Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Gabriola Island, B.C.

Vancouver Island, bridge to (McGeer) 278

Gaglardi, Hon. Philip Arthur (Kamloops) Minister of Rehabilitation and Social Improvement

Alcoholic beverages, advertising of in newspapers, ban on 822-3

Bonde, Alex, employment of by federal government 385-6

Budget debate 385-91

Commonwealth of Nations, membership in 385

Drinking drivers 822

Environmental protection, public concern re 386-7

Federal government, B.C. funds to 385

Highways, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend 782-3

Highways, lands adjacent to proposed highways, acquisition of 782-3

Highways, lands adjacent to proposed highways, disposal of 783

Home ownership 391

Inflation 388

Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session 387

Provincial Alliance of Businessmen for Human Resources, work of 388

Resignation of as Minister of Highways (Barrett) 780

School, experiences in referred to 389-90

Schools, corporal punishment in 389-90

Social programs, funding for 387-8

Statute Law Amendment Act (1971) 822-3

Taxation, federal policy on, proposal re 390

Taxation, federal White Paper on 388

Unemployment 385, 388

Unemployment, federal policy on 390

Welfare rates 391

Welfare recipients, employment for 388-9

Welfare recipients, number of 385

Welfare recipients, training for 389

Welfare recipients, unemployed employables 388, 389

Young people 389-90

Gallagher, S.J.

Mentioned: (Hartley) 501

Game and game birds

Game, definition of (Kiernan) 732

Game, designation of animal species as (Dowding) 735

Game conservation fund

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 721

Game management

See: Wildlife management

Game protection

Alaska, hunters flying into B.C. from (Calder) 437

Big game, protection for (Calder) 437

Game wardens

Need for in northern B.C. (Calder) 437

Prince George, flying game warden (Calder) 437

Gang Ranch

Ownership of (Macdonald) 131


See: Refuse and refuse disposal


Income tax exemption for gardening services, proposal re (Jordan) 206

Gardom, Garde Basil (Vancouver-Point Grey)

Address in Reply 225-9

Alcoholism, rehabilitation, funding for 227

Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend 766-7

Assessments, increase in, limit on 766-7

Assets, provincial assets, value of 481

Attorney-general department, separation of from Labour department, proposal re 227

Auditor-general, proposal re 227

Automobile insurance, interest on prepaid premiums 229

Automobiles, inspection of, proposal re 229, 484-5

Automobiles, manufacture of, bumpers 229

Automobiles, safety standards for 485

Benson, Edgar J., letter from tabled 613

B.C. Hydro accounts, access to 481

B.C. Hydro accounts, documents relating to, availability of to Public Accounts Committee 342-3

B.C. Hydro, debt 481

B.C. Hydro, profit 481

B.C. Hydro, transit subsidy 481

B.C. Hydro, transit system deficit 481-2

B.C. Law Reform Commission, work of 227

Budget debate 342-3, 480-5

Building materials, sales tax exemption for 226

Cigarette Advertising, An Act for the Regulation of (Bill 9) 1R, 123; 645

Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Act 633-4

Cigarette packages, health warning for 807

Cigarettes, advertising of, ban on 807

Cigarettes, tax increase, use of revenue 634

Companies, private bill companies, standards for 837

Conflict of interest, legislation on 227

Coroners, payment to 737

Crime victims, compensation for 227

Crown, suits against 227, 483

Cypress Bowl, name for 229

Day care facilities; assistance for 229

Debt, per capita debt 480

Debt, provincial debt 480-1

Democracy 225

Driver education course in high schools 229, 484

Drunk driving, fine system for 485

Economic council for B.C., proposal for 226

Elderly, housing for 226

Elderly, property tax deferment, proposal for 226

Election campaign funds, tax exemption for donations to 228

Election expenses, proposal re 228

Election, 1969, government advertisements during period of 482

Elections, date of, proposal for fixed date for 227-8

Elections, government advertising during pre-election period 228

Environment department, proposal for 226, 227

Expropriation, compensation act, proposal for 227

Farm produce, marketing of 228

Fisheries department, proposal re 227

Fluoridation of water 228

Forest industry, inquiry into, proposal for 228

General Truck Drivers and Helpers Union, Local 31, work stoppage, ending of 577-8

Hansard, proposal re 227

Health care, proposal re 228-9

Hotel and motel room tax 480

Indians, services to 229

Industry, environmental standards for 226-7

Industry, government contracts and environmental standards 227

Industry, secondary industry for B.C. 228

Insurance Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 99) 1R, 729

Insurance adjusters, qualifications and standards for 857-8, 858

Investors, protection for 227

Jury Act, An Act to Amend 737

Land title registration system and Mortgage Brokers Act 775

Lawyers, fines for, use of revenue 803

Lawyers, suspension of, powers re 803

Legal aid 227

Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend 803

Legislature, broadcasting of debates 227

Legislature, note-taking in gallery 227

Legislature, oral question period, proposal for 227

Legislature, televising of debates 227

Liquor Control Board accounts, documents relating to, availability to Public Accounts Committee 342-3

Liquor outlets, proposal re 227

Maintenance orders, enforcement of 740

Maintenance orders, enforcement of and commonlaw relations 740

Maintenance orders, out-of-province judgments, appeals against 429-30

Mining industry, revenue to province 228

Mortgage Brokers Act 775-6

Mortgage costs, disclosure of, requirement for 775-6

Municipal Affairs department, administrative costs 482

Municipal bonds, income tax relief for purchasers 226

Municipal bonds, provincial guarantee for 226

Municipalities, administrative costs 482

Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend 835

Municipalities, provincial per capita grants 482-3

Ombudsman, function of, performance of by MLAs 483

Ombudsman, history of 483-4

Ombudsman, need for 483

Ombudsman, powers of 484

Ombudsman, proposal re 227

Pacific Great Eastern Railway accounts, documents relating to, availability of to Public Accounts Committee 342-3

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, debt 481

Pensions, investments, return on 228

Post-secondary education, standard for 228

Private schools, funding for, provincial funds 228

Property tax, basis for, proposal re 226

Public accounts, proposal for examination of 482

Queen Elizabeth's visit to B.C. 225-6

Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders, An Act to Amend 429-30

Recreation program 229

Rehabilitation and Social Improvement department, investigation into 229

Research park, University Endowment Lands 228

Schools, community use of 228

Seaboard Assurance Company Act, 1953, An Act to Amend 837

Select standing committees, use of, proposal re 227

Skagit Valley, preservation of 229

Small Claims Act, An Act to Amend 747

Small claims court, jurisdiction of 747

Smoking, education to prevent 634

Smoking, tax increase as deterrent 633

Taxation, increase in 480

Teachers, merit pay for, proposal re 228

Teachers' Pension Act, 1961, An Act to Amend 705-6

Teachers, pensions, letters re quoted, referred to 705-6

Teachers, pensions, level of for presently retired teachers 705-6

Throne speech, content 225

Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act 807

Traffic accidents, cause of 485

Traffic accidents, prevention of 484-5

Transit, bus passes for elderly 481

Transit, bus service, reduction in 343

Transit, Sunday passes, reinstatement of 481

Transit system for lower mainland area 226

Trust companies, exemption of from Mortgage Brokers Act 775

Unemployment 226

Universities, courses offered 228

Vancouver rapid transit, funding for 226

Vancouver, revenue, source of 835

Voting, preferential ballot, proposal for 227

Wives' and Children's Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend 740

Workmen's Compensation Board accounts, documents relating to, availability of to Public Accounts Committee 342-3

Gareau, Paul

Mentioned: (Hartley) 500

Garibaldi Provincial Park

Ski facilities (Dowding) 592

Gas, Natural

Industry, employment in (Richter) 352

Industry in B.C. (Richter) 351

Lands, leasing of (Richter) 669

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Reserves (Throne speech) 2

United States, sales to (Marshall) 159-60

Vancouver Island pipeline, proposal re (Strachan) 84

Gas Act

Mentioned: (Brousson) 830

Gasoline — Taxation

Coloured Gasoline Tax Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Coloured gasoline tax, increase in (Bennett) 259

Gasoline Tax Act, 1948, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Gasoline Tax Act, 1958, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Increase in (Bennett) 259, 625 (Jefcoat) 305 (Wolfe) 344

Increase in, impact of (Nimsick) 629 (Williams, R.A.) 625-6

Overtaxation (McGeer) 626 (Williams, R.A.) 626

Revenue (Price) 526

Revenue, use of (Bennett) 625, 628 (Macdonald) 627 (McGeer) 626, 629, 630

Roads, funds for (Ney) 74

Gasoline Tax Act, 1948, An Act to Amend

(Bill 14) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 262; 2R, 625-8; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Divisions: 2R, 628

Speakers: Bennett 625, 627-8; Little 626-7; Macdonald 627; McGeer 626; Strachan 627; Williams, R.A. 625-6

Gasoline tax, increase in (Bennett) 625

Gasoline tax, increase in, impact of (Williams, R.A.) 625-6

Gasoline tax revenue, use of (Bennett) 625, 628 (Macdonald) 627 (McGeer) 626

Highway 1, Upper Levels Highway section, work on (Bennett) 628

Highways, construction of, cost of (Bennett) 625

Kemano, government expenditures on (Little) 626-7

Revenue, estimate of (McGeer) 626

Revenue surplus (Strachan) 627

Taxation, increase in (Strachan) 627

Taxation, increase in, use of revenue (McGeer) 626

Taxation, level of in B.C. (Bennett) 628

Taxation, overtaxation (McGeer) 626 (Williams, R.A.) 626

Gasoline Tax Act, 1958, An Act to Amend

(Bill 15) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 262; 2R, 628-30; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Divisions: 2R, 630

Speakers: Bennett 628, 630; Hartley 629; McGeer 629; Nimsick 629; Williams, R.A. 628-9

Gasoline tax, increase in, impact of (Nimsick) 629

Gasoline tax revenue, use of (McGeer) 629

Royal Commission on Gasoline Price Structure, recommendations (Hartley) 629

Taxation, increase in (Williams, R.A.) 629

Mentioned: (Wenman) 848

Gazette, Grand Forks, B.C.

Quoted (Nimsick) 151

Gellatly Road, Westbank, B.C.

See entries under Westbank, B.C.

General Insurance Co.

Mentioned: (Dowding) 118

General Motors Corp.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 333 (Gaglardi) 386 (Wolfe) 96

General Telephone and Electronics Corp.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 330

General Truck Drivers and Helpers Union

Economy and trucking industry (McDiarmid) 576 (Peterson) 556-7, 579 (Williams, L.A.) 560-1

Labour dispute, referral of to Mediation Commission (Peterson) 557

Labour dispute, use of lockout in (Hall) 578

Locals 181 and 213, lockout of (Barrett) 558

Strike and construction industry (Peterson) 556-7

Strike and unemployment (Capozzi) 570 (Peterson) 557

Strike, appointment of mediators (Barrett) 562 (Brousson) 562-3 (Peterson) 561-2 (Williams, L.A.) 561

Strike, compulsory arbitration in (Clark) 570

Strike, ending of (Barrett) 558-60, 562 (Bennett) 577 (Brousson) 562-3 (Bruch) 573-4 (Capozzi) 570-1 (Clark) 563-4, 569 (Cocke) 572-3 (Dailly) 570 (Dowding) 574-5 (Gardom) 577-8 (Hall) 578-9 (LeCours) 569-70 (McDiarmid) 575-6 (Macdonald) 564-5 (McGeer) 565-6 (Nimsick) 567-8 (Peterson) 555-8, 561-2, 579-80 (Price) 566-7 (Strachan) 571-2 (Vogel) 568-9 (Williams, L.A.) 560-1

Strike, ending of, telegrams in support of (Peterson) 579-80

Strike, impact of (Barrett) 559

George, Dan

Tribute to (Capozzi) 503

Georgia Straight

Mentioned: (Gaglardi) 387

Georgia Strait

See: Strait of Georgia

German measles

See: Rubella

Ghandi, Mahatma

Mentioned: (LeCours) 135

Giannini, P .A.

Mentioned: (Vogel) 365

Gibraltar Mines Ltd.

Mentioned: (Richter) 350

Gibson, Bill

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 124

Gibson, George

Mentioned: (Cocke) 330

Gilbert, J.

Mentioned: (Dawson) 456

Gilson, Robert John

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 367

Ginter, Ben

Anti-litter campaign buttons, problems re (Clark) 218

Highway 37 contract (Calder) 52, 438

Letter quoted (Clark) 218

Mentioned: (McGeer) 282

Gladstone, William E.

Quoted (Gardom) 482

Glendale Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Construction of (Throne speech) 4

Opening of (Bennett) 261

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 293

Globe and Mail, Toronto, Ont.

Quoted (Marshall) 283

Mentioned: (McGeer) 270


Value, revaluation of (Chant) 434

Gold River, B.C.

Road to (McDiarmid) 58

Road to through Strathcona Provincial Park (Kiernan) 101

Golden Ears Provincial Park

Funding for (Barrett) 586 (Mussallem) 595

Parking area (Mussallem) 595

Road for (Mussallem) 595

Gordon Bay Provincial Park

Campsite (Strachan) 589

Gorge Road hospital, Victoria, B.C.

See: Victoria Nursing Home, Victoria, B.C.

Gosnell, James

Mentioned: (Little) 447


Boards and commissions, representation on (Cocke) 333

Role of (Wallace) 15

Suits against government. See Petition of right

Government advertising

Elections, advertising during pre-election period (Gardom) 228, 482

Workmen's Compensation Board, expenditures on advertising (Wallace) 315

Government aircraft

Flights, ministers' wives (Mussallem) 417

Plane, sale of (Mussallem) 417

Safety of (Mussallem) 417

Government automobiles

See: Automobiles, Government

Government buildings

See: Public buildings

Government business enterprises

Government enterprises (Dailly) 460

Government information

Access to (Strachan) 88 (Williams, R.A.) 538

Government of British Columbia

See entries under British Columbia

Graham, Peter

Mentioned: (Strachan) 360


Farmers, threat re payment of taxes (Marshall) 508

Federal stabilization plan for grain growing (Marshall) 157

Price of to livestock industry (Jefcoat) 165

Grain Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Marshall) 157

Grand Bahamas Corp.

Mentioned: (Dowding) 117

Grand Forks, B.C.

Central Avenue, work on (Richter) 349

Spencer Hill area road, work on (Richter) 349

Granduc Mines Ltd.

Mine, benefits of to economy (Richter) 350

Granisle Copper Ltd.

Mine, area of (Shelford) 594

Granting Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service of the Province of British Columbia, An Act for

(Bill 108) (Premier and Minister of Finance) 1R, 844; 2R, 844; 3R, 844; RA, 864-5

Gravel, Mike

Mentioned: (Marshall) 158

Great Britain. House of Commons

Journals mentioned (Dowding) 114, 746

Great Northern Railroad

Mentioned: (Cocke) 60 (Lorimer) 190

Greater Vancouver Regional District

Parks, costs of (Hall) 834

Parks, land assembly for (Hall) 829

Waste management, Keller report on (Brousson) 336

Greater Vancouver Regional Water and Sewer District Act

(Bill 102) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 791; 2R, 833; 3R, 854; RA, 864

Speakers: Campbell, D. 833

Greater Victoria Council of Churches

Mentioned: (Barrett) 21

Greater Victoria School District

See: School District 61 (Greater Victoria)


Greenbelts (Mussallem) 420 (Tisdalle) 114

Greene, John James

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 239

Gregoire, Jo-Anne Catherine

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 367

Grey Rocks Island, B.C.

Development of (Capozzi) 507

Ownership of (Capozzi) 506 (Williams, R.A.) 535

Sale of, status of (Capozzi) 539 (Williams, R.A.) 535

Zoning of (Williams, R.A.) 535

Group homes

Planning for (Dawson) 456

Powell River home for girls (Dawson) 456

Groves, George S.

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd., connection to (Barrett) 795-7

Groves, Wallace

Actions of (Dowding) 117

Mentioned: (Barrett) 796

Guaranteed annual income

Elderly, guaranteed minimum income for (Barrett) 844

Guaranteed income (Bennett) 256 (McGeer) 275 (Marshall) 509-10 (Mussallem) 185 (Nimsick) 303

Guaranteed Income for Senior Citizens, An Act Respecting. See name of act

White Paper on (Marshall) 509

Guaranteed Income for Senior Citizens, An Act Respecting

(Bill 8) (Barrett) 1R, 77; 2R, 844; out of order 844

Speakers: Barrett 844

Elderly, guaranteed minimum income for (Barrett) 844

Guardian Insurance Co. of Canada

Mentioned: (Hartley) 46

Gulf Islands, B.C.

Park for waterfront property, proposal re (Tisdalle) 108

Gulf Log Salvage Co-operative Association

Operations of (Williston) 81

Gulf Oil Corp.

Mentioned: (Brousson) 93 (Campbell, D.) 242


See: Firearms