Fourth Session, 42nd Parliament – 2023
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Chandra Herbert, Spencer (Vancouver–West End)
- As subject
- appointment as Deputy Speaker (Kahlon) 257B:1450
- experience with gender-based discrimination in high school 296B:1105
- primary residence and travel costs as MLA (Halford) 322B:1030
- Armour, Norman, life and contributions to Vancouver arts community 368B:1300
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- Homelessness
- Introductions by members 264B:1335, 265B:1005, 270B:1005, 283B:1335, 291B:1010, 294B:1015, 301B:1105, 311B:1350, 318B:1335, 321B:1340, 340B:1350, 358B:1330, 358B:1430, 364B:1010
- Invasive species
- King George Secondary School Dragons basketball team and accomplishments 291B:1020
- Kulic, Darko, work as head coach of King George Dragons 291B:1020
- LGBTQ2S community
- Libraries
- Low, Duncan, life and contributions to Vancouver arts community 368B:1300
- MLAs
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.3), 2023 (Bill 42)
- Motions
- Prayers and reflections 260B:1335
- LGBTQ2S resource centre and new building project 344B:1350
- Rental housing
- Seniors
- Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act (Bill 35)
- Statements by members
- Tributes
- Vancouver
- housing, affordable housing units 344B:1350
- Stanley Park, removal of invasive plants by volunteer team 311B:1400
- Vancouver–West End constituency and area
- Violence
- Volunteers and volunteer sector
- West End Seniors Network
Chant, Susie (North Vancouver–Seymour)
- AccessAbility Week
- Accessible British Columbia Act
- Armed forces
- Autism
- Autism Acceptance Month
- B.C.
- population growth and migration to B.C. 350B:1010
- B.C. Children's Hospital
- Looking Glass treatment program for eating disorders 293B:1355
- B.C. NDP government
- legislative interns
- performance
- Budget debate 279B:1615-1640
- Budgets
- Canada's Naval Reserve
- Cancer
- diagnostic and treatment services
- Child care
- CleanBC plan
- Climate change
- Coast Salish Family Day
- Communities
- Consumers
- cost of living
- cost increases and government action 279B:1625
- COVID-19 employee impact and supports
- Deafblind Awareness Month
- Disabled persons
- Discrimination and racism
- Eating disorders
- Education
- Education funding
- students with support needs, learning disabilities 279B:1630
- Emergency and Disaster Management Act (Bill 31)
- Eye health and visual impairment
- Families
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Foster care
- Fuel
- Halloween
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- health human resources strategy and plan 279B:1625
- HMCS Discovery
- history and contributions as part of naval reserve fleet 314B:1355
- HMCS Malahat
- history and contributions as part of naval reserve fleet 314B:1355
- Homelessness
- Housing
- affordable housing
- supportive housing
- temporary housing and shelters
- Income assistance
- benefits
- disability benefits
- Indigenous Veterans Day 357B:1010
- Infrastructure
- Introductions by members 274B:1400, 279B:1340, 286B:1345, 304B:1335, 314B:1340, 328B:1355, 340B:1355, 347B:1340, 363B:1340, 364B:1020, 374B:1010-1015
- Invisible Disabilities Week
- Iranian Canadians
- commemoration of shooting down of plane in Iran 265B:1015
- Justice system
- bail services
- Indigenous justice centres 279B:1635
- LGBTQ2S community
- Libraries
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- mental health of children and youth
- Mental Health Act
- Motions
- National Nursing Week 328B:1400
- North Shore Neighbourhood House
- North Vancouver–Seymour constituency and area
- constituency office
- Maplewood Flats area and events 277B:1020
- Nurses
- Parkgate Village
- Parks
- Police and policing
- mental health and homelessness outreach 279B:1620
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary institutions
- Poverty
- Power to Be
- programs for accessible outdoor recreation 310B:1150
- Prayers and reflections 286B:1330, 314B:1335
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Privilege
- reserving right to raise matter of privilege 311B:1455
- Registered disability savings plans
- Remembrance Day 357B:1010
- Rental housing
- Reproduction
- Schools
- Sports and recreation
- outdoor recreation, accessibility and inclusion 310B:1150
- Statements by members
- Eating disorders and Looking Glass treatment program 293B:1355
- Halloween pumpkin event and Parkgate Plaza in North Vancouver 352B:1015
- HMCS Discovery and HMCS Malahat and 100th anniversary of Naval Reserve 314B:1355
- Indigenous Veterans Day and Remembrance Day 357B:1010
- International Day of Persons with Disabilities 371B:1015-1020
- Neighbourhood houses 318B:1345
- Nursing Week and contributions of nurses 328B:1400
- Registered disability savings plans 340B:1410
- Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 265B:1015
- White Cane Week and vision loss awareness 261B:1020-1025
- Wild Bird Trust and Coast Salish Family Day at Maplewood Flats 277B:1020
- Substance use and addiction
- harm reduction services
- treatment and recovery services
- Throne speech debate 260B:1830-1850
- Tourism
- Transportation
- Ukraine International Airlines flight 752
- third anniversary of shooting down of plane in Iran 265B:1015
- Violence
- White Cane Week
- Wild Bird Trust of B.C.
- World Autism Awareness Day
Chen, Katrina (Burnaby-Lougheed)
- As subject
- Arts and culture
- Child care
- Children and youth
- early childhood development
- Chouhan, Raj
- Domestic Violence Awareness Month 354B:1345
- Introductions by members 351B:1330, 367B:1005, 370B:1335
- Kagan, Keira
- death and role of domestic violence 354B:1345
- Legislature
- Pacific Immigrant Resources Society
- Politics and politicians
- Shin, Jane, work as MLA and birth of child 280B:1005
- Society
- Society of We Are Canadians Too
- Statements by members
- Tributes
- Violence
- domestic violence
- gender-based violence, response 264B:1355
Chouhan, Hon. Raj (Burnaby-Edmonds) (Speaker of the Legislative Assembly) See also Rulings and statements by Chair or Speaker in Subject Index
Chow, George (Vancouver-Fraserview)
- Burnaby urban search and rescue team 267B:1345
- Business
- women in business and entrepreneurship 363B:1350
- Children and youth
- early childhood educators
- Communities
- Documents tabled
- Public Service Act Provisions Review Committee report for fourth session of 42nd parliament, dismissal process reviews by Merit Commissioner 374B:1105-1110
- Earthquakes
- February 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria and response 267B:1345
- Infrastructure
- Introductions by members 272B:1345, 328B:1350-1355, 374B:1020
- Khalsa Diwan Society
- Legislature
- Marpole Neighbourhood House
- Merit Commissioner
- Mungall, Michelle
- Parliament Buildings
- Public service
- Public Service Act Provisions Review Committee
- report for fourth session of 42nd parliament presented 374B:1105
- Public Service Act Provisions Review Special Committee
- recommendations for public service just cause dismissal process review 374B:1110
- work of committee and staff thanked 374B:1110
- Sikh community
- Sikh Heritage Month
- South Vancouver Family Place
- South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
- Statements by members
- Throne speech debate 267B:1810-1825
- Toilet facilities
- Vancouver
- Vancouver-Fraserview constituency and area
- Women's Entrepreneurship Day 363B:1350
Clovechok, Doug (Columbia River–Revelstoke)
- Avalanches
- B.C. NDP government
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2023 (Bill 10)
- Columbia River
- Emergencies
- search and rescue services, volunteers and remembrance 280B:1010
- Finance Ministry
- Fires and firefighters
- Fish, Wildlife and Habitat Coalition
- Gale, Devyn
- death while firefighting during 2023 wildfire season 337B:1355
- Health Ministry
- Housing Ministry
- Indigenous Names Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill M213)
- Introductions by members 290B:1335, 291B:1005, 293B:1335, 301B:1005, 311B:1340, 319B:1005, 363B:1335, 373B:1340
- Legislature
- Motions
- Municipal Affairs Ministry
- Panorama Mountain resort
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- Statements by members
- Violence
- violence against Indigenous women, children and two-spirit persons, Moose Hide anti-violence campaign 329B:1030
- violence against women
- Wildlife
- wildlife and habitat protection and restoration 357B:1010
- Zero-Emission Vehicles Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 39)
Conroy, Hon. Katrine (Kootenay West)
- B.C. Liberal Party
- B.C. NDP government
- Budget debate 278B:1335-1405, 286B:1830
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2023 (Bill 10)
- Budgets
- 2023-24 budget
- budget 2023 second quarterly report, tabled 372B:1900
- Budget and Fiscal Plan 2023-24-2025-26, tabled 278B:1435
- Business Corporations Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 20)
- Cancer
- diagnostic and treatment services
- Carbon tax
- application to home heating fuel
- tax credits and rebates
- Child care
- affordable child care benefit 333B:1420
- government plan, impact on costs for families 351B:1420
- CleanBC plan
- Consumers
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- plan and funding
- future-ready jobs and skills training 278B:1400
- Documents tabled
- Budget 2023 second quarterly report 372B:1900
- budgets, Budget and Fiscal Plan 2023-24-2025-26 278B:1435
- Finance Ministry
- government borrowings and loans for 2022-23 356B:1430
- guarantees and indemnities for fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 337B:1455
- revised service plan 2023-24–2025-26 293B:1440
- government service plans and strategic plan 278B:1435
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- revised service plan 2023-24–2025-26 293B:1440
- Public Service Benefit Plan Act
- annual report for year ended March 31, 2022 260B:1445
- Economy
- Employment and unemployment
- job creation in public sector and private sector 351B:1425
- Families
- Finance Ministry
- Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 4)
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Forests and forest industry
- Foster care
- Government
- accountability and performance measurement 279B:1415
- role and action on issues 279B:1415
- service plans and strategic plan, tabled 278B:1435
- Health care funding
- Health care professionals and workers
- Homelessness
- Housing
- Income assistance
- benefits
- disability benefits
- Inflation
- Infrastructure
- Introductions by members 290B:1335, 291B:1005, 293B:1335, 314B:1335-1340, 329B:1020
- Kamloops, B.C.
- Land Owner Transparency Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 7)
- Lawyers and legal services
- government lawyers
- labour issues and collective bargaining 287B:1055
- Legislature
- bills process, committee stage, relevance and scope of debate 313A:1650
- Medical Services Plan
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- Money Services Businesses Act (Bill 19)
- Morris, Jonny
- comments on funding for mental health and addiction services 279B:1405
- Motions
- Funds granted for public service 288B:1305
- Reports of resolutions from Committee of Supply 288B:1305
- Nurses
- recruitment of internationally trained nurses 278B:1400
- Oral questions (response)
- Pay Transparency Act (Bill 13)
- Pension Benefits Standards Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 33)
- Points of order
- relevance and scope of question by Adam Olsen during committee stage debate 313A:1650
- Police and policing
- mental health and homelessness outreach 278B:1355
- police officers
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary institutions
- Presentation of estimates
- Estimates of sums required for the service of the province 278B:1335
- Supplementary estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023 278B:1435
- Prince George, B.C.
- Public sector
- Public Service Benefit Plan Act
- annual report for year ended March 31, 2022, tabled 260B:1445
- Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 5)
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Red Fish Healing Centre
- mental health and addiction services 278B:1345
- Rental housing
- Reproduction
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Safety
- Seniors
- Skills training
- Speculation and vacancy tax
- Substance use and addiction
- decriminalization program
- overdoses
- government response and initiatives 279B:1400
- treatment and recovery services
- Supply Act, 2022-2023 (Supplementary Estimates) (Bill 9)
- Supply Act (No.1), 2023 (Bill 16)
- Taxation
Coulter, Hon. Dan (Chilliwack)
- Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 47)
- Introductions by members 258B:1005, 261B:1005, 279B:1335-1340, 286B:1335, 287B:1005, 294B:1010, 297B:1335, 298B:1005, 318B:1330, 321B:1335, 325B:1335, 326B:1010, 331B:1010, 364B:1015
- Lower Mainland
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.4), 2023 (Bill 45)
- Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 23)
- Oral questions (response)
- Prayers and reflections 282B:1000, 338B:1005
- Surrey
- Throne speech debate 267B:1710-1740
Cullen, Hon. Nathan (Stikine)
- Forests and forest industry
- old-growth forests
- protection of species-at-risk habitat 352B:1040
- Introductions by members 272B:1345, 283B:1400, 294B:1015, 297B:1335, 300B:1335, 304B:1335, 308B:1005, 319B:1005, 359B:1335, 363B:1335
- Legislature
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.4), 2023 (Bill 45)
- Oral questions (response)
- Spotted owl habitat protection and species-at-risk legislation 352B:1035-1040
- Water licensing process and regional water tables 370B:1410
- Privilege
- reserving right to raise matter of privilege 277B:1100
- comments by Ellis Ross during question period 277B:1110
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Ross, Ellis
- Throne speech debate 266B:1810-1820, 267B:1600-1620
- Water
- groundwater use licensing
- water table and First Nations consultation 370B:1410
- Water, Land and Resource Stewardship Ministry
- Wildlife