Third Session, 42nd Parliament – 2022
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Davies, Dan (Peace River North)
- As subject
- Agriculture and Food Ministry
- Alaska Highway
- Alberta
- Ambulance service
- Animals
- Automobiles
- Blueberry River First Nation
- B.C.
- issues and challenges, collaborative response 173A:1530
- B.C. by region
- northeast B.C.
- northern and rural B.C.
- northern B.C.
- rural B.C.
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2022 (Bill 6)
- Budgets
- Burke, Elizabeth, life and contributions as Indigenous educator 148B:1015
- Business
- Community Living B.C.
- Consumers
- COVID-19 impact
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- Crime and criminals
- Discrimination and racism
- Doig River First Nation
- road conditions, Petersen's Crossing 217A:1530
- Energy
- Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation Ministry
- Energy Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 37)
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Fort Nelson
- Fort St. John
- Fuel
- Fur Rendezvous Open World Champion Sled Dog Race
- Government
- accountability and transparency 171B:1535
- ministers
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- Health Ministry
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- Homelessness
- increase in homelessness due to poverty 228B:1025
- Housing
- Hunting
- changes to regulations, petition tabled 176B:1550
- Income assistance
- Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Ministry
- International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
- Introductions by members 154B:1330, 169B:1335, 204B:1340-1345, 213B:1355, 219B:1030
- Labour Relations Code Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 10)
- Legislation
- Legislature
- Lieutenant-Governor
- Lytton
- filming of commercial in village site 205B:1045
- fire recovery
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth
- Mental Health and Addictions Ministry
- Motions
- Non-profit sector
- Northern Health Authority
- Northern Rockies regional municipality
- Occupational health and safety
- workplace health and safety
- Oil and gas
- Oral questions
- Action on gas prices 167B:1045
- Filming of commercial in Lytton 205B:1045
- Youth mental health and addiction services and stabilization care legislation 180B:1415-1420
- Peace River area
- Peace River North constituency and area
- Petitions
- Police and policing
- Poverty
- Prayers and reflections 148B:1000
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Railways and rail services
- Real estate industry
- Reforming the Police Act Special Committee
- Rental housing
- Resources and resource industries
- role in economy and revenues to government 228B:1025
- Royal B.C. Museum
- Safety
- community safety and response to complex social issues 191B:1105
- Skilled Trades BC Act (Bill 4)
- Social Development and Poverty Reduction Ministry
- Social workers
- community social services workers
- role and contributions 166B:1350-1355
- Statements by members
- Steering Committee on the Modernization of Health Professional Regulations
- Streeper Kennels
- Substance use and addiction
- overdoses
- treatment and recovery services
- Taxation
- Taylor Bridge
- Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry
- Workers Compensation Amendment Act (No. 2), 2022 (Bill 41)
de Jong, Michael (Abbotsford West)
- As subject
- Abbotsford
- Abbotsford West constituency and area
- constituent's concerns re affordability issues 177B:1105
- Advanced Education and Skills Training Ministry
- Agriculture and Food Ministry
- Allen, Stephanie
- position at B.C. Housing and comments on issues 253B:1435
- Atira Women's Resource Society
- Atkins, Debbie
- family member's experience as foreign-trained physician 174B:1045
- Attorney General Ministry and Minister Responsible for Housing
- Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 9)
- Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2022 (Bill 27)
- Attorney General Statutes (Hague Convention on Child and Family Support) Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 8)
- Aviation
- Beare, Lisa
- Braun, Henry
- work as Abbotsford mayor during 2021 flooding 220A:1515
- B.C. Housing
- B.C. Investment Management Corporation
- pension fund investments in Russia and divestment 159B:1420
- B.C. training and education savings grant program
- Budgets
- Consumers
- Crime and criminals
- Criminal Code
- Crown Counsel Act
- Discrimination and racism
- Documents tabled
- Beare, Lisa, documents re decision on fees for freedom-of-information requests 143B:1530
- Crown Counsel Act section 6 draft directive 230B:1100
- Emergencies
- emergency preparedness and response
- Energy
- international energy supply
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- law-making and enforcement authority of treaty First Nations
- Freedom of information
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 22)
- debate on fees for freedom-of-information requests by Citizen's Services Minister 143B:1515-1530
- Gabelmann, Colin
- Government
- accountability and transparency 150B:1400-1405
- cabinet
- Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, powers and role 191B:1150
- ministers, removal of salary holdbacks 156B:1040
- procurement practices and system
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- Health Committee
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- Health regulatory colleges
- boards, appointment process 239B:1655
- complaint process
- Housing
- Indigenous Self-Government in Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Bill 38)
- International Joint Commission
- Introductions by members 170B:1030, 253B:1335, 254B:1005
- Judicial Review Procedure Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- Justice system
- chief judge, role re disputes on violation tickets 192B:1400-1415, 192B:1435
- courts and court services
- Crown counsel
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders
- handling of criminal cases
- traffic court
- tickets and dispute resolution, incidence 192B:1440
- Labour Relations Code Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 10)
- Lawyers and legal services
- Legislature
- bills process
- debate, time allocation and closure 253B:1435
- legislative calendar and sitting schedule
- privilege matters, criteria 143B:1520, 143B:1530
- Liquefied natural gas development
- Lytton
- McRae, John
- World War I poem "In Flanders Fields" 247B:1020
- Matsqui First Nation
- acquisition of housing complex site for redevelopment 144B:1040
- Matsumoto, Ken
- access to property after Lytton fire 147B:1420
- Meadowood Place
- Meggs, Geoff
- Mental health
- Mental Health Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 17)
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 17)
- Motions
- Municipalities Enabling and Validating (No. 4) Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 2)
- Netherlands
- liberation during World War II and role of Canadian soldiers 247B:1020
- Offence Act
- Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 34)
- Oral questions
- Budget accountability and salaries for ministers and senior staff 156B:1040-1045
- Crime in communities and action on community safety 204B:1420-1425
- Crime in communities and government response to report on repeat offenders 223B:1045-1050
- Decision on fees for freedom-of-information requests 150B:1400-1405
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis and activation of Health Committee 169B:1435
- Government action on repeat offenders and directive to Crown counsel 232B:1430
- Government action on repeat offenders and role of Crown counsel 230B:1055-1100
- Government response to affordability issues 177B:1105
- Government response to Lytton fire and access to properties 147B:1420
- Government transparency and response to freedom-of-information requests 151B:1045-1050
- Groundwater use licensing process 166B:1430-1435
- ICBC sale of Meadowood Place and consultation with Matsqui First Nation 144B:1035-1040
- International energy supply and B.C. LNG projects 159B:1420, 160B:1050-1055
- Management of B.C. Housing and terms of reference for audit 253B:1430-1435
- Physician supply and training and foreign-trained physicians 174B:1040-1045
- Prosecution service contract negotiations 183B:1425-1430
- Replacement of B.C. Bid procurement system 163B:1055-1100
- Parliamentary Practice in British Columbia
- Physicians
- credentialling of foreign-trained physicians 174B:1045
- family physicians
- Premier's Office
- Private members' statements (response)
- Privilege
- comments by Lisa Beare during debate on Bill 22, debate 143B:1515-1530
- Professional governance
- Professional Governance Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 21)
- Property Law Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 12)
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- Real estate industry
- foreign investment and ownership 144B:1035
- housing market
- Russia
- Safety
- Sikh community
- Statements by members
- Substance use and addiction
- overdoses
- death review panel report recommendations and implementation 169B:1435
- government response and collaborative approach 169B:1435
- Traffic safety
- Ukraine
- United States
- Victoria
- Vimy Ridge
- War
- Water
- groundwater use licensing
Dean, Hon. Mitzi (Esquimalt-Metchosin)
- As subject
- Adoption
- Automobiles
- taxation
- tax on sale of electric and zero-emission vehicles 170B:1150
- B.C.
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2022 (Bill 6)
- Child care
- Child Care Minister of State
- Child protection system
- children in government care
- residential services
- response to case of youth death while in care 191B:1045
- services, evaluation and oversight 191B:1055
- system, reforms 191B:1050
- Children and Family Development Ministry
- Children and Family Development Ministry
- Children and youth
- children with support needs
- children with support needs, service model change
- consultation with First Nations 211A:1630-1645
- hub centres and request for proposal 211A:1555-1615, 211A:1655, 211A:1735-1805
- needs-based system and access to services 143B:1435-1445, 144B:1125-1130, 208B:1440-1445, 211A:1610-1620, 211A:1820-1835, 246B:1425-1430, 253B:1420-1425
- service model change 144B:1130, 156B:1045-1050, 211A:1515-1635, 211A:1815-1835, 211B:1410-1415, 255B:1300
- stakeholder concerns and consultation 143B:1435-1445, 144B:1130, 150B:1415, 191B:1040, 205B:1050, 211A:1840, 246B:1425, 253B:1425
- youth at risk
- Children and Youth Committee
- CleanBC plan
- COVID-19 child care impact and supports
- COVID-19 children and youth impact and supports
- impact and supports 211A:1445
- youth agreements and youth transitioning out of care 144B:1125
- COVID-19 impact
- mental health of children and youth 144B:1125
- social services sector and response 144B:1120
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- COVID-19 mental health and addiction impact and supports
- COVID-19 vaccination
- Eating disorders
- Education Ministry
- responsibility for child care portfolio 144B:1140
- Energy
- home heating
- tax on fossil-fuel systems and heat pumps 170B:1150
- Esquimalt
- walk for missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit persons 198B:1005
- Esquimalt-Metchosin constituency and area
- Families
- extended families and community members raising children, support payments 144B:1135
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- capacity building, funding 211A:1650
- child protection system
- reconciliation
- Fuel
- Government
- capital projects
- reporting requirements for education and health sector organizations 170B:1145
- information
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- accountability and improvements 237B:1135-1140
- issues of inclusion and systemic discrimination and racism, cultural safety and anti-discrimination initiatives 237B:1140
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- Health regulatory colleges
- Horowitz, Myer
- Hughes, Helen
- public service and community contributions 210B:1330
- Indigenous Self-Government in Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Bill 38)
- Introductions by members 159B:1330-1335, 170B:1010, 177B:1020, 183B:1340, 190B:1335, 194B:1340, 202B:1000-1005, 215B:1335, 218B:1400, 219B:1005, 232B:1335, 237B:1005, 239B:1340, 244B:1005, 250B:1330, 250B:1345, 251B:1010, 251B:1015, 253B:1345
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth
- Missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit persons
- Oral questions (response)
- Our Womxn Are Sacred Walk
- Petitions
- View Royal, transportation and infrastructure noise issues 253B:1435
- Privilege
- comments by Mitzi Dean on Children and Youth Committee recommendations, debate 255B:1300
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- provincial office of domestic violence 211A:1725
- Representative for Children and Youth
- comments on services for children with support needs 246B:1430
- reports and recommendations
- reports on services for children with support needs 144B:1130
- Schools
- Social welfare
- community social services sector
- Social workers
- Speculation and vacancy tax
- exemptions, flood- or landslide-damaged properties 170B:1150
- Statements
- Walk in Esquimalt for missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people 198B:1005
- Throne speech debate 144B:1115-1145
- Tobacco
- Tobacco Tax Act
- Tributes
- Vancouver Island
- services for adults with eating disorders 197B:1415
- View Royal
- transportation and infrastructure, noise issues, petition tabled 253B:1435
D'Eith, Bob (Maple Ridge–Mission)
- As subject
- appointment and work as Parliamentary Secretary for Arts and Film 145B:1425
- constituents, health officials, colleagues and staff thanked 145B:1420-1425
- experience as LGBTQ2S ally 172B:1020
- family connection to Ukraine 161B:1500
- Agriculture
- financial assistance and insurance programs, disaster recovery programs 161B:1500
- innovation and role of technology 149B:1720
- Arts and culture
- B.C. Arts Council
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- policies
- B.C. NDP government
- performance
- performance as government
- priorities and initiatives 214B:1105-1110
- B.C. Ukrainian Cultural Festival
- Budget debate 161B:1455-1525
- Budgets
- Child care
- Children and youth
- CleanBC plan
- Climate change
- Consumers
- Corrections system
- prolific offender management program 228B:1125
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- COVID-19 impact
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- COVID-19 mental health and addiction impact and supports
- appreciation for front-line workers 161B:1500
- COVID-19 vaccination
- Creative B.C.
- Creative B.C.
- Creative Industries Week
- Crime and criminals
- Economy
- Emergencies
- emergency preparedness and response
- Falcon, Kevin
- Families
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Food and food industry
- Foote, Joanne
- Freedom of information
- access to information
- requests for information
- Government
- accountability and transparency 221B:1025
- regulations and opposition party policies 161B:1525
- Hamilton, Jamie Lee
- Health care funding
- Health care system
- Highway 5
- Highway 7
- Highways and roads
- damage from severe weather events, rebuilding and repair projects 149B:1720
- Housing
- affordable housing
- supply and new units, permitting process 161B:1520
- Immigration
- refugees, Ukrainian refugees resettling in Canada 161B:1500
- Information and communications technology
- high-speed Internet service
- service expansion initiative for rural and Indigenous communities 161B:1515
- Infrastructure, government investment 161B:1515
- Insurance Corporation of B.C.
- Introductions by members 163B:1005, 173B:1335, 194B:1340, 204B:1340, 211B:1335, 219B:1030, 220B:1300, 229B:1335, 246B:1335-1340, 251B:1005, 253B:1335
- Justice system
- bail system and release from custody 228B:1125
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders
- government action on issues and role of federal government 228B:1130
- panel report and government response to recommendations 228B:1130
- reforms and initiatives 186B:1010-1015
- handling of criminal cases
- Katzie First Nation
- Laramee, Myra
- role as transgender and two-spirit activist 172B:1025
- LGBTQ2S community
- transgender, gender-diverse and two-spirit community
- two-spirit persons 172B:1025
- Maple Ridge
- Maple Ridge–Mission constituency and area
- Maracle, Aiyyana
- role as transgender and two-spirit advocate 172B:1025
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- Mines and mining industry
- Mission, seniors housing 161B:1520
- Mortgage Services Act (Bill 29)
- Motions
- Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 34)
- Pink Shirt Day
- Post-secondary institutions
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Raj, Rupert
- Rental housing
- government initiatives, Liberal Party position 161B:1515
- Ridge Meadows Recycling Society
- Royal B.C. Museum
- modernization and protection of collection 214B:1110
- relationship with Indigenous communities and handling of Indigenous artifacts 214B:1110
- replacement project 214B:1110
- role in tourism sector 214B:1110
- Skills training
- Statements by members
- Throne speech debate 145B:1420-1435, 149B:1705-1720
- Tolls
- Tourism
- Track, Laura
- role as human rights lawyer and opinion on transgender rights 172B:1020
- Trade unions
- Wages and salaries
Dix, Hon. Adrian (Vancouver-Kingsway)
- As subject
- Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre
- Abortion
- AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
- Alberta
- ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
- ALS Society of B.C.
- Project Hope clinical research centre and funding 206A:1340
- Ambulance service
- Ashcroft
- Barriere
- ambulance service and infant death case 222B:1440
- Bond, Shirley
- Braman, Jamie
- position as vice-president of communications at Vancouver Island Health Authority 240B:1105
- B.C.
- B.C. 811 health information line
- B.C. by region
- interior B.C., health care access for eastern areas 205A:1135-1140
- northern and rural B.C.
- northern B.C.
- rural B.C.
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- B.C. NDP government
- B.C. Nurses Union
- B.C. Women's Hospital and Health Centre
- Burnaby General Hospital
- Canadian Institute for Health Information
- Cancer
- Capital Daily
- article on COVID-19 communications by provincial health officer 237B:1040-1045
- Cardiovascular health
- Caregivers
- Cariboo area
- Cariboo Memorial Hospital
- Chief coroner
- Child care
- Child protection system
- Climate change
- Columbia River–Revelstoke constituency and area
- Communities
- seasonal population growth, impact on health care services 205A:1145
- Consumers
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 education system impact and reopening
- COVID-19 employee impact and supports
- COVID-19 impact
- health care system 187B:1415, 190B:1400-1405, 194B:1420, 198B:1055-1105, 202A:1105, 202A:1115, 202B:1040-1055, 203C:1340, 203C:1405, 204A:1530, 204A:1550, 210C:1355-1405, 212B:1105, 215B:1420, 216B:1045, 237B:1055, 254B:1035-1040
- health officials and workers response 202A:1105
- impact and losses 210C:1405
- independent review 210C:1345
- supply chain 205B:1045
- vulnerable persons 174B:1040
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- COVID-19 long-term and residential care impact and supports
- COVID-19 public health measures
- plan and metrics for lifting of measures and restrictions 163B:1030-1040
- COVID-19 vaccination
- Our Cowichan Communities Health Network
- Dawson Creek and District Hospital
- Day, Brian
- legal case re private health care clinic 254B:1045
- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
- action plan for implementation
- Dementia
- dementia care and dementia village model 209C:1130
- Dental health
- Discrimination and racism
- definition 250A:1525-1550
- racism against Indigenous persons in health care system
- Disease
- respiratory viruses, seasonal surge 247B:1045
- Drugs
- pain and fever medications for children, access and supply 247B:1100
- Economy
- Emergencies
- 911 call service and emergency dispatch system
- disaster financial assistance and federal funding 206A:1610
- emergency preparedness and response
- first responders, scope of practice 204A:1845
- Emerson, Brian
- work as deputy provincial health officer 209C:1115
- Falcon, Kevin
- Fires and firefighters
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- First Nations Health Authority
- role in consultation on health professions legislation 245A:1345
- First Nations Summit
- Fort St. James
- Fort St. John
- Fraser Health Authority
- Fraser-Nicola constituency and area
- Furstenau, Sonia
- wording of question on COVID-19 communications 237B:1045
- General Practices Services Committee
- George Pearson Centre
- facility conditions and quality of care 208C:1755
- Glubis, Jaxon
- Halford, Ben, visit to Legislature 246A:1645
- Halford, Trevor
- Health
- Health authorities
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care funding
- Health care professionals and workers
- ability to comment on issues 201B:1405-1410
- ability to comment on issues and code of conduct 194B:1425, 198B:1050-1055
- access to housing and child care 203C:1355-1400
- appreciation 202A:1105, 203C:1410
- communications, information on health services and products 248A:1600-1605
- communications with patients and language barriers 246A:1650-1655
- credentialling of foreign-trained professionals 174B:1045, 202A:1140, 203C:1415-1420, 255C:1530-1535
- credentialling system 248A:1415, 248A:1435-1450
- criminal record checks 245A:1430
- delegation requirements 250A:1615-1650
- distinction between health professions and health occupations 245A:1605-1610
- duty to cooperate with regulatory colleges 250A:1650-1655
- duty to provide information 250A:1720-1740
- duty to report re practitioner fitness and public risk 250A:1800-1840
- eligibility to practise 255C:1350-1355, 255C:1445-1505
- fee-for-service and salary payment models 187B:1410-1420, 205B:1035
- fitness to practise 248A:1335-1345, 250A:1740, 250A:1800-1815
- governance and oversight
- anti-discrimination measures 246A:1630-1705, 255C:1555
- Cayton report and recommendations 236B:1425
- changes 236B:1425-1455, 241B:1510-1530, 246A:1435-1845, 247A:1110-1145, 248A:1305-1650, 250A:1505-1515, 250A:1525-2045, 253C:1650-2145, 254C:1110-1145, 255C:1330-1640
- consultation 246A:1730-1800
- extrajurisdictional practitioners and regulators 245A:1450-1455, 246A:1605-1610, 248A:1415, 250A:1740-1745
- governance and oversight 232B:1345, 245A:1425-1815
- guiding principles 246A:1510-1615, 248A:1605-1615
- health profession corporations 253C:1700-1715
- misconduct definitions 236B:1440, 245A:1715-1815, 246A:1440-1455, 248A:1315-1335, 253C:1735-1740
- misconduct definitions and response 245A:1645-1710
- misconduct definitions and risk levels 245A:1615-1635, 246A:1455-1500
- risk assessment 246A:1800-1820
- role of government and Health Minister 250A:1640-1645
- transfer of responsibilities 255C:1405-1415
- government support and initiatives 181B:1035, 198B:1055, 205A:1110-1120, 208C:1500, 215B:1425, 222B:1425, 237B:1055
- health support workers and working conditions 203C:1345, 208C:1555
- health workers and labour history 190B:1425
- hiring and recruitment 194B:1410, 194B:1420-1430, 212B:1115
- human resources strategy 190B:1400, 201B:1425, 247B:1055
- impact and response during public health emergencies 194B:1420, 194B:1435, 198B:1100-1105, 201B:1355-1400, 201B:1410, 202B:1040-1055, 215B:1420, 222B:1410, 226B:1105
- Indigenous professionals and workers 202A:1140, 208C:1500
- mental health support 204A:1545-1550
- misconduct
- number 190B:1420, 202A:1115, 202B:1050, 203C:1640-1645, 212B:1055, 236B:1410
- number and training spaces 215B:1420-1425, 216B:1035-1045, 219B:1115
- office of the superintendent
- professional development 245A:1430
- recruitment and retention 202A:1135-1140, 203C:1400-1425
- regional training spaces 206A:1620
- registry for health occupation 255C:1510-1515, 255C:1535-1540
- retirement 202A:1115
- safety 202A:1135
- safety and workplace violence 204A:1530-1540
- staff absences due to illness 215B:1420, 216B:1045, 218B:1440, 218B:1450
- staffing and number 203C:1725-1735, 218B:1440-1450
- staffing levels and increase 208C:1500
- standards, establishment and changes 245A:1535-1550
- supply and training 202A:1120-1140, 203C:1355
- supply of medical imaging technicians 247B:1055
- surgical staff 204A:1615-1620
- training in cultural safety, anti-racism and trauma-informed care 246A:1545-1600
- training spaces and financial assistance 202A:1130
- vacancies 202A:1135
- whistleblower protection 198B:1050-1055, 201B:1405
- Health care system
- accountability and government action on issues 222B:1430
- achievements and challenges 202A:1105
- beds, use of acute care beds by seniors in need of long-term care 208C:1705-1710
- chronic disease management 183B:1420
- chronic disease management, complex chronic diseases 206A:1415-1420
- costs and spending
- e-health systems 203C:1600-1605
- fees for services 148B:1035, 170B:1045, 190B:1410, 254B:1045
- government action on issues 190B:1405, 190B:1425, 198B:1055-1105, 201B:1355-1425, 202B:1040-1055, 204B:1405-1415, 205B:1035, 212B:1100-1115, 215B:1400-1410, 215B:1420-1430, 218B:1440-1450, 219B:1110-1115, 222B:1435-1440, 236B:1410-1420, 237B:1030-1040, 237B:1050-1055, 240B:1115, 247B:1030-1050, 254B:1035-1040
- government action on issues and role of Health Minister 222B:1410-1425, 222B:1435, 226B:1100
- government investment and initiatives 170B:1045-1050, 174B:1025-1035, 174B:1045-1055, 190B:1355-1410, 194B:1420, 198B:1100-1105, 206A:1625, 215B:1425, 219B:1115, 236B:1415, 247B:1045-1055, 254B:1040-1050
- health human resources strategy and plan
- impact of demographic trends 202A:1115, 203C:1350-1355, 203C:1410-1415, 208C:1530, 208C:1810
- issues and challenges 202A:1115
- issues of inclusion and systemic discrimination and racism 202A:1140
- legislation 250A:1525
- legislation, compliance 204A:1630-1635
- medical imaging services 148B:1030, 202B:1035-1040, 222B:1420, 236B:1415-1420, 237B:1100, 247B:1030-1035, 247B:1055, 254B:1045
- medical imaging services and equipment 204A:1730-1740
- patient and public safety 232B:1345, 236B:1440-1445
- patient care complaint process, protections and supports for patients 236B:1435-1440
- personal health information
- primary health care
- accessibility 147B:1405-1410, 150B:1410, 187B:1410-1425, 198B:1100-1005
- accessibility and government initiatives 239B:1505-1510
- attachment to primary care provider 203C:1430-1525, 203C:1720, 205B:1030-1035, 206A:1650-1700, 212B:1100-1105
- complexity of care 206A:1655
- government initiatives 202A:1125
- health connect registry 203C:1500-1515
- inclusion of mental health professionals and services 208C:1745
- in-person and virtual visits 198B:1100-1105, 203C:1440, 203C:1740-1745, 204A:1550, 204B:1405-1410
- longitudinal care 203C:1445
- primary care networks 187B:1410-1415, 187B:1425, 203C:1635-1710, 208C:1740
- primary care networks and services 174B:1025-1035, 174B:1055, 190B:1355-1400, 206A:1705, 212B:1100, 218B:1445, 222B:1435
- system and reforms 203C:1430-1450
- team-based care 174B:1030, 174B:1050, 187B:1415-1420
- team-based care and inclusion of mental health services 206A:1700
- team-based care and inclusion of psychologists 204A:1445
- team-based care and networks 198B:1105, 201B:1400, 203C:1440-1445, 203C:1520, 204B:1405-1415, 205B:1025-1035, 212B:1115
- public system 147B:1410, 148B:1030-1035, 150B:1405-1410, 190B:1410-1415
- public system and role of private providers 170B:1045-1050, 202B:1035, 239B:1505-1510, 254B:1040-1045
- services for children and youth, pediatric care 204A:1555
- services for Indigenous persons
- services for Indigenous persons and communities
- surgical services
- system
- telehealth services 245A:1505-1510
- travel for treatment, supports 205A:1115
- volunteers 245A:1440-1445
- wait-lists and waiting times
- Health Committee
- Health Ministry
- estimates debate 202A:1100-1145, 203C:1335-1750, 204A:1440-1845, 205A:1110-1145, 206A:1305-1710, 208C:1455-1810, 209C:1105-1145, 210C:1335-1405
- budget allocation to human resources 202A:1110
- estimates debate 202A:1105
- estimates process 203C:1615
- estimates process, opposition critics thanked 210C:1400
- estimates process, written answers to questions 208C:1735
- minister, comments on physicians in estimates debate 205B:1025-1030
- minister, response to issues in health system 222B:1410-1425, 222B:1435
- staff 202A:1100, 206A:1535, 243A:1725
- staff, appreciation and thanks 210C:1400
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- debate 232B:1345, 236B:1420-1455, 241B:1510-1530, 243A:1725-1815, 244A:1130-1145, 245A:1345-1815, 246A:1435-1845, 247A:1110-1145, 248A:1305-1650, 250A:1505-2045, 253C:1650-2145, 254C:1110-1145, 255C:1330-1640
- clause 8 stood down 245A:1710
- clause 9 stood down 245A:1800
- clause 11 stood down 246A:1455
- clauses 200 to 340 stood down 255C:1355
- committee stage debate 243A:1725, 248A:1620
- committee stage debate and proposed amendment 248A:1305-1320
- consultation with Indigenous peoples 232B:1345, 243A:1725-1805, 245A:1345-1400, 248A:1545, 253C:2120-2125
- consultation with stakeholders 245A:1405-1415
- content and size of bill 241B:1520
- debate on bill 241B:1510, 241B:1530
- definitions 245A:1415-1550
- development process 241B:1515-1520, 245A:1345-1350, 245A:1410-1415, 248A:1550
- development process and role of MLAs and public consultation 232B:1345
- development process and timeline 250A:1505-1510
- provisions
- purpose of bill 232B:1345
- regulations and regulation-making powers 241B:1525-1530, 255C:1605-1610
- Health regulatory colleges
- accountability and audits 236B:1435
- accountability and transparency 255C:1400-1405
- accountability, conduct requirements re discriminatory conduct 250A:1605-1610
- amalgamation 232B:1345, 236B:1430-1435, 241B:1525
- amalgamation and transfer of responsibilities 255C:1405-1415
- boards, appointment process 236B:1430, 236B:1445, 248A:1645-1650
- boards, remuneration 255C:1355-1400
- bylaws 248A:1540-1555, 250A:1630-1640, 253C:1715-1730
- bylaws and quality assurance programs 250A:1940-1945
- capacity and resources 246A:1550-1555, 248A:1555
- capacity evaluations of practitioners 253C:1830-1845, 253C:1910-1915
- communications with employers 236B:1445
- complaint process 236B:1435-1440, 253C:1830-2145, 255C:1605-1635
- consultation with Indigenous peoples 246A:1525
- enforcement of disciplinary orders 255C:1330-1340
- public engagement and transparency 246A:1615
- quality assurance process and assessments 250A:1945-2030
- role and responsibilities 236B:1435
- Heatwaves
- Henry, Bonnie
- Hepatitis C virus
- Home care
- Housing
- affordable housing, relationship to worker supply 203C:1400
- Human rights code
- Human Rights Commissioner
- letter to provincial health officer on COVID-19 mask policies 174B:1040
- role in development of health professions legislation 245A:1410
- Influenza virus
- Interior Health Authority
- Introductions by members 160B:1005, 170B:1005, 187B:1335, 201B:1330, 208B:1340, 212B:1005, 219B:1030, 222B:1330, 230B:1000-1005, 243B:1340, 251B:1005, 254B:1005
- Journée de la francophonie
- Kamloops
- Kelowna
- Legislation
- development and changes, consultation and public response 250A:1505
- development and changes, role of Indigenous persons and consultation process 244A:1130
- Legislature
- language used in House
- opposition, role of critics 210C:1405
- Lions Gate Hospital
- death of patient in emergency waiting room 222B:1435
- Long-term and residential care
- Lytton
- Maternity and pregnancy
- ME (Myalgic encephalomyelitis)
- Medical Services Commission
- Medicare Protection Act
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- services for communities impacted by fires and floods 206A:1610
- programs and services, primary care 204A:1445
- Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
- Moran, Roseanne
- North Shore
- Northern Health Authority
- Nurses
- government support 201B:1400-1420
- ICU nurses, incentives 204A:1500-1505
- numbers and increase 201B:1415, 204A:1500, 237B:1030-1040
- nurse practitioners 187B:1425, 201B:1420, 203C:1515-1520
- overtime hours 204A:1505-1510
- recruitment and credentialling 248A:1440-1445
- role and government initiatives 190B:1405, 194B:1425-1430
- staffing levels 203C:1405
- supply and government initiatives 211B:1420, 237B:1030-1035
- supply and retention 194B:1425-1430, 204A:1500
- supply and training 174B:1045, 201B:1355-1425, 202A:1140, 202B:1040, 202B:1055, 204A:1510, 222B:1420-1425
- working conditions and government response to issues 201B:1355-1425, 202B:1040-1055
- workplace safety 237B:1030
- Occupational health and safety
- workplace health and safety, mental health and services 204A:1550
- Ontario
- Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 34)
- Oral questions (response)
- Access to abortion services and reproductive health care 211B:1425
- Access to cancer care services 247B:1030-1045, 247B:1050-1055
- Access to family physicians 174B:1025-1035, 204B:1405-1415
- Access to family physicians and comments by Health Minister 205B:1025-1035
- Access to family physicians and government funding priorities 212B:1055-1110
- Access to family physicians and impact on hospital staff and services 194B:1410, 194B:1420, 194B:1435
- Access to family physicians and management of primary care system 212B:1115
- Access to family physicians and primary health care services 187B:1415-1425, 190B:1405
- Access to family physicians and role of urgent and primary care centres 187B:1410-1415
- Access to free contraception 167B:1040-1045
- Access to non-prescription pain medication for children 247B:1100
- Access to primary health care and diagnostic services 148B:1030-1035
- Accountability for issues in health care system 222B:1425
- Administrative costs and executives in health care system 240B:1105-1110
- Administrative costs and issues in health care system 237B:1050-1100
- Ambulance response times and service management 236B:1405-1410
- Ambulance service and service management 218B:1430
- Communications on COVID-19 in schools 237B:1040-1045
- Conditions at East Kootenay Regional Hospital 201B:1420
- Conditions at hospitals and whistleblower protection for health care workers 198B:1045-1055
- COVID-19 impact on hospitals and access to data 188B:1040-1045
- COVID-19 public health measures 163B:1030-1040
- COVID-19 transmission and face masks in health care facilities 143B:1430-1435, 144B:1030-1035
- Death of child after hospital care and family access to information 219B:1055-1105
- Funding and status of primary health care services 190B:1415
- Government action on issues in health care system 218B:1440-1455, 219B:1110-1115, 254B:1045-1050
- Government action on issues in health care system and pediatric care 247B:1045-1050
- Government action on issues in health care system and role of Health Minister 222B:1410-1425, 222B:1435-1440, 226B:1105, 236B:1410-1420, 240B:1110-1115, 254B:1035-1040
- Government priorities and museum replacement project 211B:1420, 215B:1400-1410
- Health care issues and role of urgent and primary care centres 198B:1100-1105
- Health care issues and whistleblower protection for health care workers 190B:1420-1425
- Health care system use of nurses from private agencies 237B:1030-1040
- Hospital capacity on Vancouver Island 188B:1040
- Hospital staffing and support for health care workers 194B:1425-1430
- InBC Investment Corp. activities and sale of personal health information 151B:1045
- Issues in health care system and museum replacement project 215B:1425-1430
- Long-term COVID-19 cases and support for patients 183B:1415-1420
- Mask use guidance and Human Rights Commissioner comments on COVID-19 risk for vulnerable persons 174B:1035-1040
- Medical imaging wait times and supply of technicians 247B:1055
- Mental health supports for health care workers 181B:1035
- Nurses' concerns and government action on issues in health care system 202B:1040-1045
- Nurses' concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 201B:1355-1420
- Nurses' concerns on conditions at hospitals and health human resources strategy 201B:1425
- Nurses' working conditions and culture 201B:1405-1410
- Physician supply and bargaining mandate on master agreement 174B:1055
- Physician supply and training and foreign-trained physicians 174B:1045-1050
- Primary health care services and health human resources strategy 190B:1355-1400
- Primary health care services and private providers 239B:1505-1510
- Primary health care services in Saanich North and the Islands 147B:1405-1410
- Private providers of health care and government support for public system 254B:1040-1045
- Proposed medical school at Simon Fraser University 174B:1050
- Proposed medical school at Simon Fraser University and museum replacement project 216B:1035-1040, 219B:1120
- Staff concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 202B:1045-1055
- Staffing shortages and action on issues in health care system 215B:1420-1425
- Staffing shortages in health care system 216B:1040-1045
- Supply chain issues and access to baby formula 205B:1040-1045
- Telus Health services 150B:1405-1410, 170B:1045-1050
- Telus Health services and private providers of primary health care 190B:1410, 202B:1035-1040
- Paramedics
- Peace Arch Hospital
- Penticton Regional Hospital
- PharmaCare program
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Pharmacists
- Physicians
- associate physicians 203C:1420-1425
- associate physicians, credentialling 248A:1450
- billing, extra billing 147B:1410, 150B:1405
- collective agreement and bargaining 174B:1055
- credentialling of foreign-trained physicians 174B:1045, 203C:1415-1420
- credentialling system 203C:1420
- family physicians
- locum coverage and parental leave 203C:1620
- options and choice to practice 203C:1435, 203C:1535-1540, 206A:1655-1705
- payment models 187B:1425, 203C:1435, 203C:1535, 203C:1610-1615, 203C:1705, 203C:1725, 204B:1405, 204B:1415, 205B:1035, 206A:1655-1700, 212B:1115, 254B:1040
- practice costs 203C:1550-1600
- practice models and reforms 174B:1030-1035, 174B:1045-1050, 203C:1435-1440, 203C:1530, 212B:1100, 236B:1410-1415
- residency positions 212B:1105
- role and government support 205B:1025-1035
- role relative to nurse practitioners 205B:1025
- supply 187B:1420-1425
- supply and A GP for Me program 174B:1030, 205B:1035, 218B:1445
- supply and recruitment 203C:1445-1450, 203C:1540-1545
- supply and training 174B:1040-1050, 204B:1405-1415
- oncologists 206A:1335
- physician assistants 203C:1520
- radiologists, concerns re issues in health system 222B:1420, 236B:1415-1420
- specialist physicians, neurosurgeons 206A:1405
- specialist physicians, patients without primary care physician 203C:1455
- supply and training, new medical school proposal 174B:1050
- supply and training, training spaces 216B:1035-1040
- Prescription drugs
- Provincial health officer
- Psychotherapists and counsellors
- Public health
- immunization programs for COVID-19 and influenza 254B:1040
- immunization requirements and mandatory vaccinations 248A:1420-1430
- public health emergencies 206A:1625
- Public Interest Disclosure Act
- Reproduction
- RISE Community Health Centre
- automated external defibrillator access 206A:1450
- Royal Inland Hospital
- Saanich North and the Islands constituency and area
- Seniors
- Seniors advocate
- Social workers
- Statements
- Statistics Canada
- Steering Committee on the Modernization of Health Professional Regulations
- Stuart Lake Hospital
- Surrey
- health care facilities and services
- Telus Health
- Tributes
- Ucluelet
- Ukraine
- invasion and B.C. support for citizens 173B:1340
- UN declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples
- University Hospital of Northern B.C.
- Vancouver Island
- Vancouver Island Health Authority
- Vietnamese Canadians
- fundraising for Ukraine and refugees 173B:1340
- Weather
- severe weather events in November 2021, impact on access to health care and medications 206A:1525-1530
- West Vancouver–Sea to Sky constituency and area
Doerkson, Lorne (Cariboo-Chilcotin)
- As subject
- comments on disasters and emergencies legislation (Russell) 161B:1820
- comments on role of Roly Russell in recovery efforts for Lytton (Russell) 162B:1425
- staff thanked 152B:1620
- 100 Mile House
- Abbotsford
- flooding, Sumas Prairie flooding and recovery 152B:1640
- Ambulance service
- Automobiles
- Barnett, Donna
- B.C. by region
- B.C. NDP government
- Brosseuk, Dan
- Budget debate 159B:1630-1700
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2022 (Bill 6)
- Budgets
- Building and Strata Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 44)
- Business
- Cannabis Control and Licensing Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 30)
- Cariboo area
- Cariboo Memorial Hospital
- Cariboo-Chilcotin constituency and area
- Child care
- Children and youth
- children with support needs, service model change
- Climate change
- Consumers
- COVID-19 business impact and supports
- COVID-19 child care impact and supports
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- COVID-19 employee impact and supports
- front-line and essential workers, thanked 152B:1645
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- Crime and criminals
- Dix, Adrian
- response to issues in health system and call for resignation 236B:1410
- Economy
- Emergencies
- disaster assistance and recovery 152B:1635-1640
- emergency preparedness and response
- Employment and unemployment
- Energy
- Energy Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 37)
- Fires and firefighters
- wildfires
- wildfires, impact and response 239B:1445
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Forests and forest industry
- employment and jobs 153B:1045
- First Nations involvement in industry
- engagement on forest policy changes and impacts 153B:1045
- forest landscape plans 213A:1415, 213A:1425
- forestry-dependent communities and workers
- industry
- mills, operations and closings 249B:1025, 249B:1035
- old-growth forests
- pulp and paper sector
- value-added sector, log home production 152B:1625
- woodlots 152B:1625
- Fuel
- Harris family
- Health authorities
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- Health Ministry
- minister, response to issues in health system and call for resignation 236B:1410
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- Highways and roads
- damage from severe weather events, rebuilding and repair projects 214B:1105
- maintenance and rehabilitation 152B:1640
- Information and communications technology
- high-speed Internet service
- Infrastructure
- Introductions by members 177B:1010, 183B:1335-1340, 191B:1005, 195B:1005, 215B:1330, 218B:1355, 251B:1005
- Invasive species
- Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation Ministry
- Johnson, Rudy, contributions and 100th birthday 254B:1015
- Labour Relations Code Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 10)
- Land use
- Land, Water and Resource Stewardship Ministry
- Lytton
- Medical Services Plan
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- services for rural and remote communities 170B:1055
- Merritt
- flooding and wildfire impact and recovery 152B:1640
- Monte Lake
- Motions
- Multiple sclerosis
- Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Municipal Affairs Statutes (Property Taxation) Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- Nurses
- Oral questions
- Access to family physicians and impact on hospital staff and services 194B:1420
- Action on gas prices 162B:1420
- Administrative costs and executives in health care system 240B:1100-1105
- Conditions at hospitals and whistleblower protection for health care workers 198B:1045-1050
- COVID-19 relief grants for gyms 148B:1045
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 181B:1050, 184B:1055-1100, 195B:1045
- Flood response and temporary housing in Princeton 150B:1420-1425
- Forest policy changes and forest industry jobs and worker supports 153B:1045-1050
- Government action on issues in health care system 219B:1110
- Government action on issues in health care system and role of Health Minister 236B:1410
- Groundwater use licensing process 166B:1425-1430
- Groundwater use licensing process and timeline 156B:1050
- Nurses' concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 201B:1410
- Review panel report on drug toxicity deaths and implementation of recommendations 170B:1055-1100
- Staff concerns on conditions at hospitals and government action on issues 202B:1045
- Physicians
- Prayers and reflections 146B:1000, 162B:1330, 186B:1000, 219B:1000, 242B:1000
- Princeton
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Property Law Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 12)
- Provincial Sales Tax Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 42)
- Public health
- Rangeland
- Resources and resource industries
- land and resource management
- natural resource sector secretariat 213A:1310
- permitting process 213A:1410
- Royal B.C. Museum
- Russell, Roly
- Safety
- St. Joseph's Mission Residential School
- Shipping industry
- Small business
- Smith, Wilf
- contributions as livestock auctioneer and memorial service 233B:1105-1110
- Statements by members
- Substance use and addiction
- Supreme Court of Canada
- Taxation
- Throne speech debate 152B:1620-1645
- Transit services
- Transportation
- Vancouver
- Vancouver Island Health Authority
- Water
- groundwater use licensing
- Wildlife
- Wildlife Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 14)
- Williams Lake
- Workers Compensation Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 5)
- Xeni Gwet'in First Nation
Donnelly, Fin (Coquitlam–Burke Mountain)
- Anderson, Brittny, advocacy work 193B:1155
- B.C. NDP government
- Child care
- Children and youth
- Chinese Canadian Museum
- Chinese Canadians
- Climate change
- Coquitlam
- Coquitlam Search and Rescue
- Coquitlam–Burke Mountain constituency and area
- COVID-19 business impact and supports
- COVID-19 mental health and addiction impact and supports
- mental health and addiction services 153B:1120
- COVID-19 vaccination
- Education Ministry
- responsibility for child care portfolio 153B:1115
- Emergencies
- emergency preparedness, climate-related events 153B:1010
- Environmental Management Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 26)
- Fair, Henry
- Fish
- salmon, restoration and wild salmon strategy 204B:1350
- steelhead populations, status and protection 204B:1350
- Forests and forest industry
- Fraser River
- Interior Fraser steelhead population 204B:1350
- Goodison, Chloe
- advocacy work on youth substance use issues 193B:1155
- Homelessness
- Housing
- Hoy Creek Housing Co-operative
- Introductions by members 162B:1755, 184B:1010, 204B:1340
- Katzie First Nation
- Land, Water and Resource Stewardship Ministry
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- Motions
- Parks
- Pinecone Burke Park
- Private members' statements
- Provincial health officer
- Red Fish Healing Centre
- facilities and Indigenous involvement 153B:1120
- mental health and addiction services 153B:1120
- Say Nuth Khaw Yum Park
- School district 43 (Coquitlam)
- Schools
- capital projects, government investment and projects 153B:1115
- Statements by members
- 50th anniversary of Coquitlam Search and Rescue 174B:1015-1020
- Burke Mountain secondary-middle school project 222B:1400-1405
- Chinese-Canadian spring show in Tri-Cities 191B:1020
- Emergency preparedness and watershed protection 153B:1010
- Wild salmon and steelhead protection and recovery 204B:1350
- Substance use and addiction
- Throne speech
- Throne speech debate 153B:1110-1135
- Tributes
- Tri-City Chinese Community Society
- Wages and salaries
- Watersheds
- Weather
- severe weather events in November 2021, impact and response 153B:1130
Dykeman, Megan (Langley East)
- As subject
- Ashdown, Candy
- Bergeron, Christine
- B.C.
- B.C. Farm Museum
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- Budget debate 155B:1630-1645
- Budgets
- Children and youth
- Consumers
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- COVID-19 housing impact and supports
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- Creative Industries Week
- Dairy industry
- Discrimination and racism
- Documents tabled
- Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills Committee, report on private bill 215B:1430
- Donna Gabriel Elementary School
- Earthy, Jill
- Economy
- Education
- Education funding
- Environmental Management Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 26)
- Eric Flowerdew Volunteer Award
- Film industry
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- children, Aboriginal Head Start program and child care spaces 201B:1345
- Food Delivery Service Fee Act (Bill 33)
- Food security
- Gabriel, Brandon and Lekeyten and Jonas Bige
- creation of totem pole for child care centre 201B:1345
- Government
- Healthy lifestyle and physical fitness
- healthy eating
- healthy eating, farmers market nutrition coupon program 173B:1400
- Homelessness
- Housing
- InBC Investment Corp.
- Inclusion Langley Society
- Information and communications technology
- digital and interactive media industry
- Infrastructure
- Introductions by members 147B:1330, 155B:1330, 156B:1005, 159B:1330, 169B:1340, 173B:1335, 177B:1005, 201B:1335, 202B:1000, 208B:1340, 219B:1025, 226B:1015, 232B:1335, 237B:1010, 250B:1345
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- Langley
- Langley, B.C.
- film industry and production
- housing, supply and new units 235B:1155
- Langley East constituency and area
- constituency office, economic advisory committee 143B:1835
- Langley Hospice Society
- Langley Memorial Hospital
- Legislature
- Local government elections
- Lower Fraser Valley Aboriginal Society
- Martini Film Studios
- Motions
- Municipal Affairs Statutes (Property Taxation) Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- Neily, Callum
- Nguyen, Leah
- Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 34)
- Parkside Centennial Elementary School
- Pete Swensson Outstanding Community Youth Award
- Politics and politicians
- concepts of consultation, cooperation and collaboration 200B:1150-1155
- Poverty
- Prayers and reflections 167B:1000, 209B:1000, 237B:1000
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Quest University Canada
- Rental housing
- Restaurant and food services industry
- School districts
- Schools
- capital projects
- playgrounds
- Skills training
- Social welfare
- Statements by members
- Throne speech debate 143B:1820-1840
- Tourism
- Vancouver, B.C.
- Veterinarians
- Westhaver, Sue
- volunteer service with Langley Hospice Society 202B:1020
- Wilkinson, Andrew
- Women
- World Milk Day