Fourth Session, 42nd Parliament – 2023
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Ralston, Hon. Bruce (Surrey-Whalley)
- As subject
- recusal from conversations re Atira (Kahlon) 328B:1425
- Fires and firefighters
- wildfire firefighters
- wildfires
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Forest Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 41)
- Forests and forest industry
- Forests Ministry
- Forests Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 41)
- Heritage Conservation Act
- Heritage sites
- heritage and archaeological sites protection
- Introductions by members 267B:1335, 293B:1335, 315B:1005, 318B:1330-1335, 352B:1005, 371B:1005, 374B:1005
- Kwakiutl First Nation
- concerns re forest management and logging in territory 304B:1410
- Lytton
- Oral questions (response)
- Government handling of archaeological assessments 347B:1430, 348B:1045-1050
- Heritage Conservation Act transformation project 348B:1045
- Lytton fire recovery process and archaeological assessments 347B:1425, 348B:1040-1045
- Old-growth forest and biodiversity protection and species-at-risk legislation 276B:1415
- Old-growth logging deferrals and role of First Nations 277B:1030
- Protection of old-growth forests and conservation targets 351B:1405-1410
- Protection of old-growth forests and logging in Kwakiutl territory 304B:1410
- Wildfire management 366B:1420
- Wildfire management and support for firefighters 331B:1110-1115
- Throne speech debate 267B:1825-1840
- Wildlife
- spotted owls and habitat protection 276B:1415
Rankin, Hon. Murray (Oak Bay–Gordon Head)
- Alberni Residential School
- deaths and possible unmarked graves on site 272B:1435
- Bevan, Mel (Sm'ooyget Satsan)
- B.C. Treaty Commission reports tabled
- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
- action plan for implementation
- action plan against gender-based violence 333B:1400
- Documents tabled
- B.C. Treaty Commission 2018 annual report 366B:1435
- B.C. Treaty Commission 2019 annual report 366B:1435
- B.C. Treaty Commission 2020 annual report 366B:1435
- B.C. Treaty Commission 2021 annual report 366B:1435
- B.C. Treaty Commission 2022 annual report 366B:1435
- B.C. Treaty Commission 2023 annual report 366B:1435
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Forests and forest industry
- First Nations involvement in industry
- engagement on forest policy changes and impacts 277B:1035
- Haida Nation Recognition Act (Bill 18)
- Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Ministry
- Introductions by members 258B:1005, 272B:1335, 277B:1005, 279B:1340, 290B:1330-1335, 294B:1010-1015, 300A:1515, 326B:1010, 338B:1005, 341B:1005, 366B:1335
- Ministerial statements
- Burial site of Indigenous children at Sechelt residential school 311B:1405-1410
- Burial sites at residential schools and support for survivors and families 272B:1435-1440
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 331B:1030-1035
- National day of action for missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, two-spirit and gender-diverse people 333B:1400-1405
- Missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit persons
- Money Judgment Enforcement Act (Bill 27)
- Motions
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Act (Bill 2)
- National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People
- National inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls
- Nisga'a Nation
- house pole repatriation from Scotland 331B:1035
- Oral questions (response)
- Old-growth logging deferrals and role of First Nations 277B:1035
- Orange Shirt Day movement 331B:1035
- St. Augustine's Indian Residential School
- St. Joseph's Mission School
- deaths and possible unmarked graves on site 272B:1435
- Tributes
- Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement Amending Agreement (No. 2)
- Violence
- violence against Indigenous women, children and two-spirit persons
- Webstad, Phyllis, experience at residential school 331B:1035
Rice, Jennifer (North Coast)
- B.C. by region
- coastal B.C.
- northern and rural B.C.
- northwest B.C.
- B.C. Ferry Services Inc.
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Eby, David
- visit to Prince Rupert Regional Hospital 294B:1030
- Emergency and Disaster Management Act (Bill 31)
- Environmental Management Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 29)
- Ferries and ferry services
- Fishing industry
- commercial fishing industry, conditions and role in rural coastal communities 276B:1345-1350
- Food and food industry
- Forman, Patricia, community contributions and murder 363B:1345
- Health care funding
- cancer care services
- travel funding in rural and remote communities 333B:1350
- Health care system
- Highway 16
- Hope Air
- health care access for rural and remote communities 333B:1350
- Introductions by members 258B:1010, 265B:1005, 277B:1020-1025, 319B:1100, 325B:1345-1350, 326B:1015-1020, 328B:1355, 366B:1340
- Midwives
- Missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit persons
- Motions
- North Coast constituency and area
- Patricia Forman Day 363B:1345
- Personal statements
- Apology for comments made in the House 335B:1715
- Petitions
- amendment to Ports Property Tax Act 286B:1440
- Ports
- taxation, legislation, petition tabled 286B:1440
- Ports Property Tax Act
- Prince Rupert Lions Club
- Prince Rupert Regional Hospital
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Public Accounts Committee
- first report for fourth session of 42nd parliament, debate 319B:1100
- members and witnesses thanked 319B:1100
- work of committee 319B:1100
- Statements by members
- 60th anniversary of Prince Rupert Lions Club 311B:1400-1405
- Access to cancer care in rural B.C. 333B:1350
- B.C. Ferries travel for medical services and travel assistance program 314B:1350-1355
- Commercial fishing industry in rural communities 276B:1345-1350
- Patricia Forman Day 363B:1345
- Pole-raising ceremony and Highway of Tears safety improvements 347B:1355
- Prince Rupert Regional Hospital 294B:1030
- Throne speech debate 267B:1840
- Tourism
- Transgender Day of Visibility
- Violence
- domestic violence
- awareness and support for those impacted by violence 363B:1345
- gender-based violence
Robinson, Hon. Selina (Coquitlam-Maillardville)
- As subject
- community leadership and response to Hamas attack on Israel (Eby) 337B:1400
- experience of anti-Semitism (Lee) 352B:1015
- Discrimination and racism
- Human Rights Commissioner
- Introductions by members 264B:1340, 266B:1400, 267B:1335-1340, 291B:1010, 293B:1340, 308B:1020, 311B:1345, 315B:1005, 318B:1340, 334B:1005, 338B:1005, 340B:1345, 347B:1335, 370B:1335, 371B:1005, 374B:1010
- Jewish Community Centre
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.4), 2023 (Bill 45)
- Money Judgment Enforcement Act (Bill 27)
- Oral questions (response)
- Action on anti-Semitism and adoption of IHRA definition 308B:1020-1035
- Action on sexualized violence at post-secondary campuses 340B:1440-1445
- Gender-based and sexualized violence supports at post-secondary institutions 286B:1435
- International students at post-secondary institutions 338B:1035
- Post-secondary education funding review 338B:1040
- Simon Fraser University football program 308B:1045-1050, 329B:1105
- Post-secondary education
- Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills Ministry
- Post-secondary education funding
- Post-secondary institutions
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Simon Fraser University
- Throne speech debate 259B:1430-1455
Ross, Ellis (Skeena)
- As subject
- comments during question period (Cullen) 277B:1110
- comments on climate change (Glumac) 282B:1135
- experience travelling to Kitimat and Terrace hospitals for CT scan 333B:1350
- Bandstra, Sharon and Sid
- contributions to facility for vulnerable persons in Terrace 290B:1400-1405
- Bevan, Mel (Sm'ooyget Satsan)
- Indigenous leadership role and legacy 340B:1410
- B.C. by region
- northern and rural B.C.
- access to health care services
- northwest B.C.
- rural B.C.
- British Columbia Housing Management Commission
- B.C. NDP government
- B.C. Professional Firefighters Association
- Budget debate 279B:1640-1710
- Budgets
- Cancer
- diagnostic and treatment services
- Carbon
- Carbon tax
- application to home heating fuel
- tax and impacts 352B:1050
- Carbon taxes
- federal carbon tax
- application to home heating fuel and exemption for oil heating 354B:1355-1400
- Cedar LNG
- Climate change
- Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd.
- Coleman, Jon
- work on Cowichan Hospital replacement project 264B:1425
- Connolly, Kathleen
- comments on economic contribution of rural B.C. communities 279B:1640
- Consumers
- Cowichan Hospital
- Crime and criminals
- Eby, David
- Emergency and Disaster Management Act (Bill 31)
- Energy
- clean energy
- international energy supply
- Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation Ministry
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy Ministry
- Environmental Management Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 29)
- Fires and firefighters
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Forests Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 41)
- George Little House
- Government
- capital projects
- Indigenous participation and employment 264B:1425
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Haisla Nation
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- emergency services
- medical imaging services, CT scanning equipment 333B:1345-1350
- Homelessness
- Housing
- Housing Ministry
- InBC Investment Corp.
- Introductions by members 264B:1340-1345, 272B:1340, 277B:1005, 283B:1335, 290B:1340, 301B:1010-1015, 314B:1340-1345, 315B:1005, 315B:1015, 318B:1335, 340B:1355, 341B:1005, 347A:1530, 347B:1335, 372B:2010
- Justice system
- Khowutzun Development Corp.
- contractors' access to work at Cowichan Hospital site 264B:1425
- Kitimat
- Kitimat Firefighters Association
- Kitimat General Hospital and Health Centre
- Kitimat General Hospital Foundation
- fundraiser for CT scanner for Kitimat General Hospital 333B:1350
- Kitselas First Nation
- leadership and community development 340B:1410
- Labour
- community benefits agreement
- LaVallie, Dave, contributions to Haisla LNG development project 347B:1350
- Liquefied natural gas development
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- services for First Nations and Indigenous communities 279B:1710
- Mills, Howard, work as physician and role in seniors housing initiative 277B:1020
- Motions
- Nanaimo
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Act (Bill 2)
- Northwest B.C. Resource Benefits Alliance
- Oil and gas
- natural gas
- value-added products and ammonia export projects 371B:1020
- Oral questions
- Attacks by repeat offenders and handling of cases by justice system 312B:1045-1050
- Cowichan Hospital replacement project and Cowichan Tribes contractors 264B:1425
- Emergency services at hospitals 334B:1100
- Government action on affordable housing 298B:1040
- Government action on homelessness 337B:1450
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 265B:1045
- Government policy on carbon tax and home heating costs 352B:1045-1050
- Government policy on carbon tax and spending priorities 354B:1355-1400
- LNG projects and First Nations economic development 270B:1040-1045, 371B:1050
- Opposition to Coastal GasLink pipeline project and government response to incidents 277B:1035-1040
- Status of Royal B.C. Museum and collections facility project 268B:1030-1035
- Parliament Buildings
- Fallen Firefighters Memorial and ceremony 283B:1355
- Pay Transparency Act (Bill 13)
- Personal statements
- Withdrawal of comments made in the House 278B:1335
- Petitions
- Police Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 36)
- Prayers and reflections 305B:1000
- Private members' statements
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Rental housing
- Resources and resource industries
- Royal B.C. Museum
- Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act (Bill 35)
- Skeena constituency and area
- road sign at Thornhill, petition tabled 354B:1425
- Social Development and Poverty Reduction Ministry
- Statements by members
- Community centre for homeless and vulnerable persons in Terrace 290B:1400-1405
- CT scanner for Kitimat General Hospital 333B:1345-1350
- Howard Mills and seniors housing project in Kitimat 277B:1020
- Kitimat Firefighters Association and firefighters memorial 283B:1355
- LNG development in Haisla Nation and contributions of Dave LaVallie 347B:1350
- Mel Bevan and Kitselas First Nation 340B:1410
- Resource Benefits Alliance and economy in northwest B.C. 272B:1430
- Value-added natural gas projects and infrastructure 371B:1020
- Taxation
- Terrace
- Throne speech debate 259B:1555-1625
- Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry
- Vaughn Palmer
- Zero-Emission Vehicles Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 39)
Routledge, Janet (Burnaby North)
- As subject
- Breast health
- Burnaby
- Burnaby Heights area and commercial district 370B:1345-1350
- Cindy Beedie Place housing project for women and children fleeing violence 369B:1135
- sustainable development initiatives 343B:1115
- urban search and rescue team 268B:1010
- Cancer
- breast cancer awareness and early detection 345B:1020
- Chinese Canadians
- Documents tabled
- Finance and Government Services Committee
- third report for third session of 42nd parliament, annual review of Officers of the Legislature 260B:1445-1450
- Earthquakes
- February 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria and response 268B:1010
- Economy
- community economic development 326B:1025-1030
- sustainable and inclusive development
- Emergencies
- Employment and unemployment
- employment equity and diversity 310B:1005
- government initiatives and legislation 310B:1015
- Employment standards branch
- Finance and Government Services Committee
- members and staff thanked 260B:1450
- prebudget consultation process
- recommendations on watershed security 324B:1145-1150
- reports
- third report for third session of 42nd parliament presented 260B:1445-1450
- statutory officer review and work of committee 260B:1445-1450
- Gaia Community Care and Wellness Society
- Housing
- transition houses and women's transition housing fund 369B:1135
- International Workers Day
- Introductions by members 284B:1105, 286B:1340, 294B:1015, 326B:1010, 341B:1005, 345B:1005, 364B:1015, 366B:1335-1340
- Kuyer, Jack
- work for Heights Merchants Association and retirement 370B:1350
- Labour Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 48)
- Money Judgment Enforcement Act (Bill 27)
- Motions
- National Day of Mourning
- observance of day of mourning for workers killed or injured on the job 310B:1000
- Occupational health and safety
- workplace health and safety
- Personal statements
- Apology for comments made in the House 267B:1335
- Withdrawal of comments made in the House 267B:1620
- Phoenix pay system
- issues and impact on federal government employees 360B:1025
- Private members' statements
- Public service
- Restaurant and food services industry
- Ride-hail services
- Seniors
- adult day programs and community services 294B:1035
- SkillPlan, operations and skills training programs 312B:1015
- Skills training
- Statements by members
- Breast cancer awareness 345B:1020
- Burnaby Heights district and role of Jack Kuyer and Merchants Association 370B:1345-1350
- Burnaby urban search and rescue team in Türkiye and Syria earthquakes 268B:1010
- Gaia Cares day program for seniors 294B:1035
- Phoenix pay system issues and federal government employees 360B:1025
- Ride-hail and food delivery drivers 314B:1345-1350
- Skilled trades training program in Burnaby 312B:1015
- Union Cooperative Initiative and community economic development 326B:1025-1030
- Throne speech debate 266B:1725-1750
- Union Cooperative Initiative
- Violence
- Watersheds
- Women
- Workers
- WorkSafeBC
Routley, Doug (Nanaimo–North Cowichan)
- As subject
- childhood experience delivering newspapers 343B:1025
- relationship with media as an MLA 343B:1030
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- B.C. NDP government
- performance
- performance, affordability and cost of living issues 336B:1155
- Budget debate 286B:1510-1540
- Budgets
- CleanBC plan
- Climate change
- Communities
- Consumers
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- COVID-19 impact
- COVID-19 public health measures
- Crofton Mill
- Dawe, Geoff, early life and experiences as worker and union activist 319B:1020
- Economy
- sustainable and inclusive development
- Emergencies
- emergency preparedness, community fund 277B:1015
- Evans, Craig
- Families
- Fires and firefighters
- Forestry Worker Supports and Community Resiliency council
- Forests and forest industry
- Forests Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 41)
- Gabriola Island
- communications services outage and response by firefighters 277B:1015
- Government
- Horgan, John
- comments re Health Committee work on toxic drug crisis 310B:1025
- Housing
- Introductions by members 312B:1005-1010, 319B:1005, 364B:1010, 367B:1010, 370B:1330
- Invasive species
- management, consultation with Indigenous communities and local government 364B:1030
- Invasive Species Council of B.C.
- Justice system
- Land Owner Transparency Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 7)
- Media
- Medical Services Plan
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- rights advice service for involuntary patients 317B:1155
- Mental Health Act
- detention of individuals without consent 317B:1150
- Money Judgment Enforcement Act (Bill 27)
- Motions
- Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 23)
- Paterson, Duck, support for local media and role as candidate in local election 343B:1030
- Private members' statements (response)
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Rental housing
- Skills training
- Small business
- Statements by members
- Sturko, Elenore
- experience as RCMP officer during "freedom convoy" protest in Surrey 263B:1105
- Substance use and addiction
- decriminalization 310B:1020-1025
- drug use in public spaces
- harm reduction services 310B:1025
- treatment and recovery services
- Surrey
- COVID-19 "freedom convoy" protest in 2022 263B:1105
- Taxation
- Throne speech debate 259B:1330-1410
- Transportation
Russell, Roly (Boundary-Similkameen)
- As subject
- Adult basic education
- Agriculture
- Arts and culture
- Bauer, Manfred, life and contributions to Keremeos 375B:1305
- Boundary-Similkameen constituency and area
- social services organizations and volunteers 359B:1345
- tourism opportunities and events 310B:1130
- watershed protection, collaboration with First Nations and local government 333B:1345
- B.C. by region
- B.C. by region, rural B.C.
- challenges and innovative responses 321B:1355
- economies and economic development 326B:1025
- B.C. First Nations Water Table
- First Nations and government collaboration 333B:1345
- B.C. Liberal Party
- Climate change
- Communities
- COVID-19 vaccination
- Davidson, Leslie, comments on books, writers and publishing 304B:1345
- Economy
- sustainable and inclusive development
- sustainable development and transition to low-carbon economy 267B:1355
- Emergencies
- Emergency and Disaster Management Act (Bill 31)
- Emergency Program Act
- Fires and firefighters
- Floods and floodplains
- Forests and forest industry
- Forests Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 41)
- Gorman, Amanda
- Government
- decision-making and policies, consideration of geography and populations 326B:1025
- Hanlon, Michael, life and contributions 375B:1300
- Information and communications technology
- high-speed Internet service
- connectivity issues for remote and rural communities 282B:1055
- Introductions by members 264B:1345, 268B:1005, 272B:1350, 307B:1335, 321B:1345, 336B:1020, 336B:1105, 344B:1340, 370B:1340-1345, 374B:1015
- Investment
- Jmaiff, Larry, life and contributions 375B:1300
- Land Owner Transparency Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 7)
- Lower Similkameen Community Services Society
- leadership in community and housing services 359B:1345
- Lytton
- Money Judgment Enforcement Act (Bill 27)
- Motions
- Prayers and reflections 270B:1000, 310B:1000
- Princeton
- development of life sciences sector 343B:1010
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Public service
- Publishing industry
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Rhubart, Danielle, comments on government policy-making and place-neutral polices 326B:1025
- Science and technology
- Skills training
- Statements by members
- Throne speech debate 266B:1330-1400
- Tourism
- Tributes
- Watersheds
- Weather
- severe weather events, atmospheric rivers 362B:1015
- Williams Lake
- Terra Ridge neighbourhood, impact of ancient landslide 336B:1010
- Wine and wine industry
Rustad, John (Nechako Lakes)
- As subject
- Agricultural land reserve
- Agriculture
- Agriculture and Food Ministry
- B.C. NDP government
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Carbon tax
- Carbon taxes
- federal carbon tax
- application to home heating fuel and exemption for oil heating 357B:1035
- Climate change
- Consumers
- COVID-19
- Cowichan Valley
- Crime and criminals
- illegal drug trade, prosecution of drug trafficking 337B:1435
- Education
- Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation Ministry
- Fires and firefighters
- wildfire firefighters
- wildfires
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- government action on issues 280B:1040-1045
- personal health information, access and privacy 322B:1035-1040
- primary health care
- wait-lists and waiting times
- Health Ministry
- Health Professions and Occupations Act
- Hotels and travel accommodation, short-term accommodations, legislation, petition tabled 347B:1430
- Housing
- affordable housing
- supply and new units
- Introductions by members 272B:1350, 314B:1345, 322B:1010, 360B:1010
- Justice system
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders
- government action on issues and role of federal government 308B:1040-1045
- Land use
- Legislature
- private members' time, change 261B:1105
- question period, questions taken on notice 334B:1055
- Ministerial statements (response)
- Motions
- Amendment to standing orders for private members' time 261B:1105
- Appointment of Special Committee to Review Private Members' Business 274B:1430-1435
- Health care professional legislation 289B:1105-1110
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 331B:1050-1055
- Nechako Lakes constituency and area
- No Net Loss Wetland Act (Bill M226)
- Nurses
- Oral questions
- Petitions
- Health care services, repeal of Health Professions and Occupations Act 322B:1055
- Health Professions and Occupations Act
- repeal of Health Professions and Occupations Act 297B:1425, 360B:1105
- short-term rentals, legislation 347B:1430
- Physicians
- School districts
- Stó:lō Nation
- Substance use and addiction
- Surrey
- police services
- taxation, property tax increase 367B:1050
- Throne speech debate 266B:1600-1625
- Wetlands
- marshes
- repurposing of farmland to create marshes 334B:1055
- Zero-Emission Vehicles Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 39)