1971 Legislative Session: 2nd Session, 29th Parliament
The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
Afternoon Sitting
[ Page 791 ]
The House met at 2: 00 p.m.
The Honourable D.R.J. Campbell presented to Mr. Speaker a Message from His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor.
On the motion of Mr. Campbell, Bill (No. 100) intituled An Act to Amend the Municipal Act was introduced, read a first time, and Ordered to be placed on the Orders of the Day for second reading at the next sitting after today.
The following bills were introduced, read a first time, and Ordered to be placed on the Orders of the Day for second reading at the next sitting after today.
On the motion of the Honourable R.R. Loffmark, Bill (No. 94) intituled An Act to Amend the Health Act.
On the motion of Mr. A.B. Macdonald, Bill (No. 106) intituled An Act to Incorporate the Land Bank of British Columbia.
MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Member for Burnaby-Willingdon.
MR. J.G. LORIMER (Burnaby-Willingdon): Mr. Speaker, I would like to rise on a Point of Privilege. Yesterday, in our discussions of the estimates of the Minister of Mines I posed the suggestion that the Minister look into the possibility of acquiring the majority shares of the Home Oil Company. The Minister stated that this was being looked into and I quote from the Province of this morning in which he stated, "…The Provincial Government is prepared to invest in Home Oil Calgary, Limited. 'We know that we could probably make a deal,' Mines Minister Frank Richter said on Wednesday. Richter was replying to suggestions of NDP M.L.A.s that the Government purchase a controlling interest in the Calgary company, now that a proposed Federal Government investment has fallen through. He said the Government had been prepared to invest but didn't want to get involved in an auction with Ottawa. Richter said that now he will have to talk to the Federal Government about the matter."
Now, I understand, Mr. Speaker, that the Minister has stated on press and radio this morning that he was speaking facetiously and that he had no intention of proceeding. I'm hopeful that the Minister will make a statement, now, advising the House that he, in fact, was going to carry on with his suggestion and that he apologize to the House.
MR. SPEAKER: Order, please. I think, for two reasons — first, that the House has no knowledge of what transpires in the committee nor can take cognizance of it, and, second, that no Point of Privilege has been made out, the motion must be ruled out of order if, indeed, a motion was ever made.
Pursuant to Order, the House again resolved itself into the Committee of Supply.
The committee rose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again at the next sitting.
By leave of the House, on a motion of Mr. J.D. Tisdalle, it was ordered that Report No. 1 of the Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education received on March 24, 1971, be corrected by deleting the figure "(4)" from the third line of subsection (15) of section 135 of the legislation proposed under section (3) of the Report, and substituting the figure "(3)."
The Honourable D.R.J. Campbell presented to Mr. Speaker two Messages from His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor.
On the motion of Mr. Campbell, the following Bills were introduced, read a first time, and Ordered to be placed on the Orders of the Day for second reading at the next sitting after today.
Bill (No. 104) intituled An Act to Amend the Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act.
Bill (No. 102) intituled Greater Vancouver Regional Water and Sewer District Act.
The House adjourned at 5:59 p.m.
The House met at 8: 00 p.m.
On the motion of the Honourable W.K. Kiernan, on behalf of the Honourable L.R. Peterson, Bill (No. 105) intituled An Act to Amend the Credit Unions Act, 1961, was introduced, read a first time, and Ordered to be placed on the Orders of the Day for second reading at the next sitting after today.
Pursuant to Order, the House again resolved itself into the Committee of Supply.
The committee rose, reported Resolutions 179 to 183, inclusive (Estimates of the Department of Municipal Affairs), and asked leave to sit again at the next sitting.
The House adjourned at 10:35 p.m.