Third Session, 42nd Parliament – 2022
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
topics, places, people
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Oak Bay Half Marathon
- Race event and fundraising by participant (Lore) 215B:1340
Oak Bay–Gordon Head constituency and area
Oaklands area See Victoria, B.C.
OAT See Opioid replacement therapies, opioid agonist therapy under Substance use and addiction
Obed, Natan
- Leadership and advocacy as Inuit leader (Bond) 246B:1350
Occupational health and safety
Occupational therapists
Ocean spray See Plants
Oceans and marine environment
O'Connor, Denise
- Access to property after Lytton fire (Oakes) 147B:1415
Offence Act
Office of the Premier See Premier's Office
Office of the superintendent of professional governance
Oil and gas
Oil and Gas Commission
Oil and gas industry
Okanagan area
Okanagan College, Kelowna, B.C.
Okanagan Housing Awards of Excellence
Okanagan Indian Band
Okanagan Similkameen school district See School district 53 (Okanagan Similkameen)
Old-growth forests See Forests and forest industry
Olympic Games
- 2022 Winter Games and Paralympic Games in Beijing
- 2030 Winter Games and Paralympic Games
Ombudsperson See also Chalke, Jay
- Report on involuntary patients under Mental Health Act (Furstenau) 197B:1505
- Report recommendations on municipal tax sales of properties See Tax sales of properties under Local government
- Reports tabled
- 2021-22 annual report (Speaker) 229B:1435
- Fairness by Design: An Administrative Fairness Self-Assessment Guide, December 2022 (Speaker) 256B:1205
- Final Assessment of Implementation of Recommendations — Misfire: The 2012 Ministry of Health Employment Terminations and Related Matters, November 2022 (Speaker) 256B:1205
- Making Amends: The Importance of Exercising Discretion Fairly, December 2022 (Speaker) 256B:1205
- Short-Changed: Ensuring Federal Benefits Paid to the Province Reach Caregivers of Children with Disabilities, May 2022 (Speaker) 216B:1105
Oncologists See Physicians
Online marketplace services tax See Taxation under Business
Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 34)
- (Minister of Health) 1R, 229B:1350; 2R, 234B:1420-1710; C, 241B:1555-1720, 243A:1440-1710; 3R, 243B:1715; RA, 248B:1710
- Debate, speakers (Anderson) 234B:1540-1550 (de Jong) 234B:1500-1525, 241B:1555-1720, 243A:1440-1705 (D'Eith) 234B:1550-1610 (Dix) 229B:1350, 234B:1420-1500, 234B:1525, 234B:1705-1710, 241B:1555-1720, 243A:1445-1710 (Dykeman) 234B:1640-1700 (Malcolmson) 234B:1530-1540 (Sharma) 234B:1705 (Singh, A.) 234B:1610-1640
Opioids See Substance use and addiction
Opposition See Legislature; particular parties
Oral questions by member See also Oral questions by subject
- Banman, Bruce (Abbotsford South)
- Access to family physicians and primary health care services 187B:1420-1425
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 188B:1045-1050
- Health care issues and whistleblower protection for health care workers 190B:1415-1420
- Proposed medical school at Simon Fraser University and museum replacement project 219B:1120
- Replacement of B.C. Bid procurement system 163B:1050-1055
- Bernier, Mike (Peace River South)
- Bond, Shirley (Prince George–Valemount)
- Access to cancer care services 247B:1035-1040
- Access to family physicians 174B:1025-1030, 204B:1405
- Access to family physicians and comments by Health Minister 205B:1025-1030
- Access to family physicians and government funding priorities 212B:1055-1100
- Access to family physicians and impact on hospital staff and services 194B:1430-1435
- Access to family physicians and primary health care services 187B:1415-1420
- Action on community safety and role of Premier 250B:1430
- Action on gas prices 167B:1030-1035
- Action on gas prices and fuel rebate for drivers 173B:1405-1410
- Affordability issues and museum replacement project 208B:1445
- Affordability issues and rebate for renters 177B:1035-1040
- Affordable housing and government action on issues 197B:1405
- Affordable rental housing and rebate for renters 148B:1020-1025, 155B:1420-1425
- Ambulance service and service management 218B:1425-1430
- Child care fees and subsidies for child care providers 176B:1515-1520
- Coastal GasLink pipeline project on Wet'suwet'en lands and government response to protests 153B:1025-1030
- Comments by B.C. Housing official 253B:1425-1430
- COVID-19 public health measures 163B:1035-1040
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 184B:1035-1040, 188B:1025-1030, 195B:1020-1025
- Death of child after hospital care and family access to information 219B:1100
- Death of youth in care and oversight of contracted child protection services 191B:1045
- Decision on fees for freedom-of-information requests 150B:1355
- Fire at Winters Hotel and management of B.C. Housing and Atira property services 251B:1055
- Government action on issues in health care system and role of Health Minister 222B:1415-1420, 226B:1100, 236B:1415-1420, 240B:1110, 254B:1030-1035
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 230B:1040
- Government response to overdose deaths 143B:1415-1420
- Health care funding and government priorities 211B:1425
- Health care issues and role of urgent and primary care centres 198B:1100-1105
- Health care system use of nurses from private agencies 237B:1035-1040
- Housing prices and action on affordability 144B:1025-1030
- Incidents in northwest B.C. and action on community safety 243B:1400-1405
- Issues in health care system and museum replacement project 215B:1425
- Nurses' concerns and government action on issues in health care system 202B:1040-1045
- Nurses' concerns on conditions at hospitals and health human resources strategy 201B:1420-1425
- Pension fund investments in Russia 159B:1355-1400, 160B:1025-1030
- Primary health care services and health human resources strategy 190B:1355-1400
- Rebate for renters 239B:1520
- Response programs for mental health and addiction issues and role of police 246B:1400-1405
- Review panel report on drug toxicity deaths and implementation of recommendations 169B:1405-1410, 170B:1050-1055
- Staffing shortages in health care system 216B:1040-1045
- Subsidized housing for seniors 151B:1025-1030
- Tax policies and gas prices 147B:1355-1400
- Cadieux, Stephanie (Surrey South)
- Davies, Dan (Peace River North)
- Action on gas prices 167B:1045
- Filming of commercial in Lytton 205B:1045
- Youth mental health and addiction services and stabilization care legislation 180B:1415-1420
- de Jong, Michael (Abbotsford West)
- Budget accountability and salaries for ministers and senior staff 156B:1040-1045
- Crime in communities and action on community safety 204B:1420-1425
- Crime in communities and government response to report on repeat offenders 223B:1045-1050
- Decision on fees for freedom-of-information requests 150B:1400-1405
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis and activation of Health Committee 169B:1435
- Government action on repeat offenders and directive to Crown counsel 232B:1430
- Government action on repeat offenders and role of Crown counsel 230B:1055-1100
- Government response to affordability issues 177B:1105
- Government response to Lytton fire and access to properties 147B:1420
- Government transparency and response to freedom-of-information requests 151B:1045-1050
- Groundwater use licensing process 166B:1430-1435
- ICBC sale of Meadowood Place and consultation with Matsqui First Nation 144B:1035-1040
- International energy supply and B.C. LNG projects 159B:1420, 160B:1050-1055
- Management of B.C. Housing and terms of reference for audit 253B:1430-1435
- Physician supply and training and foreign-trained physicians 174B:1040-1045
- Prosecution service contract negotiations 183B:1425-1430
- Replacement of B.C. Bid procurement system 163B:1055-1100
- Doerkson, Lorne (Cariboo-Chilcotin)
- Access to family physicians and impact on hospital staff and services 194B:1420
- Action on gas prices 162B:1420
- Administrative costs and executives in health care system 240B:1100-1105
- Conditions at hospitals and whistleblower protection for health care workers 198B:1045-1050
- COVID-19 relief grants for gyms 148B:1045
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 181B:1050, 184B:1055-1100, 195B:1045
- Flood response and temporary housing in Princeton 150B:1420-1425
- Forest policy changes and forest industry jobs and worker supports 153B:1045-1050
- Government action on issues in health care system 219B:1110
- Government action on issues in health care system and role of Health Minister 236B:1410
- Groundwater use licensing process 166B:1425-1430
- Groundwater use licensing process and timeline 156B:1050
- Nurses' concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 201B:1410
- Review panel report on drug toxicity deaths and implementation of recommendations 170B:1055-1100
- Staff concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 202B:1045
- Falcon, Kevin (Vancouver-Quilchena)
- Furstenau, Sonia (Cowichan Valley)
- Access to abortion services and reproductive health care 211B:1420-1425
- Access to family physicians and management of primary care system 212B:1110-1115
- Access to family physicians and role of urgent and primary care centres 187B:1410
- Access to primary health care and diagnostic services 148B:1030-1035
- Accountability for issues in health care system 222B:1425-1430
- Action on climate change and revenues from natural gas royalties 155B:1415
- Affordability issues and profits to corporations 226B:1050-1055
- Affordable housing and government revenues from housing sector 155B:1410
- Call for all-party working group on health care 222B:1430
- Communications on COVID-19 in schools 237B:1040-1045
- Commuter bus service for Cowichan Valley residents 173B:1415-1420
- COVID-19 impact on hospitals and access to data 188B:1040
- COVID-19 transmission and face masks in health care facilities 143B:1425-1430, 144B:1030-1035
- Drax operations in B.C. and production of wood pellets 230B:1045-1050
- Drug use deaths and access to safe supply 163B:1040-1045, 169B:1420-1425
- Flood and wildfire preparedness 219B:1105
- Funding for disability benefits 236B:1400-1405
- Government accountability and awareness of issues 219B:1105-1110
- Government action on campaign statements 233B:1140
- Government action on climate change and policies on LNG development 160B:1040-1045
- Government action on climate change and relationship with oil and gas industry lobbyists 232B:1425-1430
- Government action on climate change and transition to clean economy 229B:1415-1420
- Government action on issues in health care system and pediatric care 247B:1045-1050
- Government openness and transparency 233B:1145
- Government policies on fossil fuel industry 250B:1420
- Government policies on fossil fuel industry and expansion of LNG Canada project 243B:1410-1415
- Hospital capacity on Vancouver Island 188B:1040
- Inclusion of psychologists in primary health care networks 181B:1035
- Lawsuit by former children in government care and funding of child protection system 151B:1030-1035
- Long-term COVID-19 cases and support for patients 183B:1415
- Mask use guidance and Human Rights Commissioner comments on COVID-19 risk for vulnerable persons 174B:1035-1040
- Mental health supports for health care workers 181B:1035
- Nurses' working conditions and culture 201B:1405-1410
- Oversight of group homes for youth in care 194B:1415-1420
- Private providers of health care and government support for public system 254B:1040-1045
- Review of Mental Health Act 195B:1030-1035
- Staffing shortages and action on issues in health care system 215B:1415-1420
- Telus Health services 170B:1045
- Telus Health services and private providers of primary health care 202B:1035
- Transit services and funding 208B:1435-1440
- Halford, Trevor (Surrey–White Rock)
- Access to family physicians 174B:1030-1035
- Access to family physicians and primary health care services 187B:1425-1430
- Access to information and minister's advisory council on children with support needs 150B:1415
- Action on gas prices 166B:1405, 202B:1025
- Affordability issues and transit fares 173B:1410-1415
- Ambulance response times and service management 236B:1405-1410
- Child care fees and subsidies for child care providers 176B:1520-1525
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 184B:1040-1045, 195B:1050
- Death of community living client and prior access to supports 219B:1120-1125
- Funding for Directions Youth Detox services 180B:1355
- Government response to overdose deaths 143B:1420-1425
- Health Committee terms of reference and timeline 170B:1100-1105
- New Foundry centres and integrated child and youth teams 156B:1100-1105
- Overdose deaths and funding for mental health and addiction services 155B:1430
- Rebate for renters 239B:1515
- Residential mental health care beds in White Rock 244B:1055
- Review panel report on drug toxicity deaths and implementation of recommendations 169B:1415, 197B:1430, 226B:1055
- Seismic upgrades for schools and government funding priorities 212B:1115-1120
- Service model change for children with support needs and consultation process 191B:1040
- Service model change for children with support needs and funding for autism services 246B:1425
- Supply chain issues and access to baby formula 205B:1040
- Kirkpatrick, Karin (West Vancouver–Capilano)
- 2030 Winter Olympics bid proposal and role of First Nations 243B:1425-1430
- Access to family physicians and impact on immigrants to B.C. 194B:1405
- Administrative costs and executives in health care system 240B:1105
- Child care spaces and facility in Oaklands area of Victoria 197B:1415-1420
- COVID-19 public health measures 163B:1030
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 188B:1050-1055, 198B:1030-1035
- Death of youth in care and oversight of contracted child protection services 191B:1050
- Funding for Directions Youth Detox services 180B:1400
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis and activation of Health Committee 169B:1430-1435
- Government action on issues in health care system and role of Health Minister 222B:1430-1435
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 236B:1350
- Government priorities and museum replacement project 211B:1430
- Medical imaging wait times and supply of technicians 247B:1055
- Nurses' concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 201B:1400-1405
- Pension fund investments in Russia 159B:1350-1355
- Response programs for mental health and addiction issues and role of police 244B:1025-1030
- School conditions and repairs and museum replacement project 216B:1055
- Seismic upgrades for schools and government funding priorities 212B:1120
- Service model change for children with support needs and funding for autism services 143B:1435, 208B:1440, 246B:1430
- Kyllo, Greg (Shuswap)
- Lee, Michael (Vancouver-Langara)
- 2030 Winter Olympics bid proposal and role of First Nations 243B:1415-1420
- Action on gas prices 167B:1050
- Community safety in Vancouver and supports for persons with complex care needs 176B:1540-1545
- Community safety in Vancouver's Chinatown 204B:1425-1430
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 181B:1025, 188B:1035-1040
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 229B:1410-1415
- Review panel report on drug toxicity deaths and implementation of recommendations 180B:1410
- Supportive housing and services for persons with complex care needs 184B:1050
- Merrifield, Renee (Kelowna-Mission)
- Access to cancer care services 247B:1050
- Access to family physicians and government funding priorities 212B:1105-1110
- Action on gas prices 167B:1035-1040
- Administrative costs and issues in health care system 237B:1055
- Child care fees and subsidies for child care providers 173B:1420-1425, 177B:1100
- Child care spaces and wait-lists 197B:1425
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 176B:1545, 181B:1040, 188B:1045
- Crime in Kelowna and handling of cases by justice system 225B:1435
- Government action on issues in health care system 218B:1440-1445
- Government action on repeat offenders and directive to Crown counsel 232B:1420-1425
- Hospital staffing and support for health care workers 194B:1425
- Nurses' concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 201B:1420
- Residential tenancy branch handling of tenant issues 239B:1510-1515
- Service model change for children with support needs and funding for autism services 205B:1050
- Staff concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 202B:1050
- Supportive housing and services for persons with complex care needs 184B:1055
- Milobar, Peter (Kamloops–North Thompson)
- Morris, Mike (Prince George–Mackenzie)
- Oakes, Coralee (Cariboo North)
- Forest policy changes and forest industry jobs and worker supports 153B:1035-1040
- Government response to Lytton fire and access to properties 147B:1415
- Proposed medical school at Simon Fraser University 174B:1050
- Olsen, Adam (Saanich North and the Islands)
- Access by Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Nations to child welfare records 218B:1430-1440
- Access to free contraception 167B:1040-1045
- Action on climate change and use of wood pellets 223B:1040-1045
- Action plan for implementation of Indigenous rights legislation 159B:1400
- Affordable housing and real estate investment trusts 191B:1030-1035
- Coastal GasLink pipeline project and government response to protests 225B:1430
- Coastal GasLink pipeline project environmental compliance and enforcement 225B:1430
- Consultation on spraying of glyphosate on First Nations lands 177B:1050
- Divestment from Russia and Russian involvement in B.C. pipeline projects 162B:1405-1410
- Drax operations in B.C. and production of wood pellets 223B:1045
- Education funding and impact of inflation on school district costs 240B:1050-1055
- Environmental assessment for Bamberton quarry expansion proposal 244B:1035-1040
- Food security and Indigenous access to food resources 180B:1400-1405
- Forests legislation and protection of biodiversity 153B:1030-1035
- Funding and status of primary health care services 190B:1410-1415
- Government action on climate change and policies on LNG development 184B:1045-1050
- HousingHub program and non-market housing 166B:1410-1415
- Implementation of recommendations from Police Act reform committee 204B:1415-1420
- Income and disability assistance rates 251B:1050-1055
- Indigenous harvesting rights and spraying of glyphosate on First Nations lands 180B:1405
- LNG development impacts and government support for industry 176B:1525-1530
- Museum replacement project and relationship with Indigenous communities 209B:1045-1050
- Natural gas fracking and environmental impacts on Indigenous communities 198B:1040-1045
- Primary health care services and private providers 239B:1505-1510
- Primary health care services in Saanich North and the Islands 147B:1405-1410
- Protection of public and workers from health impacts of climate change and wildfire smoke 216B:1045-1050
- Resource development projects and violence against Indigenous women and girls 205B:1035
- Resource management and conservation funding 159B:1400-1405
- Review of Mental Health Act 204B:1415, 246B:1410-1415
- Service model change for children with support needs and funding for autism services 156B:1045-1050, 253B:1420-1425
- Services for adults with eating disorders on Vancouver Island 197B:1410-1415
- Telus Health services 150B:1405-1410
- Telus Health services and private providers of primary health care 190B:1405-1410
- Violence against Indigenous women and girls and funding for prevention services 205B:1040
- Paton, Ian (Delta South)
- Ross, Ellis (Skeena)
- Rustad, John (Nechako Lakes)
- Shypitka, Tom (Kootenay East)
- Conditions at East Kootenay Regional Hospital 201B:1420
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 188B:1055
- Government action on issues in health care system 219B:1115
- Stone, Todd (Kamloops–South Thompson)
- 2030 Winter Olympics bid proposal and role of First Nations 243B:1420-1425
- Access to family physicians and comments by Health Minister 205B:1030-1035
- Access to family physicians and impact on hospital staff and services 194B:1410
- Access to family physicians and primary health care services 190B:1400-1405
- Access to information on rebuilding of Lytton 150B:1410-1415
- Access to non-prescription pain medication for children 247B:1055-1100
- Action on community safety and role of incoming Premier 233B:1125-1135
- Action on community safety and role of Premier 250B:1420-1425
- Action on gas prices 225B:1435-1440
- Action on gas prices and carbon tax rebate 170B:1030-1035
- Administrative costs and issues in health care system 237B:1050
- Affordability issues and museum replacement project 208B:1430-1435
- Affordability issues and salaries for Premier and cabinet ministers 155B:1405-1410
- Affordability issues and salary increase for MLAs 226B:1035-1040
- B.C. Housing audit and agenda for Public Accounts Committee 254B:1050
- Business plan for museum replacement project 209B:1035-1040
- Conditions at hospitals and whistleblower protection for health care workers 198B:1050-1055
- COVID-19 relief grants for live events industry 148B:1035-1040
- Crime in communities and action on community safety 181B:1050, 240B:1040-1045
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 195B:1035-1040
- Death of youth in care and oversight of contracted child protection services 191B:1050-1055
- Government action on issues in health care system 218B:1450
- Government action on issues in health care system and role of Health Minister 222B:1435
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 229B:1420-1425
- Government priorities and museum replacement project 211B:1415-1420, 212B:1125, 215B:1410-1415
- Government response to Lytton fire and access to properties 147B:1410-1415
- InBC Investment Corp. activities and sale of personal health information 151B:1045
- International energy supply and B.C. LNG projects 159B:1410-1415, 162B:1400-1405
- Management of B.C. Housing and Atira property services 251B:1045-1050
- Management of B.C. Housing and termination of board 253B:1415
- Mental health services for youth and new Foundry centres 156B:1055-1100
- Nurses' concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 201B:1355-1400
- Property taxes for small businesses and split assessment proposal 177B:1055-1100
- Response programs for mental health and addiction issues and role of police 246B:1405-1410
- Restaurant patio permits 166B:1420-1425
- Review panel report on drug toxicity deaths and implementation of recommendations 169B:1430, 180B:1415
- Staff concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 202B:1050-1055
- Student housing 183B:1410
- Sturdy, Jordan (West Vancouver–Sea to Sky)
- Sturko, Elenore (Surrey South)
- Wat, Teresa (Richmond North Centre)
Oral questions by subject See also Oral questions by member
- Agriculture
- Budget and economy
- Children and youth
- Access to information and minister's advisory council on children with support needs (Dean) 150B:1415 (Halford) 150B:1415
- Child care fees and subsidies for child care providers (Bond) 176B:1515-1520 (Chen) 173B:1425, 176B:1515-1525, 177B:1100-1105 (Halford) 176B:1520-1525 (Merrifield) 173B:1420-1425, 177B:1100
- Child care spaces and facility in Oaklands area of Victoria (Chen) 197B:1420-1425 (Kirkpatrick) 197B:1415-1420
- Child care spaces and wait-lists (Chen) 197B:1425-1430 (Merrifield) 197B:1425
- Death of youth in care and oversight of contracted child protection services (Bond) 191B:1045 (Dean) 191B:1045-1055 (Kirkpatrick) 191B:1050 (Stone) 191B:1050-1055
- Lawsuit by former children in government care and funding of child protection system (Dean) 151B:1035 (Furstenau) 151B:1030-1035
- Oversight of group homes for youth in care (Dean) 194B:1415-1420 (Furstenau) 194B:1415-1420
- Service model change for children with support needs and consultation process (Dean) 191B:1040-1045 (Halford) 191B:1040
- Service model change for children with support needs and funding for autism services (Dean) 143B:1435-1445, 156B:1045-1050, 205B:1050, 208B:1440-1445, 211B:1410-1415, 246B:1425-1430, 253B:1420-1425 (Falcon) 211B:1410 (Halford) 246B:1425 (Kirkpatrick) 143B:1435, 208B:1440, 246B:1430 (Merrifield) 205B:1050 (Milobar) 143B:1440-1445 (Olsen) 156B:1045-1050, 253B:1420-1425
- Supply chain issues and access to baby formula (Dix) 205B:1040-1045 (Halford) 205B:1040
- Cost of living and affordability
- COVID-19
- Crime and community safety
- Action on community safety and role of incoming Premier (Farnworth) 233B:1125-1140, 236B:1355-1400 (Milobar) 236B:1355-1400 (Stone) 233B:1125-1135
- Action on community safety and role of Premier (Bond) 250B:1430 (Eby) 250B:1405-1420, 250B:1425-1435 (Falcon) 250B:1400-1410 (Stone) 250B:1420-1425 (Sturko) 250B:1415-1420
- Attacks by repeat offenders and action on justice system reforms (Farnworth) 232B:1435-1445, 233B:1120-1125 (Milobar) 232B:1435-1440 (Sturko) 232B:1440-1445, 233B:1115-1120
- Attacks by repeat offenders and handling of cases by justice system (Rankin) 223B:1035-1040 (Sturko) 223B:1035-1040
- Community safety in Vancouver and supports for persons with complex care needs (Lee) 176B:1540-1545 (Malcolmson) 176B:1540-1545
- Community safety in Vancouver's Chinatown (Eby) 181B:1045, 195B:1045-1050, 204B:1430 (Lee) 204B:1425-1430 (Wat) 181B:1040-1045, 195B:1045
- Crime in communities and action on community safety (de Jong) 204B:1420-1425 (Eby) 181B:1050, 204B:1420-1425, 204B:1435 (Milobar) 204B:1430-1435 (Rankin) 240B:1040-1045 (Stone) 181B:1050, 240B:1040-1045
- Crime in communities and government response to report on repeat offenders (de Jong) 223B:1045-1050 (Falcon) 223B:1025-1030 (Rankin) 223B:1025-1035, 223B:1050-1055
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system (Banman) 188B:1045-1050 (Bond) 184B:1035-1040, 188B:1025-1030, 195B:1020-1025 (Doerkson) 181B:1050, 184B:1055-1100, 195B:1045 (Eby) 176B:1545, 181B:1025-1055, 184B:1035-1045, 184B:1100-1105, 188B:1030-1100, 195B:1020-1050, 198B:1030-1035 (Falcon) 225B:1410-1415 (Farnworth) 225B:1415-1425 (Halford) 184B:1040-1045, 195B:1050 (Kirkpatrick) 188B:1050-1055, 198B:1030-1035 (Lee) 181B:1025, 188B:1035-1040 (Merrifield) 176B:1545, 181B:1040, 188B:1045 (Milobar) 181B:1050-1055, 195B:1025-1030 (Morris) 181B:1045, 184B:1100, 188B:1050, 195B:1040 (Rankin) 225B:1410-1415, 225B:1425 (Ross) 181B:1030, 184B:1100-1105 (Shypitka) 188B:1055 (Stone) 195B:1035-1040 (Sturko) 225B:1420-1425
- Crime in Kelowna and handling of cases by justice system (Merrifield) 225B:1435 (Rankin) 225B:1435
- Crime in Terrace and handling of cases by justice system (Eby) 176B:1535-1540 (Rankin) 223B:1055 (Ross) 176B:1535, 223B:1055
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities (Bond) 230B:1040 (Falcon) 229B:1405-1410, 230B:1025-1035 (Farnworth) 230B:1030-1035 (Horgan) 229B:1405 (Kirkpatrick) 236B:1350 (Lee) 229B:1410-1415 (Milobar) 229B:1430-1435 (Rankin) 229B:1410-1415, 229B:1425-1435, 230B:1040-1045, 236B:1350-1355, 240B:1045-1050 (Stone) 229B:1420-1425 (Sturko) 229B:1430, 240B:1045-1050
- Government action on repeat offenders and directive to Crown counsel (de Jong) 232B:1430 (Falcon) 232B:1415 (Farnworth) 243B:1410 (Merrifield) 232B:1420-1425 (Rankin) 232B:1415-1425, 232B:1435, 243B:1405 (Sturko) 243B:1405-1410
- Government action on repeat offenders and proposal for dedicated Crown counsel (Morris) 232B:1435 (Rankin) 232B:1435
- Government action on repeat offenders and role of Crown counsel (de Jong) 230B:1055-1100 (Morris) 230B:1050 (Rankin) 230B:1050-1100
- Incidents in northwest B.C. and action on community safety (Bond) 243B:1400-1405 (Farnworth) 243B:1400 (Rankin) 243B:1405
- Education and schools
- Emergencies
- Employment standards
- Energy
- Environment and climate change
- Fires and firefighting
- First Nations and Indigenous issues
- Forest industry
- Freedom of information
- Fuel
- Action on gas prices (Bond) 167B:1030-1035 (Cadieux) 162B:1415-1420 (Davies) 167B:1045 (Doerkson) 162B:1420 (Farnworth) 167B:1030-1055, 202B:1025-1035 (Halford) 166B:1405, 202B:1025 (Horgan) 162B:1420-1425, 166B:1405-1410 (Kyllo) 167B:1050 (Lee) 167B:1050 (Merrifield) 167B:1035-1040 (Milobar) 162B:1410-1415, 166B:1405-1410, 198B:1035-1040, 202B:1025-1030, 208B:1440 (Ralston) 162B:1410-1420, 198B:1035-1040, 208B:1440, 225B:1440 (Stone) 225B:1435-1440 (Sturdy) 167B:1055
- Action on gas prices and carbon tax rebate (Milobar) 170B:1040-1045 (Ralston) 170B:1030-1045 (Stone) 170B:1030-1035
- Action on gas prices and fuel rebate for drivers (Bond) 173B:1405-1410 (Horgan) 173B:1405-1410
- Government and Legislature
- Health care services
- Access to abortion services and reproductive health care (Dix) 211B:1425 (Furstenau) 211B:1420-1425
- Access to cancer care services (Bond) 247B:1035-1040 (Dix) 247B:1030-1045, 247B:1050-1055 (Falcon) 247B:1030-1035 (Merrifield) 247B:1050
- Access to family physicians (Bond) 174B:1025-1030, 204B:1405 (Dix) 174B:1025-1035, 204B:1405-1415 (Halford) 174B:1030-1035 (Sturdy) 204B:1410-1415
- Access to family physicians and comments by Health Minister (Bond) 205B:1025-1030 (Dix) 205B:1025-1035 (Stone) 205B:1030-1035
- Access to family physicians and government funding priorities (Bond) 212B:1055-1100 (Dix) 212B:1055-1110 (Merrifield) 212B:1105-1110
- Access to family physicians and impact on hospital staff and services (Bond) 194B:1430-1435 (Dix) 194B:1410, 194B:1420, 194B:1435 (Doerkson) 194B:1420 (Horgan) 194B:1410 (Stone) 194B:1410
- Access to family physicians and impact on immigrants to B.C. (Horgan) 194B:1405-1410 (Kirkpatrick) 194B:1405
- Access to family physicians and management of primary care system (Dix) 212B:1115 (Furstenau) 212B:1110-1115
- Access to family physicians and primary health care services (Banman) 187B:1420-1425 (Bond) 187B:1415-1420 (Dix) 187B:1415-1425, 190B:1405 (Halford) 187B:1425-1430 (Horgan) 187B:1430 (Stone) 190B:1400-1405
- Access to family physicians and role of urgent and primary care centres (Dix) 187B:1410-1415 (Furstenau) 187B:1410
- Access to free contraception (Dix) 167B:1040-1045 (Olsen) 167B:1040-1045
- Access to non-prescription pain medication for children (Dix) 247B:1100 (Stone) 247B:1055-1100
- Access to primary health care and diagnostic services (Dix) 148B:1030-1035 (Furstenau) 148B:1030-1035
- Accountability for issues in health care system (Dix) 222B:1425 (Furstenau) 222B:1425-1430 (Horgan) 222B:1430
- Administrative costs and executives in health care system (Dix) 240B:1105-1110 (Doerkson) 240B:1100-1105 (Kirkpatrick) 240B:1105
- Administrative costs and issues in health care system (Dix) 237B:1050-1100 (Merrifield) 237B:1055 (Stone) 237B:1050
- Ambulance response times and service management (Dix) 236B:1405-1410 (Halford) 236B:1405-1410
- Ambulance service and service management (Bond) 218B:1425-1430 (Dix) 218B:1430 (Falcon) 218B:1420-1425 (Horgan) 218B:1420-1425
- Call for all-party working group on health care (Furstenau) 222B:1430 (Horgan) 222B:1430
- Conditions at East Kootenay Regional Hospital (Dix) 201B:1420 (Shypitka) 201B:1420
- Conditions at hospitals and whistleblower protection for health care workers (Dix) 198B:1045-1055 (Doerkson) 198B:1045-1050 (Stone) 198B:1050-1055
- Death of child after hospital care and family access to information (Bond) 219B:1100 (Dix) 219B:1055-1105 (Falcon) 219B:1055
- Funding and status of primary health care services (Dix) 190B:1415 (Olsen) 190B:1410-1415
- Government action on issues in health care system (Dix) 218B:1440-1455, 219B:1110-1115, 254B:1045-1050 (Doerkson) 219B:1110 (Merrifield) 218B:1440-1445 (Milobar) 218B:1445 (Rustad) 254B:1045-1050 (Shypitka) 219B:1115 (Stone) 218B:1450
- Government action on issues in health care system and pediatric care (Dix) 247B:1045-1050 (Furstenau) 247B:1045-1050
- Government action on issues in health care system and role of Health Minister (Bond) 222B:1415-1420, 226B:1100, 236B:1415-1420, 240B:1110, 254B:1030-1035 (Dix) 222B:1410-1425, 222B:1435-1440, 226B:1105, 236B:1410-1420, 240B:1110-1115, 254B:1035-1040 (Doerkson) 236B:1410 (Eby) 254B:1025-1030 (Falcon) 222B:1410-1415, 254B:1025-1030 (Kirkpatrick) 222B:1430-1435 (Milobar) 222B:1440 (Stone) 222B:1435
- Health care funding and government priorities (Bond) 211B:1425 (Horgan) 211B:1430
- Health care issues and role of urgent and primary care centres (Bond) 198B:1100-1105 (Dix) 198B:1100-1105
- Health care issues and whistleblower protection for health care workers (Banman) 190B:1415-1420 (Dix) 190B:1420-1425 (Milobar) 190B:1420-1425
- Health care system use of nurses from private agencies (Bond) 237B:1035-1040 (Dix) 237B:1030-1040 (Falcon) 237B:1025-1030
- Hospital capacity on Vancouver Island (Dix) 188B:1040 (Furstenau) 188B:1040
- Hospital staffing and support for health care workers (Bernier) 194B:1430 (Dix) 194B:1425-1430 (Merrifield) 194B:1425 (Milobar) 194B:1420-1425
- Issues in health care system and museum replacement project (Bond) 215B:1425 (Dix) 215B:1425-1430
- Medical imaging wait times and supply of technicians (Dix) 247B:1055 (Kirkpatrick) 247B:1055
- Nurses' concerns and government action on issues in health care system (Bond) 202B:1040-1045 (Dix) 202B:1040-1045
- Nurses' concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues (Dix) 201B:1355-1420 (Doerkson) 201B:1410 (Kirkpatrick) 201B:1400-1405 (Merrifield) 201B:1420 (Milobar) 201B:1415 (Stone) 201B:1355-1400
- Nurses' concerns on conditions at hospitals and health human resources strategy (Dix) 201B:1425
- Nurses' working conditions and culture (Dix) 201B:1405-1410 (Furstenau) 201B:1405-1410
- Physician supply and bargaining mandate on master agreement (Dix) 174B:1055 (Milobar) 174B:1055
- Physician supply and training and foreign-trained physicians (de Jong) 174B:1040-1045 (Dix) 174B:1045-1050
- Primary health care services and health human resources strategy (Bond) 190B:1355-1400 (Dix) 190B:1355-1400
- Primary health care services and private providers (Dix) 239B:1505-1510 (Olsen) 239B:1505-1510
- Primary health care services in Saanich North and the Islands (Dix) 147B:1405-1410 (Olsen) 147B:1405-1410
- Private providers of health care and government support for public system (Dix) 254B:1040-1045 (Furstenau) 254B:1040-1045
- Proposed medical school at Simon Fraser University (Dix) 174B:1050 (Oakes) 174B:1050
- Proposed medical school at Simon Fraser University and museum replacement project (Banman) 219B:1120 (Dix) 216B:1035-1040, 219B:1120 (Falcon) 216B:1030-1035
- Services for adults with eating disorders on Vancouver Island (Dean) 197B:1410-1415 (Olsen) 197B:1410-1415
- Staff concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues (Dix) 202B:1045-1055 (Doerkson) 202B:1045 (Merrifield) 202B:1050 (Stone) 202B:1050-1055
- Staffing shortages and action on issues in health care system (Dix) 215B:1420-1425 (Furstenau) 215B:1415-1420
- Staffing shortages in health care system (Bond) 216B:1040-1045 (Dix) 216B:1040-1045
- Telus Health services (Dix) 150B:1405-1410, 170B:1045-1050 (Furstenau) 170B:1045 (Olsen) 150B:1405-1410
- Telus Health services and private providers of primary health care (Dix) 190B:1410, 202B:1035-1040 (Furstenau) 202B:1035 (Olsen) 190B:1405-1410
- Housing and real estate
- Income assistance
- International relations
- Justice system
- Mental health and substance use issues
- Drug use deaths and access to safe supply (Furstenau) 163B:1040-1045, 169B:1420-1425 (Malcolmson) 163B:1045-1050, 169B:1425-1430
- Funding for Directions Youth Detox services (Halford) 180B:1355 (Kirkpatrick) 180B:1400 (Malcolmson) 180B:1355-1400, 180B:1425 (Milobar) 180B:1420
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis and activation of Health Committee (de Jong) 169B:1435 (Horgan) 169B:1435-1440 (Kirkpatrick) 169B:1430-1435
- Government action on mental health and addiction issues (Farnworth) 244B:1045 (Malcolmson) 244B:1050-1055 (Ross) 244B:1050 (Sturko) 244B:1040-1050
- Government response to overdose deaths (Bond) 143B:1415-1420 (Halford) 143B:1420-1425 (Horgan) 143B:1415-1420 (Malcolmson) 143B:1420-1425
- Health Committee terms of reference and timeline (Farnworth) 170B:1100-1105 (Halford) 170B:1100-1105
- Inclusion of psychologists in primary health care networks (Furstenau) 181B:1035 (Malcolmson) 181B:1040
- Mandatory treatment for mental illness and addiction (Malcolmson) 246B:1420-1425 (Ross) 246B:1420-1425
- Mental health services for youth and new Foundry centres (Malcolmson) 156B:1055-1100 (Stone) 156B:1055-1100
- Mental health supports for health care workers (Dix) 181B:1035 (Furstenau) 181B:1035
- New Foundry centres and integrated child and youth teams (Halford) 156B:1100-1105 (Malcolmson) 156B:1105
- Overdose deaths and funding for mental health and addiction services (Halford) 155B:1430 (Robinson) 155B:1430
- Residential mental health care beds in White Rock (Halford) 244B:1055 (Malcolmson) 244B:1055
- Response programs for mental health and addiction issues and role of police (Bond) 246B:1400-1405 (Kirkpatrick) 244B:1025-1030 (Malcolmson) 244B:1025-1035, 246B:1400-1410 (Milobar) 244B:1030-1035 (Stone) 246B:1405-1410
- Review of Mental Health Act (Eby) 195B:1030-1035, 204B:1415 (Furstenau) 195B:1030-1035 (Malcolmson) 246B:1415-1420 (Olsen) 204B:1415, 246B:1410-1415
- Review panel report on drug toxicity deaths and implementation of recommendations (Bond) 169B:1405-1410, 170B:1050-1055 (Doerkson) 170B:1055-1100 (Halford) 169B:1415, 197B:1430, 226B:1055 (Horgan) 169B:1410 (Lee) 180B:1410 (Malcolmson) 169B:1415-1420, 169B:1430, 170B:1050-1100, 180B:1410-1415, 197B:1430, 226B:1100 (Stone) 169B:1430, 180B:1415
- Supportive housing and services for persons with complex care needs (Eby) 184B:1050 (Lee) 184B:1050 (Malcolmson) 184B:1055 (Merrifield) 184B:1055
- Youth mental health and addiction services and stabilization care legislation (Davies) 180B:1415-1420 (Malcolmson) 180B:1415-1420
- Oil and gas
- Coastal GasLink pipeline project environmental compliance and enforcement (Heyman) 225B:1430 (Olsen) 225B:1430
- Government policies on fossil fuel industry (Eby) 250B:1420 (Furstenau) 250B:1420
- Government policies on fossil fuel industry and expansion of LNG Canada project (Furstenau) 243B:1410-1415 (Ralston) 243B:1410-1415
- LNG development policies and comments by Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development (Farnworth) 167B:1100 (Ross) 167B:1055-1100
- Olympic Games
- Police services
- Restaurant and food services industry
- Royal British Columbia Museum
- Social services
- Taxation
- Transportation and transit services
- Water
The Orca
- Article on debate on freedom-of-information legislation by Citizens' Services Minister (Olsen) 143B:1510-1515
Orca Book Publishers
Order of British Columbia
- Occupational health and safety (Olsen) 216B:1050
Organs and tissues See also particular organs
Orphan wells See Wells under Oil and gas
Osisko Development Corp,
Osisko Development Corp.
O'Soup, Noelle
Osoyoos Indian Band
Our Womxn Are Sacred Walk
Out of the Stands
Outdoor recreation See Sports and recreation
Oz, Moshe and Noa