Fourth Session, 42nd Parliament – 2023
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Eby, Hon. David (Vancouver–Point Grey)
- As subject
- Agriculture
- Atira Women's Resource Society
- Blueberry River First Nation
- B.C.
- B.C. Housing
- B.C. Hydro
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- positions on issues 322B:1050
- B.C. NDP government
- B.C. United
- policies
- policies on climate change action 366B:1405
- policies on housing issues 325B:1435
- position on issues
- Budgets
- Burns Block Hotel
- purchase of building for social housing 325B:1425
- By-election results
- Canadian Taxpayers Federation
- Cancer
- cancer care centres and ten-year plan for cancer care 276B:1430
- Carbon tax
- Carbon taxes
- Children and youth
- children with support needs, service models
- CleanBC plan
- Climate change
- Coleman, Jon
- work on Cowichan Hospital replacement project 264B:1435
- Conservative Party of B.C.
- Construction industry
- residential construction industry
- Consumers
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- Cowichan Hospital
- Crime and criminals
- crime in communities
- illegal drug trade
- Discrimination and racism
- anti-Semitism, incidence and response 337B:1400
- Economy
- Energy
- E-One Moli Energy Corp.
- clean technology production and government investment 366B:1405
- Falcon, Kevin
- Families
- Ferries and ferry services
- service levels and reliability 340B:1415
- system
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- children, services and supports for children with support needs 322B:1025
- economic development 270B:1055
- Fortescue Future Industries Pty Ltd.
- Fraser Valley
- transportation and transit services
- Gaza Strip
- Government
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Grewal, Simrath
- Harcourt, Mike
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- Health Committee
- recommendations on toxic drug poisoning crisis response 329B:1115
- Health Professions and Occupations Act
- Horgan, John
- political leadership and accomplishments 262B:1335
- Hotels and travel accommodation
- short-term accommodations
- Housing
- affordable housing
- HousingHub initiative 267B:1420
- social and subsidized housing
- government contracts with developers and service providers 324B:1005-1010
- supportive housing
- transition houses 298B:1040
- Introductions by members 276B:1335, 340B:1335-1340
- Israel
- Jewish community
- Justice system
- bail policies and reform 334B:1040-1045
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders
- government action on issues and role of federal government 305B:1100
- Kahlon, Ravi
- role as Housing Minister and letters received from residents 374B:1035
- Kruger, Dylan
- Labour
- community benefits agreement
- training and equity employment components 264B:1435
- Legislature
- Liquefied natural gas development
- Lobbyists
- Local government
- Mark, Melanie
- attendance at meeting in Downtown Eastside 272B:1410
- work and accomplishments as MLA and cabinet minister 272B:1405-1410
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- mental health of children and youth
- mental health and addiction services 261B:1030
- Merrifield, Renee
- comments on housing development and supply 363B:1425
- Ministerial statements
- Response to attack on Israel by Hamas and action on anti-Semitism 337B:1355-1405
- Mizrachi, Ben, murder by Hamas in attack on Israel 337B:1355-1400
- Olympic Villas
- rental housing project and government loan 267B:1420
- Oral questions (response)
- Affordable housing targets and construction of new units 298B:1020-1030
- Carbon tax and cost of living 374B:1035, 374B:1050-1055
- CleanBC plan and economy 363B:1405, 363B:1430, 366B:1400-1405, 366B:1430
- Comments by MLA for Burnaby North 267B:1400
- Comments regarding police services 340B:1430
- Community benefits agreements and infrastructure projects 264B:1430-1435
- Crime and community safety
- Attacks by repeat offenders and action on justice system reforms 334B:1040-1045
- Crime in communities and action on community safety 304B:1355-1400, 305B:1100
- Drug decriminalization and oversight of safe supply pilot project 261B:1030
- Drug decriminalization program and access to addiction services 261B:1025
- Drug decriminalization program and regulation of illicit drug use in public spaces 311B:1450-1455
- Drug decriminalization program and role of businesses in drug supply 283B:1430-1435
- Drug toxicity crisis and management of safe supply 344B:1355-1400
- Energy costs and role of B.C. Utilities Commission 370B:1400-1410
- Ferry services and management 340B:1415
- Government action on affordable housing 298B:1040-1050, 331B:1100-1105, 347B:1405-1410
- Government action on housing affordability 267B:1405-1410, 267B:1425-1435
- Government action on housing affordability and current issues 374B:1035-1040
- Government action on issues in health care system 272B:1520-1525
- Government action on women's transition housing 298B:1040
- Government funding for Atira property services 325B:1415-1425
- Government policies on clean energy development and energy costs and supply 367B:1030-1040, 370B:1420-1430
- Government policies on LNG development and status of project proposals 270B:1055
- Government policy on carbon tax and home heating costs 352B:1020-1030, 363B:1420-1425, 370B:1355-1400
- Government response to federal carbon tax changes for home heating 351B:1355-1400
- Government transparency and conflict-of-interest rules and whistleblower protection 325B:1425-1430
- HousingHub initiative and rental housing projects 267B:1420-1425
- Labour dispute in Fraser Valley transit system 277B:1055
- Management of B.C. Housing and termination of board 325B:1435
- Regulation of illicit drug use in public spaces 329B:1115-1120
- Release of B.C. Housing audit report 290B:1405-1410, 297B:1420, 322B:1050-1055
- Reports on management of B.C. Housing 329B:1045-1050
- Rodenticides in agriculture industry 347B:1425
- Service models for children with support needs 322B:1025-1030
- Severance pay to former deputy minister and appointment to B.C. Hydro board 276B:1425-1430
- SOGI 123 in schools 331B:1115
- Surrey school district portable use 314B:1400-1405
- Palestinians
- Palestinian community in B.C. and concerns re Gaza 337B:1400
- Parmar, Ravi, election and introduction to House 331B:1005
- Personal statements (response)
- Service as Premier and message of appreciation 262B:1335
- Service to Legislature and experience as First Nations MLA 272B:1405-1410
- Phillip, Joan, election and introduction to House 331B:1005
- Points of order
- apology requested for gesture made by Kevin Falcon 334B:1110
- Police and policing
- handling of cases and interactions involving marginalized communities 340B:1430
- Post-secondary institutions
- Premier's Office
- Prince George
- Real estate industry
- housing market
- real estate investment trusts 267B:1425
- Rental housing
- government initiatives, Liberal Party position 298B:1040
- purpose-built rental housing
- rent increases, allowable increase 298B:1025
- Resources and resource industries
- role in economy and government support 270B:1055
- Robinson, Selina
- community leadership and response to Hamas attack on Israel 337B:1400
- Routledge, Janet
- comments referencing Holocaust during debate 267B:1400
- Rustad, John
- Safety
- School district 36 (Surrey)
- School districts
- sexual orientation and gender identity policies 331B:1115
- Schools
- Science and technology
- clean technology development and investment 366B:1405
- Seniors
- Speculation and vacancy tax
- Statements
- Strata property
- strata corporations
- elimination of ability to ban rentals 267B:1430
- Substance use and addiction
- decriminalization program 261B:1025-1030
- drug use in public spaces
- harm reduction services
- overdoses
- safe supply
- supply of drugs
- treatment and recovery services
- Surrey
- crime and community safety issues, violent attacks on transit buses 304B:1355
- Transit services
- Vancouver
- Violence
- Wanamaker, Lori
- severance payment as former deputy minister and new position with B.C. Hydro 276B:1425-1430
- War
- Whistleblowing
- Zoning
- single-family zoning and rezoning to greater density 322B:1050
Elmore, Mable (Vancouver-Kensington)
- As subject
- Personal friendship with Aprodicio Laquian 341B:1105
- 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
- Asian Canadians
- Asian Heritage Month
- Bautista, Florchita (Chit)
- activism and community contributions in Philippines and Canada 308B:1010
- Black Canadians
- Black History Month
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- B.C. NDP government
- Chinese Canadian Museum
- Consumers
- COVID-19 impact
- business impact and supports 310B:1050
- protests
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- COVID-19 public health measures 282B:1110
- Crime and criminals
- Discrimination and racism
- Gaza Strip
- armed conflict and humanitarian crisis 363B:1355
- Government
- Housing
- Immigration
- foreign and immigrant workers, advocacy and support for workers 308B:1010
- Inflation
- International Women's Day
- Introductions by members 261B:1005, 294B:1015, 299B:1340, 304B:1335, 315B:1010, 334B:1010, 363B:1345, 364B:1020
- Language
- gendered and binary language, government initiative 369B:1125
- Lapu-Lapu Day 315B:1030
- Laquian, Aprodicio
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- Motions
- Oakes, Coralee (Cariboo North)
- Philippines
- history and resistance to colonialism 315B:1030
- Poverty
- reduction strategy
- public consultation and implementation 310B:1050
- Private members' statements (response)
- Sexual violence
- Sikh community
- Sikh Heritage Month
- Singh, Shaheed Bhagat
- Statements by members
- Substance use and addiction
- Transgender Day of Remembrance 363B:1350
- Vancouver
- affordable housing and support for seniors 336B:1125
- Black community and Hogan's Alley area 272B:1425-1430
- east Vancouver, urgent and primary care services 336B:1125
- housing
- Little Mountain Housing redevelopment project and sale of lands 355B:1105
- Vancouver-Kensington constituency and area
- constituents' comments re affordable child care 336B:1125
- Violence
- gender-based violence
- violence against Indigenous women, children and two-spirit persons
- War
- response to war and conflict by British Columbians 363B:1355
- Women
- Indigenous and racialized women, activism and contributions 287B:1025-1030