Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Jaffray, B.C.

Garbage dump (Nimsick) 298


B.C. House in Japan, proposal re (Wenman) 57

Tourist promotion team in Japan (Merilees) 194

Trade surplus with (Wenman) 56

Visit to (Calder) 51

Jay, Alan

Quoted (McCarthy) 124

Jefcoat, Willis F (Shuswap)

Address in Reply 165-6

Budget debate 303-6

Cigarettes, tax on, increase in 305

Economy of B.C. 305

Fence viewers, use of 651

Forest industry, Shuswap constituency 165

Gasoline tax, increase in 305

Grain, price to livestock industry 165

Homeowner grant, increase in 305

Homeowner grant, NDP position on 619-20

Industries, Shuswap constituency 165

Mobile homes, taxation of 166

Mortgages, second mortgage loan program 305

Motor fuel tax, increase in 305

Okanagan water basin study 304

Pollution control 165-6

Property tax, farms, due date for 166

Provincial home-acquisition grant fund 305

Provincial Home-owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 619-20

Quality of life in B.C. 165

Roads, construction of 166

Roads, maintenance of 166

Roads, Shuswap constituency, work on 304

Salmon Arm, lakeshore park, development of 166

Sewage disposal in lakes, rivers 305

Shuswap constituency 165

Shuswap River, diversion of 304-5

Shuswap River, level of, changes in 305

Shuswap River, water, shortage of 305

Shuswap-Thompson River system and Okanagan water basin 304-5

Snowmobiles, use of 166

Sugar Lake, water storage 305

Thompson River, diversion of 304-5

Tourists, facilities for 166, 303-4

Trespass Act, An Act to Amend 651

Water resource, studies on 304

Jefferson, Thomas

Quoted (LeCours) 135

Jenks, E.L.

Letter quoted (Cocke) 674

Jericho Hill School, Vancouver, B.C.

Accommodation for children (Lorimer) 377

Students, standard of care for (Lorimer) 377

Mentioned: (Dawson) 456

Job creation

See entries under Employment

John Birch Society

Mentioned: (Cocke) 689-90

John Howard Society

Mentioned: (Dawson) 170

Jones Act (United States)

Mentioned: (Hon. member) 151 (Nimsick) 151

Joplin, A.E.

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 90, 369

Jordan, Hon. Patricia J. (North Okanagan) Member of the Executive Council Without Portfolio

Address in Reply 203-7

Apples, export development corporation, proposal for 491

Apples, export of 490-1

Apples, import of 490-1

Apples, import of, federal policy on 491

Automobiles, recycling of old cars 489

Budget debate 485-92

Child care costs, income tax exemption for, proposal re 205-6

Cigarette advertisements, content 809

Cigarettes, advertising of, ban on 809

Communes 204

Day care 206, 487-8

Day care facilities, establishment of 488, 488-9

Day care facilities, funding for 206

Day care facilities in parliament buildings 489

Day care facilities, location of 206, 488

Day care facilities, provision of by church groups 488

Day care, role of trade unions in provision of 489

Elderly, adoption of, proposal re 207

Families, buddy families, proposal re 207

Family life 203-4, 207

Garbage disposal 489-90

Gardening services, income tax exemption for, proposal re 206

Home acquisition grant 205

Homemaker service education 487

Homemaker services, provision of 487

Homeowner grant 204-5

Income tax exemption for child, level of 205

Indians, family life 203

Mortgages, second mortgage loan program 205

Mothers, federal payment to, proposal re 205-6

N&S Steel Co., establishment of 489

Royal Commission on the Status of Women, report 205

Social welfare programs, funding for 487

Testator's Family Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend 656-7

Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act 808-9

Tobacco industry, federal assistance to 809

Tree-fruit growing, history of in Okanagan Valley 490

Tree-fruit industry 490-2

Vernon, park 206

Victoria armouries, proposal for 486

Victoria, service stations 486

Water, recycling of 490

Wills, decedents' family maintenance 656-7

Women, benefits for 205

Jordan River, B.C.

Hydroelectric plant, redevelopment of (Bennett) 256

Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia

Quoted (Dailly) 210 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 553

Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 369 (Macdonald) 412 (McGeer) 341

Juan de Fuca Strait

Nerve gas shipments through strait (Merilees) 193


Judicial Council's proceedings, public hearings (Dowding) 748-9 (Macdonald) 748 (Peterson) 749

Removal of for incompetency (LeCours) 136

Judicial Council of British Columbia

Appointment of (Throne speech) 1

Proceedings, public hearings (Dowding) 748-9 (Macdonald) 748 (Peterson) 749

Provincial Court Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Jung, Douglas

Mentioned: (Calder) 49


Exemption from jury duty (Peterson) 737

Jury Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Jury Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 69) (Attorney-General) 1R, 675; 2R, 737; 3R, 743; RA, 864

Speakers: Gardom 737; Peterson 737

Coroners, payment to (Gardom) 737

Jury duty, exemption from (Peterson) 737

Juvenile delinquency

Assessment centres for teenagers (Dawson) 456

Federal young offenders act (Hall) 474

Juvenile crime (Price) 180

Legislation in B.C. on young offenders (Hall) 475

Select standing committee on young offenders, proposal re (Hall) 234

Young offenders, treatment for (Hall) 474

Juvenile Delinquents Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 1