Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971
Kaiser Coal Corp.
Mentioned: (Barrett) 22 (Nimsick) 150, 300
Kaiser Resources Ltd.
Dividends to shareholders (Wenman) 54
Economy, benefits to (Richter) 350-1
Job creation (Richter) 350
Land holdings, assessments on (Nimsick) 299
Losses (Campbell, B.) 370 (Chabot) 319-20
Shareholders, Canadian shareholders (Wenman) 54
Shares, value of (Chabot) 319-20
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 369 (Nimsick) 149, 298, 767 (Wenman) 53
Kamloops, B.C.
Del Cielo development (Macdonald) 781 (Williams, R.A.) 536
Springhill Drive junction, ownership of land in area of (Williams, R.A.) 536
Kamloops News, Kamloops, B.C.
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 536
Kanja, Waruru
Information re life of (LeCours) 134-5
Kaslo, B.C.
Hospital, construction of (Campbell, B.) 90
Kavic, Lorne
Mentioned: (Merilees) 194
Keate, Stuart
Mentioned: (Skillings) 328
Keen, R.J., Construction Co.
Contract (Smith) 71-2
Kelowna, B.C.
Boundaries of city (Campbell, D.) 245 (Williams, R.A.) 171-2, 174, 176
Downtown area (Williams, R.A.) 172
Guisachan area (Campbell, D.) 245 (Williams, R.A.) 171
Industrial park (Williams, R.A.) 172, 535
Industrial park, access to Highway 97 (Williams, R.A.) 535
Industrial park, hearings on (Campbell, D.) 245
Industries, waste disposal (Williams, R.A.) 172
Shopping centre, access to (Strachan) 354, 354-5 (Williams, R.A.) 175-6, 535, 536
Shopping centre, assessment of land in area of (Strachan) 354, 356 (Williams, R.A.) 176, 536, 765
Shopping centre, development of (Williams, R.A.) 173-4
Shopping centre, land for (Williams, R.A.) 173-4
Shopping centre, location of (Williams, R.A.) 173
Shopping centre, waste production and disposal
(Strachan) 354, 355 (Williams, R.A.) 175, 535
Shopping centre, water for (Strachan) 354 (Williams, R.A.) 174, 175, 535
Shopping centre, zoning of land for (Strachan) 354
Kelowna Daily Courier, Kelowna, B.C.
Quoted (Williams, R.A.) 174
Kelsey Bay, B.C.
Forest industry employees, accommodation for (Campbell, D.) 241-2
Kemano, B.C.
Government expenditures on (Little) 626-7
Kennedy, John F
Quoted (Tisdalle) 251
Mentioned: (Price) 526
Kennedy, Robert
Mentioned: (Gardom) 227
Kent, Tom
Mentioned: (Marshall) 283
Kettle Valley Railway
Mentioned: (Nimsick) 151
Kewiet, Peter
Highway 37 contract (Calder) 438
Keynes, John Maynard
Mentioned: (Strachan) 361
Kiernan, Hon. William K. (Chilliwack) Minister of Travel Industry
Accelerated Park Development Act 587-9
Address in Reply 99-104
All-terrain Vehicles Act (Bill 66) 1R, 675; 732, 787
All-terrain vehicles, harassment of wildlife 732
All-terrain vehicles, operation of on public highways 732
All-terrain vehicles, public liability insurance for 732, 787
All-terrain vehicles, registration of 732
All-terrain vehicles, regulation of use of 732
All-terrain vehicles, trespass on private property 787
All-terrain vehicles, use of 732
Alouette Lake area park, campsites 588
B.C. Hydro accounts, access to, restraint on 341-2
B.C. Hydro, transit subsidy 469
Budget debate 341-2
Cypress Bowl ski-facilities, development of 588
Cypress Bowl ski facilities, operation of 102
Firearms, licensing of 732
Game, definition of 732
Hunters, safety training of 732-3
Hunting, food source 736
Interest rates, level of 99
Interest rates, level of and unemployment 99
Job creation in B.C. 99
Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park, mineral claims 100
Land. use, multiple use 103
Land use policy, development of 103
Liquor Control Board accounts, access to, restraint on 341-2
Long Beach park, area of proposed park 101
Long Beach park, property purchase for 101
Manning Provincial Park, additions to 588
Manning Provincial Park lodge, operation of 100-1
Manning Provincial Park ski development, Gibson Pass 102
Manning Provincial Park, work on development of 589
Mount Seymour Provincial Park, road to 102, 588
Mount Seymour Provincial Park, signs 102
Mount Seymour Provincial Park, ski development 101-2
Mount Seymour Provincial Park, trails 102, 588
Pacific Great Eastern Railway accounts, access to, restraint on 341-2
Park land, designation of 103
Park land, lease of 760
Park trails, powers re 760
Parks, acquisition of mortgaged property 700
Parks, class A, B and C parks 100
Parks, development of and job creation 589
Parks, equipment for, production of 589
Parks, funding for 100
Parks, funding for, use of funds 100, 589
Parks, mineral rights 100
Parks, mining companies, posting of bonds by 103
Parks, national parks in B.C. 100
Parks, new parks, creation of 588
Parks program 99-100
Parks, regional parks 100
Parks, timber rights 100
Population, increase in world population 103
Pulp mills, pollution control, requirement for 103
Regional Parks Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 88) 1R, 732; 760-1
Skagit Valley, agreement on 99
Ski facilities, development of 102
Strathcona Provincial Park, Gold River road 101
Transit, regional boards, establishment of 469
Transit system, deficits 469
Transit system, Sunday passes, reinstatement of 469
Transit, Vancouver, regional board for 469
Transit, Victoria, regional board for 469
Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, mining claims 587
Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, nature conservancy area 587
Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, status of 588
Unemployment and immigration to B.C. 99
Unemployment, federal role in 99
Wildlife Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 67) 1R, 675; 732-3, 736
Wildlife, endangered species 733
Workmen's Compensation Board accounts, access to, restraint on 341-2
Killeen, Jim
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 709
Kimberley, B.C.
Electric power distribution system, takeover of (Nimsick) 150
Steel mill accident (Nimsick) 148
Kimberley Hospital, Kimberley, B.C.
Mentioned: (Nimsick) 296
Kimberley School District
See: School District 3 (Kimberley)
Elimination of at local level (Dowding) 392
King, William Lyon Mackenzie
Quoted (LeCours) 141
Mentioned: (Hartley) 48 (Nimsick) 152, 153
King George Highway
See: Highway 99A
King Resources Co.
Mentioned: (Richter) 349
Kirkpatrick, Gordon M.
Mentioned: (Dawson) 455
Control of (Shelford) 403
Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park
Mineral claims (Kiernan) 100
Kootenay and Elk Railway
Brochure quoted (Nimsick) 151
Coal, transport of, application re (Campbell, B.) 369, 370 (Chabot) 320 (Nimsick) 150-1
Construction of and jobs in Canada (Nimsick) 151
Kootenay Forest Products Ltd.
Kootenay Lake, booming ground (Barrett) 22, 23
Kootenay Industrial Development Association
Mentioned: (Brothers) 470
Kootenay Lake, B.C.
Booming ground (Barrett) 22, 23
Erosion in area (Barrett) 22-3
Pollution of (Barrett) 23
Kootenay River, B.C.
Pollution of (Nimsick) 301, 756
Valley, flooding of (Barrett) 22
Kootenays, B.C.
Coal, development of (Campbell, B.) 369-70
Coal reserves (Richter) 351
Description of (Black) 496
Federal assistance to (Black) 496
Roads (Nimsick) 301-2
Krajina, V .J.
Tribute to (Williston) 79
Kripps, Mrs. Agnes (Vancouver South)
Abortion patients, provision for in hospitals 511
Address in Reply 212-6
Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. refinery 213
B.C. Centennial '71 committees 212
B.C. Centennial '71 project for MLAs, proposal re 212
Budget debate 511-4
Day care 511-2
Day care facilities, franchise operations 512
Day care facilities, provision of 512
Day care for infants and toddlers 512
East Indian community in Vancouver 215
Elderly, homes for in Vancouver South constituency 511
Elderly, housing, funding for 511
Immigrants, marriages of convenience 215
Immigrants, requirements to be met 215
Industry, development corporation for, proposal re 216
Interest rates, lowering of 216
Job creation 511
Mini-Skool Ltd., operation of 512
Oil spill dispersants, toxicity of 213
Pioneers, tribute to 212
Land use
Prescription drugs, choice of product 214, 215
Prescription drugs, cost of 213-5
Prescription drugs, names of 213-4
Prescription drugs, quality and safety of 214
Public works, construction program 216
Queen Elizabeth's visit to B.C. 212-3
Strike-and-work plan, proposal for 513-4
Strikes and lockouts, cause of 513
Strikes and lockouts, man-days lost 513
Unemployment, federal role in 216
Kuh, Richard
Payments to (Barrett) 796
Quoted (Barrett) 796
Mentioned: (Barrett) 797
Kuper Island, B.C.
Ferry (Strachan) 84
Ferry, car ramp (Strachan) 84