Fourth Session, 42nd Parliament – 2023
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Halford, Trevor (Surrey–White Rock)
- As subject
- experience with SFU football program 311B:1405
- Alberta
- B.C. Ferry Services Inc.
- B.C. Hydro
- board of directors, appointment of chair 276B:1425
- B.C. NDP government
- B.C. United
- position on issues, substance use treatment 317B:1120
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2023 (Bill 10)
- Business
- Cancer
- Carbon tax
- Chamber of Commerce Week
- Chandra Herbert, Spencer
- primary residence and travel costs as MLA 322B:1030
- CleanBC plan
- Consumers
- cost of living
- cost of living for seniors 336B:1200
- COVID-19 impact
- Dix, Adrian, views on carbon tax 362B:1140-1145
- Eby, David
- The Economist
- article on drug decriminalization in Oregon 311B:1440
- Ferries and ferry services
- Food banks
- Fraser Valley
- Fraser Valley Transit Services Act, 2023
- Fuel
- Government
- Health care system
- government action on issues 261B:1045
- government investment 282B:1050
- wait-lists and waiting times
- Health Ministry
- Homelessness
- Housing
- affordable housing
- temporary housing and shelters
- Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 44)
- Insurance Corporation of B.C.
- Introductions by members 315B:1005, 325B:1335, 334B:1005, 341B:1145, 348B:1020, 362B:1050, 374B:1010
- Krog, Leonard, comments on community safety issues in Nanaimo 291B:1050
- Krueger, Fayra, access to cancer treatment 261B:1045
- Krueger, Fayra, access to health care services 263B:1110
- Locke, Brenda, comments on contract for Surrey police services 270B:1025
- MacGillivray, Brian, actions as minor hockey coach 321B:1355
- MLAs
- collaboration during COVID-19 263B:1105
- expenses and accountability 322B:1030
- role as representatives
- constituents' concerns re cost of living and affordability 336B:1200
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.4), 2023 (Bill 45)
- Miscellaneous Statutes (Modernization) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 14)
- Motions
- Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 23)
- Motor Vehicle Amendment Act (No. 2), 2023 (Bill 28)
- Nanaimo
- crime and community safety issues, government initiative 304B:1400
- homelessness, government response and navigation centre project 297B:1415
- Olympic Games
- 2030 Winter Games and Paralympic Games
- Oral questions
- Pattullo Bridge
- Pitt, Joey, role as sports broadcaster and cancer fundraising activities 307B:1355
- Police Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 36)
- Premier's Office
- Private members' statements
- Privilege
- reserving right to raise matter of privilege 293B:1440
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 5)
- Rental housing
- Safety
- School district 36 (Surrey)
- Schools
- Simon Fraser University
- Sinclair, Christine
- Singh, Aman, comments on issues, addiction and reduction of stigma 317B:1115
- Skills training
- South Surrey and White Rock Chamber of Commerce
- Sparks, Colleen
- comments on food bank use by families 356B:1420
- Sports and recreation
- Statements by members
- Cancer fundraising by Surrey Eagles broadcaster Joey Pitt 307B:1355
- Chamber of Commerce Week 264B:1350
- Christine Sinclair 374B:1025
- Homelessness and recovery in White Rock 344B:1345
- Response to racist incident at Surrey minor hockey team game 321B:1350-1355
- Simon Fraser University football program 311B:1405
- Substance use and addiction
- awareness and stigma 317B:1115
- decriminalization in other jurisdictions 311B:1440-1445
- decriminalization program
- overdoses
- safe supply
- supply of drugs
- role of businesses and federal licences 283B:1425
- treatment and recovery services
- Surrey
- Surrey Food Bank
- increased use of food bank services 333B:1440
- Surrey Memorial Hospital
- Surrey Minor Hockey Association
- Surrey–White Rock constituency and area
- affordability and housing issues 362B:1140
- constituency office incident and recovery of person involved 344B:1345
- constituent cases re cancer care 263B:1110
- constituents' experiences of homelessness 350B:1000-1005
- Taxation
- Throne speech debate 260B:1540-1610
- Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport Ministry
- Transit services
- Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry
- U.S.
- Victoria
- Wanamaker, Lori
- severance payment as former deputy minister and new position with B.C. Hydro 276B:1425
- White Rock
Heyman, Hon. George (Vancouver-Fairview)
- Blueberry River First Nation
- B.C. by region
- Business Council of B.C.
- Carbon tax
- Cedar LNG
- CleanBC plan
- Climate change
- Coal
- Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd.
- pipeline project
- environmental compliance and enforcement 261B:1040
- Conservative Party of B.C.
- Consumers
- Deep Water Recovery Ltd.
- Eby, David
- Economy
- Elk Valley
- watershed protection and management of water quality levels 308B:1040
- Energy
- clean energy
- projects, environmental regulation and enforcement 261B:1040
- Environment
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy Ministry
- Environmental Management Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 29)
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Forests and forest industry
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Horgan, John
- Introductions by members 277B:1005, 294B:1015, 308B:1055, 315B:1005, 325B:1335-1340, 338B:1010, 360B:1005, 371B:1005
- Liquefied natural gas development
- Lobbyists
- Malahat Investment Corp.
- Bamberton quarry expansion proposal and environmental assessment 264B:1415-1420
- Mines and mining industry
- coal mining, metallurgical coal mining and water protection 308B:1040
- industry
- regulation
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 3)
- Oceans and marine environment
- Oral questions (response)
- Privilege
- reserving right to raise matter of privilege 277B:1100
- Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 5)
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Saanich Inlet Protection Society
- response to Bamberton quarry expansion proposal 264B:1415
- Science and technology
- Shipbreaking industry
- Teck Resources Ltd.
- operations in Elk Valley, selenium pollution issue and potential referral to International Joint Commission 307B:1420, 308B:1035-1040
- Weaver, Andrew
- comments on government energy action framework policy 294B:1055
- Wildlife
- species at risk, protection and legislation 276B:1415
Horgan, John (Langford–Juan de Fuca)
- As subject
- B.C.
- Cancer
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- government response and collaborative approach 262B:1325
- Economy
- Health care professionals and workers, appreciation 262B:1330
- Introductions by members 262B:1300
- Legislature
- Media
- Personal statements
- Politics and politicians