Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Vacations, Employee

Annual Holidays Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Holidays with pay, proposal re (Nimsick) 848

Valley Copper Mines Ltd.

Mentioned: (McGeer) 757

Vancouver, B.C.

Board of Police Commissioners mentioned (Hall) 477

Britannia area, centennial project, proposal re (Capozzi) 200

Broadway (Merilees) 191

Burnaby, amalgamation with, proposal re (Price) 181

Burrard Inlet crossing. See entries under Burrard Inlet

Burrard Street, Crown land, use of for park (Capozzi) 199

Burrard Street park, proposed name for (Capozzi) 199

Charter for city (Hall) 834 (Williams, R.A.) 834

Chinese community, facilities in area of (Capozzi) 200

Chinese community, incidence of dissent in (Capozzi) 200

Civil disturbance (Clark) 221-2

Development of, meeting on (Merilees) 443

East Indian community (Kripps) 215

Garbage, production and disposal of (Brousson) 336

Gastown, restoration of area (Capozzi) 199

Gordon Neighbourhood House, closing of (Wolfe) 96

Greater Vancouver Regional Water and Sewer District Act. See name of act

Growth of, future growth (Capozzi) 199

Harbour, cleanup of (Capozzi) 198

Harbour, floatplanes, provision for (Capozzi) 198

Harbour, pollution of (Capozzi) 198

Harbour, recreational use of (Capozzi) 505

Harbour, safety of and plane takeoffs (Capozzi) 505

Hastings-Cassiar overpass, construction of (Price) 526

Housing, land for (Campbell, D.) 451

Immigrants from Hong Kong (Capozzi) 200

Immigrants, problems of (Merilees) 442-3

Knight Street bridge, work on (Price) 526 (Throne speech) 3

Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Oak Street bridge mentioned (Dowding) 785

Parks Board mentioned (Peterson) 544

Parks in area, funding for (Hall) 834 (Nimsick) 547

Pollution, reduction in (Price) 757

Port, thefts (Capozzi) 198-9

Provincial funds for (Bennett) 255 (Lorimer) 375

Revenue, source of (Gardom) 835 (McGeer) 835 (Williams, R.A.) 834-5

Shaughnessy Golf Course, road to (McGeer) 33

Sikh Temple (Kripps) 215 16th Avenue, completion of (McGeer) 33

Stanley Park mentioned (Kiernan) 100

Strathcona area, rehabilitation plan for (Wolfe) 96

Street-lighting (Merilees) 191, 443-5

Traffic problem (McGeer) 277

Welfare costs (Wolfe) 345

West End, community centre (Wolfe) 96-7

West End, housing for elderly (Wolfe) 96-7

Vancouver, B.C. — Transit system

Deleuw Cather study, recommendations (Wolfe) 97

Deleuw Cather study, report of (Brousson) 92 (Merilees) 443

Lower mainland area, transit system for (Brousson) 92 (Gardom) 226

Rapid transit (McGeer) 278 (Price) 181-2 (Wolfe) 97

Rapid transit, funding for (Gardom) 226 (McCarthy) 125-7 (Macdonald) 415 (Price) 182 (Wolfe) 97-8

Rapid transit, funding for, federal funds (McCarthy) 126-7 (Merilees) 443

Regional transit board, establishment of (Kiernan) 469

Regional transportation authority, proposal for (Brousson) 92 (Macdonald) 415 (Wolfe) 97

Vancouver Burrard constituency

Street-lighting (Merilees) 444

Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend

(Bill 53) (Wolfe) 1R, 349; report 731, 843

Speakers: Hall 843

Tenants, right of to vote on money bylaws (Hall) 843

Vancouver City College

Langara campus (Throne speech) 3

Mentioned: (Brothers) 472

Vancouver Coal Co.

Mentioned: (Strachan) 86

Vancouver Exhibition Trade Fair

Mentioned: (Bennett) 261

Vancouver Foundation

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 124

Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.

Abortion, facilities for (Loffmark) 291

Constitution, changes to (Loffmark) 797-8

Hospital Corporations Act. See name of act Patients, professor's case cited (Loffmark) 295

Vancouver Island, B.C.

Electric power for (Vogel) 366

North end of Island, designation of as depressed area (Campbell, D.) 240-1, 284 (Hall) 235

Tourist industry (Ney) 74

Transportation plan for (McDiarmid) 308 (McGeer) 278-9

Ucluelet-Estevan area, designation of as special development area (McDiarmid) 309

Vancouver Police Union

Mentioned: (Hall) 477

Vancouver School District

See: School District 39 (Vancouver) 106

Vancouver School of Theology, An Act to Incorporate

(Bill 50) (Wolfe) 1R, 349; report 731; 2R, 836; 3R, 855; RA, 864

Speakers: Clark 836; Wolfe 836

Vancouver Stock Exchange

Salesmen, number of (Capozzi) 198

Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, B.C.

Campbell, Hon. D.R.J., allegation re personal life of (Campbell, D.) 607

Quoted (Barrett) 264, 796 (Campbell, B.) 89, 368, 370 (Chabot) 10, 321 (Dailly) 461 (Dowding) 770 (Hartley) 502 (Kripps) 215 (Lorimer) 190, 191, 376 (McCarthy) 126 (Macdonald) 129 (McGeer) 27 (Nimsick) 148 (Strachan) 354, 360

Mentioned: (Barrett) 70, 796 (Campbell, B, ) 369 (Cocke) 107 (Gaglardi) 387 (Hall) 477 (McCarthy) 411 (McDiarmid) 123 (Macdonald) 564 (Marshall) 155 (Merilees) 442 (Skillings) 328 (Strachan) 62, 355 (Williston) 517

Van Dusen Botanical Garden, Vancouver, B.C.

Development of (Throne speech) 4

Van Horne, Sir William

Quoted (Merilees) 442

Van Luven, Jack

Mentioned: (Barrett) 796

Variation of Trusts Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 30) (Attorney-General) 1R, 385; 2R, 655-6; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Speakers: Dowding 655-6; Lorimer 655; Peterson 656; Williams, L.A. 655

Infants and mentally disordered, protection of interests of (Dowding) 655-6 (Peterson) 656 (Williams, L.A.) 655

Public trustee, role of (Dowding) 655-6 (Peterson) 656

Variety Clubs International

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 407

Varnam, Ken

Mentioned: (Barrett) 602


Cost of fresh vegetables (Price) 179-80

Processing of in foreign-owned plants (Shelford) 401

Seller in Mission, case cited (Mussallem) 419

Venables, William

Mentioned: (Hall) 231

Venereal diseases

Spread of (Hall) 475

Vernon, B.C.

Park (Jordan) 206 (McGeer) 34

Vick Chemical Co.

Mentioned: (Wallace) 314

Victims of crime

Compensation for (Clark) 221 (Gardom) 227 (McGeer) 279

Victoria, B.C.

Administrative costs (Lorimer) 376

Armouries, proposal for (Jordan) 486

Electric power, proposal re (McGeer) 275

Food prices and wages (Dailly) 209

Greater Victoria, administrative costs of member municipalities (Lorimer) 376

Greater Victoria, amalgamation of member municipalities (Lorimer) 376-7

Municipal services, cost of (Campbell, D.) 243

Service stations (Jordan) 486

Sewage outfall at Clover Point (Wallace) 315

Sewage treatment for (Wallace) 315-6

Victoria, B.C. — Transit system

Regional transit board, establishment of (Kiernan) 469

Victoria Labour Council

Mentioned: (Barrett) 21

Victoria Nursing Home, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 293 (Wallace) 314

Victoria Times, Victoria, B.C.

Quoted (Barrett) 21 (Lorimer) 376 (Strachan) 357

Mentioned: (Barrett) 860 (Campbell, B.) 369 (Dailly) 209 (Gardom) 807 (Hall) 476 (McGeer) 26 (Strachan) 354 (Williston) 518

Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-75

Ending of war (Dailly) 208

View Royal, B.C.

Sewage in ditches (Wallace) 316


Opposition to (Strachan) 88

Vocational education

Colleges, merging of vocational schools with (Brothers) 472

Enrolment in (Bennett) 260 (Brothers) 472 (Wenman) 381

Funding for (Dowding) 393 (McGeer) 273-4 (Tisdalle) 466 (Wenman) 379

Funding for, federal funds (Dowding) 393

Jobs and vocational education (Bruch) 187

Schools (Price) 526 (Throne speech) 3

Schools, access to (Dawson) 454 (Price) 69, 180

Unemployed, retraining program for (Dailly) 68 (Dowding) 65 (Marshall) 510

Vocational education (Price) 180 (Shelford) 401

Work experience for high-school students (Dailly) 69

Vogel, Hunter Bertram (Langley)

Accelerated Park Development Act 595-6

Animals Act, An Act to Amend 654

Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. refinery, location of 366

Banking system in U.S. 365

Budget debate 362-6

Coal, use of for electric power generation 366

Collective bargaining 569

Confederation, B.C. membership in 364

Crown corporations, accounts, access to documents relating to 363

Crown corporations, employment in 363

Dams, future dams 366

Dogs running at large, provisions re 654

Drug addiction 717

Drug addicts, Batley treatment for 717-8

Economic policies, federal, and province of B.C. 364

Economy of B.C., ties to U.S. west coast 364-5

Homeowner grant, increase in 363

Inflation, control of 363

Matsqui Institution, failure of 717

Narcotic Addiction Centre, cost of 717

Natural resources, development of, investment in 365

Parks, funding for, use of funds 595

Parks, shoreside parks, funding for 596

Premiers' conferences 364 107

Seaboard Assurance Company Act, 1953, An Act to Amend 836

Seaboard Assurance Co., conformance with Alberta legislation 836

Special Funds Appropriation Act 717-8

Tanker traffic on B.C. coast 366

Truck drivers' strike, ending of 568-9

Unemployment 362-3

Vancouver Island, electric power for 366

Votes and Proceedings

Omission from (Strachan) 851


Ballots, preferential ballot (Gardom) 227 (McGeer) 29

Citizenship, requirement for (Capozzi) 200 (Wenman) 76

Right to vote (Capozzi) 504-5

Votes, value of and redistribution (McGeer) 29

Vyas, V .S.

Mentioned: (Shelford) 146