Third Session, 42nd Parliament – 2022
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
topics, places, people
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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ICBC See Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
ICE fund See Innovative clean energy fund under Energy
IHRA See International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
IMIT See Information technology under Government
Immaculata Regional High School, Kelowna, B.C.
- Immigrants to B.C.
- Refugees
- refugees (Singh, A.) 166B:1400
- Ukrainian refugees settling in Canada See also Ukrainian refugees in B.C. below
- Ukrainian refugees settling in Canada and supports (Cullen) 240B:1030-1035 (Furstenau) 240B:1040 (Stone) 240B:1035
- Ukrainian refugees in B.C.
Immunization See Public health; particular viruses and conditions
In Plain Sight report
Inaugural speeches by members See First speeches by members
InBC Investment Corp.
Inclusion Langley Society
Income See also Poverty; Wages and salaries
- Affordability and cost of living issues See Consumers
- Healthy eating for low-income families, farmers market nutrition coupon program See Healthy eating under Healthy lifestyle and physical fitness
- Income disparity and social inequality
- systemic issues and government action (Routledge) 152B:1600
Income assistance
Income Tax Act
Income Tax Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 35)
Independent power producers See Energy
Indian Arm Park See Say Nuth Khaw Yum Park
Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association
Indigenous Disability Awareness Month
Indigenous Names Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill M209)
Indigenous peoples See First Nations and Indigenous persons
Indigenous Peoples See First Nations and Indigenous persons; Métis
Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Ministry
Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Ministry
- Estimates
- Minister, comments on Aboriginal Affairs Committee (Bond) 156B:1120
Indigenous Self-Government in Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Bill 38)
- (Minister of Children and Family Development) 1R, 239B:1345; 2R, 247B:1120-1150, 248B:1300-1550, 250B:1455-1755; C, 252A:1605-2040, 253A:1450-2145, 254A:1110-1145, 255A:1325-1435; 3R, 255B:1440; RA, 255B:1715
- Address by Indigenous leaders (Appendix) (Braker, H.) 239B:1410-1415 (Falcon) 239B:1425-1430 (Horgan) 239B:1415-1425 (Jack, J.) 239B:1400-1405 (Olsen) 239B:1430-1435 (Speaker) 239B:1435 (Wilson, J.) 239B:1350-1400
- Debate, speakers (de Jong) 250B:1725-1750 (Dean) 239B:1345, 247B:1120-1135, 250B:1750, 252A:1610-2040, 253A:1450-2145, 254A:1115-1145, 255A:1325-1330, 255A:1345-1435 (Furstenau) 250B:1640-1710, 252A:1710-1730 (Kirkpatrick) 247B:1135-1150, 248B:1300-1315, 252A:1605, 252A:1710, 252A:1800-1805, 252A:1905, 252A:2025, 252A:2030-2040, 253A:1500-1525, 253A:1635-1640, 253A:1650-1700, 253A:1735, 253A:1745-1755, 253A:1805-1815, 253A:1825, 253A:2000, 253A:2020, 253A:2030, 253A:2110-2115, 253A:2130-2135, 253A:2145, 254A:1140, 255A:1325, 255A:1355-1435 (Lee) 248B:1340-1545, 252A:1605-1710, 252A:1755-1800, 252A:1810-1850, 252A:1905-2025, 253A:1515-1555, 253A:1605, 253A:1645-1650, 253A:1705-1730, 253A:1745-1750-1910, 253A:1925, 253A:1940-1955, 253A:2005-2020, 253A:2030-2140, 254A:1110-1145, 255A:1330-1435 (Morris) 250B:1710-1720 (Olsen) 250B:1525-1630, 252A:1855-1900, 252A:2030, 253A:1450-1500, 253A:1600, 253A:1640-1645, 253A:1655-1705, 253A:1735-1740, 253A:1910-1920, 253A:1935-1940 (Paddon) 248B:1545-1550, 250B:1455-1500 (Ross) 250B:1500-1525, 253A:1605-1615 (Simons) 248B:1315-1340 (Sturko) 250B:1630-1640
- Address to House by Indigenous leaders (Farnworth) 239B:1345
Indo-Canadians See South Asian community under Asian Canadians
Industry Training Authority See also Skills training
Infant formula See Maternity and pregnancy
Inflation See also Consumers
Influenza virus
Information and communications technology
- Cellular phones
- Digital and interactive media industry See also Video games
- digital media and visual arts industry and education (Wat) 144B:1100, 156B:1015
- industry and skills training (Dykeman) 143B:1835-1840
- virtual reality See Virtual reality below
- visual effects achievements and awards (Bailey) 207B:1110
- High-speed Internet service
- Internet service expansion initiative (Banman) 184A:1130 (Beare) 184A:1130-1135, 185A:1430 (Robinson) 154B:1350 (Throne speech) 142B:1445
- Tax on online marketplace services See Business
- Virtual reality
- augmented reality and virtual reality sector (Bailey) 207B:1110
- metaverse development and uses (Bailey) 202B:1015
- Visual effects See Digital and interactive media industry above
- Web3 (Bailey) 202B:1015
Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Annual report, 2021-22, tabled (Speaker) 222B:1445
- Comments on release of personal health information (Falcon) 219B:1055
- Former commissioner See Flaherty, David
- Registrar of Lobbyists
- annual report, 2021-22, tabled (Speaker) 222B:1445
- Determination Decision 22-01, Cisco Systems Canada Co, Shannon Leininger, tabled (Speaker) 256B:1200
- Reconsideration Report 22-01, Shannon Leininger, tabled (Speaker) 256B:1200
Ing, George
- Military and community service (Wat) 147B:1350
Inglewood Care Centre, West Vancouver, B.C.
- Wages and employment for health care workers (Chant) 242B:1020
Innovation Building Group
Innovative clean energy fund See Energy
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
Insurance (Vehicle) Act
Integrated Pest Management Act
Integrated resource plan See British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
Interest rates
Interfor See International Forest Products Ltd.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Interior Health Authority
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
International Firefighters Day
International Forest Products Ltd.
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
International Joint Commission
International Transgender Day of Visibility
International Women's Day
Internet See Information and communications technology
Introductions by members
- Alexis, Pam (Abbotsford-Mission) 212B:1025, 226B:1010, 253B:1340
- Anderson, Brittny (Nelson-Creston) 143B:1340, 160B:1005-1010, 166B:1335, 176B:1455-1500, 205B:1000-1005, 208B:1345, 229B:1340, 232B:1345, 236B:1335, 243B:1340, 244B:1005, 246A:1740, 250B:1335, 254B:1005
- Ashton, Dan (Penticton) 219B:1030, 232B:1345, 237B:1010
- Babchuk, Michele (North Island) 219B:1025, 253B:1345
- Bailey, Brenda (Vancouver–False Creek) 159B:1335, 167B:1010, 194B:1345, 229B:1340, 250B:1340, 251B:1015, 253B:1340
- Bains, Hon. Harry (Surrey-Newton) 148B:1005, 153B:1015, 169B:1335, 173B:1335, 184B:1005, 194B:1335, 196B:1330, 211B:1340, 213B:1340, 219B:1010, 223B:1005, 231B:1440-1445, 237B:1005, 251B:1005
- Banman, Bruce (Abbotsford South) 191B:1005, 208B:1345, 209B:1010, 212B:1025, 240B:1010
- Beare, Hon. Lisa (Maple Ridge–Pitt Meadows) 173B:1345, 174B:1010, 218B:1355, 229B:1340, 240B:1010, 244B:1005
- Begg, Garry (Surrey-Guildford) 155B:1335, 197B:1335, 244B:1010
- Bernier, Mike (Peace River South) 143B:1345, 208B:1335
- Bond, Shirley (Prince George–Valemount) 143B:1335, 160B:1005, 174B:1005, 177B:1010, 201B:1330-1335, 208B:1340, 212B:1005, 251B:1005
- Brar, Jagrup (Surrey-Fleetwood) 221B:1000-1005, 232B:1340-1345
- Cadieux, Stephanie (Surrey South) 143B:1340, 166B:1340-1345, 191B:1005
- Chandra Herbert, Spencer (Vancouver–West End) 167B:1010, 174B:1010, 177B:1015, 191B:1005, 216B:1010, 223B:1010, 236B:1330-1335
- Chant, Susie (North Vancouver–Seymour) 166B:1340, 173B:1340, 177B:1015, 183B:1340, 184B:1015, 211B:1345, 212B:1020, 229B:1435, 250B:1345
- Chen, Hon. Katrina (Burnaby-Lougheed) 155B:1335, 163B:1010, 194B:1435, 211B:1340, 218B:1345, 222B:1335, 226B:1010, 229B:1330-1335, 230B:1010, 237B:1005, 240B:1010, 250B:1340
- Chouhan, Raj (Burnaby-Edmonds) (Speaker of the Legislative Assembly) 180B:1340, 190B:1340, 197B:1345, 219B:1035, 241B:1300
- Chow, Hon. George (Vancouver-Fraserview) 170B:1105, 226B:1010, 240B:1010, 243B:1340
- Clovechok, Doug (Columbia River–Revelstoke) 167B:1005, 202B:1005, 204B:1335, 225B:1345, 230B:1010
- Conroy, Hon. Katrine (Kootenay West) 155B:1335, 176B:1455, 177B:1015, 204B:1345, 226B:1010, 230B:1005, 240B:1010, 246B:1330-1335, 250B:1335, 251B:1110
- Coulter, Dan (Chilliwack) 155B:1335, 163B:1005, 171B:1435, 176B:1445-1450, 177B:1020, 183B:1345, 184B:1005, 190B:1335-1340, 194B:1335, 202B:1010, 212B:1025, 215B:1335, 216B:1005-1010, 218B:1335, 225B:1345, 254B:1005
- Cullen, Hon. Nathan (Stikine) 169B:1340, 212B:1020, 218B:1350
- Davies, Dan (Peace River North) 154B:1330, 169B:1335, 204B:1340-1345, 213B:1355, 219B:1030
- de Jong, Michael (Abbotsford West) 170B:1030, 253B:1335, 254B:1005
- Dean, Hon. Mitzi (Esquimalt-Metchosin) 159B:1330-1335, 170B:1010, 177B:1020, 183B:1340, 190B:1335, 194B:1340, 202B:1000-1005, 215B:1335, 218B:1400, 219B:1005, 232B:1335, 237B:1005, 239B:1340, 244B:1005, 250B:1330, 250B:1345, 251B:1010, 251B:1015, 253B:1345
- D'Eith, Bob (Maple Ridge–Mission) 163B:1005, 173B:1335, 194B:1340, 204B:1340, 211B:1335, 219B:1030, 220B:1300, 229B:1335, 246B:1335-1340, 251B:1005, 253B:1335
- Dix, Hon. Adrian (Vancouver-Kingsway) 160B:1005, 170B:1005, 187B:1335, 201B:1330, 208B:1340, 212B:1005, 219B:1030, 222B:1330, 230B:1000-1005, 243B:1340, 251B:1005, 254B:1005
- Doerkson, Lorne (Cariboo-Chilcotin) 177B:1010, 183B:1335-1340, 191B:1005, 195B:1005, 215B:1330, 218B:1355, 251B:1005
- Donnelly, Fin (Coquitlam–Burke Mountain) 162B:1755, 184B:1010, 204B:1340
- Dykeman, Megan (Langley East) 147B:1330, 155B:1330, 156B:1005, 159B:1330, 169B:1340, 173B:1335, 177B:1005, 201B:1335, 202B:1000, 208B:1340, 219B:1025, 226B:1015, 232B:1335, 237B:1010, 250B:1345
- Eby, Hon. David (Vancouver–Point Grey) 159B:1335, 180B:1335
- Elmore, Mable (Vancouver-Kensington) 160B:1010, 170B:1005, 173B:1340, 190B:1335, 202B:1005, 205B:1010, 215B:1340, 218B:1345-1350, 219B:1035, 227B:1355, 227B:1420, 230B:1010, 246B:1340, 253B:1345
- Falcon, Kevin (Vancouver-Quilchena) 208B:1400, 211B:1350, 218B:1335, 219B:1010, 222B:1340, 233B:1005, 239B:1340
- Farnworth, Hon. Mike (Port Coquitlam) 148B:1005, 176B:1450, 177B:1010, 184B:1005, 209B:1005, 216B:1005, 218B:1340, 219B:1010, 253B:1345
- Fleming, Hon. Rob (Victoria–Swan Lake) 169B:1335, 225B:1340, 226B:1005-1010, 243B:1330-1335, 244B:1005, 247B:1010
- Furstenau, Sonia (Cowichan Valley) 147B:1330, 152B:1300, 155B:1335-1340, 156B:1010, 163B:1005, 166B:1340, 169B:1335, 174B:1005, 177B:1010, 183B:1340, 188B:1025, 191B:1005, 194B:1340, 201B:1340, 212B:1025, 215B:1335-1340, 216B:1015, 218B:1400, 222B:1335, 225B:1350
- Glumac, Rick (Port Moody–Coquitlam) 147B:1330, 162B:1335, 163B:1005, 188B:1005, 229B:1340
- Greene, Kelly (Richmond-Steveston) 202B:1005, 218B:1340, 219B:1020, 251B:1010
- Halford, Trevor (Surrey–White Rock) 143B:1340, 197B:1340, 204B:1340, 208B:1330-1335, 212B:1015, 214B:1000, 216B:1010, 223B:1005, 229B:1350, 246B:1340, 253B:1340
- Heyman, Hon. George (Vancouver-Fairview) 183B:1335, 187B:1335, 216B:1010, 217B:1455, 218B:1340-1345, 219B:1015, 226B:1005
- Horgan, Hon. John (Langford–Juan de Fuca) 143B:1335-1340, 169B:1330-1335, 187B:1355-1400, 208B:1335, 211B:1340, 222B:1335, 233B:1000-1005, 236B:1335
- Kahlon, Hon. Ravi (Delta North) 162B:1330-1335, 192B:1405, 194B:1340, 198B:1005, 211B:1335, 229B:1335, 240B:1010, 243B:1330, 247B:1005-1010
- Kang, Hon. Anne (Burnaby–Deer Lake) 166B:1335, 167B:1005, 176B:1450, 187B:1335-1340, 201B:1335, 208B:1345, 219B:1015, 226B:1005, 229B:1340, 240B:1005
- Kirkpatrick, Karin (West Vancouver–Capilano) 143B:1340, 201B:1335, 250B:1335
- Kyllo, Greg (Shuswap) 143B:1340, 216B:1015, 222B:1335, 223B:1010, 246B:1345, 247B:1010
- Lee, Michael (Vancouver-Langara) 208B:1350, 213B:1445, 222B:1335, 225B:1350, 229B:1345, 231B:1445, 250B:1340
- Leonard, Ronna-Rae (Courtenay-Comox) 176B:1450, 177B:1020, 180B:1335, 188B:1005, 230B:1005, 230B:1025, 250B:1345
- Letnick, Norm (Kelowna–Lake Country) 208B:1335, 212B:1005, 230B:1010, 250B:1345
- Lore, Grace (Victoria–Beacon Hill) 166B:1340, 177B:1005, 196B:1405, 208B:1340-1345, 218B:1715, 219B:1015, 230B:1010, 232B:1340, 242B:1100, 250B:1345, 251B:1015, 253B:1340-1345
- Ma, Hon. Bowinn (North Vancouver–Lonsdale) 156B:1005-1010, 190B:1335, 194B:1340, 197B:1340, 205B:1010, 209B:1105, 211B:1345, 222B:1340, 229B:1340, 246B:1340
- Malcolmson, Hon. Sheila (Nanaimo) 167B:1005-1010, 184B:1015, 194B:1335, 197B:1340, 208B:1335, 212B:1025, 225B:1350, 230B:1010, 247B:1010, 253B:1340
- Mark, Hon. Melanie (Vancouver–Mount Pleasant) 208B:1335, 208B:1340
- Mercier, Andrew (Langley) 152B:1300, 173B:1340, 174B:1000-1005, 195B:1005, 201B:1340, 208B:1335, 229B:1335, 232B:1340, 236B:1330, 250B:1340
- Merrifield, Renee (Kelowna-Mission) 155B:1330-1335, 174B:1010, 177B:1015, 185B:1500, 197B:1330, 209B:1005, 232B:1335, 251B:1010, 253B:1340
- Milobar, Peter (Kamloops–North Thompson) 143B:1345, 147B:1335, 160B:1010, 174B:1005, 204B:1340, 215B:1340, 225B:1335, 229B:1335, 233B:1005, 234B:1300, 244B:1010, 246B:1335
- Oakes, Coralee (Cariboo North) 198B:1005, 204B:1335, 213B:1300, 226B:1015, 229B:1335, 230B:1005, 232B:1335
- Olsen, Adam (Saanich North and the Islands) 166B:1345, 167B:1010, 174B:1005, 176B:1450, 180B:1335, 190B:1335, 197B:1345, 205B:1005-1010, 209B:1005, 212B:1015, 218B:1355, 219B:1010-1015, 226B:1010, 230B:1010, 232B:1335-1340, 239B:1340-1345, 240B:1010
- Osborne, Hon. Josie (Mid Island–Pacific Rim) 144B:1005, 155B:1340, 187B:1340, 197B:1335, 198B:1005, 204B:1340, 210B:1345, 210B:1435
- Paddon, Kelli (Chilliwack-Kent) 147B:1335, 173B:1345, 183B:1345, 208B:1345-1350, 211B:1345, 216B:1015, 219B:1025, 232B:1345
- Paton, Ian (Delta South) 151B:1005, 153B:1015, 163B:1005, 173B:1335, 202B:1010, 204B:1340, 208B:1345, 216B:1010, 222B:1335, 230B:1010, 236B:1335, 253B:1335, 253B:1345, 254B:1005
- Popham, Hon. Lana (Saanich South) 184B:1010-1015, 211B:1335, 216B:1000-1005, 219B:1005, 237B:1005, 251B:1010, 253B:1340
- Ralston, Hon. Bruce (Surrey-Whalley) 162B:1330, 173B:1330-1335, 194B:1340, 201B:1335-1340, 209B:1005, 212B:1010, 216B:1005, 218B:1335, 218B:1340, 219B:1015-1020, 223B:1005, 230B:1005, 232B:1330-1335, 244B:1000, 251B:1000-1005, 253B:1335, 255B:1300
- Rankin, Hon. Murray (Oak Bay–Gordon Head) 160B:1005, 176B:1345, 212B:1005-1010, 223B:1005, 230B:1005, 239B:1340, 250B:1335-1340
- Rice, Jennifer (North Coast) 184B:1010, 216B:1030, 219B:1020, 251B:1015
- Robinson, Hon. Selina (Coquitlam-Maillardville) 147B:1330, 180B:1335, 202B:1005, 204B:1335, 208B:1335, 246B:1335, 247B:1010
- Ross, Ellis (Skeena) 153B:1015, 162B:1335, 176B:1450, 202B:1005, 212B:1010, 225B:1340-1345
- Routledge, Janet (Burnaby North) 180B:1335, 183B:1340, 211B:1345, 225B:1350
- Routley, Doug (Nanaimo–North Cowichan) 167B:1005, 168B:1330, 174B:1005, 184B:1005-1010, 185B:1305, 219B:1035
- Russell, Roly (Boundary-Similkameen) 169B:1345, 176B:1455, 209B:1010, 214B:1000-1005, 218B:1400, 224B:1330, 225B:1350, 234B:1700
- Rustad, John (Nechako Lakes) 167B:1005, 204B:1345
- Sandhu, Harwinder (Vernon-Monashee) 155B:1340, 163B:1010, 173B:1345, 181B:1005, 183B:1335, 197B:1340, 200B:1000, 202B:1010, 208B:1350, 211B:1345, 212B:1020, 215B:1335, 216B:1015, 219B:1020-1025, 232B:1340, 253B:1345
- Sharma, Niki (Vancouver-Hastings) 194B:1335, 212B:1015, 215B:1335, 246B:1335
- Shypitka, Tom (Kootenay East) 143B:1340, 159B:1335, 163B:1010, 169B:1340-1345, 173B:1340, 176B:1500, 177B:1020, 188B:1025, 199B:1525-1530, 208B:1345, 209B:1010, 218B:1350, 229B:1340, 237B:1010, 251B:1015
- Simons, Hon. Nicholas (Powell River–Sunshine Coast) 169B:1335, 218B:1355, 222B:1340, 246B:1340, 251B:1015, 253B:1335
- Sims, Jinny (Surrey-Panorama) 163B:1010, 169B:1340, 174B:1010, 180B:1335-1340, 183B:1340, 196B:1410, 201B:1335, 211B:1340, 218B:1345, 218B:1400, 237B:1010
- Singh, Aman (Richmond-Queensborough) 154B:1440, 155B:1340, 176B:1455, 177B:1010-1015, 198B:1005, 204B:1345, 222B:1335, 229B:1340, 232B:1340, 237B:1010
- Singh, Rachna (Surrey–Green Timbers) 155B:1340, 163B:1005, 167B:1010, 194B:1335, 195B:1005, 198B:1010, 215B:1335, 244B:1005-1010, 250B:1335
- Starchuk, Mike (Surrey-Cloverdale) 170B:1005, 190B:1340, 206B:1320, 219B:1030, 223B:1010
- Stewart, Ben (Kelowna West) 162B:1335, 166B:1340, 204B:1345, 215B:1340, 225B:1350
- Stone, Todd (Kamloops–South Thompson) 150B:1335, 169B:1335, 174B:1005-1010, 183B:1335, 202B:1010, 219B:1035, 220B:1305, 222B:1340, 246B:1335
- Sturdy, Jordan (West Vancouver–Sea to Sky) 212B:1020, 218B:1400
- Tegart, Jackie (Fraser-Nicola) 143B:1345, 173B:1335, 212B:1015, 254B:1005-1010
- Walker, Adam (Parksville-Qualicum) 209B:1005, 212B:1015, 220B:1305, 229B:1335, 236B:1335, 251B:1015
- Wat, Teresa (Richmond North Centre) 154B:1440, 187B:1335, 208B:1350, 218B:1345, 226B:1005, 233B:1005
- Whiteside, Hon. Jennifer (New Westminster) 155B:1340, 176B:1450-1455, 197B:1330-1335, 211B:1340, 212B:1015, 219B:1015
- Yao, Henry (Richmond South Centre) 167B:1005, 170B:1005, 173B:1335, 187B:1335, 194B:1445, 197B:1335-1340, 219B:1005, 222B:1340, 226B:1005, 229B:1345
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Invasive species
- Management, plant invasive species (Doerkson) 152B:1645
Investing in Canada Infrastructure program (ICIP) See Federal funding for infrastructure under Local government
iOAT See Opioid replacement therapies, opioid agonist therapy under Substance use and addiction
Iranian Canadians
- Participation in "women, life, freedom" global protests (Bailey) 249B:1015-1020
Island Health See Vancouver Island Health Authority
Islands Trust
- Work of organization and reconciliation with First Nations (Cullen) 253B:1435-1440
Israeli Independence Day
- Celebration event in Vancouver (Wat) 202B:1015