Third Session, 42nd Parliament – 2022
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Falcon, Kevin (Vancouver-Quilchena)
- As subject
- Address by Indigenous leaders 239B:1425-1430
- Ambulance service
- Atira Women's Resource Society
- Attorney General Ministry
- response to community safety issues 229B:1405
- Attorney General Ministry and Minister Responsible for Housing
- B.C. Housing
- B.C. Housing Management Commission
- operations and management
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- B.C. NDP government
- By-election results
- Cancer
- diagnostic and treatment services
- Children and youth
- children with support needs, service model change
- impact on autism services and funding 211B:1410
- Clifford, Troy
- Consumers
- Crime and criminals
- Dean, Mitzi
- Dix, Adrian
- response to issues in health system and call for resignation 222B:1410-1415
- Eby, David
- Fletcher, Tom
- contributions as legislative journalist and retirement 216B:1010
- Glenbow Museum
- Glubis, Jaxon
- death after hospital care and family access to information 219B:1055
- Government
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- capital projects
- staffing at hospitals 237B:1025
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- Health Ministry
- minister, response to issues in health system and call for resignation 222B:1410-1415
- Heatwaves
- heatwave deaths and government response 218B:1425
- Highway 99
- George Massey Tunnel replacement project
- Housing
- affordable housing
- social and subsidized housing
- Indigenous Self-Government in Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Bill 38)
- Information and Privacy Commissioner
- comments on release of personal health information 219B:1055
- Introductions by members 208B:1400, 211B:1350, 218B:1335, 219B:1010, 222B:1340, 233B:1005, 239B:1340
- Justice system
- bail system and release from custody 223B:1025-1030
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders
- Krueger, Fayra
- Legislature
- Lower Mainland
- Majidpour, Mohammed
- Nurses
- Oral questions
- Physicians
- Premier's Office
- Rankin, Murray
- position on federal criminal justice legislation 229B:1405
- Real estate industry
- Royal B.C. Museum
- Safety
- Segal, Joe
- Speculation and vacancy tax
- Sturko, Elenore
- Tributes
- Vancouver
Farnworth, Hon. Mike (Port Coquitlam)
- As subject
- Abbotsford
- Aboriginal Affairs Committee
- Anderson, Bridgitte, comments on restaurant patio permit process 166B:1425
- Autobody industry
- Automobile insurance
- Automobile insurance claims for personal injuries
- B.C. by region
- B.C. Investment Management Corporation
- B.C. Liberal Party
- B.C. Lottery Corporation
- B.C. NDP government
- Building and Strata Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 44)
- By-election results
- Cannabis Control and Licensing Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 30)
- Cariboo North constituency and area
- severe weather events and government response 220A:1605
- Casimer, Cheryl
- Chandra Herbert, Spencer
- Children and Youth Committee
- Clark, Christy
- Climate change
- Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd.
- Commercial Liens Act (Bill 11)
- Conroy, Katrine
- comments on glyphosate use and risks 182B:1355
- Consumers
- Cootes, Amanda, service with Legislature dining room 219B:1010
- Corrections system
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- Crime and criminals
- crime in communities
- government action on issues 230B:1030-1035
- illegal drug trade, enforcement 218A:1830
- money laundering
- Criminal Code
- Democracy
- Documents tabled
- Gaming policy and enforcement branch, 2021-22 annual report 255B:1720
- Insurance Corporation of B.C.
- fairness officer, 2021-22 annual report 212B:1130
- Selection Special Committee report for third session of 42nd parliament 152B:1300
- Eby, David
- Edwards, Anne, life and service as MLA 243B:1335
- Elections
- entering of certificate of results for April 30, 2022, by-election for Vancouver-Quilchena into Journals of the House 208B:1355
- Emergencies
- Emergency management B.C.
- Energy Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 37)
- Falcon, Kevin
- Families
- Finance and Government Services Committee
- Fires and firefighters
- firefighters
- wildfires
- government preparedness and response 216B:1050
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- First Nations Leadership Council
- members, permission to address the House 239B:1345
- Food and food industry
- Food security
- Forests and forest industry
- forest management and practices
- hydrological considerations and link to flooding 220A:1625
- Fort Nelson
- Fraser-Nicola constituency and area
- highways and roads
- damage from severe weather events and government response 220A:1500-1505
- small businesses and government support 220A:1455
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Review Special Committee
- Fuel
- Gambling
- Gaming Control Act (Bill 32)
- Gaming policy and enforcement branch
- annual report, 2021-22, tabled 255B:1720
- role re gambling regulation and money-laundering prevention 231B:1725
- Gangs
- gang activity and gun violence, prevention 232B:1440
- Government
- Hansard
- Hansard Services
- Health Committee
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- Housing Supply Act (Bill 43)
- Indigenous Self-Government in Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Bill 38)
- address to House by Indigenous leaders 239B:1345
- Insurance Corporation of B.C.
- accreditation of repair and service providers 220A:1320
- fairness officer, annual report, 2021-22, tabled 212B:1130
- financial management and reforms 167B:1050
- International Joint Commission
- Introductions by members 148B:1005, 176B:1450, 177B:1010, 184B:1005, 209B:1005, 216B:1005, 218B:1340, 219B:1010, 253B:1345
- Jack, Jerry
- Judicial Review Procedure Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- Justice system
- bail system and release from custody 232B:1440
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders 220A:1345
- government action on issues 225B:1415-1420
- government action on issues and role of federal and local government 230B:1035, 232B:1435-1445, 233B:1120-1140
- government action on issues and role of federal government 243B:1410
- handling of cases 220A:1345
- panel report and government response to recommendations 225B:1420-1425, 232B:1435-1440, 233B:1120, 233B:1140, 236B:1355-1400, 243B:1410
- reforms and initiatives 225B:1420-1425, 232B:1435-1445, 233B:1120-1125, 235B:1135-1140
- handling of criminal cases
- Legislative Assembly Management Committee
- Legislative Assembly Protective Services
- Legislative Initiatives Committee
- Legislature
- bills process
- Committee of Supply, committee to sit in three sections 166B:1435-1440
- Committee of the Whole, Section C
- committee system
- ratification of membership of select standing committees 223B:1100
- hybrid and virtual proceedings 142B:1455
- language used in House
- legislative calendar and sitting schedule
- official party status for parties with few members 233B:1145
- privilege matters
- question period
- Government House Leader may answer any question 225B:1420
- statement but no question 219B:1110
- Speaker and Chair
- appointment of Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole 142B:1455
- appointment of Deputy Speaker 142B:1455
- special procedures in exceptional circumstances 142B:1455
- Standing Order 81.1, adoption of government business schedule 252B:1330-1335, 255B:1300-1305
- Standing Orders 2(1) and 3, daily sittings and hour of interruption 250B:1435
- Leonard, Ronna-Rae
- appointment as Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole 142B:1455
- Liquefied natural gas development
- Lytton
- Mannoe, Meenakshi
- comments on death of RCMP officer Shaelyn Yang 236B:1355
- MLAs
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- crisis response programs and role of police 244B:1045
- Merit Commissioner Appointment Special Committee
- Ministerial statements
- Mortgage Services Act (Bill 29)
- Motions
- Address to House by Indigenous leaders and deferral of routine business 239B:1345
- Adjournment of Thursday sitting 152B:1305
- Adoption of government business schedule 252B:1330-1335, 255B:1300-1305
- Amendment to standing orders for Thursday sitting hours 143B:1455
- Appointment of Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole 142B:1455
- Appointment of Deputy Speaker 142B:1455
- Appointment of Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act (Motion without notice) 144B:1050-1055
- Appointment of Special Committee to Appoint a Merit Commissioner 220B:1305
- Appointment of Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 147B:1425
- Committee of Supply to sit in three sections 166B:1435-1440
- Extension of legislative sitting hours 250B:1435
- Membership change to Aboriginal Affairs Committee 223B:1105
- Membership change to Finance Committee 169B:1440, 197B:1435, 213B:1720, 223B:1105
- Membership change to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Review Special Committee 170B:1105
- Membership change to Health Committee 184B:1110, 195B:1050
- Membership change to Legislative Initiatives Committee 184B:1110
- Membership change to Parliamentary Reform Committee 184B:1110
- Membership change to Public Accounts Committee 195B:1050, 213B:1720
- Permission for Indigenous leader to address the House 176B:1345
- Permission for Indigenous leaders to address the House 175B:1330
- Powers and role of Children and Youth Committee 152B:1305
- Powers and role of Finance Committee 152B:1305
- Powers and role of Health Committee 180B:1425
- Powers and role of Public Accounts Committee 152B:1305
- Proceedings in Committee of the Whole, Section C 250B:1450
- Ratification of membership of select standing committees 223B:1100
- Schedule for House adjournment 248B:1550-1600
- Motor Vehicle Act
- Municipalities Enabling and Validating (No. 4) Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 2)
- Occupational health and safety
- Olsen, Adam
- Oral questions (response)
- Action on community safety and role of incoming Premier 233B:1125-1140, 236B:1355-1400
- Action on gas prices 167B:1030-1055, 202B:1025-1035
- Affordability issues and salary increase for MLAs 226B:1045
- Attacks by repeat offenders and action on justice system reforms 232B:1435-1445, 233B:1120-1125
- Business plan for museum replacement project 209B:1040-1045
- Coastal GasLink pipeline project and government response to protests 225B:1435
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 225B:1415-1425
- Filming of commercial in Lytton 205B:1045-1050
- Flood response and temporary housing in Princeton 150B:1425
- Government accountability and awareness of issues 219B:1110
- Government action on campaign statements 233B:1145
- Government action on climate change and relationship with oil and gas industry lobbyists 232B:1425
- Government action on mental health and addiction issues 244B:1045
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 230B:1030-1035
- Government action on repeat offenders and directive to Crown counsel 243B:1410
- Government openness and transparency 233B:1145
- Government priorities and museum replacement project 212B:1125
- Government response to Lytton fire 183B:1420-1425
- Government response to Lytton fire and access to properties 147B:1410-1425
- Health Committee terms of reference and timeline 170B:1100-1105
- Implementation of recommendations from Police Act reform committee 204B:1420
- Incidents in northwest B.C. and action on community safety 243B:1400
- International energy supply and B.C. LNG projects 160B:1055-1100
- LNG development impacts and government support for industry 176B:1530-1535
- LNG development policies and comments by Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development 167B:1100
- Protection of public and workers from health impacts of climate change and wildfire smoke 216B:1050
- Restaurant patio permits 166B:1420-1425
- Parliament Buildings
- Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills Committee
- Personal statements
- Apology for comments made in the House 220B:1705
- Phillip, Stewart
- Police Act
- Police and policing
- Police Complaint Commissioner
- Port Mann Bridge
- Premier's Office
- Premier, role and responsibilities of Premier-elect 248B:1555
- Princeton
- flooding response and temporary housing 150B:1425
- Privilege
- Public Accounts Committee
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- Red Cross
- Reforming the Police Act Special Committee
- appointment of committee 144B:1050-1055
- report for third session of 42nd parliament
- report and implementation of recommendations 220A:1330
- report and recommendations 204B:1420
- Restaurant and food services industry
- Royal B.C. Museum
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Russell, Roly
- Russia
- Safety
- Saltspring Island
- Schools
- Selection Special Committee
- report for third session of 42nd parliament 152B:1300
- Sexual violence
- sexual assault, services and funding 233B:1130
- Skills training
- trades training, red seal certification 220A:1320
- Smithers
- Statements
- 50th anniversary of Hansard in B.C. 225B:1335
- Message of appreciation for Legislative Assembly Protective Services and Victoria Police 184B:1015
- Substance use and addiction
- decriminalization of simple possession of drugs
- illegal and toxic drugs
- overdoses
- Surrey
- police services transition to municipal force
- Tom, Don
- permission to address the House in place of Stewart Phillip 176B:1345
- Traffic safety
- Tributes
- Ukraine
- United States
- Victim assistance
- Victoria police department
- work with Legislative Assembly Protective Services 184B:1015
- Weapons
- restricted weapons, proposed inclusion of bear spray and knives 232B:1440
- WorkSafeBC
- Yang, Shaelyn
- service as police officer and death 232B:1405
Fleming, Hon. Rob (Victoria–Swan Lake)
- Alaska Highway
- Bridges
- B.C.
- B.C. Ferry Authority
- B.C. Ferry Services Inc.
- B.C. Transit
- B.C. Transportation Financing Authority
- Budget debate 162B:1655-1725
- Budgets
- Child care
- Climate change
- action on climate change, role of transit services and transit-oriented development 190B:1440
- Coastal Ferry Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 7)
- Communities
- densification and development 196B:1340
- transit-oriented development 181B:1005, 190B:1430-1450, 190B:1545, 195B:1100-1150, 196B:1335-1600
- affordable housing component 190B:1445, 195B:1125-1135, 196B:1340-1345, 196B:1450-1500
- non-market development 190B:1440-1445, 195B:1115-1120
- prescribed distances 195B:1130, 196B:1545-1600
- role of government and partnerships 195B:1100, 195B:1115-1120, 195B:1145-1150, 196B:1340-1345, 196B:1400-1415, 196B:1500-1505
- urban industrial component 196B:1415-1420
- Construction industry
- residential construction industry, housing starts 196B:1345
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- COVID-19 education system impact and reopening
- COVID-19 impact
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- Cowichan Valley
- Cowichan Valley constituency and area
- constituent case re flooding of property 217A:1640
- Deas Island Regional Park
- impact of Massey Tunnel and mitigation 215A:1715
- Delta
- Doig River First Nation
- road conditions, Petersen's Crossing 217A:1535
- Ferries and ferry services
- Floods and floodplains
- Fraser Valley
- Government
- Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway)
- four-laning and upgrade projects in Interior
- Fraser Valley section improvement projects 215A:1615-1640
- Malahat section 215A:1610
- Highway 5
- Highway 8
- damage from severe weather events and repairs 215A:1610
- Highway 97
- Kelowna section
- Glenmore and Beaver Lake intersections project and public engagement 217A:1605-1615
- south Okanagan section
- safety upgrades to Summerland-Peachland section 217A:1555
- Highway 99
- Highways and roads
- Housing
- Introductions by members 169B:1335, 225B:1340, 226B:1005-1010, 243B:1330-1335, 244B:1005, 247B:1010
- Kelowna
- Kootenay area
- East Kootenays, Waldo Road widening project 217A:1530
- Labour
- community benefits agreement
- Land use
- Legislature
- Local government
- development approval process and transit-oriented development 195B:1105
- relationship with provincial government, supportive policies agreements 195B:1105
- role in transit-oriented development 196B:1555
- Lower Mainland
- McRae, Jean, community contributions 196B:1335
- Municipal Affairs Statutes (Property Taxation) Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- Nanaimo
- Neskonlith Indian Band
- role in planning for Highway 1 upgrades 215A:1735
- Okanagan area
- Oral questions (response)
- Passenger Transportation Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 13)
- Passenger Transportation Amendment Act (No. 2), 2022 (Bill 40)
- Passenger Transportation Board
- Passenger transportation industry
- Peace River area
- Physicians
- R. W. Bruhn Bridge
- Railways and rail services
- Real estate industry
- Ride-hail services
- Royal B.C. Museum
- Saanich
- Uptown area, transit-oriented development 195B:1140
- School Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 22)
- School district 61 (Greater Victoria)
- Shipbuilding industry
- SkyTrain
- South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority
- Broadway subway line to Arbutus
- Canada Line, adjacent land use and development 190B:1440
- capital projects
- rapid transit lines, development and densification on adjacent lands 195B:1125
- Surrey
- Taxi industry
- Taylor Bridge
- Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport Ministry
- Transit services
- Transportation
- clean transportation action plan and infrastructure funding 217A:1815
- clean transportation action plan and initiatives 213A:1600-1605
- government investment 218A:1535
- infrastructure
- projects, government action 217A:1440
- public transportation, integration of public transportation systems 217A:1720-1725
- Transportation Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 16)
- Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry
- Transportation Investment Corp.
- Ukraine
- University of Victoria
- engineering and computer science building expansion 162B:1705
- Vancouver
- Vancouver Island
- Vernon
- Victoria
- Victoria–Swan Lake constituency and area
- Weather
- severe weather events
- severe weather events in November 2021
- West Vancouver–Sea to Sky constituency and area
- regional transit services in Sea to Sky area
- Westside Road
Furstenau, Sonia (Cowichan Valley)
- As subject
- caffeine consumption 244B:1115
- deaths of family members from cancer 177B:1030-1035
- experience at Service B.C. with son's identification 185A:1505-1510
- participation in steering committee on health professional regulations 236B:1525
- wording of question on COVID-19 communications (Dix) 237B:1045
- work on Finance Committee with Stephanie Cadieux 191B:1125
- Abortion
- Abrahams, Robin, and Groysberg, Boris
- comments on approaches to COVID-19 response 143B:1700
- Advanced Education and Skills Training Ministry
- Agricultural land reserve
- Agriculture and Food Ministry
- Alcohol
- Allen, Stephanie
- Attorney General Ministry and Minister Responsible for Housing
- Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 9)
- Auditor General
- reports and reviews
- contracted residential services for children in government care 194B:1415
- Automobile insurance
- Automobile insurance claims for personal injuries
- Automobiles
- taxation
- tax on sale of electric and zero-emission vehicles 170B:1130
- Balanced Budget and Ministerial Accountability Act
- Bolliger, Ben
- case of collision involving cyclist and vehicle, ICBC ruling 219A:1140-1145
- B.C.
- B.C. Basic Income Panel
- B.C. by region
- B.C. Children's Hospital
- B.C. NDP government
- Budget debate 155B:1610-1625
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2022
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2022 (Bill 6)
- Budgets
- Building and Strata Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 44)
- Cadieux, Stephanie
- service to Legislature and work as MLA and cabinet minister 191B:1125
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Cancer
- Capital Daily
- article on COVID-19 communications by provincial health officer 237B:1040-1045
- Chalifoux-Desjarlais, Traevon
- Chapman, Allan
- Chief coroner
- comments on overdose deaths and response 171A:1305
- Child protection system
- children in government care
- family reunification 195B:1015
- lawsuit by former children in government care and government response 151B:1030-1035
- funding and accountability 194B:1415-1420
- residential services
- Children and Family Development Ministry
- Citizens' Services Ministry
- CleanBC plan 229B:1415
- Climate change
- Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd.
- Coldest Night of the Year
- Collins, Jim
- interview with James Stockdale in book Good to Great 143B:1655
- Communities
- Consumers
- Corporations
- profits during time of affordability issues for consumers, government response 226B:1050-1055
- COVID-19
- cases
- data collection and information access 188B:1040
- information and public education
- personal protective equipment and supplies
- public education on long-term illness 183B:1415
- risk management tools for public 143B:1700
- transmission, airborne transmission 143B:1430, 144B:1030-1035
- transmission in children and role of schools 237B:1040-1045
- COVID-19 education system impact
- COVID-19 impact
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- COVID-19 vaccination
- Our Cowichan Communities Health Network
- Cowichan Valley
- Cowichan Valley constituency and area
- Datene, Tricia
- work as constituency assistant and retirement 212B:1040
- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
- action plan for implementation
- Democracy
- Disabled persons
- Disease
- epidemics and pandemics, public health measures and public response 143B:1705-1710
- Drax
- Eby, David
- Economy
- Edelman Communications
- Education
- Education and Child Care Ministry
- Emergencies
- emergency preparedness and response
- emergency preparedness for floods, landslides and wildfires 219B:1105
- emergency preparedness, media coverage 219B:1105
- Energy
- bioenergy, use of wood pellets and wood waste for power generation 230B:1045
- home heating
- Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation Ministry
- Energy Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 37)
- Environment
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy Ministry
- Equal Pay Reporting Act (Bill M202)
- Families
- Finance Ministry
- Financial Administration Act
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- child protection system
- number of children in government care 151B:1030
- reconciliation
- Floods and floodplains
- Forests and forest industry
- forest management and practices
- wood pellets, production in B.C. 230B:1045-1505
- Forests Ministry
- estimates, briefing note on pellet industry 230B:1045
- FortisBC
- Fuel
- gasoline
- price increase and oil and gas industry 202B:1035
- Furstenau, Peter
- Government
- Green Party of B.C.
- tour of province on health care issues 222B:1425
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Grewal, Aman
- comments on nurses' ability to comment on issues 201B:1405
- GT Farms Ltd.
- Harrison Healthcare
- Health
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care funding
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- Health Committee
- Health Ministry
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- Health regulatory colleges
- Henry, Bonnie
- communications with staff on COVID-19 and schools 237B:1040
- Hogan's Alley Society
- Homelessness
- Housing
- affordable housing
- revenues to government 155B:1410
- temporary housing and shelters 171A:1340
- Housing Supply Act (Bill 43)
- Human Rights Commissioner
- letter to provincial health officer on COVID-19 mask policies 174B:1035-1040
- Immigration
- refugees, Ukrainian refugees settling in Canada and supports 240B:1040
- Income assistance
- Income Tax Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 35)
- Indigenous Self-Government in Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Bill 38)
- Influenza virus
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Introductions by members 147B:1330, 152B:1300, 155B:1335-1340, 156B:1010, 163B:1005, 166B:1340, 169B:1335, 174B:1005, 177B:1010, 183B:1340, 188B:1025, 191B:1005, 194B:1340, 201B:1340, 212B:1025, 215B:1335-1340, 216B:1015, 218B:1400, 222B:1335, 225B:1350
- Iran
- death of Mahsa Amini and protests in Iran and elsewhere 226B:1025-1030
- Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation Ministry
- Kingburne Valley Community Association
- concerns re aggregate extraction activities and permitting 185A:1600
- Labour Relations Code Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 10)
- Legislation
- Legislature
- Liquefied natural gas development
- Lloyd, Patricia
- LNG Canada
- Lockwood, Cammy
- Lockwood Farms
- Long-term and residential care
- care standards and oversight 208C:1745
- facilities
- Low Carbon Fuels Act (Bill 15)
- McKenzie, B
- advocacy for children and families and retirement 195B:1015
- MacMinn, E. George
- comments in report on committee system 156B:1110
- Mandel, Emily St. John
- Maple health care
- Maté, Gabor
- comments on addictions and trauma in The Myth of Normal 244B:1120
- Mazzucato, Mariana
- Medical Services Commission
- enforcement role re fee-for-service issues 148B:1030
- review of Telus Health services and timeline 206A:1635
- MLAs
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- mental health of children and youth
- programs and services
- rights advice service for involuntary patients 197B:1500-1515, 201B:1435-1505
- Mental Health Act
- Mental Health Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Mental Health and Addictions Ministry
- Mines and mining industry
- industry
- mineral assayer certification 184B:1135
- Ministerial statements (response)
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 17)
- Motions
- Motor Vehicle Act
- Municipal Affairs Ministry
- Navarro, Jay Alexander
- comments on public health measures during 1918-19 flu pandemic 143B:1705
- Nurses
- Offence Act
- application to rights advice services 201B:1505
- violations
- violation tickets and dispute resolution, electronic filing 184B:1135
- Oil and gas
- Ombudsperson
- report on involuntary patients under Mental Health Act 197B:1505
- Oral questions
- Access to abortion services and reproductive health care 211B:1420-1425
- Access to family physicians and management of primary care system 212B:1110-1115
- Access to family physicians and role of urgent and primary care centres 187B:1410
- Access to primary health care and diagnostic services 148B:1030-1035
- Accountability for issues in health care system 222B:1425-1430
- Action on climate change and revenues from natural gas royalties 155B:1415
- Affordability issues and profits to corporations 226B:1050-1055
- Affordable housing and government revenues from housing sector 155B:1410
- Call for all-party working group on health care 222B:1430
- Communications on COVID-19 in schools 237B:1040-1045
- Commuter bus service for Cowichan Valley residents 173B:1415-1420
- COVID-19 impact on hospitals and access to data 188B:1040
- COVID-19 transmission and face masks in health care facilities 143B:1425-1430, 144B:1030-1035
- Drax operations in B.C. and production of wood pellets 230B:1045-1050
- Drug use deaths and access to safe supply 163B:1040-1045, 169B:1420-1425
- Flood and wildfire preparedness 219B:1105
- Funding for disability benefits 236B:1400-1405
- Government accountability and awareness of issues 219B:1105-1110
- Government action on campaign statements 233B:1140
- Government action on climate change and policies on LNG development 160B:1040-1045
- Government action on climate change and relationship with oil and gas industry lobbyists 232B:1425-1430
- Government action on climate change and transition to clean economy 229B:1415-1420
- Government action on issues in health care system and pediatric care 247B:1045-1050
- Government openness and transparency 233B:1145
- Government policies on fossil fuel industry 250B:1420
- Government policies on fossil fuel industry and expansion of LNG Canada project 243B:1410-1415
- Hospital capacity on Vancouver Island 188B:1040
- Inclusion of psychologists in primary health care networks 181B:1035
- Lawsuit by former children in government care and funding of child protection system 151B:1030-1035
- Long-term COVID-19 cases and support for patients 183B:1415
- Mask use guidance and Human Rights Commissioner comments on COVID-19 risk for vulnerable persons 174B:1035-1040
- Mental health supports for health care workers 181B:1035
- Nurses' working conditions and culture 201B:1405-1410
- Oversight of group homes for youth in care 194B:1415-1420
- Private providers of health care and government support for public system 254B:1040-1045
- Review of Mental Health Act 195B:1030-1035
- Staffing shortages and action on issues in health care system 215B:1415-1420
- Telus Health services 170B:1045
- Telus Health services and private providers of primary health care 202B:1035
- Transit services and funding 208B:1435-1440
- PharmaCare program
- Physicians
- Points of order
- use of unparliamentary language by Mike Farnworth 220B:1650
- Politics and politicians
- Poverty
- Premier's Office
- Privilege
- reserving right to raise matter of privilege 237B:1150
- Professional governance
- Professional Governance Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 21)
- Property Law Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 12)
- Property tax
- Provincial health officer
- Psychotherapists and counsellors
- Public health
- public health emergencies
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- Qualtrough, Carla
- comments on implementation of federal disability assistance program 236B:1400
- Real estate industry
- Representative for Children and Youth
- comments on youth residential services 194B:1415
- Reproduction
- access to free contraception 211B:1425
- access to reproductive health care services 211B:1425
- right to make reproductive choices 211B:1420
- Richard, Bernard
- comments on youth residential services 194B:1415
- School Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 22)
- School district 61 (Greater Victoria)
- Selection Special Committee
- report for third session of 42nd parliament, adoption, debate 156B:1105-1115
- Service B.C.
- Shakarami, Nika
- Shawnigan Lake
- Skilled Trades BC Act (Bill 4)
- Social welfare
- community organizations and leadership 254B:1020
- Society
- Statements by members
- Steering Committee on the Modernization of Health Professional Regulations
- Substance use and addiction
- causes of addiction and role of trauma 244B:1120
- decriminalization program
- harm reduction services 244B:1120
- illegal and toxic drugs
- overdoses
- overdoses by children and youth 171A:1335-1340
- safe supply 244B:1120
- treatment and recovery services
- use of regulated substances 244B:1115
- Supreme Court of B.C.
- Telus Corp.
- Telus Health
- Throne speech debate 143B:1655-1725
- Toilet facilities
- public toilet facilities, government funding 190A:1755
- Traffic safety
- Transit services
- Transportation
- Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry
- Treasury Board
- Tributes
- Ukraine
- Union of B.C. Municipalities
- discussion on collaboration between political parties 222B:1430
- UN Climate Change Conference
- Vancouver Island
- Vancouver Island Health Authority
- Vancouver Island University
- The Village, Duncan, B.C.
- Vopak Development Canada Inc.
- fuel storage and shipping facility project, environmental assessment certificate 189A:1530
- Waste management
- Weather
- severe weather events in November 2021
- Women
- Yang, Shaelyn
- service as police officer and death 232B:1410