Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 29th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 21, 1971 to April 2nd, 1971


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Tabor Mountain, B.C.

Trail development in area (Williston) 520

Tahsis, B.C.

Electric power for (McDiarmid) 309

Tahsis Co.

Tahsis, electric power for (McDiarmid) 309

Tall, H.

Mentioned: (Hartley) 46

Tall Agencies Ltd.

Mentioned: (Hartley) 46


Bunker oil, transport of along coast (Strachan) 250

Size of (McDiarmid) 246

Tanker traffic on B.C. coast (Little) 447 (Vogel) 366

Tanker traffic on B.C. coast and Alaska oil pipeline (Brousson) 338 (Capozzi) 250-1 (McDiarmid) 123, 245-7 (Macdonald) 131 (Merilees) 193 (Strachan) 250 (Wenman) 247-8 (Williams, L.A.) 161-2, 251-2, 531

Tanker traffic on B.C. coast and oil spills (Bruch) 252 (Capozzi) 250-1 (McDiarmid) 245-7 (Macdonald) 131 (Merilees) 193-4 (Tisdalle) 251 (Wenman) 247-8 (Williams, L.A.) 161-2, 251-2

Tanker traffic on B.C. coast, navigation aids, provision of (Williams, L.A.) 531 100

Tax sales

Land in tax sales, purchase of by U.S. citizens (Strachan) 88


Federal policy on, proposal re (Gaglardi) 390

Federal White Paper on taxation (Chant) 435 (Gaglardi) 388 (Hall) 233 (Jordan) 206 (Kripps) 512 (McCarthy) 408, 409 (Mussallem) 185 (Peterson) 40 (Tisdalle) 66, 114

Increase in (Clark) 421 (Dailly) 633 (Gardom) 480 (Lecours) 492 (Lorimer) 375 (Nimsick) 635 (Skillings) 327, 328 (Strachan) 358, 627, 632 (Wallace) 311 (Williams, R.A.) 629, 636

Increase in, use of revenue (McGeer) 626

Level of in B.C. (Bennett) 628 (Nimsick) 303

Overtaxation (McGeer) 626 (Williams, R.A.) 626

Rate of and ability to pay (Bennett) 255 (Nimsick) 303

Taxation Act

Section 85(1) , (2) and (3) , business conducted under sections, report tabled (Bennett) 5

Mentioned: (Campbell, D.) 798

Taxation Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 21) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 262; 2R, 637-8; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Speakers: Bennett 637; Lorimer 637; Macdonald 637; Nimsick 637-8; Williams, L.A. 637; Williams, R.A. 637

Land, foreign ownership of (Macdonald) 637

Property tax, unpaid tax, disposition of property (Bennett) 637 (Nimsick) 637 (Williams, L.A.) 637

Property tax, unpaid tax, length of delinquency period (Lorimer) 637

Property tax, unpaid tax, tax sales (Bennett) 637

Taxation Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 93) (Hartley) 1R, 725; 2R, 856-7; out of order 857

Speakers: Hartley 856-7

Land taxes, change in due date for (Hartley) 856


Absence of due to illness (Wenman) 381-2

Clergymen as teachers (Wenman) 381

Dismissal of (Dowding) 322

FLQ policies, advocacy of, order-in-council re (Barrett) 19-20

Incompetence, loss of teaching certificates for (Little) 446

Licensing of, powers re (Wallace) 687

Professional association for, proposal re (Brousson) 694

Public opinion of (Wallace) 686-7

School boards, relationship with (Dowding) 394-5

Sick leave, proposal re (Wenman) 382, 845

Strikes, right to strike (Little) 446

Tenure (Brothers) 680

Tenure for, examination of by Select Standing Committee on Social Welfare and Education (Barrett) 322 (Brothers) 323, 680 (Dailly) 322 (Dowding) 322

Use of, proposals re (Wenman) 380

Teachers — Salaries, pensions, etc.

Merit pay for, proposal re (Gardom) 228

Pension fund, ceiling on, removal of (Williston) 699

Pension fund, government's contribution to (Williams, L.A.) 702 (Williston) 700

Pension fund, interest rate on (Strachan) 704-5

Pension fund, investment of (Barrett) 700 (Black) 712

Pension fund, teachers' contribution to (Price) 704

Pension fund, teachers' contribution to in 1930s and 1940s (Williston) 699

Pension fund, use of funds by B.C. Hydro (Williams, L.A.) 163

Pension plans, history of (Williston) 712-3

Pensions (Strachan) 686 (Williston) 674

Pensions and early retirement (Williston) 699

Pensions, averaging period for (Black) 672 (Cocke) 672 (Williston) 699

Pensions, eligibility, service requirement for (Black) 713

Pensions, letters re quoted, referred to (Barrett) 701 (Black) 714-5 (Gardom) 705-6

Pensions, level of elsewhere (Black) 714 (Nimsick) 703

Pensions, level of for presently retired teachers (Barrett) 700-2 (Black) 672, 713, 715, 716 (Capozzi) 708 (Clark) 711 (Cocke) 672-4 (Dailly) 710 (Gardom) 705-6 (Hall) 708 (LeCours) 708 (McGeer) 712 (Mussallem) 711 (Nimsick) 703 (Price) 703-4 (Strachan) 704, 705 (Wallace) 709-10 (Williams, L.A.) 702

Strike threat by teachers (Campbell, B.) 709

Teachers' Pensions Act, 1961, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Teachers' Pensions Act

Annual report of business done under act tabled (Black) 5

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 3

Teachers' Pensions Act, 1961, An Act to Amend

(Bill 4) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 7; 2R, 672-4, 699-717; 3R, 795; RA, 864

Divisions: 2R, 717; 3R, 795

Speakers: Barrett 700-2; Black 672, 712-7; Capozzi 7078; Clark 710-1; Cocke 672-4; Dailly 710; Dowding 706-7; Gardom 705-6; Hall 708-9; LeCours 708; McGeer 711-2; Mussallem 711; Nimsick 703; Price 703-4; Strachan 704-5; Wallace 709-10; Williams, L.A. 702; Williston 674, 699-700

Averaging period, change in (Black) 672 (Cocke) 672 (Williston) 699

Early retirement and pensions (Williston) 699

Eligibility, service requirement for (Black) 713

Letters re pension levels quoted, referred to (Barrett) 701 (Black) 714-5 (Gardom) 705-6

MLAs, pensions (Barrett) 700

Pension fund, ceiling on, removal of (Williston) 699

Pension fund, government's contribution to (Williams, L.A.) 702 (Williston) 700

Pension fund, interest rate on (Strachan) 704-5

Pension fund, investment of (Barrett) 700 (Black) 712

Pension fund, teachers' contributions to (Price) 704

Pension fund, teachers' contributions to in 1930s and 1940s (Williston) 699

Pension plans for teachers, history of (Black) 712-3

Pensions, basis for (Williston) 674

Pensions, level of elsewhere (Black) 714 (Nimsick) 703

Pensions, level of for presently retired teachers (Barrett) 700-2 (Black) 672, 713, 715, 716 (Capozzi) 708 (Clark) 711 (Cocke) 672-4 (Dailly) 710 (Gardom) 705-6 (Hall) 708 (LeCours) 708 (McGeer) 71 (Mussallem) 711 (Nimsick) 703 (Price) 703-4 (Strachan) 704, 705 (Wallace) 709-10 (Williams, L.A.) 702

Teachers, strike threat (Campbell, B.) 709

Teamsters Union

See: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America Technical and Vocational Training Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Dailly) 462

Telegram, Toronto, Ont.

Quoted (McCarthy) 409, 409-10

Mentioned: (McGeer) 270 (Wallace) 14

Telegraph Creek, B.C.

Electric power for (Calder) 436, 437

Television in education

Educational television (Brothers) 471-2

Equipment, standards for (Brothers) 471

Programs, distribution of (Brothers) 471-2

Temporary Measures Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Barrett) 19

Terrace Vocational School, Terrace, B.C.

Mining course (Little) 447-8

Testator's Family Maintenance Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 31) (Attorney-General) 1R, 385; 2R, 656-7; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Speakers: Dowding 656; Jordan 656-7; Macdonald 657; Peterson 656; Williams, L.A. 657

Common-law wife, provision for (Macdonald) 657

Decedent's family maintenance, powers re (Dowding) 656 (Jordan) 656-7 (Peterson) 656 (Williams, L.A.) 657

Intestacy, provision for (Williams, L.A.) 657


Girls, stereotyping of (Dailly) 211

Textile industry

Subsidy to (Marshall) 156

Thatcher, Ross

Mentioned: (McGeer) 34, 35

Theobald, Robert

Quoted (LeCours) 141

Thermal power

See entries under Electric power

Thetis Island, B.C.

Ferry (Strachan) 84

Thompson River, B.C.

Diversion of (Jefcoat) 304-5

Okanagan water basin and Shuswap-Thompson River system (Jefcoat) 304-5


Mentioned: (Dawson) 458

Timberline Trail Riders Association

Mentioned: (Williston) 520

Tisdalle, John Douglas (Saanich and the Islands)

Abortion 111

Address in Reply 65-6, 108-14

Agriculture department, function of 465

Alcoholic beverages, advertising of in newspapers, ban on 826-7

Alcoholism 113

Animals Act, An Act to Amend 653-4

Aquaculture industry, proposal re 465

Budget debate 463-7

Building code, adoption of National Building Code 831

Centennial of B.C. 108-9

Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Act 633

Cigarettes, advertising of, ban on 811

Colleges, funding for 466

Communist activities in B.C. 113

Drug abuse 111-2

Drug abuse and entertainers 111

Drug, alcohol and cigarette education, prevention and rehabilitation fund, use of funds, 466

Ecological Reserves Act 752

Education, funding for 464

Farmland, property tax on 114

Federal government's economic policies 114

Film industry for Saanich 466

First Citizens' Fund, use of 466

Greenbelts 114

Gulf Island park, proposal re 108

Hake, use for 465

Hearing-aid Regulation Act 666

Hearing aids, sale of, board for regulation of 666

Highway 17, construction of 114

Highways department, appropriation for 463-4

Highways, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend 784

Housing, funding for 466

Hungarian immigrants 112

Indians, Cole Bay, plan for tourism 466

Legislature, demonstration on opening day of session 110

Legislature, flag in chamber 109

Marijuana, legalization of 111

Marijuana, use of 113

Mobile Home Park Fee Act 800

Mobile home parks, sites for 800

Mobile homes 800

Municipal Act, An Act to Amend 831

Petroleum, United States reserves, use of 251

Poem recited 109

Police, restraint on actions of 110

Pollution 114

Provincial Home Acquisition Act, An Act to Amend 623

Provincial home-acquisition fund grants and job creation 623

Provincial home-acquisition fund grants and mortgage lenders 623

Royal Commission on the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, report 110

Seaboard Assurance Company Act, 1953, An Act to Amend 837

Seaweed, harvesting of 465-6

Society, permissive society 110-1

Statute Law Amendment Act (1971) 826-7

Tanker traffic on coast and oil spills 251

Tanker traffic on coast, request to federal government re 251

Taxation, federal White Paper on 66, 114

Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act 810-1

Transit, labour dispute 108

Unemployment 65-6

Unemployment, federal policy on 66

Vocational schools, funding for 466 102


Advertising of (Loffmark) 604 (McGeer) 604 (Price) 179 (Strachan) 599 (Wallace) 601

Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Act. See name of act Industry, federal assistance to (Bruch) 808 (Jordan) 809 (Strachan) 808

Tax on, increase in (Bennett) 259, 631-2 (Strachan) 632

Tax on, increase in as deterrent against smoking (Cocke) 634 (Gardom) 633 (Strachan) 632 (Wallace) 633

Tax on, revenue source (Wallace) 17

Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act. See name of act See also: Cigarettes; Smoking

Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act

(Bill 103) (Attorney-General) 1R, 793; 2R, 805-14; 3R, 838; RA, 864

Divisions: 2R, 814

Speakers: Barrett 806; Bennett 812; Bruch 808; Campbell, B. 813; Capozzi 811-2; Clark 812-3; Cocke 813-4; Dowding 811; Gardom 807; Jordan 808-9; McDiarmid 810; Macdonald 809; Nimsick 810; Peterson 805-6; Price 809-10; Strachan 807-8; Tisdalle 810-1

Advertising (Clark) 812

Advertising industry, policing of (Clark) 813

Cigarette packages, health warning for (Bruch) 808 (Gardom) 807

Cigarettes, advertising of, ban on (Barrett) 806 (Bennett) 812 (Bruch) 808 (Campbell, B.) 813 (Capozzi) 812 (Clark) 812-3 (Cocke) 813-4 (Dowding) 811 (Gardom) 807 (Jordan) 809 (McDiarmid) 810 (Macdonald) 809 (Nimsick) 810 (Peterson) 805 (Price) 809-10 (Strachan) 807-8 (Tisdalle) 811

Cigarettes, advertising of, content of advertisements (Barrett) 806 (Jordan) 809

Cigarettes, advertising of, ban on and revenue loss (Barrett) 806 (Bruch) 808

Cigarettes, advertising of, federal ban on (Clark) 813

Contravention of act, penalties for (Nimsick) 810

Contravention of act, prosecution for (Peterson) 805

Legislature, smoking in (Cocke) 813-4

Smoking in public places, ban on (Campbell, B.) 813

Sports, cultural causes, cigarette companies' assistance to (Dowding) 811

Tobacco industry, federal assistance to (Bruch) 808 (Jordan) 809 (Strachan) 808

Tobacco Research Council

Mentioned: (Gardom) 807


Okanagan tomatoes to Prairie drought areas (Bennett) 546

Toole, K. Ross

Quoted (Tisdalle) 110

Top of the World wilderness area Park status for (Nimsick) 302

Toronto Star, Toronto, Ont.

Mentioned: McGeer) 270

Torrey Canyon (Vessel)

Mentioned: (McDiarmid) 246 (Macdonald) 131 (Williams, L.A.) 161

Tourist camps, hostels, etc.

Federal youth hostel program (Campbell, B.) 367

Hostel system (Marshall) 511

Jericho Hill hostel (Campbell, B.) 368

Revelstoke youth hostel (Campbell, B.) 367-8

Tourist trade

Facilities for (Jefcoat) 166, 303-4

Industry in B.C. (Dawson) 167

Industry in B.C., government policy on (Merilees) 441

Industry, revenue to province (Bennett) 257 (Throne speech) 4

Parks, facilities for tourists (Dowding) 591 (Nimsick) 546

Vancouver Island, tourist industry (Ney) 74

Towers, Graham

Quoted (LeCours) 141

Towler, P

Mentioned: (Dawson) 456

Toyota Motor Corp.

Automobile assembly plant in B.C., proposal re (Barrett) 25-6, 269-70

Ownership of (Wenman) 54

Profits, returns to Canada (Wenman) 54

Shares, issuing of in Canada, proposal re (Wenman) 56

Vice-president's letter quoted (Barrett) 25

Mentioned: (Wenman) 53

Trade, Restraint of

See: Restraint of trade

Trade unions

Day care, role of unions in provision of (Jordan) 489

Government's attacks on (Hall) 232

Trade union movement (Nimsick) 152

Traffic accidents

Cause of (Gardom) 485

Drug use and accidents (Bruch) 372

Prevention of (Capozzi) 197-8 (Gardom) 484-5

Prevention of, role of insurance companies in (Capozzi) 197-8

Truck accidents in U.S. border area (Hall) 479

Traffic safety

Safety (Hall) 478-9

See Also: Automobiles — Inspection Traffic Victims Indemnity Fund Accident victim, case cited (Hartley) 47

Funds (Hartley) 46-7

Trail, B.C.

Chamber of commerce mentioned (Nimsick) 150

Smoke pollution (Hall) 231-2

Wood component company (Brothers) 470

Train Regional Hospital, Trail, B.C.

Extended care and psychiatric units, opening of (Brothers) 470

Trail School District

See: School District 11 (Trail) Trail Wildlife Association

Mentioned: (Chabot) 318

Trailers, Camping

See: Camping trailers Training of employees

See: Employees, Training of Tranquille School, Tranquille, B.C.

Mentioned: (Throne Speech) 4

Trans-Canada Highway

See: Highway 1 103


See: Local transit; also subdivision Transit system under names of places, e.g. Vancouver, B.C. — Transit system


Funding formula for, proposal re (Wolfe) 98


Traps, use of (Dowding) 735

Travel Industry, Department of

Annual report, 1969-70 fiscal year, tabled (Kiernan) 431

Treasury Board

Mentioned: (Little) 120 (McDiarmid) 59

Tree-farm licences

See entries under Forest industries

Tree-fruit industry

See entries under Fruit Trespass Act

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 734, 786

Trespass Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 23) (Minister of Agriculture) 1R, 349; 2R, 651-2; 3R, 731; RA, 864

Speakers: Dowding 652; Hartley 651; Jefcoat 651; Nimsick 651-2; Shelford 651, 652; Strachan 651; Williams, L.A. 652

Fence viewers, use of (Hartley) 651 (Jefcoat) 651 (Nimsick) 651 (Shelford) 651 (Strachan) 651

Fences, disputes re, referral of to courts (Dowding) 652 (Nimsick) 651-2 (Shelford) 651, 652

Fences, legislation on elsewhere (Strachan) 651

Fences, requirements re (Shelford) 651

Line Fences Act, repeal of (Shelford) 651

Select Standing Committee on Agriculture, referral to (Nimsick) 652


Economy and trucking industry (McDiarmid) 576 (Peterson) 556-7, 579 (Williams, L.A.) 560-1

General Truck Drivers and Helpers Union strike. See entries under name of union

Industry, hours-of-work legislation for (Hall) 478


Accidents, number of (Hall) 234-5

Commercial Transport, Department of, Act, An Act to Amend. See name of act

Inspection of (Hall) 478

Licensing of by regional districts (Nimsick) 748 (Richter) 748

Loads, size of (Hall) 478-9 (Richter) 747

Roads, damage to, recovery of costs (Nimsick) 748 (Richter) 748

Size of vehicles (Hall) 234-5, 478 (Richter) 351-2

Smoke emissions (Peterson) 542

Traffic accidents in U.S. border area (Hall) 479

Trudeau, Pierre Elliott

Commonwealth conference, speech at (Clark) 217

Marriage of (Macdonald) 779 (Peterson) 614

Quoted (McCarthy) 409

Mentioned: (Calder) 439, 440 (Campbell, B.) 368 (Capozzi) 196 (Chant) 434 (Dailly) 570 (Gaglardi) 385 (Hall) 67, 230 (Kripps) 216 (LeCours) 134 (McDiarmid) 308 (Macdonald) 128 (Mussallem) 186, 417 (Skillings) 326 (Strachan) 353 (Tisdalle) 114 (Vogel) 363 (Wolfe) 346

Trumpeter swan

Lonesome Lake swans, food for (Little) 445

Trust companies

Investments (Wenman) 377-8

Mortgage Brokers Act, exemption from (Gardom) 775 (Williams, L.A.) 774

Trust Companies Act

Mentioned: (Gardom) 775


Patients, treatment for (Loffmark) 797


Strike in 1970 (Chabot) 9 (Hall) 478 (McDiarmid) 306 (McGeer) 32, 33 (Peterson) 42 (Strachan) 571

Turner, Alex

Mentioned: (Shelford) 144

Turner, John

Mentioned: (Bennett) 77 (Clark) 217 (LeCours) 138 (Macdonald) 130 (Williston) 77

Tweedie, Ron

Mentioned: (Strachan) 356

Tweedsmuir Provincial Park Area of (Shelford) 594

Mining claims (Barrett) 586 (Kiernan) 587 (Shelford) 594

Nature conservancy area (Kiernan) 587

Status of (Kiernan) 588

Mentioned: (Barrett) 25, 587 (Chabot) 9

Tynehead, B.C.

Regional park (Hall) 479, 595

Tyson, Link

Quoted (Nimsick) 152