Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971
Udahl, Stewart
Mentioned: (Brousson) 92
Uhlman, Wes
Mentioned: (Brousson) 94
Unclaimed Money Deposits Act
Statement of unclaimed money deposits tabled (Bennett) 5
Uncle Ben's Tartan Breweries Ltd.
Mentioned: (Clark) 218
Undertakers and undertaking
Funeral business, takeover of by American companies (Macdonald) 414
Funerals, cost of, case cited (Macdonald) 414
Adjournment motion to debate (Barrett) 7 (Speaker) 7
Arms, expenditure on and unemployment (Clark) 221
Draft dodgers (Bruch) 64
Education program for unemployed (Hall) 233
Federal policies and unemployment (LeCours) 140 (McGeer) 63
Federal policy on (Gaglardi) 390 (Tisdalle) 66
Federal role in (Barrett) 70 (Capozzi) 196 (Clark) 221 (Kiernan) 99 (Kripps) 216 (LeCours) 134 (Price) 70
Immigration and unemployment (Barrett) 70 (Bruch) 64 (Kiernan) 99 (Peterson) 541
Inflation and unemployment (Peterson) 540-1
Interest rates, level of and unemployment (Fraser) 177 (Kiernan) 99 (Strachan) 361
Jobs for unemployed, number of (Hall) 233
Long-term unemployment (Hall) 232
Manitoba, employment programs (Capozzi) 61
Manitoba, unemployment (Chabot) 319 104
Northern B.C., access to union jobs in north (Calder) 53
Northern B.C., unemployment (Calder) 51, 53
Overtime and unemployment (Bruch) 187
Problem (Barrett) 7, 20-1, 70-1 (Bennett) 254 (Bruch) 186 (Campbell, D.) 237 (Capozzi) 60, 196, 504 (Chabot) 8, 67-8 (Chant) 434 (Cocke) 59-60 (Dowding) 64-5 (Fraser) 177 (Gaglardi) 385, 388 (Gardom) 226 (Hall) 66-7, 232 (Hartley) 49 (Kripps) 215-6, 5123 (LeCours) 138-9, 493 (Lorimer) 189 (McCarthy) 123, 124, 410-1 (McGeer) 64-5, 273 (Marshall) 510 (Mussallem) 185 (Nimsick) 147-8, 151-4 (Peterson) 39-40 (Price) 69-70, 526 (Skillings) 285, 326 (Strachan) 61-2, 360, 360-1 (Tisdalle) 65-6 (Vogel) 362-3 (Wolfe) 96
Rate (Barrett) 20 (McGeer) 63 (Nimsick) 151, 153 (Throne speech) 1
Relief of, proposals re (Price) 183
Retraining program for unemployed (Dailly) 68, 460 (Dowding) 65 (Marshall) 510
Strikes and lockouts and unemployment (McGeer) 31 (Peterson) 40
Sweden, unemployment (Hartley) 49
Truck drivers' strike and unemployment (Capozzi) 570 (Peterson) 557
Welfare recipients, unemployed employables (Gaglardi) 388, 389
Young people, unemployment (Dailly) 68, 460 (Hall) 232 (Strachan) 362
Uniform Law Conference of Canada
Mentioned: (Peterson) 426 (Williams, L.A.) 429
Union Carbide Corp.
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242
Union of British Columbia Municipalities
Resolution quoted (Dowding) 770 (Nimsick) 299
Mentioned: (Black) 672 (Campbell, D.) 451 (Hall) 230 (Lorimer) 376 (Peterson) 539, 814 (Williams, R.A.) 765
Unitarian Services Committee
Mentioned: (Shelford) 144
United Nations
Mentioned: (Chabot) 11 (Loffmark) 292 (Wenman) 54, 76
United States
Auto Pact agreement (Mussallem) 184
Economy of B.C., ties to U.S. west coast (Vogel) 364-5
Trade deficit (Wenman) 54
Vietnam, withdrawal from and world economy (Wenman) 54
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers
Mentioned: (Barrett) 22
United States. Atomic Energy Commission
Mentioned: (Wallace) 13
United States. Interior, Department of
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 246
United States. Public Health Service
Mentioned: (Gardom) 228
United States Supreme Court
Mentioned: (LeCours) 141
United Steelworkers of America
Mentioned: (Little) 120 (McGeer) 32, 64
Universities and colleges
Colleges, employees' pensions, averaging period for (Black) 675
Colleges, employees' pensions, increase in (Cocke) 675
Colleges, employees' pensions, portability of (Black) 675 (Cocke) 675
Colleges, enrolment (Bennett) 260 (Brothers) 472 (Throne speech) 3
Colleges, establishment of (Bennett) 260 (Brothers) 472
Colleges, funding for (Dailly) 462 (Tisdalle) 466
Post-secondary education facilities (Throne speech) 3
Post-secondary education, funding for (Bennett) 260
Post-secondary education, standards for (Gardom) 228
School District and Regional College (Pensions) Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Universities, appropriation for (Bennett) 260 (Skillings) 328 (Wenman) 379
Universities, courses offered (Gardom) 228
Universities, dropouts (Brothers) 472
Universities, foreign students, tuition fees for (Price) 527
Universities, graduates, employment for (Brothers) 473
Universities, graduates, number of (Wenman) 379
Universities, students, number of (Bennett) 260
University education (Brothers) 472
University education, repayment of cost of, proposal re (Wenman) 382
University of British Columbia
Botanical garden, federal funds for (McCarthy) 125
Dentists, number of graduates (Price) 179
Health Sciences Centre, role of and funding for (Strachan) 85
Hospital for teaching and research, funding for (Loffmark) 293 (McGeer) 604
Hospital for teaching and research, proposal re (McGeer) 279
Institute of Resource Ecology mentioned (Brousson) 93
Mechanical engineering department, research on motor vehicle noise (Peterson) 543
Museum of Anthropology, grant to (Wallace) 14-5 16th Avenue, completion of (McGeer) 33
Mentioned: (Bennett) 256 (Brothers) 472 (Clark) 836 (Campbell, B.) 368 (Campbell, D.) 239, 240 (Chabot) 319 (Clark) 836 (Cocke) 60 (Dailly) 208 (Dawson) 456 (Hall) 804 (Merilees) 191 (Mussallem) 595 (Peterson) 544 (Skillings) 328 (Wenman) 379 (Williston) 79, 80, 749 (Wolfe) 836
University of Calgary
Mentioned: (Cocke) 332
University of Montana
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 110
University of Victoria
Mentioned: (Bruch) 187 (Marshall) 157 (Skillings) 326, 328
Uren, Thomas
Quoted (LeCours) 140
Used cars
Accidents to, reporting of (Mussallem) 419 105
Odometer readings (Mussallem) 419
Pollution control devices (Peterson) 542
Utah Mines Ltd.
Minesite, beavers (Clark) 220
Land reclamation by (Williams, L.A.) 161
Tailings, dumping of (Barrett) 24 (Brousson) 338 (Clark) 219 (Hall) 231 (Lorimer) 189 (Macdonald) 130-1 (Strachan) 86-7 (Wallace) 13 (Williams, L.A.) 161 (Williston) 80
Tailings, dumping of, hearings on (Campbell, D.) 238 (Dowding) 397 (Hall) 231 (Williston) 80
Tailings, dumping of, monitoring of (Wallace) 13
Mentioned: (Brousson) 755 (Hall) 230 (McDiarmid) 58 (McGeer) 757 (Nimsick) 301 (Strachan) 357 (Williams, L.A.) 161 (Williams, R.A.) 175