Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971


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See: Agricultural and Rural Development Act (Canada)

Aberhart, William

Quoted (LeCours) 135


Abortion (Loffmark) 290 (McDiarmid) 308 (Tisdalle) 111

Access to (Wallace) 17-8

Criminal Code, removal from (Clark) 217 (Dailly) 463 (Loffmark) 290

Facilities for (Clark) 217 (Cocke) 107 (Loffmark) 291 (McGeer) 33

Fee for performance of by physicians (LeCours) 136

Hospital committees (Black) 498 (Loffmark) 290 (McDiarmid) 308 (Wallace) 18

Hospital committees, hospitals operated by religious orders (Clark) 217

Hospital committees in rural areas (Clark) 217

Hospitals, application for authorization for performance of abortion (Loffmark) 290

Hospitals, provision for abortion patients (Kripps) 511

Legislation, proposals re (Wallace) 18

Number of in B.C. (Loffmark) 290

Royal Jubilee Hospital, abortion facilities (Wallace) 315

Rubella infection in pregnant women, abortion in cases of (Cocke) 329-30

Acadian Distilleries Ltd.

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242

Accelerated Park Development Act

(Bill 12) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 262; 2R, 545-8, 58598; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Speakers: Barrett 585-7; Bennett 545-6; Brothers 591; Bruch 548; Capozzi 590-1; Dowding 591-2; Hall 5945; Hartley 596; Kiernan 587-9; Little 598; McDiarmid 596-7; McGeer 547-8; Mussallem 595; Ney 597; Nimsick 546-7; Price 597-8; Shelford 593-4; Strachan 589-90; Vogel 595-6; Wallace 598; Wenman 592; Williams, L.A. 592-3

Alexander Bridge area, park for (Hartley) 596

Alouette Lake area park, campsites (Kiernan) 588

Alouette Lake, water level (Mussallem) 595

Alouette River, water flow (Mussallem) 595

B.C., immigrants to (Bennett) 546 (Nimsick) 546

B.C., immigrants to in 1930s (Bennett) 546

B.C., visit to in 1930s (Bennett) 545-6

Budget, advertisements re in eastern newspapers (Nimsick) 546

Burnaby Lake park, funding for (Dowding) 592

Burns bog, garbage disposal in area (Wenman) 592

Buttle Lake, pollution of (Barrett) 587

Cominco Ltd., jobs for students (Brothers) 591

Cypress Bowl, development of, funding for (Barrett) 586 (Williams, L.A.) 593

Cypress Bowl, logging of (Barrett) 586

Cypress Bowl, ski facilities (Capozzi) 590, 591 (Kiernan) 588

Delta area, parks for (Wenman) 592

Euclataws cave, visitors to, proposal re (McDiarmid) 597

Fort Steele, campsites in vicinity of (Nimsick) 547

Fraser-Burrard Regional District parks, funding for (Hall) 594-5

Fraser Canyon, camping facilities in area (Hartley) 596

Garibaldi Provincial Park, ski facilities (Dowding) 592

Golden Ears Provincial Park, funding for (Barrett) 586 (Mussallem) 595

Golden Ears Provincial Park, parking area (Mussallem) 595

Golden Ears Provincial Park, road for (Mussallem) 595

Gordon Bay Provincial Park, campsite (Strachan) 589

Hells Gate, aerial tramway (Hartley) 596

Lakelse Lake, clearing of (Little) 598

Manning Provincial Park, additions to (Kiernan) 588

Manning Provincial Park, development of (Kiernan) 589

Mines, land area used by (Shelford) 594

Mount Seymour Provincial Park, development of, funding for (Barrett) 586

Mount Seymour Provincial Park, road to (Kiernan) 588

Mount Seymour Provincial Park, ski facilities (Capozzi) 590

Mount Seymour Provincial Park, trail system (Kiernan) 588

Newcastle Island Provincial Park, funding for (Ney) 597

Okanagan, food relief for Prairie drought areas (Bennett) 546

Ootsa Lake, clearing of (Barrett) 586 (Shelford) 593-4

Parks (Wallace) 598

Parks, acreage (Barrett) 586

Parks, development of and job creation (Barrett) 5856 (Bennett) 545 (Bruch) 548 (Kiernan) 589 (McDiarmid) 596-7 (Strachan) 589-90

Parks, development of and jobs for students (Brothers) 591 (McDiarmid) 596-7 (Strachan) 590 (Wenman) 592

Parks, equipment for, production of (Dowding) 591 (Kiernan) 589

Parks, facilities for tourists (Dowding) 591 (Nimsick) 546

Parks, funding for (Barrett) 585-6 (Bennett) 545 (Nimsick) 546

Parks, funding for, use of funds (Capozzi) 590 (Kiernan) 589 (McGeer) 547 (Nimsick) 547 (Strachan) 589 (Vogel) 595

Parks, garbage facilities (Nimsick) 546-7

Parks, government policy on (Barrett) 586-7

Parks, new parks, creation of (Barrett) 586 (Kiernan) 588

Parks, shoreside parks, funding for (Vogel) 596

Parks, youth camps (Nimsick) 547

Powder Mountain ski development (Williams, L.A.) 593

Regional park districts, funding for (Hall) 594 (McDiarmid) 597

Seymour Creek valley area, park for (Price) 597-8

Silver Lake Provincial Park, funding for (Hartley) 596

Skagit Valley park, acreage for (Hartley) 596

Skagit Valley park, facilities (Hartley) 596

Ski facilities, development of (Capozzi) 590-1 (Dowding) 592 (McGeer) 548

Syringa Creek Provincial Park, work on (Brothers) 591

Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, area of (Shelford) 594

Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, mining claims (Barrett) 586 (Kiernan) 587 (Shelford) 594

Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, nature conservancy area (Kiernan) 587

Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, status of (Kiernan) 588

Tynehead regional park (Hall) 595 (Vogel) 596

Vancouver area parks, funding for (Nimsick) 547

Wasa Lake Provincial Park youth camp (Nimsick) 547

Whiteswan Lake Provincial Park, facilities (Nimsick) 546

Winter sports, facilities for (McGeer) 547-8

Youth training program, funding for and park development (Strachan) 590

Acton, John E. Dahberg-Acton (Lord Acton)

Quoted (Gardom) 481

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

(Moved) Chabot 7-12; (seconded) Wallace 12-8, approved 245. Amdt. (Hartley) 49, negatived 71

Speakers: Barrett 19-26, 70-1; Brousson 91-5; Bruch 64, 186-7; Calder 49-53; Campbell, B. 89-91; Campbell, D. 236-45; Capozzi 60-1, 194-201; Chabot 7-12, 67-8; Clark 216-23; Cocke 59-60, 104-8; Dailly 68-9, 207-12; Dawson 167-71; Dowding 64-5, 114-9; Fraser 177-9; Gardom 225-9; Hall 66-7, 229-36; Hartley 44-9; Jefcoat 165-6; Jordan 203-7; Kiernan 99-104; Kripps 212-6; LeCours 132-42; Little 119-21; Lorimer 188-91; McCarthy 123-7; McDiarmid 57-9; Macdonald 12732; McGeer 26-36, 63-4; Marshall 154-60; Merilees 191-4; Mussallem 183-6; Ney 74-5; Nimsick 147-54; Peterson 39-44; Price 69-70, 179-83; Shelford 143-7; Smith 71-4; Strachan 61-3, 82-9; Tisdalle 65-6, 108-14; Wallace 12-8; Wenman 53-7, 75-6; Williams, L.A. 160-5; Williams, R.A. 171-7; Williston 77-82; Wolfe 96-8

Administration Act

Section 53, annual return tabled (Bennett) 370

Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 657


Fostered children, adoption of (Wenman) 379

Homes for children (Wenman) 378-9


Advertising (Bennett) 825 (Clark) 812 (Strachan) 818

Corporate advertising, expenditures on (Wallace) 314-5

Corporate advertising, taxation of, proposal re (Wallace) 315

Industry, policing of (Clark) 813

See also: Government advertising

Age of Majority Act

Mentioned: (Black) 654 (Throne speech) 1 (Williams, L.A.) 819


Adoption of elderly, proposal re (Jordan) 207

Bus passes for (Clark) 221 (Dawson) 456 (Gardom) 481 (McCarthy) 408 (McGeer) 274

Bus passes for, free passes for Centennial year (McCarthy) 408

Counsellors, work of (Dawson) 456

Extended care for (Barrett) 263-4

Food, cost of for elderly (Cocke) 331

Hearing aids for (Dawson) 456 (McGeer) 665

Home for, CBC coverage of opening of (Mussallem) 418

Home for, funding for (Mussallem) 418

Homes for, Vancouver South constituency (Kripps) 511

Housing for (Cocke) 331, 332 (Gardom) 226

Housing for, funding for (Bennett) 258 (Dawson) 457 (Kripps) 511

Income, guaranteed income for (Barrett) 844 (Cocke) 332

Property taxes and assessment increases (Nimsick) 299

Property taxes, deferment of, proposal for (Brousson) 641 (Clark) 221 (Gardom) 226 (McGeer) 618 (Wenman) 76

Property taxes, problem of (Smith) 74 (Wenman) 57

Recreational programs for (Dawson) 457

Rummage sales, use of by elderly (Cocke) 331

Social and recreational facilities for (Cocke) 332

Agricultural aid to developing countries fund Funds, use of (Shelford) 144

Operation of (Bruch) 373 (Shelf ord) 144, 146

Scholarships, proposal re (Throne speech) 2

Mentioned: (Bennett) 453 (Peterson) 543

Agricultural and Rural Development Act (Canada) Agreement under act (Throne speech) 2

Projects under agreement (Shelford) 402

Agricultural extension work

Indians, extension work for (Shelford) 402

Agricultural Land Clearing Assistance Act

Federal criticism of (Shelford) 402

Agricultural machinery

Federal royal commission on (Shelford) 402

Policy on, proposal re (Shelford) 402

Agricultural Parkland, An Act for the Establishment of

(Bill 84) (Wenman) 1R, 675; 2R, 848-9; out of order 849

Speakers: Wenman 848-9

Agricultural parkland, definition of (Wenman) 848

Delta, agricultural land, use of (Wenman) 848

Property tax, exemption from (Wenman) 849

Agricultural produce

See: Farm produce


Federal agricultural policies (Marshall) 157

Task force on, recommendations (Shelford) 401

Agriculture — Research

Federal research (Shelford) 143, 404

Funding for, proposal re (McGeer) 279

Agriculture, Department of

Annual report tabled (Shelford) 863

Function of (Tisdalle) 465

Aids to navigation

Tanker traffic on B.C. coast, provision of aids for (Williams, L.A.) 531

Air — Pollution

Burnaby air pollution (Dailly) 209

Pollution of air (Dailly) 209

Registration of air pollution, deadline for (Chabot) 12

Smoking and air pollution (Nimsick) 634-5

Wood chips, burning of (Fraser) 178

Air Space Titles Act

(Bill 37) (Attorney-General) 1R, 516; 2R, 624-5; 3R, 854; RA, 864

Speakers: Macdonald 625; Peterson 624-5, 625; Williams, L.A. 625

Airspace, title to (Peterson) 624

Bill, referral of to Select Standing Committee on Municipal Matters (Peterson) 625

Subterranean title, provision for (Williams, L.A.) 625

Mentioned: (Williston) 516


Landing strips, construction of (Merilees) 193

Airspace (Law)

Air Space Titles Act. See name of act Airspace, title to (Peterson) 624

Alaska Highway

See: Highway 97

Alaska Highway News

Mentioned: (Barrett) 268

Alberni constituency

Dyking project (McDiarmid) 58

Euclataws cave, proposal re visitors to (McDiarmid) 597

River Road, construction of (McDiarmid) 58

Alberni Valley Citizens' Association

Brief referred to, quoted (Barrett) 765-6 (Strachan) 761, 762


Speech from the Throne, content referred to, quoted (Strachan) 362

Alcock, Fred

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 245

Alcoholic beverages

Advertising of (Bennett) 721 (Loffmark) 604 (McGeer) 604, 821-2 (Strachan) 599, 818 (Wallace) 601

Advertising of in newspapers, ban on (Barrett) 816-7 (Bennett) 823-4 (Bruch) 822 (Capozzi) 825-6 (Cocke) 826 (Dowding) 824 (Gaglardi) 822-3 (Hartley) 826 (LeCours) 819-20 (Macdonald) 823 (McGeer) 821-2 (Nimsick) 820-1 (Price) 817 (Strachan) 818 (Tisdalle) 826-7 (Williams, L.A.) 819

Advertising of in newspapers, ban on and revenue loss (LeCours) 820


Alcoholism (Barrett) 816-7 (Capozzi) 721 (Peterson) 543 (Tisdalle) 113 (Wallace) 600

Education re and prevention (Loffmark) 604 (McCarthy) 719 (Wallace) 601

Effects of (Loffmark) 603

Hospital for alcoholics (Loffmark) 293, 603 (Wolfe) 345

Jurisdiction over problem (Peterson) 543

Rehabilitation, funding for (Gardom) 227

Treatment (Loffmark) 293 (Wallace) 601

Alexander Bridge, B.C.

Park for area (Hartley) 596

Alexandra Neighbourhood House, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 368


Dehydrated alfalfa, production of (Marshall) 158

Pellets, export of to Japan (Marshall) 509

Alice Arm, B.C.

Nass River bridge (Little) 120

All Canada Insurance Federation

Mentioned: (Hartley) 502

All-terrain vehicles

Accidents (Hall) 786

All-terrain Vehicles Act. See name of act Public highways, operation on (Kiernan) 732

Public liability insurance for (Kiernan) 732, 787 (Williams, L.A.) 786

Registration of (Calder) 787 (Kiernan) 732

Regulation of use of (Kiernan) 732 (Nimsick) 785

Trespass on private property (Kiernan) 787 (Nimsick) 785-6 (Williams, L.A.) 786

Use of (Calder) 787 (Kiernan) 732

Wildlife, harassment of (Kiernan) 732

All-terrain Vehicles Act

(Bill 66) (Minister of Recreation and Conservation) 1R, 675; 2R, 732, 785-7; 3R, 793; RA, 864

Speakers: Bruch 787; Calder 787; Hall 786; Kiernan 732, 787; Nimsick 785-6; Williams, R.A. 786

Accidents (Hall) 786

Public highways, operation on (Kiernan) 732

Public liability insurance for (Kiernan) 732, 787 (Williams, L.A.) 786

Registration, requirement for (Calder) 787 (Kiernan) 732

Regulation of use of (Kiernan) 732 (Nimsick) 785

Trespass on private property (Kiernan) 787 (Nimsick) 785-6 (Williams, L.A.) 786

Use of (Calder) 787 (Kiernan) 732

Wildlife, harassment of (Kiernan) 732

Alouette Lake, B.C.

Park, campsites (Kiernan) 588

Water level (Mussallem) 595

Alouette River, B.C.

Water flow (Mussallem) 595

Alpine Estates Ltd.

Mentioned: (Capozzi) 507

Alpine Outdoor Resources Ltd.

Cypress Bowl, development of, financing of (Williston) 81-2

Mentioned: (Barrett) 796 (Dowding) 116

Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd.

Strike in 1970 (Little) 119-20 (McGeer) 32, 63-4

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242 (Little) 445, 598, 626

Amalgamated Transit Union

Dispute with B.C. Hydro (McGeer) 282 (Merilees) 192 (Peterson) 43, 249 (Tisdalle) 108

Dispute with B.C. Hydro, mediation commission report on (Hall) 477

Dispute with B.C. Hydro, settlement awarded in (Macdonald) 415

Amalgamation of municipalities

See entries under Local government

Ambulance service

Grants for services in unorganized areas (Hartley) 499

North Bend-Boston Bar ambulance service (Hartley) 499

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Mentioned: (Brousson) 335 (Wallace) 14

American Medical Association

Mentioned: (Bruch) 372

Anahim Lake, B.C.

Electric power for (Calder) 436

Anderson, D.E.

Letter quoted (Hartley) 46

Mentioned: (Hartley) 47

Anderson, David Alexander

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 246 (Williston) 249

Anderson, Henry

Mentioned: (Peterson) 539

Andras, Robert

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 410, 411 (Macdonald) 411 (Merilees) 443

Andrews, Ron

Quoted (Lorimer) 376

Anglo-Canadian Telephone Co.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 330

Angus, Tom

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 174


All-terrain vehicles, harassment of wildlife by users of (Kiernan) 732

Endangered species (Hartley) 733 (Kiernan) 733

Pesticides, use of and endangered species (Hartley) 733

Animals Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 25) (Minister of Agriculture) 1R, 349; 2R, 653-4; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Speakers: Barrett 654; Calder 653; Dowding 653; Nimsick 653; Shelford 653, 654; Tisdalle 653-4; Vogel 654

Bulls in bull-control areas (Shelford) 653

Dogs running at large, Atlin area (Calder) 653 (Dowding) 653 (Shelford) 653

Dogs running at large, provisions re (Nimsick) 653 (Shelford) 653, 654 (Vogel) 654

Anne, Princess of Great Britain

Visit to B.C. (Throne speech) 1

Annual Holidays Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 65) (Nimsick) 1R, 617; 2R, 848; out of order 848

Annual holiday, proposal for increase in (Nimsick) 848

Apartment houses

Renovations to, proposal re (McCarthy) 127


Export development corporation, proposal for (Jordan) 491

Export of (Jordan) 490-1

Export of to England (Jordan) 490

Import of into Canada (Jordan) 490-1 (Shelford) 4034, 404

Industry in B.C. (Shelford) 400, 403

MLAs, apples for (Shelford) 143

Okanagan apples to Prairie drought areas (Bennett) 546

Okanagan crop, sale of (Dowding) 119

Provincial institutions, apple purchases (Dowding) 119


Apprenticeships (Calder) 52


Industry, proposal re (Tisdalle) 465

Arms and armour

Unemployment and expenditures on arms (Clark) 221


Detained persons, access to counsel (Dowding) 117

Arrow (Vessel)

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 246 (Williams, L.A.) 161, 162

Ashcroft, B.C.

Mamit Lake road (Hartley) 498

Ashley, John W.

Quoted (Strachan) 62

Asian Institute of Technology

Mentioned: (Shelford) 144

Assessment Appeal Act

Mentioned: (Strachan) 356

Assessment Appeal Board

Annual report tabled (Bennett) 121

Mentioned: (Dowding) 768 (Strachan) 761

Assessment Commission

Annual report tabled (Bennett) 5

Commissioner's powers (Williams, L.A.) 772

Operation of and political influence (Williams, R.A.) 177

Assessment Equalization Act

Quoted (Lorimer) 188

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 189 (Nimsick) 299 (Price) 526

Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 22) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 262; 2R, 638-41, 7618, 769-73; 3R, 793; RA, 864

Divisions: 2R, 773; 3R, 793

Speakers: Barrett 765-6; Bennett 638, 772-3; Brousson 640-1; Clark 763-4; Cocke 771; Dowding 770-1; Gardom 766-7; Lorimer 638; McDiarmid 639-40; Macdonald 639; McGeer 638-9; Ney 764; Nimsick 767-8; Strachan 761-3; Williams, L.A. 771-2; Williams, R.A. 764-5

Alberni Valley Citizens' Association, brief referred to, quoted (Barrett) 765-6 (Strachan) 761, 762

Assessment commissioner, powers of (Williams, L.A.) 772

Assessments, appeals (Strachan) 762

Assessments based on market value, proposal re (Brousson) 640-1 (Macdonald) 639 (Strachan) 762

Assessments, equalization of (Bennett) 772 (Williams, L.A.) 771

Assessments, increase in, limit on (Bennett) 638, 772-3 (Brousson) 640 (Clark) 763-4 (Dowding) 768, 770 (Gardom) 766-7 (McDiarmid) 640 (McGeer) 638-9 (Strachan) 762-3

Assessments, jurisdiction over, proposal re (Brousson) 641

Assessments, reassessment of property (McDiarmid) 639-40

Assessors, need for (Brousson) 640 (McDiarmid) 640

Bennett, Hon. W.A.C., Kelowna residence, assessment of property (Williams, R.A.) 765

Bill, referral of to Select Standing Committee on Municipal Matters, proposal re (McGeer) 639

Canadian Pacific Railway property, Port Coquitlam, assessment of (Barrett) 765, 766

Elderly, tax deferment for, proposal re (Brousson) 641

Four Seasons Hotel property, Vancouver, assessment of (Dowding) 768, 770

Industrial land, assessment of (Barrett) 765 (Nimsick) 767 (Strachan) 762

Kelowna shopping centre, assessment of land in area of (Williams, R.A.) 765

Land speculators, benefits of act to (Brousson) 640 (Macdonald) 639

Legislation, retroactive legislation (Brousson) 641

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Port Alberni land, assessment of (Barrett) 766 (Strachan) 762

North Vancouver land, assessment of, cases cited (Clark) 763-4

Port Alberni, assessments (Strachan) 761, 762

Property, tax burden, shift in (Barrett) 766 (Clark) 763 (Dowding) 768

Pulp mills, assessment of (Strachan) 762

School districts, grants to and assessments (Brousson) 640

School tax, limit on increase in assessments for (Bennett) 638 (Lorimer) 638

Wright, W. Percy, letter to assessors referred to, quoted (Dowding) 770 (Gardom) 766, 767 (Nimsick) 767 (Williams, L.A.) 771-2

Assessment of land for taxation purposes

See entries under Real property tax


Tribute to (Capozzi) 503

Atlantic Brewing Co.

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 242

Atlantic Development Corporation

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 126

Atlantic Richfield Oil Co.

Refinery (Brousson) 338 (Kripps) 213 (McDiarmid) 246 (Vogel) 366 (Williams, L.A.) 161, 251

Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.

Mentioned: (Wallace) 14

Attachment and garnishment

Attachments of Debts Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Garnishing, amount of garnishment (Hartley) 745

Garnishing and size of debt (Dowding) 746

Garnishing, exemptions (Nimsick) 744 (Peterson) 743

Garnishing order and dismissal of employee (Hall) 745 (Macdonald) 745 (Nimsick) 743 (Peterson) 743

Garnishing proceedings, transfer of (Peterson) 747

Maintenance orders, garnishing of wages for (McCarthy) 744

Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 64) (Nimsick) 1R, 617; withdrawn 847

Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 74) (Attorney-General) 1R, 723; 2R, 743-6; 3R, 854; RA, 864

Speakers: Barrett 744-5; Clark 744; Dowding 745-6; Hall 745; Hartley 745; McCarthy 744; Macdonald 745; Nimsick 743-4; Peterson 743, 746; Williams, L.A. 746

Debts, repayment of, provision for (Peterson) 743

Debt, repayment of, responsibility for (Williams, L.A.) 746

Employees, dismissal of because of garnishing order (Hall) 745 (Macdonald) 745 (Nimsick) 743 (Peterson) 743

Maintenance orders, garnishing of wages for (McCarthy) 744

Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education, referral of bill to (Barrett) 745 (Clark) 744 (Dowding) 746 (Peterson) 746

Wages, garnishing of, amount of garnishment (Hartley) 745

Wages, garnishing of and size of debt (Dowding) 746

Wages, garnishing of, exemptions (Nimsick) 744 (Peterson) 743


Labour department portfolio, combining with (Gardom) 227 (McGeer) 35


Tests, B.C. Medical Plan coverage for (Wallace) 662

Audit Act

Mentioned: (Bennett) 253, 258


Office of, proposal re (Gardom) 227 (McGeer) 280, 281

Auto Pact

Agreement (Mussallem) 184

Automatic Electric (Canada)

Mentioned: (Cocke) 330, 331

Automobile accidents

See: Traffic accidents

Automobile driving

High schools, driver education course (Gardom) 229, 484

Automobile industry and trade

Cars, manufacture of, bumpers (Gardom) 229

Cars, manufacture of, safety features (Capozzi) 197

Industry in B.C., proposal re (Barrett) 25-6 (McDiarmid) 58

Automobile insurance

See: Insurance, Automobile

Automobile Insurance Board of British Columbia

See: British Columbia Automobile Insurance Board

Automobile licence plates

Validating sticker, problem re (LeCours) 132-3


Abandoned vehicles, disposal of (Brousson) 336-7

Noise (Peterson) 542-3 (Price) 179

Noise control, standards for (Peterson) 543

Number of, increase in (Macdonald) 414-5

Recycling of old cars (Jordan) 489

Safety standards for new and used vehicles (Dowding) 119 (Gardom) 485

Automobiles — Inspection

Compulsory inspection, proposal re (Gardom) 229, 484-5

Automobiles — Pollution control devices

Cost of (Wallace) 15

Inspection of equipment (Strachan) 357

Legislation on (Wolfe) 96

Pollution control devices (Bennett) 260 (Peterson) 542

Regulations re (Peterson) 542

Used cars, pollution control devices for (Peterson) 542

Automobiles — Used cars

See: Used cars

Automobiles, Government

Insurance coverage for (Hartley) 47, 47-8