Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

DDT (Insecticide)

Banning of (Kiernan) 103 (Strachan) 86

Dailly, Eileen Elizabeth (Burnaby North)

Abortion, removal of from Criminal Code 463

Address in Reply 68-9, 207-12

Air pollution 209

Air pollution, Burnaby 209

Birth control clinics 463

Birth control, education program in school system 463

B.C. Building, planning for 462

B.C. Teachers' Federation, activities of 681

B.C. Teachers' Federation, membership in as condition of employment 681

Budget debate 460-3

Capital punishment 460

Child care board for province, proposal re 211-2

Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Act 633

Cigarettes, tax increase, impact of 633

Colleges, funding for, source of funds 462

Consumer Protection Act, An Act to Amend 658

Corporal punishment in schools 460

Day care facilities 211-2

Dental care for children 208

Douglas College, funding for 462

Dropouts 68-9

Education, funding for 210

Education system, centralization of power in 681

Election campaign funds, disclosure of contributors to 208

Election campaign funds, limit on expenditures 208

Federal funds for B.C., payments in advance 462

Food prices and wages 209

Food prices, Victoria 209

Forensic clinic for B.C. 461

General Truck Drivers' and Helpers' Union, Local 31, work stoppage, ending of 570

Government enterprises 460

Handicapped, facilities for 209

Home care, provision of 460

Housing, funding for 461

Housing, land for 461

Housing problem 210

Intermediate care 460

MLAs, women MLAs 207

Maintenance orders, enforcement of 463

Maintenance payments, proposal re 462-3

Municipalities, planning, long-term planning 462

Pages, girl Pages 211

Physicians, Canadian-British exchange referred to 461

Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 621

Provincial home acquisition fund grants, purchase of older homes 621

Public housing, shortage of 210

Public Schools Act, amendment to in 1968, discussion re by Select Standing Committee on Education and Social Welfare 210

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 680-1

Recreation, community programs, funding for 461-2

Rental housing, assistance for low-rental housing 461

Royal Commission on the Status of Women, recommendations 211

Royal Commission on the Status of Women, report 211

Rubella, vaccination of women 208-9

School districts, borrowing by for interim funds 462

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, chairmanship of 210

Select standing committees, use of 210

Senate, appointment of women to 211

Sex education in school system 463

Sexual deviation, cause of and treatment, proposal re 461

Taxation, increase in 633

Teachers' Pension Act, 1961, An Act to Amend 710

Teachers, pensions, level of for presently retired teachers 710

Teachers, tenure for, examination of by Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education 322-3

Textbooks, stereotyping of girls in 211

Unemployed, training program for 68, 460

Unemployment 68-9

Unemployment, young people 68, 460

Vietnam war, ending of 208

Vocational education, work experience for high school students 69

Welfare, eligibility of university students 68

Welfare recipients, Opportunities program 68

Welfare recipients, retraining of 68

Women, appointment of to government commissions and advisory bodies 211

Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C.

Quoted (Black) 714 (Chabot) 321 (Dailly) 210 (Little) 446 (Macdonald) 660 (Shelford) 401 (Strachan) 356-7

Mentioned: (Barrett) 264, 796 (Dailly) 209 (Dowding) 123 (McGeer) 272 (Skillings) 328 (Speaker) 123 (Williams, R.A.) 175, 175, 536 (Williston) 520

Daily News, Nelson, B.C.

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 301

Daily Sentinel, Kamloops, B.C.

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 288

Dairy cattle

Export of (Shelford) 145, 146, 404-5

Film on (Shelford) 404


Future dams (Vogel) 366

See also names of dams, e.g. W.A.C. Bennett Dam

Datsun Motor Corp.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 25

Davis, Arnold W.

Jailing of (Strachan) 571

Davis, Jack

Quoted (Campbell, D.) 240

Mentioned: (Barrett) 23 (Brousson) 94, 95 (Calder) 438, 439 (Campbell, D.) 239 (Hall) 231 (Hartley) 48 (Jordan) 486, 491 (Kripps) 213 (Little) 446, 447 (Loffmark) 295 (Lorimer) 190 (Merilees) 442 (Mussallem) 418

Dawson, Isabel Pearl (Mackenzie) Member of the Executive Council Without Portfolio

Address in Reply 167-71

Brannan Lake School for Boys, beds, construction of 455

Brannan Lake School for Boys, cottages 455

Brannan Lake School for Boys, psychiatric services 455

B.C. Centennial '71, celebration of 167

B.C. Law Reform Commission, work of 167

B.C., quality of life in 167-8

Budget debate 454-60

Correctional institutes, inmates, coeducation for 456

Dairy cattle, export of to Russia 454

Elderly, bus passes for 456

Elderly, counsellors, work of 456

Elderly, hearing aids for 456

Elderly, housing for, funding for 457

Elderly, recreational programs for 457

Group home for girls, Powell River 456

Group homes, planning for 456

Hearing-aid Regulation Act (Bill 35) 1R, 585; 659-60, 667

Hearing aids, cost of 457

Hearing aids, fitting of 457

Hearing aids, provision of 456-7

Hearing aids, sale of, establishment of board for regulation of 660

Hearing aids, sale of, role of board for regulation of 660

House-buying, assistance for 458

Housing, Great Britain, council housing 457-8

Indian students, Terrace vocational school 169

Indians, books by 169

Indians, children's musical tattoo 169

Indians, counsellor-in-training program 170-1

Indians, culture 169

Indians, economic development board, proposal re 170

Indians, facilities for 168-9

Indians, housing for elderly 457

Indians, housing programs 170

Indians, meetings with 169

Indians, reserves, campsites and picnic sites 170

Indians, reserves, irrigation systems for 170

Indians, welfare recipients 169

Indians, welfare services, pilot project 169-70

Intermediate care, cost of 458

Intermediate-care facilities, proposal re 458

Log booms, breakup of 458

Logs, transport of, proposal re 459

Logs, waterlogged logs 458-9

Marital property, legislation on 167

Mental health clinic, Powell River area Ocean Falls elementary school, addition to 454

Ocean Falls hospital 454

Porpoise Bay Provincial Park, establishment of 454-5

School construction, Mackenzie constituency 454

Sechelt hospital, addition to 454

Skookumchuck Narrows Provincial Park, development of 455

Speech and hearing planning committee, work of 456

Teenagers in trouble, assessment centres for 456

Tourist industry in B.C. 167

Vocational schools, entrance requirements 454

Willingdon School for Girls, admissions to 455

Willingdon School for Girls, inmates, age of 455

Willingdon School for Girls, inmates, schooling for 455

Women's liberation movement 454

Women's names, use of prefix to denote marital status 167

Young people 168

Dawson Creek, B.C.

Courthouse (Marshall) 155

Provincial government building (McGeer) 33

Dawson Creek Vocational School, Dawson Creek, B.C.

Mentioned: (Shelford) 403

Day care

Day care (Dowding) 393, 393-4 (Jordan) 206, 487-8 (Kripps) 511-2 (Wenman) 382-3

Facilities, establishment of (Dailly) 211-2 (Jordan) 488, 488-9

Facilities, location of (Jordan) 206, 488

Facilities, need for (Cocke) 106-7

Facilities, provision of (Jordan) 488 (Kripps) 512

Franchise facilities (Kripps) 512

Funding for (Gardom) 229 (Jordan) 206 (McGeer) 275

Funding for, federal funds (Dowding) 394

Infants and toddlers, day care for (Kripps) 512

Parliament buildings, facilities in (Jordan) 489

Trade unions, role of in provision of day care (Jordan) 489

Welfare recipients, day care for children of (Dowding) 393-4

Deadman Creek Indian band

Mentioned: (Shelford) 402


Hearing aids and hearing problems (McDiarmid) 6623 (Wallace) 661-2

Death sentences

See: Capital punishment

Debtor and creditor

Debts, repayment of, provision for (Peterson) 743

Debts, repayment of, responsibility for (Williams, L.A.) 746

Debts, Public

Debt, contingent liabilities, interest on (Chant) 433 (Nimsick) 302-3

Debt, debt-free position of province (Bennett) 257-8

Debt, per capita debt (Gardom) 480 (Williston) 518

Debt, provincial debt (Gardom) 480 (LeCours) 137 (Nimsick) 620 (Peterson) 540

Federal debt, interest on (LeCours) 136-7 (Loffmark) 296 (McCarthy) 718 (Shelford) 144

Deer Creek, B.C.

Sewage pollution of (Dowding) 397

Deighton, John

Mentioned: (Capozzi) 199

Del Cielo development

See entries under Kamloops, B.C.

Delta, B.C.

Agricultural land, use of (Wenman) 848

Arthur Drive mentioned (Richter) 352

Hornby Drive mentioned (Richter) 352

Parks for area (Wenman) 592


Democratic system (Clark) 222 (Gardom) 225

Legislature, special committee on democracy, proposal re (Macdonald) 412


Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session. See entries under Legislature

Right to demonstrate (Nimsick) 147

Dental care

Children, dental care for (Dailly) 208

Children, dental care, incidence of need for (Macdonald) 413-4

Inclusion of in B.C. Medical Plan, proposal re (Price) 528

Dental clinics

Lake Cowichan, pre-school clinic (Strachan) 83-4


Fees, level of (Hartley) 501 (Macdonald) 414 (Price) 179

Graduates, number of (Price) 179

Northern B.C., dentists for (Macdonald) 414

Depressions -1929

Depression of 1930s (LeCours) 138, 139

Deutsch, J.J.

Quoted (Skillings) 325

Development, Real estate

See: Real estate development

Dewar, Donald

Mentioned: (Barrett) 21

Dick, John

Mentioned: (Loffmark) 293 (Wolfe) 345

Diefenbaker, John George

Mentioned: (McGeer) 30

Diesel fuels

Motive-fuel Use Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Tax, increase in (Bennett) 631 (Williams, R.A.) 631

Director of Correction

Annual report tabled (Peterson) 166


Civil defence aid in emergencies (Throne speech) 3


Discrimination in B.C. (Capozzi) 504

District of North Vancouver B.C.

Housing, land for (Campbell, D.) 451

Welfare costs (Clark) 220


Address in Reply approved 245; amdt. negatived 71

Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 773; 3R approved 793

Barrett, David, suspension of from the service of the House, m. approved 614

Budget approved 545; amdt. to negatived 343

Ecological Reserves Act, section 4 approved 838

Gasoline Tax Act, 1948, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 628

Gasoline Tax Act, 1958, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 630

Hearing-aid Regulation Act, 2R approved 667

Hotel and Motel Room Tax Act, 2R approved 636-7

Marriage Act, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 779-80

Mobile Home Park Fee Act, 3R approved 838

Motion 1 approved 38

Motion 11 negatived 863

Motion 14 approved 581; amdt. negatived 563

Motion 14, debate on, motion approved 555

Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend, section 5 approved 854

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 697; 3R approved 769

Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 430

Speaker's ruling sustained 7, 248

Special Funds Appropriation Act, 2R approved 722

Teachers' Pensions Act, 1961, An Act to Amend, 2R approved 717;3R approved 795

Throne speech, amdt. to negatived 71

Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act, 2R approved 814

Vote 248 approved 843


See: Physicians


Mercury pollution of (Chabot) 11


Animals Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Dogs running at large, provisions re (Nimsick) 653 (Shelford) 653, 654 (Vogel) 654

Dollar, American

Stability of (Wenman) 54

Dollar, Canadian

Federal action on (Bennett) 256 (Peterson) 40 (Throne speech) 1 (Wenman) 55

Dolphin Swim Club, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Peterson) 544

Domestic relations courts

Custody and access, jurisdiction over (Dowding) 740 (Peterson) 738-9

Family court, operation of (McCarthy) 125

Domestic support

See: Support (Domestic relations)

Domtar Chemicals Ltd.

Mentioned: (Dowding) 397

Dorsey, Bob

Mentioned: (Brousson) 93

Douglas, Thomas Clement (Tommy)

Quoted (Bruch) 64 (Tisdalle) 66

Mentioned: (Barrett) 268 (Calder) 51 (Capozzi) 61, 196 (Marshall) 155 (Strachan) 362 (Tisdalle) 114

Douglas College

Funding for (Dailly) 462

Opening of (Throne speech) 3

Mentioned: (Brothers) 472 (McGeer) 273

Dow Chemical Co.

Mentioned: (Shelford) 403

Dowding, Gordon Hudson (Burnaby-Edmonds)

Accelerated Park Development Act 591-2

Address in Reply 64-5, 114-9

Alcoholic beverages, advertising of in newspapers, ban on 824

Animals Act, An Act to Amend 653

Apples, Okanagan crop, sale of 119

Apples, purchase of by provincial institutions 119

Arrests, detained persons' access to counsel 117

Assessment Equalization Act, An Act to Amend 770-1

Assessments, increase in, limit on 768, 770

Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend 745-6

Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend, referral of to select standing committee 746

Automobile insurance, NDP policy on 119

Automobile insurance, rates 118

Automobile insurance rates, increase in, case cited 118-9

Automobiles, safety standards in manufacture of 119

Bennett, Hon. W.A.C., matter of privilege 495

Bennett Stores Ltd., allegation re B.C. Hydro purchases from 495

B.C. Teachers' Federation, membership in as condition of employment 692-3

Budget debate 391-7

Burnaby, city status, change to 115, 115-6

Burnaby, Hastings Street, widening of 115

Burnaby industry, waste disposal in streams 397

Burnaby, Kingsway, maintenance of 115

Burnaby Lake pollution, cleanup of 397

Burnaby Lake shore land, park for 116, 592

Burnaby, Marine Drive, relocation of 115

Burnaby streams, sewage pollution of 397

Burnaby, transportation routes through municipality 115

Child abuse, penalties for 648

Child abuse, sterilization as penalty for 648

Children, custody and access, jurisdiction over 740

Cigarette companies' assistance to sports and cultural causes 811

Cigarettes, advertising of, ban on 311

Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to Amend 678

Companies, private bill companies, standards for 837

Consumer Protection Act, An Act to Amend 659

Contracts, assignment of and protection of buyer 659

Cypress Bowl, development of 116

Cypress Bowl, name for, proposal re 116

Cypress Bowl timber, sale of, use of funds from 116-7, 117-8

Day care 393, 393-4

Day care, funding for, federal funds 394

Dogs running at large, provisions re 653

Dropouts 392-3

Ecological Reserves Act 751

Ecological reserves, committee on, proposal for 751

Ecological reserves, decisions on 751

Education, funding formula 392

Education system, centralization of power in ministry 693

Education system, decentralization of 693

Extended care, cost of, payment for 678

Extended-care patients, payment for welfare patients 678

Fences, disputes re, referral of to courts 652

Four Seasons Hotel property, Vancouver, assessment of 768, 770

Game, designation of animal species as 735

Garibaldi Provincial Park, ski facilities 592

Garnishing of wages and size of debt 746

Groves, Wallace, actions of 117

Hearing-aid Regulation Act 665

Hearing aids, B.C. Medical Plan coverage for 665

Hearing aids, prices 665

Highways, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend 785

Highways, lands adjacent to proposed highways, disposal of 785

Hunting as sport, phasing out of 735

Infants and mentally disordered, protection of interests of 655-6

Intermediate care, cost of, payment for 678

Intermediate-care facilities, inspection staff 678

Intermediate-care facilities, ministerial jurisdiction over 678

Job creation, public housing construction, proposal re 65

Judicial Council's proceedings, public hearings 748-9

Kindergartens, elimination of at local level 392

Lawson, Edward, arrest of 117

Lawson, Edward, harassment of by police, allegations re 117

Lawyers, citizenship requirement 805

Lead, cadmium, monitoring rainfall for 396

Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend 805

MLAs, female MLAs 393

Maintenance orders, enforcement of 740

Maintenance orders, enforcement of in other jurisdictions 427

Maintenance orders, out-of-province hearings 427

Maintenance orders, out-of-province judgments 427, 428

Maintenance payments, reciprocal agreement on 4267

Marchand, Jean, tabling of correspondence, telegrams and documents re regional disparities 285

Mediation Commission, failure of 574

Mediation Commission, work of 395

Mercury pollution 396

Mobile Home Park Fee Act 801-2

Mobile-home park fees, defaulters, penalties for 801-2

Mobile-home park fees, levying of 801-2

Mobile-home parks, assessment of 801

Mobile-home parks, fire protection for 760

Motions, debate on 554

Mountain Timbers Ltd., bankruptcy case 117-8

Municipalities, incorporation of adjacent areas, examination of by select standing committee 516

Municipalities, status of, change in to city status 516

Northern B.C., federal development incentives program for 285

Oakalla Prison Farm, relocation of 116

Overtime, ban on, proposal re 64-5

Pacific Great Eastern Railway extension, construction of, employment in 392, 394

Parks, equipment for, production of 591

Parks, facilities for tourists 591

Penticton, sewage treatment plant 396-7

Physicians, right to practise 846

Prevention of Restraint of Professional Practices Act 846

Professions, right to practise 846

Property tax burden, shift in 768

Protection of Children Act, An Act to Amend 647-8

Provincial Alliance of Businessmen for Human Resources, employees, information re 392

Provincial Court Act, An Act to Amend 748-9

Public housing project for Vancouver 65

Public Libraries Act, An Act to Amend 654

Public Schools Act, amendment to in 1968 mentioned 392

Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 692-3

Public Schools Act, section 25, repeal of 693

Public trustee, role of 655-6

Pulp mills, pollution by 396

Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, An Act to Amend 426-8

Revised Statutes Act, An Act to Amend 667-8

Sandringham Hospital labour dispute, investigation of by select standing committee 863

School District 39, membership in B.C. School Trustees' Association 394

School District 41, membership in B.C. School Trustees' Association 394

School system 392

Seaboard Assurance Company Act, 1953, An Act to Amend 837

Skaha Lake, sewage in 396-7

Ski facilities, development of 592

Statute Law Amendment Act (1971) 824

Strait of Georgia, logs and debris problem, referral of to Select Standing Committee on Forestry and Fisheries 371

Strikes and lockouts, man-days lost in 1970 395

Strikes, back-to-work order, use of 575

Supreme Court Act, An Act to Amend 646

Supreme Court trials, use of French language 646

Teachers, dismissal of 322

Teachers' Pension Act, 1961, An Act to Amend 706-7

Teachers, relationship of school boards with 394-5

Teachers, tenure for, examination of by Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education 322

Testator's Family Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend 656

Throne speech, content 114

Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act 811

Traps, use of 735

Trespass Act, An Act to Amend 652

Truck drivers' strike, ending of 574-5

Unemployed, retraining program for 65

Unemployment 64-5

Utah Mines Ltd. tailings, dumping of, hearings on 397

Variation of Trusts Act, An Act to Amend 655-6

Vocational education, funding for 393

Water Act, An Act to Amend 760

Water, pollution of 397

Welfare recipients, day care for children of 393-4

Welfare recipients, number of 394

Wildlife Act, An Act to Amend 734-5

Wills, decedents' family maintenance 656

Wives' and Children's Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend 740

Draft dodgers

See: Military service, Compulsory — Resisters

Drinking age

See: Youth — Alcohol use


Dropouts (Dailly) 68-9

School dropouts (Dowding) 392-3

University dropouts (Brothers) 472

Drug abuse

Addicts, assistance to (Ney) 317-8

Addicts, life expectancy (Loffmark) 292

Addicts, treatment for (Barrett) 602 (Loffmark) 293, 603 (Price) 599 (Wallace) 601

Addicts, treatment for, methadone method (Wallace) 601, 602

Automobile accidents and drug use (Bruch) 372

Batley treatment for (Barrett) 602, 603 (Loffmark) 603, 604 (Price) 599 (Vogel) 717-8 (Wallace) 601

Drug abuse (Loffmark) 292 (Ney) 317 (Peterson) 543 (Price) 529 (Tisdalle) 111-2 (Vogel) 717 (Wallace) 600

Education re (Loffmark) 604 (McCarthy) 719 (Macdonald) 412 (Peterson) 543 (Wallace) 601

Educational program in Nanaimo, need for (Ney) 317

Entertainers and drug abuse (Tisdalle) 111

Heroin addicts, Nanaimo (Ney) 317

Hospital for addicts (Loffmark) 293 (Wolfe) 345

Problem, federal-provincial cooperation on (McCarthy) 720

Pushers (Barrett) 602

Research and education re, federal funds for (McCarthy) 127

Research on (McCarthy) 410

School system, drug problem in (Hall) 475

Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund

Establishment of (Bennett) 259, 453 (Bruch) 371 (Loffmark) 292-3 (McCarthy) 410 (Ney) 317 (Price) 529 (Strachan) 357

Funding for (Bennett) 259 (Skillings) 328

Funds, use of (Bennett) 453 (Strachan) 598-9 (Tisdalle) 466

Opposition to (McGeer) 280


Containers, proposal re childproof containers (Cocke) 105

Names of (Kripps) 213-4

Pharmacists, powers of to make product selection (Kripps) 215

Prescribing, choice of product (Kripps) 214

Prescription drugs, control of (McCarthy) 718-9

Prescription drugs, cost of (Kripps) 213-5

Prescription drugs, inclusion of in health program (Cocke) 105

Prescription drugs, quality and safety of (Kripps) 214

Drunk driving

Drinking drivers (Gaglardi) 822

Fine system for (Gardom) 485

Drury C.M. (Bud)

Quoted (Wallace) 710

Ducks Unlimited

Mentioned: (Kiernan) 100

Dumoulin, Theo

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 124

Dumping (Commercial policy)

Farm produce, dumping of in Canada (Shelford) 401

Duncan, B.C.

Provincial buildings, opening of (Strachan) 83

Duncan Dam

Pondage, clearing of (Barrett) 22

Mentioned: (McGeer) 753 (Nimsick) 147

Dune buggies

See entries under All-terrain vehicles