Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971
N & S Steel Co.
Establishment of (Jordan) 489
Nader, Ralph
Mentioned: (Gaglardi) 386
Names, Personal
Women, married women's surnames (Cocke) 105
Women, use of prefix to denote marital status (Cocke) 105 (Dawson) 167
Nanaimo, B.C.
Horseshoe Bay-Nanaimo ferry route. See route 2 under British Columbia Ferry Corporation Nanaimo School District
See: School District 68 (Nanaimo)
Naramata, B.C.
Water supply, pollution of (McGeer) 28
Narcotic Addiction Centre, Vancouver, B.C.
Cost of (Vogel) 717
Mentioned: (Barrett) 602 (Loffmark) 292, 603 (Price) 599 (Wallace) 601, 602
Narcotics Control Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 718 (Ney) 317
Nash, Ogden
Quoted (Clark) 420
Nass River, B.C.
Bridge (Little) 120
Natal, B.C.
Relocation of (Nimsick) 298
National Art Centre, Ottawa, Ont.
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 409
National Association of Home Builders
Mentioned: (Williston) 78
National Cancer Institute
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 409
National Geographic Magazine
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 467
National Housing Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (McGeer) 821 (Peterson) 668
National Nursing Homes Ltd.
Information re (Barrett) 21
Profit (Barrett) 860 (Wallace) 313
Sandringham Hospital. See entries under name of hospital
National Rifle Association
Mentioned: (Barrett) 734
Native Voice
Commended (Capozzi) 503
Natural resources
Development of and employment (Cocke) 60
Development of, decisions on (Williston) 81
Development of, investment in (Vogel) 365
Development of, opposition to (Williston) 81
Development of, return to province from (Cocke) 3323
Government policies on (Brousson) 93
Management of at local level (Campbell, D.) 452
Management of, interdepartmental cooperation on (Campbell, D.) 452
Ownership of (Campbell, D.) 452-3
Regional districts, resource management policies (Williams, R.A.) 832
Revenue to province from (Strachan) 357
Navigation, Aids to
See: Aids to navigation
Neighbourhood pubs
See entries under Hotels, taverns, etc.
Nelson, John
Mentioned: (Brousson) 94
Nelson, S.K. (Sonny)
Quoted (Calder) 439
Mentioned: (Little) 447
Nelson Bros. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Calder) 439
Nemetz, Nathaniel T.
Mentioned: (Brousson) 562 (Hall) 478 (McGeer) 566 (Peterson) 42, 562
Neonex Corp.
Mentioned: (Capozzi) 506
New, O.H.
Mentioned: (Peterson) 580
New Democratic Party
B.C. Federation of Labour and NDP (Campbell, B.) 89-90 (Capozzi) 195 (Merilees) 192
Headquarters, location of (Price) 183 (Wolfe) 96
Regina Manifesto mentioned (Peterson) 580
Regina Manifesto quoted (Hartley) 499-500
New England Journal of Medicine
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 111
New Westminster, B.C.
Electric power, contract for purchase of (Cocke) 107-8
Electric power distribution system, history of (Cocke) 108
Housing, land for (Campbell, D.) 451
New Westminster School District
See: School District 40 (New Westminster)
New York, N.Y.
Bridges (McGeer) 277
Newcastle Island Provincial Park
Funding for (Ney) 597
Mentioned: (McGeer) 605
Newgate, B.C.
Wardner, road to (Black) 497
Newman, Murray
Mentioned: (Price) 182
Ney, Frank James (Nanaimo)
Accelerated Park Development Act 597
Address in Reply 74-5
Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend 764
B.C. Ferry Corporation, route 2, traffic 74
B.C. Ferry Corporation, route 2, vessels for 74
Budget debate 317-8
Crime rate, Nanaimo 317
Drug abuse, Nanaimo, need for educational program 317
Drug abuse problem 317
Drug addicts, assistance to 317-8
Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund 317
Elk-hunting, Vancouver Island 75
Forest Service, Nanaimo office, proposed closure of 75
Heroin addicts, Nanaimo 317
Highway 19, four-laning of 74
Highway 19, passing lanes 74
Highway 19, traffic 74
Hunting, illegal hunting, penalties for 75
Marijuana, use of 317
Mortgage Brokers Act 669
Mortgages, processing of, delays in 669
Municipal elections, closing of liquor outlets 75
Newcastle Island Provincial Park, funding for 597
Road construction and maintenance, source of funds for 74
Tourist industry, Vancouver Island 74
Water resources, Vancouver Island, use of 75
Nicholson, Hon. John R.
See: Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. John R. Nicholson
Nicola Lake Stock Farm
Ownership of (Macdonald) 131
Nimsick, Leo Thomas (Kootenay)
Accelerated Park Development Act 546-7
Address in Reply 147-54
Agreements, restrictive clauses 845
Alcoholic beverages, advertising of in newspapers, ban on 820-1
All-terrain Vehicles Act 785-6
All-terrain vehicles, regulation of use of 785
All-terrain vehicles, trespass on private property 7856
Animals Act, An Act to Amend 653
Annual Holidays Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 65) 1R, 617; 848
Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend 767-8
Assessment of industrial land 767
Assessments, increase in, cases cited 299
Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend 743-4
Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 64) 1R, 617
Bingo, funds for charity, requirements re 300
Bingo, TV, radio and newspaper bingo, banning of 300
B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons, role of 690
B.C. Ferry Corporation passengers, shuttle service for in terminals 302
B.C. Hydro rates to Cranbrook senior citizens' home 150
B.C. Teachers' Federation, membership in as condition of employment 690-1
Budget, advertisements re in eastern newspapers 546
Budget debate 296-303
Champion Lakes cut-off 301
Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Act 634-5
Cigarettes, advertising of, ban on 810
Civil service vacancies and unemployment 153
Coal, transport of to Roberts Bank 150-1
Collective bargaining, history of in B.C. 567
Commercial Transport, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend 748
Credit Unions Act, An Act to Amend 815-6
Crowsnest Industries Ltd., land holdings, assessment on 299
Cypress Bowl ski facilities, operation of 148
Debt, contingent liabilities, interest on 302-3
Debt, provincial debt 619
Demonstrations, right to demonstrate 147
Development projects, public hearings on 756
Dinner in Kootenay Hotel, payment for (Campbell, B.) 89
Dogs running at large, provisions re 653
Ecological Reserves Act 752
Ecological reserves, ministerial responsibility for 752
Elderly, property taxes and assessment increases 299
Electric power system, Kimberley-Cranbrook-Fernie area, takeover of 150
Elk River, pollution of 300-1, 752
Elk Valley, land use 298
Environment and Land Use Act 756
Environment and Land Use Act, ministerial responsibility for 756
Expo '70, participation in, expenditures on 148
Fence viewers, use of 651
Fences, disputes re, referral of to courts 651-2
Fences, referral of problem to Select Standing Committee on Agriculture 652
Fort Steele, campsites in vicinity of 302, 547
Fort Steele fish hatchery, road to 301
Garbage disposal, rural areas, report on 298
Garnishing of wages, exemptions 744
Garnishing order and dismissal of employee 743
Gasoline Tax Act, 1958, An Act to Amend 629
Gasoline tax, increase in, impact of 629
Guaranteed annual income 303
Hearing-aid Regulation Act 666-7
Hearing aids, sale of, board for regulation of 666
Hearing aids, sale of, regulation of 666
Highway 95, Fort Steele-Cranbrook section 301
Highway 95A, Cranbrook-Kimberley section, upgrading of 301
Holidays with pay, proposal re 848
Homeowner grant, NDP position on 619
Hospital facilities, Fernie 149
Hospital facilities, Sparwood area 149-50, 296
Hospital, Inverness, funding for 149
Hunters, safety training for 734
Hunters, trespass by 734
Immigrants to B.C. 546
Intermediate care 296
Jaffray, garbage dump 298
Job creation, loans to municipalities for 303
Kaiser Coal Corp., land holdings, assessments on 299
Kootenay and Elk Railway, application to transport coal 150-1
Kootenay and Elk Railway, construction of and jobs in Canada 151
Kootenay River, pollution of 301
Labour union movement 152
Land Act, An Act to Amend 738
Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session 147-8
Legislature, sittings, adjournment time 36-7
Liberal Party convention in Vancouver in 1930s 152
Maintenance, enforcement of and common-law relations 742
Michel, relocation of community 298
Mines Regulation Act, An Act to Amend 777
Ministers, travel by 148
Mobile Home Park Fee Act 800-1
Mobile home park fee, examination of by select standing committee 801
Mobile home park fees, levying of 801
Mobile home parks, assessment of 800-1
Natal, relocation of community 298
Ootsa Lake, clearing of 147
Parks, facilities for garbage 546-7
Parks, facilities for tourists 546
Parks, funding for 546
Parks, funding for, use of funds 547
Parks, Vancouver area, funding for 547
Parks, youth camps 547
Pension benefits, age of eligibility for 153
Pensions and early retirement 303
Physicians, right to practise 845, 847
Physicians, right to practise, Cranbrook case referred to 296-7, 845, 847
Physicians, right to practise, Fernie case referred to 296-7, 845, 847
Pollution Control Board, applications to 300
Prevention of Restraint of Professional Practices Act (Bill 63) 1R, 617; 845-6, 847
Preventive medicine 296
Professions, right to practise 845
Property tax, unpaid tax, disposition of property 637
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 621-2
Provincial home acquisition fund grants, eligibility for 621-2
Provincial home acquisition fund grants, purchase of mobile homes 622
Provincial home acquisition fund grants, purchase of older homes 621
Provincial Home-Owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 619
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 690-1
Railway accident, Crowsnest Pass 148-9
Regional districts 297-8
Regional districts, cost of, administrative costs 297-8, 299
Regional districts, garbage disposal, responsibility for 298
Regional districts, pollution control, responsibility for 298
Regional districts, representatives, election of 298-9
Regional districts, zoning, responsibility for 298
Resolutions, debate on 863-4
Rivers, Kootenays, pollution of 756
Roads, Kootenay constituency 301-2
Roads on Crown land 738
Rose Bowl parade, participation in, cost of 148
Sandringham Hospital labour dispute, investigation of by select standing committee 862
Selkirk High School fire 149
Skagit Valley, Seattle city council hearings on 301
Slocan Lake, pollution of 301
Smoking and air pollution 634-5
Special Funds Appropriation Act 720-1
Special funds, changes to in future 720-1
Statute Law Amendment Act (1971) 820-1
Steel mill accident, Kimberley 148
Surplus, use of 148
Taxation Act, An Act to Amend 637-8
Taxation, increase in 635
Taxation, increase in and ability to pay 303
Teachers' Pension Act, 1961, An Act to Amend 703
Teachers, pensions, level of elsewhere 703
Teachers, pensions, level of for presently retired teachers 703
Throne speech, content 147
Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act 810
Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act, penalty for contravention of 810
Top of the World wilderness area, park status for 302
Transit strike 567
Trespass Act, An Act to Amend 651-2
Truck drivers' strike, ending of 567-8
Trucks, damage to roads, recovery of costs 748
Trucks, licensing of by regional districts 748
W.A.C. Bennett Dam, opposition to 154
Wage and price controls 1939-45153
Wasa Lake Provincial Park youth camp 547
Water, recycling of 756
Welfare recipients, proposal re income tax for 153, 300
Whiteswan Lake Provincial Park, facilities 546
Wilderness areas, status of and Ecological Reserves Act 752
Wildlife Act, An Act to Amend 734
Wives' and Children's Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend 742
Young people 153
Nisga'a Tribal Council
Mentioned: (Calder) 439
Nixon, Richard M.
Mentioned: (Bruch) 187 (Capozzi) 196 (Loffmark) 294 (Marshall) 158 (Wolfe) 346
No-Fault Insurance Act
Mentioned: (Hartley) 46
Nootka Cedar Products Ltd.
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 309
Noranda Mines Ltd.
Mentioned: (Richter) 350
North Cascades National Park
Mentioned: (Hartley) 48
North Peace River constituency
Roads (Smith) 398
North Peace Secondary School, Fort St. John, B.C.
Centennial project, grant for (Smith) 399
North Vancouver, B.C.
Assessments, cases cited (Clark) 763-4
Housing, land for (Campbell, D.) 451
Norwich Union Life Insurance Society
Mentioned: (Hartley) 45
Nuclear energy
Use of to produce electric power (Bruch) 372-3 (Wallace) 13-4
Vancouver Island, proposed nuclear power plant (Strachan) 85-6
Nursing home care
See entries under Long term care of the sick