Fourth Session, 42nd Parliament – 2023
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Walker, Adam (Parksville-Qualicum)
- As subject
- comments made during debate of motion on "freedom convoy" protests (Merrifield) 282B:1105
- song about Legislature and MLAs 319B:1015
- Brant Wildlife Festival
- B.C. Ferry Services Inc.
- B.C. Liberal Party
- CleanBC plan
- Coal
- Coldest Night of the Year
- COVID-19 impact
- protests at health and education sites 263B:1135
- Ferries and ferry services
- Forests and forest industry
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Haven Society
- Homelessness
- Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 44)
- debate 358B:1525-1550, 363B:1815-1825, 364B:1110-1150, 366A:1520-1600, 366B:1615-1620, 366B:1825-1905, 366B:1940, 366B:1955, 366B:2005-2055, 367A:1110-1145, 368A:1305-1400, 368A:1425, 368A:1600-1640, 368A:1715, 370A:1520-1530, 370A:1700-1720, 370B:1915-1920, 370B:2010-2015, 370B:2040-2050, 371A:1115, 372A:1335-1340, 372A:1520-1530, 372A:1555-1620, 372A:1730-1735
- Introductions by members 260B:1340, 290B:1345, 307B:1335, 309B:1415-1420, 318B:1335, 346B:1400, 346B:1435, 373B:1345
- Island Crisis Care Society
- Lasqueti Island
- Legislature
- bills process 366B:1500
- debate, impact of three sections for debate 363B:1440
- Government House leader communications 363B:1440
- legislative calendar and sitting schedule
- management of proceedings 366B:1500
- work and proceedings, description in song 319B:1015
- Local government
- housing development and government support 275B:1155
- MLAs
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No.3), 2023 (Bill 42)
- Motions
- Nanaimo Regional General Hospital
- Oil and gas
- Oral questions
- Parksville
- mayor's concerns re short-term rentals legislation, government response 363B:1440
- Parksville-Qualicum constituency and area
- Points of order
- debate on amendments at committee stage 365A:1410
- request for withdrawal of comments by Ravi Kahlon re government business schedule negotiation 373B:1450
- Post-secondary institutions
- Private members' statements (response)
- Protests
- history of protest movements in B.C. 263B:1135
- Rental housing
- protections and supports for tenants
- purpose-built rental housing
- construction and affordability of new units 275B:1155
- Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act (Bill 35)
- Statements by members
- Brant Wildlife Festival 294B:1025
- Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk in Nanaimo and Oceanside 268B:1015
- Haven Society and domestic violence prevention 279B:1355
- Legislative Assembly song 319B:1015
- Throne speech debate 266B:1625-1655
- Vancouver Island
- Nanaimo-Oceanside area, fundraising for services to vulnerable persons 268B:1015
- Violence
- Wildlife
Wat, Teresa (Richmond North Centre)
- Asian Canadians
- history and contributions to B.C. 318B:1350
- South Asian community
- Asian Heritage Month
- Attorney General Ministry
- Autism
- employment and training for persons with autism 352B:1010
- Aviation
- Black Canadians
- Black History Month
- B.C. Aviation Museum
- B.C. Liberal Party
- policies
- mental health and addiction services plan 263B:1020
- Buddhism
- Buddhist Culture Day
- Buddhist Culture Day Act
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2023 (Bill 10)
- Canadian Federation of Independent Business
- campaign to support small businesses 333B:1400
- Chinese Canadian Museum
- Chinese Canadians
- Chinese Christian Mission
- COVID-19 impact
- Crime and criminals
- Discrimination and racism
- racism against Asian Canadians 286B:1440
- racism against Asian Canadians, incidence and history 318B:1350
- racist incident reporting hotline 286B:1440
- Eby, David
- Filipino Canadians
- Ho, Kathy, life and contributions 342B:1305
- Homelessness
- Housing
- Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 44)
- Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 47)
- Human Rights Commissioner
- comments on implementation of racist incident reporting hotline 286B:1440
- Introductions by members 275B:1000-1005, 276B:1330-1335, 298B:1005, 311B:1345, 318B:1335, 321B:1335, 322B:1010, 328B:1335, 363B:1340
- Labour Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 48)
- Lunar new year
- Motions
- Multiculturalism
- Nanaimo
- Crime and community safety issues
- Oral questions
- Government action on homelessness 337B:1440
- Government hotline for racist incident reporting 286B:1440
- Pacific Autism Family Network
- collaboration with Paper Planes Café 352B:1010
- Paper Planes Café
- employment and training opportunities for individuals with diverse abilities 352B:1010
- Parliament Buildings
- Pederson, Chad
- Prayers and reflections 275B:1000, 321B:1330, 345B:1000, 371B:1000
- Private members' statements
- Provincial Symbols and Honours Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 32)
- Ramadan
- observance of Ramadan and celebration of Eid ul-Fitr 311B:1355
- Richmond
- Richmond Addiction Services Society
- Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives
- Richmond North Centre constituency and area
- Royal B.C. Museum
- Safety
- Small business
- Statements by members
- Substance use and addiction
- decriminalization 310B:1020
- decriminalization program
- drug use in public spaces
- overdoses
- treatment and recovery services 347B:1355-1400
- Throne speech debate 266B:1405-1425
- Tourism
- Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport Ministry
- Tributes
- Tyrrell, Walter, life and contributions in military and police service 279B:1350-1355
- United Chinese Community Enrichment Service Society
- Vancouver
- Vancouver Chinatown Business Improvement Association
Whiteside, Hon. Jennifer (New Westminster)
- Adastra Holdings Ltd.
- operations and press release on drug production 283B:1425
- Alberta
- addiction recovery conference, attendance by B.C. government staff 276B:1405
- B.C. Liberal Party
- MLAs, position on drug decriminalization program 307B:1410
- performance as government
- Campbell River
- toxic drug poisoning crisis and response 319B:1050
- Campbell River, B.C.
- COVID-19 impact
- Crime and criminals
- Drug User Liberation Front
- contract with Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and purchase of illicit drugs 344B:1420
- First Nations Health Authority
- addiction services and treatment facilities 276B:1640
- Foundry
- Health care system
- Health Committee
- Interior Health Authority
- addiction treatment and recovery services 276B:1635
- communications with local governments on public drug use bylaws 311B:1425
- Introductions by members 270B:1000, 272B:1340, 286B:1350, 287B:1010, 291B:1005, 294B:1005, 300B:1330, 304B:1335, 311B:1335-1340, 322B:1005, 329B:1020, 355B:1020
- Kendall, Perry
- role in provision of safe drug supply 363B:1415
- Local government
- Mental health
- government initiatives 315B:1045-1050
- mental health and addiction
- mental health of children and youth
- Mental Health Act
- Mental Health and Addictions Ministry
- Motions
- Nanaimo
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Act (Bill 2)
- Ombudsperson
- report recommendations on mental health legislation and involuntary treatment 315B:1050
- Oral questions (response)
- Access to harm reduction services and opioid replacement drugs 283B:1420
- Addiction treatment and recovery services 276B:1400-1405
- Addiction treatment and recovery services and media coverage by Broadbent Institute 276B:1405-1410
- Budget provisions for mental health and addiction services 279B:1410
- Drug decriminalization program and access to addiction services 258B:1055-1100, 311B:1440-1445
- Drug decriminalization program and federal requirements 260B:1435-1445, 261B:1030-1035
- Drug decriminalization program and prosecution of drug traffickers 337B:1435
- Drug decriminalization program and regulation of illicit drug use in public spaces 307B:1400-1410, 307B:1420-1430, 311B:1420-1435, 311B:1450, 319B:1045-1055
- Drug decriminalization program and role of businesses in drug supply 283B:1425, 363B:1415
- Drug toxicity crisis and access to safe supply 312B:1035-1040
- Drug toxicity crisis and management of safe supply 328B:1445, 329B:1110, 344B:1400-1405, 344B:1415-1425
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis 308B:1055
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis and management of safe supply 364B:1050-1055
- Government action on mental health and addiction issues 258B:1035
- Government funding to drug user organizations 344B:1420
- Involuntary care for mental health and addiction issues 258B:1035-1045
- Mental health crisis teams and public safety on transit systems 304B:1415
- Regulation and oversight of addiction treatment facilities 298B:1030-1035
- Review of Mental Health Act 315B:1045-1050
- Prayers and reflections 366B:1330
- Real Estate Services Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 8)
- Red Fish Healing Centre for Mental Health and Addiction
- Substance use and addiction
- awareness and stigma 276B:1630
- decriminalization in other jurisdictions 311B:1445
- decriminalization program 258B:1055-1100, 337B:1435
- drug use in public spaces, impacts and regulation 307B:1405, 311B:1425-1435, 311B:1450, 319B:1050-1055
- facilities
- harm reduction services
- illegal and toxic drugs
- impact on communities and response 261B:1035
- opioid replacement therapies
- overdoses
- deaths 276B:1405, 276B:1615, 276B:1625, 276B:1645
- deaths and response 308B:1055, 311B:1425-1430, 311B:1450
- government response 276B:1615-1645, 311B:1445, 319B:1045-1055, 329B:1110, 337B:1435
- government response and collaborative approach 258B:1045, 260B:1440-1445
- government response and initiatives 260B:1435-1440, 276B:1405-1410, 307B:1425, 308B:1055, 344B:1400-1405, 344B:1415-1425
- impact and response 344B:1420
- impact on Indigenous persons and response 312B:1035
- response and role of front-line service providers 363B:1415
- public education and information 261B:1035
- safe supply 276B:1625, 312B:1035-1040, 344B:1415
- supply of drugs
- role of businesses and federal licences 283B:1425
- treatment and recovery services
- youth substance use
- youth substance use and addiction
- Surrey
- crime and community safety issues, violent attack on transit bus 304B:1415
- Sword, Kamilah, overdose death 344B:1400