Fourth Session, 42nd Parliament – 2023
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Kahlon, Hon. Ravi (Delta North)
- As subject
- Abbotsford
- Adult basic education
- Agriculture
- Agriculture, Fish and Food Committee
- Alsop, Jason (Gaagwiis)
- Atira Women's Resource Society
- Automobiles
- zero-emission and clean vehicles
- B.C. Medical Journal report on health needs of supportive housing residents 321B:1420-1425
- Bernier, Mike
- B.C.
- B.C. by region
- B.C. Housing
- B.C. Liberal Party
- comments by party president on low-income demographics 287B:1105, 290B:1430, 321B:1425
- MLAs
- performance as government
- position on issues
- B.C. NDP government
- B.C. United
- Budget debate 279B:1810-1840
- Budgets
- Carbon tax
- Carbon taxes
- federal carbon tax
- application to home heating fuel and exemption for oil heating 354B:1355-1400
- Chandra Herbert, Spencer
- Children and Youth Committee
- Chohan, Bindiro Kaur, life as immigrant to Canada and death 337B:1340
- CleanBC plan
- Climate change
- Communities
- resilient communities and government investment 279B:1830
- transit-oriented development 300B:1410
- Comox Valley
- Comptroller general
- Investigation of B.C. Housing, report of observations and recommendations, March 2023, tabled 324B:1005
- Conservative Party of B.C.
- position on climate change and carbon tax 348B:1040
- position on issues
- Construction industry
- residential construction industry
- Consumers
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- Cranbrook
- Crime and criminals
- Cross, Valerie (Chemkwaat)
- Daylight saving time
- permanent daylight saving time, implementation in B.C. 287B:1100
- de Jong, Michael
- comments in debate on sitting hours 363B:1455
- Delta North constituency and area
- Dennis, Robert, Sr. (Emchayiik)
- Documents tabled
- comptroller general, Investigation of B.C. Housing, report of observations and recommendations, March 2023 324B:1005
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy Ministry, 2022-23 report on environmental emergency program 351B:1425
- Legislature
- Selection Special Committee
- second report for fourth session of 42nd parliament 305B:1105
- Selection Special Committee report for fourth session of 42nd parliament 260B:1445
- Duncan
- tiny home transitional housing project 301B:1050
- Eby, David
- Economy
- economic development 268B:1045-1050
- economic plan for province 279B:1820
- measurement and alternative indicators 279B:1815
- sustainable and inclusive development
- economic benefits of environmental and social investments 279B:1820-1825
- Education
- Education funding
- Elections
- redistribution of electoral boundaries 301B:1105
- Electoral Boundaries Commission
- final report proposals 301B:1105
- reports
- work of commission, members and staff thanked 301B:1105
- Energy
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy Ministry
- 2022-23 report on environmental emergency program, tabled 351B:1425
- Falcon, Kevin
- Finance and Government Services Committee
- Finance Ministry
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Fort St. John
- Government
- Happy Cities
- urban planning firm, comments on housing legislation 374B:1045
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care funding
- Health care system
- health human resources strategy and plan 279B:1835
- Heatwaves
- Highways and roads
- improvement and repair projects
- Homelessness
- government action 287B:1100-1105, 290B:1425-1435, 291B:1050-1055, 297B:1415-1420, 300B:1415-1420, 301B:1030-1045, 311B:1435-1440, 334B:1045-1050, 337B:1440-1455
- government action and funding 301B:1045-1050
- navigation centres 291B:1050, 297B:1415-1420
- tent cities and encampments 287B:1100, 290B:1425-1435, 291B:1050-1055, 300B:1415-1420, 301B:1030-1040, 311B:1435-1440
- Homes for Living
- comments on government housing plan 300B:1415
- Hotels and travel accommodation
- short-term accommodations
- Housing
- affordable housing
- affordability and supply 273B:1050-1055, 290B:1410, 297B:1405-1410, 321B:1405, 331B:1105-1110, 347B:1400
- affordable housing near transit services 356B:1415, 373B:1415
- construction of new units 273B:1100
- government action 273B:1030-1100, 345B:1025-1035, 360B:1035, 363B:1420, 367B:1055, 373B:1410-1415, 374B:1045
- government action and federal role 273B:1045
- government action and initiatives 321B:1400-1410, 331B:1105-1110, 331B:1120-1130, 337B:1440-1455, 347B:1410-1415
- government action and investment 290B:1430-1435, 297B:1405-1415, 301B:1045
- government plan 300B:1400-1415
- government plan and targets 337B:1425
- housing for families and seniors 331B:1130
- role of private sector 367B:1050-1055
- supply 273B:1050
- supply and new units 273B:1055-1100, 347B:1415
- government action on issues 290B:1425
- single-room occupancies 329B:1050
- social and subsidized housing
- supply and new units 321B:1405-1410
- supportive housing 290B:1435, 311B:1435-1440
- temporary housing and shelters
- Housing Ministry
- Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 44)
- debate 354B:1340, 357B:1100-1110, 363A:1520-1745, 363B:1805-1825, 364B:1110-1150, 366A:1525-1600, 366B:1615-2055, 367A:1115-1145, 368A:1310, 368A:1325, 368A:1345, 368A:1420-1450, 368A:1505-1715, 370A:1520-1810, 370B:1905-2045, 371A:1115-1145, 372A:1335-1540, 372A:1610-1705, 372A:1730-1750, 372A:1800-2045, 373B:1520
- Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 47)
- Human Rights Commissioner Appointment Special Committee
- Immigration
- InBC Investment Corp.
- Information and communications technology
- Internet service expansion initiative, funding 279B:1830
- Infrastructure
- Interest rates
- Introductions by members 265B:1000-1005, 272B:1335, 273B:1005, 277B:1005, 283B:1340, 284B:1005, 287B:1035, 291B:1005, 293B:1330, 294B:1005, 307B:1335, 307B:1635, 322B:1000, 328B:1335, 340B:1345, 356B:1340, 359B:1335, 367A:1110, 371B:1005, 373B:1335-1340
- Johnson, Dillon (toqwanan)
- Kelowna
- Land Owner Transparency Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 7)
- Land use
- Legislative Initiatives Committee
- Legislature
- address to House by Indigenous leaders 326B:1115, 327B:1340
- Committee of Supply and Committee of the Whole, section A membership change 370B:1430
- Committee of Supply and Committee of the Whole to sit in three sections 278B:1435
- Committee of the Whole section A, consideration of bills 278B:1435
- Government House leader communications 363B:1455
- hybrid and virtual proceedings 257B:1450
- legislative calendar and sitting schedule
- parliamentary calendar for 2024, tabled 375B:1640
- private members' time, change 261B:1100
- Speaker and Chair
- appointment of Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole 257B:1455
- appointment of Deputy Speaker 257B:1450
- special procedures in exceptional circumstances 257B:1450
- Leonard, Ronna-Rae
- appointment as Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole 257B:1455
- Manufacturing industry
- MLAs
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- Merit Commissioner Appointment Special Committee
- Mines and mining industry
- mining resources, critical minerals and role in clean technology development 279B:1825-1830
- permitting process 279B:1825
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.2), 2023 (Bill 24)
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.3), 2023 (Bill 42)
- Moody, Neil
- Motions
- Adoption of government business schedule 373B:1445
- Amendment to standing orders for private members' time 261B:1100
- Amendment to standing orders for Thursday sitting hours 261B:1100, 375B:1640
- Appointment of Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole 257B:1455
- Appointment of Deputy Speaker 257B:1450
- Appointment of Special Committee to Appoint a Human Rights Commissioner 373B:1445
- Appointment of Special Committee to Appoint a Merit Commissioner 258B:1105-1110
- Appointment of Special Committee to Appoint a Representative for Children and Youth 273B:1115
- Appointment of Special Committee to Appoint an Information and Privacy Commissioner 361B:1300
- Appointment of Special Committee to Review Private Members' Business 274B:1300
- Committee of Supply and Committee of the Whole to sit in three sections 278B:1435
- Consideration of Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement amendments by Committee of the Whole 290B:1435
- Electoral Boundaries Commission report proposals 301B:1105
- Extension of sitting hours 325B:1455, 327B:1435, 363B:1455, 366B:1435, 370B:1430
- Membership change to Agriculture, Fish and Food Committee 267B:1435, 279B:1435, 293B:1440
- Membership change to Children and Youth Committee 279B:1435
- Membership change to Crown Corporations Committee 337B:1455
- Membership change to Finance and Government Services Committee 283B:1435
- Membership change to Finance Committee 307B:1430, 337B:1455
- Membership change to Legislative Initiatives Committee 279B:1435
- Membership change to Parliamentary Reform Committee 337B:1455
- Membership change to Public Accounts Committee 279B:1435, 337B:1455
- Membership changes to committees 340B:1445
- Membership changes to Section A 370B:1430
- Permission for Indigenous leader to address the House 290B:1435
- Permission for Indigenous leaders to address the House 326B:1115, 327B:1340
- Powers and role of Children and Youth Committee 264B:1445
- Powers and role of Finance Committee 270B:1055-1100
- Powers and role of Public Accounts Committee 264B:1435-1440
- Powers of Agriculture, Fish and Food Committee 267B:1435
- Special procedures for proceedings of Legislative Assembly during COVID-19 pandemic 257B:1450
- Motor Vehicle Amendment Act (No. 2), 2023 (Bill 28)
- Municipalities Enabling and Validating (No.5) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 26)
- Nanaimo
- homelessness, government response and navigation centre project 297B:1415-1420
- Ontario
- electric vehicle legislation for strata properties 314B:1640
- Oral questions (response)
- Affordable housing for families and protections for renters 273B:1035-1040, 273B:1045
- Affordable housing for seniors 321B:1410
- Affordable rental housing and B.C. Housing units 273B:1050-1055
- B.C. Housing communications with Atira property services on status of Atira senior executives 326B:1050-1055
- Budget priorities and electric vehicle infrastructure 354B:1415-1420
- Carbon tax and cost of living 348B:1040
- CleanBC plan and economy 363B:1420
- Cost of living and affordability issues and government priorities 373B:1440
- Crime in communities and impact on businesses 300B:1425-1430
- Development cost charges and government action on housing 360B:1035-1040
- Disclosure of housing legislation information 374B:1045
- Drug decriminalization program and data collection 258B:1105
- Education funding 322B:1035
- Farmland in Cowichan Valley 345B:1040
- Fire at Winters Hotel and management of B.C. Housing and Atira property services 325B:1440, 328B:1430
- Government action on affordable housing 273B:1030-1035, 297B:1405-1410, 331B:1105-1110, 331B:1120-1130, 347B:1400
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis 287B:1105
- Government action on homelessness 334B:1045-1050, 337B:1440-1450
- Government action on homelessness and community safety in Downtown Eastside 300B:1415-1420
- Government action on homelessness and homeless navigation centres 297B:1415-1420
- Government action on homelessness in Downtown Eastside 301B:1030-1040
- Government action on housing affordability and housing targets 337B:1425
- Government action on housing affordability and student housing 273B:1055-1100
- Government action on housing affordability and supply 321B:1400-1410, 373B:1410-1415
- Government action on issues 273B:1030
- Government action on tent cities 287B:1100-1105
- Government advertising for CleanBC plan 364B:1105
- Government funding for Atira property services 325B:1430
- Government housing policies and role of private sector 367B:1050-1055
- Government policy on carbon tax and home heating costs 352B:1050-1055
- Government policy on carbon tax and spending priorities 354B:1355-1405
- Government support for rural economy and natural resource sector 268B:1045-1050
- Health needs of supportive housing residents and provision of services 321B:1420-1425
- Heatwave response and support for vulnerable persons 329B:1100
- Housing affordability and single-family zoning 297B:1410-1415, 300B:1400-1415
- Housing density and access to transportation 356B:1415
- Housing legislation and strata property age limits 267B:1415
- Impact of government spending on interest rates and inflation 373B:1420
- Implementation of permanent daylight saving time 287B:1055-1100
- Management of B.C. Housing and Atira property services 325B:1445, 328B:1425
- Management of B.C. Housing and government funding for Atira property services 326B:1035-1050, 326B:1100-1110
- Management of B.C. Housing and safety issues at Atira properties 329B:1050-1055
- Mental health and addiction services and redevelopment of Riverview lands 294B:1100-1105
- Oversight and regulation of Children and Family Development Ministry social workers 363B:1410
- Police services in Surrey 287B:1100, 367B:1050
- Release of B.C. Housing audit report 290B:1410-1415, 290B:1425, 294B:1105, 321B:1430
- Reports on management of B.C. Housing 328B:1415-1420
- Residence and travel costs of Vancouver–West End MLA 322B:1030
- Subsidies to LNG industry 354B:1410-1415
- Support for displaced RidgeView Place tenants in Langford 321B:1415-1420
- Supportive housing and action on homelessness 301B:1040-1045
- Supportive housing project in Vancouver 347B:1410-1415
- Supportive housing services and safety at North Vancouver site 337B:1425-1430
- Surrey school district portable use 319B:1025-1040
- Tent cities and construction of new housing units 290B:1430-1435
- Tent cities and government action on homelessness and community safety 290B:1435, 291B:1050-1055
- Transitional housing and action on homelessness 301B:1045-1050, 311B:1435-1440
- Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development
- Parmar, Ravi
- Post-secondary institutions
- Prince George
- Private Members' Business Review Special Committee
- Privilege
- comments by Ravi Kahlon re Standing Order 81.1 motion, debate 374B:1120, 374B:1130
- comments by David Eby during question period, debate 372B:1330-1335
- referral of legislation to committees and participation of members, debate 347B:1455
- Public Accounts Committee
- Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 5)
- debate on bill, sitting hours 327B:1435
- debate on bill, sitting hours for second reading 325B:1455
- Ralston, Bruce
- recusal from conversations re Atira 328B:1425
- Real estate industry
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Reid, Erica (Gidin Jaad)
- Rental housing
- Representative for Children and Youth Appointment Special Committee
- Reproduction
- Richmond
- homelessness and affordable housing 337B:1440
- RidgeView Place
- evacuation of building and support for displaced tenants 321B:1415-1420
- Riverview facilities and lands
- Rustad, John
- Safety
- School district 36 (Surrey)
- Schools
- capacity issues due to class size changes 319B:1030
- capital projects, government investment and projects 319B:1025-1040
- Science and technology
- life sciences sector, government investment 279B:1840
- Selection Special Committee
- report for fourth session of 42nd parliament presented 260B:1445
- second report for fourth session of 42nd parliament presented 305B:1105
- Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act (Bill 35)
- debate 336B:1000-1005, 340B:1735-1740, 342B:1350, 346B:1400-1405, 346B:1500-1505, 346B:1530-1820, 347B:1455-1535, 347B:1600-1605, 347B:1800-1845, 348B:1100-1150, 349B:1305-1410, 349B:1435-1440
- Skills training
- Small business
- Social welfare
- South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority
- Speculation and vacancy tax 273B:1050-1100, 297B:1410, 321B:1410
- Strata property
- charging stations and infrastructure for electric vehicles 313B:1400, 314B:1625-1650
- electric vehicle infrastructure
- legislation, impacts 267B:1415
- strata corporations
- Strata Property Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 22)
- Strata Property Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 22)
- Substance use and addiction
- Supreme Court of Canada
- ruling on teachers' collective bargaining rights 319B:1030
- Surrey
- police services
- taxation and infrastructure funding 287B:1100
- Teegee, Terry
- comments on Prince George city council response to housing and homelessness issues 337B:1445
- Terrace
- housing and homelessness, government action 337B:1450
- Time changes and time zones
- Pacific time zone, transition to permanent daylight saving time 287B:1100
- Tributes
- Tsawwassen First Nation
- Final Agreement, consideration of amendments by Committee of the Whole 290B:1435
- Vancouver
- addiction treatment and recovery services, housing and treatment facility project 287B:1105
- Crab Park encampment and funding for services 287B:1100
- Downtown Eastside
- Vancouver, B.C.
- Williams Lake
- Winters Hotel
- Yan, Andy
- comments on government housing plan 300B:1415
- Zoning
Kang, Hon. Anne (Burnaby–Deer Lake)
- Documents tabled
- Islands Trust, 2022-23 annual report 363B:1430
- Immigration
- refugees and displaced persons
- Introductions by members 258B:1010, 267B:1335, 279B:1340, 283B:1330-1335, 290B:1335, 290B:1340, 293B:1335, 294B:1010, 297B:1335, 304B:1335, 311B:1345, 315B:1010, 318B:1335, 321B:1345, 340B:1350, 354B:1340, 360B:1010, 363B:1340, 367B:1005, 370B:1335, 371B:1010, 374B:1010
- Islands Trust
- Ministerial statements
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.2), 2023 (Bill 24)
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.3), 2023 (Bill 42)
- Municipal Affairs Ministry
- Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act (No. 5) (Bill 6)
- Prayers and reflections 362B:1000
- Ukraine
Kirkpatrick, Karin (West Vancouver–Capilano)
- As subject
- experience as film and television extra 355B:1020
- experience attending drag performance in Edmonton 296B:1120
- friend's experience with addiction care for child 279B:1750
- mother's experience accessing emergency health care 279B:1745
- 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
- Adoption
- Adoption and Permanency Month
- Atira Women's Resource Society
- Autism
- Boston Marathon, participation by women 331B:1025
- B.C. Housing
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- women's equity issues and action on domestic violence 369B:1140
- position on issues
- B.C. NDP government
- B.C. United
- position on issues, substance use treatment 317B:1105
- Budget debate 279B:1740-1810
- Budgets
- Cain, Anna, access to health care services and cancer diagnosis 279B:1425
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Cancer
- diagnostic and treatment services
- ovarian cancer, incidence and research 265B:1010-1015
- Chhina, Teresa, access to affordable housing 331B:1105
- Child care
- Child protection system
- Children and Family Development Ministry
- Children and youth
- children with support needs
- services and funding 292C:1355
- wait-lists and waiting times for services and supports 292C:1455
- children with support needs, service model change
- children with support needs, service models 328B:1435
- Consumers
- COVID-19 public health measures
- Crab Park
- encampment of homeless persons, funding for services 287B:1100
- Crime and criminals
- crime in communities
- violent attacks and handling of cases by justice system 293B:1410
- Crime Victim Assistance Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 37)
- Cypress Provincial Park
- Hollyburn cabins on Cypress Mountain 276B:1350
- De Gonzalez, Linda, rent increase 321B:1405-1410
- Dean, Mitzi
- performance as Children and Family Development Minister 340B:1435
- Discrimination and racism
- discrimination and violence against transgender persons 363B:1350
- Divine
- Down Syndrome Society of B.C.
- concerns re service model change for children with support needs 292C:1355-1400
- Dyslexia B.C.
- concerns re service model change for children with support needs 292C:1355-1400
- Earth Day
- Easter
- Eby, David
- Economy
- measurement and alternative indicators 279B:1745
- Education and Child Care Ministry
- Eid ul-Fitr
- Employment and unemployment
- Famous Five
- Film industry
- Finance Ministry
- Foster care
- Government
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- Hollyburn Ridge Association
- Home ownership
- affordability and government action 275B:1105
- Homelessness
- Hotels and travel accommodation
- short-term accommodations
- short-term accommodations, use by film industry 355B:1025
- Housing
- Housing Ministry
- Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 44)
- debate 357B:1110-1140, 363A:1635-1640, 366B:1630, 366B:1955-2005, 366B:2040-2055, 367A:1135-1145, 368A:1305-1350, 368A:1505-1625, 368A:1650-1710, 370A:1515-1520, 370A:1720-1745, 370B:1905-1910, 370B:1920-1935, 371A:1130-1135, 372A:1345, 372A:1400-1450, 372A:1505-1520, 372A:1545
- Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 47)
- Inclusion B.C.
- consultation on service model for children with support needs 292C:1500
- Introductions by members 301B:1005, 304B:1330-1335, 311B:1340, 328B:1340
- The Juliet
- use of building units for short-term rentals 345B:1025
- Justice system
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders
- Kiwanis North Shore Housing Society
- rental housing for seniors and Village West project 359B:1355
- Land Title Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill M206)
- LGBTQ2S community
- drag performers and performance 296B:1120-1125
- transgender, gender-diverse and two-spirit community, support 363B:1350
- Libraries
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- mental health of children and youth
- Merrifield, Renee, support for free prescription contraception 279B:1745
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.2), 2023 (Bill 24)
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.3), 2023 (Bill 42)
- Motions
- Multiculturalism
- Municipal Affairs Ministry
- Murdoch, Kevin
- comments on housing development and rezoning 300B:1415
- Nanaimo
- North Shore
- North Shore Rescue
- North Vancouver
- Nowruz
- Nurses
- workplace safety and violence prevention 286B:1430
- Oral questions
- Access to cancer care services 279B:1425
- Access to harm reduction services and opioid replacement drugs 283B:1420
- Affordable housing for families and protections for renters 273B:1035
- Affordable housing for seniors 321B:1410
- Attacks by repeat offenders and handling by justice system 293B:1410
- Child protection system and Children and Family Development Ministry accountability 340B:1435
- Drug decriminalization program and data collection 258B:1100-1105
- Drug decriminalization program and federal requirements 261B:1030-1035
- Government action on affordable housing 297B:1405, 331B:1105-1110
- Government action on homelessness 334B:1045-1050
- Government action on housing affordability and supply 321B:1405
- Government action on tent cities 287B:1100
- Government funding for Atira property services 325B:1415
- Housing affordability and single-family zoning 297B:1410
- Housing legislation and strata property age limits 267B:1415
- Management of B.C. Housing and government funding for Atira property services 326B:1100
- Mental health and addiction services and redevelopment of Riverview lands 294B:1100
- Release of B.C. Housing audit report 290B:1410
- Safety of nurses in health care system 286B:1430
- Service models for children with support needs 328B:1435
- Short-term rentals and government action on affordable housing 345B:1025-1030
- Supportive housing project in Vancouver 347B:1410-1415
- Supportive housing services and safety at North Vancouver site 337B:1425-1430
- Surrey school district portable use 319B:1035
- Oral questions (response)
- Parmar, Ravi
- Persons Day
- Physicians
- Plant, Brenda, contributions as addiction recovery service provider 291B:1015
- Plunge for the Cure fundraising event for ovarian cancer research 265B:1010-1015
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Ranger, Brett
- repeat offences and handling by justice system 293B:1410
- Red Fish Healing Centre for Mental Health and Addiction
- Rental housing
- Representative for Children and Youth
- Reproduction
- Riverview facilities and lands
- Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise
- School district 36 (Surrey)
- Schools
- Science and technology
- robotics programs and competitions 304B:1345
- science, technology, engineering and math education 304B:1345
- Seniors
- Sexual exploitation
- Shaw, Rob
- comments on government and opposition positions on addictions treatment 279B:1750
- Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act (Bill 35)
- debate 340B:1755-1810, 346B:1400-1410, 346B:1440, 346B:1525-1535, 346B:1550-1655, 346B:1715-1820, 347B:1455-1510, 347B:1525-1535, 347B:1740, 347B:1805-1830, 348B:1100-1135, 349B:1305-1400, 349B:1435-1440
- Skills training
- Small business
- Starbright Children's Development Centre
- Statements by members
- Statements (response)
- Strata property
- Substance use and addiction
- B.C. Liberal position 279B:1755
- decriminalization program
- facilities
- harm reduction services
- impact on communities and response 261B:1035
- opioid replacement therapies
- overdoses
- overdoses by children and youth, health impacts 317B:1105-1110
- public education and information 261B:1030
- treatment and recovery services
- Throne speech debate 259B:1455-1525
- Transgender Day of Remembrance 363B:1350
- Turning Point Recovery Society
- Vaisakhi
- Vancouver
- Crab Park encampment and funding for services 287B:1100
- homelessness 347B:1410
- homelessness, count in 2023 334B:1045
- housing affordability and supply 321B:1405
- supportive housing projects
- First Avenue at Clark Drive supportive housing project 347B:1410
- Violence
- domestic violence
- gender-based violence
- violence against women
- Women
- Women's History Month 331B:1020-1025
- World Autism Awareness Day
- Yolen, Jane, poem for Earth Day 308B:1010
- Zoning
Kyllo, Greg (Shuswap)
- As subject
- family and grandchildren 374B:1020
- role as parent, grandparent and gender-equity ally 282B:1010
- Boulet, Logan
- British Columbia Housing Management Commission
- B.C. NDP government
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2023 (Bill 10)
- Cancer
- diagnostic and treatment services
- Construction industry
- Consumers
- Cowichan Hospital
- Crystal Lake Ranch
- Eagle Valley Senior Citizens Housing Society
- Embree, Norman, life and contributions 277B:1010
- Emergency and Disaster Management Act (Bill 31)
- Employment and unemployment
- Employment standards branch
- Families
- Finance Ministry
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- cultural preservation and revitalization 328B:1410
- Forests and forest industry
- Fuel
- Green Shirt Day
- organ donor awareness and registration initiative 300B:1355
- Health care system
- Health Ministry
- Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway)
- Salmon Arm west section, construction project 310B:1015
- Housing
- Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 44)
- Immigration
- Infrastructure
- International Credentials Recognition Act (Bill 38)
- Introductions by members 264B:1335, 286B:1345, 293B:1345, 307B:1340, 315B:1015, 357B:1005, 370B:1335
- Kelowna
- Khowutzun Development Corp.
- contractors' access to work at Cowichan Hospital site 264B:1420
- Labour
- community benefits agreement
- Labour Ministry
- Labour Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 48)
- Livestock industry
- MLAs, caucus participation in Movember fundraising campaign 354B:1355
- Motions
- Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 23)
- Movember
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Act (Bill 2)
- National Day of Mourning
- observance of day of mourning for workers killed or injured on the job 315B:1020
- Occupational health and safety
- Oral questions
- Cowichan Hospital replacement project and Cowichan Tribes contractors 264B:1420
- Primary health care in Vernon 360B:1100
- Organs and tissues
- Post-secondary education
- Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills Ministry
- Post-secondary institutions
- Prayers and reflections 277B:1000, 293B:1330
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 5)
- RavenStone Construction
- access to work at Cowichan Hospital site 264B:1420
- Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act (Bill 34)
- Secwepemc people
- Seniors
- Shuswap constituency and area
- Sicamous
- Skills training
- Small business
- Statements by members
- Stump, Werner and Jody, ranch sustainability award 351B:1350-1355
- Substance use and addiction
- overdoses
- treatment and recovery services
- Thomas, Louis
- contributions as Secwepemc Knowledge Keeper and Neskonlith councillor 328B:1410
- Women