Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Railway Act

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 151

Rain and rainfall

Monitoring of for lead and cadmium (Dowding) 396


See: Birds of prey

Rathie, William George

Mentioned: (McGeer) 276

Raz, Victor M.

Letter quoted (Hartley) 47

Real Estate Act

Mentioned: (Peterson) 777 (Tisdalle) 666

Real estate development

Land for public purposes, donation of (Hall) 856

Municipal Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act Schools, sites for (Hall) 856

Real estate investment

Assessments, limit on, benefits of to speculators (Brousson) 640 (Macdonald) 639

Speculation in land (Capozzi) 507

Real property

See also: Airspace (Law)

Real property — Foreign ownership

Land, foreign ownership of (Macdonald) 131-2, 637 (Strachan) 88

Tax-sales, purchase of land by U.S. citizens (Macdonald) 132 (Strachan) 88

Real property tax

Absentee owners, tax rate for, proposal re (Macdonald) 132

Agricultural parkland, exemption of from property tax (Wenman) 849

Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Assessment of industrial land (Barrett) 765 (Nimsick) 767 (Strachan) 762

Assessments, appeal of (Strachan) 356, 762

Assessments based on market value, proposal re (Brousson) 640-1 (Macdonald) 639 (Strachan) 762

Assessments, equalization of (Bennett) 772 (Williams, L.A.) 771

Assessments, increase in, beneficiaries of limit on (Lorimer) 189

Assessments, increase in, case cited (Nimsick) 299

Assessments, increase in, limit on (Bennett) 638, 772-3 (Brousson) 640 (Clark) 763-4 (Dowding) 768, 770 (Gardom) 766-7 (Lorimer) 188-9 (McDiarmid) 640 (McGeer) 638-9 (Strachan) 762-3 (Williams, R.A.) 177

Assessments, increase in, limit on, cases cited (Lorimer) 188-9

Assessments, inequities in (Williams, R.A.) 176-7

Assessments, jurisdiction over, proposal re (Brousson) 641

Assessments, reassessment of property (McDiarmid) 639-40

Assessors, need for (Brousson) 640 (McDiarmid) 640

Basis for, proposal re (Gardom) 226

Elderly, tax burden on (Smith) 74 (Wenman) 57

Elderly, tax deferment proposal for (Brousson) 641 (Clark) 221 (Gardom) 226 (McGeer) 618 (Wenman) 76

Farmland, assessment and taxation of (Marshall) 509 (Smith) 73-4

Farmland, rent on and property taxes (Marshall) 509

Farmland, taxation of elsewhere (Marshall) 509

Farms, due date for taxes (Hartley) 856-7 (Jefcoat) 166

Homeowner grant (Bennett) 255 (Jordan) 204-5 (Marshall) 508 (Williston) 517

Homeowner grant and home ownership (Bennett) 617 (McCarthy) 617-8

Homeowner grant and tenants (Bruch) 619 (Cocke) 620 (McGeer) 275, 618

Homeowner grant funds, late receipt of by municipalities (Clark) 220

Homeowner grant, increase in (Bennett) 258 (Bruch) 371 (Jefcoat) 305 (Peterson) 544 (Skillings) 328 (Vogel) 363

Homeowner grant, increase in, cost of to province (Bennett) 617

Homeowner grant, level of, proposal for change in (Marshall) 509

Homeowner grant, NDP position on (Bennett) 620 (Jefcoat) 619-20 (Nimsick) 619

Homeowner grant, purpose of (Wenman) 378

Increase in (Clark) 220, 421-2

Land tax, change in due date for (Hartley) 856-7

Level of (Campbell, D.) 242-3 (Price) 526-7

Minimum tax payable, proposal re (Wenman) 378

Minimum tax, payment of (Capozzi) 508-9

Mobile homes, taxation of (Jefcoat) 166

Property tax (Bennett) 255 (Smith) 73

Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Regional parks, mill rate for (Hall) 479

School tax. See entries under Education — Finance Tax burden, shift in (Barrett) 766 (Clark) 763 (Dowding) 768

Taxation Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act Unpaid tax, disposition o£ property (Bennett) 637 (Nimsick) 637 (Williams, L.A.) 637

Unpaid tax, length of delinquency period (Lorimer) 637

Unpaid tax, tax sales of property (Bennett) 637 (Williams, R.A.) 637

Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 1) (Attorney-General) 1R, 4; 2R, 426-30; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Divisions: 2R, 430

Speakers: Barrett 428-9; Dowding 426-8; Gardom 42930; Peterson 426, 430; Strachan 430; Williams, L.A. 429

Maintenance hearings, out-of-province parents, representation for (Dowding) 427

Maintenance orders, enforcement of (Barrett) 428-9

Maintenance orders, enforcement of in other jurisdictions (Dowding) 427

Maintenance orders, out-of-province judgments and jurisdiction of B.C. (Dowding) 427

Maintenance orders, out-of-province judgments, appeals against (Dowding) 428 (Gardom) 429-30 (Peterson) 430 (Williams, L.A.) 429

Maintenance orders, reciprocal agreements on (Dowding) 426-7


Community programs, funding for (Dailly) 461-2

Program (Gardom) 229

Recreation and Conservation, Department of

Annual report tabled (Kiernan) 583

Recreation areas

Development of, policy on (Williams, L.A.) 161

See also: Parks

Recycling (Waste, etc.)

Paper. See Waste paper — Recycling

Recycling (Brousson) 335-7

Red Cross Society

Mentioned: (Shelford) 144

Redmond, E.C.

Mentioned: (Little) 447


Municipalities, vote on referendums (Campbell, D.) 450

Referendums in school districts

See entries under School districts


Appropriation for (Bennett) 261

Employment in (Chabot) 320

Employment in, female workers (Williston) 520

Not satisfactorily stocked areas, reforestation of (Williston) 520

Reforestation (Chabot) 320 (Williston) 520

Refuse and refuse disposal

Garbage, disposal of (Jordan) 489-90 (Little) 120

Regional districts, responsibility for garbage disposal (Nimsick) 298

Rural areas, report on garbage disposal (Nimsick) 298

Vancouver, garbage, production and disposal of (Brousson) 336

Regals hockey team

Tribute to (Dawson) 167

Regehr, Rudy

Right to practise, Hon. R.R. Loffmark's remarks re (Clark) 219, 220, 422-4 (Loffmark) 288, 289 (Williams, L.A.) 533-4

Regional districts

Benefits of (Fraser) 425-6

Community plans and forests in area (Campbell, D.) 833 (Lorimer) 829 (Williams, R.A.) 832

Cost of, administrative costs (Nimsick) 297-8, 299

Establishment of (Campbell, D.) 451

Function of (Campbell, D.) 452

Garbage disposal, responsibility for (Nimsick) 298

Level of government, re-examination of (Nimsick) 297-8

Parks, development of (Hall) 479

Parks, funding for (Hall) 594 (McDiarmid) 597

Pollution control, jurisdiction over (Nimsick) 298

Powers of and Municipal Affairs minister's powers (Campbell, D.) 833

Representatives, appointment of (Fraser) 426

Representatives, election of (Campbell, D.) 451-2 (Nimsick) 298-9

Resource management policies, development of (Williams, R.A.) 832

Taxation powers (Campbell, D.) 451

Zoning, responsibility for (Nimsick) 298

Regional Parks Act

Mentioned: (Hall) 479 (Kiernan) 100

Regional Parks Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 88) (Minister of Recreation and Conservation) 1R, 732; 2R, 760-1, 829; 3R, 854; RA, 864

Speakers: Hall 829; Kiernan 760-1

Lower Mainland Regional District, land assembly for parks (Hall) 829

Park trails, powers re (Kiernan) 760

Parkland, acquisition of mortgaged property (Kiernan) 760

Parkland, lease of (Kiernan) 760

Registered Nurses' Association of British Columbia

Newsletter quoted (Strachan) 360

Mentioned: (Dailly) 460

Rehabilitation and Social Improvement, Department of

Appropriation for (Bennett) 258

Funding for, proposal re (McGeer) 280

Investigation into by committee of House (Gardom) 229

Opportunities program (Dailly) 68

Religion in the public schools

Bible reading, prayers in schools (Wenman) 381, 845

Rent control

Rent control (Price) 528 (Wolfe) 346

Rental housing

Homeowner grant and tenants (Bruch) 619 (Cocke) 620 (McGeer) 275, 618

Low-rental housing, assistance for (Dailly) 461


Science city, proposal for (McGeer) 274, 276, 279

University Endowment Lands, research park (Gardom) 228

Research natural areas

Ecological reserves (Williston) 78-9

Ecological reserves, abolition of (Brousson) 750

Ecological Reserves Act. See name of act Ecological reserves, advisers for (Williams, L.A.) 753

Ecological reserves, committee on, proposal for (Dowding) 751

Ecological reserves, decisions on (Dowding) 751

Ecological reserves, definition of types of (Brousson) 750

Ecological reserves, dumping of waste in (Williams, L.A.) 753

Ecological reserves, establishment of (Hall) 749-50, 750 (McGeer) 753 (Williston) 749

Ecological reserves, ministerial responsibility for (Brousson) 750 (Nimsick) 752 (Williams, L.A., ) 753

Wilderness areas, status of and Ecological Reserves Act (Nimsick) 752

Residential Resorts Ltd.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 759

Residential subdivisions

See: Real estate development

Restraint of trade

Restrictive trade practices (Capozzi) 847 (Peterson) 846

Restrictive trade practices

See: Restraint of trade


Early retirement and pensions (Nimsick) 303

Pension benefits, age of eligibility for (Nimsick) 153

Revelstoke, B.C.

CPR tracks, overpass for (Campbell, B.) 90

Hospital, opening of (Campbell, B.) 90

Shoplifting, incidence of (Campbell, B.) 368

Youth hostel (Campbell, B.) 367-8

Revelstoke Review, Revelstoke, B.C.

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 151


Cigarette, tobacco tax, revenue source, proposal re (Wallace) 17

Corporations, tax revenue, 1971-2, estimate of (Strachan) 358

Estimates of, accuracy of (McGeer) 282

Federal government, funds from (Strachan) 357

Natural resources, revenue from (Strachan) 357

Provincial assets, value of (Bennett) 257 (Gardom) 481

Revenue, 1968-69 fiscal year (Bennett) 257

Revenue, 1969-70 fiscal year (McGeer) 272

Revenue, 1970-71 fiscal year (Bennett) 255 (McGeer) 272

Revenue, 1971-72 fiscal year, estimate of (Bennett) 259 (McGeer) 626

Surplus (Bennett) 257, 259 (Campbell, D.) 243 (Hall) 233 (LeCours) 492 (Strachan) 627

Surplus, use of (Capozzi) 61 (Nimsick) 148

Revenue Act

Section 46(1) and (2) , business conducted under sections, report tabled (Bennett) 5

Revised Statutes Act, 1966, An Act to Amend

(Bill 36) (Attorney-General) 1R, 553; 2R, 667-8; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Speakers: Dowding 667-8; Peterson 667

Statutes, computerization of (Dowding) 667 (Peterson) 667

Reynolds, Melvina

Mentioned: (Brousson) 91-2

Rhodes, Mark

Mentioned: (Hartley) 48

Richter, Francis Xavier (Boundary-Similkameen) Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources and Minister of Commercial Transport

Boston Bar, aerial car ferry 352

Brenda Mines Ltd., benefits of to economy 350

Budget debate 349-52

Cascade bridge, work on 349

Christina Lake, project at south end 349

Coal reserves, Kootenays 351

Commercial Transport department, annual report tabled 370

Commercial Transport, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 76) 1R, 725; 747-8, 748

Federal monetary and fiscal policy 349

Fish restocking of lakes and rivers, Boundary Similkameen constituency 349

Grand Forks, Central Avenue, work on 349

Grand Forks, Spencer Hill area road, work on 349

Granduc Mines Ltd., benefits of to economy 350

Hells Gate, aerial tramway 352

Home Oil Co., government investment in, statement re (Lorimer) 791

Kaiser Resources Ltd., benefits of to economy 350-1

Kaiser Resources Ltd., job creation 350

Land, use of for mines 351

Land use, single-purpose use 351

Land use, value of various uses 351

Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session 351

Mine reclamation work 669

Mines Regulation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 412) 1R, 609; 669

Mining industry 349-50

Mining industry, employment in 350

Mining industry products, market for 350

Monetary and fiscal policy, federal policy 349

Natural gas industry, employment in 352

Natural gas industry in B.C. 351

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, Fort Nelson extension 352

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, Fort St. James-Takla Lake section, work on 352

Penticton bypass, work on 349

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, 1965, An Act to Amend (Bill 43) 1R, 609; 669

Petroleum industry, employment in 352

Petroleum industry in B.C. 351

Petroleum, natural gas lands, leasing of 669

Roberts Bank port, operations 352

Ski lifts 352

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd., annual general meeting, requirement for 795

Sunshine Comstock Mines Ltd. mineral claims, restoration of to shareholders 795

Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act (Bill 86) 1R, 789; 795

Sunshine Comstock Mines Limited (Non-personal Liability) Mineral Claims Act, proclamation of 795

Trucks, damage to roads, recovery of costs 748

Trucks, licensing of by regional districts 748

Trucks, load-size infraction, fine for 747-8

Trucks, loads, size of 747-8

Trucks, size of, regulations re 351-2

Western Mines Ltd. operations, benefits of to economy 350


Vancouver disturbance (Clark) 221-2


Pollution, cleanup of (Little) 120

Sewage disposal in (Jefcoat) 305

Riverview Hospital, Essondale, B.C.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 269 (Chabot) 12 (Throne speech) 4


Cariboo constituency roads (Fraser) 179, 426

Construction and maintenance of, source of funds for (Ney) 74

Construction of (Jefcoat) 166

Controlled Access Highways Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Crown land, roads on (Hartley) 738 (Nimsick) 738 (Williams, L.A.) 738 (Williston) 737, 738

Esquimalt constituency, road program (Bruch) 186

Highways, access to, public ownership of routes (Barrett) 781

Highways, access to, requirement for permit for (Black) 699

Highways, construction of, cost of (Bennett) 625

Highways, expenditures on and taxes collected (Bruch) 371

Highways, lands adjacent to highways (Hall) 235 (Hartley) 499 (Strachan) 354

Highways, lands adjacent to proposed highways, acquisition of (Barrett) 697-8, 780-1 (Bennett) 781 (Black) 697 (Gaglardi) 782-3 (Macdonald) 781-2 (Williams, L.A.) 782 (Williams, R.A.) 783-4

Highways, lands adjacent to proposed highways, disposal of (Dowding) 785 (Gaglardi) 783 (McGeer) 784 (Williams, R.A.) 784

Highways, lands adjacent to proposed highways, minister's powers re (Macdonald) 782

Highways, ownership of companies involved in business along highways (Macdonald) 415-6

Kootenay constituency roads (Nimsick) 301-2

Land Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act Maintenance of (Jefcoat) 166

North Peace River constituency roads (Smith) 398

Shuswap constituency roads, work on (Jefcoat) 304

Trucks, damage to roads, recovery of costs (Nimsick) 748 (Richter) 748

See also highways by number, e.g. Highway 19

Roberts Bank, B.C.

Port, operations (Richter) 352

Railway to, completion of (Throne speech) 2

Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep

See: Bighorn sheep

Rolston, Tilly Jean

Mentioned: (Dailly) 210

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 152

Rose Bowl parade

Participation in, cost of (Nimsick) 148

Roseberry, B.C.

Bridge (Campbell, B.) 369

Ross, Frank

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 368

Ross Dam

Raising of (Brousson) 94

Mentioned: (Kiernan) 99

Rossland Mining School, Rossland, B.C.

Establishment of (Brothers) 470

Roth, Hilbert

Mentioned: (Strachan) 354

Royal Canadian Air Force Association

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 91

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Mentioned: (Barrett) 602 (Brousson) 335 (Calder) 653 (Campbell, B.) 91 (Clark) 222 (Hall) 478 (Hartley) 45 (McCarthy) 719 (Macdonald) 132 (Price) 180 (Richter) 795 (Wallace) 710

Royal Columbian Hospital, New Westminster, B.C.

Constitution, changes to (Loffmark) 797-8

Hospital Corporations Act. See name of act 1912 wing, replacement of (Cocke) 104

Patient care (Cocke) 104

Patient care, case cited (Cocke) 104

Staff, reduction in (Cocke) 104

Mentioned: (Cocke) 108

Royal Commission on Automobile Insurance (1966)

Cost of (Hartley) 502

Royal Commission on Education (1958)

Mentioned: (Barrett) 695, 696

Royal Commission on Expropriation (1961)

Recommendations (Peterson) 43 (Wallace) 16

Royal Commission on Gasoline Price Structure (1963)

Recommendations (Hartley) 629

Royal Inland Hospital, Kamloops, B.C.

Constitution, changes to (Loffmark) 797-8

Hospital Corporation Act. See name of act

Royal jubilee Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Abortion, facilities for (Loffmark) 291 (Wallace) 315

Abortions, number of (Wallace 18

Facilities, use of, report on (Wallace) 316

Laboratory, use of (Black) 498

Mentioned: (Wallace) 17


Inoculation of children (Price) 528

Inoculation of women (Cocke) 329-30 (Dailly) 208-9 (Loffmark) 289

Pregnant women, abortion in cases of rubella infection (Cocke) 329-30 (Loffmark) 289-90

Runyan, Damon

Quoted (Merilees) 191

Rural electrification

Extension of power to rural areas (Bennett) 257 (Williams, L.A.) 165

Extension of power to smaller communities (Calder) 436-7 (McDiarmid) 307

Funding for (Shelford) 405 (Throne speech) 2

Russell, Bertrand

Quoted (Strachan) 362


Delegation, meeting with in Ottawa (Calder) 50

Visit to (Shelford) 145

Rutstein, D.D.

Mentioned: (Gardom) 645

Ryan, Perry

Quoted (Loffmark) 289