Chabot) 10, 11
Mentioned: (Chabot) 10 (Clark) 569 (Dailly) 570 (Dowding) 395, 574 (Little) 119 (Macdonald) 128, 564, 565 (McGeer) 32, 33, 566 (Nimsick) 567 (Peterson) 42, 556, 862 (Price) 566 (Strachan) 571 (Vogel) 568, 569 (Williams, L.A.) 561
Medical Act
Mentioned: (Nimsick) 690
Medical care
Clearwater, diagnostic and treatment centre (Loffmark) 287, 288
Federal review of medical care plan (Black) 497
Group health practices, proposal for (Hartley) 501
Health Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act Health care, cost of (Hartley) 498, 499, 500
Health care, proposals re (Gardom) 228-9
Health care system (Cocke) 104
Health units, staff for (Strachan) 360
Health units without directors (Barrett) 263
Medical care plan (Bennett) 261 (Black) 497-8 (Hartley) 498
Medical health officers, designation of, powers re (Loffmark) 797
Paramedical services, cost of (Black) 497-8
Puget Sound Group Health Plan mentioned (Hartley) 500
Sault Ste. Marie medical clinic mentioned (Hartley) 500
United States, health care (Loffmark) 294
Medical jurisprudence
Forensic clinic for B.C. (Dailly) 461
Medical laboratories
Lab tests, performance of (Black) 498
Medical Services Commission
Responsibility for, proposal re (Cocke) 105
Medical Services Plan of British Columbia
Billing arrangements, opting out of (Hartley) 500
Government contribution to (Bennett) 258
Operating statement tabled (Black) 643
Physicians, payments to (Hartley) 499
Federal review of medical care plan (Black) 497
Great Britain, national health program (Black) 498 (Dailly) 461 (Loffmark) 294
Medical care plan in B.C. (Bennett) 261 (Black) 497-8 (Hartley) 498
Medicine, Preventive
Funding for (Cocke) 104
Preventive medicine (Hartley) 498, 499-500, 679 (Nimsick) 296
Meikle, Morris
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 174
Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Act
Annual report of business done under act tabled (Black) 5
Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 6) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 7; 2R, 675-6; 3R, 731; RA, 864
Speakers: Black 675-6
Averaging period for pensions (Black) 675
Memorial Society of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 414
Mental health branch
Annual report tabled (Loffmark) 583
Mental health services
Appropriation for (Bennett) 261
Duncan-Ladysmith area, psychiatric service (Strachan) 83
Powell River mental health clinic (Dawson) 455
Mentally handicapped
Interests of, protection of (Dowding) 656 (Peterson) 654, 655, 656 (Williams, L.A.) 655
Settled Estates Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Variation of Trusts Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Mentally ill
Patients, number of (Throne speech) 4
Mentally ill children
Psychiatric facilities for (McGeer) 34 (Strachan) 85
Merchant marine
Exports, shipping of in Canadian ships (Lorimer) 189 (Merilees) 193
Merchant Service Guild
Mentioned: (McGeer) 32 (Strachan) 571
Farm produce, mercury in (Shelford) 404
Fish, mercury in (Chabot) 11 (Dowding) 396
Pollution (Dowding) 396 (Williston) 79
Water, mercury in (Shelford) 404
Merilees, Harold J. (Vancouver-Burrard)
Address in Reply 191-4
B.C. Federation of Labour and NDP 192
Budget debate 441-5
Burrard Inlet crossing, need for 443
Burrard Inlet, tunnel proposal for 443
Campbell River, damming of 442
China, recognition of 194
China, trade and travel mission to 194
Coast, protection of 193
Electric power rates, level of and industry 444
Exports, shipping of in Canadian ships 193
Fish production, rivers on coast 441-2
Fish wardens, patrolling of rivers by 442
Highway 1, Upper Levels Highway, four-laning of 193
Highway 16, Prince Rupert area 193
Highway 19, Kelsey Bay-Beaver Cove extension 193
Hotel, motel room tax, levying of 441
Illness, report on (Speaker) 577, 606 (Bennett) 855
Immigrants in Vancouver, problems of 442-3
Investment in B.C. 191-2
Japan, tourist promotion team 194
Landing strips, construction of 193
Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session 192, 193
Oil spills, danger of and tanker traffic 193-4
Pacific Rim and B.C. 194
Queen Charlotte Islands, ferry service to 193
Salmon River, salmon run 442
Seaboard Assurance Company Act, 1953, An Act to Amend (Bill 54) 1R, 349; petition 286
Sessional allowance, payment of (Black) 855
Strait of Juan de Fuca, nerve gas shipments 193
Street-lighting and crime 443-4
Tourist industry in B.C., government policy on 441
Transit, labour dispute 192
Vancouver, Broadway 191
Vancouver-Burrard constituency, street-lighting 444
Vancouver, development of, meeting on 443
Vancouver, rapid transit, federal funds for 443
Vancouver, street lighting 191, 443-5
Vancouver transit, Deleuw Cather study report 443
Wages, level of in B.C. 192
Wages, level of in industry 192
Water pollution, west coast of North America 442
Merritt highway
See: Highway 5
Metro Concrete Ltd.
Mentioned: (McGeer) 32
Mica Dam
Construction of (Bennett) 256 (Throne speech) 2
Pondage, clearing of (Barrett) 23
Mentioned: (Nimsick) 147
Michel, B.C.
Relocation of (Nimsick) 298
Michelin Capital Ltd.
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242
Military service, Compulsory — Resisters
Draft dodgers (Clark) 222
Unemployment and draft dodgers (Bruch) 64
Production of in B.C. (Shelford) 403
Milk Board
Annual report tabled (Shelford) 607
Mineral Act
Revision of, requests for (Hall) 235
Mentioned: (Richter) 351
Mineral industries
Mines Regulation Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Mines and mineral resources
Jobs in mining industry (Richter) 350
Land, use of for mines (Richter) 351 (Shelford) 594
Mine reclamation work (Richter) 669
Mining industry (Bennett) 257 (Richter) 349-50 (Skillings) 325-6
New mines (Throne speech) 2
Products, market for (Richter) 350
Revenue to province (Gardom) 228
Mines and Petroleum Resources, Department of
Annual report tabled (Richter) 5
Mines Regulation Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 42) (Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources) 1R, 609; 2R, 669, 777; 3R, 793; RA, 864
Speakers: Nimsick 777; Richter 669
Mine reclamation work (Richter) 669
Mini-Skool Ltd.
Operation of (Kripps) 512
Mining Association of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Brothers) 470
Mining schools and education
Mining course, site for (Little) 447-8
See also: Rossland Mining School, Rossland, B.C.
Mining Tax Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 20) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 262
Travel (Macdonald) 128 (Nimsick) 148
Mink farming
Mink farmers, problems (Shelford) 403
See: Children
Mobile Home Park Fee Act
(Bill 78) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 743; 2R, 798-802; 3R, 838; RA, 864
Divisions: 3R, 838
Speakers: Campbell, D. 798; Dowding 801-2; Hall 798; Hartley 801; McGeer 798-9; Nimsick 800-1; Strachan 799-800; Tisdalle 800
Assessment of mobile-home parks (Campbell, D.) 798 (Dowding) 801 (Hall) 798 (Nimsick) 800-1 (Strachan) 799
Fees, basis for (Hall) 798
Fees, defaulters, penalties for (Dowding) 801-2
Fees, examination of by Select Standing Committee on Municipal Matters (Nimsick) 801
Fees, levying of (Dowding) 801-2 (Hall) 798 (Hartley) 801 (McGeer) 799 (Nimsick) 801 (Strachan) 799
Fees, schedule of (Campbell, D.) 798
Homeowner grant for owners (Hall) 798 (McGeer) 798-9 (Strachan) 799
Mobile-home parks, density (Strachan) 799
Mobile-home parks, regulation of (Campbell, D.) 798 (Hall) 798
Mobile-home parks, sites for (Tisdalle) 800
Mobile homes (Tisdalle) 800
Proclamation of act (Campbell, D.) 798
Mobile homes
Fire protection for mobile-home parks (Dowding) 760 (Williston) 759
Homeowner grant for owners (Hall) 798 (McGeer) 798-9 (Strachan) 799
Legislation on (Strachan) 622
Manufacturing industry, study on (Skillings) 325
Mobile Home Park Fee Act. See name of act Mobile homes (Tisdalle) 800
Parks, assessment of (Campbell, D.) 798 (Dowding) 801 (Hall) 798 (Nimsick) 800-1 (Strachan) 799
Parks, density (Strachan) 799
Parks, fees, basis for (Hall) 798
Parks, fees, examination of by select standing committee (Nimsick) 801
Parks, fees, levying of (Dowding) 801-2 (Hall) 798 (Hartley) 801 (McGeer) 799 (Nimsick) 801 (Strachan) 799
Parks, fees, penalties for defaulters (Dowding) 801-2
Parks, fees, schedule of (Campbell, D.) 798
Parks, regulation of (Campbell, D.) 798 (Hall) 798
Parks, sites for (Tisdalle) 800
Provincial home acquisition fund grants, use of for purchase of (Bennett) 623 (Nimsick) 622 (Strachan) 622-3 (Williams, R.A.) 623
Taxation of (Jefcoat) 166 (Smith) 74
Water Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act See also: Camping trailers
Monetary policy
Federal policy (Bennett) 254-5 (Loffmark) 295 (Richter) 349
Proposal re (LeCours) 141
Montreal Gazette, Montreal, Que.
Mentioned: (McGeer) 270
Moore, Gordon
Mentioned: (Williston) 524
Moore, J.O.
Quoted (McGeer) 639
Moore, Patrick
Mentioned: (Hall) 231
Moosehead Brewery
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242
Moran dam
See entries under Fraser River, B.C. Morice River, B.C.
Pulp mill pollution of (Little) 120
Morning Herald and Advocate, Newcastle, Australia
Quoted (Campbell, B.) 619
Morrow, Charles William
See also: Liquor Inquiry Commission (1969) ; Royal Commission on Gasoline Price Structure (1963)
Mortgage Brokers Act
(Bill 38) (Attorney-General) 1R, 609; 2R, 668-9, 773-7; report, 795; 3R, 838; RA, 864
Speakers: Gardom 775-6; Macdonald 668-9; Mussallem 776; Ney 669; Peterson 668, 776-7; Williams, L.A. 669, 773-5
Interest rates (Macdonald) 668-9
Land title registration system and act (Gardom) 775 (Williams, L.A.) 775
Mortgage and loss of property, case cited (Williams, L.A.) 773
Mortgage brokers, ownership of companies, disclosure of (Macdonald) 668
Mortgage brokers, registration of (Peterson) 668, 777 (Williams, L.A.) 774
Mortgage costs, cases cited (Peterson) 777
Mortgage costs, disclosure of, requirements for (Gardom) 775-6 (Macdonald) 669 (Peterson) 668, 776-7
Mortgages, processing of, delays in (Ney) 669
Notaries public and act (Mussallem) 776 (Peterson) 777
Proclamation of act (Peterson) 668, 777
Registrar, powers of (Peterson) 777 (Williams, L.A.) 774, 775
Regulations under act (Williams, L.A.) 775
Trust companies, exemption of from act (Gardom) 775 (Williams, L.A.) 774
Mentioned: (Gardom) 803
Costs of, cases cited 777
Costs of, disclosure of, requirement for (Gardom) 775-6 (Macdonald) 669 (Peterson) 668, 776-7
Interest on, deduction of from income tax, proposal re (Capozzi) 197
Interest rates and mortgages, case cited (Cocke) 107
Mortgage Brokers Act. See name of act
Mortgage brokers, ownership of companies, disclosure of (Macdonald) 668
Mortgage brokers, registration of (Peterson) 668, 777 (Williams, L.A.) 774
Processing of, delays in (Ney) 669
Property, loss of, case cited (Williams, L.A.) 773
Second-mortgage loan program (Bennett) 621 (Jefcoat) 305 (Jordan) 205
Hotel and Motel Room Tax Act. See name of act
Room tax, levying of (Bennett) 259 (Bruch) 371 (Gardom) 480 (Merilees) 441 (Skillings) 328-9
Non-working mothers (Wenman) 382
Amalgamated Transit Union strike against B.C. Hydro transit, M. (Peterson) withdrawn 321
Debate on (Barrett) 553 (Clark) 553-4 (Dowding) 554 (Nimsick) 863-4 (Speaker) 553, 554, 555 (Williams, L.A.) 554-5
General Truck Drivers' and Helpers' Union, Local 31, work stoppage, ending of (Motion 14) (Peterson) 555, approved 582. Amdt. (Williams, L.A.) 561, negatived 563. Speakers: Barrett 558-60, 562; Bennett 577; Brousson 562-3; Bruch 573-4; Capozzi 570-1; Clark 563-4, 569; Cocke 572-3; Dailly 570; Dowding 574-5; Gardom 577-8; Hall 578-9; LeCours 569-70
McDiarmid 575-6; Macdonald 564-5; McGeer 565-6; Nimsick 567-8; Peterson 555-8, 561-2, 579-80; Price 566-7; Strachan 571-2; Vogel 568-9; Williams, L.A. 560-1
Legislature, sittings, adjournment time (Motion 1) (Bennett) 36, approved 38. Speakers: Barrett 37; Bennett 37; Macdonald 37; Nimsick 36-7; Strachan 37; Williams, L.A. 37-8
Little, Dudley George, payment of sessional allowance to (Motion 36) (Black) 855; approved 855
Marchand, Jean, tabling of correspondence, telegrams and documents re regional disparities M. (Smith) 282-3, approved 286. Speakers: Barrett 284; Campbell, D. 284; Dowding 285; McGeer 285-6
Marshall 283; Skillings 285; Williams, L.A. 284-5
Merilees, Harold James, payment of sessional allowance to (Motion 35) (Black) 855, approved 855
Offshore drilling, ban on, proposal for (Motion 7) (Hall) 859-60; approved 860. Speakers: Hall 859-60; Peterson 860
Oil, transport of along B.C. coast, request to federal government re, M. (McDiarmid) 245; approved 252. Amdt. (Barrett) 248, out of order 248. Speakers: Barrett 248-9, 249-50; Bruch 252; Capozzi 250-1; McDiarmid 245-7; Strachan 249, 250; Tisdalle 251; Wenman 247-8; Williams, L.A. 251-2; Williston 249
Public Accounts, referral of to Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, M. (Bennett) approved 253. Amdt. (McGeer) 253, out of order 253
Sandringham Hospital labour dispute, investigation of by select standing committee (Motion 11) (Barrett) 860-3; negatived 863. Speakers: Barrett 860-1; Capozzi 861; Cocke 863; Dowding 863; Hall 862; Macdonald 863; McGeer 862; Nimsick 862; Peterson 862-3; Wallace 861
Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills, report (Motion 28) (Hall) 859
Teachers, tenure for, examination of by Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education, M. (Brothers) 321, approved 323. Amdt. (Dailly) 321, out of order 321. Speakers: Barrett 322; Brothers 323; Dailly 322; Dowding 322
Tree-farm licences, contractor clause in, and debris in Strait of Georgia, referral to committee, M. (Williston) 370, approved 371. Amdt. (Dowding) withdrawn 383. Speakers: Dowding 371; Williston 370
Motive-fuel Use Tax Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 17) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 262; 2R, 631; 3R, 731; RA, 864
Divisions: 2R, 631
Speakers: Bennett 631; Williams, R.A. 631
Diesel fuel tax, increase in (Bennett) 631
Diesel fuel tax, increase in, impact of (Williams, R.A.) 631
Motor Carrier Act
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 2
Motor fuels
See also: Diesel fuels
Motor fuels — Taxation
Motive-fuel Use Tax Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Tax, increase in (Bennett) 259, 631 (Jefcoat) 305 (Williams, R.A.) 631
Motor trucks
See: Trucks
Motor-vehicle Act
Mentioned: (Gardom) 484 (Peterson) 44, 542
Motor vehicle branch
Annual report tabled (Peterson) 5
Mount Arrowsmith, B.C.
Development of (McDiarmid) 306
Mount Pleasant Funeral Home, Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 414
Mount Robson Provincial Park
Mentioned: (Kiernan) 100
Mount Seymour Provincial Park
Chalet (Clark) 218
Development of (Barrett) 586 (Clark) 218
Signs (Clark) 218 (Kiernan) 102
Ski development (Capozzi) 590 (Kiernan) 101-2
Trails (Clark) 218 (Kiernan) 102, 588
Mentioned: (Capozzi) 590 (Price) 597
Mountain Timbers Ltd.
Bankruptcy case (Dowding) 117-8
Mentioned: (Dowding) 116, 117 (Williams, L.A.) 160
Moving-picture industry
Saanich, film industry for (Tisdalle) 466
Municipal Act
Mentioned: (Barrett) 766 (Black) 654 (Campbell, D.) 244, 450, 798 (Capozzi) 803 (Dowding) 760, 801, 802 (Kiernan) 100 (Nimsick) 800 (Strachan) 761
Municipal Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 91) (Hall) 1R, 725; 2R, 855-6; dropped from order paper 856
Developers, requirement to donate land for public purposes (Hall) 856
Schools in new developments, sites for (Hall) 856
Municipal Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 100) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 791; 2R, 829-33; 3R, 854; RA, 864
Speakers: Brousson 830; Bruch 830; Campbell, B. 832; Campbell, D. 829, 833; Clark 833; Lorimer 829; Strachan 831-2; Tisdalle 831; Wenman 829-30; Williams, L.A. 830-1; Williams, R.A. 832
Building code, adoption of National Building Code (Brousson) 830 (Bruch) 830 (Campbell, D.) 829 (Tisdalle) 831
Building code appeal board, representation on (Brousson) 830
Building code, changes to (Brousson) 830
Bylaws, votes on, requirement for majority (Campbell, B.) 832 (Wenman) 829-30
Community plan and forests in area (Campbell, D.) 833 (Lorimer) 829 (Williams, R.A.) 832
Land use contracts, use of (Campbell, D.) 829 (Williams, L.A.) 830 (Williams, R.A.) 832
Local government, status of and minister's powers (Williams, L.A.) 830-1
Municipalities, borrowing by (Strachan) 831-2
Municipalities, funding for (Strachan) 832
Municipalities, tax sale lands, reversion of (Clark) 833
Plumbing code for B.C. (Brousson) 830
Regional districts, powers of and minister's powers (Campbell, D.) 833
Resource management policies, development of by regional districts (Williams, R.A.) 832
Septic tanks, specifications for (Bruch) 830
Zoning decisions, minister's powers re (Williams, L.A.) 831
Zoning, density zoning, proposal re (Bruch) 830
Municipal Affairs, Department of
Administrative costs (Gardom) 482
Annual report tabled (Campbell, D.) 6
Public Works department, amalgamation with, proposal re (McGeer) 280
Municipal bonds
Income tax relief for purchasers (Gardom) 226
Provincial guarantee for (Gardom) 226 (McGeer) 605
Municipal elections
See: Local elections
Municipal finance
Borrowing (Strachan) 831-2
Capital budgets, five-year budgeting programs (Campbell, D.) 450
Capital requirements, source of funds for (Campbell, D.) 243
Census and municipal grants (Fraser) 425
Centennial fund for public works, proposal re (McGeer) 280
Funding (Strachan) 832
Funding, provincial funds (Bennett) 261 (Campbell, D.) 450 (Williams, L.A.) 533
Funding, provincial funds, interest on (Strachan) 357
Funding, provincial funds, per capita grants (Fraser) 425 (Gardom) 482-3
Homeowner grant funds, late receipt of (Clark) 220
Loans to municipalities for job creation (Nimsick) 303
New communities, funding for services (Campbell, D.) 241
Property tax, increase in (Clark) 220, 421-2
Welfare costs (Fraser) 178 (Hall) 230 (Lorimer) 375 (Wolfe) 345
Welfare costs, reduction in (Bennett) 258 (Chabot) 321 (Clark) 422 (Strachan) 360
Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia
Commended (McDiarmid) 307
Fiscal agent, appointment of (Lorimer) 376
Funds for, source of (Campbell, D.) 600
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 449 (Fraser) 426
Municipal officials and employees
Municipal Superannuation Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Pensions (Black) 671-2 (Cocke) 672
Municipal services
New communities, funding for services (Campbell, D.) 241
Municipal Superannuation Act
Annual report of business done under act tabled (Black) 5
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 3
Municipal Superannuation Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 3) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 7; 2R, 671-2; 3R, 731; RA, 864
Speakers: Black 671-2; Cocke 672
Municipal pensions, provisions re (Black) 671-2 (Cocke) 672
Municipal superannuation fund
Funds, use of by B.C. Hydro (Williams, L.A.) 163
Municipal works program
See entries under Public works
Administrative costs (Campbell, D.) 243-4 (Gardom) 482
Bylaws, votes on, requirement for majority (Campbell, B.) 832 (Wenman) 829-30
Finance. See Municipal finance Government policy on (Strachan) 353
Incorporation of adjacent areas, examination of by Select Standing Committee on Municipal Matters (Barrett) 515 (Campbell, D.) 514-5 (Dowding) 516 (McGeer) 515 (Strachan) 515-6 (Williams, R.A.) 516
New towns, federal assistance to (Williston) 523-4
Planning, long-term planning (Dailly) 462
Referendums, vote on (Campbell, D.) 450
Status of and minister's powers (Williams, L.A.) 830-1
Status of, change in to city status (Dowding) 516
Tax sale lands, reversion of (Clark) 833
Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 104) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 791; 2R, 834-613R, 854; RA, 864
Divisions: C, 854
Speakers: Campbell, D. 834, 835-6; Gardom 835; Hall 834; McGeer 835; Williams, R.A. 834-5
Sections 194 and 195, deletion of (Campbell, D.) 834
Vancouver area parks, costs of (Hall) 834
Vancouver, charter for (Hall) 834 (Williams, R.A.) 834
Vancouver, revenue, source of (Gardom) 835 (McGeer) 835 (Williams, R.A.) 834-5
Munro, John
Marijuana, statements re use of (McCarthy) 410
Quoted (Price) 528
Mentioned: (Dailly) 463 (Loffmark) 293, 295, 604
Murakami, E.K.
Mentioned: (Hartley) 47
Murdoch, Frank
Quoted (Clark) 220
Mussallem, George (Dewdney)
Accelerated Park Development Act 595
Address in Reply 183-6
Alouette Lake, water level 595
Alouette River, water flow 595
Auto Pact agreement 184
Boundaries of B.C., extension of, proposal re 185
Budget debate 416-20
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, coverage of B.C. news 417-8
Commonwealth of Nations, preservation of 185, 185-6
Consumer Protection Act, An Act to Amend 658-9
Ecological Reserves Act 751-2
Elderly, home for, CBC coverage of opening of 418
Elderly, home for, funding for 418
Environment and Land Use Act 758
Environmental protection, government role in 758
Federal funds for B.C. 184
Federal funds, grants elsewhere in Canada 184
Golden Ears Provincial Park, funding for 595
Golden Ears Provincial Park, parking area 595
Golden Ears Provincial Park, road for 595
Government airplane, sale of 447
Government airplanes, ministers' wives on flights 417
Government airplanes, safety of 417
Greenbelts 420
Income, guaranteed income 185
Indians, Williston Lake area, CBC program on 417-8
Langley, bridge to Haney 184
Marketing boards, operation of 419
Mortgage Brokers Act 776
Mortgage Brokers Act and notaries public 776
Pollution 758
Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 620
Skagit Valley, flooding of 758
Taxation, federal White Paper on 185
Teachers' Pension Act, 1961, An Act to Amend 711
Teachers, pensions, level of for presently retired teachers 711
Unemployment 185
Used cars, accidents to, reporting of 419
Used cars, odometer readings 419
Vegetable-seller in Mission, case cited 419