Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971
Eadie, Charles
Mentioned: (Williams, L.A.) 160
Eccles, Mariner S.
Quoted (LeCours) 141
Eckler, Sam
Letter quoted (Black) 714-5
Eckler, Brown and Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Black) 714
Ecological reserves
See: Research natural areas
Ecological Reserves Act
(Bill 80) (Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources) 1R, 725; 2R, 749-53; 3R, 838; RA, 864
Divisions: C, 838
Speakers: Brousson 750-1; Bruch 753; Dowding 751; Hall 749-50; Hartley 751; McGeer 753; Mussallem 751-2; Nimsick 752; Tisdalle 752; Williams, L.A. 753; Williston 749
Development projects, decisions on (Hartley) 751
Ecological reserves, abolition of (Brousson) 750
Ecological reserves, advisors for (Williams, L.A.) 753
Ecological reserves, committee on, proposal for (Dowding) 751
Ecological reserves, decisions on (Dowding) 751
Ecological reserves, definitions of types of (Brousson) 750
Ecological reserves, dumping of waste in (Williams, L.A.) 753
Ecological reserves, establishment of (Hall) 749-50, 750 (McGeer) 753 (Williston) 749
Ecological reserves, ministerial responsibility for (Brousson) 750 (Nimsick) 752 (Williams, L.A.) 753
Ecology, definition of under act (Hartley) 751
Elk River, pollution of (Nimsick) 752
Pollution control, decisions on (Hall) 750
Port Renfrew area potholes, preservation of (Williams, L.A.) 753
Vancouver Island rain forest, preservation of (Williams, L.A.) 753
Washington State, environmental protection program (Hall) 750
Water as habitat (Brousson) 750
Wilderness areas, status of and act 752
Definition of (Hartley) 751
Economic Council of Canada
Annual report quoted (Tisdalle) 66
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 411 (Strachan) 88
Economy of British Columbia
See: British Columbia — Economic conditions
Eddontenajon, B.C.
Electric power for (Calder) 436, 437
Education system, changes in (Brothers) 470-1 (Hall) 473-4
Education system, decentralization of (Dowding) 693
Facilities, need for (McGeer) 279
Houses, purchase of and education (Wenman) 379-80
Level of, disadvantages of education (Wenman) 380
Productivity of employees and level of education (Wenman) 379, 380
School system (Dowding) 392
See also: School attendance; Women — Education
Education — Finance
Assessments and grants to school districts (Brousson) 640
Costs, control over, proposal re (Wenman) 380
Costs, increase in (Brothers) 473
Funding for (Bennett) 260 (Dailly) 210 (Hall) 234 (Tisdalle) 464 (Williston) 517
Funding formula (Dowding) 392 (Strachan) 359 (Wenman) 381
Referendums. See entries under School districts School districts, grants to (Hall) 234 (Wenman) 845
School districts, operating costs, payment of by province (Strachan) 618
School tax, grant to tenants in lieu of homeowner grant, proposal re (McGeer) 275
School tax, limit on increase in assessments for (Bennett) 638 (Lorimer) 638
Education, Department of
Annual report mentioned (Brothers) 470
Annual report tabled (Brothers) 6
Appropriation for (Bennett) 258 (Brothers) 473
Control over (Williams, L.A.) 691
Council of Public Instruction, abolition of (Brothers) 680
Education system, centralization of power in minister and department (Barrett) 696 (Dailly) 681 (Dowding) 693 (Lorimer) 687-8 (Strachan) 686
Minister, teacher as (Campbell, B.) 685 (Strachan) 685
Organization of department (Brothers) 471
Superintendent of education, abolition of office of
(Brothers) 679-80 (Lorimer) 687
Educational television
See: Television in education
Edwards, Ralph
Daughter's education, proposal re (Little) 445
Edwards family
Assistance to, proposal re (Little) 445
Egan, Maurice
Mentioned: (Wenman) 247
Elderly Citizens' Housing Aid Act
Mentioned: (Dawson) 458 (Price) 181
Election law
Elected office, citizenship requirement for, proposal re (Wenman) 76
Campaign funds, disclosure of contributors to (Dailly) 208
Campaign funds, limit on expenditures (Dailly) 208
Campaign funds, tax exemption for donations to (Gardom) 228 (Hall) 230
Date of, fixed date, proposal for (Gardom) 227-8
Election expenses, proposal re (Gardom) 228
Government advertising in pre-election period (Gardom) 228
1969 election, government advertisements during period of (Gardom) 482
Electoral districts
Redistribution (McGeer) 29
Electric Act
Mentioned: (Brousson) 830
Electric power
Coal, use of for power generation (Vogel) 366
Coal, use of for power generation and mercury pollution (Chabot) 11
Demand for, future demand (Bennett) 256 (Williams, L.A.) 163-4
Development of (Throne speech) 2
Extension of to smaller communities (McDiarmid) 307
Hat Creek coal, power generation from (Campbell, D.) 237 (Hartley) 49
Industries, cost of power to (Price) 525
Nuclear power. See Nuclear energy Rates, level of (McGeer) 282
Rates, level of and industry (Merilees) 444
Rural areas. See Rural electrification Thermal power, use of (Williams, L.A.) 532-3
Vancouver Island, power for (Vogel) 366
Victoria, power for (McGeer) 275
See also: Rural electrification
Strike in Port Alberni (Peterson) 43
Elizabeth 11, Queen of Great Britain
Visit to B.C. (Gardom) 225-6 (Kripps) 212-3 (Throne speech) l
Mentioned: (Dawson) 167
National parks, transfer of animals to depleted areas (Chabot) 318
Vancouver Island, elk-hunting (Ney) 75
Elk River, B.C.
Pollution of (Nimsick) 300-1, 752
Elk Valley, B.C.
Coal-mining (Barrett) 22
Land use (Nimsick) 298
Elliott, George
Mentioned: (Dawson) 456
See: Disasters
Emergency Powers Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Tisdalle) 110
Eminent domain
Compensation act, proposal for (Gardom) 227
Expropriation of property (Wallace) 16
Legislation on, proposal re (McGeer) 31 (Peterson) 43 (Wallace) 16
Employee vacations
See: Vacations, Employee
Employees, Training of
On-the-job training programs (Marshall) 510
Employers' Council of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Barrett) 269
Budget, Liberal Party's proposed budget and employment (McGeer) 272
Foreign investments and employment in B.C. (Calder) 51-2
Job creation (Barrett) 269 (Bennett) 254 (Campbell, D.) 242 (Chabot) 67-8 (Kiernan) 99 (Kripps) 511 (McCarthy) 124 (McDiarmid) 308-9 (McGeer) 273 (Marshall) 510 (Merilees) 441 (Peterson) 39, 540 (Skillings) 326 (Williams, L.A.) 532 (Wolfe) 344
Job creation, Cariboo constituency (Fraser) 426
Job creation, federal loan for (Bennett) 256
Job creation, funding for (Merilees) 191
Job creation in northern B.C., policy on (Wenman) 378
Job creation, public housing construction, proposal re (Dowding) 65
Job creation, use of special funds for (McGeer) 606
Jobs for unemployed, number of (Hall) 233
Municipalities, loans to for job creation (Nimsick) 303
Parks, development of and job creation (Barrett) 585 6 (Bennett) 545 (Bruch) 548 (Kiernan) 589 (McDiarmid) 58, 596-7 (Strachan) 589-90
Parks, development of and jobs for students (Brothers) 591 (McDiarmid) 596-7 (Strachan) 590 (Wenman) 592
Subsidization of jobs, proposal re (Price) 69-70
Vocational education and jobs (Bruch) 187
Endako Mines Ltd.
Mine, area of (Shelford) 594
Mentioned: (Barrett) 284
English, J.F.K.
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 174, 175
See: School attendance
Environment, Department of (Proposed)
Proposal for (Gardom) 226, 227
Environment and Land Use Act
(Bill 82) (Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources) 1R, 725; 2R, 754-9; 3R, 838; RA, 864
Speakers: Barrett 758-9; Brousson 755-6; Hall 754-5; McGeer 757-8; Mussallem 758; Nimsick 756; Price 756-7; Williston 754, 759
Bill, ministerial responsibility for (Nimsick) 756
Committee, function of (Brousson) 755-6 (Hall) 755 (McGeer) 757 (Williston) 754
Committee, representation on (Williston) 754
Development projects, public hearings on (Nimsick) 756 (Price) 757 (Williston) 754
Development projects, research on, provision for (Williston) 754
Environmental protection, education of public re (Price) 757
Environmental protection, government role in (McGeer) 757 (Mussallem) 758
Pollution 758
Pollution control, information to public re (Brousson) 755
Preamble to bill, need for (Hall) 754
Skagit Valley, flooding of (Barrett) 758, 759 (Mussallem) 758
Vancouver, pollution, reduction in (Price) 757
Water, recycling of (Nimsick) 756
Environment and Land Use Committee
Development projects, public hearings on (Nimsick) 756 (Price) 757 (Williston) 754
Development projects, research on (Williston) 754
Development projects, role of committee in decisions on (Williston) 81
Environment and Land Use Act. See name of act Function of (Brousson) 337-8, 755-6 (Hall) 755 (McGeer) 757 (Williston) 79, 754
Representation on (Williston) 754
Mentioned: (Brousson) 337, 750 (Macdonald) 131 (Williams, L.A.) 162, 738 (Williams, R.A.) 832 (Williston) 79
See also: Land Use Committee
Environmental Bill of Rights Act, 1971
(Bill 101) (Macdonald) 1R, 743; 2R, 858-9; dropped from order paper 859
Speakers: Macdonald 858-9
Legislation elsewhere (Macdonald) 858
Pollution, injunctions against (Macdonald) 858
Environmental control, Department of (Proposed)
Proposal for (Chabot) 12 (Fraser) 178 (Hall) 232 (McGeer) 275, 280 (Wallace) 15
Environmental health
Inspections, fees for (Loffmark) 797
Environmental management, Department of (Proposed)
Proposal for (Brousson) 93-4
Environmental protection
Development, opposition to (Williston) 81
Development projects, decisions on (Hartley) 751
Development projects, public hearings on (Brousson) 338 (Nimsick) 756 (Price) 757 (Williston) 754
Economy and environmental protection (Wallace) 13
Education of public re (Price) 757
Environment and Land Use Act. See name of act
Environmental Bill of Rights Act, 1971. See name of act
Environmental bill of rights, proposal re (Macdonald) 131
Environmental information centre, proposal re (Wallace) 14
Environmental protection (Brousson) 92 (Fraser) 177
Government role in (McGeer) 757 (Mussallem) 758
Growth and environment (Brousson) 92-3 (Campbell, D.) 239
Industries, environmental standards for (Gardom) 226-7
Industries, government contracts and environmental standards (Gardom) 227
Legislation elsewhere (Macdonald) 858
Policy on (Williams, L.A.) 161
Public concern re (Gaglardi) 386-7
Reclamation projects, employment of young people in (Barrett) 25
Research centre in B.C., need for (Wallace) 14
Washington State program (Hall) 750
Eric Martin Institute, Victoria, B.C.
Mentioned: (Loffmark) 293
Esquimalt, B.C.
Administrative costs (Lorimer) 376
Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway
Right-of-way, use of (McDiarmid) 308 (McGeer) 278-9
Esquimalt constituency
Road program (Bruch) 186
Eurocan Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Williston) 522, 524
European Common Market
Mentioned: (Merilees) 194
Evans, Dan
Quoted (Brousson) 93
Mentioned: (Wenman) 247
Evans, Stan
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 709
Everett Herald, Everett, Wash.
Quoted (Clark) 219
Expenditures, Public
Expenditures, comparisons with 1960 expenditures (Williston) 517
Expenditures, 1970-71 fiscal year (Bennett) 258
Expenditures, 1971-72 fiscal year (Bennett) 258-61
Funds for, interest rate on (LeCours) 137
Funds to municipalities, local boards, interest on (Strachan) 357
Expo '67, Montreal, Que.
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 718
Expo '70, Osaka, Japan
Canadian pavilion (Skillings) 328
Participation in (Nimsick) 148 (Throne speech) 2
Mentioned: (Barrett) 26 (Bennett) 258, 261 (Jefcoat) 305
Export sales
Export development fund, proposal re (Shelford ) 146
Exports, value of (Bennett) 257
Incentive program, proposal re (Capozzi) 197
Labour-management relations and exports (Peterson) 541
Labour productivity and exports (Peterson) 541
Mining industry products, market for (Richter) 350
Shipping of exports in Canadian ships (Lorimer) 189 (Merilees) 193
See: Eminent domain