Fourth Session, 42nd Parliament – 2023
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Davies, Dan (Peace River North)
- As subject
- Alaska Highway News
- Binyon, Robert Laurence
- British Columbia
- issues and challenges
- population
- British Columbia by region
- northeast B.C.
- industry growth and labour market report findings 262B:1445
- resource industries and government support 262B:1445
- northern and rural B.C.
- access to health care services 262B:1445
- agriculture industry and government support 262B:1440
- natural resources and role in economy 262B:1435
- B.C. by region
- northeast B.C.
- northern and rural B.C.
- northern B.C.
- B.C. NDP government
- B.C. United
- policies
- position on issues, substance use treatment 317B:1130
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2023 (Bill 10)
- Cancer
- diagnostic and treatment services
- Carbon tax
- Child care
- Child protection system
- Consumers
- Crystal Cup Pond Hockey Tournament
- Disabled persons
- Discrimination and racism
- discrimination against disabled persons 336B:1030
- Electoral Districts Act (Bill 25)
- Electoral Districts (Renaming) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill M209)
- Emergency and Disaster Management Act (Bill 31)
- Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation Ministry
- Evans, Neil, comments on Crystal Cup tournament and role as coordinator 270B:1020
- Fort St. John
- child care staffing and spaces 263B:1010
- community support for Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons 314B:1400
- Fuel
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- government action on issues 280B:1050
- wait-lists and waiting times
- Health Committee
- Health Ministry
- Homelessness
- Housing
- accessible housing for disabled persons 324B:1035
- affordable housing
- Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 47)
- Immigration
- refugees and displaced persons
- International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
- Introductions by members 304B:1335, 307B:1430, 314B:1340, 315B:1010-1015, 328B:1350, 328B:1355, 363B:1340, 366B:1340, 372B:1520
- Invisible Disabilities Week
- Kamloops This Week
- Libraries
- Liquefied natural gas
- LNG Canada facility project
- Media
- Mental health
- Mental health and addiction
- Motions
- National AccessAbility Week
- Oral questions
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis 308B:1050-1055
- Government action on homelessness 337B:1445
- Government action on issues in health care system 280B:1050
- Government action on Representative for Children and Youth recommendations 314B:1425
- Health worker vaccination and rehiring of staff 277B:1045
- Palmer, Vaughn
- Peace River North constituency and area
- constituent case re access to health care 280B:1050
- natural gas industry and impact on communities 262B:1440
- Petitions
- carbon tax on home heating for northern residents 360B:1105
- Physicians
- Poverty
- Prince George, B.C.
- addiction treatment and recovery services
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 5)
- Remembrance Day
- Representative for Children and Youth
- recommendations, implementation by government 314B:1425
- Resources and resource industries
- Shaw, Rob
- Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act (Bill 35)
- Social Development and Poverty Reduction Ministry
- Speech from the Throne
- Statements by members
- Stirling, Don
- Substance use and addiction
- decriminalization program
- facilities
- overdoses
- treatment and recovery services
- Taxation
- Teachers
- Throne speech debate 262B:1425-1455
- Transgender Day of Visibility
- Transportation Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill M224)
- Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry
- Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users
- contract with Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and purchase of illicit drugs 350B:1115
- Violence
- War
- sacrifices of veterans and remembrance 360B:1020
- Zero-Emission Vehicles Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 39)
de Jong, Michael (Abbotsford West)
- As subject
- advocacy for foster family (Dean) 357B:1055
- comments in debate on sitting hours (Kahlon) 363B:1455
- comments on Joni Mitchell song lyrics (Parmar) 362B:1045
- Abbotsford West constituency and area
- Agriculture and Food Ministry
- Atira Women's Resource Society
- executive leadership, status and role of board 326B:1050
- financial management and funding 325B:1445
- Attorney General Ministry
- B.C. Housing
- B.C. Hydro
- energy purchase agreements with independent power producers 367B:1030-1035
- internal communications re electricity rates and supply 370B:1400
- task force and funding 370B:1405
- British Columbia Liberal Party
- performance as government
- B.C. Utilities Commission
- Budget debate 286B:1445-1510
- Budgets
- Business Council of B.C.
- CleanBC plan
- Crime and criminals
- Drug User Liberation Front
- contract with Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and purchase of illicit drugs 344B:1420
- police investigation, appointment of special prosecutor 360B:1040-1045
- Economic Forecast Council
- Economy
- Election Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 11)
- Elections
- Electoral Boundaries Commission
- Electoral Districts Act (Bill 25)
- Employment and unemployment
- Energy
- Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation Ministry
- Family Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 17)
- Film industry
- Fortescue Future Industries Pty Ltd.
- Foster care
- Fraser Valley
- transportation and transit services
- Government
- Housing
- Inflation
- International Credentials Recognition Act (Bill 38)
- Intimate Images Protection Act (Bill 12)
- Introductions by members 311B:1335, 340B:1355
- Justice system
- Labour
- community benefits agreement
- Legislature
- debate, procedural safeguards 363B:1450-1455
- Government House leader communications 363B:1445-1450
- legislative calendar and sitting schedule
- private members' time
- Liquefied natural gas development
- Malgapo, Ernesto, violent repeat offences and handling by justice system 284B:1040
- MLAs
- Miller, Andrea, concerns re children's access to discarded drug-related items 315B:1040-1045
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 3)
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.2), 2023 (Bill 24)
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.3), 2023 (Bill 42)
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.4), 2023 (Bill 45)
- Mitchell, Joni
- Money Judgment Enforcement Act (Bill 27)
- Money Judgment Enforcement Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions Act (Bill 43)
- Motions
- Municipalities Enabling and Validating (No.5) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 26)
- Nanaimo
- crime and community safety issues, discarded drug-related items 315B:1040-1045
- Oral questions
- Peacock, Ken
- Points of order
- members' access to motion for adoption of government business schedule 373B:1450
- Police Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 36)
- Private Members' Business Review Special Committee
- Private members' statements
- Privilege
- referral of legislation to committees and participation of members 347B:1445-1450
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- Public Service Act Provisions Review Committee
- report for fourth session of 42nd parliament, debate 374B:1110
- Public Service Act Provisions Review Special Committee
- recommendations for public service just cause dismissal process review 374B:1110
- witness, participation in committee hearings 374B:1110
- Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 5)
- Safety
- Statements by members
- Canadian war memorial and the Battle of Vimy 301B:1020
- Stinson, Noah
- repeat offences and handling by justice system 291B:1035
- Substance use and addiction
- Surrey police services
- Trade
- Transit services
- Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement Amending Agreement (No. 2)
- UN declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples
- Victoria
- Vimy, France, Canadian war memorial 301B:1020
- Vimy Ridge battle history and remembrance 301B:1020
Dean, Hon. Mitzi (Esquimalt-Metchosin)
- As subject
- Abbotsford West constituency and area
- Baring-Gould, Lally, life and contributions 295B:1300
- Child protection system
- Children and Family Development Ministry
- Children and youth
- children with support needs
- children with support needs, service model change
- children with support needs, service models 328B:1440
- stakeholder concerns and consultation 328B:1440
- programs and services for children and families
- de Jong, Michael
- Eating disorders
- services for adults and ministerial responsibility 292C:1545
- Families
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Foster care
- foster families and caregivers, remuneration 291C:1110
- policies re illness in foster families 357B:1055
- Inclusion B.C.
- consultation on service model for children with support needs 292C:1500
- Introductions by members 261B:1005, 265B:1005, 276B:1340, 279B:1345, 287B:1010, 287B:1150, 290B:1335, 293B:1340, 301B:1005, 305B:1005-1010, 307B:1340, 312B:1055, 314B:1345, 325B:1340, 326B:1010-1015, 328B:1340, 334B:1005, 340B:1350-1355, 359B:1335
- Maternity and pregnancy
- doulas for Aboriginal families grant program 292C:1550
- Métis Nation B.C.
- child and family services, discussions with government 292C:1535
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.2), 2023 (Bill 24)
- Money Judgment Enforcement Act (Bill 27)
- Oral questions (response)
- Petitions
- foreign buyers tax for presale real estate contracts 351B:1425
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- Real estate industry
- foreign investment and ownership
- application of foreign buyers tax to presale contracts, petition tabled 351B:1425
- Representative for Children and Youth
- Social welfare
- community social services sector, role 292C:1455
- Social workers
- regulation and oversight, engagement process and report 366B:1415
- Splatsin First Nation
- coordination agreement with government, child and family services 292C:1520
- Tributes
- Vancouver Island
- South Island, services for adults with eating disorders 292C:1545
D'Eith, Bob (Maple Ridge–Mission)
- As subject
- appointment and work as Parliamentary Secretary for Arts and Film 262B:1505, 262B:1520-1525
- constituency office and legislative staff thanked 262B:1455
- experience as father of transgender child and role as ally 282B:1005
- experience of daughter as firefighter 282B:1005
- family experience with mental health and addictions 317B:1130
- family members' experience with mental health issues 262B:1510
- Apprenticeship Recognition Month
- Arts and culture
- creative sector, role and government support 307B:1345
- festivals, funding for fairs, festivals and events 310B:1140
- festivals, role and government support 283B:1355
- music festivals
- music industry
- Automobile insurance
- British Columbia
- B.C. Arts Council
- B.C. Liberal Party
- MLAs
- performance as government
- B.C. Museums Week
- B.C. NDP government
- Child care
- CleanBC plan
- Climate change
- Communities
- Consumers
- Cornerstone Landing
- supportive housing facility and supportive services 262B:1520
- COVID-19 impact
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- Creative B.C.
- Creative Industries Week
- Derinzy, Jennifer
- comments on integrated child and youth teams 262B:1515
- Eby, David
- Economy
- economic plan for province 362B:1025-1035
- sustainable and inclusive development
- Electoral Districts Act (Bill 25)
- Film industry
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Forests and forest industry
- wood products and uses, mass timber products 343B:1125
- Foundry
- Gill, Prem
- Health care system
- Health Committee
- Horgan, John
- Hotels and travel accommodation
- short-term accommodations, use by film industry 355B:1025
- Housing
- InBC Investment Corp.
- Inflation
- Introductions by members 286B:1345, 303B:1055, 305B:1005, 307B:1340, 315B:1110, 320B:1450, 320B:1510, 325B:1555, 351B:1335, 356B:1340, 364B:1010
- Investment
- environmental, social and governmental considerations 362B:1020
- Katzie First Nation
- Kraft Hockeyville
- LGBTQ2S community
- Libraries
- Maier, Kristi
- role as Ridge Meadows Chamber of Commerce CEO 360B:1020
- Maple Ridge
- Maple Ridge–Mission constituency and area
- Members of the Legislative Assembly of B.C.
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- Mental Health Act
- detention of individuals without consent 317B:1130
- Mental Health and Addictions Ministry
- Merrifield, Renee
- position on COVID-19 measures and protests 263B:1155
- Mission Blazers floor hockey team 265B:1020
- Motions
- Museums
- Nurses
- recruitment of internationally trained nurses 262B:1510
- Physicians
- Plastic products
- regulation of single-use plastic products and packaging 343B:1120-1125
- Points of order
- relevance of private member's motion debate by Lorne Doerkson 282B:1130
- Police and policing
- Post-secondary education
- government investment and initiatives 362B:1025
- Post-secondary institutions
- financial assistance
- tuition waivers for youth transitioning out of care 262B:1515
- student housing 262B:1515
- Prayers and reflections 324B:1000
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Recycling
- Rental housing
- purpose-built rental housing
- construction and affordability of new units 275B:1140
- Ridge Meadows Chamber of Commerce
- event celebrating women-owned businesses 360B:1020
- Ridge Meadows Recycling Society
- Ridge Meadows Rustlers hockey team
- Robinson, Red, life and contributions 313B:1610
- Shypitka, Tom
- Skills training
- SkyTrain
- Small business
- Special Olympics B.C.
- Sports and recreation
- Statements by members
- Creative Industries Week and film industry 307B:1345
- Hockey in Maple Ridge and Hockeyville competition 290B:1400
- Library Month 334B:1015-1020
- Museums Week and role of museums 325B:1400
- Ridge Meadows Chamber of Commerce women in business celebration 360B:1020
- Special Olympics B.C. and Mission Blazers floor hockey team 265B:1020
- Sports organizations in Maple Ridge 366B:1350-1355
- Support for community festivals and events 283B:1355
- Sturko, Elenore
- experience as RCMP officer during "freedom convoy" protest in Surrey 263B:1155
- Substance use and addiction
- awareness and stigma 284B:1120
- decriminalization program
- harm reduction services
- overdoses
- treatment and recovery services
- Thompson-Nicola Regional Library
- Throne speech debate 262B:1455-1525
- Tourism
- Tributes
- Vancouver Public Library
- Violence
- gender-based violence
- gender-based violence, incidence 282B:1005
- Weather
- severe weather events in November 2021
- Women
Dix, Hon. Adrian (Vancouver-Kingsway)
- As subject
- Ambulance service
- Brennan, Evanna, contributions to nursing and recognition 337B:1335
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- Cancer
- cancer care centres
- diagnostic and treatment services
- incidence, impact of demographic trends 279B:1425
- treatment
- Cardiac health
- automated external defibrillators, access 308B:1050
- Child protection system
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 vaccination
- vaccination mandate for health workers 359B:1415
- Cowichan Hospital
- de Villiers, Albert
- former position with Interior Health and sexual assault conviction 261B:1055
- Discrimination and racism
- Falcon, Kevin
- Giles, Susan, contributions to nursing and recognition 337B:1335
- GoHealth B.C.
- rural community access to nursing services 334B:1105
- Health authorities
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care funding
- Health care professionals and workers
- ability to comment on issues 258B:1050, 261B:1050-1055
- ability to comment on issues and anonymous feedback proposal 371B:1045
- COVID-19 vaccination status and rehiring 277B:1045, 294B:1100, 373B:1435
- government support and initiatives 268B:1040-1045, 328B:1440-1445, 329B:1105, 345B:1035-1040, 348B:1030-1035
- hiring 348B:1035, 371B:1025-1030
- legislation 286B:1430
- physician assistants 261B:1050
- professional governance and requirements 322B:1040-1045
- safety and government support 286B:1430-1435
- staffing and number 261B:1050, 272B:1520
- staffing and recruitment 337B:1430-1435, 371B:1045
- work and support 286B:1415
- Health care system
- beds, acute care beds 334B:1100, 338B:1050
- costs and spending
- costs and spending, administrative costs 348B:1035
- emergency services 334B:1100
- emergency services and staffing 272B:1520, 338B:1045-1050
- emergency services, heatwave preparedness 329B:1100
- government action on issues 258B:1050-1055, 260B:1415-1430, 261B:1045, 272B:1515-1520, 280B:1040-1050, 286B:1410-1425, 328B:1440-1445, 347B:1415
- government investment and initiatives 286B:1420
- issues of inclusion and systemic racism, government action 322B:1045, 363B:1410-1415
- medical imaging services 260B:1425
- patient care complaint process 371B:1045
- patient care complaint process, protections and supports for patients 322B:1040-1045
- patient care feedback 371B:1045
- personal health information, access and privacy 322B:1040
- primary health care
- services for women 286B:1410-1425
- surgical services
- wait-lists and waiting times
- Health Ministry
- Health Professions Act
- Health Professions and Occupations Act
- Heatwaves
- Henry, Bonnie
- Income assistance
- Interior Health Authority
- emergency services and staffing 272B:1515-1520
- officials and staff
- employment of doctor charged with sexual assault (Dix) 338B:1055
- wait times for radiation therapy 371B:1030
- Introductions by members 260B:1335, 264B:1335, 276B:1340, 279B:1335, 286B:1335, 287B:1005, 291B:1000-1005, 293B:1330, 294B:1005, 311B:1335, 322B:1005, 356B:1330-1335, 373B:1340
- Kamloops
- Khowutzun Development Corp.
- Labour
- community benefits agreement
- Langley Memorial Hospital
- Long-term and residential care
- Maternity and pregnancy
- Mental health
- government initiatives 334B:1055
- mental health and addiction
- programs and services
- Merritt, B.C.
- Money Judgment Enforcement Act (Bill 27)
- Nanaimo, B.C.
- health services, government investment 341B:1135
- Nanaimo Regional General Hospital
- Northern Health Authority
- Nurses
- Oral questions (response)
- Access to cancer care services 279B:1420-1425, 371B:1025-1035
- Access to cancer care services and medications 279B:1430
- Access to obstetrics and prenatal care in Kamloops 329B:1105-1110
- Administrative costs and issues in health care system 341B:1140
- Automated external defibrillator access legislation 308B:1050
- Bivalent COVID-19 vaccination 294B:1055
- Budget provisions for health care in Surrey 284B:1100-1105
- Child protection system and Children and Family Development Ministry accountability 364B:1045-1050
- Community benefits agreements and infrastructure projects 264B:1400-1415
- Conditions for health workers and accountability of health care administrators 261B:1050-1100
- Cowichan Hospital replacement project and Cowichan Tribes contractors 260B:1430-1435, 264B:1420-1430
- Emergency room wait times and government action on health care issues 328B:1440-1445
- Emergency services at hospitals 334B:1100-1110, 338B:1045-1050
- Federal funding and administrative costs in health care system 348B:1030-1035
- Funding for Nanaimo Regional General Hospital projects 341B:1135
- Government action on issues in health care system 260B:1415-1430, 261B:1045, 272B:1515-1520, 280B:1040-1045, 280B:1050, 338B:1050-1055, 347B:1415-1420, 371B:1045
- Government action on mental health care 334B:1055
- Health care services in Kamloops and status of obstetrics clinic 272B:1515
- Health care staffing and role of physician assistants 261B:1050
- Health worker vaccination and rehiring of staff 268B:1040-1045, 277B:1045, 294B:1100
- Health worker vaccination policy and provincial health officer 359B:1415
- Heatwave response and provision of air conditioners 287B:1045-1050, 329B:1100
- Implementation of health professions legislation and consultation by government 322B:1040-1045, 360B:1050-1055
- Management of Vancouver Island Health Authority and conditions for health workers 258B:1050-1055
- Mental health services 280B:1040
- Paid practicums for student nurses and educators 337B:1430-1435
- Payments to Interior Health Authority official charged with crime 338B:1055
- Primary health care in Vernon 360B:1055-1105
- Recruitment and retention of nurses 373B:1430-1435
- Recruitment and retention of nurses and use of private agencies 345B:1035-1040
- Report recommendations on contracted long-term-care facilities 333B:1430-1435
- Role of family members in mental health crisis services 334B:1050
- Safety of nurses in health care system 286B:1430-1435
- Standards of care for addiction treatment and recovery services 280B:1035
- Systemic racism in health care system 363B:1410-1415
- Women's access to health care 286B:1410-1425
- Peace River North constituency and area
- constituent case re access to health care 280B:1050
- Physicians
- St. Paul's Hospital
- Sexual violence
- sexual assault of children and youth
- charges against doctor in Interior Health 338B:1055
- Shuswap constituency and area
- Social workers
- Substance use and addiction
- treatment and recovery services
- Suicide
- Surrey
- Surrey, B.C.
- health care facilities and services 338B:1050
- Surrey Memorial Hospital
- Thompson Region Family Obstetrics Clinic
- operations and physician payment model 272B:1515
- Tributes
- Vancouver Island
- Vancouver Island Health Authority
- Vernon
- Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 15)
- Williams, Ben
- work as medical executive for Island Health 261B:1050
- Williams Lake, B.C.
Doerkson, Lorne (Cariboo-Chilcotin)
- Billyboy-Bowe, Jaxon
- death and service as wildfire fighter 333B:1355
- B.C.
- B.C. by region
- B.C. United
- Campbell River
- Cariboo area
- Cariboo Memorial Hospital
- Cariboo Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, history and work of organization 357B:1015-1020
- Cariboo-Chilcotin constituency and area
- Carrington View Apartments
- CleanBC plan
- Comox Valley
- Crime and criminals
- crime in communities
- incidence and handling of cases by justice system 359B:1420
- illegal drug trade
- Economic Development Week 326B:1025
- Economy
- Emergencies
- disaster financial assistance 336B:1005-1020
- emergency preparedness and response
- Emergency and Disaster Management Act (Bill 31)
- debate 333B:1535-1735, 340A:1455-1705, 340A:1835-1850, 342A:1310-1530, 342B:1620-1715, 344A:1435-1445, 344A:1700, 344A:1720-1730, 344A:1800-1810, 345A:1105-1140, 346A:1335-1725, 347A:1720-1740, 347A:1800-1840, 348A:1100-1130, 349A:1305-1355, 349A:1515-1520, 349B:1530-1635, 351C:1630-1805, 352C:1110-1140, 353C:1340-1435, 353C:1455, 353C:1530-1640, 353C:1755-1810, 354A:1440-1615
- Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Ministry
- Fires and firefighters
- Fish
- steelhead populations, status and protection 324B:1140
- Forests Ministry
- Fort St. John, B.C.
- Fraser River
- Gayle, Devon
- death and service as wildfire fighter 333B:1355
- Health care system
- Health Ministry
- Heritage sites
- heritage and archaeological sites protection, site assessments and permit process 347B:1425
- Homelessness
- Housing
- affordable housing
- social and subsidized housing
- Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Introductions by members 258B:1005, 276B:1335, 279B:1335, 340B:1345, 364B:1005
- Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation Ministry
- Justice system
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders 312B:1050
- Legislature
- Local government
- Lytton fire recovery
- government support and coverage of fees 348B:1040
- recovery process and archaeological assessments 348B:1040
- recovery process and timeline 347B:1425
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.3), 2023 (Bill 42)
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.4), 2023 (Bill 45)
- Motions
- Muise, Zak
- death and service as wildfire fighter 333B:1355
- Oral questions
- Attacks by repeat offenders and handling of cases by justice system 312B:1050
- CleanBC plan and economy 363B:1425
- Crime in communities and impact on businesses 359B:1420
- Drug decriminalization program and regulation of illicit drug use in public spaces 319B:1045-1050
- Emergency services at hospitals 334B:1100
- Government action on affordable housing 298B:1050
- Government action on homelessness 337B:1445
- Government action on housing affordability 267B:1425
- Government spending and public sector employment growth 341B:1140-1145
- Government support for rural economy and natural resource sector 268B:1045
- Lytton fire recovery process and archaeological assessments 347B:1425, 348B:1040
- Parksville
- Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development
- role and comments on resource industries 268B:1045
- Patrick, Kenneth
- death and service as wildfire fighter 333B:1355
- Petitions
- Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program 340B:1445
- Pioneer Log Homes of B.C.
- Prayers and reflections 268B:1000, 291B:1000, 307B:1330, 322B:1000, 334B:1005, 348B:1000
- Private members' statements
- Public sector
- Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 5)
- Rental housing
- purpose-built rental housing
- construction and affordability of new units 267B:1425
- Resources and resource industries
- role in economy and government support 268B:1045
- Revelstoke, B.C.
- Russell, Roly
- Safety
- public safety
- community safety issues and government response 312B:1050
- Seniors
- housing 298B:1050
- housing, Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, petition tabled 340B:1445
- Small business
- Sonnenberg, Blain
- death and service as wildfire fighter 333B:1355
- Statements by members
- Substance use and addiction
- decriminalization program 319B:1045
- drug use in public spaces, impacts and regulation 319B:1045-1050
- treatment and recovery services
- Throne speech debate 264B:1750-1815
- Tourism
- Vanderhoof, B.C.
- Water, Land and Resource Stewardship Ministry
- Watersheds
- Williams Lake
Donnelly, Fin (Coquitlam–Burke Mountain)
- As subject
- swimming activities for awareness of environmental issues 336B:1055
- B.C. Liberal Party
- B.C. NDP government
- Comox Valley Project Watershed Society
- Kus-kus-sum sawmill restoration project 262B:1425
- Coquitlam Express hockey team
- community advocacy campaigns and fundraising 308B:1020
- Coquitlam–Burke Mountain constituency and area
- Cowichan Tribes
- Koksilah and Cowichan rivers projects 262B:1425
- District of Kent
- work on local floodgate for fish habitat protection 262B:1420
- Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation
- fundraising for new MRI machine at Eagle Ridge Hospital 262B:1410
- Economy
- Elk River Alliance
- climate change early warning system and data collection work on tributaries 262B:1415
- Emergency and Disaster Management Act (Bill 31)
- Endako River
- Fish
- Gitxsan Watershed Authority
- Golden District Rod and Gun Club
- Government
- Healthy Watersheds Initiative
- Housing
- Immigrant Link Centre Society
- Immigration
- Introductions by members 258B:1010-1015, 270B:1005, 272B:1340, 284B:1005, 284B:1105, 288B:1410, 288B:1445, 288B:1510, 315B:1015, 340B:1350, 344B:1330
- Iran
- human rights situation and protest movement 293B:1400
- Iranian Canadians
- Iranian Seniors Club
- event for "women, life, freedom" protests 356B:1345
- Katzie First Nation
- Upper Pitt watershed restoration project 262B:1425
- Lunar new year
- Money Judgment Enforcement Act (Bill 27)
- Motions
- Nowruz
- Port Moody
- multicultural celebration of lunar new year 261B:1020
- Private members' statements
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Red Fish Healing Centre, Coquitlam, B.C.
- facilities and Indigenous involvement 262B:1410
- Rivershed Society of B.C.
- habitat restoration projects and collaboration with First Nations communities 262B:1420
- School district 43 (Coquitlam)
- Burke Mountain secondary-middle school project 262B:1410
- Scw'exmx Tribal Council
- Soul Bite Food, Inc.
- contributions to food security programs 341B:1110
- Statements by members
- Throne speech debate 262B:1405-1425
- Trail
- Tri-Cities
- Lunar new year celebration event and organizers thanked 262B:1410-1415
- Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce
- involvement in B.C. Day celebrations 341B:1110
- Tŝilhqot'in Nation
- Water, Land and Resource Stewardship Ministry
- Watersheds
- Watersheds B.C.
- Wetlands
- wetlands workforce and protection initiatives 262B:1420
Dykeman, Megan (Langley East)
- 4-H Club
- Agriculture
- Alberta
- Aldergrove Community Station House, community food hub and Firehouse Cafe 270B:1015
- Arts and culture
- B.C.
- population, growth and migration to B.C. 317B:1010
- B.C. Cattlemen's Association
- B.C. Dairy Council
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- Carbon tax
- Child care
- Communities
- Community Inclusion Month 345B:1010-1015
- Community Social Services Awareness Month 286B:1400
- Consumers
- Creative Industries Week 308B:1015
- Disabled persons
- developmentally disabled persons, community awareness and inclusion 345B:1010-1015
- Economy
- Falcon, Kevin, views on carbon tax 362B:1115-1120
- Film industry
- Fuel
- Girling, Fred, contributions and death 331B:1015
- Introductions by members 258B:1010, 267B:1340, 272B:1345, 277B:1010, 291B:1000, 293B:1345, 297B:1330-1335, 326B:1015, 328B:1350, 341B:1005, 351B:1335-1340, 360B:1015, 364B:1005, 367B:1010, 371B:1010
- Langley
- Langley Meals on Wheels
- Langley township, description and heritage 321B:1345
- Motions
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Act (Bill 2)
- Non-profit Recognition Day 351B:1345
- Non-profit sector
- Noonan, John, life and contributions 311B:1345
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Prayers and reflections 261B:1005
- Private members' statements (response)
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- St. Mark's College Amendment Act, 2023
- School district 36 (Surrey)
- Schools
- Social welfare
- community social services sector
- Social workers
- Statements by members
- Surrey, B.C.
- Throne speech debate 260B:1520-1540
- Tributes
- Vancouver Foundation Amendment Act, 2023