Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971
Habitat (Ecology)
Protection of (Chabot) 319 (Throne speech) 4
Water as habitat (Brousson) 750
Haddock, Courtney
Hadfield, Ray
Mentioned: (Hartley) 47 (Strachan) 357
Haig-Brown, Roderick
Quoted (Brousson) 93
Mentioned: (Barrett) 587
Use for (Tisdalle) 465
Hall, Emmett
See also: Canada. Royal Commission on Health Services
Hall, Ernest (Surrey)
Accelerated Park Development Act 594-5
All-terrain vehicles, accidents 786
All-terrain Vehicles Act 786
Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend 745
Automobile insurance, premium rates 231
B.C. Ferry Corporation service, Tsawwassen terminal, interruptions to 235
B.C. Law Reform Commission, work of 234
B.C. Teachers' Federation, membership in as condition of employment 689
Budget debate 473-80
Buttle Lake, pollution of 231
Civil service, vacancies, effects of 67
Collective bargaining, future of in B.C. 579
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conferences, delegates to 849
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conferences, reports on 849
Commonwealth Parliamentary Conferences (Delegates) Act (Bill 90) 1R, 725; 849
Companies, private bill companies, standards for 836-7
Developers, requirement to donate land for public purposes 856
Drug problem in schools 475
Ecological Reserves Act 749-50
Ecological reserves, establishment of 749-50, 750
Education, funding for 234
Education system, changes in 473-4
Election campaign funds, tax exemption for donations to 230
Environment and Land Use Act 754-5
Environment and Land Use Act, preamble to, need for 754
Environment and Land Use Committee, function of 755
Environmental control department, proposal for 232
Environmental protection program, Washington State 750
Family life program in schools 475
Fraser River, flood control program 230
French language, reference to as “foreign” language 67
Garnishing order and dismissal of employee 745
Greater Vancouver Regional District parks, costs 834
Greater Vancouver for 594-5
Greater Vancouver assembly for 829
Highways, bidding 235
Hospitals, long-term-care for 233
Housing, conference on, proposal re 233
Housing, federal funds for 233
Housing projects, Surrey 480
Industrial safety, responsibility for 478
Jobs for unemployed, number of 233
Labour disputes, provision for research in 478
Labour unions, government's attacks on 232
Land Use Committee, Health minister's membership in 231
Landlord-tenant disputes 235
Lawyers, citizenship requirement 804
Legal Professions Act, An Act to Amend 804
Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session 230
Maintenance payments 233
Mediation Commission, annual reports 477
Mediation Commission, applications to 477
Mediation Commission, boycott of 476
Mediation Commission, economist, employment of 477
Mediation Commission employees, information re 477
Mediation Commission, 1969 hearings 477
Mediation Commission, offices 477
Mediation Commission, operation of 477
Mediation Commission, use of 476
Mineral Act, requests for revision of 235
Mobile Home Park Fee Act 798
Mobile home park fees, basis for 798
Mobile home park fees, levying of 798
Mobile home parks, assessment of 798
Mobile home parks, regulation of 798
Mobile homes, homeowner grant for owners 798
Municipal Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 91) 1R, 725; 855-6
Municipal works program, proposal re 233
Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend 834
Offshore drilling, ban on, proposal re 859-60
Overtime, prohibition on, proposal re 233
Parks, regional parks, development of 479
Parks, regional parks, funding for 479, 594
Physical education teachers and coaches in school system 476
Pollution 231
Pollution control, decisions on 750
Poor people 230
Public Schools Act, amendment to in 1968 mentioned 234
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 688-9
Regional Parks Act, An Act to Amend 829
Revenue, surplus 233
Sandringham Hospital labour dispute, investigation of by select standing committee 862
School District 36, land for schools 233-4
School districts, grants to 234
Schools, community use of 474
Schools, fire protection 474
Schools, land for 480
Schools, play areas 476
Schools, sites for in new developments 856
Schools, sites, standards for 476
Seaboard Assurance Company Act, 1953, An Act to Amend 836-7
Select Standing Committee on Labour, meetings of 232
Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills, report 859
Sex education in school system 475
Sports, facilities for in schools 475-6
Strikes and lockouts, ex parte injunctions, use of 478
Surrey, funds for welfare 230
Teachers' Pension Act, 1961, An Act to Amend 708-9
Teachers, pensions, level of for presently retired teachers 708
Traffic safety 478-9
Trail, smoke pollution 231-2
Transit strike, Mediation Commission report on 477
Truck drivers' labour dispute, use of lockout in 578
Truck drivers' strike, ending of 578-9
Truck loads, size of 478-9
Trucking industry, hours-of-work legislation for 478
Trucks, accidents in U.S. border area 479
Trucks, accidents, number of 234-5
Trucks, inspection of 478
Tugboats, 1970 strike 478
Tynehead regional park 479, 595
Unemployed, education program for 233
Unemployment, young people 232
Utah Mines Ltd. tailings, dumping of, decision on 231
Utah Mines Ltd. tailings, dumping of, hearings on 231
Vancouver, charter for 834
Vancouver Island, north island area, economy of 235
Venereal disease, spread of 475
Welfare, costs to municipalities 230
Wives' and Children's Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend 742
Young offenders, federal act 474
Young offenders, legislation on in B.C. 475
Young offenders, select standing committee of House on, proposal re 234
Young offenders, treatment for 474
Hamber Provincial Park
Mentioned: (Kiernan) 100
Hamilton, J.M.
Mentioned: (Dowding) 396
Hammond, R.C.
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 718
Facilities for (Dailly) 209
Handicapped children Education for (LeCours) 493
Multiple handicapped child, provision for, case cited (Little) 445-6
Haney, B.C.
Bridge to Langley (Mussallem) 184
Haney Correctional Institution, Haney, B.C.
Mentioned: (Dowding) 591
Correction to (Clark) 216
Proposal re (Gardom) 227 (McGeer) 30
Quoted (McCarthy) 410
Mentioned: (Barrett) 263 (Dowding) 65 (Gardom) 482 (Hon. member) 299 (McDiarmid) 307 (McGeer) 272 (Nimsick) 148, 299 (Richter) 349
Hansard (House of Commons Debates-Official Record)
Quoted (Tisdalle) 66
Hard of hearing
See: Hearing impaired
Harding, Randolph
Mentioned: (Black) 496
Hart, John
Mentioned: (Hartley) 501 (Kripps) 212
Hartley, William Leonard (Yale-Lillooet)
Accelerated Park Development Act 596
Address in Reply 44-9
Alcoholic beverages, advertising of in newspapers, ban on 826
Alexander Bridge area, funds for 596
Ambulance service in unorganized areas, grants for 499
Ambulance service, North Bend-Boston Bar service 499
Attachment of Debts Act, An Act to Amend 745
Automobile insurance coverage, limits on 45
Automobile insurance, government vehicles 47, 47-8
Automobile insurance, no-fault insurance 45-6
Automobile insurance, no-fault insurance payments, case cited 45-6
Automobile insurance, provincial scheme for, proposal re 47
Automobile insurance, Public Works department vehicles 47-8
Automobile insurance rates, increase in 502
B.C. Automobile Insurance Board, appointment of Byron Straight to 502
B.C. Automobile Insurance Board, establishment of 45, 46
B.C. Teachers' Federation, membership in as condition of employment 694
Budget debate 498-502
Coal contracts, long-term contracts 501
Community Care Facilities Licensing Act, An Act to Amend 677
Consumer Protection Act, An Act to Amend 658
Contracts for home repairs 658
Credit Unions Act, An Act to Amend 815
Credit unions, government deposits 815
Dentists, fees, increase in 501
Development projects, decisions on 751
Ecological Reserves Act 751
Ecology, definition of 751
Fence viewers, use of 651
Firearms, licensing of 733
Fraser Canyon area, camping facilities 596
Garnishing of wages, amount of garnishee 745
Gasoline Tax Act, 1958, An Act to Amend 629
Hat Creek coal, power generation from 49
Health care, cost of 498, 499, 500
Hearing-aid Regulation Act 662
Hearing aids, B.C. Medical Plan coverage for 662
Hells Gate, aerial tramway 596
Highland Valley, Mamit Lake road 498
Highway 1, Yale area, condition of 498
Highway 401, land on route of 499
Highways, lands adjacent to 499
Hospitals, costs, increase in 499
Hospitals, patient days, comparison with patient days elsewhere 500
Hospitals, rates, per diem rate, proposal re 44-5
Hunters, safety training for 733
Land Act, An Act to Amend 738
Legislature, fall sessions 45
Lillooet-Pemberton road 498-9
Liquor Control Board revenue, use of 826
Medical care plan in B.C. 498
Mobile Home Park Fee Act 801
Mobile home park fees, levying of 801
Pesticides, use of and endangered species 733
Physicians, group practices, proposal re 501
Physicians, Medical Services Plan of B.C. arrangements, opting out of 500
Physicians, Medical Services Plan of B.C. payments to 499
Pollution 45
Prevention of Restraint of Professional Practices Act 846
Preventive medicine program 498, 499-500, 677
Public Schools Act, An Act to Amend 694
Roads on Crown land 738
Royal Commission on Automobile Insurance, cost of 502
Royal Commission on Gasoline Price Structure, recommendations 629
Sales tax, levying of 501-2
School boards, teachers as trustees 694
Silver Lake Provincial Park, funding for 596
Skagit Valley, flooding of 48
Skagit Valley park, acreage for 596
Skagit Valley park, facilities 596
Skagit Valley park, proposal re 48-9
Skagit Valley, recreational potentialities of 48
Skagit Valley, Seattle city council hearings on 48
Special Committee on Automobile Insurance, work of 502
Statute Law Amendment Act (1971) 826
Taxation Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 93) 1R, 725
Traffic victims indemnity fund, accident victim, case cited 47
Traffic victims indemnity fund, funds 46-7
Trespass Act, An Act to Amend 651
Unemployment 49
Unemployment, Sweden, action on 49
Whatshan Dam, raising of 48
Wildlife Act, An Act to Amend 733
Wildlife, endangered species 733
Harwood, John
Quoted (Clark) 220
Mentioned: (Clark) 219, 220, 423 (Loffmark) 287 (Williams, L.A.) 534
Hat Creek, B.C.
Coal, electric power generation from (Campbell, D.) 237 (Hartley) 49
Hatter, Jim
Mentioned: (Brousson) 95
Hayakawa, Samuel I.
Language in Action mentioned (Strachan) 599
Haynes, Ray
Allegations against (Calder) 53
Quoted (McGeer) 34 (Strachan) 352
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 89 (Capozzi) 503 (Chabot) 9, 10 (Cocke) 107 (Gaglardi) 387 (Hon. member) 152 (Little) 445 (Macdonald) 128 (Merilees) 192 (Richter) 351 (Strachan) 353, 360
Hazelton, B.C.
Bulkley River bridge (Little) 120
Health Act
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 4
Health Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 94) (Minister of Health Services and Hospital Insurance) 1R, 791; 2R, 797; 3R, 838; RA, 864
Speakers: Loffmark 797
Communicable diseases, treatment for (Loffmark) 797
Environmental health inspections, fees for (Loffmark) 797
Medical health officers, designation of, powers re (Loffmark) 797
Tuberculosis patients, treatment for (Loffmark) 797
Health care
See: Medical care
Health officers
Central Vancouver Island Health Unit, health inspectors, increase in number of (Strachan) 84
Health units without directors (Barrett) 263
Health Services and Hospital Insurance, Department of
Appropriation for (Bennett) 258
Heath, Edward
Mentioned: (Gaglardi) 385
Hearing — Tests
See: Audiometry
Hearing-aid Dealers and Consultants, An Act Respecting (Proposed)
Mentioned: (Dawson) 659
Hearing-aid Regulation Act
(Bill 35) (Minister Without Portfolio) 1R, 585; 2R, 65967; 3R, 731; RA, 864
Divisions: 2R, 667
Speakers: Barrett 663-4; Campbell, D. 664; Dawson 659-60, 667; Dowding 665; Hartley 662; Little 661; McDiarmid 662-3; Macdonald 660-1; McGeer 664-5; Nimsick 666-7; Tisdalle 666; Wallace 661-2; Williams, L.A. 665-6
Board, establishment of (Dawson) 660 (McGeer) 664-5 (Nimsick) 666 (Tisdalle) 666
Board, representation on (Macdonald) 660 (Williams, L.A.) 665
Board, role of (Dawson) 660
B.C. Medical Plan coverage for hearing tests (Wallace) 662
B.C. Medical Plan coverage, proposal re (Barrett) 663, 664 (Dowding) 665 (Hartley) 662 (Macdonald) 660-1 (Wallace) 662 (Williams, L.A.) 666
Distribution company, proposal re (Campbell, D.) 664
Hearing problem (Little) 661
Hearing problems and hearing aids (McDiarmid) 6623 (Wallace) 661-2
Prices (Barrett) 663 (Dowding) 665 (Macdonald) 660
Provision of hearing aids to elderly (McGeer) 665
Regulation of sale of hearing aids (Nimsick) 666 (Williams, L.A.) 666
Hearing aids
Cost of (Dawson) 457
Board for regulation of sale of, establishment of (Dawson) 660 (McGeer) 664-5 (Nimsick) 666 (Tisdalle) 666
Board for regulation of sale of, representation on (Macdonald) 660 (Williams, L.A.) 665
Board for regulation of sale of, role of (Dawson) 660
B.C. Medical Plan coverage for (Barrett) 663, 664 (Dowding) 665 (Macdonald) 660-1 (Wallace) 662 (Williams, L.A.) 666
Elderly, hearing aids for (Dawson) 456 (McGeer) 665
Fitting of (Dawson) 457
Hearing-aid Regulation Act. See name of act
Hearing problems and hearing aids (McDiarmid) 6623 (Wallace) 661-2
Prices (Barrett) 663 (Dowding) 665 (Macdonald) 660
Provision of (Dawson) 456-7 (Macdonald) 849
Sale of, case cited (Little) 661
Sale of, proposal re handling of (Little) 661
Sale of, regulation of (Nimsick) 666 (Williams, L.A.) 666
Hearing Aids, An Act for the Provision of
(Bill 87) (Macdonald) 1R, 723; 2R, 849; out of order 849
Speakers: Macdonald 849
Hearing aids, provision of (Dawson) 456-7 (Macdonald) 849
Speech and hearing planning committee, work of (Dawson) 456
Hees, George
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 408
Hells Gate, B.C.
Aerial tramway (Hartley) 596 (Richter) 352
Hellyer, Paul
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 369
Helmcken, J.S.
Mentioned: (Bruch) 186
Heroin habit
Addicts (Loffmark) 603 (McCarthy) 710
Nanaimo, heroin addicts (Ney) 317
Herridge, Herbert W.
Selkirk College library, name for, proposal re (Campbell, B.) 90
Hickey, T. Earl
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 308
High Arrow dam
See: Hugh Keenleyside Dam
High schools
Grade 13, ending of (Brothers) 680
Junior high-school system (Wenman) 382
Highland Valley, B.C.
Mamit Lake road (Hartley) 498
Highland Valley Copper mine
Mentioned: (Wenman) 56
Highway 1
Bridal Falls-Hope section, four-laning of (Bennett) 261
Horseshoe Bay-Taylor Way section, work on (Black) 497 (Throne speech) 3
Kamloops area, Del Cielo development. See entries under Kamloops, B.C.
Upper Levels Highway mentioned (McGeer) 277
Upper Levels Highway, widening of (McGeer) 34 (Merilees) 193
Upper Levels Highway, work on (Bennett) 628
Yale area, condition of (Hartley) 498
Mentioned: (Brousson) 92 (Hartley) 499, 596 (Williams, R.A.) 536
Highway 3
Cranbrook-Fort Steele section, work on (Black) 497
Hope-Princeton highway mentioned (Hartley) 499
Spencer Hill section (Black) 497
Highway 4
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 310
Highway 5
Del Cielo development. See entries under Kamloops, B.C.
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 536
Highway 6
Arrow Park-Burton section, work on (Campbell, B.) 369
Slocan Bluffs area (Campbell, B.) 369
Highway 7
Lougheed Highway, four-laning of (Bennett) 261
Lougheed Highway mentioned (Dowding) 115 (Lorimer) 190
Highway 7A
Mentioned: (Dowding) 115
Highway 11
Mission bridge, work on (Throne speech) 3
Highway 15
Roberts Bank area, contract for (Black) 497
Mentioned: (Richter) 352
Highway 16
Bridges (Little) 120
Commercial developments along highway (Macdonald) 416
Hazelton-Carnaby section, hardtopping of (Little) 120
Kalum River bridge (Little) 120
McBride-Tete Jaune section, work on (Black) 497
Prince Rupert area, work on (Merilees) 193 (Throne speech) 3
Skeena River bridge (Little) 120
Terrace-Prince Rupert section bridges, replacement of (Black) 497
Yellowhead Highway, proposed name for (Macdonald) 416
Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 241 (McGeer) 276
Highway 17
Construction of (Tisdalle) 114
Four-laning of (Throne speech) 3
Mentioned: (Richter) 352
Highway 18
Completion of (Bennett) 261
Opening of (Strachan) 83 (Throne speech) 3
Mentioned: (Strachan) 357
Highway 19
Four-laning of (Ney) 74
Kelsey Bay-Beaver Cove link, work on (Bennett) 261 (Merilees) 193 (Throne speech) 2
Passing lanes (Ney) 74
Traffic (Ney) 74
Work on (Merilees) 193 (Strachan) 84
Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 308
Highway 22
Blueberry Creek section, work on (Brothers) 470
Trail-Castlegar road, completion of (Brothers) 470
Highway 23
Halfway River bridge (Campbell, B.) 369
Halfway River-Galena Bay section, work on (Campbell, B.) 90, 369
Nakusp-Halfway River section, work on (Campbell, B.) 369
Work on (Campbell, B.) 90
Highway 31A
Work on (Campbell, B.) 369
Highway 37
Completion of Stewart-Cassiar road (Bennett) 261 (Calder) 52
Completion of Stewart-Watson Lake road (Calder) 438
Construction of, Ben Ginter contract (Calder) 52, 438
Construction of, Peter Kewiet contract (Calder) 438
Nass River bridge (Calder) 438
Skeena River bridge, work on (Black) 497
Highway 95
Fort Steele-Cranbrook section (Nimsick) 301
Highway 95A
Cranbrook-Kimberley section, upgrading of (Nimsick) 301
Highway 97
Alaska Highway mentioned (Calder) 438 (Marshall) 156
Alaska Highway, paving of (Marshall) 158
Alaska Highway, upgrading of (Marshall) 158, 159
Kelowna industrial park, access to (Williams, R.A.) 535
Kelowna shopping centre, access to (Strachan) 354, 354-5 (Williams, R.A.) 175-6, 535, 536
Williams Lake-Quesnel section, reconstruction of (Fraser) 178 (Throne speech) 3
Mentioned: (Strachan) 354 (Williams, R.A.) 171, 173
Highway 99A
Mentioned: (Richter) 352
Highway 401
Agassiz-Hope section (Price) 526
Hope-Rosedale section, widening of (McGeer) 33
Land on route of (Hartley) 499
Stormont interchange (Lorimer) 190
Mentioned: (Dowding) 115 (Hall) 234, 478 (Merilees) 191 (Price) 526
Highway 499
Mentioned: (Hall) 234, 478 (Merilees) 191 (Richter) 352
Highway Act
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 537
Highways, Department of
Annual report tabled (Black) 5
Appropriation for (Bennett) 258, 261 (Fraser) 426 (McGeer) 280 (Smith) 398 (Tisdalle) 463-4
Branch Reports and Statistical Data (Black) 496
Files, access to Gellatly Road file (Williams, R.A.) 538
Municipalities, liaison with (Black) 496-7
Reorganization of (Black) 496
Services facilities (Throne speech) 3
Highways, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend
(Bill 49) (Minister of Highways) 1R, 617; 2R, 697-8, 780-5; 3R, 795; RA, 864
Speakers: Barrett 697-8, 780-1; Bennett 781; Black 697; Dowding 785; Gaglardi 782-3; Macdonald 781-2; McGeer 784; Tisdalle 784; Williams, L.A. 782; Williams, R.A. 783-4
Access routes to highways, public ownership of (Barrett) 781
Lands adjacent to proposed highways, acquisition of (Barrett) 697-8, 780-1 (Bennett) 781 (Black) 697 (Gaglardi) 782-3 (Macdonald) 781-2 (Williams, L.A.) 782 (Williams, R.A.) 783-4
Lands adjacent to proposed highways, disposal of (Dowding) 785 (Gaglardi) 783 (McGeer) 784 (Williams, R.A.) 784
Lands adjacent to proposed highways, minister's powers re (Macdonald) 782
Hitschmanova, Lotta
Mentioned: (Shelford) 144
Hodge, Syd
Mentioned: (Strachan) 354
Hoffmeister, B.M.
Mentioned: (Campbell, B.) 368
Hogarth, Douglas
Mentioned: (Mussallem) 418
Holidays with pay
See: Vacations, Employee
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Quoted (LeCours) 141-2
Holstein-Friesian cattle
Canadian Holsteins, export of (Shelford) 145, 146
Home-acquisition grant fund
See: Provincial home-acquisition grant fund
Home buying
See: House buying
Home care services
Cost of to recipients (Wallace) 315
Homemaker service education (Jordan) 487
Provision of (Dailly) 460 (Jordan) 487
Home Oil Co. Ltd.
Federal takeover of (Calder) 778
Richter, Hon. F.X., statement re government investment in (Lorimer) 791
Home ownership
Home ownership (Bennett) 621 (Gaglardi) 391
Homeowner grant and home ownership (Bennett) 617 (McCarthy) 617-8
See also: House buying
Homeowner grant
See entries under Real property tax
Hope, B.C.
Chamber of Commerce mentioned (Smith) 398
Hope-Princeton highway
See: Highway 3
Hoskin, H.F.
Quoted (Loffmark) 292
Hospital Act
Section 37, regulations under section tabled (Loffmark) 405
Hospital Corporations Act
(Bill 97) (Minister of Health Services and Hospital Insurance) 1R, 768; 2R, 797-8; 3R, 838; RA, 864
Speakers: Loffmark 797-8
Hospital constitutions, changes to (Loffmark) 797-8
Hospital insurance
See: Insurance, Hospitalization
Hospital Insurance Act
Mentioned: (Dawson) 458
Acute-care beds, number of new beds (Loffmark) 293
Alcoholics and drug addicts, hospital for (Wolfe) 345
Appropriation for (Bennett) 258, 261
Beds, minimum number of (Loffmark) 287
Care, levels of care defined (Loffmark) 293
Clearwater hospital (Barrett) 24 (Clark) 219-20, 422-4 (Loffmark) 219, 287-9 (McGeer) 33, 279 (Williams, L.A.) 533-4
Construction and operation of, proposal re (Barrett) 21
Construction of (Bennett) 261 (Loffmark) 293
Construction of, funding for (McGeer) 605
Costs, increase in (Hartley) 499 (Loffmark) 294 (Wallace) 17
Financing of (Wallace) 16-7
Hospital care, requirements for (Cocke) 104-5
Kootenay constituency hospitals (Nimsick) 149-50
Jurisdiction over (Loffmark) 293-4
Michel hospital (Nimsick) 149, 296
Ocean Falls hospital (Dawson) 454
Patient stays, comparison with patient stays elsewhere (Hartley) 500
Patient stays, length of (Wallace) 316
Physicians, hospital utilization, abuses (Loffmark) 294-5 (Wallace) 316-7
Physicians, hospital utilization, cases cited (Loffmark) 294-5
Private hospitals, profits (Barrett) 21
Programs, special services (Loffmark) 293
Rates, per diem rate (Cocke) 105 (Hartley) 44-5 (Loffmark) 294 (Wallace) 17, 312 (Wolfe) 344
Sechelt hospital, addition to (Dawson) 454
Sparwood area, hospital facilities (Nimsick) 149-50, 296
University of B.C. hospital, funding for (Loffmark) 293 (McGeer) 604
University of B.C. hospital, proposal re (McGeer) 279
See also hospitals by name, e.g. Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, B.C.
See: Tourist camps, hostels, etc.
Hotel and Motel Room Tax Act
(Bill 19) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 262; 2R, 636-7; 3R, 731; RA, 864
Divisions: 2R, 636-7
Speakers: Bennett 636; Williams, R.A. 636
Hotel room tax, exemptions from (Bennett) 636 (Williams, R.A.) 636
Taxation, increase in (Williams, R.A.) 636
Hotels, taverns, etc.
Damage to hotels in Grey Cup celebrations (LeCours) 136
Hotel and Motel Room Tax Act. See name of act Neighbourhood pubs, proposal re (Barrett) 816, 817 (Macdonald) 130
Room tax, exemptions from (Bennett) 636 (Williams, R.A.) 636
Room tax, levying of (Bennett) 259 (Bruch) 371 (Gardom) 480 (Merilees) 441 (Skillings) 328
Hours of labour
See: Overtime
House buying
Assistance for (Dawson) 458
Education and house buying (Wenman) 379-80
Homeowner grant and home ownership (Bennett) 617 (McCarthy) 617-8
Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act
Provincial home-acquisition grant fund. See name of fund
Conference on, proposal re (Hall) 233
Construction methods and lumber (Price) 526
Construction of, proposal re (LeCours) 493
Elderly, housing for (Cocke) 331, 332 (Gardom) 226
Elderly, housing for, funding (Bennett) 258 (Dawson) 457 (Kripps) 511
Energy credits, proposal for use of in housing construction (LeCours) 493
Funding for (Dailly) 461 (LeCours) 140 (Macdonald) 411-2 (Peterson) 544 (Tisdalle) 466
Funding for, federal funds (Hall) 233 (McCarthy) 410-1
Great Britain, council housing (Dawson) 457-8
Land for (Dailly) 461
Land for, cost of (Campbell, D.) 451 (Strachan) 356
Land for in lower mainland (Campbell, D.) 451
Need for (Dailly) 210 (McCarthy) 411
Northern B.C., housing (Wenman) 378
Northern B.C., interest rates and housing (Shelford) 143
Proposal re (Strachan) 85
Provision of (LeCours) 493
Regulations, standardization of (Throne speech) 4 (Wolfe) 96
Renovations to homes, proposal re (McCarthy) 127
Surrey housing projects (Hall) 480
United States, house-building (McCarthy) 127 (Williston) 78
Vancouver pilot project (McCarthy) 127
See also: Public housing; Rental housing
Housing developments
See: Real estate development
Houston, B.C.
Bulkley Valley Forest Industries Ltd., relationship of to community (Barrett) 266 (Campbell, D.) 241 (Williston) 523
Planning of (Campbell, D.) 241
Pulp mill, location of (Campbell, D.) 239-40, 241
Howard, Bruce
Mentioned: (Williston) 524
Hudson Hope, B.C.
Development of (Barrett) 284
Workforce, reduction in (Smith) 398
Hugh Keenleyside Dam
Mentioned: (Brothers) 591
Human Rights Act
Mentioned: (McGeer) 31 (Wenman) 381
Hungarian immigrants (Tisdalle) 112
Abolition of in B.C., proposal re (Chabot) 318 (Clark) 217, 420
Abolition of in B.C., job loss as result of (Chabot) 318
Food source (Kiernan) 736
Game numbers and hunting (Price) 182-3
Hunters, safety training for (Barrett) 734 (Hartley) 733 (Kiernan) 732-3 (Nimsick) 734
Illegal hunting, penalties for (Ney) 75
Phasing out of (Dowding) 735 (McGeer) 734
Revenue from (Chabot) 318
Trespass by hunters (Nimsick) 734
Hunting licences
See: Fish and game licences
Husky Oil Marketing Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 173, 175
Hutchison, Bruce
Quoted (Jordan) 486