Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Ibsen, Hendrik

The Doll's House quoted (Macdonald) 412

Ilsley, J.L.

Quoted (LeCours) 141

Immigration and emigration

Hungarian immigrants (Tisdalle) 112

Immigrants, eligibility of for welfare (Bruch) 374

Immigrants, marriages of convenience (Kripps) 215

Immigrants, requirements to be met (Kripps) 215

Immigration to Canada, curtailment of (Peterson) 541

Unemployment and immigration to Canada (Peterson) 541

Vancouver immigrants, problems (Merilees) 442-3

Voting, right to and citizenship (Capozzi) 200

Imperial Oil Ltd.

Mentioned: (Hall) 477


Personal income, level of in B.C. (Strachan) 62

Production and income (LeCours) 493-4

Income, Guaranteed

See: Guaranteed annual income

Income tax

Child care costs, exemption for, proposal re (Jordan) 205-6

Corporations, income tax (Bennett) 256

Exemption for child, level of (Jordan) 205

Federal payment of funds to B.C. (Bennett) 260

Gardening services, exemption for, proposal re (Jordan) 206

Increases in (Bennett) 255

Income Tax Act

Mentioned: (Bennett) 260 (Wolfe) 346

Income Tax Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Jordan) 205, 206

Independent schools

See: Private schools


Agricultural extension work for (Shelford) 402

Art, prizes for, proposal re (McGeer) 275

Books by (Dawson) 169

Bulkley Valley Forest Industry Ltd., employment by (Williston) 524

Children's musical tattoo (Dawson) 169

Cole Bay Indians, plan for tourism (Tisdalle) 466

Counsellor-in-training program (Dawson) 170-1

Culture (Dawson) 169

Economic development board, proposal re (Dawson) 170

Elderly, housing for (Dawson) 457

Employment for (Shelford) 405

Facilities for (Dawson) 168-9

Family life (Jordan) 203

Festival during 1971, proposal for (McGeer) 275

Fishermen, reduction in number of (Little) 446-7

Housing for (Dawson) 170 (Strachan) 85

Land claims (Calder) 50

Land clearing, assistance in (Shelford) 402

Meetings with (Dawson) 169

Pacific Great Eastern Railway extension, employment on (Shelford) 405

Reserve system (Calder) 441

Reserves, campsites and picnic sites, development of (Dawson) 170

Reserves, irrigation systems for (Dawson) 170

Royal commission on, proposal re (Calder) 441

Services to (Gardom) 229

Welfare recipients (Dawson) 169

Welfare services, pilot project (Dawson) 169-70

Williston Lake area Indians, CBC program on (Mussallem) 417-8

Indians — Education

Post-secondary education, proposal re (McGeer) 275

Terrace vocational school, Indian students (Dawson) 169

Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce, Department of

Annual report tabled (Skillings) 325

Appropriation for (Bennett) 258 (McGeer) 274 (Wolfe) 345

Bulkley Nechako economic study mentioned (Barrett) 267

Business Outlook for 1971 mentioned (Strachan) 627

Research department, mandate of (Skillings) 325

Industrial relations

Exports and labour relations (Peterson) 541

Labour relations elsewhere in 1970 (Peterson) 41

Labour relations in B.C. (Chabot) 9 (Cocke) 572

(McDiarmid) 310 (Macdonald) 128 (McGeer) 565

Mediation Commission Act and labour relations in B.C. (McGeer) 35 (Peterson) 41

Industrial safety

Conference on (Throne speech) 4

Responsibility for (Hall) 478


Production and consumption (LeCours) 139-40


Infants Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act Interests of, protection of (Dowding) 655-6 (Peterson) 654, 655, 656 (Williams, L.A.) 655

Settled Estates Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act Variation of Trusts Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Infants Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 32) (Attorney-General) 1R, 531; 2R, 657; 3R, 743; RA, 864

Speakers: Lorimer 657; Peterson 657

Inflation (Finance)

Cause of (Cocke) 107

Control of (Vogel) 363 (Wenman) 54-5

Inflation (Capozzi) 504 (Chant) 435 (Gaglardi) 388 (LeCours) 140, 494 (Wolfe) 346

Unemployment and inflation (Peterson) 540-1

Inheritance and succession

Intestacy, provision for (Williams, L.A.) 657

See also: Wills


Adjusters, qualifications and standards for (Gardom) 857-8, 858 (Peterson) 858

Claims, disputed claims (Capozzi) 505

Claims, interest on unpaid portion of claims (Capozzi) 505

Insurance Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Insurance, Automobile

Coverage, drivers with poor driving records (Peterson) 44

Coverage, limits on (Hartley) 45

Coverage, provision for (Peterson) 44

Insurance companies, investments (Wenman) 56

Insurance companies, role of in accident prevention (Capozzi) 197-8

New Democratic Party policy on (Dowding) 119

No-fault insurance (Hartley) 45-6, 502 (Peterson) 43-4

No-fault insurance, premium rates for (Hartley) 45-6 (Peterson) 44

Premiums, interest on prepaid premiums (Gardom) 229

Premiums, rates (Barrett) 263 (Capozzi) 197 (Cocke) 104 (Dowding) 118 (Hall) 231 (Hartley) 502 (Wenman) 55-6

Premiums, rates, increase in, case cited (Dowding) 118-9

Premiums, rates, provision for appeals (Peterson) 44

Provincial scheme for, proposal re (Hartley) 47

Uninsured drivers (Peterson) 43

Insurance, Hospitalization

Hospital insurance in B.C. (Wallace) 311

Hospital insurance in B.C., cost of (Williston) 517

Insurance, Life

Agents, restrictions on actions of (Cocke) 857 (Peterson) 857

Companies, investments by (Wenman) 377-8

Insurance Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Provincial scheme for (Price) 180-1

Insurance, Unemployment

Unemployment insurance (Marshall) 510

Insurance Act

Regulations under act (Peterson) 44

Mentioned: (Peterson) 44

Insurance Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 96) (Cocke) 1R, 727; 2R, 857; dropped from order paper 857

Speakers: Cocke 857; Peterson 857

Agents, restrictions on actions of (Cocke) 857 (Peterson) 857

Insurance Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 99) (Gardom) 1R, 729; 2R, 857-8; dropped from order paper 858

Speakers: Gardom 857-8, 858; Peterson 858

Insurance adjusters, qualifications of and standards for (Gardom) 857-8, 858 (Peterson) 858

Insurance companies

Funds, investment of (Price) 180-1

Interest rates

Investments and interest rate (LeCours) 141

Level of (Bennett) 254, 254-5 (Chant) 435 (Cocke) 107 (Kiernan) 99 (Kripps) 216 (LeCours) 135-6, 140 (McCarthy) 127 (Macdonald) 668-9 (Peterson) 40 (Shelford) 144 (Wenman) 55

Level of and economy (Bruch) 64

Level of and inflation (Wenman) 54

Level of and unemployment (Fraser) 177 (Kiernan) 99 (Strachan) 361

Mortgages and interest rates, case cited (Cocke) 107

Northern B.C., housing and interest rates (Shelford) 143

Intermediate care

See entries under Long-term care of the sick

International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper-Mill Workers

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 58 (Nimsick) 301

International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America

Mentioned: (Capozzi) 570 (Dowding) 574, 863 (Hall) 476 (Macdonald) 565 (McGeer) 32, 566 (Nimsick) 568 (Peterson) 556, 580 (Price) 566

International Funeral Services

Profits (Macdonald) 414

International Joint Commission

Mentioned: (Brousson) 94, 94-5, 95 (Hartley) 48 (Macdonald) 131

International River Improvements Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Brousson) 94 (Hartley) 48

International Securities Ltd.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 796

International Woodworkers of America

Mentioned: (Cocke) 106 (Hall) 232, 478 (McDiarmid) 58 (Peterson) 42

Invermere, B.C.

Hospital, planning for (Nimsick) 149


Investment in B.C. (Merilees) 191-2

Investors, protection for (Gardom) 227

Investments, Capital

See: Capital investments

Investments, Foreign

Employment in B.C. and foreign investments (Calder) 51-2

Irving, K.C.

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242

Irving Pulp and Paper Co.

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242

Irving Refining Ltd.

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242 (McDiarmid) 246

Irving Whale (Vessel)

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 246 (Williams, L.A.) 161

Irwin, Thomas

Mentioned: (Dowding) 556 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 553, 554

Island Copper Mine

Mentioned: (Richter) 350

Island Highway

See: Highway 19


Purchase of by non-residents (Macdonald) 131

Isman, Bernard

Case mentioned (Macdonald) 129-30

Israels, M.G.

Mentioned: (Dawson) 456