Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971
Labour, Department of
Annual report tabled (Peterson) 121
Attorney-General department portfolio, combining with (McGeer) 35
Labour and labouring classes
Government's attitude to labour (Macdonald) 128
Questionnaire on labour issues (Bruch) 187
Labour disputes
Compulsory arbitration, use of (Barrett) 559 (Clark) 569 (Cocke) 573 (McDiarmid) 573
Forest industry dispute in 1970 (Brousson) 562 (McGeer) 566 (Peterson) 42, 562
Politics and labour disputes (Clark) 569
Strike-and-work plan, proposal for (Kripps) 513-4
See also: Strikes and lockouts
Labour Gazette of Canada
Mentioned: (McGeer) 63
Labour-management relations
See: Industrial relations
Labour productivity
Education, level of and productivity (Wenman) 379, 380
Exports and productivity (Peterson) 541
Productivity of labour (McDiarmid) 310
Labour Relations Act
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 863 (Peterson) 862
Labour Relations Board
Mentioned: (Hall) 477
Labour supply
Increase in and number of welfare recipients (McGeer) 273
Labour force (Peterson) 39-40 (Throne speech) 3
Tradesmen, future need for, information re to students (Capozzi) 197
LaFarge Concrete
Mentioned: (Hall) 477 (McGeer) 32
Laing, Arthur
Mentioned: (Little) 445 (McCarthy) 126 (Marshall) 154 (Tisdalle) 65 (Wolfe) 98
Lake Cowichan road
See: Highway 18
Lakeland Valley Development Ltd.
Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 160
Lakelse Lake, B.C.
Clearing of (Little) 598
Lakelse Lake Provincial Park
Access to (Little) 445
Sewage disposal in (Jefcoat) 305
Land, Foreign ownership of
See: Real property — Foreign ownership
Land Act
Forest Act, references to (Williston) 736
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 453 (Macdonald) 132 (Williston) 78
Land Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 72) (Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources) 1R, 675; 2R, 737-8; 3R, 743; RA, 864
Speakers: Hartley 738; Nimsick 738; Williams, L.A. 738; Williston 737-8, 738
Crown land, applications for (Williston) 738
Roads on Crown land (Hartley) 738 (Nimsick) 738 (Williston) 738
Roads on Crown land, width of (Williams, L.A.) 738 (Williston) 737
Trespass on Crown land, seizure for (Williston) 737
Land Bank of British Columbia, An Act to Incorporate
(Bill 106) (Macdonald) 1R, 791; 2R, 859; out of order 859
Speakers: Macdonald 859
Land bank, establishment of (Macdonald) 859
Land Clauses Act (Great Britain)
Mentioned: (Wallace) 16
Land ownership, Foreign
See: Real property — Foreign ownership
Land Registry Act
Mentioned: (Gardom) 775 (Williams, L.A.) 775
Land Registry Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 62) (Attorney-General) 1R, 649; 2R, 698-9, 785; report, 795; 3R, 838; RA, 864
Speakers: Peterson 698
B.C. Law Reform Commission, proposal for amendments (Peterson) 698
Land speculation
See: Real estate investment
Land titles
Mortgage Brokers Act and land title registration system (Gardom) 775 (Williams, L.A.) 775
Subterranean title, provision for (Williams, L.A.) 625
Land use
Agricultural land cleared (Shelford) 402
Agricultural land, preservation of, proposal for (Wenman) 75-6
Agricultural Parkland, An Act for the Establishment of. See name of act
Agricultural parkland, definition of (Wenman) 848
Bulkley Valley, Maxan Lake area study (Shelford) 402
Delta, agricultural land, use of (Wenman) 848
Forest land, recreational use of (Williston) 520
Fraser Valley farmland, preservation of (Price) 527
Government acquisition of land with enhanced value (Macdonald) 416
Land bank, establishment of (Macdonald) 859
Land Bank of British Columbia, An Act to Establish. See name of act
Land use contracts, use of (Campbell, D.) 829 (Williams, L.A.) 830 (Williams, R.A.) 832
Mines, use of land for (Richter) 351 (Shelford) 401 (Strachan) 353
Multiple use (Kiernan) 103
Ownership of land (Campbell, D.) 452-3
Policy, development of (Kiernan) 103
Single-purpose use (Richter) 351 (Strachan) 353
Speculation in land (Strachan) 356
Value of various uses (Richter) 351
Land Use Committee
Committee (Throne speech) 1 (Wenman) 378
Health minister, membership in committee (Clark) 219 (Hall) 231
Name change (Williston) 80
Mentioned: (Barrett) 24 (Brousson) 93 (McGeer) 27, 275 (Nimsick) 302 (Wallace) 15 (Williston) 79, 80
See also: Environment and Land Use Committee
Landlord and tenant
Disputes (Hall) 235
Landlord and Tenant Act
Mentioned: (Hall) 235
Lands branch
Files, access to Gellatly Road file (Williams, R.A.) 538
Lands, Forests and Water Resources, Department of
Appropriation for (Bennett) 259, 261
Lands Service
Annual report tabled (Williston) 454
Lang, Otto
Mentioned: (Bruch) 64 (Kripps) 215 (Price) 70
Langley, B.C.
Bridge to Haney (Mussallem) 184
Laporte, Pierre
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 110, 113
Lapp, Ralph
Quoted (Wallace) 13
Law Reform Commission of British Columbia
See: British Columbia Law Reform Commission
Law Society of British Columbia
Benchers, representatives of public (Macdonald) 803
Mentioned: (Gardom) 803 (Macdonald) 683 (Peterson) 749, 802
Lawson, Edward
Arrest of (Dowding) 117 (LeCours) 133 (Macdonald) 129
Harassment of (Dowding) 117 (LeCours) 133
Lawson, Edward M. (Ed)
Quoted (Barrett) 559 (Hall) 476
Tribute to (Bennett) 577
Mentioned: (Barrett) 558 (Cocke) 573 (Dowding) 574 (Hall) 476, 578 (McDiarmid) 576 (Peterson) 557
Citizenship, requirement for (Capozzi) 803 (Dowding) 805 (Hall) 804 (McDiarmid) 803-4 (Peterson) 802 (Price) 804
Fees (LeCours) 136
Fines, levying of, provision for (Macdonald) 803 (Peterson) 802
Fines, revenue, use of (Gardom) 803
Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Negligence insurance, provision for (Peterson) 802
Suspension of, powers re (Gardom) 803
Lea, N.D., and Associates
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 176
Rainfall, monitoring of for lead (Dowding) 396
LeCours, Ernie (Richmond)
Abortion, fee for 136
Address in Reply 132-42
Alcoholic beverages, advertising of in newspapers, ban on 819-20
Alcoholic beverages, advertising of in newspapers, ban on and revenue loss 820
Automobile licence plates, validating stickers 132-3
Budget debate 492-4
Commonwealth of Nations commended 134
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conference, attendance at 134
Debt 137
Debt, federal debt, interest on 136-7
Economy of B.C., measuring of 494
Expenditures by government, interest rate on funds for 137
Financial system in Canada 493
General Truck Drivers' and Helpers' Union, Local 31, work stoppage, ending of 569-70
Grey Cup celebrations, damage to hotels 136
Handicapped children, education for 493
Housing, construction of 493
Housing, construction of, use of energy credits in 493
Housing, funding for, proposal re 140
Housing, provision of 493
Interest rate and investments 141
Interest rate on foreign loans 137
Judges, removal of for incompetency 136
Kanja, Waruru, information re life of 134-5
Lawson, Edward, arrest and harassment of 133
Lawyers, fees 136
Lottery, proposal for provincial lottery 492
Monetary policy, proposal re 141
Poor people 492
Poverty 139
Prices, level of 140
Production and consumption 139-40
Production and income 493-4
Revenue, surplus 492
South Africa, supplying arms for 134
Statute Law Amendment Act (1971) 819-20
Taxation, increase in 492
Teachers' Pension Act, 1961, An Act to Amend 708
Teachers, pensions, level of for presently retired teachers 708
Unemployment and federal policies 140
Unemployment, federal role in 134
LeDain report
See: Canada. Royal Commission on the Non-Medical Use of Drugs
Legal aid
Provision of (Gardom) 227 (McGeer) 279
Legal fees
Case cited (Wolfe) 97
Legal fees to plaintiffs (Wolfe) 97
Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 98) (Attorney-General) 1R, 789; 2R, 802-5; 3R, 838; RA, 864
Speakers: Barrett 805; Capozzi 803; Dowding 805; Gardom 803; Hall 804; McDiarmid 803-4; Macdonald 803; Peterson 802; Price 804
Benchers, public representatives (Macdonald) 803
Citizenship, requirement for (Capozzi) 803 (Dowding) 805 (Hall) 804 (McDiarmid) 803-4 (Peterson) 802 (Price) 804
Fines, levying of, provision for (Macdonald) 803 (Peterson) 802
Fines, revenue, use of (Gardom) 803
Negligence insurance, provision for (Peterson) 802
Suspensions, powers re (Gardom) 803
Leggett, John
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 409
Retroactive legislation (Brousson) 641
Revised Statutes Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Select standing committees, initiation of legislation by (Macdonald) 412
Statute law amendment acts, use of (McGeer) 821-2
Statutes, computerization of (Dowding) 667 (Peterson) 667
Broadcasting of debates (Clark) 856 (Gardom) 227
Broadcasting of Debates and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, An Act Respecting. See name of act
Demonstration on opening day of session (Barrett) 20-1 (Calder) 50-1, 52 (Campbell, D.) 238 (Capozzi) 195-6 (Chabot) 8-9 (Clark) 221 (Fraser) 177 (Gaglardi) 387 (Hall) 230 (Little) 119 (Macdonald) 128 (McGeer) 27 (Merilees) 192, 193 (Nimsick) 147-8 (Price) 183 (Richter) 351 (Shelford) 143 (Tisdalle) 110
Demonstration on opening day of session, role of B.C. Federation of Labour in (Chabot) 8-9
Flag in chamber (Tisdalle) 109
MLAs at time of Confederation (Chabot) 7-8
Note-taking in galleries (Gardom) 227 (McGeer) 30
Pages, girl pages (Dailly) 211
Sessions, fall sessions (Hartley) 45
Smoking in Legislature (Cocke) 813-4
Special committee on, proposal re (Macdonald) 412
Speeches, pretaping of by members (Clark) 222
Student groups in gallery (Smith) 399
Televising of debates (Clark) 222 (Gardom) 227
Legislature — Members
Centennial project, proposal re (Kripps) 212
MLAs at time of Confederation (Chabot) 7-8
Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Ombudsman's function, performance of by MLAs (Gardom) 483
Pensions, averaging period for (Black) 675
Sketches of MLAs (Barrett) 19
Speeches, pretaping of (Clark) 222
Women MLAs (Dailly) 207 (Dowding) 393
Work of MLAs (Barrett) 20
Legislature — Opposition
Actions of (Chabot) 12
Legislature — Procedure
Bills, referral of to select standing committees, procedure (Clark) 744
Materials, tabling of (Williams, L.A.) 533-4
Oral question period, proposal for (Gardom) 227
Select standing committees, membership, changes in (Barrett) 745 (Speaker) 746
Legislature — Select standing committees
Use of, proposal re (Gardom) 227
See also select standing committees by name, e.g. Select Standing Committee on Agriculture
Leicester, Earl of (Simon de Montford)
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 412
Lenkurt (Canada) Ltd.
Mentioned: (Cocke) 330
Export of (Shelford) 404
Lévesque, René
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 113
Levy, G.R.
Mentioned: (Hall) 235
Libby Dam
Funds for (Strachan) 357
Mentioned: (Barrett) 22
Liberal Party
Convention in Vancouver in 1930s (Nimsick) 152
Public Libraries Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Library Development Commission
Annual report tabled (Black) 5
Public library development, plan for (Throne speech) 3
Licence plates, Automobile
See: Automobile licence plates
Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. John R. Nicholson
Closing speech 865-6
Speech from the Throne 1-4
Lillooet, B.C.
Pemberton, road to (Hartley) 498-9 (McGeer) 276 (Price) 526
Lincoln, Abraham
Quoted (Nimsick) 568
Line Fences Act
Repeal of (Shelford) 651
Mentioned: (Dowding) 652 (Williams, L.A.) 652
Lions Bay, B.C.
Area, incorporation of (Williams, R.A.) 516
Lions Club
Mentioned: (Mussallem) 418 (Nimsick) 300
Lions Gate Bridge
Construction of (McGeer) 277
Tolls, removal of (McGeer) 276
Lions Gate Hospital, North Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Clark) 217
Liquor Act
Mentioned: (Capozzi) 825 (Clark) 218 (Hall) 786 (Nimsick) 820 (Williams, L.A.) 819
Liquor Control Act (Proposed act)
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 130
Liquor Control Board
Accountability of (McGeer) 282
Accounts, documents relating to, availability of to Public Accounts Committee (Barrett) 338-9 (Brousson) 338 (Cocke) 334 (Gardom) 342-3 (Kiernan) 3412 (McGeer) 340, 341 (Peterson) 339 (Strachan) 342
Annual report tabled (Peterson) 5
Board, representation on (Cocke) 333
Liquor stores (Price) 817
Losses through theft (Capozzi) 505
Operation of, examination of (McGeer) 281-2
Powers of (Macdonald) 823
Regulations affecting clubs in Vancouver (Clark) 217
Revenue, use of (Hartley) 826
Mentioned: (Brousson) 336, 337 (Dailly) 460
Liquor Inquiry Commission (1969)
Recommendations (Macdonald) 823 (McGeer) 281, 282 (Wallace) 601
Recommendations, action on (Clark) 218 (Macdonald) 130
Report (McDiarmid) 308
Mentioned: (Barrett) 816
Liquor laws
Liquor outlets, proposal re (Gardom) 227
Litter Act
Mentioned: (Brousson) 336, 337 (Hartley) 45 (Kiernan) 103
Little, Dudley George (Skeena)
Accelerated Park Development Act 598
Address in Reply 119-21
Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd. strike in 1970 119-20
B.C. Teachers' Federation, criticisms of 446
Budget debate 445-8
Edwards family, assistance to, proposal re 445
Fishermen, number of, reduction in 446-7
Fishing, limitations on 446-7
Garbage, disposal of 120
Gasoline Tax Act, 1948, An Act to Amend 626-7
Handicapped child, provision for, case cited 445-6
Hazelton, Bulkley River bridge 120
Hearing-aid Regulation Act 661
Hearing aids, sale of, case cited 661
Hearing aids, sale of, proposal re 661
Hearing problem 661
Highway 16, Hazelton-Carnaby section, hardtopping of 120
Highway 16, Kalum River bridge 120
Highway 16, Skeena River bridge 120
Illness, report on (Black) 855
Indian fishermen, reduction in number of 446-7
Kemano, government expenditures on 626-7
Lakelse Lake, clearing of 598
Lakelse Lake Provincial Park, access to 445
Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session 119
Lottery prizes, limit on 446
Mediation Commission 119-20
Mining course, site for 447-8
Mining course, Terrace Vocational School 447-8
Morice River, pulp mill pollution of 120
Nass River bridge 120
Rivers, pollution, cleanup of 120
Sessional allowance, payment of (Black) 855
Skeenaview Hospital, criticisms of by David Barrett 120
Smithers, government building, construction of 120
Tanker traffic on B.C. coast, prohibition of 447
Teachers, certificates, loss of for incompetence 446
Teachers, strikes, right to strike 446
Trumpeter swans, Lonesome Lake, food for 445
Livestock Feed Board
See: Canada. Livestock Feed Board
Livingstone, Andrew
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 123, 124
Loans, Canadian
Foreign loans, interest rate on (LeCours) 137
Local elections
Liquor outlets, closing of during municipal elections (Ney) 75
Voter turnout (Campbell, D.) 449
Local government
Amalgamation, requirement in votes on (Campbell, D.) 450
Amalgamations, forced amalgamations (Lorimer) 377
Incorporation of adjacent areas, examination of by Select Standing Committee on Municipal Matters (Barrett) 515 (Campbell, D.) 514-5 (Dowding) 516 (McGeer) 515 (Strachan) 515-6 (Williams, R.A.) 516
Status of and minister's powers (Williams, L.A.) 830-1
Transit, responsibility for (Williams, L.A.) 533
Local transit
Automobile, use of as alternative to transit (Price) 181-2
Bus passes, Sunday passes, reinstatement of (Barrett) 469 (Gardom) 481 (Kiernan) 469
Deficits (Kiernan) 469
Elderly, bus passes for (Clark) 221 (Dawson) 456 (Gardom) 481 (McCarthy) 408 (McGeer) 274
Fares, increase in (Bennett) 585
Funding formula for, proposal re (Wolfe) 98
Labour dispute (Cocke) 573 (Macdonald) 415 (McGeer) 282 (Merilees) 192 (Nimsick) 567 (Peterson) 43, 249 (Tisdalle) 108
Labour dispute, Mediation Commission report on (Hall) 477
Proposals re (Macdonald) 415
Rapid transit (Price) 529
Rapid transit, federal funding for (Campbell, D.) 448
Regional transit boards, establishment of (Kiernan) 469
Responsibility for (Bruch) 372 (Williams, L.A.) 533
Transit system, operation of by private enterprise (Capozzi) 506
See also entries under British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority; also names of cities and towns with subheading Transit system, e.g. Vancouver, B.C. — Transit system
Lockhart, H.B.
Mentioned: (Dawson) 456
Loffmark, Hon. Ralph Raymond (Vancouver South) Minister of Health Services and Hospital Insurance
Abortion, authorization for performance of abortion 290
Abortion, removal of from Criminal Code 290
Abortion, hospital committees, evidence to and decisions 290
Abortion, hospital facilities for 291
Abortion, therapeutic abortion 290
Abortions, number of in B.C. 290
Abortions, Royal Jubilee Hospital facilities for 291
Alcoholic beverages, advertising of 604
Alcoholics, hospital for 293, 603
Alcoholics, rehabilitation of 293
Alcoholism, education re and prevention 604
Alcoholism, effects of 603
Budget debate 287-96
Burrard Inlet, railway crossing at Second Narrows 295
Cigarette Advertising, An Act for the Regulation of 645
Cigarettes, tobacco, advertising of 604, 645
Clearwater, diagnostic and treatment centre 287, 288
Clearwater hospital 219
Clearwater hospital, actions re (Clark) 219-20, 422-4
Communicable diseases, treatment for 797
Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to
Amend (Bill 45) 1R, 643; 676, 679
Debt, federal, interest on 296
Drug abuse 292
Drug abuse, education re 604
Drug addicts, Batley treatment for 603, 604
Drug addicts, hospital for 293
Drug addicts, life expectancy 292
Drug addicts, rehabilitation of 293
Drug addicts, treatment for 603
Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund, establishment of 292-3
Environmental health, inspection fees for 797
Extended-care beds, construction of 293
Extended care, cost of, payment for 679
Extended care, definition of 293, 679
Health Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 94) 1R, 791; 797
Health care, United States 294
Heroin addicts 603
Hospital care, definition of levels of care 293
Hospital constitutions, changes to 797-8
Hospital Corporations Act (Bill 97) 1R, 768; 797-8
Hospital, University of B.C., funding for 293
Hospitals, acute-care beds, number of new beds 293
Hospitals, beds, minimum number of 287
Hospitals, construction of, funding for 293
Hospitals, costs, increase in 294
Hospitals, jurisdiction over 293-4
Hospitals, rates, per diem rate 294
Hospitals, special services 293
Hospitals, utilization, abuse of by physicians 294-5
Hospitals, utilization, cases cited 294-5
Intermediate care, cost of 294
Intermediate-care facilities, inspection staff 679
Intermediate-care facilities, ministerial jurisdiction over 676
Intermediate care, funding for 294
Land Use Committee, membership in (Clark) 219 (Hall) 231
Marijuana, legalization of 292
Marriage Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 44) 1R, 643; 670, 779
Marriage banns, publishing of 779
Marriage, civil marriage certificates 670
Marriage, consent of public trustee 670
Marriage, waiting-period for 670
Matsqui Institution, failure of 603
Medical health officers, designation of, powers re 797
Medicare, Great Britain, national health program 294
Monetary policy, federal policy 295-6
Pearson Hospital patients, standard dress for 291
Pearson Hospital staff, hiring of 291
Pearson Hospital staff, number of 291
Pearson Hospital staff, problems for 291
Physicians, right to practice 847
Physicians, right to practice, Cranbrook case referred to 847
Prevention of Restraint of Professional Practices Act 847
Prince George hospital patient, statement re 611
Regehr, Rudy, right to practise, remarks re 288, 289 (Clark) 219, 220, 422-4 (Williams, L.A.) 533-4
Rubella infection, abortion in cases of 289-90
Rubella, inoculation against 289-90
Smoking, effects of 603
Special Funds Appropriation Act 603-4
Tuberculosis patients, treatment for 797
Vancouver General Hospital patients, professor's case cited 295
Log booms
See: Booms (Log transportation)
Log exports
See entries under Lumber trade
Transportation of logs (Williston) 81
London, Jack
Mentioned: (Strachan) 571, 572
Long, Bob
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 124
Long Beach, B.C.
Park, area of proposed park (Kiernan) 101
Park, property purchase for (Kiernan) 101 (McDiarmid) 59
Long-term care of the sick
Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Extended care (Barrett) 263-4 (Wallace) 677
Extended-care beds, construction of (Loffmark) 293
Extended care, cost of, hospital insurance coverage for (Clark) 220-1 (Macdonald) 678-9
Extended care, cost of, payment for (Clark) 220 (Dowding) 678 (Loffmark) 679 (Macdonald) 678-9 (Price) 181
Extended care, definition of (Loffmark) 293, 679
Extended care, proposal re (McGeer) 274-5
Facilities for (Cocke) 105 (Throne speech) 4
Intermediate care (Clark) 421 (Cocke) 332 (Dailly) 460
(Dawson) 458 (Nimsick) 296 (Price) 528
Intermediate care, cost of (Dawson) 458 (Dowding) 678 (Loffmark) 294 (Wallace) 17, 312, 861
Intermediate-care facilities, inspection of (Cocke) 676
Intermediate-care facilities, inspection staff (Barrett) 677 (Dowding) 678 (Loffmark) 679
Intermediate-care facilities, management of (Wallace) 314
Intermediate-care facilities, ministerial jurisdiction over (Cocke) 676 (Dowding) 678 (Loffmark) 676
Intermediate-care facilities, ownership of (Wallace) 314
Intermediate-care facilities, private facilities (Macdonald) 679 (Wallace) 313
Intermediate-care facilities, proposal re (Dawson) 458
Intermediate-care facilities, provision of (Barrett) 677 (Cocke) 676 (Macdonald) 679 (Wallace) 677
Intermediate-care facilities, provision of, role of churches in (Wallace) 17, 314
Intermediate care, federal funding for (Loffmark) 294
Intermediate care, funding for (Barrett) 21 (Wallace) 314
Intermediate care, inclusion of under B.C. Hospital Insurance Service (Lorimer) 375
Intermediate care, number of patients in need of (Wallace) 312, 314
Intermediate-care patients in need of extended care (Wallace) 313
Surrey hospitals, patients on welfare, comfort money for (Hall) 233
Welfare patients, payment rates for (Dowding) 678 (Throne speech) 4 (Wallace) 861
Longridge, David
Royal Jubilee Hospital, report on (Wallace) 316
Longshoremen's strike, 1969
Mentioned: (Chabot) 9
Lorenz, Otto C.
Quoted (LeCours) 141
Lorimer, James G. (Burnaby-Willingdon)
Address in Reply 188-91
Amalgamations, forced amalgamations 377
Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend 638
Assessments, increase in, limit on, beneficiaries of 189
Assessments, increase in, limitation, cases cited 188-9
Assessments, increase in, limitation, proposal re 1889
Budget, content 375
Budget debate 374-7
Burnaby, city status for 190, 375-6
Burnaby, cost of welfare to municipality 375
Education system, centralization of power in 687-8
Exports, shipping of in Canadian ships 189
Highway 401, Stormont interchange 190
Industry in B.C., secondary industry 189
Infants Act, An Act to Amend 657
Intermediate care, inclusion of under B.C. Hospital Insurance Service 375
Jericho Hill School students, accommodation for 377
Jericho Hill School students, standard of care for 377
Municipal Act, An Act to Amend 829
Municipal Finance Authority of B.C., fiscal agent, appointment of 376
Oakalla Prison Farm, Clydesdale horses 191
Oakalla Prison Farm, land, use of 191
Oakalla Prison Farm, phasing out of 190-1
Oakalla Prison Farm, relocation of 190-1
Pacific Great Eastern Railway extensions 375
Pattullo Bridge, road to 190
Pollution 190
Privilege — Hon. F.X. Richter's statement re Home Oil Co. 791
Property tax, unpaid tax, length of delinquency period 637
Provincial Home-Owner Grant Act, An Act to Amend 617
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 687-8
Regional districts, community plans and forests in area 829
School tax, limit on increase in assessments for 638
Simon Fraser University, road to Hastings Street 190
Simon Fraser University, water supply 190
Superintendent of education, abolition of office of 687
Taxation Act, An Act to Amend 637
Taxation, increase in 375
Unemployment 189
Utah Mines Ltd. tailings, dumping of 189
Vancouver, provincial payments to 375
Variation of Trusts Act, An Act to Amend 655
Victoria, greater Victoria, administrative costs of member municipalities 376
Victoria, greater Victoria, amalgamation of member municipalities 376-7
Welfare costs, municipal share of 375
Lornex Mining Corp.
Mentioned: (Richter) 350
Limitation on (Price) 182
Prizes, limit on (Little) 446
Provincial lottery, proposal for (LeCours) 492
Lougheed Highway
See: Highway 7
Lovick, James
Mentioned: (Hartley) 501
Lower Mainland Regional Planning Board
Mentioned: (Hall) 689 (Williams, L.A.) 691
Lumber trade
Equipment, export of (Capozzi) 197
Export of lumber (Price) 526
House building, construction methods and lumber (Price) 526
Log exports (Williston) 78
Markets (Williston) 519-20
Prices (Strachan) 85 (Williston) 519
Production (Throne speech) 2
Lundell, F.W.
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 111
Lysergic acid diethylamide
Mentioned: (Barrett) 602